Sample records for zur radiotherapie bei

  1. Robuste Verzweigungserkennung von Gefäßen in CTA-Datensätzen zur modellbasierten Extraktion der Centerline

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Beck, Thomas; Fritz, Dominik; Biermann, Christina; Dillmann, Rüdiger

    Bei der Befundung und Visualisierung von Blutgefäßen ist deren Centerline von zentraler Bedeutung. Die Unterscheidung zwischen unverzweigten Abschnitten des Gefäßes und Verzweigungsbereichen ermöglicht den Einsatz spezialisierter und sehr effizienter Algorithmen zur modellbasierten Extraktion der Centerline. In diesem Artikel wird ein robustes Verfahren zur Verzweigungserkennung vorgestellt. Das Verfahren beruht auf einem Front-Propagation-Ansatz mit dynamisch angepassten Schwellwerten und einer anschließenden Clusteranalyse. Die vorgestellte Methode zur Verzweigungserkennung wurde als Komponente einer Architektur zur Extraktion der Centerline auf handannotierten Datensätzen getestet. Erste Ergebnisse sind sehr vielversprechend und ermöglichen auch bei pathologischen Gefäßen eine robuste Detektion von Gefäßverzweigungen.

  2. Epigenetische Aspekte bei Karzinomen der Kopf-Hals-Region

    PubMed Central

    Schmezer, Peter; Plass, Christoph


    Zusammenfassung Plattenepithelkarzinome der Kopf-Hals-Region (HNSCC) zählen seit Jahren zu den weltweit häufigsten Krebsarten. Trotz vieler Bemühungen hat sich das 5-Jahres-Überleben bei Patienten mit HNSCC kaum verbessert. Um einen Fortschritt zu erzielen, ist es notwendig, die der Erkrankung zugrunde liegenden biologischen Prozesse besser zu verstehen. Neben den bekannten genetischen Veränderungen haben molekular-zytogenetische Untersuchungen bei HNSCC gezeigt, dass es weitere Veränderungen gibt, die mit Vermehrung und Verlust chromosomaler Bereiche einhergehen, für die jedoch die krankheitsverursachenden Gene bisher nicht identifiziert wurden. Darüberhinaus haben jüngste Forschungsergebnisse verdeutlicht, dass epigenetische Modifikationen wie die DNA Methylierung eine wichtige Rolle spielen. So konnte gezeigt werden, dass bei HNSCC eine Reihe von Genen (z.B. das Tumorsuppressorgen CDKN2A sowie DAPK1, MGMT, TIMP3, TCF21, und C/EBPα) hypermethylierte Bereiche in regulatorischen DNA Sequenzen aufweisen, wodurch ihre Expression verringert oder unterbunden wird. Die Hypermethylierung solcher Gene könnte als Biomarker zur Früherkennung von HNSCC genutzt werden und nicht zuletzt dadurch zur Verbesserung von Prävention und Therapieerfolg beitragen. PMID:18483718

  3. S2k-Leitlinie zum Gebrauch von Präparationen zur lokalen Anwendung auf der Haut (Topika).


    Wohlrab, Johannes; Staubach, Petra; Augustin, Matthias; Eisert, Lisa; Hünerbein, Andreas; Nast, Alexander; Reimann, Holger; Strömer, Klaus; Mahler, Vera


    Diese Leitlinie richtet sich an Assistenz- und Fachärzte der Dermatologie sowie an Kostenträger und politische Entscheidungsgremien. Die Leitlinie wurde im formellen Konsensusverfahren (S2k) von Dermatologen unter Einbindung von Apothekern erstellt. Die Leitlinie stellt allgemeine Aspekte der Pharmakokinetik sowie der regulatorischen Begrifflichkeiten dar. Es werden Empfehlungen zur Indikation von Magistralrezepturen sowie deren Qualitätssicherung gegeben. Die Bedeutung der galenischen Grundlagen und die Problematik bei einer Substitution gegeneinander verschiedener Grundlagen werden dargestellt. Die Leitlinie umfasst Kriterien zur Auswahl einer adäquaten Grundlage sowie spezifische Aspekte zur Therapieplanung. Die Leitlinie gibt Empfehlungen zum Management bei Unverträglichkeiten gegenüber Bestandteilen der Grundlagen oder Hilfsstoffe. © 2018 The Authors | Journal compilation © Blackwell Verlag GmbH, Berlin.

  4. Von neuen Geschäftsideen zur gelebten Digitalisierung in Utility 4.0 - das Integrierte Geschäftsmodell

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Doleski, Oliver D.

    Die Energiewirtschaft benötigt neue, digitale Geschäftsmodelle. Gegenwärtig folgt auf Liberalisierung und Energiewende die nächste Stufe einer weitreichenden Bereinigung des Versorgungsmarktes. Digitalisierung und Dezentralisierung sind heute in aller Munde und verlangen nach neuen Produkten und Dienstleistungen. Dabei wirken die immensen Herausforderungen einer digitalen Energiewelt wie Beschleuniger für die Transformation im Versorgungssektor und tragen damit zur breiten Etablierung von Utilities 4.0 bei. Dieser Entwicklungsprozess vollzieht sich mithilfe unterschiedlicher Methoden zur Realisierung neuer Geschäftsideen. Allerdings greifen die gängigen Konzepte zur Entwicklung von Geschäftsmodellen gerade im Hinblick auf die Berücksichtigung komplexer, unbeständiger Rahmenbedingungen und spezifischer Anforderungen der digitalen Energiewelt mitunter zu kurz. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird das auf dem ganzheitlichen St. Galler Management-Konzept beruhende Integrierte Geschäftsmodell iOcTen als geeignetes Instrumentarium zur Geschäftsmodellentwicklung vorgestellt. Neben der Modellbeschreibung unterstützt ein intuitiv verständlicher Leitfaden den Praktiker bei der Transformation vom klassischen Versorgungsunternehmen zum digitalen Energiedienstleistungsunternehmen.

  5. Liquid Biopsy zur Überwachung von Melanompatienten.


    Gaiser, Maria Rita; von Bubnoff, Nikolas; Gebhardt, Christoffer; Utikal, Jochen Sven


    In den letzten sechs Jahren wurden verschiedene innovative systemische Therapien zur Behandlung des metastasierten malignen Melanoms (MM) entwickelt. Die konventionelle Chemotherapie wurde durch neuartige Primärtherapien abgelöst, darunter systemische Immuntherapien (Anti-CTLA4- und Anti-PD1-Antikörper; Zulassung von Anti-PDL1-Antikörpern erwartet) und Therapien, die gegen bestimmte Mutationen gerichtet sind (BRAF, NRAS und c-KIT). Daher stehen die behandelnden Ärzte neuen Herausforderungen gegenüber, beispielsweise der Stratifizierung von Patienten für geeignete Behandlungen und der Überwachung von Langzeit-Respondern auf Progression. Folglich werden zuverlässige Methoden zur Überwachung von Krankheitsprogression oder Behandlungsresistenz benötigt. Lokalisierte und fortgeschrittene Krebserkrankungen können zur Bildung zirkulierender Tumorzellen und Tumor-DNA (ctDNA) führen, die sich in Proben von peripherem Blut nachweisen und quantifizieren lassen (Liquid Biopsy). Im Fall von Melanompatienten können die Ergebnisse von Liquid Biopsy als neuartige prädiktive Biomarker bei therapeutischen Entscheidungen hilfreich sein, insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit mutationsbasierten zielgerichteten Therapien. Die Herausforderungen bei der Anwendung der Liquid Biopsy beinhalten strikte Kriterien für den Phänotyp der zirkulierenden MM-Zellen oder ihrer Fragmente und die Instabilität von ctDNA im Blut. In diesem Übersichtsartikel diskutieren wir die Beschränkungen der Liquid Biopsy hinsichtlich ihrer Anwendung in der Routinediagnostik. © 2018 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. [COPD und Klangtherapie: Pilotstudie zur Wirksamkeit einer Behandlung mit Körpertambura bei COPD-Patienten].


    Hartwig, Bernhard; Schmidt, Stefan; Hartwig, Isabella


    Hintergrund: Erkrankungen der Atemorgane treten mit steigendem Alter öfter auf, nehmen weltweit zu und sind häufige Ursachen für Morbidität und Mortalität. In dieser Pilotstudie wurde der Frage nachgegangen, ob eine einmalige 10-minütige Behandlung mit einer Körpertambura eine signifikante und effektive Verbesserung der Lungenfunktion von Patienten mit chronisch-obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung (COPD; GOLD-Stadium A oder B) erbringen kann. Patienten und Methoden: 54 Probanden konnten je zur Hälfte in eine Behandlungsgruppe (Körpertambura) und eine aktive Kontrollgruppe (Atemtherapie) randomisiert werden. Eine Bestimmung der Lungenfunktionsmessparameter «Einsekundenkapazität» (FEV1) und «inspiratorische Vitalkapazität» (IVC) zu den Zeitpunkten T1 (Baseline), T2 (direkt nach Behandlung) und als Follow-up etwa 3 Wochen nach T1 (T3). Ergebnisse: Die Behandlungsgruppe zeigte sich der Kontrollgruppe in beiden Werten signifikant überlegen. Die Zeit-×-Gruppe-Interaktion (Varianzanalyse) ergab p = 0,001 (FEV1) bzw. p = 0,04 (IVC). Die Behandlungsgruppe zeigte bei beiden Werten eine Verbesserung von klinischer Relevanz. Schlussfolgerung: Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Klangbehandlung mittels einer Körpertambura - neben den schulmedizinischen, leitliniengerechten Therapien - eine zusätzliche, nebenwirkungsarme, aber durchaus klinisch wirksame Option für die Behandlung von COPD-Patienten darstellen kann, um deren Lebensqualität zu stabilisieren und zu verbessern. © 2016 S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg.

  7. Verbesserte Visualisierung der Koronararterien in MSCT-Daten mit direkter Vergleichbarkeit zur Angiographie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lacalli, Christina; Jähne, Marion; Wesarg, Stefan

    In diesem Beitrag stellen wir neue, automatisierte Verfahren zur Visualisierung der Koronararterien einerseits und für eine direkte Vergleichbarkeit mit konventionellen Angiogrammen andererseits vor. Unser Ansatz umfasst Methoden für die automatische Extraktion des Herzens aus kontrastverstärkten CT-Daten, sowie für die Maskierung grosser kontrastmittelgefüllter Kavitäten des Herzens, um die Sichtbarkeit der Koronararterien bei der Darstellung mittels Volumenrendering zu verbessern. Zum direkten Vergleich mit konventionellen Angiographien wurde ein Verfahren zur automatischen Generierung von Projektionsansichten aus den CT-Daten entwickelt.

  8. Spirituelles Wohlbefinden und Coping bei Sklerodermie, Lupus erythematodes und malignem Melanom.


    Pilch, Michaela; Scharf, Sabina Nadine; Lukanz, Martin; Wutte, Nora Johanna; Fink-Puches, Regina; Glawischnig-Goschnik, Monika; Unterrainer, Human-Friedrich; Aberer, Elisabeth


    Religiös-spirituelles Wohlbefinden ist verbunden mit höherer Vitalität und verminderter Depressionsneigung. In unserer Studie untersuchten wir die Strategien zur Krankheitsbewältigung und die Rolle von Religiosität-Spiritualität (R-S) zur Verbesserung des subjektiven Wohlbefindens. 149 Patienten (107 Frauen), 44 mit systemischer Sklerodermie (SKL), 48 mit Lupus erythematodes (LE) und 57 mit malignem Melanom (MM), Stadium I-II, wurden mittels eines selbstentwickelten Fragebogens zum subjektiven Wohlbefinden, zu den mit der Erkrankung einhergehenden Umständen sowie mit dem Multidimensionalen Inventar (MI-RSB) zu R-S befragt. LE-Patienten sind zum Zeitpunkt der Diagnosestellung stärker belastet als SKL- und MM-Patienten. SKL- und LE-Patienten können erst nach Jahren die Erkrankung akzeptieren. Der Gesamtscore des religiös-spirituellen Befindens liegt bei LE-Patienten signifikant unter dem Wert der Normalbevölkerung. Fotosensitivität und Gelenksschmerzen sind bei LE-Patienten negativ assoziiert mit der Fähigkeit Vergeben zu können. SKL-Patienten mit Gesichtsveränderungen und Lungenbeteiligung zeigen höhere allgemeine Religiosität. MM-Patienten haben höhere Werte für transzendente Hoffnung. Vorträge über die Krankheit und psychologische Betreuung sind die wichtigsten Bedürfnisse von Patienten mit SKL, LE und MM an ihre Betreuer. Religiös-spirituelle Angebote zur Krankheitsverarbeitung scheinen derzeit eine untergeordnete Rolle zu spielen, könnten aber eine wichtige Ressource sein, der man in Zukunft mehr Aufmerksamkeit schenken sollte. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Umgang mit Antithrombotika bei Operationen an der Haut vor und nach Publikation der entsprechenden S3-Leitlinie.


    Gaskins, Matthew; Dittmann, Martin; Eisert, Lisa; Werner, Ricardo Niklas; Dressler, Corinna; Löser, Christoph; Nast, Alexander


    Laut einer Befragung im Jahre 2012 war der Umgang mit Antithrombotika bei dermatochirurgischen Eingriffen in Deutschland sehr heterogen. 2014 wurde erstmals eine evidenzbasierte Leitlinie zu diesem Thema veröffentlicht. Es wurde eine anonyme Befragung derselben Stichprobe zum Umgang mit Antithrombotika sowie zu Kenntnissen der Leitlinie durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse wurden als relative Häufigkeiten berichtet und denen aus 2012 gegenübergestellt. 208 Antwortbögen wurden ausgewertet (Rücklaufquote: 36,6 %). Die große Mehrheit der Dermatologen erklärte, kleinere Eingriffe unter Fortführung der Therapie mit Phenprocoumon, niedrig dosierter Acetylsalicylsäure (≤ 100 mg) und Clopidogrel sowie mit direkten oralen Antikoagulanzien durchzuführen. Bei größeren Eingriffen war der Umgang hingegen weiterhin heterogen, insbesondere unter niedergelassenen Dermatologen. Der Anteil der Dermatologen, die Phenprocoumon, Acetylsalicylsäure und Clopidogrel leitlinienkonform verwendeten, hat sich insgesamt vergrößert. Führten 2012 beispielsweise 53,8 % der Klinikärzte bzw. 36,3 % der niedergelassenen Dermatologen eine große Exzision unter Fortführung der Therapie mit niedrig dosierter Acetylsalicylsäure durch, taten dies 2017 90,2 % bzw. 57,8 % (Phenprocoumon: 33,8 % bzw. 11,9 % auf 63,9 % bzw. 29,9 %; Clopidogrel: 36,9 % bzw. 23,2 % auf 63,9 % bzw. 30,6 %). Unter den Klinikärzten war ein hoher Anteil mit der Leitlinie vertraut und fand diese hilfreich. Eine Zunahme des leitlinienkonformen Verhaltens war bei allen Eingriffen zu verzeichnen. Bei größeren Eingriffen zeigte sich trotz deutlicher Verbesserung die Notwendigkeit verstärkter Anstrengungen zur Leitlinienumsetzung bzw. zur Identifizierung von Implementierungsbarrieren. © 2018 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Potenzielle Arzneimittelwechsel-wirkungen und unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen bei stationären dermatologischen Patienten.


    Koch, Lukas; Kränke, Birger; Aberer, Werner


    Informationen zur Häufigkeit von Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen und unerwünschten Arzneimittelwirkungen zu präsentieren und Hilfestellung zu leisten, wie diese wichtigen Probleme in der pharmakologischen Behandlung stationärer dermatologischer Patienten minimiert werden können. Die Medikation von 1 099 stationären dermatologischen Patienten wurde retrospektiv mittels einer Internet-basierten Software für Medikamenteninteraktionen (Diagnosia ® Check) auf Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen und unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen analysiert. Wir beschreiben eine Gesamthäufigkeit relevanter Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen von 51,7 % mit durchschnittlich 3,2 Interaktionen pro betroffenem stationären Patienten. Arzneimittelkombinationen, die gemieden werden sollten, wurden bei 5,7 % der Studienpopulation festgestellt. Der wichtigste Risikofaktor war die Gesamtzahl der verabreichten Medikamente. Die Arzneimittelgruppen, die bei der Mehrzahl der Wechselwirkungen beteiligt waren, waren Analgetika, Herz-Kreislauf-Medikamente und gerinnungshemmende Medikamente sowie Antidepressiva. Das Risiko unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen auszubilden wurde bei 53,1 % der stationären Patienten als "hoch" eingestuft. Die fünf wichtigsten unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen in dieser Patientengruppe waren Blutungen, Obstipation, anticholinerge Effekte, Sedierung und orthostatische Effekte. Potenzielle Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen sowie unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen sind bei stationären dermatologischen Patienten alarmierend häufig. Bei jedem zweiten Patienten besteht die Gefahr, derartige Wechselwirkungen oder unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen zu erleiden und jeder zwanzigste Patient erhält eine Arzneimittelkombination, die nicht verabreicht werden sollte. Erhöhte Wachsamkeit ist erforderlich, um die gefährdeten Patienten zu erkennen. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Identifikationsverfahren zur Analyse von EEG-Signalen bei Epilepsie mit Reaktions-Diffusions Netzwerken

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gollas, F.; Tetzlaff, R.


    Partielle Differentialgleichungen des Reaktions-Diffusions-Typs beschreiben Phänomene wie Musterbildung, nichtlineare Wellenausbreitung und deterministisches Chaos und werden oft zur Untersuchung komplexer Vorgänge auf den Gebieten der Biologie, Chemie und Physik herangezogen. Zellulare Nichtlineare Netzwerke (CNN) sind eine räumliche Anordnung vergleichsweise einfacher dynamischer Systeme, die eine lokale Kopplung untereinander aufweisen. Durch eine Diskretisierung der Ortsvariablen können Reaktions-Diffusions-Gleichungen häufig auf CNN mit nichtlinearen Gewichtsfunktionen abgebildet werden. Die resultierenden Reaktions-Diffusions-CNN (RD-CNN) weisen dann in ihrer Dynamik näherungsweise gleiches Verhalten wie die zugrunde gelegten Reaktions-Diffusions-Systeme auf. Werden RD-CNN zur Identifikation neuronaler Strukturen anhand von EEG-Signalen herangezogen, so besteht die Möglichkeit festzustellen, ob das gefundene Netzwerk lokale Aktivität aufweist. Die von Chua eingeführte Theorie der lokalen Aktivität Chua (1998); Dogaru und Chua (1998) liefert eine notwendige Bedingung für das Auftreten von emergentem Verhalten in zellularen Netzwerken. Änderungen in den Parametern bestimmter RD-CNN könnten auf bevorstehende epileptische Anfälle hinweisen. In diesem Beitrag steht die Identifikation neuronaler Strukturen anhand von EEG-Signalen durch Reaktions-Diffusions-Netzwerke im Vordergrund der dargestellten Untersuchungen. In der Ergebnisdiskussion wird insbesondere auch die Frage nach einer geeigneten Netzwerkstruktur mit minimaler Komplexität behandelt.

  12. [Osteopathie bei gastroösophagealem Reflux mit Hiatushernie: Ein Fallbericht gemäß der CARE-Leitlinie].


    Rotter, Gabriele; Brinkhaus, Benno


    Hintergrund: Das Vorhandensein einer Hiatushernie kann das Auftreten einer gastroösophagealen Refluxerkrankung (GERD) als Komplikation bedingen. Konventionelle medizinische Therapiemaßnahmen können zu unerwünschten Ereignissen und Rezidiven führen. Bisher sind die Effekte von osteopathischen Behandlungen bei Hiatushernie und GERD nicht bekannt. Fallbericht: Eine 59-jährige Patientin mit endoskopisch diagnostizierter chronischer Gastritis, GERD und Hiatushernie beklagte einen persistierenden gastroösophagealen Reflux trotz konventionell-medizinischer konservativer Therapie. Die osteopathische Diagnostik ergab eine funktionelle Störung im Bereich des Magens und der Kardia mit einer Beteiligung zugehöriger Reflexzonen. Nach einer osteopathischen Behandlung als individuelle, befundorientierte Therapie ließen die Beschwerden erheblich nach. Die Hiatushernie war nach einer dieser Behandlung endoskopisch nicht mehr nachweisbar. Schlussfolgerungen: Dieser Fallbericht schildert die Symptomreduktion einer GERD nach osteopathischer Behandlung. In der endoskopischen Folgeuntersuchung fand sich die initial diagnostizierte Hiatushernie nicht mehr, diese Befund änderung könnte jedoch auf die unterschiedlichen Untersucher zurückgeführt werden. Prospektive kontrollierte klinische Studien sind notwendig, um den Stellenwert von osteopathischen Behandlungen bei GERD mit Hiatushernie zu untersuchen. © 2017 The Author(s). Published by S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg.

  13. Erhöhtes Lungenkrebs-Risiko bei Ekzempatienten: eine landesweite Kohortenstudie in Taiwan.


    Juan, Chao-Kuei; Shen, Jui-Lung; Lin, Cheng-Li; Kim, Karen Wang; Chen, Wen-Chi


    Der Zusammenhang zwischen Lungenkrebs und Ekzemen bleibt umstritten. Frühere Studien haben zu widersprüchlichen Ergebnissen geführt. Diese retrospektive populationsbasierte Kohortenstudie zielt darauf ab, das Risiko von Lungenkrebs im Zusammenhang mit Ekzemen abzuklären. In der Forschungsdatenbank der taiwanesischen nationalen Krankenversicherung identifizierten wir 43719 Patienten, bei denen in den Jahren 2000 bis 2010 ein Ekzem neu diagnostiziert wurde. Die Vergleichskohorte bildeten 87438 zufällig ausgewählte, altersangepasste Patienten ohne Ekzem. Die Fälle aus diesen beiden Kohorten wurden bis 2011 verfolgt. Zur Kalkulation des Lungenkrebsrisikos bei Ekzempatienten wurde die Cox-Regression verwendet. Die Datenbank enthielt keine Informationen über Raucherstatus, Alkoholkonsum, sozioökonomischen Status oder Familienanamnese. Nach der Bereinigung um Alter und Komorbidität hatte die Population mit Ekzemen ein um 2,80 erhöhtes Risiko für die Entwicklung von Lungenkrebs gegenüber der Vergleichskohorte (bereinigte Hazard-Ratio 2,80, 95 % Konfidenzinterval 2,59-3,03). Ekzempatienten mit Begleiterkrankungen, darunter Asthma, chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankungen, alkoholbedingten Leberschäden oder Diabetes, hatten ein höheres Lungenkrebsrisiko als Patienten ohne Ekzeme oder Komorbidität. Ekzeme gehen mit einem höheren Risiko für die Entwicklung von Lungenkrebs einher. Weitere Studien mit umfassenderen Informationen über weitere potentielle Einflussfaktoren sind sinnvoll. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. Hardware-Abbildung eines videobasierten Verfahrens zur echtzeitfähigen Auswertung von Winkelhistogrammen auf eine modulare Coprozessor-Architektur

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Flatt, H.; Tarnowsky, A.; Blume, H.; Pirsch, P.


    Dieser Beitrag behandelt die Abbildung eines videobasierten Verfahrens zur echtzeitfähigen Auswertung von Winkelhistogrammen auf eine modulare Coprozessor-Architektur. Die Architektur besteht aus mehreren dedizierten Recheneinheiten zur parallelen Verarbeitung rechenintensiver Bildverarbeitungsverfahren und ist mit einem RISC-Prozessor verbunden. Eine konfigurierbare Architekturerweiterung um eine Recheneinheit zur Auswertung von Winkelhistogrammen von Objekten ermöglicht in Verbindung mit dem RISC eine echtzeitfähige Klassifikation. Je nach Konfiguration sind für die Architekturerweiterung auf einem Xilinx Virtex-5-FPGA zwischen 3300 und 12 000 Lookup-Tables erforderlich. Bei einer Taktfrequenz von 100 MHz können unabhängig von der Bildauflösung pro Einzelbild in einem 25-Hz-Videodatenstrom bis zu 100 Objekte der Größe 256×256 Pixel analysiert werden. This paper presents the mapping of a video-based approach for real-time evaluation of angular histograms on a modular coprocessor architecture. The architecture comprises several dedicated processing elements for parallel processing of computation-intensive image processing tasks and is coupled with a RISC processor. A configurable architecture extension, especially a processing element for evaluating angular histograms of objects in conjunction with a RISC processor, provides a real-time classification. Depending on the configuration of the architecture extension, 3 300 to 12 000 look-up tables are required for a Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA implementation. Running at a clock frequency of 100 MHz and independently of the image resolution per frame, 100 objects of size 256×256 pixels are analyzed in a 25 Hz video stream by the architecture.

  15. Biogenic Emission Inventory System (BEIS)

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Biogenic Emission Inventory System (BEIS) estimates volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from vegetation and nitric oxide (NO) emission from soils. Recent BEIS development has been restricted to the SMOKE system

  16. Precise point positioning with the BeiDou navigation satellite system.


    Li, Min; Qu, Lizhong; Zhao, Qile; Guo, Jing; Su, Xing; Li, Xiaotao


    By the end of 2012, China had launched 16 BeiDou-2 navigation satellites that include six GEOs, five IGSOs and five MEOs. This has provided initial navigation and precise pointing services ability in the Asia-Pacific regions. In order to assess the navigation and positioning performance of the BeiDou-2 system, Wuhan University has built up a network of BeiDou Experimental Tracking Stations (BETS) around the World. The Position and Navigation Data Analyst (PANDA) software was modified to determine the orbits of BeiDou satellites and provide precise orbit and satellite clock bias products from the BeiDou satellite system for user applications. This article uses the BeiDou/GPS observations of the BeiDou Experimental Tracking Stations to realize the BeiDou and BeiDou/GPS static and kinematic precise point positioning (PPP). The result indicates that the precision of BeiDou static and kinematic PPP reaches centimeter level. The precision of BeiDou/GPS kinematic PPP solutions is improved significantly compared to that of BeiDou-only or GPS-only kinematic PPP solutions. The PPP convergence time also decreases with the use of combined BeiDou/GPS systems.

  17. Precise Point Positioning with the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System

    PubMed Central

    Li, Min; Qu, Lizhong; Zhao, Qile; Guo, Jing; Su, Xing; Li, Xiaotao


    By the end of 2012, China had launched 16 BeiDou-2 navigation satellites that include six GEOs, five IGSOs and five MEOs. This has provided initial navigation and precise pointing services ability in the Asia-Pacific regions. In order to assess the navigation and positioning performance of the BeiDou-2 system, Wuhan University has built up a network of BeiDou Experimental Tracking Stations (BETS) around the World. The Position and Navigation Data Analyst (PANDA) software was modified to determine the orbits of BeiDou satellites and provide precise orbit and satellite clock bias products from the BeiDou satellite system for user applications. This article uses the BeiDou/GPS observations of the BeiDou Experimental Tracking Stations to realize the BeiDou and BeiDou/GPS static and kinematic precise point positioning (PPP). The result indicates that the precision of BeiDou static and kinematic PPP reaches centimeter level. The precision of BeiDou/GPS kinematic PPP solutions is improved significantly compared to that of BeiDou-only or GPS-only kinematic PPP solutions. The PPP convergence time also decreases with the use of combined BeiDou/GPS systems. PMID:24406856

  18. Azelainsäure 20 % Creme: Auswirkung auf Lebensqualität und Krankheitsaktivität bei erwachsenen Patientinnen mit Acne vulgaris.


    Kainz, Julius Thomas; Berghammer, Gabriele; Auer-Grumbach, Piet; Lackner, Verena; Perl-Convalexius, Sylvia; Popa, Rodica; Wolfesberger, Barbara


    Zur Wirksamkeit von Aknetherapien und deren Auswirkungen auf die Lebensqualität erwachsener Patienten liegen kaum Daten vor. ZIEL: Erhebung der Wirkung von Azelainsäure 20 % Creme (Skinoren ® ) auf Akne-Schweregrad und krankheitsbedingte Lebensqualität. Nichtinterventionelle Studie bei erwachsenen Patientinnen mit leichter bis mittelschwerer Akne. Wirksamkeitsparameter waren DLQI sowie Akne-Schweregrad im Gesicht, am Dekolleté sowie am Rücken im Gesamturteil des Prüfarztes (IGA-Skala: Grad 1 = annähernd reine Haut; 2 = leichte Akne; 3 = mittelschwere Akne). Visiten waren zu Studienbeginn sowie nach 4-8 und zwölf Wochen geplant. Von den 251 eingeschlossenen Patientinnen lag zu Studienbeginn bei 59 %, 31 % bzw. 10 % ein IGA-Grad von 1, 2 bzw. 3 vor; die am häufigsten betroffene Hautpartie war das Gesicht (IGA-Grad 2 oder 3: 79 %). Nach zwölf Behandlungswochen war eine signifikante Besserung der Acne vulgaris im Gesicht (IGA-Grad 0 oder 1: 82 %) sowie auf Dekolleté und Rücken feststellbar. Der mediane DLQI-Wert sank von neun zu Studienbeginn auf fünf nach zwölf Behandlungswochen. Neunzig Prozent der behandelnden Ärzte und Patientinnen beurteilten die Verträglichkeit der Behandlung als sehr gut oder gut. Die Anwendung von 20%iger Azelainsäure-Creme führt bei erwachsenen Frauen zu einer signifikanten Besserung der Acne vulgaris und der krankheitsbedingten Lebensqualität. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Progress of BeiDou time transfer at NTSC

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guang, Wei; Dong, Shaowu; Wu, Wenjun; Zhang, Jihai; Yuan, Haibo; Zhang, Shougang


    Time transfer using global navigation satellite system (GNSS) is a primary method of remote atomic clock comparisons. As of today, there are four operational GNSS systems, namely GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS or BeiDou). All of them can continuously provide position, navigation and time services. This paper mainly focuses on the progress of BeiDou time transfer at the National Time Service Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NTSC). In order to realize the BeiDou common view (CV) time comparison, we developed the Rinex2CGGTTS software according to the guidelines of the Common GNSS Generic Time Transfer Standard, Version 2E (CGGTTS V2E). By comparing the solutions of the Rinex2CGGTTS software to the solutions of the sbf2cggtts software provided by the manufacturer of our multi-GNSS receiver, we found the sbf2cggtts (version 1.0.5) solutions contained biases in measurements to different BeiDou satellites. The biases are most likely caused by sbf2cggtts’ timing group delay corrections in data processing. The noise of the observation data is analyzed by code multipath and common clock difference. Finally, the BeiDou CV results are compared to the GPS/GLONASS/Galileo CV results between NTSC and three European UTC(k) laboratories, including Royal Observatory of Belgium (ORB), Real Institute y Observatory de la Armada (ROA), Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE or SP). For the comparisons of each baseline, we aligned the BeiDou/Galileo/GLONASS links to the calibrated GPS link with the double-difference method. The results show that the performance of BeiDou CV is correlated to the number of BeiDou satellites available in common view. With the current BeiDou constellation, the standard deviation of the differences between all BeiDou CV satellites averaging result and the GPS PPP result is 2.03 ns, 2.90 ns and 4.06 ns for ORB-NTSC, SP-NTSC and ROA-NTSC links respectively.

  20. [Cardiodoron® bei Patienten mit Schlafstörungen - Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Beobachtungsstudie].


    Rother, Claudia; Schnelle, Martin

    Hintergrund: Schlafstörungen gehören zu den häufigsten gesundheitlichen Problemen der heutigen Zeit. Stress und die dadurch bedingte innere Anspannung sowie eine unrhythmische Lebensführung z.B. durch Schichtarbeit sind bekannte auslösende Faktoren. Weniger bekannt ist, dass auch funktionelle Herz-Kreislauf-Beschwerden zu Störungen des Schlafs führen können und dass deren Behandlung zu einer Verbesserung der Schlafqualität beiträgt. Ganzheitlich betrachtet geht es daher um die Wiederherstellung einer gesunden Rhythmik, insbesondere des Herz-/Atem- sowie des Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmus, die Cardiodoron®, eine Heilpflanzenkomposition aus Primula veris, Hyoscyamus niger und Onopordum acanthium, unterstützt. Patienten und Methoden: Mittels einer prospektiven, multizentrischen Beobachtungsstudie sollte ermittelt werden, wie sich funktionelle Herz-Kreislauf-Beschwerden und/oder Schlafstörungen unter der Behandlung mit Cardiodoron® (Dilution) über 3-6 Monate entwickeln. Im Zeitraum von September 2009 bis März 2012 dokumentierten 92 Ärzte 501 Patienten, von denen 380 über Schlafstörungen klagten und deren Daten in dieser Publikation näher betrachtet werden. Nach einer Aufnahmeuntersuchung erfolgte nach 90 Tagen eine Abschlussuntersuchung und bei Fortführung der Therapie nach nochmals 90 Tagen eine Follow-up-Untersuchung. Neben 30 ärztlicherseits bewerteten Symptomen beurteilten die Patienten ihr Befinden mittels Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) nach Buysse und der Beschwerden-Liste nach von Zerssen (B-L und B-L'). Ergebnisse: Unter der Cardiodoron®-Therapie gingen bei guter Verträglichkeit sowohl die Ausprägung der Schlafstörungen (um 65% von 2,0 auf 0,7 Punkte) als auch die erfassten 30 Symptome (um 59% von 24,3 auf 9,9 Punkte) deutlich zurück (p < 0,01). Weiterhin reduzierten sich der PSQI und der Gesamtwert der Beschwerden-Liste signifikant (p < 0,0001) um 60% bzw. 56% (von 12,2 auf 4,8 bzw. von 25,6 auf 11,4 Punkte). Schlussfolgerungen: Bei

  1. Einsatz und Wirksamkeit von Systemtherapien bei Erwachsenen mit schwerer Neurodermitis: Erste Ergebnisse des deutschen Neurodermitis-Registers TREATgermany.


    Schmitt, Jochen; Abraham, Susanne; Trautmann, Freya; Stephan, Victoria; Fölster-Holst, Regina; Homey, Bernhard; Bieber, Thomas; Novak, Natalija; Sticherling, Michael; Augustin, Matthias; Kleinheinz, Andreas; Elsner, Peter; Weidinger, Stephan; Werfel, Thomas


    Versorgungsregister dienen der Erfassung des Einsatzes und der Wirksamkeit von Therapien unter realen Versorgungsbedingungen und sind als Basis einer evidenzbasierten Gesundheitsversorgung unverzichtbar. Das deutsche Neurodermitis-Register TREATgermany wurde als weltweit erstes Register für Patienten mit schwerer Neurodermitis 2011 initiiert. Erwachsene mit schwerer Neurodermitis (aktuelle/frühere antientzündliche Systemtherapie und/oder objektiver SCORAD ≥ 40) werden über einen Zeitraum von 24 Monaten prospektiv beobachtet. Anhand validierter Erhebungsinstrumente werden die klinische Erkrankungsschwere (EASI, SCORAD), Lebensqualität (DLQI), Symptome, globale Erkrankungsschwere sowie die Patientenzufriedenheit erfasst und die durchgeführten Therapien dokumentiert. Die vorliegende Analyse beschreibt die Charakteristika, Therapiewahl und Wirksamkeit der eingesetzten antiinflammatorischen Systemtherapien der bis Oktober 2014 eingeschlossenen Patienten. An fünf Zentren wurden insgesamt 78 Patienten (Durchschnittsalter 39 Jahre, 61 % männlich) eingeschlossen. Bei den Patienten besteht eine hohe Inanspruchnahme ambulanter und stationärer Leistungen. Ciclosporin war das am häufigsten eingesetzte Systemtherapeutikum und zeigte die höchste klinische Effektivität (EASI-50-Ansprechrate 51 %; EASI-75-Ansprechrate 34 % nach zwölfwöchiger Therapie). Azathioprin, Methotrexat (MTX), Prednisolon oral, Mycophenolat, Alitretinoin und Leflunomid wurden ebenfalls bei einzelnen Patienten eingesetzt. Die vorliegende Registerauswertung gibt wichtige Hinweise zur derzeitigen Versorgung von Erwachsenen mit schwerer Neurodermitis in Deutschland, dokumentiert die hohe Erkrankungslast, den Nutzen vorhandener Therapien und den Bedarf an weiteren, effektiven und in der Langzeitanwendung sicheren Therapieoptionen. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. Gerbstoffe aus Potentilla officinalis wirken entzündungshemmend im UV-Erythem-Test und bei Anwendung auf atopischer Haut.


    Hoffmann, Julia; Wölfle, Ute; Schempp, Christoph M; Casetti, Federica


    Das Rhizom von Potentilla officinalis (PO) ist reich an Gerbstoffen und wird traditionell zur äußerlichen Behandlung von Entzündungen der Haut und der Schleimhäute verwendet. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Bestätigung der antiinflammatorischen Eigenschaften von PO mittels eines UV-Erythem-Tests und einer klinischen Anwendungsstudie bei atopischer Haut. Die antiinflammatorische Wirkung eines PO-Extrakts (standardisiert auf 2 % Trockensubstanz) wurde in einer prospektiven, randomisierten, placebokontrollierten Doppelblindstudie mit 40 gesunden Erwachsenen im UV-Erythem-Test im Vergleich zu 1 % Hydrocortisonacetat untersucht. Im Rahmen einer prospektiven nicht kontrollierten Studie wurde die Wirkung und Verträglichkeit der 2 % PO-Creme an zwölf Erwachsenen und zwölf Kindern mit atopischer Haut nach Anwendung über zwei Wochen in einem definierten Testareal anhand eines Teil-SCORAD untersucht. Zusätzlich wurde die Beeinflussung der Hautrötung im Testareal photometrisch gemessen. Im UV-Erythem-Test zeigte die PO-Creme eine signifikante Reduktion des Erythemindex im Vergleich zum Vehikel. Die antiinflammatorische Wirkung des Verums entsprach der der 1 % Hydrocortisonacetat-Creme. Die klinische Studie bei Atopikern zeigte eine signifikante Abnahme des Teil-SCORAD und des Erythems im Testareal. Es wurden keine Unverträglichkeitsreaktionen beobachtet. PO als 2%ige Zubereitung besitzt entzündungshemmende Eigenschaften und ist wirksam und gut verträglich auf atopischer Haut. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  3. [Kombinierte Anwendung von Strahlentherapie und adjuvanter Therapie mit einem Mistelextrakt (Viscum album L.) zur Behandlung des oralen malignen Melanoms beim Hund: Eine retrospektive Studie].


    von Bodungen, Uta; Ruess, Katja; Reif, Marcus; Biegel, Ulrike


    Hintergrund: Orale maligne Melanome (OMM) des Hundes zeichnen sich durch schnelles Wachstum, lokale Invasion und hohe Metastasierungsraten aus. Extrakte auf Basis von Viscum album L. (VAE) werden zunehmend in der Krebstherapie sowohl in der Human- als auch in der Veterinärmedizin eingesetzt. Ziel unserer Studie war es zu untersuchen, inwieweit die adjuvante Therapie mit VAE eine therapeutische Option zur Behandlung von OMM ist. Besonderes Augenmerk galt dabei der Überlebenszeit und möglichen Nebenwirkungen. Tiere und Methoden: 26 Hunde mit OMM, die in einem der größten veterinäronkologischen Zentren der Schweiz allesamt eine Strahlentherapie erhielten (teilweise nach operativer Tumorresektion) wurden in die retrospektive Studie eingeschlossen: 18 Hunde wurden mit VAE behandelt (1 ml VAE (Iscador®) in ansteigenden Konzentrationen von 0,1 bis 20 mg/ml subkutan 3-mal pro Woche (VAE-Gruppe), 8 erhielten keine adjuvante Behandlung (Vergleichsgruppe). Wir verglichen die Größenentwicklung der OMM sowie die Überlebenszeit. Ergebnisse: Patienten mit Bestrahlung und adjuvanter VAE-Therapie zeigten mit 236 Tagen eine signifikant längere mediane Überlebenszeit im Vergleich zu Patienten mit Bestrahlung, aber ohne adjuvante VAE-Therapie (49 Tage; Log-Rank-Test: p = 0,0047). Die VAE-Therapie verlängerte die Überlebenszeit um mehr als zwei Drittel (Hazard Ratio (HR) = 0,30, 95%-Konfidenzintervall (KI) 0,11-0,86; p = 0,024), während ein höheres Tumorstadium gemäß UICC (Union internationale contre le cancer) einen statistischen Trend zur Verdopplung des Sterberisikos zeigte (UICC-Stadium III/IV vs. I/II: HR = 2,12, 95%-KI 0,88-5,12; p = 0,095). Zwei Patienten zeigten milde Nebenwirkungen während der VAE-Behandlung. Einer der beiden zeigte 1 Tag lang ein selbstlimitiertes Fieber, bei dem anderen Patienten reduzierten wir die Dosis von einem konzentrierteren zu einem weniger konzentrierten VAE (Serie 0) aufgrund von Müdigkeit, die daraufhin verschwand

  4. The Zur regulon of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032

    PubMed Central


    Background Zinc is considered as an essential element for all living organisms, but it can be toxic at large concentrations. Bacteria therefore tightly regulate zinc metabolism. The Cg2502 protein of Corynebacterium glutamicum was a candidate to control zinc metabolism in this species, since it was classified as metalloregulator of the zinc uptake regulator (Zur) subgroup of the ferric uptake regulator (Fur) family of DNA-binding transcription regulators. Results The cg2502 (zur) gene was deleted in the chromosome of C. glutamicum ATCC 13032 by an allelic exchange procedure to generate the zur-deficient mutant C. glutamicum JS2502. Whole-genome DNA microarray hybridizations and real-time RT-PCR assays comparing the gene expression in C. glutamicum JS2502 with that of the wild-type strain detected 18 genes with enhanced expression in the zur mutant. The expression data were combined with results from cross-genome comparisons of shared regulatory sites, revealing the presence of candidate Zur-binding sites in the mapped promoter regions of five transcription units encoding components of potential zinc ABC-type transporters (cg0041-cg0042/cg0043; cg2911-cg2912-cg2913), a putative secreted protein (cg0040), a putative oxidoreductase (cg0795), and a putative P-loop GTPase of the COG0523 protein family (cg0794). Enhanced transcript levels of the respective genes in C. glutamicum JS2502 were verified by real-time RT-PCR, and complementation of the mutant with a wild-type zur gene reversed the effect of differential gene expression. The zinc-dependent expression of the putative cg0042 and cg2911 operons was detected in vivo with a gfp reporter system. Moreover, the zinc-dependent binding of purified Zur protein to double-stranded 40-mer oligonucleotides containing candidate Zur-binding sites was demonstrated in vitro by DNA band shift assays. Conclusion Whole-genome expression profiling and DNA band shift assays demonstrated that Zur directly represses in a zinc

  5. Structural and Mechanistic Basis of Zinc Regulation Across the E. coli Zur Regulon

    PubMed Central

    Gilston, Benjamin A.; Wang, Suning; Marcus, Mason D.; Canalizo-Hernández, Mónica A.; Swindell, Elden P.; Xue, Yi; Mondragón, Alfonso; O'Halloran, Thomas V.


    Commensal microbes, whether they are beneficial or pathogenic, are sensitive to host processes that starve or swamp the prokaryote with large fluctuations in local zinc concentration. To understand how microorganisms coordinate a dynamic response to changes in zinc availability at the molecular level, we evaluated the molecular mechanism of the zinc-sensing zinc uptake regulator (Zur) protein at each of the known Zur-regulated genes in Escherichia coli. We solved the structure of zinc-loaded Zur bound to the PznuABC promoter and show that this metalloregulatory protein represses gene expression by a highly cooperative binding of two adjacent dimers to essentially encircle the core element of each of the Zur-regulated promoters. Cooperativity in these protein-DNA interactions requires a pair of asymmetric salt bridges between Arg52 and Asp49′ that connect otherwise independent dimers. Analysis of the protein-DNA interface led to the discovery of a new member of the Zur-regulon: pliG. We demonstrate this gene is directly regulated by Zur in a zinc responsive manner. The pliG promoter forms stable complexes with either one or two Zur dimers with significantly less protein-DNA cooperativity than observed at other Zur regulon promoters. Comparison of the in vitro Zur-DNA binding affinity at each of four Zur-regulon promoters reveals ca. 10,000-fold variation Zur-DNA binding constants. The degree of Zur repression observed in vivo by comparison of transcript copy number in wild-type and Δzur strains parallels this trend spanning a 100-fold difference. We conclude that the number of ferric uptake regulator (Fur)-family dimers that bind within any given promoter varies significantly and that the thermodynamic profile of the Zur-DNA interactions directly correlates with the physiological response at different promoters. PMID:25369000

  6. Initial assessment of the COMPASS/BeiDou-3: new-generation navigation signals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Xiaohong; Wu, Mingkui; Liu, Wanke; Li, Xingxing; Yu, Shun; Lu, Cuixian; Wickert, Jens


    The successful launch of five new-generation experimental satellites of the China's BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, namely BeiDou I1-S, I2-S, M1-S, M2-S, and M3-S, marks a significant step in expanding BeiDou into a navigation system with global coverage. In addition to B1I (1561.098 MHz) and B3I (1269.520 MHz) signals, the new-generation BeiDou-3 experimental satellites are also capable of transmitting several new navigation signals in space, namely B1C at 1575.42 MHz, B2a at 1176.45 MHz, and B2b at 1207.14 MHz. For the first time, we present an initial characterization and performance assessment for these new-generation BeiDou-3 satellites and their signals. The L1/L2/L5 signals from GPS Block IIF satellites, E1/E5a/E5b signals from Galileo satellites, and B1I/B2I/B3I signals from BeiDou-2 satellites are also evaluated for comparison. The characteristics of the B1C, B1I, B2a, B2b, and B3I signals are evaluated in terms of observed carrier-to-noise density ratio, pseudorange multipath and noise, triple-frequency carrier-phase ionosphere-free and geometry-free combination, and double-differenced carrier-phase and code residuals. The results demonstrate that the observational quality of the new-generation BeiDou-3 signals is comparable to that of GPS L1/L2/L5 and Galileo E1/E5a/E5b signals. However, the analysis of code multipath shows that the elevation-dependent code biases, which have been previously identified to exist in the code observations of the BeiDou-2 satellites, seem to be not obvious for all the available signals of the new-generation BeiDou-3 satellites. This will significantly benefit precise applications that resolve wide-lane ambiguity based on Hatch-Melbourne-Wübbena linear combinations and other applications such as single-frequency precise point positioning (PPP) based on the ionosphere-free code-carrier combinations. Furthermore, with regard to the triple-frequency carrier-phase ionosphere-free and geometry-free combination, it is found

  7. Kraft-Wärmekopplung und Blockheiz-Kraftwerke BHKW

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zahoransky, Richard; Allelein, Hans-Josef; Bollin, Elmar; Oehler, Helmut; Schelling, Udo

    Die thermischen Wirkungsgrade von Kraftwerken zur Stromerzeugung sind relativ gering. Beispielsweise erreichen moderne Kohlekraftwerke heute bis etwa 45 %, Gasturbinen maximal 40 % und Diesel-Motoren nicht über 50 %. Kombinations-Kraftwerke, Gas- und Dampfturbinen-Prozesse können an die 60 % thermischer Wirkungsgrad bei der Umwandlung der zugeführten Wärme in mechanische bzw. elektrische Energie erzielen. Ein ähnlich hoher Wert wird in Zukunft von den Brennstoffzellen erwartet. Der nicht in Arbeit umgewandelte Anteil der zugeführten Wärme fällt als Abwärme an und geht ungenutzt in die Umgebung. Ein Teil dieser Abwärme lässt sich durch entsprechende Installationen bei allen Kraftwerksprozessen zur Wassererwärmung oder zur Dampferzeugung für industrielle Zwecke nutzen. Für Heizzwecke genügt eine Temperatur der Abwärme von 60 %C bis 80 %C, während die Erzeugung von Industriedampf deutlich höhere Temperaturen voraussetzt.

  8. Eine selbstkonsistente Carleman Linearisierung zur Analyse von Oszillatoren

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Weber, Harry; Mathis, Wolfgang


    Die Analyse nichtlinearer dynamischer Schaltungen ist bis heute eine herausfordernde Aufgabe, da nur selten analytische Lösungen angegeben werden können. Daher wurden eine Vielzahl von Methoden entwickelt, um eine qualitative oder quantitative Näherung für die Lösungen der Netzwerkgleichung zu erhalten. Oftmals wird beispielsweise eine Kleinsignalanalyse mit Hilfe einer Taylorreihe in einem Arbeitspunkt durchgeführt, die nach den Gliedern erster Ordnung abgebrochen wird. Allerdings ist diese Linearisierung nur in der Nähe des stabilen Arbeitspunktes für hyperbolische Systeme gültig. Besonders für die Analyse des dynamischen Verhaltens von Oszillatoren treten jedoch nicht-hyperbolische Systeme auf, sodass diese Methode nicht angewendet werden kann Mathis (2000). Carleman hat gezeigt, dass nichtlineare Differentialgleichungen mit polynomiellen Nichtlinearitäten in ein unendliches System von linearen Differentialgleichungen transformiert werden können Carleman (1932). Wird das unendlichdimensionale Gleichungssystem für numerische Zwecke abgebrochen, kann bei Oszillatoren der Übergang in eine stationäre Schwingung (Grenzzyklus) nicht wiedergegeben werden. In diesem Beitrag wird eine selbstkonsistente Carleman Linearisierung zur Untersuchung von Oszillatoren vorgestellt, die auch dann anwendbar ist, wenn die Nichtlinearitäten keinen Polynomen entsprechen. Anstelle einer linearen Näherung um einen Arbeitspunkt, erfolgt mit Hilfe der Carleman Linearisierung eine Approximation auf einem vorgegebenen Gebiet. Da es jedoch mit der selbstkonsistenten Technik nicht möglich ist, das stationäre Verhalten von Oszillatoren zu beschreiben, wird die Berechnung einer Poincaré-Abbildung durchgeführt. Mit dieser ist eine anschließende Analyse des Oszillators möglich.

  9. Instantaneous BeiDou-GPS attitude determination: A performance analysis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nadarajah, Nandakumaran; Teunissen, Peter J. G.; Raziq, Noor


    The advent of modernized and new global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) has enhanced the availability of satellite based positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) solutions. Specifically, it increases redundancy and yields operational back-up or independence in case of failure or unavailability of one system. Among existing GNSS, the Chinese BeiDou system (BDS) is being developed and will consist of geostationary (GEO) satellites, inclined geosynchronous orbit (IGSO) satellites, and medium-Earth-orbit (MEO) satellites. In this contribution, a BeiDou-GPS robustness analysis is carried out for instantaneous, unaided attitude determination. Precise attitude determination using multiple GNSS antennas mounted on a platform relies on the successful resolution of the integer carrier phase ambiguities. The constrained Least-squares AMBiguity Decorrelation Adjustment (C-LAMBDA) method has been developed for the quadratically constrained GNSS compass model that incorporates the known baseline length. In this contribution the method is used to analyse the attitude determination performance when using the GPS and BeiDou systems. The attitude determination performance is evaluated using GPS/BeiDou data sets from a real data campaign in Australia spanning several days. The study includes the performance analyses of both stand-alone and mixed constellation (GPS/BeiDou) attitude estimation under various satellite deprived environments. We demonstrate and quantify the improved availability and accuracy of attitude determination using the combined constellation.

  10. [Postoperative adjuvante Therapie mit einem Mistelextrakt (Viscum album ssp. album) bei Hündinnen mit Mammatumoren].


    Biegel, Ulrike; Stratmann, Nina; Knauf, Yvonne; Ruess, Katja; Reif, Marcus; Wehrend, Axel


    Hintergrund: Canine Mammatumoren (CMT) sind wegen ihrer Häufigkeit und hohen Malignitätsrate eine Herausforderung für die Veterinärmedizin. Bisher ist noch keine postoperative adjuvante Therapie als wirksamer Standard etabliert und in den nächsten Jahren wohl auch nicht zu erwarten. Zusätzlich ist die Frage nach der Verträglichkeit einer adjuvanten Therapie mit Erhaltung oder Verbesserung der Lebensqualität (LQ) wichtig. Die Therapie mit Mistelextrakten (Viscum album L.; VAE) ist in der Humanonkologie nach adjuvanter Tumorbasistherapie (Chemotherapie und Bestrahlung) eine sehr häufig verwendete, zusätzliche adjuvante Behandlungsmethode. Auch bei verschiedenen Tierarten werden inzwischen Mistelpräparate in der Onkologie erfolgreich angewendet. Methoden: Überprüfung von Wirkung und Nutzen einer postoperativen, adjuvanten Misteltherapie beim CMT sowie Erfassung der LQ unter der VAE-Behandlung. Ausgewertet wurden 56 Hündinnen mit Mammaadenokarzinom, 33 ausschließlich operierte Kontrolltiere und 23 operierte Tiere, die adjuvant VAE erhielten. Ergebnisse: Die mediane Überlebenszeit (MST) aller Tiere (n = 56) betrug 32 Monate (Interquartilbereich 13-51 Monate). Im deskriptiven Vergleich der Überlebenszeiten (ST) nach Kaplan-Meier waren nach 12, 24, 36 bzw. 48 Monaten noch 24, 20, 15 bzw. 5 Hündinnen (entsprechend 72,7%, 60,6%, 45,1%, 12,4%) der Kontrollgruppe sowie 19, 14, 11 und 1 Hündin (82,6%, 60,9%, 47,8%, 4,3%) der VAE-Gruppe am Leben. Die VAE-Therapie führte zu einem geringeren Gesamtversterberisiko, das statistisch nicht signifikant war (Hazard Ratio (HR) 0,530, 95%-Konfidenzintervall (KI) 0,222-1,262; p = 0,15). Tendenziell (p = 0,07) zeigte sich eine Verringerung des tumorbedingten Sterberisikos auf 25% (HR 0,251, 95%-KI 0,056-1,122). Schlussfolgerungen: Es kann eine Tendenz zur Senkung des tumorbedingten Sterberisikos der VAE-Gruppe bei guter Verträglichkeit der Therapie angenommen werden. Die LQ der Tiere blieb über die gesamte

  11. BeiDou Time Transfer With the Standard CGGTTS.


    Huang, Wei; Defraigne, Pascale


    The R2CGGTTS software tool developed at the Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB) to provide clock solutions in the standard Common GNSS Generic Time Transfer Standard (CGGTTS) has been extended to BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS). The BDS includes satellites in three different orbits: 1) Medium Earth Orbit (MEO); 2) Inclined Geosynchronous Satellite Orbit (IGSO); and 3) Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO). This paper presents first results obtained with this upgraded software, and a comparison between common view (CV) time transfer solutions obtained with either BDS, or GPS or Galileo. These preliminary results indicate that the BeiDou MEO satellites give time transfer results with a higher noise than the GPS results. This additional noise is shown to be due to some elevation-dependent delay in the BDS code measurements. Some biases were furthermore pointed out between the CV results obtained with the different BeiDou MEO satellites when the receivers used in the two stations are of different make. These biases may reach some nanoseconds, and find most probably their origin in the receiver hardware or firmware. It is shown additionally that using the BeiDou IGSO satellites and the GEO satellites, although increasing the number of observations, especially in the Asia-Pacific region, introduces a significant time transfer noise in the CV results.

  12. Atmosphärisches Plasma in der Medizintechnik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Beer, Thomas; Knospe, Alexander; Buske, Christian

    Bei der Fertigung komplexer Bauteile werden immer häufiger unterschiedlichste Materialien zur Erfüllung der Funktion kombiniert. Kunststoff, Metall, Glas oder Keramik müssen miteinander verbunden werden. Dies gilt für die unterschiedlichsten Industriebereiche; von der Halbleiter-/Elektronikindustrie [1, 2] über die Automobilindustrie [3, 4] bis hin zur Medizintechnik werden für Verklebungs- [5], Bedruckungs-, Lackier- [6] und Anspritzprozesse optimal vorbehandelte Oberflächen benötigt.

  13. Development and Evaluation of the Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (BEIS) Model v3.6

    EPA Science Inventory

    We have developed new canopy emission algorithms and land use data for BEIS v3.6. Simulations with BEIS v3.4 and BEIS v3.6 in CMAQ v5.0.2 are compared these changes to the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN) and evaluated the simulations against observati...

  14. The components of the unique Zur regulon of Cupriavidus metallidurans mediate cytoplasmic zinc handling.


    Bütof, Lucy; Schmidt-Vogler, Christopher; Herzberg, Martin; Große, Cornelia; Nies, Dietrich H


    Zinc is an essential trace element and at the same time it is toxic at high concentrations. In the beta-proteobacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans the highly efficient removal of surplus zinc from the periplasm is responsible for its outstanding metal resistance. Rather than having a typical Zur-dependent, high-affinity ATP-binding cassette transporter of the ABC protein superfamily for zinc uptake at low concentrations, C. metallidurans instead has the secondary zinc importer ZupT of the ZRT/IRT (ZIP) family. It is important to understand, therefore, how this zinc-resistant bacterium copes when it is exposed to low zinc concentrations. Members of the Zur regulon in C. metallidurans were identified by comparing the transcriptomes of a Δ zur mutant and its parent strain. The consensus sequence of the Zur-binding box was derived for the zupTp promoter-regulatory region using a truncation assay. The motif was used to predict possible Zur-boxes upstream of Zur regulon members. Binding of Zur to these boxes was confirmed. Two Zur-boxes upstream of the cobW 1 gene, encoding a putative zinc chaperone, proved to be required for complete repression of cobW 1 and its downstream genes in cells cultivated in mineral salts medium. A Zur box upstream of each of zur-cobW 2 , cobW 3 and zupT permitted low-expression level of these genes plus their up-regulation under zinc starvation conditions. This demonstrates a compartmentalization of zinc homeostasis in C. metallidurans with the periplasm being responsible for removal of surplus zinc and cytoplasmic components for management of zinc as an essential co-factor, with both compartments connected by ZupT. Importance Elucidating zinc homeostasis is necessary to understand both host-pathogen interactions and performance of free-living bacteria in their natural environment. Escherichia coli acquires zinc under low zinc concentrations by the Zur-controlled ZnuABC importer of the ABC superfamily, and this was also the paradigm for other

  15. BeiDou Geostationary Satellite Code Bias Modeling Using Fengyun-3C Onboard Measurements.


    Jiang, Kecai; Li, Min; Zhao, Qile; Li, Wenwen; Guo, Xiang


    This study validated and investigated elevation- and frequency-dependent systematic biases observed in ground-based code measurements of the Chinese BeiDou navigation satellite system, using the onboard BeiDou code measurement data from the Chinese meteorological satellite Fengyun-3C. Particularly for geostationary earth orbit satellites, sky-view coverage can be achieved over the entire elevation and azimuth angle ranges with the available onboard tracking data, which is more favorable to modeling code biases. Apart from the BeiDou-satellite-induced biases, the onboard BeiDou code multipath effects also indicate pronounced near-field systematic biases that depend only on signal frequency and the line-of-sight directions. To correct these biases, we developed a proposed code correction model by estimating the BeiDou-satellite-induced biases as linear piece-wise functions in different satellite groups and the near-field systematic biases in a grid approach. To validate the code bias model, we carried out orbit determination using single-frequency BeiDou data with and without code bias corrections applied. Orbit precision statistics indicate that those code biases can seriously degrade single-frequency orbit determination. After the correction model was applied, the orbit position errors, 3D root mean square, were reduced from 150.6 to 56.3 cm.

  16. BeiDou Geostationary Satellite Code Bias Modeling Using Fengyun-3C Onboard Measurements

    PubMed Central

    Jiang, Kecai; Li, Min; Zhao, Qile; Li, Wenwen; Guo, Xiang


    This study validated and investigated elevation- and frequency-dependent systematic biases observed in ground-based code measurements of the Chinese BeiDou navigation satellite system, using the onboard BeiDou code measurement data from the Chinese meteorological satellite Fengyun-3C. Particularly for geostationary earth orbit satellites, sky-view coverage can be achieved over the entire elevation and azimuth angle ranges with the available onboard tracking data, which is more favorable to modeling code biases. Apart from the BeiDou-satellite-induced biases, the onboard BeiDou code multipath effects also indicate pronounced near-field systematic biases that depend only on signal frequency and the line-of-sight directions. To correct these biases, we developed a proposed code correction model by estimating the BeiDou-satellite-induced biases as linear piece-wise functions in different satellite groups and the near-field systematic biases in a grid approach. To validate the code bias model, we carried out orbit determination using single-frequency BeiDou data with and without code bias corrections applied. Orbit precision statistics indicate that those code biases can seriously degrade single-frequency orbit determination. After the correction model was applied, the orbit position errors, 3D root mean square, were reduced from 150.6 to 56.3 cm. PMID:29076998

  17. An intercomparison of biogenic emissions estimates from BEIS2 and BIOME: Reconciling the differences

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wilkinson, J.G.; Emigh, R.A.; Pierce, T.E.


    Biogenic emissions play a critical role in urban and regional air quality. For instance, biogenic emissions contribute upwards of 76% of the daily hydrocarbon emissions in the Atlanta, Georgia airshed. The Biogenic Emissions Inventory System-Version 2.0 (BEIS2) and the Biogenic Model for Emissions (BIOME) are two models that compute biogenic emissions estimates. BEIS2 is a FORTRAN-based system, and BIOME is an ARC/INFO{reg_sign} - and SAS{reg_sign}-based system. Although the technical formulations of the models are similar, the models produce different biogenic emissions estimates for what appear to be essentially the same inputs. The goals of our study are the following: (1)more » Determine why BIOME and BEIS2 produce different emissions estimates; (2) Attempt to understand the impacts that the differences have on the emissions estimates; (3) Reconcile the differences where possible; and (4) Present a framework for the use of BEIS2 and BIOME. In this study, we used the Coastal Oxidant Assessment for Southeast Texas (COAST) biogenics data which were supplied to us courtesy of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC), and we extracted the BEIS2 data for the same domain. We compared the emissions estimates of the two models using their respective data sets BIOME Using TNRCC data and BEIS2 using BEIS2 data.« less

  18. Zeitlicher Verlauf der avaskulären Nekrose des Hüftkopfes bei Patienten mit Pemphigus vulgaris.


    Balighi, Kamran; Daneshpazhooh, Maryam; Aghazadeh, Nessa; Saeidi, Vahide; Shahpouri, Farzam; Hejazi, Pardis; Chams-Davatchi, Cheyda


    Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) wird in der Regel mit systemischen Corticosteroiden und Immunsuppressiva behandelt. Avaskuläre Nekrose (AVN) des Hüftkopfes ist eine gut bekannte schwerere Komplikation einer Corticosteroid-Therapie. Die Charakteristika dieser schweren Komplikation bei PV sind nach wie vor unbekannt. Nicht kontrollierte, retrospektive Untersuchung aller PV-bedingten AVN-Fälle, die in einer iranischen Klinik für bullöse Autoimmunerkrankungen zwischen 1985 und 2013 diagnostiziert wurden. Anhand der Krankenakten von 2321 untersuchten PV-Patienten wurden 45 Fälle (1,93 %) von femoraler AVN identifiziert. Dreißig davon waren Männer. Das mittlere Alter bei der Diagnose der AVN betrug 47,4 ± 14,2 Jahre. Der mittlere Zeitraum zwischen der Diagnose des PV und dem Einsetzen der AVN lag bei 25,3 ± 18,3 Monaten. Mit Ausnahme von acht Fällen (17,8 %) setzte die AVN bei der Mehrheit der Patienten innerhalb von drei Jahren nach Diagnose des PV ein. Die mittlere kumulative Dosis von Prednisolon bei Patienten mit AVN betrug 13.115,8 ± 7041,1 mg. Zwischen der Prednisolon-Gesamtdosis und dem Zeitraum bis zum Einsetzen der AVN bestand eine starke Korrelation (p = 0,001). Bei Patienten mit Alendronateinnahme in der Vorgeschichte war dieser Zeitraum signifikant kürzer (p = 0,01). Die AVN ist eine schwere Komplikation einer Corticosteroid-Behandlung bei Patienten mit PV. Sie wird bei 2 % der Patienten beobachtet und tritt vor allem in den ersten drei Behandlungsjahren auf. Bei Patienten, die höhere Dosen von Prednisolon erhalten, setzt die AVN tendenziell früher ein. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Von Donuts und Zucker: Mit Neutronen biologische Makromoleküle erforschen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    May, Roland P.


    Für die Erforschung von Biomolekülen bieten Neutronen einzigartige Eigenschaften. Vor allem ihre unterschiedliche Wechselwirkung mit dem natürlichen Wasserstoff und seinem schweren Isotop Deuterium ermöglicht tiefe Einblicke in Struktur, Funktion und Dynamik von Proteinen, Nukleinsäuren und Biomembranen. Bei vielen Fragestellungen zur Strukturaufklärung gibt es kaum oder keine Alternative zum Neutron. Das Institut Laue-Langevin trägt Bahnbrechendes zum Erfolg der Neutronen-Methoden in der Biologie bei.

  20. The Components of the Unique Zur Regulon of Cupriavidus metallidurans Mediate Cytoplasmic Zinc Handling

    PubMed Central

    Bütof, Lucy; Schmidt-Vogler, Christopher; Herzberg, Martin; Große, Cornelia


    ABSTRACT Zinc is an essential trace element, yet it is toxic at high concentrations. In the betaproteobacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans, the highly efficient removal of surplus zinc from the periplasm is responsible for the outstanding metal resistance of the organism. Rather than having a typical Zur-dependent, high-affinity ATP-binding cassette transporter of the ABC protein superfamily for zinc uptake at low concentrations, C. metallidurans has the secondary zinc importer ZupT of the zinc-regulated transporter, iron-regulated transporter (ZRT/IRT)-like protein (ZIP) family. It is important to understand, therefore, how this zinc-resistant bacterium copes with exposure to low zinc concentrations. Members of the Zur regulon in C. metallidurans were identified by comparing the transcriptomes of a Δzur mutant and its parent strain. The consensus sequence of the Zur-binding box was derived for the zupTp promoter-regulatory region by use of a truncation assay. The motif was used to predict possible Zur boxes upstream of Zur regulon members. The binding of Zur to these boxes was confirmed. Two Zur boxes upstream of the cobW1 gene, encoding a putative zinc chaperone, proved to be required for complete repression of cobW1 and its downstream genes in cells cultivated in mineral salts medium. A Zur box upstream of each of zur-cobW2, cobW3, and zupT permitted both low expression levels of these genes and their upregulation under conditions of zinc starvation. This demonstrates a compartmentalization of zinc homeostasis in C. metallidurans, where the periplasm is responsible for the removal of surplus zinc, cytoplasmic components are responsible for the management of zinc as an essential cofactor, and the two compartments are connected by ZupT. IMPORTANCE Elucidating zinc homeostasis is necessary for understanding both host-pathogen interactions and the performance of free-living bacteria in their natural environments. Escherichia coli acquires zinc under conditions of

  1. Precise orbit determination of BeiDou constellation based on BETS and MGEX network

    PubMed Central

    Lou, Yidong; Liu, Yang; Shi, Chuang; Yao, Xiuguang; Zheng, Fu


    Chinese BeiDou Navigation Satellite System is officially operational as a regional constellation with five Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites, five Inclined Geosynchronous Satellite Orbit (IGSO) satellites and four Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites. Observations from the BeiDou Experimental Tracking Stations (BETS) and the IGS Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) network from 1 January to 31 March 2013 are processed for orbit determination of the BeiDou constellation. Various arc lengths and solar radiation pressure parameters are investigated. The reduced set of ECOM five-parameter model produces better performance than the full set of ECOM nine-parameter model for BeiDou IGSO and MEO. The orbit overlap for the middle days of 3-day arc solutions is better than 20 cm and 14 cm for IGSO and MEO in RMS, respectively. Satellite laser ranging residuals are better than 10 cm for both IGSO and MEO. For BeiDou GEO, the orbit overlap of several meters and satellite laser ranging residuals of several decimetres can be achieved. PMID:24733025

  2. Precise orbit determination of BeiDou constellation based on BETS and MGEX network.


    Lou, Yidong; Liu, Yang; Shi, Chuang; Yao, Xiuguang; Zheng, Fu


    Chinese BeiDou Navigation Satellite System is officially operational as a regional constellation with five Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites, five Inclined Geosynchronous Satellite Orbit (IGSO) satellites and four Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites. Observations from the BeiDou Experimental Tracking Stations (BETS) and the IGS Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) network from 1 January to 31 March 2013 are processed for orbit determination of the BeiDou constellation. Various arc lengths and solar radiation pressure parameters are investigated. The reduced set of ECOM five-parameter model produces better performance than the full set of ECOM nine-parameter model for BeiDou IGSO and MEO. The orbit overlap for the middle days of 3-day arc solutions is better than 20 cm and 14 cm for IGSO and MEO in RMS, respectively. Satellite laser ranging residuals are better than 10 cm for both IGSO and MEO. For BeiDou GEO, the orbit overlap of several meters and satellite laser ranging residuals of several decimetres can be achieved.

  3. BeiDou inter-satellite-type bias evaluation and calibration for mixed receiver attitude determination.


    Nadarajah, Nandakumaran; Teunissen, Peter J G; Raziq, Noor


    The Chinese BeiDou system (BDS), having different types of satellites, is an important addition to the ever growing system of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). It consists of Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites, Inclined Geosynchronous Satellite Orbit (IGSO) satellites and Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites. This paper investigates the receiver-dependent bias between these satellite types, for which we coined the name "inter-satellite-type bias" (ISTB), and its impact on mixed receiver attitude determination. Assuming different receiver types may have different delays/biases for different satellite types, we model the differential ISTBs among three BeiDou satellite types and investigate their existence and their impact on mixed receiver attitude determination. Our analyses using the real data sets from Curtin's GNSS array consisting of different types of BeiDou enabled receivers and series of zero-baseline experiments with BeiDou-enabled receivers reveal the existence of non-zero ISTBs between different BeiDou satellite types. We then analyse the impact of these biases on BeiDou-only attitude determination using the constrained (C-)LAMBDA method, which exploits the knowledge of baseline length. Results demonstrate that these biases could seriously affect the integer ambiguity resolution for attitude determination using mixed receiver types and that a priori correction of these biases will dramatically improve the success rate.

  4. BeiDou Inter-Satellite-Type Bias Evaluation and Calibration for Mixed Receiver Attitude Determination

    PubMed Central

    Nadarajah, Nandakumaran; Teunissen, Peter J. G.; Raziq, Noor


    The Chinese BeiDou system (BDS), having different types of satellites, is an important addition to the ever growing system of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). It consists of Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites, Inclined Geosynchronous Satellite Orbit (IGSO) satellites and Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites. This paper investigates the receiver-dependent bias between these satellite types, for which we coined the name “inter-satellite-type bias” (ISTB), and its impact on mixed receiver attitude determination. Assuming different receiver types may have different delays/biases for different satellite types, we model the differential ISTBs among three BeiDou satellite types and investigate their existence and their impact on mixed receiver attitude determination. Our analyses using the real data sets from Curtin's GNSS array consisting of different types of BeiDou enabled receivers and series of zero-baseline experiments with BeiDou-enabled receivers reveal the existence of non-zero ISTBs between different BeiDou satellite types. We then analyse the impact of these biases on BeiDou-only attitude determination using the constrained (C-)LAMBDA method, which exploits the knowledge of baseline length. Results demonstrate that these biases could seriously affect the integer ambiguity resolution for attitude determination using mixed receiver types and that a priori correction of these biases will dramatically improve the success rate. PMID:23881141

  5. Nagelbefall kann bei Patienten mit Psoriasis auf eine Enthesiopathie hinweisen.


    Castellanos-González, Maria; Joven, Beatriz Esther; Sánchez, Julio; Andrés-Esteban, Eva María; Vanaclocha-Sebastián, Francisco; Romero, Pablo Ortiz; Díaz, Raquel Rivera


    Obwohl subklinische Enthesiopathie ein gut etabliertes diagnostisches Merkmal der Psoriasisarthritis (PsA) ist, wird sie häufig übersehen, da viele Patienten asymptomatisch sind. Gäbe es klinische Hinweise auf das Vorliegen einer Enthesiopathie, würde dies den Klinikern die Möglichkeit eröffnen, eine PsA frühzeitig zu diagnostizieren. Es wurde eine monozentrische prospektive Studie mit insgesamt 90 Psoriasis-Patienten durchgeführt, um mittels Ultraschall das Vorliegen von Enthesenanomalien zu untersuchen und eine Korrelation mit dem Befall der Nägel festzustellen. Enthesenanomalien wurden bei 23 Patienten (25,5 %) gefunden, von denen 19 (82,6 %) Nagelbefall aufwiesen. Bei 4 Patienten waren die Nägel nicht betroffen. Enthesiopathie lag bei 31,1 % (19/61) der Patienten mit Onychopathie vor, von den Patienten ohne Nagelbefall litten nur 13,8 % (4/29) an Enthesiopathie (p = 0,07). Zwischen dem Target-NAPSI-Score und dem Vorliegen einer Enthesiopathie bestand eine signifikante Korrelation. Eine signifikante Korrelation bestand darüber hinaus auch zwischen dem Vorliegen einer Enthesiopathie und der Anzahl der betroffenen Nägel (p = 0,035). Klinische Belege für eine Onychopathie können der Schlüssel für die frühe Diagnose einer Enthesiopathie bei Psoriasis-Patienten sein. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Werner Heisenberg zum 100. Geburtstag: Pionier der Quantenmechanik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jacobi, Manfred


    Werner Heisenberg war eine der prägendsten Gestalten der Physik des 20. Jahrhunderts. Zu seinen wichtigsten Verdiensten gehören die Grundlegung der Quantenmechanik, die Formulierung der Unschärferelationen sowie die Beteiligung an der Ausarbeitung der Kopenhagener Deutung der Quantenmechanik. Darüber hinaus lieferte er Arbeiten von fundamentalem Charakter zur Theorie des Atomkerns, zur kosmischen Strahlung und zur Quantenfeldtheorie. Während des Krieges war er an den Arbeiten des Uranvereins beteiligt, der die Möglichkeit einer Entwicklung von Kernwaffen untersuchte, jedoch über Vorarbeiten zur Reaktorphysik nicht hinauskam. Wegen dieser Tätigkeit wurde er bei Kriegsende für einige Monate in England interniert. Nach seiner Rückkehr widmete er sich vor allem dem Aufbau der Physik in Deutschland, die während der NS-Zeit nahezu ihrer gesamten Substanz beraubt worden war.

  7. "Updates to Model Algorithms & Inputs for the Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (BEIS) Model"

    EPA Science Inventory

    We have developed new canopy emission algorithms and land use data for BEIS. Simulations with BEIS v3.4 and these updates in CMAQ v5.0.2 are compared these changes to the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN) and evaluated the simulations against observatio...

  8. Zur (FurB) is a key factor in the control of the oxidative stress response in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120.


    Sein-Echaluce, Violeta C; González, Andrés; Napolitano, Mauro; Luque, Ignacio; Barja, Francisco; Peleato, M Luisa; Fillat, María F


    Iron and zinc are necessary nutrients whose homeostasis is tightly controlled by members of the ferric uptake regulator (FUR) superfamily in the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC7120. Although the link between iron metabolism and oxidative stress management is well documented, little is known about the connection between zinc homeostasis and the oxidative stress response in cyanobacteria. Zinc homeostasis in Anabaena is controlled by Zur, also named FurB. When overexpressed in Escherichia coli, Zur (FurB) improved cell survival during oxidative stress. In order to investigate the possible correlation between Zur and the oxidative stress response in Anabaena, zur deletion and zur-overexpressing strains have been constructed, and the consequences of Zur imbalance evaluated. The lack of Zur increased sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ), whereas an excess of Zur enhanced oxidative stress resistance. Both mutants displayed pleiotropic phenotypes, including alterations on the filament surfaces observable by scanning electron microscopy, reduced content of endogenous H2 O2 and altered expression of sodA, catalases and several peroxiredoxins. Transcriptional and biochemical analyses unveiled that the appropriate level of Zur is required for proper control of the oxidative stress response and allowed us to identify major antioxidant enzymes as novel members of the Zur regulon. © 2014 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Digitale Transformation, aber wie? - Von der Spielwiese zur Umsetzungsplanung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kaiser, Thomas

    Es besteht wohl kaum Anlass zur Annahme, dass die seit Jahrzehnten etablierten Markt- und Technologiestrukturen der Energiewirtschaft sich nicht in einem radikalen Ablöseprozess mit Gewinnern und Verlierern befinden. Aber Vorsicht - vordergründig bereits verloren erscheinende Geschäftsmodelle erfahren im Zuge der Digitalisierung einerseits noch intensiveren Wettbewerbsdruck, können aber andererseits von diesem "technologischen Jungbrunnen" profitieren, um verlorenes Terrain zurückzugewinnen. Im folgenden Kapitel wird ein Managementzyklus aufgezeigt, der in Anlehnung an die bereits erfolgreiche Implementierung digitaler R/Evolutionen anderer Branchen aufzeigt, wie die Geschäftsleitung systematisch kostenbewusst und zielorientiert die Digitalisierung umsetzen kann.

  10. Funkmesstechnik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Plaßmann, Wilfried

    Ein Hauptgebiet der Funkmesstechnik ist durch den Begriff RADAR (radio detection and ranging gekennzeichnet. Bei diesem Verfahren werden impulsförmige elektromagnetische Wellen von einer Antenne ausgesendet und an Körpern oder Stoffverteilungen (Wolken) reflektiert. Die Sendeantenne wird auf Empfang umgeschaltet, und anhand des Echos sind Rückschlüsse auf die Lage und die Beschaffenheit der Körper oder der Stoffverteilungen möglich. Angewendet wird die Radartechnik bei der Kontrolle und der Sicherung des Land-, Wasser- und Flugverkehrs, in der Meteorologie zur Wetterprognose, in der Astrologie und im militärischen Bereich.

  11. The Zinc-Responsive Regulator Zur Controls a Zinc Uptake System and Some Ribosomal Proteins in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)▿

    PubMed Central

    Shin, Jung-Ho; Oh, So-Young; Kim, Soon-Jong; Roe, Jung-Hye


    In various bacteria, Zur, a zinc-specific regulator of the Fur family, regulates genes for zinc transport systems to maintain zinc homeostasis. It has also been suggested that Zur controls zinc mobilization by regulating some ribosomal proteins. The antibiotic-producing soil bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor contains four genes for Fur family regulators, and one (named zur) is located downstream of the znuACB operon encoding a putative zinc uptake transporter. We found that zinc specifically repressed the level of znuA transcripts and that this level was derepressed in a Δzur mutant. Purified Zur existing as homodimers bound to the znuA promoter region in the presence of zinc, confirming the role of Zur as a zinc-responsive repressor. We analyzed transcripts for paralogous forms of ribosomal proteins L31 (RpmE1 and RpmE2) and L33 (RpmG2 and RpmG3) for their dependence on Zur and found that RpmE2 and RpmG2 with no zinc-binding motif of conserved cysteines (C's) were negatively regulated by Zur. C-negative RpmG3 and C-positive RpmE1 were not regulated by Zur. Instead, they were regulated by the sigma factor σR as predicted from their promoter sequences. The rpmE1 and rpmG3 genes were partially induced by EDTA in a manner dependent on σR, suggesting that zinc depletion may stimulate the σR regulatory system. This finding reflects a link between thiol-oxidizing stress and zinc depletion. We determined the Zur-binding sites within znuA and rpmG2 promoter regions by footprinting analyses and identified a consensus inverted repeat sequence (TGaaAatgatTttCA, where uppercase letters represent the nucleotides common to all sites analyzed). This sequence closely matches that for mycobacterial Zur and allows the prediction of more genes in the Zur regulon. PMID:17416659

  12. Molekulare Diagnostik von Hautinfektionen am Paraffinmaterial - Übersicht und interdisziplinärer Konsensus.


    Sunderkötter, Cord; Becker, Karsten; Kutzner, Heinz; Meyer, Thomas; Blödorn-Schlicht, Norbert; Reischl, Udo; Nenoff, Pietro; Geißdörfer, Walter; Gräser, Yvonne; Herrmann, Mathias; Kühn, Joachim; Bogdan, Christian


    Nukleinsäure-Amplifikations-Techniken (NAT), wie die PCR, sind hochsensitiv sowie selektiv und stellen in der mikrobiologischen Diagnostik wertvolle Ergänzungen zur kulturellen Anzucht und Serologie dar. Sie bergen aber gerade bei formalinfixiertem und in Paraffin eingebettetem Gewebe ein Risiko für sowohl falsch negative als auch falsch positive Resultate, welches nicht immer richtig eingeschätzt wird. Daher haben Vertreter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie (DGHM) und der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (DDG) einen Konsensus in Form einer Übersichtsarbeit erarbeitet, wann eine NAT am Paraffinschnitt angezeigt und sinnvoll ist und welche Punkte dabei in der Präanalytik und Befundinterpretation beachtet werden müssen. Da bei Verdacht auf eine Infektion grundsätzlich Nativgewebe genutzt werden soll, ist die PCR am Paraffinschnitt ein Sonderfall, wenn beispielsweise bei erst nachträglichaufgekommenem Verdacht auf eine Infektion kein Nativmaterial zur Verfügung steht und nicht mehr gewonnen werden kann. Mögliche Indikationen sind der histologisch erhobene Verdacht auf eine Leishmaniose, eine Infektion durch Bartonellen oder Rickettsien, oder ein Ecthyma contagiosum. Nicht sinnvoll ist oder kritisch gesehen wird eine NAT am Paraffinschnitt zum Beispiel bei Infektionen mit Mykobakterien oder RNA-Viren. Die Konstellation für eine NAT aus Paraffingewebe sollte jeweils benannt werden, die erforderliche Prä-Analytik, die jeweiligen Grenzen des Verfahrens und die diagnostischen Alternativen bekannt sein. Der PCR-Befund sollte entsprechend kommentiert werden, um Fehleinschätzungen zu vermeiden. © 2018 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. Investigations on Laminar Boundary-Layer Stability and Transition on Curved Boundaries

    DTIC Science & Technology


    an konkaven Wanden. G’.ottineer Nachrichten . Neue Folgo, 2, Nr. 1. Ii. Tollmien, W.: The Production of Turbulence. T.M. No. 609, NACA, 1931. 12...Schlichting, H.: Zur Entstehung der Turbulenz bei der Plattenstromung. GBttinger Nachrichten , M.P.K., pp. 181-208, 19_, und Bd. l, 1935. 13, . Taylor, G. I

  14. Evaluation of a regional real-time precise positioning system based on GPS/BeiDou observations in Australia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ding, Wenwu; Tan, Bingfeng; Chen, Yongchang; Teferle, Felix Norman; Yuan, Yunbin


    The performance of real-time (RT) precise positioning can be improved by utilizing observations from multiple Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) instead of one particular system. Since the end of 2012, BeiDou, independently established by China, began to provide operational services for users in the Asia-Pacific regions. In this study, a regional RT precise positioning system is developed to evaluate the performance of GPS/BeiDou observations in Australia in providing high precision positioning services for users. Fixing three hourly updated satellite orbits, RT correction messages are generated and broadcasted by processing RT observation/navigation data streams from the national network of GNSS Continuously Operating Reference Stations in Australia (AUSCORS) at the server side. At the user side, RT PPP is realized by processing RT data streams and the RT correction messages received. RT clock offsets, for which the accuracy reached 0.07 and 0.28 ns for GPS and BeiDou, respectively, can be determined. Based on these corrections, an accuracy of 12.2, 30.0 and 45.6 cm in the North, East and Up directions was achieved for the BeiDou-only solution after 30 min while the GPS-only solution reached 5.1, 15.3 and 15.5 cm for the same components at the same time. A further improvement of 43.7, 36.9 and 45.0 percent in the three directions, respectively, was achieved for the combined GPS/BeiDou solution. After the initialization process, the North, East and Up positioning accuracies were 5.2, 8.1 and 17.8 cm, respectively, for the BeiDou-only solution, while 1.5, 3.0, and 4.7 cm for the GPS-only solution. However, we only noticed a 20.9% improvement in the East direction was obtained for the GPS/BeiDou solution, while no improvements in the other directions were detected. It is expected that such improvements may become bigger with the increasing accuracy of the BeiDou-only solution.

  15. Precise Orbit Determination of BeiDou Navigation Satellite System

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    He, Lina; Ge, Maorong; Wang, Jiexian; Wickert, Jens; Schuh, Harald


    China has been developing its own independent satellite navigation system since decades. Now the COMPASS system, also known as BeiDou, is emerging and gaining more and more interest and attention in the worldwide GNSS communities. The current regional BeiDou system is ready for its operational service around the end of 2012 with a constellation including five Geostationary Earth Orbit satellites (GEO), five Inclined Geosynchronous Orbit satellites (IGSO) and four Medium Earth orbit (MEO) satellites in operation. Besides the open service with positioning accuracy of around 10m which is free to civilian users, both precise relative positioning, and precise point positioning are demonstrated as well. In order to enhance the BeiDou precise positioning service, Precise Orbit Determination (POD) which is essential of any satellite navigation system has been investigated and studied thoroughly. To further improving the orbits of different types of satellites, we study the impact of network coverage on POD data products by comparing results from tracking networks over the Chinese territory, Asian-Pacific, Asian and of global scale. Furthermore, we concentrate on the improvement of involving MEOs on the orbit quality of GEOs and IGSOs. POD with and without MEOs are undertaken and results are analyzed. Finally, integer ambiguity resolution which brings highly improvement on orbits and positions with GPS data is also carried out and its effect on POD data products is assessed and discussed in detail. Seven weeks of BeiDou data from a ground tracking network, deployed by Wuhan University is employed in this study. The test constellation includes four GEO, five IGSO and two MEO satellites in operation. The three-day solution approach is employed to enhance its strength due to the limited coverage of the tracking network and the small movement of most of the satellites. A number of tracking scenarios and processing schemas are identified and processed and overlapping orbit

  16. [Management of Pregnancy-Associated Venous Thromboembolism - Current Recommendations].


    Linnemann, Birgit


    Diagnostik in der Schwangerschaft  Studien belegen den hohen Stellenwert der Kompressionssonografie der Beinvenen plus Duplexsonografie der Beckenvenen in der Diagnostik der Becken- und Beinvenenthrombose auch bei Schwangeren. Perfusionsszintigrafie und CT-Angiografie der Pulmonalarterien sind bei vergleichbarer fötaler Strahlenbelastung gleich aussagekräftig. Aufgrund der mütterlichen Strahlenbelastung favorisieren aktuelle Leitlinien bei fehlender struktureller Lungenerkrankung die Perfusionsszintigrafie als primäre Bildgebung. Es gibt keinen Grund, einer Schwangeren mit Lungenembolieverdacht eine notwendige radiologische Diagnosesicherung vorzuenthalten. Antikoagulation in der Schwangerschaft  Heparine bleiben Antikoagulans der 1. Wahl bei der Behandlung der venöses Thromboembolien (VTE) in der Schwangerschaft. Neue orale Antikoagulantien (NOAK) sind aufgrund ihrer geringen Molekülgröße plazentagängig und daher in der Schwangerschaft kontraindiziert. Peripartales Vorgehen  Zur Minimierung des postpartalen Blutungsrisikos vor der Geburt ist in den letzten Wochen vor der Geburt eine Aufteilung der NMH-Injektion auf 2 Tagesdosen sinnvoll. Bei der Entbindung ist eine interdisziplinäre Abstimmung wichtig. Postpartal kann eine NMH-Therapie fortgesetzt oder Warfarin eingesetzt werden (Kein Phenprocoumon, da es in die Muttermilch übergeht).

  17. Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von Fumarsäureestern in Kombination mit Phototherapie bei Patienten mit moderater bis schwerer Plaque-Psoriasis (FAST).


    Weisenseel, Peter; Reich, Kristian; Griemberg, Wiebke; Merten, Katharina; Gröschel, Christine; Gomez, Natalie Nunez; Taipale, Kirsi; Bräu, Beate; Zschocke, Ina


    Die Behandlung von Psoriasis-Patienten mit einer Kombination aus Fumarsäureestern (FSE, Fumaderm ® ) und Phototherapie (UV) ist verbreitet, wurde aber im Rahmen von Studien wenig untersucht. Bisher liegen lediglich Daten aus einer kleinen Pilotstudie vor. Intention dieser Studie war, eine FSE/UV-Kombinationsbehandlung an einem größeren Patientenkollektiv mit mittelschwerer bis schwerer Psoriasis zu untersuchen. In dieser prospektiven, multizentrischen, nichtinterventionellen Studie wurden Daten von Patienten mit FSE/UV-Kombinationstherapie hinsichtlich der Wirksamkeit (PGA' PASI, DLQI, EQ-5D), Sicherheit und Dosierung über einen Zeitraum von zwölf Monaten erfasst und mit Daten einer retrospektiven Studie mit FSE-Monotherapie verglichen. Es wurden Daten von 363 Patienten ausgewertet. Unter der Kombinationstherapie verbesserten sich alle Wirksamkeitsparameter deutlich. Im Vergleich zur Monotherapie mit FSE konnte durch die Kombination mit UV ein schnellerer Wirkeintritt erzielt werden, wobei nach zwölf Monaten kein Unterschied in der Wirksamkeit bestand. Die Dauer und Art der Phototherapie zeigte keinen Einfluss auf die Wirksamkeitsparameter. Allgemein wurde die Kombinationstherapie gut vertragen. Unerwünschte Ereignisse wurden bei 7 % der Patienten berichtet. Die FSE/UV Kombinationstherapie zeigt eine gute Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit und kann zu einem schnelleren Wirkeintritt führen. Eine Kombinationstherapie erscheint vor allem in den ersten drei Monaten der FSE Behandlung sinnvoll. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. Strahlungsfeldbedingungen bei der Ionisationsdosimetrie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Krieger, Hanno

    Bei der Dosimetrie von Photonenstrahlungen mit luftgefüllten Ionisationskammern werden in diesem Kapitel zwei Grenzfälle unterschieden. Der eine Fall ist die Bedingung des so genannten Sekundärelektronengleichwichts im Kammervolumen. In diesem Fall bestimmen ausschließlich die Photonen im Messvolumen die dosimetrische Anzeige. Der zweite Grenzfall ist gegeben, wenn das Luftvolumen und die Kammer das Strahlungsfeld im Phantom so wenig stören, dass der Sekundärelektronenfluss unverändert bleibt. Diese Bedingungen nennt man BRAGG-GRAY-Bedingungen. Beide Grenzfälle sind in der Praxis nur näherungsweise zu verwirklichen. Abweichungen müssen durch entsprechende Korrekturen oder Kalibrierungen berücksichtigt werden.

  19. Craniota, Wirbel- oder Schädeltiere

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schultze, Hans-Peter

    Zu den Craniota zählen alle Chordatiere, die eine dreiteilige Regionalisierung des Körpers in Kopf, Rumpf und Schwanz aufweisen. Der Kopf umfasst (1) das Neurocranium mit Gehirn und komplexen Sinnesorganen zur Wahrnehmung der Umgebung, (2) das Viscerocranium zur Nahrungsaufnahme und zur Ventilation der Kiemen bei den primär wasserlebenden Craniota und (3) das Dermatocranium (S. 38). Letzteres entsteht durch Verknöcherungen im Bindegewebe des Integuments, es dient dem Schutz des Kopfes und trägt im Mundbreich die Zähne. Zusammen bilden die drei Skelettstrukturen die funktionelle Einheit Schädel (Cranium). Außer der (somatischen) Rumpfmuskulatur und dem Axialskelett liegen im Rumpf Kreislauf-, Atmungs-, Verdauungs-, Exkretions- und Fortpflanzungsorgane. Der Schwanz, der Abschnitt hinter der Afteröffnung, die das Ende der Leibeshöhle markiert, dient mit Muskeln und Schwanzflosse der Fortbewegung.

  20. Grundlagen und Grundbegriffe der Messtechnik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Plaßmann, Wilfried

    Es ist eine wesentliche Aufgabe der Messtechnik, technische Vorgänge quantitativ zu erfassen und anhand der gemessenen Größen Funktionsabläufe zu steuern. Als Beispiel sei ein Kraftwerk zur Energieerzeugung genannt, bei dem nur über die Messung von Temperaturen, Leistungen, Drücken und anderen Größen Aussagen über den momentanen Zustand möglich sind und bei Abweichungen vom Sollwert geeignete Eingriffe in das System erfolgen können. Damit eine eindeutige Kommunikation möglich wird, sind die in der Messtechnik verwendeten Begriffe, Messverfahren und Maßeinheiten in entsprechenden Normen oder Vorschriften festgelegt.

  1. Bacillus licheniformis Contains Two More PerR-Like Proteins in Addition to PerR, Fur, and Zur Orthologues

    PubMed Central

    Ju, Shin-Yeong; Yang, Yoon-Mo; Ryu, Su-Hyun; Kwon, Yumi; Won, Young-Bin; Lee, Yeh-Eun; Youn, Hwan; Lee, Jin-Won


    The ferric uptake regulator (Fur) family proteins include sensors of Fe (Fur), Zn (Zur), and peroxide (PerR). Among Fur family proteins, Fur and Zur are ubiquitous in most prokaryotic organisms, whereas PerR exists mainly in Gram positive bacteria as a functional homologue of OxyR. Gram positive bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis, Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus encode three Fur family proteins: Fur, Zur, and PerR. In this study, we identified five Fur family proteins from B. licheniformis: two novel PerR-like proteins (BL00690 and BL00950) in addition to Fur (BL05249), Zur (BL03703), and PerR (BL00075) homologues. Our data indicate that all of the five B. licheniformis Fur homologues contain a structural Zn2+ site composed of four cysteine residues like many other Fur family proteins. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the PerR-like proteins (BL00690 and BL00950) as well as PerRBL (BL00075), but not FurBL (BL05249) and ZurBL (BL03703), can sense H2O2 by histidine oxidation with different sensitivity. We also show that PerR2 (BL00690) has a PerR-like repressor activity for PerR-regulated genes in vivo. Taken together, our results suggest that B. licheniformis contains three PerR subfamily proteins which can sense H2O2 by histidine oxidation not by cysteine oxidation, in addition to Fur and Zur. PMID:27176811

  2. Improving BeiDou real-time precise point positioning with numerical weather models

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lu, Cuixian; Li, Xingxing; Zus, Florian; Heinkelmann, Robert; Dick, Galina; Ge, Maorong; Wickert, Jens; Schuh, Harald


    Precise positioning with the current Chinese BeiDou Navigation Satellite System is proven to be of comparable accuracy to the Global Positioning System, which is at centimeter level for the horizontal components and sub-decimeter level for the vertical component. But the BeiDou precise point positioning (PPP) shows its limitation in requiring a relatively long convergence time. In this study, we develop a numerical weather model (NWM) augmented PPP processing algorithm to improve BeiDou precise positioning. Tropospheric delay parameters, i.e., zenith delays, mapping functions, and horizontal delay gradients, derived from short-range forecasts from the Global Forecast System of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) are applied into BeiDou real-time PPP. Observational data from stations that are capable of tracking the BeiDou constellation from the International GNSS Service (IGS) Multi-GNSS Experiments network are processed, with the introduced NWM-augmented PPP and the standard PPP processing. The accuracy of tropospheric delays derived from NCEP is assessed against with the IGS final tropospheric delay products. The positioning results show that an improvement in convergence time up to 60.0 and 66.7% for the east and vertical components, respectively, can be achieved with the NWM-augmented PPP solution compared to the standard PPP solutions, while only slight improvement in the solution convergence can be found for the north component. A positioning accuracy of 5.7 and 5.9 cm for the east component is achieved with the standard PPP that estimates gradients and the one that estimates no gradients, respectively, in comparison to 3.5 cm of the NWM-augmented PPP, showing an improvement of 38.6 and 40.1%. Compared to the accuracy of 3.7 and 4.1 cm for the north component derived from the two standard PPP solutions, the one of the NWM-augmented PPP solution is improved to 2.0 cm, by about 45.9 and 51.2%. The positioning accuracy for the up component

  3. Chirurgie angeborener Herzfehler

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schreiber, Christian; Libera, Paul; Lange, Rüdiger

    Störungen der embryonalen Entwicklung in der frühen Phase der Schwangerschaft können zu Fehlbildungen am Herz- und Gefäßsystem führen. Die Häufigkeit liegt bei 0.8-1 % aller lebend geborenen Kinder. In Deutschland werden jedes Jahr etwa 6.000 Kinder mit einem Herzfehler geboren (Quelle: Das Spektrum reicht von einfachen Fehlern, die das Herz-Kreislauf-System wenig beeinträchtigen, bis zu sehr schweren Herzerkrankungen, die unbehandelt zum Tode führen. Fortschritte der Kinderkardiologie, Herzchirurgie und Anästhesie ermöglichen heute ein Überleben bei über 90 % der Patienten. Auch die spezialisierte Pränataldiagnostik (vorgeburtliche Diagnostik) ermöglicht schon die frühe Weichenstellung für mögliche Therapieoptionen. Bei der chirurgischen Therapie ist jedoch festzuhalten, dass ein Herzfehler entweder korrigierend behandelt wird oder nur "palliiert“ werden kann. Bei letzterer Therapie wird bei einem Patienten eine medizinische Maßnahme durchgeführt, die nicht die Herstellung normaler Körperfunktionen zum Ziel hat, sondern in Anpassung an die physiologischen Besonderheiten des Patienten dessen Zustand lediglich stabilisiert und optimiert. Dies kann beispielsweise bei einer nicht korrigierbaren angeborenen Fehlbildung notwendig sein, bei der lediglich eine funktionelle Herzkammer vorhanden ist (z. B. hypoplastisches Linksherz). Hierbei muss eine prothetische Verbindung zur Lungenstrombahn in der Folgezeit entfernt werden.

  4. An accurate Kriging-based regional ionospheric model using combined GPS/BeiDou observations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Abdelazeem, Mohamed; Çelik, Rahmi N.; El-Rabbany, Ahmed


    In this study, we propose a regional ionospheric model (RIM) based on both of the GPS-only and the combined GPS/BeiDou observations for single-frequency precise point positioning (SF-PPP) users in Europe. GPS/BeiDou observations from 16 reference stations are processed in the zero-difference mode. A least-squares algorithm is developed to determine the vertical total electron content (VTEC) bi-linear function parameters for a 15-minute time interval. The Kriging interpolation method is used to estimate the VTEC values at a 1 ° × 1 ° grid. The resulting RIMs are validated for PPP applications using GNSS observations from another set of stations. The SF-PPP accuracy and convergence time obtained through the proposed RIMs are computed and compared with those obtained through the international GNSS service global ionospheric maps (IGS-GIM). The results show that the RIMs speed up the convergence time and enhance the overall positioning accuracy in comparison with the IGS-GIM model, particularly the combined GPS/BeiDou-based model.

  5. Probleme bei der Digitalisierung analoger Messwerte

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Plaßmann, Wilfried

    Messwerte liegen häufig in analoger Form als Spannungswerte vor. Sie werden in eine digital kodierte Form umgesetzt, wenn eine (nahezu) fehlerfreie Übertragung erforderlich ist, wenn Signalverläufe gespeichert werden sollen, wenn eine Weiterverarbeitung erfolgen soll oder wenn Messungen mit sehr geringem Messfehler notwendig sind. Hier soll auf einige Probleme, die durch die Umsetzung entstehen, aus messtechnischer Sicht eingegangen werden. Stichworte: Fehler bei der Digitalisierung; Signal-Quantisierungsgeräusch-Abstand; Verbesserung des Signal-Rausch-Verhältnisses; Abtast-Halte-Glied; Aliasing; Erfassung von Momentanwerten.

  6. A new empirical solar radiation pressure model for BeiDou GEO satellites

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, Junhong; Gu, Defeng; Ju, Bing; Shen, Zhen; Lai, Yuwang; Yi, Dongyun


    Two classic empirical solar radiation pressure (SRP) models, the Extended Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) Orbit Model ECOM 5 and ECOM 9 have been widely used for Global Positioning System (GPS) Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites precise orbit determination (POD). However, these two models are not suitable for BeiDou Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites due to their special attitude control mode. With the experimental design method this paper proposes a new empirical SRP model for BeiDou GEO satellites, which is featured by three constant terms in DYX directions, two sine terms in DX directions and one cosine term in the Y direction. It is the first time to reveal that the periodic terms in the D direction are more important than those in YX directions for BeiDou GEO satellites. Compared with ECOM 5 and ECOM 9, the BeiDou GEO satellite orbits are significantly stabilized with the new SRP force model. The average orbit overlapping root mean square (RMS) achieved by the proposed model is 7.5 cm in the radial component, which is evidently improved over those of 37.4 and 13.2 cm for ECOM 5 and ECOM 9, respectively. In addition, the correlation coefficients between GEO orbit overlaps precision and the elevation angle of the Sun have been decreased to -0.12, 0.21, and -0.03 in radial, along-track and cross-track components by using the proposed model, while they are -0.94, -0.79 and -0.29 for ECOM 5 and -0.70, 0.21 and 0.10 for ECOM 9. Moreover, the standard deviation (STD) of Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) data residuals for the GEO satellite C01 is reduced by 37.4% and 16.1% compared with those of ECOM 5 and ECOM 9 SRP models.

  7. Prognostischer Wert der Fläche und Dichte von Lymphgefäßen bei kutanem Plattenepithelkarzinom.


    Krediet, Jorien Tannette; Kanitakis, Jean; Bob, Adrienne; Schmitter, Julia; Carine Krediet, Annelot; Röwert, Joachim; Stockfleth, Eggert; Painsi, Clemens; Hügel, Rainer; Terhorst, Dorothea; Lange-Asschenfeldt, Bernhard


    Kutane Plattenepithelkarzinome (SCC) sind bekannt für ihre Fähigkeit, über Lymphgefäße zu metastasieren. In neueren Studien wird das Ausmaß der Lymphangiogenese als möglicher prognostischer Faktor bei einigen Hauttumoren genannt. Ziel dieser Studie war die Quantifizierung der Lymphangiogenese bei SCC entweder durch computergestützte Bildanalyse oder mithilfe der Zählmethode nach Chalkley. Gefäßparameter wurden im Hinblick auf ihre Vorhersagekraft für die Bildung von Tumormetastasen beurteilt und verglichen. In dieser Fallkontrollstudie wurden die klinischen und histologischen Daten von jeweils 15 SCC-Patienten mit bzw. ohne Metastasen retrospektiv analysiert. In den SCC-Proben wurde der für das Lymphendothel spezifische Marker D2-40 und der pan-vaskuläre Marker CD31 immunhistochemisch angefärbt und durch computergestützte morphometrische Bildanalyse in Hotspots sowie mithilfe der digitalisierten Zählmethode nach Chalkley analysiert. Die Dichte von Lymphgefäßen, die relative Lymphgefäßfläche und die mit der Chalkley-Methode ermittelte Zahl an Lymphgefäßen (Chalkley-Count) waren bei metastasierten SCC signifikant erhöht. Die Tumordicke war bei metastasierten SCC signifikant höher und besaß die höchste Vorhersagekraft für eine Metastasierung. Die Tumordicke war ein signifikanter Prädiktor für Lymphangiogeneseparameter. Die Lymphangiogenese ist bei metastasierten SCC erhöht, doch ihr Ausmaß wird von der Tumordicke beeinflusst. Die Tumordicke bildet weiterhin den zuverlässigsten prädiktiven Faktor für die Metastasierung. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. Der Einfluss von Alitretinoin auf die Lebensqualität bei Patienten mit schwerem chronischen Handekzem: FUGETTA - Beobachtungsstudie unter Praxisbedingungen.


    Augustin, Matthias; Thaçi, Diamant; Kamps, Anja


    Alitretinoin ist die einzige zugelassene Behandlung für schweres chronisches Handekzem (CHE), das refraktär gegenüber potenten topischen Corticosteroiden ist. Bei dieser Studie (FUGETTA) wurde die Wirksamkeit von leitliniengerecht angewendetem oralem Alitretinoin sowie dessen Einfluss auf die Lebensqualität (LQ) bei Patienten mit schwerem refraktärem CHE beurteilt. Multizentrische, offene, nichtinterventionelle Beobachtungsstudie, durchgeführt in Deutschland. Die Patienten wurden nach Ermessen ihres behandelnden Arztes mit Alitretinoin 10 mg oder 30 mg einmal täglich über maximal 24 Wochen behandelt. Die Wirksamkeit wurde anhand des Physician Global Assessment (PGA) und des Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) bewertet. Zudem wurden unerwünschte Ereignisse (UE) erfasst. Die Studienpopulation bestand aus 658 Patienten (30 mg: n = 581; 10 mg: n = 77). Bei Beobachtungsbeginn litten die meisten Patienten (83 %) gemäß PGA an einem schweren CHE. Bei Beobachtungsende war das Handekzem bei 48 % der Patienten gemäß PGA vollständig oder fast vollständig abgeheilt (30 mg: 49 %; 10 mg: 43 %). Die mittlere Verbesserung des DLQI-Scores in Woche 24 betrug 58 % (30 mg: mittlere [SD] Veränderung gegenüber dem Ausgangswert -10,4 [8,04]) und 70 % (10 mg: mittlere [SD] Veränderung gegenüber dem Ausgangswert -10,8 [7,29]). Die Gesamtinzidenz von NW war niedrig und in den beiden Gruppen ähnlich. Alitretinoin führte zu einer schnellen, deutlichen Verbesserung der LQ bei Patienten mit schwerem CHE. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Retrospektive Analyse von Zufallsbefunden, die bei Patienten mit kutanem malignen Malignom durch (18) F-Fluordeoxyglucose-PET/CT erhoben wurden.


    Conrad, Franziska; Winkens, Thomas; Kaatz, Martin; Goetze, Steven; Freesmeyer, Martin


    Bei der (18) F-Fluordeoxyglucose-Positronenemissionstomographie/Computertomographie (FDG-PET/CT) ergeben sich häufig Zufallsbefunde. In der vorliegenden Studie konzentrierten wir uns auf mittels FDG-PET/CT erhaltene Zufallsbefunde bei Patienten mit kutanem Melanom und überprüften deren Relevanz hinsichtlich weiterer diagnostischer Maßnahmen und Interventionen. Die Krankenakten von 181 konsekutiven Melanom-Patienten wurden retrospektiv ausgewertet, um das Management von Zufallsbefunden zu dokumentieren. Der Schwerpunkt lag dabei auf den histologischen Befunden. Bei 33 von 181 (18 %) Patienten lagen 39 relevante Zufallsbefunde vor, und zwar im Kolorektalbereich (n = 15 Patienten), in der Schilddrüse (n = 8), der Prostata (n = 2), dem Bewegungsapparat (n = 2), in Lymphknoten (n = 2), der Parotis (n = 1), den Mandeln (n = 1), den Nieren (n = 1) und der Gallenblase (n = 1). Bei 25 Patienten schlossen sich weitere diagnostische Verfahren an, wobei in 21 Fällen ein klinisches Korrelat nachgewiesen wurde. Bei 16 von 21 Patienten ergab sich eine Neoplasie, darunter fünf maligne Läsionen (vier Kolonkarzinome und ein Prostatakarzinom). Die Malignome wurden frühzeitig diagnostiziert und in der Mehrzahl der Fälle erfolgreich entfernt. Der Einsatz der FDG-PET/CT als Routine-Diagnostik wird in den Leitlinien empfohlen und ist indiziert bei malignem Melanom ab Stadium IIC. In dieser Studie wurden auf effektive Weise ansonsten nicht erkannte Krebserkrankungen, insbesondere Kolonkarzinome, detektiert. In den meisten Fällen war eine frühe Intervention möglich. Zufallsbefunde durch FDG-PET/CT sollten, unter Berücksichtigung des Zustands und der Wünsche des Patienten, mit den geeigneten diagnostischen Maßnahmen abgeklärt werden. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. A Modified Differential Coherent Bit Synchronization Algorithm for BeiDou Weak Signals with Large Frequency Deviation.


    Han, Zhifeng; Liu, Jianye; Li, Rongbing; Zeng, Qinghua; Wang, Yi


    BeiDou system navigation messages are modulated with a secondary NH (Neumann-Hoffman) code of 1 kbps, where frequent bit transitions limit the coherent integration time to 1 millisecond. Therefore, a bit synchronization algorithm is necessary to obtain bit edges and NH code phases. In order to realize bit synchronization for BeiDou weak signals with large frequency deviation, a bit synchronization algorithm based on differential coherent and maximum likelihood is proposed. Firstly, a differential coherent approach is used to remove the effect of frequency deviation, and the differential delay time is set to be a multiple of bit cycle to remove the influence of NH code. Secondly, the maximum likelihood function detection is used to improve the detection probability of weak signals. Finally, Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to analyze the detection performance of the proposed algorithm compared with a traditional algorithm under the CN0s of 20~40 dB-Hz and different frequency deviations. The results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the traditional method with a frequency deviation of 50 Hz. This algorithm can remove the effect of BeiDou NH code effectively and weaken the influence of frequency deviation. To confirm the feasibility of the proposed algorithm, real data tests are conducted. The proposed algorithm is suitable for BeiDou weak signal bit synchronization with large frequency deviation.

  11. Comparison of selective staining of fungi in paraffin sections by light microscopy, SEM and BEI

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Berman, E.L.; Laudate, A.; Carter, H.W.

    Paraffin-embedded sections from human tissues with fungi or organisms classified with fungi were studied by light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the backscatter electron imaging (BEI) mode of the SEM. The fungal organisms selected for study were those familiar to the pathologist on the basis of their appearance in paraffin-embedded material stained with the Gomori-Grocott Chromic Acid Methenamine Silver Stain (GMS). The organisms were Actinomyces, Rhizopus, Cryptococcus, Histoplasma capsulatum, and Coccidia imitis. Sections were stained with the GMS Stain and/or the Becker modification of the GMS Stain (BGMS) and examined in the secondary electron imaging mode (SEI) andmore » BEI mode with an annular backscatter electron detector. This silver staining technique accentuated the wall of fungal organisms, in the backscatter mode. Depending on the fungal organism and type of silver stain employed, the GMS seemed the preferable stain. The advantages of SEM over LM were greater depth of focus and potential range of magnifications. BEI may also be used in conjunction with LM stain for microorganisms to establish their presence.« less

  12. Kompressionstherapie bei Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum.


    Dissemond, Joachim; Assenheimer, Bernd; Bültemann, Anke; Gerber, Veronika; Gretener, Silvia; Kohler-von Siebenthal, Elisabeth; Koller, Sonja; Kröger, Knut; Kurz, Peter; Läuchli, Severin; Münter, Christian; Panfil, Eva-Maria; Probst, Sebastian; Protz, Kerstin; Riepe, Gunnar; Strohal, Robert; Traber, Jürg; Partsch, Hugo


    Wund-D.A.CH. ist der Dachverband deutschsprachiger Fachgesellschaften, die sich mit den Thematiken der Wundbehandlung beschäftigen. Experten verschiedener Fachgesellschaften aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz haben nun einen aktuellen Konsens der Kompressionstherapie für Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum erstellt. In Europa ist das Ulcus cruris venosum eine der häufigsten Ursachen für chronische Wunden. Neben der konservativen und interventionellen Wund- und Venentherapie, ist die Kompressionstherapie die Basis der Behandlungsstrategien. Die Kompressionstherapie kann heute mit sehr unterschiedlichen Materialien und Systemen durchgeführt werden. Während in der Entstauungsphase insbesondere Verbände mit Kurzzugbinden oder Mehrkomponentensysteme zur Anwendung kommen, sind es anschließend überwiegend Ulkus-Strumpfsysteme. Eine weitere, bislang wenig verbreitete Alternative sind adaptive Kompressionsbandagen. Insbesondere für die Rezidivprophylaxe werden medizinische Kompressionsstrümpfe empfohlen. Durch die Vielzahl der heute zur Verfügung stehenden Behandlungsoptionen, kann für nahezu alle Patienten ein Konzept entwickelt werden, dass sich an den individuellen Bedürfnissen und Fähigkeiten orientiert und daher auch akzeptiert und durchgeführt wird. Die Kompressionstherapie ist für die Behandlung von Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum essentiell. In den letzten Jahren sind viele verschiedene Therapieoptionen verfügbar, die in den deutschsprachigen Ländern unterschiedlich angewendet oder durchgeführt werden. Daher soll dieser Expertenkonsens dazu beitragen, konkrete Empfehlungen für die praktische Durchführung der Kompressionstherapie von Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum darzustellen. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. A new analytical solar radiation pressure model for current BeiDou satellites: IGGBSPM

    PubMed Central

    Tan, Bingfeng; Yuan, Yunbin; Zhang, Baocheng; Hsu, Hou Ze; Ou, Jikun


    An analytical solar radiation pressure (SRP) model, IGGBSPM (an abbreviation for Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics BeiDou Solar Pressure Model), has been developed for three BeiDou satellite types, namely, geostationary orbit (GEO), inclined geosynchronous orbit (IGSO) and medium earth orbit (MEO), based on a ray-tracing method. The performance of IGGBSPM was assessed based on numerical integration, SLR residuals and analyses of empirical SRP parameters (except overlap computations). The numerical results show that the integrated orbit resulting from IGGBSPM differs from the precise ephemerides by approximately 5 m and 2 m for GEO and non-GEO satellites, respectively. Moreover, when IGGBSPM is used as an a priori model to enhance the ECOM (5-parameter) model with stochastic pulses, named ECOM + APR, for precise orbit determination, the SLR RMS residual improves by approximately 20–25 percent over the ECOM-only solution during the yaw-steering period and by approximately 40 percent during the yaw-fixed period. For the BeiDou GEO01 satellite, improvements of 18 and 32 percent can be achieved during the out-of-eclipse season and during the eclipse season, respectively. An investigation of the estimated ECOM D0 parameters indicated that the β-angle dependence that is evident in the ECOM-only solution is no longer present in the ECOM + APR solution. PMID:27595795

  14. A new analytical solar radiation pressure model for current BeiDou satellites: IGGBSPM.


    Tan, Bingfeng; Yuan, Yunbin; Zhang, Baocheng; Hsu, Hou Ze; Ou, Jikun


    An analytical solar radiation pressure (SRP) model, IGGBSPM (an abbreviation for Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics BeiDou Solar Pressure Model), has been developed for three BeiDou satellite types, namely, geostationary orbit (GEO), inclined geosynchronous orbit (IGSO) and medium earth orbit (MEO), based on a ray-tracing method. The performance of IGGBSPM was assessed based on numerical integration, SLR residuals and analyses of empirical SRP parameters (except overlap computations). The numerical results show that the integrated orbit resulting from IGGBSPM differs from the precise ephemerides by approximately 5 m and 2 m for GEO and non-GEO satellites, respectively. Moreover, when IGGBSPM is used as an a priori model to enhance the ECOM (5-parameter) model with stochastic pulses, named ECOM + APR, for precise orbit determination, the SLR RMS residual improves by approximately 20-25 percent over the ECOM-only solution during the yaw-steering period and by approximately 40 percent during the yaw-fixed period. For the BeiDou GEO01 satellite, improvements of 18 and 32 percent can be achieved during the out-of-eclipse season and during the eclipse season, respectively. An investigation of the estimated ECOM D0 parameters indicated that the β-angle dependence that is evident in the ECOM-only solution is no longer present in the ECOM + APR solution.

  15. Accuracy and reliability of multi-GNSS real-time precise positioning: GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, and Galileo

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Xingxing; Ge, Maorong; Dai, Xiaolei; Ren, Xiaodong; Fritsche, Mathias; Wickert, Jens; Schuh, Harald


    In this contribution, we present a GPS+GLONASS+BeiDou+Galileo four-system model to fully exploit the observations of all these four navigation satellite systems for real-time precise orbit determination, clock estimation and positioning. A rigorous multi-GNSS analysis is performed to achieve the best possible consistency by processing the observations from different GNSS together in one common parameter estimation procedure. Meanwhile, an efficient multi-GNSS real-time precise positioning service system is designed and demonstrated by using the multi-GNSS Experiment, BeiDou Experimental Tracking Network, and International GNSS Service networks including stations all over the world. The statistical analysis of the 6-h predicted orbits show that the radial and cross root mean square (RMS) values are smaller than 10 cm for BeiDou and Galileo, and smaller than 5 cm for both GLONASS and GPS satellites, respectively. The RMS values of the clock differences between real-time and batch-processed solutions for GPS satellites are about 0.10 ns, while the RMS values for BeiDou, Galileo and GLONASS are 0.13, 0.13 and 0.14 ns, respectively. The addition of the BeiDou, Galileo and GLONASS systems to the standard GPS-only processing, reduces the convergence time almost by 70 %, while the positioning accuracy is improved by about 25 %. Some outliers in the GPS-only solutions vanish when multi-GNSS observations are processed simultaneous. The availability and reliability of GPS precise positioning decrease dramatically as the elevation cutoff increases. However, the accuracy of multi-GNSS precise point positioning (PPP) is hardly decreased and few centimeter are still achievable in the horizontal components even with 40 elevation cutoff. At 30 and 40 elevation cutoffs, the availability rates of GPS-only solution drop significantly to only around 70 and 40 %, respectively. However, multi-GNSS PPP can provide precise position estimates continuously (availability rate is more than 99

  16. Experimental Study on the Precise Orbit Determination of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System

    PubMed Central

    He, Lina; Ge, Maorong; Wang, Jiexian; Wickert, Jens; Schuh, Harald


    The regional service of the Chinese BeiDou satellite navigation system is now in operation with a constellation including five Geostationary Earth Orbit satellites (GEO), five Inclined Geosynchronous Orbit (IGSO) satellites and four Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites. Besides the standard positioning service with positioning accuracy of about 10 m, both precise relative positioning and precise point positioning are already demonstrated. As is well known, precise orbit and clock determination is essential in enhancing precise positioning services. To improve the satellite orbits of the BeiDou regional system, we concentrate on the impact of the tracking geometry and the involvement of MEOs, and on the effect of integer ambiguity resolution as well. About seven weeks of data collected at the BeiDou Experimental Test Service (BETS) network is employed in this experimental study. Several tracking scenarios are defined, various processing schemata are designed and carried out; and then, the estimates are compared and analyzed in detail. The results show that GEO orbits, especially the along-track component, can be significantly improved by extending the tracking network in China along longitude direction, whereas IGSOs gain more improvement if the tracking network extends in latitude. The involvement of MEOs and ambiguity-fixing also make the orbits better. PMID:23529116

  17. Experimental study on the precise orbit determination of the BeiDou navigation satellite system.


    He, Lina; Ge, Maorong; Wang, Jiexian; Wickert, Jens; Schuh, Harald


    The regional service of the Chinese BeiDou satellite navigation system is now in operation with a constellation including five Geostationary Earth Orbit satellites (GEO), five Inclined Geosynchronous Orbit (IGSO) satellites and four Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites. Besides the standard positioning service with positioning accuracy of about 10 m, both precise relative positioning and precise point positioning are already demonstrated. As is well known, precise orbit and clock determination is essential in enhancing precise positioning services. To improve the satellite orbits of the BeiDou regional system, we concentrate on the impact of the tracking geometry and the involvement of MEOs, and on the effect of integer ambiguity resolution as well. About seven weeks of data collected at the BeiDou Experimental Test Service (BETS) network is employed in this experimental study. Several tracking scenarios are defined, various processing schemata are designed and carried out; and then, the estimates are compared and analyzed in detail. The results show that GEO orbits, especially the along-track component, can be significantly improved by extending the tracking network in China along longitude direction, whereas IGSOs gain more improvement if the tracking network extends in latitude. The involvement of MEOs and ambiguity-fixing also make the orbits better.

  18. Spitznävi: unterschiedliche klinische, dermatoskopische und histopathologische Merkmale in der Kindheit.


    Dika, Emi; Neri, Iria; Fanti, Pier Alessandro; Barisani, Alessia; Ravaioli, Giulia Maria; Patrizi, Annalisa


    Die Charakterisierung der klinischen Merkmale und des biologischen Potenzials von Spitznävi hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten breites Interesse gefunden. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Beschreibung der klinischen und dermatoskopischen Merkmale von Spitznävi sowie des klinischen Ergebnisses nach chirurgischer Exzision von Spitznävi in drei pädiatrischen Altersgruppen. Restrospektive Studie zur Analyse von klinischen Merkmalen, videodermatoskopischen Bildern, histopathologischen Diagnosen und Behandlungsergebnissen. Der Grad der Pigmentierung wurde sowohl klinisch als auch histopathologisch beurteilt. Bei 71 Patienten wurden 72 spitzoide Neoplasien entfernt. Videodermatologische Bilder lagen für 41 Patienten vor. Das Muster der Pigmentierung korrelierte signifikant mit dem Alter der Patienten: Hyperpigmentierte Läsionen waren bei Vorschulkindern selten, bei Patienten von 7 bis 12 Jahren und ab 13 Jahren dagegen häufiger. Eine histopathologische Diagnose von atypischen Spitznävi wurde selten durchgeführt. Keiner der Patienten, bei denen ursprünglich ein atypischer Spitznävus diagnostiziert worden war, entwickelte ein Lokalrezidiv oder Metastasen während der anschließenden Nachbeobachtung. Pigmentierte Spitznävi traten im Alter ab 13 Jahren häufiger auf. Die Studie bestätigt andere Berichte über die Altersverteilung von Pigmentierungsmustern und hebt die geringe Anzahl atypischer Spitznävi bei pädiatrischen Patienten hervor sowie das Ausbleiben von Rezidiven bei der langfristigen Nachbeobachtung. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Implications of the Khrgian-Mazin Distribution Function for Water Clouds and Distribution Consistencies With Aerosols and Rain

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Preprints 14th Radar Meteorology Conf. Tucson, Amer. Meteor. Soc. 413-418. Findeisen , W. (1932) Measurement of the size and number of cloud drops for of coagulation in non-homogeneous clouds. Gerl. Beitr. z Geophys. 35:295-340. Findeisen , W. (1938) Die kolloid-meteorologischen vorgtnge bei...der nieder-schlagsbildung. Meteor. Z. 55:12 1-135. Findeisen , W. (1939) Zur Frage der Regentropfenbildung in reinen Wasserwolken. Meteor. Z. 56:365-368

  20. Kamera-basierte Erkennung von Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkungen auf deutschen Straen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nienhüser, Dennis; Ziegenmeyer, Marco; Gumpp, Thomas; Scholl, Kay-Ulrich; Zöllner, J. Marius; Dillmann, Rüdiger

    An Fahrerassistenzsysteme im industriellen Einsatz werden hohe Anforderungen bezüglich Zuverlässigkeit und Robustheit gestellt. In dieser Arbeit wird die Kombination robuster Verfahren wie der Hough-Transformation und Support-Vektor-Maschinen zu einem Gesamtsystem zur Erkennung von Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkungen beschrieben. Es setzt eine Farbvideokamera als Sensorik ein. Die Evaluation auf Testdaten bestätigt durch die ermittelte hohe Korrektklassifikationsrate bei gleichzeitig geringer Zahl Fehlalarme die Zuverlässigkeit des Systems.

  1. Effective pressure law for permeability of E-bei sandstones

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, M.; Bernabé, Y.; Xiao, W.-I.; Chen, Z.-Y.; Liu, Z.-Q.


    Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the effective pressure law for permeability of tight sandstone rocks from the E-bei gas reservoir, China. The permeability k of five core samples was measured while cycling the confining pressure pc and fluid pressure pf. The permeability data were analyzed using the response-surface method, a statistical model-building approach yielding a representation of k in (pc, pf) space that can be used to determine the effective pressure law, i.e., peff = pc - κpf. The results show that the coefficient κ of the effective pressure law for permeability varies with confining pressure and fluid pressure as well as with the loading or unloading cycles (i.e., hysteresis effect). Moreover, κ took very small values in some of the samples, even possibly lower than the value of porosity, in contradiction with a well-accepted theoretical model. We also reanalyzed a previously published permeability data set on fissured crystalline rocks and found again that the κ varies with pc but did not observe κ values lower than 0.4, a value much larger than porosity. Analysis of the dependence of permeability on effective pressure suggests that the occurrence of low κ values may be linked to the high-pressure sensitivity of E-bei sandstones.

  2. Teaching Pablo Neruda and Bei Dao: The Lens of Leaving.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lichtenstein, Amanda Leigh


    Explains how the author invites young poets to tromp through the landscape of their minds in search of all things broken by using two of her favorite poems: Pablo Neruda's "Ode to Broken Things" and Bei Dao's "Comet." Outlines how the students write their own poems dealing with loss. Notes that for poets, a heap of broken images becomes an immense…

  3. Kombinierte Hoch-/Niedrig-Dosis-Therapie mit systemischen Glukokor-tikoiden bei schweren Verlaufsformen der Alopecia areata im Kindesalter.


    Jahn-Bassler, Karin; Bauer, Wolfgang Michael; Karlhofer, Franz; Vossen, Matthias G; Stingl, Georg


    Schwere Verlaufsformen der Alopecia areata (AA) im Kindesalter sind aufgrund limitierter Optionen therapeutisch herausfordernd. Systemische, hochdosierte Glukokortikoide weisen die schnellste Ansprechrate auf, nach dem Absetzen kommt es allerdings zu Rezidiven. Eine längerfristige Hochdosis-Anwendung ist aufgrund der zu erwartenden Nebenwirkungen nicht empfehlenswert. Eine dauerhafte Steroiderhaltungstherapie unterhalb der Cushing-Schwellen-Dosis nach Bolustherapie könnte die Krankheitsaktivität ohne Nebenwirkungen längerfristig unterdrücken. Im Rahmen einer offenen Anwendungsbeobachtung wurden 13 Kinder mit schweren Formen der AA in diese Studie eingeschlossen. Bei sieben Kindern lag eine AA totalis/universalis vor, bei sechs eine multifokale AA mit Befall von mehr als 50 % der Kopfhaut. Das Therapieregime sah eine initiale Prednisolon-Dosierung von 2 mg/kg Körpergeweicht (KG) vor und wurde innerhalb von neun Wochen auf eine Erhaltungsdosierung unter der individuellen Cushing-Schwelle reduziert. Der Nachbeobachtungszeitraum betrug ein bis drei Jahre. Wir beobachteten in 62 % aller Fälle ein komplettes Nachwachsen der Haare. Die mittlere Dauer bis zum Ansprechen lag bei 6,6 Wochen und konnte mit der Erhaltungstherapie über den gesamten Beobachtungszeitraum aufrechterhalten werden. An Nebenwirkungen wurden ausschließlich eine Gewichtszunahme (1-3 kg) bei allen Behandelten sowie eine milde Steroidakne in 23 % der Fälle beobachtet. Die kombinierte Hoch-/Niedrig-Dosis-Therapie mit systemischen Glukokortikoiden mittels Prednisolon zeigte eine hohe, dauerhafte Ansprechrate ohne signifikante Nebenwirkungen. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. A Real-Time Robust Method to Detect BeiDou GEO/IGSO Orbital Maneuvers

    PubMed Central

    Huang, Guanwen; Qin, Zhiwei; Zhang, Qin; Wang, Le; Yan, Xingyuan; Fan, Lihong; Wang, Xiaolei


    The frequent maneuvering of BeiDou Geostationary Orbit (GEO) and Inclined Geosynchronous Orbit (IGSO) satellites affects the availability of real-time orbit, and decreases the accuracy and performance of positioning, navigation and time (PNT) services. BeiDou satellite maneuver information cannot be obtained by common users. BeiDou broadcast ephemeris is the only indicator of the health status of satellites, which are broadcast on an hourly basis, easily leading to ineffective observations. Sometimes, identification errors of satellite abnormity also appear in the broadcast ephemeris. This study presents a real-time robust detection method for a satellite orbital maneuver with high frequency and high reliability. By using the broadcast ephemeris and pseudo-range observations, the time discrimination factor and the satellite identification factor were defined and used for the real-time detection of start time and the pseudo-random noise code (PRN) of satellites was used for orbital maneuvers. Data from a Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) was collected and analyzed. The results show that the start time and the PRN of the satellite orbital maneuver could be detected accurately in real time. In addition, abnormal start times and satellite abnormities caused by non-maneuver factors also could be detected using the proposed method. The new method not only improves the utilization of observations for users with the data effective for about 92 min, but also promotes the reliability of real-time PNT services. PMID:29186058

  5. A Real-Time Robust Method to Detect BeiDou GEO/IGSO Orbital Maneuvers.


    Huang, Guanwen; Qin, Zhiwei; Zhang, Qin; Wang, Le; Yan, Xingyuan; Fan, Lihong; Wang, Xiaolei


    The frequent maneuvering of BeiDou Geostationary Orbit (GEO) and Inclined Geosynchronous Orbit (IGSO) satellites affects the availability of real-time orbit, and decreases the accuracy and performance of positioning, navigation and time (PNT) services. BeiDou satellite maneuver information cannot be obtained by common users. BeiDou broadcast ephemeris is the only indicator of the health status of satellites, which are broadcast on an hourly basis, easily leading to ineffective observations. Sometimes, identification errors of satellite abnormity also appear in the broadcast ephemeris. This study presents a real-time robust detection method for a satellite orbital maneuver with high frequency and high reliability. By using the broadcast ephemeris and pseudo-range observations, the time discrimination factor and the satellite identification factor were defined and used for the real-time detection of start time and the pseudo-random noise code (PRN) of satellites was used for orbital maneuvers. Data from a Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) was collected and analyzed. The results show that the start time and the PRN of the satellite orbital maneuver could be detected accurately in real time. In addition, abnormal start times and satellite abnormities caused by non-maneuver factors also could be detected using the proposed method. The new method not only improves the utilization of observations for users with the data effective for about 92 min, but also promotes the reliability of real-time PNT services.

  6. Optional elements and variant structures in the productions of bei2 'to give' dative constructions in Cantonese-speaking adults and three-year-old children.


    Wong, Anita M-Y; Chow, Dorcas C-C; McBride-Cheng, Catherine; Stokes, Stephanie F


    To express object transfer, Cantonese-speakers use a 'ditransitive' ([V-R-T] or [V-T-R] where V=Verb, T=Theme, R=Recipient), or a more complex prepositional/serial-verb (P/SV) construction. Clausal elements in Cantonese datives can be optional (resulting in 'full' versus 'non-full' forms) or appear in variant orders (full non-canonical and full canonical). We report on usage of dative constructions with the word bei2 'to give' in 86 parents and 53 three-year-old children during conversations. The parents used more P/SV than ditransitive bei2-datives, and vice versa for the children. Both groups showed a similar usage pattern of optional elements and variant structures in their ditransitive and P/SV bei2-datives. The roles of multiple construction types, optional elements and variant structures in children's learning of bei2-dative constructions are described.

  7. [Task sharing with radiotherapy technicians in image-guided radiotherapy].


    Diaz, O; Lorchel, F; Revault, C; Mornex, F


    The development of accelerators with on-board imaging systems now allows better target volumes reset at the time of irradiation (image-guided radiotherapy [IGRT]). However, these technological advances in the control of repositioning led to a multiplication of tasks for each actor in radiotherapy and increase the time available for the treatment, whether for radiotherapy technicians or radiation oncologists. As there is currently no explicit regulatory framework governing the use of IGRT, some institutional experiments show that a transfer is possible between radiation oncologists and radiotherapy technicians for on-line verification of image positioning. Initial training for every technical and drafting procedures within institutions will improve audit quality by reducing interindividual variability. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier SAS.

  8. Enraged about radiotherapy.

    PubMed Central

    Sikora, K.


    The use of radiotherapy in treating breast cancer has meant that many women are able to avoid mastectomy, which is both physically and psychologically damaging. The side effects of radiotherapy, however, are given little attention. Many women have developed brachial plexus injury after radiotherapy for breast cancer, often resulting in severe pain and loss of use of the arm. There is no effective treatment for this injury and little help can be offered. In addition, many of the women did not require radiotherapy of nodal areas. A pressure group has been formed to support these women, to establish the right to compensation, and to ensure that radiotherapy regimens given to future patients will not damage the brachial plexus. Images p188-a PMID:8312773

  9. Vergleich von rekombinanten Vaccinia- und DNA-Vektoren zur Tumorimmuntherapie im C57BL/6-Mausmodell

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Johnen, Heiko


    antigenpräsentierender Zellen verantwortlich sein. Durch die Modifikation einer Methode zur intrazellulären IFN-gamma Färbung konnten in vakzinierten Mäusen tumorantigenspezifische CTL sensitiv und quantitativ detektiert werden. Die so bestimmte CTL-Frequenz, nicht jedoch die humorale Antwort, korrelierte mit der in vivo Wirksamkeit der verschiedenen Vakzinen: DNA vakzinierte Tiere entwickeln starke tumorantigenspezifische CTL-Antworten, wohingegen in MVA-vakzinierten Tieren überwiegend gegen virale Epitope gerichtete CD4 und CD8-T-Zellen detektiert wurden. Die Wirksamkeit der pCI-DNA-Vakzine spricht für die Weiterentwicklung in weiteren präklinischen Mausmodellen, beispielsweise unter Verwendung von MUC1 oder HLA-A2 transgenen Mäusen. Die Methoden zur Detektion Tumorantigen-spezifischer CTL in 96-Loch-Mikrotiterplatten können dabei zur systematischen Suche nach im Menschen immundominanten T-Zell-Epitopen im Muzin-Molekül genutzt werden. Der durchgeführte Vergleich der auf den Vektoren pCI und MVA basierenden Vakzinen und die Analyse neuerer Publikationen führen zu dem Ergebniss, daß vor allem DNA-Vakzinen in Zukunft eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entwicklung von aktiven Tumorimpfstoffen spielen werden. Rekombinante MVA-Viren, eventuell in Kombination mit DNA- oder anderen Vektoren, haben sich dagegen in zahlreichen Studien als wirksame Impfstoffe zur Kontrolle von durch Pathogene hervorgerufenen Infektionserkrankungen erwiesen. In this study, tumor vaccines based on the plasmid pCI, the attenuated vaccinia virus strain modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) and MVA-infected dendritic cells were constructed and characterized by sequencing, Western blot and flow cytometric analysis. The efficiency to induce tumor immunity in vivo was compared in several C57BL/6 mouse tumor models. Naked DNA Vaccination based on the eukaryotic expression vector pCI did induce very effective, antigen-specific and long-term protection against tumor cell lines expressing mucin, CEA or

  10. Mikrospritzgießen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ebert, Karl-Herbert; Ammer, Daniel; Hoffstetter, Marc; Wintermantel, Erich

    Bei der Betrachtung von aktuellen Produktentwicklungen lässt sich durch alle Branchen hinweg ein deutlicher Trend zur Miniaturisierung und Funktionsintegration auf kleinstem Raum erkennen. Der Einsatz technischer Kunststoffe, die überwiegend im Thermoplast-Spritzgießverfahren verarbeitet werden, leistet dabei einen wichtigen Beitrag um diese Produktentwicklungen in marktfähige Artikel umsetzen zu können. Hierbei sind im Vergleich zum Standardspritzgießen einige Besonderheiten hinsichtlich des Formenbaus, der Anlagen- sowie Prozesstechnik und der Qualitätssicherung zu beachten.

  11. Bewertung von Fahrzeuggeräuschen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Genuit, Klaus; Schulte-Fortkamp, Brigitte; Fiebig, André; Haverkamp, Michael

    Bei der Wahrnehmung und Beurteilung eines Automobils sind unzählige Merkmale und Eigenschaften von Bedeutung. Dabei können Merkmale objektiv-technisch beschrieben werden, wie Angaben zur Motorisierung, Höchstgeschwindigkeit, Drehmoment, zulässige Zuladung, Verbrauch usw. Daneben sind weitere Eigenschaften von Bedeutung, die sich einer einfachen objektiv-technischen Beschreibung entziehen. Hier sind Begriffe zu nennen, wie Sicherheit, allgemeine Qualitätsanmutung, Design, Ergonomie, Komfort, Haptik, Fahrdynamik, Zuverlässigkeit, die deutlich schwieriger objektiv erfassbar und beschreibbar sind (Abb. 4.1).

  12. Berechnung verkehrlicher Substitutionseffekte im Personenverkehr bei Online-Shopping

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nerlich, Mark R.; Schiffner, Felix; Vogt, Walter; Rauh, Jürgen; Breidenbach, Petra

    Für Güter des täglichen, mittelfristigen und langfristigen Bedarfs sowie für das Beispiel Baumarktartikel wird das Potenzial für Personenverkehrsaufwand von Einkaufsaktivtäten quantitativ abgeschätzt. Die entwickelten Algorithmen behandeln die einkaufsvorbereitende Information und den eigentlichen Einkauf, d.h. den Erwerb eines Gutes, separat. Informationsaktivitäten haben insbesondere bei höherwertigen Gütern einen hohen Stellenwert und damit auch verkehrliche Relevanz. Wie Berechnungen zeigen, spart Online-Shopping Informations- und Einkaufsverkehrsaufwand im Pkw-Verkehr ein. Die notwendigen Eingangsdaten wie differenzierte Informations- und Einkaufshäufigkeiten sowie verkehrliche Parameter zu Verkehrsmittelwahl, Entfernungen und Wegekopplungen wurden aus eigenen Erhebungen gewonnen.

  13. Versuche zur Gewinnung von katalytischen Antikörpern zur Hydrolyse von Arylcarbamaten und Arylharnstoffen. (English Title: Attempts to produce catalytic antibodies for hydrolysis of arylcarbamates and arylureas)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Werner, Deljana


    Umsatzgeschwindigkeit eine lineare Abhängigkeit festgestellt. Die thermodynamische Gleichtgewichtsdissoziationskonstante KD des Abzyms von 2,6 nM zeugt von einer sehr guten Affinität zum ÜZA. Hydrolytisch aktiv waren nur Antikörper, die gegen das Übergangszustandsanalogon Hei3 hergestellt worden waren. Es wird vermutet, dass die Hydrolyse der Benzylphenylcarbamate über einen Additions-Eliminierungsmechanismus unter Ausbildung eines tetraedrischen Übergangszustandes verläuft, dessen analoge Verbindung Hei3 ist. Im Rahmen der Generierung von Nachweisantikörpern zur Detektion der Substratabnahme bei der Hydrolyse wurden Anti-Diuron-Antikörper hergestellt. Einer der Antikörper (B91-CG5) ist spezifisch für das Herbizid Diuron und hat einen IC50-Wert von 0,19 µg/l und eine untere Nachweisgrenze von 0,04 µg/l. Ein anderer Antikörper (B91-KF5) reagiert kreuz mit einer Palette ähnlicher Herbizide. Mit diesen Antikörpern wurde ein empfindlicher Labortest, der ein Monitoring von Diuron auf Grundlage des durch die Trinkwasserverordnung festgeschriebenen Wertes für Pflanzenschutzmittel von 0,1 µg/l erlaubt, aufgebaut. Der Effekt der Anti-Diuron-Antikörper auf die Diuron-inhibierte Photosynthese wurde in vitro und in vivo untersucht. Es wurde nachgewiesen, dass sowohl in isolierten Thylakoiden, als auch in intakten Algen eine Vorinkubation der Anti-Diuron-Antikörper mit Diuron zur Inaktivierung seiner Photosynthese-hemmenden Wirkung führt. Wurde der Elektronentransport in den isolierten Thylakoiden oder in Algen durch Diuron unterbrochen, so führte die Zugabe der Anti-Diuron-Antikörper zur Reaktivierung der Elektronenübertragung. Attempts to produce catalytic antibodies for hydrolysis of arylcarbamates and arylureas: The aim of the investigations was to produce antibodies which are able to cleave herbicides resistant to naturally occuring enzymes. Structurally similar carbamate and urea derivatives were chosen for the experiments. Phosphonate derivatives were synthesized

  14. High-precision GNSS ocean positioning with BeiDou short-message communication

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Bofeng; Zhang, Zhiteng; Zang, Nan; Wang, Siyao


    The current popular GNSS RTK technique would be not applicable on ocean due to the limited communication access for transmitting differential corrections. A new technique is proposed for high-precision ocean RTK, referred to as ORTK, where the corrections are transmitted by employing the function of BeiDou satellite short-message communication (SMC). To overcome the limitation of narrow bandwidth of BeiDou SMC, a new strategy of simplifying and encoding corrections is proposed instead of standard differential corrections, which reduces the single-epoch corrections from more than 1000 to less than 300 bytes. To solve the problems of correction delays, cycle slips, blunders and abnormal epochs over ultra-long baseline ORTK, a series of powerful algorithms were designed at the user-end software for achieving the stable and precise kinematic solutions on far ocean applications. The results from two long baselines of 240 and 420 km and real ocean experiments reveal that the kinematic solutions with horizontal accuracy of 5 cm and vertical accuracy of better than 15 cm are achievable by convergence time of 3-10 min. Compared to commercial ocean PPP with satellite telecommunication, ORTK is of much cheaper expense, higher accuracy and shorter convergence. It will be very prospective in many location-based ocean services.

  15. Kompressionstherapie - Versorgungspraxis: Informationsstand von Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum.


    Protz, Kerstin; Heyer, Kristina; Dissemond, Joachim; Temme, Barbara; Münter, Karl-Christian; Verheyen-Cronau, Ida; Klose, Katharina; Hampel-Kalthoff, Carsten; Augustin, Matthias


    Eine Säule der kausalen Therapie bei Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum ist die Kompressionstherapie. Sie unterstützt die Abheilung, reduziert Schmerzen und Rezidive und steigert die Lebensqualität. Bislang existieren kaum wissenschaftliche Daten zu dem Versorgungsstand und fachspezifischem Wissen von Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum. Standardisierte Fragebögen wurden bundesweit in 55 Pflegediensten, 32 Arztpraxen, vier Wundzentren und -sprechstunden sowie einem Pflegetherapiestützpunkt von Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum bei Erstvorstellung anonym ausgefüllt. Insgesamt nahmen 177 Patienten (Durchschnittsalter 69,4 Jahre; 75,1 % Frauen) teil. Ein florides Ulcus cruris venosum bestand im Mittel 17 Monate. 31,1 % hatten keine Kompressionstherapie, 40,1 % Binden und 28,8 % Strümpfe. Bei der Bestrumpfung hatten 13,7 % Kompressionsklasse III, 64,7 % Kompressionsklasse II und 19,6 % Kompressionsklasse I. 70,6 % legten die Strümpfe nach dem Aufstehen an, 21,1 % trugen sie Tag und Nacht. 39,2 % bereiteten die Strümpfe Beschwerden. Lediglich 11,7 % hatten eine An- und Ausziehhilfe. Die Binden wurden im Mittel 40,7 Wochen getragen und bei 69 % nicht unterpolstert. Bei 2,8 % wurde der Knöchel- und Waden-Umfang zur Erfolgskontrolle gemessen. Venensport machten 45,9 %. Ein Drittel hatte keine Kompressionsversorgung, obwohl diese eine Basismaßnahme der Therapie des Ulcus cruris venosum ist. Zudem ist deren korrekte Auswahl und Anwendung angesichts der langen Bestandsdauer der Ulzerationen zu hinterfragen. Weiterführende Fachkenntnisse bei Anwendern und Verordnern sowie Patientenschulungen sind erforderlich. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Bewehrte Betonbauteile unter Betriebsbedingungen: Forschungsbericht

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Eligehausen, Rolf; Kordina, Karl; Schießl, Peter


    Vorwort. Teil I: Rißbreiten (Gert König) 1 Ein mechanisches Modell zur Erhöhung der Vorhersagegenauigkeit über die Rißbreiten unter Betriebsbedingungen (Gert König und Michael Fischer). 1.1 Einleitung und Zielsetzung. 1.2 Versuchsprogramm. 1.3 Meßtechnik. 1.4 Belastung und Versuchsdurchführung. 1.5 Literatur. 2 Rißbreiten und Verformungszunahme vorgespannter Bauteile unter wiederholter Last - und Zwangbeanspruchung (Gert König und Michael Fischer). 2.1 Einleitung und Zielsetzung. 2.2 Versuchsprogramm. 2.3 Auswertung. 2.4 Ausblick. 2.5 Literatur. 3 Rißverhalten von Beton bei plötzlicher Abkühlung (Viktor Mechtcherine und Harald S. Müller). 3.1 Einleitung. 3.2 Experimentelle Untersuchungen. 3.3 Formulierung eines Stoffgesetzes für thermisch beanspruchten Beton. 3.4 Riß entwicklung in einer Betonplatte unter Temperaturschock. 3.5 Zusammenfassung. 3.6 Literatur. 4 Stahlfaserbeton unter Betriebsbedingungen bei Dauerbeanspruchung (Bo Soon Kang, Bernd Schnütgen und Friedhelm Stangenberg). 4.1 Einleitung. 4.2 Wirkung von Stahlfasern im Beton. 4.3 Versuchsprogramm. 4.4 Untersuchungen zum Verbundverhalten. 4.5 Untersuchungen zum Verhalten unter Biegebeanspruchung. 4.6 Theoretische Untersuchungen. 4.7 Literatur. 5 Experimentelle Untersuchungen an Stahlbeton-Zugkörpern unter wiederholter Belastung zur Ermittlung des versteifenden Einflusses der Mitwirkung des Betons zwischen den Rissen (Petra Seibel und Gerhard Mehlhorn). 5.1 Einleitung. 5.2 Ansatz zur Bestimmung der Mitwirkung des Betons zwischen den Rissen nach Eurocode 2, Model Code 90 und Günther. 5.3 Experimentelle Untersuchungen. 5.4 Ergebnisse. 5.5 Zusammenfassung. 5.6 Literatur. 6 Riß- und Verformungsverhalten von vorgefertigten Spannbetonträgern unter Betriebsbedingungen bei besonderer Berücksichtigung des Betonalters (Monika Maske, Heinz Meichsner und Lothar Schubert). 6.1 Einleitung. 6.2 Beschreibung der Fertigteilträger. 6.3 Belastungsversuche. 6.4 Ergebnisse. 6.5 Zusammenfassung. 6

  17. Paediatric Virology as a new educational initiative: An interview with Nobelist Professor of Virology Harald zur Hausen.


    Mammas, Ioannis N; Spandidos, Demetrios A


    Born in Gelsenkirchen-Buer in Germany on March 11th, 1936, Professor Harald zur Hausen, Emeritus Professor of Virology at the University of Freiburg and 2008 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer, believes that good knowledge of virological methods and diagnostic possibilities are an asset for all young paediatricians. Professor zur Hausen considers that the creation of an educational platform on Paediatric Virology is definitely very beneficial for young paediatricians, as this will greatly enhance their knowledge in the field of Virology. He very actively advocates the vaccination of boys for the eradication of HPV infection and emphasises that male HPV vaccination should be included into the current vaccination programmes. He would have certainly considered Dr George N. Papanicolaou (Kyme, Island of Euboea, Greece, 1883 - Miami, Florida, USA, 1962) as an excellent candidate for the Nobel Prize, stating that the contribution of Dr Papanicolaou did not find sufficient recognition in the past. In the context of the 3rd Workshop on Paediatric Virology, which will be held in Athens, Greece, on October 7th, 2017, Professor zur Hausen will give his plenary lecture on 'Paediatric Virology and Oncology: Virus persistence and the important first years of life'.

  18. Paediatric Virology as a new educational initiative: An interview with Nobelist Professor of Virology Harald zur Hausen

    PubMed Central

    Mammas, Ioannis N.; Spandidos, Demetrios A.


    Born in Gelsenkirchen-Buer in Germany on March 11th, 1936, Professor Harald zur Hausen, Emeritus Professor of Virology at the University of Freiburg and 2008 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer, believes that good knowledge of virological methods and diagnostic possibilities are an asset for all young paediatricians. Professor zur Hausen considers that the creation of an educational platform on Paediatric Virology is definitely very beneficial for young paediatricians, as this will greatly enhance their knowledge in the field of Virology. He very actively advocates the vaccination of boys for the eradication of HPV infection and emphasises that male HPV vaccination should be included into the current vaccination programmes. He would have certainly considered Dr George N. Papanicolaou (Kyme, Island of Euboea, Greece, 1883 - Miami, Florida, USA, 1962) as an excellent candidate for the Nobel Prize, stating that the contribution of Dr Papanicolaou did not find sufficient recognition in the past. In the context of the 3rd Workshop on Paediatric Virology, which will be held in Athens, Greece, on October 7th, 2017, Professor zur Hausen will give his plenary lecture on ‘Paediatric Virology and Oncology: Virus persistence and the important first years of life’. PMID:29042913

  19. Effekt einer ad libitum verzehrten fettreduzierten Kost, reich an Obst, Gemüse und Milchprodukten auf den Blutdruck bei Borderline-Hypertonikern

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Möseneder, Jutta M.


    In der randomisierten, multizentrischen DASH-Studie (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hy-pertension), die unter kontrollierten Bedingungen stattfand, führte eine fettreduzierte Mischkost, reich an Obst, Gemüse und Milchprodukten, bei Borderline-Hypertonikern zu einer signifikanten Blutdrucksenkung. Während der Studienphase wurden Körpermasse, Natrium-Aufnahme sowie Alkoholzufuhr aufgrund der bekannten Einflussnahme auf den Blutdruck konstant gehalten. In der eigenen Pilot-Studie sollte untersucht werden, ob das Ergebnis der DASH-Studie (i) mit deutschen Hypertonikern und (ii) unter habituellen Ernährungs- und Lebensbedingungen mit regelmäßig durchgeführter Ernährungsberatung und ad libitum Verzehr anstelle des streng kontrollierten Studienansatzes bestätigt werden kann. Eine Konstanz der Körpermasse, der Natrium-Urinausscheidung (unter diesem Studienansatz valider als die Aufnahme) und des Alkoholkonsums wurde vorausgesetzt. Die Studienpopulation setzte sich aus 53 übergewichtigen Probanden mit einer nicht medikamentös therapierten Borderline-Hypertonie und ohne Stoffwechselerkrankungen zusammen. Die Studienteilnehmer wurden randomisiert entweder der Idealgruppe mit einer fettarmen Kost reich an Milchprodukten, Obst und Gemüse (ähnlich der DASH-Idealgruppe) oder der Kontrollgruppe mit habitueller Ernährungsweise zugeteilt. Über einen Zeitraum von fünf Wochen wurde den Probanden etwa 50% ihres täglichen Lebensmittelbedarfes entsprechend ihrer Gruppenzugehörigkeit kostenfrei zur Verfügung gestellt. Gelegenheitsblutdruckmessungen und 24h-Blutdruckmessungen, Ernährungs- und Aktivitätsprotokolle, Blut- und Urinproben sowie anthropometrische Messungen wurden vor, während und fünf Wochen nach der Interventionsphase durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass in der Idealgruppe keine signifikante Blutdrucksenkung beobachtet werden konnte. Dies lässt sich durch die Tatsache erklären, dass die Lebens-mittel- und Nährstoffaufnahme der deutschen

  20. Patterns of radiotherapy infrastructure in Japan and in other countries with well-developed radiotherapy infrastructures.


    Nakamura, Katsumasa; Konishi, Kenta; Komatsu, Tetsuya; Sasaki, Tomonari; Shikama, Naoto


    In high-income countries, the number of radiotherapy machine per population reaches a sufficient level. However, the patterns of infrastructure of radiotherapy in high-income countries are not well known. Among 29 high-income countries with gross national income of $25,000 or more per capita, we selected 23 countries whose total number of newly diagnosed cancer patients in 2012 was reported in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Health Statistics 2017. The numbers of radiotherapy centers and teletherapy machines in each of these 23 countries were collected using the Dictionary of Radiotherapy Centers database. The number of cancer patients per teletherapy machine was 452.35-1398.22 (median 711.66) with a three-fold variation, whereas the number of cancer patients per radiotherapy center varied even more widely, from 826.16 to 5159.86 (median 2259.83) with a six-fold variation. The average number of teletherapy machines per radiotherapy center also ranged widely, from 1.24 to 8.29 (median 3.11) with a seven-fold variation. The number of teletherapy machines in each country was almost proportional to that of cancer patients, and the number of teletherapy machines per radiotherapy center was inversely related to the number of radiotherapy centers per cancer patients. The number of teletherapy machines per radiotherapy center in Japan was 1.24, the most fragmented among the high-income countries. The percentage of large radiotherapy centers having three or more teletherapy machines in Japan was the smallest among 23 high-income countries. Optimization of the radiotherapy infrastructure in Japan should be carefully considered.

  1. Carbon-ion radiotherapy for marginal lymph node recurrences of cervical cancer after definitive radiotherapy: a case report.


    Tamaki, Tomoaki; Ohno, Tatsuya; Kiyohara, Hiroki; Noda, Shin-ei; Ohkubo, Yu; Ando, Ken; Wakatsuki, Masaru; Kato, Shingo; Kamada, Tadashi; Nakano, Takashi


    Recurrences of cervical cancer after definitive radiotherapy often occur at common iliac or para-aortic lymph nodes as marginal lymph node recurrences. Patients with these recurrences have a chance of long-term survival by optimal re-treatment with radiotherapy. However, the re-irradiation often overlaps the initial and the secondary radiotherapy fields and can result in increased normal tissue toxicities in the bowels or the stomach. Carbon-ion radiotherapy, a form of particle beam radiotherapy using accelerated carbon ions, offers more conformal and sharp dose distribution than X-ray radiotherapy. Therefore, this approach enables the delivery of high radiation doses to the target while sparing its surrounding normal tissues. Marginal lymph node recurrences in common iliac lymph nodes after radiotherapy were treated successfully by carbon-ion radiotherapy in two patients. These two patients were initially treated with a combination of external beam radiotherapy and intracavitary and interstitial brachytherapy. However, the diseases recurred in the lymph nodes near the border of the initial radiotherapy fields after 22 months and 23 months. Because re-irradiation with X-ray radiotherapy may deliver high doses to a section of the bowels, carbon-ion radiotherapy was selected to treat the lymph node recurrences. A total dose of 48 Gy (RBE) in 12 fractions over 3 weeks was given to the lymph node recurrences, and the tumors disappeared completely with no severe acute toxicities. The two patients showed no evidence of disease for 75 months and 63 months after the initial radiotherapy and for 50 months and 37 months after the carbon-ion radiotherapy, respectively. No severe late adverse effects are observed in these patients. The two presented cases suggest that the highly conformal dose distribution of carbon-ion radiotherapy may be beneficial in the treatment of marginal lymph node recurrences after radiotherapy. In addition, the higher biological effect of carbon

  2. Kundenfokus: Startpunkt für die digitale Transformation bei Stadtwerken

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fett, Perry; Küller, Philipp

    Big Data, Internet der Dinge, Mobile Computing und soziale Medien - die modernen Informationstechnologien durchdringen den Alltag der meisten Menschen und lösen hierdurch eine digitale Transformation aus. Im Unternehmenskontext manifestiert sich die Digitalisierung durch eine neue Qualität der wissensbasierten Entscheidungsunterstützung und der Automatisierung bzw. Autonomisierung der Geschäftsprozesse. Für Stadtwerke gilt es nun, die Chancen der Digitalisierung zu ihren Gunsten zu nutzen. Ein Startpunkt könnte hierbei sein, wie Stadtwerke zukünftig mit ihren Kunden interagieren. Ausgelöst durch die Liberalisierung der Märkte rückt der Kunde heute stärker in den Mittelpunkt - die Energiewirtschaft steht nun vor der Herausforderung, dem Wettbewerb einen Schritt voraus zu sein und dem Kunden ein absolut positives Kundenerlebnis (Customer Experience) sowohl als Maßnahme zur Kundenbindung als auch zum Kundenaufbau zu bieten. Das vorliegende Kapitel zeigt hierfür die Erfolgskriterien für die gelungene Etablierung des Kundenfokus im eigenen Unternehmen auf. Mit dem Customer-Focus-Cycle-Modell von Fujitsu, angelehnt an den Deming-Kreislauf, wird ein allgemeingültiger Ansatz für ein mögliches Vorgehen beim Aufbau des Kundenfokus vorgestellt. Die sechs Phasen werden dabei anhand praktischer Beispiele erläutert und geben zudem Hinweise zu Methoden und Tools. Aus dem vorgestellten "Werkzeugkasten" wird ferner die Customer-Journey-Methode im Detail erläutert. Weiter soll das präsentierte Reifegradmodell Unternehmen dabei unterstützen, den eigenen Status quo festzustellen und die persönlichen Ziele auf dem Weg zur kundenzentrierten Organisation festzulegen.

  3. Neue Laser und Strahlquellen - alte und neue Risiken?


    Paasch, Uwe; Schwandt, Antje; Seeber, Nikolaus; Kautz, Gerd; Grunewald, Sonja; Haedersdal, Merete


    Die Entwicklungen im Bereich dermatologischer Laser, hochenergetischer Blitzlampen, LED und neuer Energie- und Strahlquellen der letzten Jahre haben gezeigt, dass mit neuen Wellenlängen, Konzepten und Kombinationen zusätzliche, zum Teil über den ästhetischen Bereich hinaus gehende therapeutische Optionen für den Dermatologen erschlossen werden konnten. Wurden bisher zum Beispiel mit fraktionalen Lasern Falten behandelt, sind eben diese Systeme heute in Kombination mit Medikamenten wichtige Werkzeuge bei der Behandlung von Narben, bei Feldkanzerisierung und epithelialen Tumoren. Die Anforderungen an den die Indikation stellenden und vorzugsweise therapierenden Arzt steigen mit der immer komplexer werdenden Technik und den zunehmenden Komorbiditäten und Komedikationen einer älter werdenden Patientenklientel. Parallel etabliert wurden, zunächst für einige wenige Indikationen, Geräte für die Heimanwendung, die sich durch geringe Leistung und spezielle Sicherheitsvorkehrungen zur Vermeidung von Unfällen, Risiken und Nebenwirkungen auszeichnen. Trotz der reduzierten Effizienz solcher Selbstbehandlungsmaßnahmen steigt die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Fehlanwendung, da die Grundvoraussetzung für eine korrekte Therapie, nämlich die exakte Diagnose und Indikationsstellung, nicht vorausgesetzt werden kann. Bei einer Haarentfernung können so Pigmenttumoren, bei einer Faltentherapie neoplastische Hautveränderungen adressiert und zu erwartende, unvorhergesehene und neue Nebenwirkungen und Komplikationen induziert werden. In diesem Szenario ist es wichtig, alle potenziellen Anwender dieser neuen Technologien vor deren Einsatz so zu qualifizieren, dass den Therapierten maximale Therapiesicherheit bei höchster Effizienz unter dem Leitbild diagnosis certa - ullae therapiae fundamentum garantiert wird. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. [Image-guided radiotherapy and partial delegation to radiotherapy technicians: Clermont-Ferrand experience].


    Loos, G; Moreau, J; Miroir, J; Benhaïm, C; Biau, J; Caillé, C; Bellière, A; Lapeyre, M


    The various image-guided radiotherapy techniques raise the question of how to achieve the control of patient positioning before irradiation session and sharing of tasks between radiation oncologists and radiotherapy technicians. We have put in place procedures and operating methods to make a partial delegation of tasks to radiotherapy technicians and secure the process in three situations: control by orthogonal kV imaging (kV-kV) of bony landmarks, control by kV-kV imaging of intraprostatic fiducial goldmarkers and control by cone beam CT (CBCT) imaging for prostate cancer. Significant medical overtime is required to control these three IGRT techniques. Because of their competence in imaging, these daily controls can be delegated to radiotherapy technicians. However, to secure the process, initial training and regular evaluation are essential. The analysis of the comparison of the use of kV/kV on bone structures allowed us to achieve a partial delegation of control to radiotherapy technicians. Controlling the positioning of the prostate through the use and automatic registration of fiducial goldmarkers allows better tracking of the prostate and can be easily delegated to radiotherapy technicians. The analysis of the use of daily cone beam CT for patients treated with intensity modulated irradiation is underway, and a comparison of practices between radiotherapy technicians and radiation oncologists is ongoing to know if a partial delegation of this control is possible. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier SAS.

  5. Demand for radiotherapy in Spain.


    Rodríguez, A; Borrás, J M; López-Torrecilla, J; Algara, M; Palacios-Eito, A; Gómez-Caamaño, A; Olay, L; Lara, P C


    Assessing the demand for radiotherapy in Spain based on existing evidence to estimate the human resources and equipment needed so that every person in Spain has access to high-quality radiotherapy when they need it. We used data from the European Cancer Observatory on the estimated incidence of cancer in Spain in 2012, along with the evidence-based indications for radiotherapy developed by the Australian CCORE project, to obtain an optimal radiotherapy utilisation proportion (OUP) for each tumour. About 50.5 % of new cancers in Spain require radiotherapy at least once over the course of the disease. Additional demand for these services comes from reradiation therapy and non-melanoma skin cancer. Approximately, 25-30 % of cancer patients with an indication for radiotherapy do not receive it due to factors that include access, patient preference, familiarity with the treatment among physicians, and especially resource shortages, all of which contribute to its underutilisation. Radiotherapy is underused in Spain. The increasing incidence of cancer expected over the next decade and the greater frequency of reradiations necessitate the incorporation of radiotherapy demand into need-based calculations for cancer services planning.

  6. [Hepatitis E - More than a Rare Travel-Associated Infectious Disease!


    Wedemeyer, Heiner


    Übertragungswege  In Deutschland infizieren sich jedes Jahr wahrscheinlich mehr als 300 000 Menschen mit dem Hepatitis-E-Virus (HEV). Die Hepatitis E ist in Mitteleuropa in der Regel eine durch den zoonotischen HEV-Genotyp-3-verursachte autochthone, d. h. lokal erworbene Infektionskrankheit. Der Verzehr von nicht ausreichend erhitztem Schweine- oder Wildfleisch ist ein Hauptrisikofaktor für HEV-Infektionen, Übertragungen des Virus durch Bluttransfusionen sind aber auch möglich. Diagnostik  Bei Immunkompetenten kann die Diagnose einer akuten Hepatitis E mit dem Nachweis von anti-HEV-IgM gestellt werden. Serologische Tests können bei Immunsupprimierten aber falsch-negativ sein, weshalb in diesen Fällen eine HEV-Infektion nur durch den direkten Nachweis des Erregers mittels PCR im Blut oder Stuhl erfolgen sollte. Natürlicher Verlauf  Eine akute Hepatitis E kann bei Patienten mit anderen chronischen Lebererkrankungen zu einem Leberversagen führen. Chronische Verläufe, definiert durch eine Virämie von mind. 3 Monaten, sind bei Organtransplantierten mit immunsuppressiver Medikation beschrieben, können aber auch bei anderen Immundefizienzen auftreten. Eine chronische Hepatitis E kann innerhalb von Monaten zu einer fortgeschrittenen Leberfibrose oder zur Zirrhose führen. Extrahepatische Manifestationen  Extrahepatische Manifestationen können während und nach einer HEV-Infektion auftreten. Insbesondere Guillain-Barré-Syndrome und die neuralgische Schulteramyotrophie sind mit einer Hepatitis E assoziiert worden. Therapie  Ribavirin hat eine antivirale Wirksamkeit gegen HEV. Bei chronischer Hepatitis E sollte die Behandlung für 3 – 6 Monate durchgeführt werden. Therapieversagen und Rückfälle nach Beendigung einer Behandlung sind möglich. Ein Impfstoff gegen HEV ist bisher nur in China zugelassen.

  7. Untersuchungen zur Regeneration des Hinterendes bei Anaitides mucosa (Polychaeta, Phyllodocidae)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Röhrkasten, A.


    Caudal regeneration was investigated in decerebrate Anaitides mucosa and in brain-intact individuals. Both groups show an identical capacity to regenerate lost caudal segments. Furthermore there is no difference in males and females. Low temperature (5 °C) inhibits the regeneration of caudal segments, but it is necessary for normal oogenesis. Under conditions of high temperature (15 °C), caudal regeneration is very extensive. At the same time degeneration of most oocytes occurs.


    EPA Science Inventory

    The document is a user's guide for an updated Personal Computer version of the Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (PC-BEIS2), allowing users to estimate hourly emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) and soil nitrogen oxide emissions for any county in the contig...

  9. Professionelles Learning Service Management an Hochschulen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Baume, Matthias; Rathmayer, Sabine; Gergintchev, Ivan; Schulze, Elvira

    Aufbauend auf den Großteils bereits geschaffenen eLearning Infrastrukturen für eine moderne Organisation stehen nahezu alle Hochschulen vor der Aufgabe, geeignete Lern- und Wissensmanagementkonzepte in Hinblick auf die Dienstgüte und den Anwenderbezug zu realisieren. Ein möglicher Lösungsansatz ist dabei die Entwicklung und Umsetzung eines Rahmenkonzeptes zur Verbesserung und Weiterentwicklung der Lehr-/Lernprozesse für Dozenten und Studenten am Beispiel bereits vorhandener und etablierter Service-Management-Konzepte. Übertragen auf die universitäre Organisation und Lehre, wäre ein derartiges Rahmenwerk zur Planung, Erbringung und Unterstützung von Lehr-/Lerndienstleistungen mit Einbezug der wichtigsten Lehr-/Lernprozesse ein dringend benötigter und fundamentaler Schritt hin zu einer schrittweisen Professionalisierung und Verbesserung der Hochschullehre. Der Beitrag erschließt eine Konzeptskizze für professionelles Learning Service Management an Hochschulen und gibt einen Ausblick auf die mögliche Vorgehensweise bei dessen Implementierung und Evaluierung.


    EPA Science Inventory

    The importance of biogenic emissions for regional air quality modeling is generally recognized [Guenther et al., 2000]. Since the 1980s, biogenic emission estimates have been derived from algorithms such as the Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (BEIS) [Pierce et. al., 1998]....

  11. Ustekinumab in der Therapie der Pustulosis palmoplantaris - Eine Fallserie mit neun Patienten.


    Buder, Valeska; Herberger, Katharina; Jacobi, Arnd; Augustin, Matthias; Radtke, Marc Alexander


    Die Pustulosis palmoplantaris ist eine chronisch entzündliche Hauterkrankung, die mit bedeutenden Einschränkungen der Lebensqualität und der Belastbarkeit einhergeht. Aufgrund von Zulassungsbeschränkungen und einem häufig therapierefraktären Verlauf sind die Behandlungsmöglichkeiten limitiert. Nach zuvor frustranen Therapien erhielten 9 Patienten mit Pustulosis palmoplantaris nach Ausschluss einer latenten Tuberkulose Ustekinumab (45 mg Ustekinumab bei < 100 kg Körpergewicht [KG], 90 mg Ustekinumab > 100 kg KG) in Woche 0, 4, 12 und 24. Reguläre Visiten erfolgten nach 4 und 12 Wochen, im weiteren Verlauf alle 12 Wochen. Das Durchschnittsalter bei Therapiebeginn betrug 48 Jahre. Drei Patienten waren männlich. Bei n  =  4 Patienten (44,4 %) wurde eine Verbesserung um 75 % des Palmoplantar-Psoriasis-Area-Severity-Index (PPPASI) erreicht. Insgesamt verbesserte sich der PPPASI nach 24 Wochen durchschnittlich um 71,6 %. Eine komplette Abheilung zeigte sich bei n  =  2 Patienten nach 24 Wochen. Bis auf lokale Injektionsreaktionen und leichte Infekte wurden keine unerwünschten Wirkungen beobachtet. Die Fallserie ist ein weiterer Beleg für die Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit von Ustekinumab in der Therapie der Pustulosis palmoplantaris. Zur Beurteilung der Langzeitwirkung und -sicherheit sowie der Wirksamkeit einer intermittierenden Therapie sind kontrollierte Studiendaten sowie Beobachtungen im Rahmen von Patientenregistern notwendig. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  12. Radiotherapy.


    Krause, Sonja; Debus, Jürgen; Neuhof, Dirk


    Solitary plasmocytoma occurring in bone (solitary plasmocytoma of the bone, SBP) or in soft tissue (extramedullary plasmocytoma, EP) can be treated effectively and with little toxicity by local radiotherapy. Ten-year local control rates of up to 90% can be achieved. Patients with multiple myeloma often suffer from symptoms such as pain or neurological impairments that are amenable to palliative radiotherapy. In a palliative setting, short treatment schedules and lower radiation doses are used to reduce toxicity and duration of hospitalization. In future, low-dose total body irradiation (TBI) may play a role in a potentially curative regimen with nonmyeloablative conditioning followed by allogenic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.

  13. Global Ionospheric Modelling using Multi-GNSS: BeiDou, Galileo, GLONASS and GPS.


    Ren, Xiaodong; Zhang, Xiaohong; Xie, Weiliang; Zhang, Keke; Yuan, Yongqiang; Li, Xingxing


    The emergence of China's Beidou, Europe's Galileo and Russia's GLONASS satellites has multiplied the number of ionospheric piercing points (IPP) offered by GPS alone. This provides great opportunities for deriving precise global ionospheric maps (GIMs) with high resolution to improve positioning accuracy and ionospheric monitoring capabilities. In this paper, the GIM is developed based on multi-GNSS (GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo) observations in the current multi-constellation condition. The performance and contribution of multi-GNSS for ionospheric modelling are carefully analysed and evaluated. Multi-GNSS observations of over 300 stations from the Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) and International GNSS Service (IGS) networks for two months are processed. The results show that the multi-GNSS GIM products are better than those of GIM products based on GPS-only. Differential code biases (DCB) are by-products of the multi-GNSS ionosphere modelling, the corresponding standard deviations (STDs) are 0.06 ns, 0.10 ns, 0.18 ns and 0.15 ns for GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo, respectively in satellite, and the STDs for the receiver are approximately 0.2~0.4 ns. The single-frequency precise point positioning (SF-PPP) results indicate that the ionospheric modelling accuracy of the proposed method based on multi-GNSS observations is better than that of the current dual-system GIM in specific areas.

  14. Global Ionospheric Modelling using Multi-GNSS: BeiDou, Galileo, GLONASS and GPS

    PubMed Central

    Ren, Xiaodong; Zhang, Xiaohong; Xie, Weiliang; Zhang, Keke; Yuan, Yongqiang; Li, Xingxing


    The emergence of China’s Beidou, Europe’s Galileo and Russia’s GLONASS satellites has multiplied the number of ionospheric piercing points (IPP) offered by GPS alone. This provides great opportunities for deriving precise global ionospheric maps (GIMs) with high resolution to improve positioning accuracy and ionospheric monitoring capabilities. In this paper, the GIM is developed based on multi-GNSS (GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo) observations in the current multi-constellation condition. The performance and contribution of multi-GNSS for ionospheric modelling are carefully analysed and evaluated. Multi-GNSS observations of over 300 stations from the Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) and International GNSS Service (IGS) networks for two months are processed. The results show that the multi-GNSS GIM products are better than those of GIM products based on GPS-only. Differential code biases (DCB) are by-products of the multi-GNSS ionosphere modelling, the corresponding standard deviations (STDs) are 0.06 ns, 0.10 ns, 0.18 ns and 0.15 ns for GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo, respectively in satellite, and the STDs for the receiver are approximately 0.2~0.4 ns. The single-frequency precise point positioning (SF-PPP) results indicate that the ionospheric modelling accuracy of the proposed method based on multi-GNSS observations is better than that of the current dual-system GIM in specific areas. PMID:27629988

  15. Untersuchung der Störwirkung von LTE auf SRD Anwendungen bei 868 MHz

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Welpot, M.; Wunderlich, S.; Gaspard, I.


    Moderne Hausautomatisierungssysteme, Alarmanlagen oder auch Funk-Zugangssysteme in Haus und Automobil setzen auf frei nutzbare Frequenzen in ISM/SRD-Bändern. Die rasante Zunahme an privaten und kommerziell genutzten Applikationen im SRD-Band bei 868 MHz und der Ausbau der LTE-Mobilfunknetze im Frequenzbereich unterhalb von 1 GHz ("Digital Dividend") wirft zunehmend die Frage nach der Funkverträglichkeit dieser Systeme untereinander auf. Während die SRD-Funkmodule auf eine geringe Sendeleistung von ~ +14 dBm beschränkt sind (Ralf and Thomas, 2009), beträgt die maximale LTE-Sendeleistung im Uplink nach (ETSI-Norm, 2011) +23 dBm. Zusammen mit der Einführung von LTE im Frequenzbereich unterhalb 1 GHz als DSL-Ersatz vor allem in ländlichen Gebieten, ergibt sich damit als mögliches Störszenario, dass durch die Aussendung des LTE-Endgerätes im Bereich von ca. 850 MHz die SRD-Funkverbindungen bei 868 MHz insbesondere dann gestört werden, wenn die Antennen beider Funksysteme räumlich nahe zueinander angeordnet sind und folglich nur eine geringe zusätzliche Entkopplung der Systeme bieten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das LTE-Störpotential auf SRD-Empfänger praxisnah untersucht.

  16. Modeling and Assessment of Precise Time Transfer by Using BeiDou Navigation Satellite System Triple-Frequency Signals.


    Tu, Rui; Zhang, Pengfei; Zhang, Rui; Liu, Jinhai; Lu, Xiaochun


    This study proposes two models for precise time transfer using the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System triple-frequency signals: ionosphere-free (IF) combined precise point positioning (PPP) model with two dual-frequency combinations (IF-PPP1) and ionosphere-free combined PPP model with a single triple-frequency combination (IF-PPP2). A dataset with a short baseline (with a common external time frequency) and a long baseline are used for performance assessments. The results show that IF-PPP1 and IF-PPP2 models can both be used for precise time transfer using BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) triple-frequency signals, and the accuracy and stability of time transfer is the same in both cases, except for a constant system bias caused by the hardware delay of different frequencies, which can be removed by the parameter estimation and prediction with long time datasets or by a priori calibration.

  17. Modeling and Assessment of Precise Time Transfer by Using BeiDou Navigation Satellite System Triple-Frequency Signals

    PubMed Central

    Zhang, Pengfei; Zhang, Rui; Liu, Jinhai; Lu, Xiaochun


    This study proposes two models for precise time transfer using the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System triple-frequency signals: ionosphere-free (IF) combined precise point positioning (PPP) model with two dual-frequency combinations (IF-PPP1) and ionosphere-free combined PPP model with a single triple-frequency combination (IF-PPP2). A dataset with a short baseline (with a common external time frequency) and a long baseline are used for performance assessments. The results show that IF-PPP1 and IF-PPP2 models can both be used for precise time transfer using BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) triple-frequency signals, and the accuracy and stability of time transfer is the same in both cases, except for a constant system bias caused by the hardware delay of different frequencies, which can be removed by the parameter estimation and prediction with long time datasets or by a priori calibration. PMID:29596330

  18. Revisiting the Continuing Bonds Theory: The Cultural Uniqueness of the Bei Dao Phenomenon in Taiwanese Widows/Widowers.


    Lee, Wan-Lin; Hou, Yi-Chen; Lin, Yaw-Sheng


    In the present study, we used the phenomenological approach to rediscover the ontological meaning of relationships with the deceased in Taiwanese widows/widowers. We first revised the original Western definitions of grief, bereavement, and mourning to fit Taiwanese culture. We used the word bei dao to indicate the mixed nature of grief and mourning in the Taiwanese bereavement process. Then we reanalyzed data from a previous study, which was conducted in 2006. In the previous qualitative research, each subject was interviewed 3 to 4 times in the mourning state over an 18-month interval that began at the point of the spouse's death. Results showed that two main themes emerged in the present analysis: (a) a blurred boundary of life and death and (b) a transformation of ethical bonds. The present study reveals the culturally unique aspects of the Taiwanese bei dao process. Limitations of the present study and future directions are discussed and reflected.

  19. Planungsunterstützung für Pankreasoperationen bei Hyperinsulinismus von Kindern

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dornheim, J.; Preim, B.; Preim, U.; Mohnike, K.; Blankenstein, O.; Füchtner, F.; Mohnike, W.; Empting, S.; Mohnike, K.

    Auf Basis von sechs PET/CT-Datensätzen des Pankreas wird eine Computerunterstützung für die Teilresektion der Bauchspeicheldr üse (Pankreas) bei fokalem Hyperinsulinismus von Kindern entwickelt. Ziel ist es, die Lokalisation des krankhaften Fokus im Pankreasgewebe präoperativ dreidimensional zu visualisieren, um so die Sicherheit des Eingriffs zu erhöhen. Die relevanten anatomischen Strukturen werden im CT segmentiert und anschließend dreidimensional visualisiert. Der im PET erkennbare Fokus wird in diese anatomische 3D-Visualisierung eingeblendet. Es zeigt sich eine klare Erkennbarkeit des Fokus in allen sechs Fällen.

  20. Melatonin prevents possible radiotherapy-induced thyroid injury.


    Arıcıgil, Mitat; Dündar, Mehmet Akif; Yücel, Abitter; Eryılmaz, Mehmet Akif; Aktan, Meryem; Alan, Mehmet Akif; Fındık, Sıdıka; Kılınç, İbrahim


    We aimed to investigate the protective effect of melatonin in radiotherapy-induced thyroid gland injury in an experimental rat model. Thirty-two rats were divided into four groups: the control group, melatonin treatment group, radiotherapy group and melatonin plus radiotherapy group. The neck region of each rat was defined by simulation and radiated with 2 Gray (Gy) per min with 6-MV photon beams, for a total dose of 18 Gy. Melatonin was administered at a dose of 50 mg/kg through intraperitoneal injection, 15 min prior to radiation exposure. Thirty days after the beginning of the study, rats were decapitated and analyses of blood and thyroid tissue were performed. Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and nitric oxide (NO) levels in the radiotherapy group were significantly higher than those in the melatonin plus radiotherapy group (p < .05), whereas interleukin-10 (IL-10) and glutathione (GSH) values were higher in the melatonin plus radiotherapy group (p < .05). The infiltration of inflammatory cells and percentage of apoptosis in the radiotherapy group were significantly higher than those in the melatonin plus radiotherapy group (p < .05). Melatonin helped protect thyroid gland structure against the undesired cytotoxic effects of radiotherapy in rats.

  1. The Ionospheric Scintillation Effects on the BeiDou Signal Receiver

    PubMed Central

    He, Zhijun; Zhao, Hongbo; Feng, Wenquan


    Irregularities in the Earth’s ionosphere can make the amplitude and phase of radio signals fluctuate rapidly, which is known as ionospheric scintillation. Severe ionospheric scintillation could affect the performance of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). Currently, the Multiple Phase Screen (MPS) technique is widely used in solving problems caused by weak and strong scintillations. Considering that Southern China is mainly located in the area where moderate and intense scintillation occur frequently, this paper built a model based on the MPS technique and discussed the scintillation impacts on China’s BeiDou navigation system. By using the BeiDou B1I signal, this paper analyzed the scintillation effects on the receiver, which includes the acquisition and tracking process. For acquisition process, this paper focused on the correlation peak and acquisition probability. For the tracking process, this paper focused on the carrier tracking loop and the code tracking loop. Simulation results show that under high scintillation intensity, the phase fluctuation could be −1.13 ± 0.087 rad to 1.40 ± 0.087 rad and the relative amplitude fluctuation could be −10 dB to 8 dB. As the scintillation intensity increased, the average correlation peak would decrease more than 8%, which could thus degrade acquisition performance. On the other hand, when the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is comparatively lower, the influence of strong scintillation on the phase locked loop (PLL) is much higher than that of weak scintillation. As the scintillation becomes more intense, PLL variance could consequently results in an error of more than 2.02 cm in carrier-phase based ranging. In addition, the delay locked loop (DLL) simulation results indicated that the pseudo-range error caused by strong scintillation could be more than 4 m and the consequent impact on positioning accuracy could be more than 6 m. PMID:27834867

  2. Examining Determinants of Radiotherapy Access: Do Cost and Radiotherapy Inconvenience Affect Uptake of Breast-conserving Treatment for Early Breast Cancer?


    Lam, J; Cook, T; Foster, S; Poon, R; Milross, C; Sundaresan, P


    Radiotherapy utilisation is likely affected by multiple factors pertaining to radiotherapy access. Radiotherapy is an integral component of breast-conserving treatment (BCT) for early breast cancer. We aimed to determine if stepwise improvements in radiotherapy access in regional Australia affected the uptake of BCT and thus radiotherapy. Breast cancer operations in the Central Coast of New South Wales between January 2010 and March 2014 for T1-2N0-1M0 invasive or in situ (≤5 cm) disease in female patients eligible for BCT were examined. BCT uptake was calculated for three 1 year periods: period 1 (local radiotherapy available at cost to user or out of area radiotherapy with travel cost and inconvenience); period 2 (as per period 1 + publicly funded transport and radiotherapy at out of area facilities at no cost to user); period 3 (as per period 1 + publicly funded local radiotherapy at no cost to user). In total, 574 cases met eligibility criteria. BCT declined with increasing distance to publicly funded radiotherapy (P = 0.035). BCT rates for periods 1, 2 and 3 were 63% (113/180), 61% (105/173) and 71% (156/221). There were no statistically significant differences in BCT between periods 1 and 2 in the whole cohort or within age, histology or tumour size subgroups. Overall, there was a 9% increase in BCT in the whole cohort in period 3 compared with periods 1 and 2 (P = 0.031). This increase was statistically significant for women over 70 years (19% increase, P = 0.034), for women with ductal carcinoma in situ (25% increase, P = 0.013) and for women with primary tumours that were ≤10 mm (21% increase, P = 0.016). Improving the affordability of radiotherapy through publicly funded transport and radiotherapy at out of area facilities did not improve BCT uptake in a region where radiotherapy was locally available, albeit at cost to the user. Improving both affordability and convenience through the provision of local publicly funded radiotherapy increased BCT

  3. Comparison of Ultra-Rapid Orbit Prediction Strategies for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou.


    Geng, Tao; Zhang, Peng; Wang, Wei; Xie, Xin


    Currently, ultra-rapid orbits play an important role in the high-speed development of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) real-time applications. This contribution focuses on the impact of the fitting arc length of observed orbits and solar radiation pressure (SRP) on the orbit prediction performance for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou. One full year's precise ephemerides during 2015 were used as fitted observed orbits and then as references to be compared with predicted orbits, together with known earth rotation parameters. The full nine-parameter Empirical Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) Orbit Model (ECOM) and its reduced version were chosen in our study. The arc lengths of observed fitted orbits that showed the smallest weighted root mean squares (WRMSs) and medians of the orbit differences after a Helmert transformation fell between 40 and 45 h for GPS and GLONASS and between 42 and 48 h for Galileo, while the WRMS values and medians become flat after a 42 h arc length for BeiDou. The stability of the Helmert transformation and SRP parameters also confirmed the similar optimal arc lengths. The range around 42-45 h is suggested to be the optimal arc length interval of the fitted observed orbits for the multi-GNSS joint solution of ultra-rapid orbits.

  4. The launch of the first UK charity devoted to radiotherapy: ACORRN -- Action Radiotherapy.


    Price, P


    The Academic Clinical Oncology and Radiobiology Research Network (ACORRN) was set up to support research and development in radiotherapy in the UK. This innovative networking initiative was launched initially by the National Cancer Research Institute in 2005 to harness the power of the radiation research base in the UK. Through an interactive website a co-ordinated network of multidisciplinary radiation researchers has been established. The network has developed to a stage where it can be self-funding and dedicated to improving radiotherapy for cancer. A patient interactive section and extended support for service development will ensure that anyone treated in the UK will have immediate access to the best knowledge in the country. This provides a solution for cost-effectiveness and future improvement of cancer care and is seen as a new model to support healthcare development and delivery. The charity ACORRN - Action Radiotherapy aims to support radiotherapy research and development and was launched in the House of Lords in July 2010.

  5. Expanding global access to radiotherapy.


    Atun, Rifat; Jaffray, David A; Barton, Michael B; Bray, Freddie; Baumann, Michael; Vikram, Bhadrasain; Hanna, Timothy P; Knaul, Felicia M; Lievens, Yolande; Lui, Tracey Y M; Milosevic, Michael; O'Sullivan, Brian; Rodin, Danielle L; Rosenblatt, Eduardo; Van Dyk, Jacob; Yap, Mei Ling; Zubizarreta, Eduardo; Gospodarowicz, Mary


    Radiotherapy is a critical and inseparable component of comprehensive cancer treatment and care. For many of the most common cancers in low-income and middle-income countries, radiotherapy is essential for effective treatment. In high-income countries, radiotherapy is used in more than half of all cases of cancer to cure localised disease, palliate symptoms, and control disease in incurable cancers. Yet, in planning and building treatment capacity for cancer, radiotherapy is frequently the last resource to be considered. Consequently, worldwide access to radiotherapy is unacceptably low. We present a new body of evidence that quantifies the worldwide coverage of radiotherapy services by country. We show the shortfall in access to radiotherapy by country and globally for 2015-35 based on current and projected need, and show substantial health and economic benefits to investing in radiotherapy. The cost of scaling up radiotherapy in the nominal model in 2015-35 is US$26·6 billion in low-income countries, $62·6 billion in lower-middle-income countries, and $94·8 billion in upper-middle-income countries, which amounts to $184·0 billion across all low-income and middle-income countries. In the efficiency model the costs were lower: $14·1 billion in low-income, $33·3 billion in lower-middle-income, and $49·4 billion in upper-middle-income countries-a total of $96·8 billion. Scale-up of radiotherapy capacity in 2015-35 from current levels could lead to saving of 26·9 million life-years in low-income and middle-income countries over the lifetime of the patients who received treatment. The economic benefits of investment in radiotherapy are very substantial. Using the nominal cost model could produce a net benefit of $278·1 billion in 2015-35 ($265·2 million in low-income countries, $38·5 billion in lower-middle-income countries, and $239·3 billion in upper-middle-income countries). Investment in the efficiency model would produce in the same period an even

  6. Radiotherapy for gastric lymphoma: a planning study of 3D conformal radiotherapy, the half-beam method, and intensity-modulated radiotherapy.


    Inaba, Koji; Okamoto, Hiroyuki; Wakita, Akihisa; Nakamura, Satoshi; Kobayashi, Kazuma; Harada, Ken; Kitaguchi, Mayuka; Sekii, Shuhei; Takahashi, Kana; Yoshio, Kotaro; Murakami, Naoya; Morota, Madoka; Ito, Yoshinori; Sumi, Minako; Uno, Takashi; Itami, Jun


    During radiotherapy for gastric lymphoma, it is difficult to protect the liver and kidneys in cases where there is considerable overlap between these organs and the target volume. This study was conducted to compare the three radiotherapy planning techniques of four-fields 3D conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT), half-field radiotherapy (the half-beam method) and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) used to treat primary gastric lymphoma in which the planning target volume (PTV) had a large overlap with the left kidney. A total of 17 patients with gastric diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) were included. In DLBCL, immunochemotherapy (Rituximab + CHOP) was followed by radiotherapy of 40 Gy to the whole stomach and peri-gastric lymph nodes. 3DCRT, the half-field method, and IMRT were compared with respect to the dose-volume histogram (DVH) parameters and generalized equivalent uniform dose (gEUD) to the kidneys, liver and PTV. The mean dose and gEUD for 3DCRT was higher than for IMRT and the half-beam method in the left kidney and both kidneys. The mean dose and gEUD of the left kidney was 2117 cGy and 2224 cGy for 3DCRT, 1520 cGy and 1637 cGy for IMRT, and 1100 cGy and 1357 cGy for the half-beam method, respectively. The mean dose and gEUD of both kidneys was 1335 cGy and 1559 cGy for 3DCRT, 1184 cGy and 1311 cGy for IMRT, and 700 cGy and 937 cGy for the half-beam method, respectively. Dose-volume histograms (DVHs) of the liver revealed a larger volume was irradiated in the dose range <25 Gy with 3DCRT, while the half-beam method irradiated a larger volume of liver with the higher dose range (>25 Gy). IMRT and the half-beam method had the advantages of dose reduction for the kidneys and liver. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Japan Radiation Research Society and Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology.

  7. Windkraftanlagen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Surek, Dominik

    Windturbinenanlagen nutzen die kinetische Energie des Windes bei Geschwindigkeiten von c=4 m/s bis 25 m/s in Nabenhöhe des Windrades zur Stromerzeugung. Die oben genannten Windgeschwindigkeiten liegen im Grenzschichtbereich der ebenen Strömung (Abb. 67.1), die bei Höhen von h=100 m bis 1000 m liegen und in Großstädten mit Skylines bis 2000 m. Die größten Windturbinentürme erreichen gegenwärtig Nabenhöhen von h=160 m und Windraddurchmesser von d=130 m, d. h. mit Flügellängen von L=65 m. Die Windturbinen werden vorrangig mit 3 Schaufeln ausgeführt. Windturbinen mit einer und zwei Schaufeln waren Versuchsgeräte. Die Drehzahl von Windturbinen für Leistungen von P_{T}=2 MW betragen n=12 bis 20 min{}^{-1}. Das Windrad entzieht dem Wind mit der Anströmgeschwindigkeit c 1 nach Betz die Geschwindigkeitsdifferenz c2=(2/3) c1. Der Rest der Windgeschwindigkeit wird für die Abströmung des Windes im Leebereich c3=c1/3 benötigt. Durch den Entzug der Geschwindigkeit im Laufrad bläht sich der Abströmdurchmesser auf d3> d1 auf, der bei der Installation von Windturbinen zu beachten ist (Abb. 67.2) [Gasch und Twele(2013)]. Um die Windturbinen bei starkem Wind von c {}1> 25 m/s zu schützen, werden die Laufschaufeln durch Pitch- oder Stall-Anlagen aus dem Wind gedreht, so dass die Strömung an den Schaufeln abreißt und das Windrad in die Ruhestellung gelangt. Bei der Windgeschwindigkeit c1=25 m/s bis 34 m/s wird der Windrotor abgeschaltet. Die zulässige Maximalgeschwindigkeit liegt aus Festigkeitsgründen etwa bei . Die aktive Blattverdrehung (Pitchregelung) stellt eine Blattwinkelregelung dar, wobei die Profilnase in die Anströmung gedreht wird. Sie benötigen für die Drehzahlreduzierung keine mechanische Bremse.

  8. [Acceptance of tinnitus: Validation of the ‛Akzeptanzfragebogen bei chronischem Tinnitus' (AFCT)].


    Riedl, D; Rumpold, G; Schmidt, A; Bliem, H R; Moschen, R


    Tinnitus is a widely spread symptom, which is perceived chronically by approximately 10% of the population. The vast majority of the tinnitus patients doesn´t feel impaired through the ear noise, but about 5-30% of the tinnitus patient are suffering in their everyday life. Whether severe distress is experienced cannot be explained by the quality of the ear noise itself (i. e. loudness or duration). Newer research tends to explain the difference in the experienced strain by the concept of acceptance. The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric quality of a German Version of the "Chronic Pain Acceptance Ques-tionnaire" (CPAQ), namely the "Akzeptanzfragebogen bei chronischem Tinnitus" (AFCT) which has been adapted for tinnitus. 97 patients with chronic tinnitus have been tested at the start of an outpatient tinnitus group therapy. The following questionnaires were used: "Akzeptanzfragebogen bei chronischem Tinnitus" (AFCT) and "Tinnitusfragebogen" (TF). The structure of the AFCT was determined by a factor analysis. The reliability was evaluated by the estimation of the internal consistency (Cronbach Alpha). Due to psychometric weakness and unclear factorial loadings 8 items have been removed. Out of the remaining 12 items the AFCT-12 has been developed. The AFCT-12 consists of 2 factors, which explain a variance of 54.9%. Both AFCT-12 and AFCT have a satisfactory reliability and validity. The results demonstrate that the AFCT-12 is a reliable and valid instrument to measure the acceptance of patients suffering from chronic tinnitus. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  9. Cardiac Side-effects From Breast Cancer Radiotherapy.


    Taylor, C W; Kirby, A M


    Breast cancer radiotherapy reduces the risk of cancer recurrence and death. However, it usually involves some radiation exposure of the heart and analyses of randomised trials have shown that it can increase the risk of heart disease. Estimates of the absolute risks of radiation-related heart disease are needed to help oncologists plan each individual woman's treatment. The risk for an individual woman varies according to her estimated cardiac radiation dose and her background risk of ischaemic heart disease in the absence of radiotherapy. When it is known, this risk can then be compared with the absolute benefit of the radiotherapy. At present, many UK cancer centres are already giving radiotherapy with mean heart doses of less than 3 Gy and for most women the benefits of the radiotherapy will probably far outweigh the risks. Technical approaches to minimising heart dose in breast cancer radiotherapy include optimisation of beam angles, use of multileaf collimator shielding, intensity-modulated radiotherapy, treatment in a prone position, treatment in deep inspiration (including the use of breath-hold and gating techniques), proton therapy and partial breast irradiation. The multileaf collimator is suitable for many women with upper pole left breast cancers, but for women with central or lower pole cancers, breath-holding techniques are now recommended in national UK guidelines. Ongoing work aims to identify ways of irradiating pan-regional lymph nodes that are effective, involve minimal exposure of organs at risk and are feasible to plan, deliver and verify. These will probably include wide tangent-based field-in-field intensity-modulated radiotherapy or arc radiotherapy techniques in combination with deep inspiratory breath-hold, and proton beam irradiation for women who have a high predicted heart dose from intensity-modulated radiotherapy. Copyright © 2015 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Efficiency of selection methods for increased ratio of pupal-larval to adult-larval weight gains in Tribolium.


    Campo, J L; Cobos, P


    Four lines of Tribolium castaneum were selected in each of three replicates for increased ratio of (pupal-larval) to (adult-larval) weight gains, using selection for increased (pupal-larval) weight gain (PL), selection for decreased (adult-larval) weight gain (AL), direct selection for the ratio (R) and linear selection index of larval, pupal and adult weights (I), respectively, for four generations. Linear index was calculated with economic weights of m(2) -m(3) , m(3) -m(1) and m(1) -m(2) , respectively, with m(1) , m(2) and m(3) being the means for larval, pupal and adult weights. Selection to increase the ratio is considered to be a method to maximize the mean response in (adult-larval) weight while controlling the response in (pupal-adult) weight, and as a form of antagonistic selection to increase the weight gain during a given age period relative to the gain at another age period. Larval, pupal and adult weights were measured at 14, 21 and 28 days after adult emergence, respectively. The selected proportion was 20 % in all lines. The response observed for the ratio differed significantly among lines (p < 0.01), with the I and AL lines having the greatest responses. Line R was less effective in improving the objective of selection, while line PL appeared to be inappropriate. The observed responses for the numerator and denominator weight gains were positive in line PL, and negative in the AL, R and I lines. All lines apart from line PL decreased the (adult-larval) weight, holding (pupal-adult) weight constant. Larval weight showed the greatest influence on the response for the objective of selection. The results for this greater than 1 ratio are compared with results of others for smaller than 1 ratios, in which indirect selection for increased numerator is the more efficient alternative to the selection index. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Effizienz Selektionsverfahren zur Verbesserung des Quotienten der Gewichtsentwicklung zwischen Puppe/Larve und Käfer/Larve bei

  11. Kontinuierliche Wanddickenbestimmung und Visualisierung des linken Herzventrikels

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dornheim, Lars; Hahn, Peter; Oeltze, Steffen; Preim, Bernhard; Tönnies, Klaus D.

    Zur Bestimmung von Defekten in der Herztätigkeit kann die Veränderung der Wanddicke des linken Ventrikels in zeitlichen MRTAufnahmesequenzen gemessen werden. Derzeit werden für diese Bestimmung im allgemeinen nur die aufwändig manuell erstellte Segmentierungen der Endsystole und Enddiastole benutzt. Wir stellen ein bis auf die Startpunktinitialisierung automatisches Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Wanddicke des linken Ventrikels und ihrer Veränderung vor, das auf einer vollständigen Segmentierung der Herzwand in allen Zeitschritten durch ein dynamisches dreidimensionales Formmodell (Stabiles Feder-Masse-Modell) basiert. Dieses Modell nutzt bei der Segmentierung neben der Grauwertinformation eines Zeitschrittes auch die Segmentierungen der anderen Zeitschritte und ist so aufgebaut, dass die Wanddicken direkt gemessen und visualisiert werden können. Auf diese Weise werden die lokalen Wanddickenextrema über den gesamten Aufnahmezeitraum detektiert, auch wenn sie nicht in die Endsystole bzw. -diastole fallen. Das Verfahren wurde auf sechs 4D-Kardio-MRT-Datensätzen evaluiert und stellte sich als sehr robust bzgl. der einzig nötigen Interaktion heraus.

  12. Rosazea-Management: Update über allgemeine Maßnahmen und topische Therapieoptionen.


    Schaller, M; Schöfer, H; Homey, B; Hofmann, M; Gieler, U; Lehmann, P; Luger, T A; Ruzicka, T; Steinhoff, M


    Obwohl bislang für die Rosazea keine kurative Therapie besteht, können verschiedene Optionen zur Behandlung der Symptome und zur Vorbeugung von Exazerbationen empfohlen werden. Neben Selbsthilfemaßnahme wie der Vermeidung von Triggerfaktoren und einer geeigneten Hautpflege sollte das Rosazea-Management bei Patienten mit erythematöser und leichter bis schwerer papulopustulöser Rosazea die Anwendung topischer Präparate als First-Line-Therapie umfassen. Da Überlappungen der charakteristischen Rosazea-Symptome im klinischen Alltag die Regel sind, sollte die medikamentöse Therapie auf die individuellen Symptome zugeschnitten werden; auch eine Kombinationstherapie kann erforderlich sein. Zu den für die Behandlung der Hauptsymptome der Rosazea zugelassenen Wirkstoffen gehören Brimonidin gegen das Erythem sowie Ivermectin, Metronidazol oder Azelainsäure gegen entzündliche Läsionen. Ihre Wirksamkeit wurde in zahlreichen validen, gut kontrollierten Studien belegt. Darüber hinaus existieren verschiedene nicht zugelassene topische Behandlungsmöglichkeiten, deren Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit noch in größeren, kontrollierten Studien zu untersuchen ist. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. The role of intraoperative radiotherapy in solid tumors.


    Skandarajah, A R; Lynch, A C; Mackay, J R; Ngan, S; Heriot, A G


    Combined multimodality therapy is becoming standard treatment for many solid tumors, but the role of intraoperative radiotherapy in the management of solid tumors remains uncertain. The aim is to review the indication, application, and outcomes of intraoperative radiotherapy in the management of nongynecological solid tumors. A literature search was performed using Medline, Embase, Ovid, and Cochrane database for studies between 1965 and 2008 assessing intraoperative radiotherapy, using the keywords "intraoperative radiotherapy," "colorectal cancer," "breast cancer," "gastric cancer," "pancreatic cancer," "soft tissue tumor," and "surgery." Only publications in English with available abstracts and regarding adult humans were included, and the evidence was critically evaluated. Our search retrieved 864 publications. After exclusion of nonclinical papers, duplicated papers and exclusion of brachytherapy papers, 77 papers were suitable to assess the current role of intraoperative radiotherapy. The clinical application and evidence base of intraoperative radiotherapy for each cancer is presented. Current studies in all common cancers show an additional benefit in local recurrence rates when intraoperative radiotherapy is included in the multimodal treatment. However, intraoperative radiotherapy may not improve overall survival and has significant morbidity depending on the site of the tumor. Intraoperative radiotherapy does have a role in the multidisciplinary management of solid tumors, but further studies are required to more precisely determine the extent of benefit.

  14. Genome-wide transcription responses to synchrotron microbeam radiotherapy.


    Sprung, Carl N; Yang, Yuqing; Forrester, Helen B; Li, Jason; Zaitseva, Marina; Cann, Leonie; Restall, Tina; Anderson, Robin L; Crosbie, Jeffrey C; Rogers, Peter A W


    The majority of cancer patients achieve benefit from radiotherapy. A significant limitation of radiotherapy is its relatively low therapeutic index, defined as the maximum radiation dose that causes acceptable normal tissue damage to the minimum dose required to achieve tumor control. Recently, a new radiotherapy modality using synchrotron-generated X-ray microbeam radiotherapy has been demonstrated in animal models to ablate tumors with concurrent sparing of normal tissue. Very little work has been undertaken into the cellular and molecular mechanisms that differentiate microbeam radiotherapy from broad beam. The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the whole genome transcriptional response of in vivo microbeam radiotherapy versus broad beam irradiated tumors. We hypothesized that gene expression changes after microbeam radiotherapy are different from those seen after broad beam. We found that in EMT6.5 tumors at 4-48 h postirradiation, microbeam radiotherapy differentially regulates a number of genes, including major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II antigen gene family members, and other immunity-related genes including Ciita, Ifng, Cxcl1, Cxcl9, Indo and Ubd when compared to broad beam. Our findings demonstrate molecular differences in the tumor response to microbeam versus broad beam irradiation and these differences provide insight into the underlying mechanisms of microbeam radiotherapy and broad beam.

  15. Comparison of Ultra-Rapid Orbit Prediction Strategies for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou

    PubMed Central

    Zhang, Peng; Wang, Wei; Xie, Xin


    Currently, ultra-rapid orbits play an important role in the high-speed development of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) real-time applications. This contribution focuses on the impact of the fitting arc length of observed orbits and solar radiation pressure (SRP) on the orbit prediction performance for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou. One full year’s precise ephemerides during 2015 were used as fitted observed orbits and then as references to be compared with predicted orbits, together with known earth rotation parameters. The full nine-parameter Empirical Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) Orbit Model (ECOM) and its reduced version were chosen in our study. The arc lengths of observed fitted orbits that showed the smallest weighted root mean squares (WRMSs) and medians of the orbit differences after a Helmert transformation fell between 40 and 45 h for GPS and GLONASS and between 42 and 48 h for Galileo, while the WRMS values and medians become flat after a 42 h arc length for BeiDou. The stability of the Helmert transformation and SRP parameters also confirmed the similar optimal arc lengths. The range around 42–45 h is suggested to be the optimal arc length interval of the fitted observed orbits for the multi-GNSS joint solution of ultra-rapid orbits. PMID:29415467

  16. Palliative radiotherapy practice within Western European countries: impact of the radiotherapy financing system?


    Lievens, Y; Van den Bogaert, W; Rijnders, A; Kutcher, G; Kesteloot, K


    To analyze the reimbursement modalities for radiotherapy in the different Western European countries, as well as to investigate if these differences have an impact on the palliative radiotherapy practice for bone metastases. A questionnaire was sent to 565 radiotherapy centres included in the 1997 ESTRO directory. In this questionnaire the reimbursement strategy applied in the different centres was assessed, with respect to the use of a budget (departmental or hospital budget), case payment and/or fee-for-service reimbursement. The differences were analyzed according to country and to type and size of the radiotherapy centre. A total of 170 centres (86% of the responders) returned the questionnaire. Most frequent is budget reimbursement: some form of budget reimbursement is found in 69% of the centres, whereas 46% of the centres are partly reimbursed through fee-for-service and 35% through case payment. The larger the department, the more frequent the reimbursement through a budget or a case payment system and the less the importance of fee-for-service reimbursement (chi(2): P=0.0012; logit: P=0.0055). Whereas private centres are almost equally reimbursed by fee-for-service financing as by budget or case payment, radiotherapy departments in university hospitals receive the largest part of their financial resources through a budget or by case payment (83%) (chi(2): P=0.002; logit: P=0.0073). A correlation between the country and the radiotherapy reimbursement system was also demonstrated (P=0.002), radiotherapy centres in Spain, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom being almost entirely reimbursed through a budget and/or case payment and centres in Germany and Switzerland mostly through a fee-for-service system. In budget and case payment financing lower total number of fractions and lower total dose (chi(2): P=0.003; logit: P=0.0120) as well as less shielding blocks (chi(2): P=0.003; logit: P=0.0066) are used. A same tendency is found for the use of isodose

  17. Estimating radiotherapy demands in South East Asia countries in 2025 and 2035 using evidence-based optimal radiotherapy fractions.


    Yahya, Noorazrul; Roslan, Nurhaziqah


    As about 50% of cancer patients may require radiotherapy, the demand of radiotherapy as the main treatment to treat cancer is likely to rise due to rising cancer incidence. This study aims to quantify the radiotherapy demand in countries in Southeast Asia (SEA) in 2025 and 2035 using evidence-based optimal radiotherapy fractions. SEA country-specific cancer incidence by tumor site for 2015, 2025 and 2035 was extracted from the GLOBOCAN database. We utilized the optimal radiotherapy utilization rate model by Wong et al. (2016) to calculate the optimal number of fractions for all tumor sites in each SEA country. The available machines (LINAC & Co-60) were extracted from the IAEA's Directory of Radiotherapy Centres (DIRAC) from which the number of available fractions was calculated. The incidence of cancers in SEA countries are expected to be 1.1 mil cases (2025) and 1.4 mil (2035) compared to 0.9 mil (2015). The number of radiotherapy fractions needed in 2025 and 2035 are 11.1 and 14.1 mil, respectively, compared to 7.6 mil in 2015. In 2015, the radiotherapy fulfillment rate (RFR; required fractions/available fractions) varied between countries with Brunei, Singapore and Malaysia are highest (RFR > 1.0 - available fractions > required fractions), whereas Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Timor-Leste and Vietnam have RFR < 0.5. RFR is correlated to GDP per capita (ρ = 0.73, P = 0.01). To allow RFR ≥1 in 2025 and 2035, another 866 and 1177 machines are required, respectively. The number are lower if longer running hours are implemented. With the optimal number of radiotherapy fractions, estimation for number of machines required can be obtained which will guide acquisition of machines in SEA countries. RFR is low with access varied based on the economic status. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  18. Aktuelle Entwicklungen - Orthopädische Implantate

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Riner, Marc A.

    Die guten Resultate und langen Standzeiten von bis zu 15 und 20 Jahren von implantierten Hüftendoprothesen führen dazu, immer jüngere Patienten mit einem Hüftgelenkersatz zu behandeln. Die Versorgung von jungen aktiven Patienten mit einer Hüftendoprothese stellt jedoch eine besondere Herausforderung dar [1]. Trotz umfangreicher Materialentwicklungen, Designoptimierungen und Verbesserungen der Operationstechnik, haben sich die Standzeiten der Prothesen zwar wesentlich verbessert, ist jedoch bei jungen Patienten verglichen mit denen von älteren Patienten deutlich verkürzt [2, 3]. Zudem kann die Hüftprothesenverankerung durch Knochenresektion im Rahmen der Erstimplantation, Adaptionsvorgängen im Knochen (stress shielding) aufgrund unphysiologischer Krafteinleitung, abriebbedingte Osteolyse und während der Implantat- bzw. Knochenzemententfernung auftretende knöcherne Defekte zu unbefriedigende Reimplantationsbedingungen im Fall einer Revision führen [4]. Dies hat in jüngerer Zeit zur Entwicklung von verschiedenen Endoprothesensystemen mit einem möglichst geringen Knochenverlust und damit einhergehenden verbesserten Rückzugsmöglichkeit im Revisionsfall geführt. Bei den knochensparend verankerten Hüftprothesen werden allgemein zwei Typen, die Schenkelhalsprothese und der Oberflächenersatz, unterschieden.

  19. A case study of the neuropsychological outcomes following microsurgery, conventional radiotherapy and stereotactic radiotherapy for an adult's recurrent craniopharyngioma.


    Preece, David; Allan, Alfred; Becerra, Rodrigo


    To examine the neuropsychological outcomes for an adult patient, 2 years after receiving microsurgery and conventional radiotherapy for a recurrent craniopharyngioma; and the impact of a further intervention, stereotactic radiotherapy, on this level of neuropsychological functioning. JD, a 30 year old male whose recurrent craniopharyngioma had 2 years earlier been treated with two operations and conventional radiotherapy. JD was assessed (using standardized clinical tests) before and after a course of stereotactic radiotherapy. Prior to stereotactic radiotherapy (and 2 years after microsurgery and conventional radiotherapy) JD's IQ was intact, but considerable impairments were present in executive functioning, memory, theory of mind and processing speed. Fifteen months after stereotactic radiotherapy, all neuropsychological domains remained largely static or improved, supporting the utility of this treatment option in the neuropsychological domain. However, deficits in executive functioning, memory and processing speed remained. These findings suggest that, even after multiple treatments, substantial cognitive impairments can be present in an adult patient with a recurrent craniopharyngioma. This profile of deficits underlines the inadequacy of relying purely on IQ as a marker for cognitive health in this population and emphasizes the need to include neuropsychological impairments as a focus of rehabilitation with these patients.

  20. Innovations in Radiotherapy Technology.


    Feain, I J; Court, L; Palta, J R; Beddar, S; Keall, P


    Many low- and middle-income countries, together with remote and low socioeconomic populations within high-income countries, lack the resources and services to deal with cancer. The challenges in upgrading or introducing the necessary services are enormous, from screening and diagnosis to radiotherapy planning/treatment and quality assurance. There are severe shortages not only in equipment, but also in the capacity to train, recruit and retain staff as well as in their ongoing professional development via effective international peer-review and collaboration. Here we describe some examples of emerging technology innovations based on real-time software and cloud-based capabilities that have the potential to redress some of these areas. These include: (i) automatic treatment planning to reduce physics staffing shortages, (ii) real-time image-guided adaptive radiotherapy technologies, (iii) fixed-beam radiotherapy treatment units that use patient (rather than gantry) rotation to reduce infrastructure costs and staff-to-patient ratios, (iv) cloud-based infrastructure programmes to facilitate international collaboration and quality assurance and (v) high dose rate mobile cobalt brachytherapy techniques for intraoperative radiotherapy. Copyright © 2016 The Royal College of Radiologists. All rights reserved.

  1. Breast Cancer Patients’ Experience of External-Beam Radiotherapy

    PubMed Central

    Schnur, Julie B.; Ouellette, Suzanne C.; Bovbjerg, Dana H.; Montgomery, Guy H.


    Radiotherapy is a critical component of treatment for the majority of women with breast cancer, particularly those who receive breast conserving surgery. Although medically beneficial, radiotherapy can take a physical and psychological toll on patients. However, little is known about the specific thoughts and feelings experienced by women undergoing breast cancer radiotherapy. Therefore, the study aim was to use qualitative research methods to develop an understanding of these thoughts and feelings based on 180 diary entries, completed during radiotherapy by 15 women with Stage 0-III breast cancer. Thematic analysis identified four primary participant concerns: (a) a preoccupation with time; (b) fantasies (both optimistic and pessimistic) about life following radiotherapy; (c) the toll their side-effect experience takes on their self-esteem; and (d) feeling mystified by radiotherapy. These themes are consistent with previous literature on illness and identity. These findings have implications for the treatment and care of women undergoing breast cancer radiotherapy. PMID:19380502

  2. Very Early Salvage Radiotherapy Improves Distant Metastasis-Free Survival.


    Abugharib, Ahmed; Jackson, William C; Tumati, Vasu; Dess, Robert T; Lee, Jae Y; Zhao, Shuang G; Soliman, Moaaz; Zumsteg, Zachary S; Mehra, Rohit; Feng, Felix Y; Morgan, Todd M; Desai, Neil; Spratt, Daniel E


    Early salvage radiotherapy following radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer is commonly advocated in place of adjuvant radiotherapy. We aimed to determine the optimal definition of early salvage radiotherapy. We performed a multi-institutional retrospective study of 657 men who underwent salvage radiotherapy between 1986 and 2013. Two comparisons were made to determine the optimal definition of early salvage radiotherapy, including 1) the time from radical prostatectomy to salvage radiotherapy (less than 9, 9 to 21, 22 to 47 or greater than 48 months) and 2) the level of detectable pre-salvage radiotherapy prostate specific antigen (0.01 to 0.2, greater than 0.2 to 0.5 or greater than 0.5 ng/ml). Outcomes included freedom from salvage androgen deprivation therapy, and biochemical relapse-free, distant metastases-free and prostate cancer specific survival. Median followup was 9.8 years. Time from radical prostatectomy to salvage radiotherapy did not correlate with 10-year biochemical relapse-free survival rates (R 2 = 0.18). Increasing pre-salvage radiotherapy prostate specific antigen strongly correlated with biochemical relapse-free survival (R 2 = 0.91). Increasing detectable pre-salvage radiotherapy prostate specific antigen (0.01 to 0.2, greater than 0.2 to 0.5 and greater than 0.5 ng/ml) predicted worse 10-year biochemical relapse-free survival (62%, 44% and 27%), freedom from salvage androgen deprivation therapy (77%, 66% and 49%), distant metastases-free survival (86%, 79% and 66%, each p <0.001) and prostate cancer specific survival (93%, 89% and 80%, respectively, p = 0.001). On multivariable analysis early salvage radiotherapy (prostate specific antigen greater than 0.2 to 0.5 ng/ml) was associated with a twofold increase in biochemical failure, use of salvage androgen deprivation therapy and distant metastases compared to very early salvage radiotherapy (prostate specific antigen 0.01 to 0.2 ng/ml). The duration from radical prostatectomy to salvage

  3. Risk-adaptive radiotherapy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kim, Yusung

    Currently, there is great interest in integrating biological information into intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) treatment planning with the aim of boosting high-risk tumor subvolumes. Selective boosting of tumor subvolumes can be accomplished without violating normal tissue complication constraints using information from functional imaging. In this work we have developed a risk-adaptive optimization-framework that utilizes a nonlinear biological objective function. Employing risk-adaptive radiotherapy for prostate cancer, it is possible to increase the equivalent uniform dose (EUD) by up to 35.4 Gy in tumor subvolumes having the highest risk classification without increasing normal tissue complications. Subsequently, we have studied the impact of functional imaging accuracy, and found on the one hand that loss in sensitivity had a large impact on expected local tumor control, which was maximal when a low-risk classification for the remaining low risk PTV was chosen. While on the other hand loss in specificity appeared to have a minimal impact on normal tissue sparing. Therefore, it appears that in order to improve the therapeutic ratio a functional imaging technique with a high sensitivity, rather than specificity, is needed. Last but not least a comparison study between selective boosting IMRT strategies and uniform-boosting IMRT strategies yielding the same EUD to the overall PTV was carried out, and found that selective boosting IMRT considerably improves expected TCP compared to uniform-boosting IMRT, especially when lack of control of the high-risk tumor subvolumes is the cause of expected therapy failure. Furthermore, while selective boosting IMRT, using physical dose-volume objectives, did yield similar rectal and bladder sparing when compared its equivalent uniform-boosting IMRT plan, risk-adaptive radiotherapy, utilizing biological objective functions, did yield a 5.3% reduction in NTCP for the rectum. Hence, in risk-adaptive radiotherapy the



    Kreitschmann-Andermahr, Ilonka; Buchfelder, Michael; Kleist, Bernadette; Kohlmann, Johannes; Menzel, Christa; Buslei, Rolf; Kołtowska-Häggsträm, Maria; Strasburger, Christian; Siegel, Sonja


    Even if treated, acromegaly has a considerable impact on patient quality of life (QoL); despite this, the exact clinical determinants of QoL in acromegaly are unknown. This study retrospectively examines a cohort of treated patients with acromegaly, with the aim of identifying these determinants. Retrospective survey analysis, with 165 patients included in the study. All patients completed a survey, which included demographic data and the clinical details of their disease, the Short Form-36 Health Survey (SF-36), the revised Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), and the Bern Embitterment Inventory (BEI). Stepwise regression was used to identify predictors of QoL. The strongest predictors of the physical component score of the SF-36 were (in order of declining strength of association): Delay between first presentation of the disease and diagnosis, body mass index (BMI), number of doctors visited before the diagnosis of acromegaly, and age at diagnosis. For the mental component score, the strongest predictors were: number of doctors visited, previous radiotherapy, and age at study entry; and, for the BDI-II score: number of doctors visited, previous radiotherapy, age at study entry, and employment status at the time of diagnosis. The following were predictors of the BEI score: number of doctors visited, and age at study entry. Diagnostic delay and lack of diagnostic acumen in medical care provision are strong predictors of poor QoL in patients with acromegaly. Other identified parameters are radiotherapy, age, BMI, and employment status. An efficient acromegaly service should address these aspects when devising disease management plans. BDI-II = Beck Depression Inventory II BEI = Bern Embitterment Inventory BMI = body mass index IGF-1 = insulin-like growth factor 1 MCS = mental component summary (score) PCS = physical component summary (score) QoL = quality of life SDS = standard deviation score SF-36 = Short Form-36 Health Survey.

  5. Survey on deep learning for radiotherapy.


    Meyer, Philippe; Noblet, Vincent; Mazzara, Christophe; Lallement, Alex


    More than 50% of cancer patients are treated with radiotherapy, either exclusively or in combination with other methods. The planning and delivery of radiotherapy treatment is a complex process, but can now be greatly facilitated by artificial intelligence technology. Deep learning is the fastest-growing field in artificial intelligence and has been successfully used in recent years in many domains, including medicine. In this article, we first explain the concept of deep learning, addressing it in the broader context of machine learning. The most common network architectures are presented, with a more specific focus on convolutional neural networks. We then present a review of the published works on deep learning methods that can be applied to radiotherapy, which are classified into seven categories related to the patient workflow, and can provide some insights of potential future applications. We have attempted to make this paper accessible to both radiotherapy and deep learning communities, and hope that it will inspire new collaborations between these two communities to develop dedicated radiotherapy applications. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Post-radiotherapy hypothyroidism in dogs treated for thyroid carcinomas.


    Amores-Fuster, I; Cripps, P; Blackwood, L


    Hypothyroidism is a common adverse event after head and neck radiotherapy in human medicine, but uncommonly reported in canine patients. Records of 21 dogs with histologically or cytologically confirmed thyroid carcinoma receiving definitive or hypofractionated radiotherapy were reviewed. Nine cases received 48 Gy in 12 fractions, 10 received 36 Gy in 4 fractions and 2 received 32 Gy in 4 fractions. Seventeen cases had radiotherapy in a post-operative setting. Ten cases developed hypothyroidism (47.6%) after radiotherapy. The development of hypothyroidism was not associated with the radiotherapy protocol used. Median time to diagnosis of hypothyroidism was 6 months (range, 1-13 months). Hypothyroidism is a common side effect following radiotherapy for thyroid carcinomas. Monitoring of thyroid function following radiotherapy is recommended. No specific risk factors have been identified. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Effectiveness of Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients With Glioblastoma

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Scott, Jacob; Tsai, Ya-Yu; Chinnaiyan, Prakash

    Purpose: Radiotherapy plays a central role in the definitive treatment of glioblastoma. However, the optimal management of elderly patients with glioblastoma remains controversial, as the relative benefit in this patient population is unclear. To better understand the role that radiation plays in the treatment of glioblastoma in the elderly, we analyzed factors influencing patient survival using a large population-based registry. Methods and Materials: A total of 2,836 patients more than 70 years of age diagnosed with glioblastoma between 1993 and 2005 were identified from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) registry. Demographic and clinical variables used in the analysismore » included gender, ethnicity, tumor size, age at diagnosis, surgery, and radiotherapy. Cancer-specific survival and overall survival were evaluated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Univariate and multivariate analysis were performed using Cox regression. Results: Radiotherapy was administered in 64% of these patients, and surgery was performed in 68%. Among 2,836 patients, 46% received surgery and radiotherapy, 22% underwent surgery only, 18% underwent radiotherapy only, and 14% did not undergo either treatment. The median survival for patients who underwent surgery and radiotherapy was 8 months. The median survival for patients who underwent radiotherapy only was 4 months, and for patients who underwent surgery only was 3 months. Those who received neither surgery nor radiotherapy had a median survival of 2 months (p < 0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that radiotherapy significantly improved cancer-specific survival (hazard ratio [HR], 0.43, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.38-0.49) after adjusting for surgery, tumor size, gender, ethnicity, and age at diagnosis. Other factors associated with Cancer-specific survival included surgery, tumor size, age at diagnosis, and ethnicity. Analysis using overall survival as the endpoint yielded very similar results. Conclusions

  8. Der II. Hauptsatz der Wärmelehre

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Heintze, Joachim

    Wir haben in (4.44) den II. Hauptsatz als empirische Tatsache folgendermaßen formuliert: (i) Wärmeenergie geht von selbst nur von einem wärmeren Körper auf einen kälteren über, niemals in der umgekehrten Richtung. Nun werden wir beweisen, dass sich aus diesem Prinzip folgende äquivalente Formulierungen für den II. Hauptsatz ableiten lassen: (ii) Es ist unmöglich, ein Perpetuum mobile zweiter Art zu bauen, d. h. eine Maschine, die fortlaufend Wärmeenergie vollständig in mechanische Arbeit umsetzen kann. Eine Wärmekraftmaschine, die einen Kreisprozess mit der höchsten Temperatur Tw und der niedrigsten Temperatur Tk durchläuft, hat höchstens den Carnotschen Wirkungsgrad c = (Tw - Tk)/Tw. Wenn in der Maschine nur reversible Prozesse ablaufen, die gesamte Wärmezufuhr bei der Temperatur Tw erfolgt und ausschließlich bei der Temperatur Tw gekühlt wird, ist ihr Wirkungsgrad = C. Es gibt keine Wärmekraftmaschine, die eine bessere Ausnutzung der Wärmeenergie ermöglicht. (iv) In jedem thermodynamischen System existiert die Zustandsgröße Entropie, definiert durch ihr Differential dS = (dQrev)/T . Entropie kann erzeugt, aber nicht vernichtet werden. Bei Zustandsänderungen, die in einem abgeschlossenen System ablaufen, nimmt die Entropie entweder zu (irreversible Prozesse), oder sie bleibt konstant (reversible Prozesse). Im Anschluss an (iii) werden wir zur Definition der thermodynamischen Temperatur und bei der Diskussion von (iv) zu einem tieferen Verständnis der Entropie gelangen. Es zeigt sich, dass die Entropie das eigentliche Bindeglied zwischen Mechanik und Wärmelehre darstellt. Am Ende des Kapitels werden wir einige Anwendungen des II. Hauptsatzes betrachten.

  9. Variabilität des Reviergesangs des Buchfinken (Fringilla coelebs) zur Raum-Zeit-Beschreibung von Metapopulationen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nolte, Björn


    Der Buchfinkengesang wurde in Potsdam in zwei Hauptpopulationen über drei Jahre aufgenommen. Jedes Individuum wurde eindeutig am individuellen Strophentypenrepertoire identifiziert. Ein weiterer Punkt der die individuelle Wiedererkennung bestätigt ist die hohe Standorttreue der adulten Männchen. Die beschriebene Methode eignet sich für die Untersuchung von gesamten Populationen, um den Wandel des Gesangs von Populationen in Raum und Zeit zu beschreiben. Die Haupterkenntnisse der Arbeit sind: - Die Gesamtanzahl der Grundstrophentypen innerhalb einer Population bleibt über Jahre konstant. - Die relative Häufigkeit jedes einzelnen Strophentyps variiert von Jahr zu Jahr und von Population zu Population. - Gesangslernen erfolgt exakt mit einem Korrektheitsgrad von mindestens 96%. - Das Song-Sharing ist innerhalb der Population hoch. Die diskutierten Mechanismen für das Song-Sharing sind: Die Lebenserwartung, das Zugverhalten, das Lernverhalten, die Etabliertheit von Strophentypen, Weibchenpräferenzen und die Reaktionen der territorialen Männchen. - Weiterhin wurde ein Modell zur kulturellen Evolution des Buchfinkengesangs programmiert, um die Rolle der Einflussfaktoren, wie Fehlerquote, Abwanderungsrate und Laufzeit zu ermitteln. Der Wandel des Dialektes erfolgt graduell in Raum und Zeit. Daher sind keine scharfen Dialektgrenzen anzutreffen. Trotz dieser Tatsache markieren die etablierten Strophentypen die Population. 50 % der Juvenilen siedeln am Geburtsort, auf diese Weise bleibt der Dialekt erhalten und Inzest wird vermieden. -Analysiert man das Repertoire benachbarten Männchen bei isolierten Alleen, so entspricht die Gesangsangleichung in etwa dem Zufall. -Intraindividuelle Vergleiche der quantitativen Parameter des jeweiligen Strophentyps wurden saisonal und annuell durchgeführt. Saisonal konnten für einen Strophentyp ein Trend ermittelt werden. Bei jährlichen Vergleichen konnten intraindividuell ausschließlich nicht signifikante Ergebnisse ermittelt

  10. Outcome of accelerated radiotherapy alone or accelerated radiotherapy followed by exenteration of the nasal cavity in dogs with intranasal neoplasia: 53 cases (1990-2002).


    Adams, William M; Bjorling, Dale E; McAnulty, Jonathan E; Green, Eric M; Forrest, Lisa J; Vail, David M


    To compare long-term results of radiotherapy alone versus radiotherapy followed by exenteration of the nasal cavity in dogs with malignant intranasal neoplasia. Retrospective study. 53 dogs with malignant intranasal neoplasia. All dogs underwent radiotherapy consisting of administration of 10 fractions of 4.2 Gy each on consecutive weekdays. For dogs in the surgery group (n=13), follow-up computed tomography was performed, and dogs were scheduled for surgery if persistent or recurrent tumor was seen. Perioperative complications for dogs that underwent surgery included hemorrhage requiring transfusion (2 dogs) and subcutaneous emphysema (8). Rhinitis and osteomyelitis-osteonecrosis occurred significantly more frequently in dogs in the radiotherapy and surgery group (9 and 4 dogs, respectively) than in dogs in the radiotherapy-only group (4 and 3 dogs, respectively). Two- and 3-year survival rates were 44% and 24%, respectively, for dogs in the radiotherapy group and 69% and 58%, respectively, for dogs in the surgery group. Overall median survival time for dogs in the radiotherapy and surgery group (477 months) was significantly longer than time for dogs in the radiotherapy-only group (19.7 months). Results suggest that exenteration of the nasal cavity significantly prolongs survival time in dogs with intranasal neoplasia that have undergone radiotherapy. Exenteration after radiotherapy may increase the risk of chronic complications.

  11. Small animal radiotherapy research platforms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Verhaegen, Frank; Granton, Patrick; Tryggestad, Erik


    Advances in conformal radiation therapy and advancements in pre-clinical radiotherapy research have recently stimulated the development of precise micro-irradiators for small animals such as mice and rats. These devices are often kilovolt x-ray radiation sources combined with high-resolution CT imaging equipment for image guidance, as the latter allows precise and accurate beam positioning. This is similar to modern human radiotherapy practice. These devices are considered a major step forward compared to the current standard of animal experimentation in cancer radiobiology research. The availability of this novel equipment enables a wide variety of pre-clinical experiments on the synergy of radiation with other therapies, complex radiation schemes, sub-target boost studies, hypofractionated radiotherapy, contrast-enhanced radiotherapy and studies of relative biological effectiveness, to name just a few examples. In this review we discuss the required irradiation and imaging capabilities of small animal radiation research platforms. We describe the need for improved small animal radiotherapy research and highlight pioneering efforts, some of which led recently to commercially available prototypes. From this, it will be clear that much further development is still needed, on both the irradiation side and imaging side. We discuss at length the need for improved treatment planning tools for small animal platforms, and the current lack of a standard therein. Finally, we mention some recent experimental work using the early animal radiation research platforms, and the potential they offer for advancing radiobiology research.

  12. Radiotherapy in patients with connective tissue diseases.


    Giaj-Levra, Niccolò; Sciascia, Savino; Fiorentino, Alba; Fersino, Sergio; Mazzola, Rosario; Ricchetti, Francesco; Roccatello, Dario; Alongi, Filippo


    The decision to offer radiotherapy in patients with connective tissue diseases continues to be challenging. Radiotherapy might trigger the onset of connective tissue diseases by increasing the expression of self-antigens, diminishing regulatory T-cell activity, and activating effectors of innate immunity (dendritic cells) through Toll-like receptor-dependent mechanisms, all of which could potentially lead to breaks of immune tolerance. This potential risk has raised some debate among radiation oncologists about whether patients with connective tissue diseases can tolerate radiation as well as people without connective tissue diseases. Because the number of patients with cancer and connective tissue diseases needing radiotherapy will probably increase due to improvements in medical treatment and longer life expectancy, the issue of interactions between radiotherapy and connective tissue diseases needs to be clearer. In this Review, we discuss available data and evidence for patients with connective tissue diseases treated with radiotherapy. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Time, space and technology in radiotherapy departments: how do these factors impact on patients' experiences of radiotherapy?


    Merchant, S; O'Connor, M; Halkett, G


    Radiation therapists (RTs) plan and deliver radiotherapy treatment for patients diagnosed with cancer. They need to communicate regularly with their patients and may have a role to play in reducing patient anxiety and distress. The objectives were to explore how the environment of radiotherapy departments supports or inhibits communication generally and information giving and supportive care provision in particular. An ethnographic approach was used to gather rich descriptive data through observations and interviews conducted in two Australian radiotherapy centres. Time, space and a technology driven culture was found to negatively affect the quality of interaction that occurred between RTs and their patients. This research has shown design/modification of spaces is needed in the radiotherapy environment to reflect a patient care centred culture and to enhance opportunities for RTs to provide supportive care for their patients. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. Combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy (without surgery) compared with radiotherapy alone in localized carcinoma of the esophagus.


    Wong, R; Malthaner, R


    Esophageal carcinoma can be managed primarily with either a surgical or radiotherapeutic (non surgical) approach. Strategies to improve the outcome of either modality alone include the use of combined modalities. Combination chemotherapy radiotherapy is one approach that has been explored over the years with increasing application in clinical practice especially in North America. To evaluate the effectiveness of combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone in the outcome of patients with localized esophageal carcinoma. Outcomes of interest include overall survival, cause specific survival, local recurrence, dysphagia relief, quality of life, acute and chronic toxicities. The Cochrane strategy for identifying randomized trials was combined with MeSH headings including esophageal neoplasms, radiotherapy, chemotherapy combined modality, drug therapy combination. Medline, Cancerlit and Embase were searched using this strategy. In addition, the Cochrane library was also searched. References from relevant articles and personal files were included. Randomized controlled trials in patients with localized esophageal cancer, with one arm employing radiotherapy alone, and one arm employing combination radiotherapy chemotherapy were included. Studies comparing non chemotherapy agents such as pure radiotherapy sensitisers, immunostimulants, planned esophagectomy, were excluded. Data were extracted by two independent reviewers, and the trial quality was assessed using both the Jadad scoring and Detsky checklist. Sensitivity analysis was planned to explore sources of heterogeneity where heterogeneity existed. The factors hypothesized a priori included combination versus sequential treatment, quality of study, biological effective radiotherapy dose (i.e. Radiotherapy dose) cisplatin versus non cisplatin containing trials, and 5FU versus non 5FU containing trials. Odds Ratio (OR) and 95% confidence limits were used to assess the significance of the difference

  15. Combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy (without surgery) compared with radiotherapy alone in localized carcinoma of the esophagus.


    Rebecca, W O; Richard, M A


    Esophageal carcinoma can be managed primarily with either a surgical or radiotherapeutic (non surgical) approach. Strategies to improve the outcome of either modality alone include the use of combined modalities. Combination chemotherapy radiotherapy is one approach that has been explored over the years with increasing application in clinical practice especially in North America. To evaluate the effectiveness of combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone in the outcome of patients with localized esophageal carcinoma. Outcomes of interest include overall survival, cause specific survival, local recurrence, dysphagia relief, quality of life, acute and chronic toxicities. The Cochrane strategy for identifying randomized trials was combined with MeSH headings including esophageal neoplasms, radiotherapy, chemotherapy combined modality, drug therapy combination. MEDLINE, CancerLIT and EMBASE were searched using this strategy. In addition, the Cochrane library was also searched. References from relevant articles and personal files were included. Randomized controlled trials in patients with localized esophageal cancer, with one arm employing radiotherapy alone, and one arm employing combination radiotherapy chemotherapy were included. Studies comparing non chemotherapy agents such as pure radiotherapy sensitisers, immunostimulants, planned esophagectomy, were excluded. Data were extracted by two independent reviewers, and the trial quality was assessed using both the Jadad scoring and Detsky checklist. Sensitivity analysis was planned to explore sources of heterogeneity where heterogeneity existed. The factors hypothesized a priori included combination versus sequential treatment, quality of study, biological effective radiotherapy dose (i.e. Radiotherapy dose) cisplatin versus non cisplatin containing trials, and 5FU versus non 5FU containing trials. Odds Ratio (OR) and 95% confidence limits were used to assess the significance of the difference

  16. Evidence-based optimal number of radiotherapy fractions for cancer: A useful tool to estimate radiotherapy demand.


    Wong, Karen; Delaney, Geoff P; Barton, Michael B


    The recently updated optimal radiotherapy utilisation model estimated that 48.3% of all cancer patients should receive external beam radiotherapy at least once during their disease course. Adapting this model, we constructed an evidence-based model to estimate the optimal number of fractions for notifiable cancers in Australia to determine equipment and workload implications. The optimal number of fractions was calculated based on the frequency of specific clinical conditions where radiotherapy is indicated and the evidence-based recommended number of fractions for each condition. Sensitivity analysis was performed to assess the impact of variables on the model. Of the 27 cancer sites, the optimal number of fractions for the first course of radiotherapy ranged from 0 to 23.3 per cancer patient, and 1.5 to 29.1 per treatment course. Brain, prostate and head and neck cancers had the highest average number of fractions per course. Overall, the optimal number of fractions was 9.4 per cancer patient (range 8.7-10.0) and 19.4 per course (range 18.0-20.7). These results provide valuable data for radiotherapy services planning and comparison with actual practice. The model can be easily adapted by inserting population-specific epidemiological data thus making it applicable to other jurisdictions. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Zinc-responsive regulation of alternative ribosomal protein genes in Streptomyces coelicolor involves zur and sigmaR.


    Owen, Gillian A; Pascoe, Ben; Kallifidas, Dimitris; Paget, Mark S B


    Streptomyces coelicolor contains paralogous versions of seven ribosomal proteins (S14, S18, L28, L31, L32, L33, and L36), which differ in their potential to bind structural zinc. The paralogues are termed C(+) or C(-) on the basis of the presence or absence of putative cysteine ligands. Here, mutational studies suggest that the C(-) version of L31 can functionally replace its C(+) paralogue only when expressed at an artificially elevated level. We show that the level of expression of four transcriptional units encoding C(-) proteins is elevated under conditions of zinc deprivation. Zur controls the expression of three transcriptional units (including rpmG2, rpmE2, rpmB2, rpsN2, rpmF2, and possibly rpsR2). Zur also controls the expression of the znuACB operon, which is predicted to encode a high-affinity zinc transport system. Surprisingly, the zinc-responsive control of the rpmG3-rpmJ2 operon is dictated by sigma(R), a sigma factor that was previously shown to control the response to disulfide stress in S. coelicolor. The induction of sigma(R) activity during zinc limitation establishes an important link between thiol-disulfide metabolism and zinc homeostasis.

  18. Gold Nanoparticle Hyperthermia Reduces Radiotherapy Dose

    PubMed Central

    Lin, Lynn; Slatkin, Daniel N.; Dilmanian, F. Avraham; Vadas, Timothy M.; Smilowitz, Henry M.


    Gold nanoparticles can absorb near infrared light, resulting in heating and ablation of tumors. Gold nanoparticles have also been used for enhancing the dose of X-rays in tumors during radiotherapy. The combination of hyperthermia and radiotherapy is synergistic, importantly allowing a reduction in X-ray dose with improved therapeutic results. Here we intratumorally infused small 15 nm gold nanoparticles engineered to be transformed from infrared-transparent to infrared-absorptive by the tumor, which were then heated by infrared followed by X-ray treatment. Synergy was studied using a very radioresistant subcutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCCVII) in mice. It was found that the dose required to control 50% of the tumors, normally 55 Gy, could be reduced to <15 Gy (a factor of >3.7). Gold nanoparticles therefore provide a method to combine hyperthermia and radiotherapy to drastically reduce the X-ray radiation needed, thus sparing normal tissue, reducing the side effects, and making radiotherapy more effective. PMID:24990355

  19. Radiosensibilisierung durch BRAF Inhibitoren.


    Strobel, Sophia Boyoung; Pätzold, Sylvie; Zimmer, Lisa; Jensen, Alexandra; Enk, Alexander; Hassel, Jessica Cecile


    In der letzten Zeit wurden in der Literatur vermehrt erhöhte Hauttoxizitäten während einer Kombinationstherapie mit BRAF Inhibitoren und Radiotherapie beschrieben. Wir berichten über sieben Melanompatienten in einem nicht resezierbaren Stadium III oder IV, die eine kombinierte Behandlung aus Bestrahlung und BRAF-Inhibitor erhielten. Bei allen Patienten konnte durch die Kombinationstherapie ein gutes lokales Ansprechen erreicht werden. Nur bei zwei Patienten wurde eine schwere Radiodermatitis (CTCAE Grad 3 bzw. 4) beobachtet. Bei diesen Patienten, die beide Vemurafenib erhielten, trat die Radiodermatitis nach ein bzw. zwei Wochen auf und resultierte in einer Unterbrechung der BRAF-Inhibitor Behandlung.. Die kumulative Dosis bis zum Zeitpunkt der Strahlendermatitis betrug 10 Gy bzw. 35 Gy. Bei allen anderen Vemurafenibpatienten konnten nur milde Reaktionen im Sinne einer Radiodermatitis CTCAE Grad 2, beim Dabrafenibpatienten CTCAE Grade 1 diagnostiziert werden. Bei einem Patienten wurde eine Recalldermatitis nach 14 Tagen einer beendeten Strahlentherapie mit einer kumulativen Dosis von 30 Gy diagnostiziert. Schwere Toxizitätsreaktionen der Haut unter einer BRAF-Inhibitionen treten nicht häufig auf und sind meistens gut therapierbar. Deshalb sollte die Kombinationstherapie bei aggressiv wachsenden Melanomen eine Therapieoption bleiben. Obwohl ein erhöhtes Risiko der Hauttoxizität unter einer Kombinationstherapie von Radiatio und BRAF-Inhibitoren besteht, wird diese von den meisten Patienten gut toleriert. Sequenzielle Therapie anstelle von gleichzeitiger Behandlung scheint die Toxizitätreaktionen nicht zu verhindern. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. Qualitätsmanagement in molekularbiologischen Laboratorien

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schulze, Manuela

    Jedes Laboratorium führt Untersuchungen nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen durch, und jeder Analytiker weiß von sich, dass er/sie gute Arbeit macht. Trotzdem können Analysen des gleichen Probenmaterials in verschiedenen Laboren zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen führen. Sofern es sich dabei nicht um Untersuchungen im Bereich der Nachweisgrenze und damit letztlich um statistisch bedingte Unterschiede oder Inhomogenitäten im Probenmaterial handelt, trägt dies nicht zur Vertrauenswürdigkeit von analytischen Untersuchungsergebnissen bei. Mit der zunehmenden Globalisierung der Märkte rückt die gegenseitige Anerkennung von analytischen Resultaten immer stärker in den Vordergrund. Die Vergleichbarkeit von Laborresultaten wird erleichtert, wenn sich die Laboratorien auf die gleichen Richtlinien zur Vorgehensweise und Handhabung ihrer Arbeiten verständigen. Im Bereich der Laboruntersuchungen von Lebensmitteln, Futtermitteln und Saatgut ist als derartige Rischt-Schnur die EN ISO/IEC 17025 [1] anerkannt. Diese Norm enthält alle Anforderungen, die Prüflaboratorien erfüllen müssen, wenn sie nachweisen wollen, dass sie ein Qualitätsmanagementsystem betreiben, technisch (meint: fachlich) kompetent und fähig sind, fachlich fundierte Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

  1. Updates on clinical studies of selenium supplementation in radiotherapy

    PubMed Central


    To establish guidelines for the selenium supplementation in radiotherapy we assessed the benefits and risks of selenium supplementation in radiotherapy. Clinical studies on the use of selenium in radiotherapy were searched in the PubMed electronic database in January 2013. Sixteen clinical studies were identified among the 167 articles selected in the initial search. Ten articles were observational studies, and the other 6 articles reported studies on the effects of selenium supplementation in patients with cancer who underwent radiotherapy. The studies were conducted worldwide including European, American and Asian countries between 1987 and 2012. Plasma, serum or whole blood selenium levels were common parameters used to assess the effects of radiotherapy and the selenium supplementation status. Selenium supplementation improved the general conditions of the patients, improved their quality of life and reduced the side effects of radiotherapy. At the dose of selenium used in these studies (200–500 μg/day), selenium supplementation did not reduce the effectiveness of radiotherapy, and no toxicities were reported. Selenium supplementation may offer specific benefits for several types of cancer patients who undergo radiotherapy. Because high-dose selenium and long-term supplementation may be unsafe due to selenium toxicity, more evidence-based information and additional research are needed to ensure the therapeutic benefits of selenium supplementation. PMID:24885670

  2. Enhancing radiotherapy for lung cancer using immunoadjuvants delivered in situ from new design radiotherapy biomaterials: a preclinical study

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hao, Yao; Yasmin-Karim, Sayeda; Moreau, Michele; Sinha, Neeharika; Sajo, Erno; Ngwa, Wilfred


    Studies show that radiotherapy of a primary tumor in combination with immunoadjuvants (IA) can result in increased survival or immune-mediated regression of metastasis outside the radiation field, a phenomenon known as abscopal effect. However, toxicities due to repeated systematic administration of IA have been shown to be a major obstacle in clinical trials. To minimize the toxicities and prime a more potent immune response, Ngwa et al have proposed that inert radiotherapy biomaterials such as fiducials could be upgraded to multifunctional ones loaded with IA for in situ delivery directly into the tumor sub-volume at no additional inconvenience to patients. In this preliminary study, the potential of such an approach is investigated for lung cancer using anti-CD40 antibody. First the benefit of using the anti-CD40 delivered in situ to enhance radiotherapy was tested in mice with subcutaneous tumors generated with the Lewis Lung cancer cell line LL/2 (LLC-1). The tumors were implanted on both flanks of the mice to simulate metastasis. Tumors on one flank were treated with and without anti-CD40 and the survival benefits compared. An experimentally determined in vivo diffusion coefficient for nanoparticles was then employed to estimate the time for achieving intratumoral distribution of the needed minimal concentrations of anti-CD40 nanoparticles if released from a multifuntional radiotherapy biomaterials. The studies show that the use of anti-CD40 significantly enhanced radiotherapy effect, slowing the growth of the treated and untreated tumors, and increasing survival. Meanwhile our calculations indicate that for a 2-4 cm tumor and 7 mg g-1 IA concentrations, it would take 4.4-17.4 d, respectively, following burst release, for the required concentration of IA nanoparticles to accumulate throughout the tumor during image-guided radiotherapy. The distribution of IA could be customized as a function of loading concentrations or nanoparticle size to fit current

  3. Enhancing radiotherapy for lung cancer using immunoadjuvants delivered in situ from new design radiotherapy biomaterials: a preclinical study.


    Hao, Yao; Yasmin-Karim, Sayeda; Moreau, Michele; Sinha, Neeharika; Sajo, Erno; Ngwa, Wilfred


    Studies show that radiotherapy of a primary tumor in combination with immunoadjuvants (IA) can result in increased survival or immune-mediated regression of metastasis outside the radiation field, a phenomenon known as abscopal effect. However, toxicities due to repeated systematic administration of IA have been shown to be a major obstacle in clinical trials. To minimize the toxicities and prime a more potent immune response, Ngwa et al have proposed that inert radiotherapy biomaterials such as fiducials could be upgraded to multifunctional ones loaded with IA for in situ delivery directly into the tumor sub-volume at no additional inconvenience to patients. In this preliminary study, the potential of such an approach is investigated for lung cancer using anti-CD40 antibody. First the benefit of using the anti-CD40 delivered in situ to enhance radiotherapy was tested in mice with subcutaneous tumors generated with the Lewis Lung cancer cell line LL/2 (LLC-1). The tumors were implanted on both flanks of the mice to simulate metastasis. Tumors on one flank were treated with and without anti-CD40 and the survival benefits compared. An experimentally determined in vivo diffusion coefficient for nanoparticles was then employed to estimate the time for achieving intratumoral distribution of the needed minimal concentrations of anti-CD40 nanoparticles if released from a multifuntional radiotherapy biomaterials. The studies show that the use of anti-CD40 significantly enhanced radiotherapy effect, slowing the growth of the treated and untreated tumors, and increasing survival. Meanwhile our calculations indicate that for a 2-4 cm tumor and 7 mg g -1 IA concentrations, it would take 4.4-17.4 d, respectively, following burst release, for the required concentration of IA nanoparticles to accumulate throughout the tumor during image-guided radiotherapy. The distribution of IA could be customized as a function of loading concentrations or nanoparticle size to fit current

  4. Radiotherapy demand and activity in England 2006-2020.


    Round, C E; Williams, M V; Mee, T; Kirkby, N F; Cooper, T; Hoskin, P; Jena, R


    This paper compares the predictions of radiotherapy demand for England from the Malthus model with those from the earlier National Radiotherapy Advisory Group (NRAG) model, from the international literature and also with observed radiotherapy usage in England as a whole as recorded in the English radiotherapy dataset (RTDS). We reviewed the evidence base for radiotherapy for each type and stage of cancer using national and international guidelines, meta-analyses, systematic reviews and key clinical trials. Twenty-two decision trees were constructed and radiotherapy demand was calculated using English cancer incidence data for 2007, 2008 and 2009, accurate to the Primary Care Trust (PCT) level (population 91,500-1,282,384). The stage at presentation was obtained from English cancer registry data. In predictive mode, the model can take account of changes in cancer incidence as the population grows and ages. The Malthus model indicates reduced indications for radiotherapy, principally for lung cancer and rarer tumours. Our estimate of the proportion of patients who should receive radiotherapy at some stage of their illness is 40.6%. This is lower than previous estimates of about 50%. Nevertheless, the overall estimate of demand in terms of attendances is similar for the NRAG and Malthus models. The latter models that 48,827 attendances should have been delivered per million population in 2011. National data from RTDS show 32,071 attendances per million in 2011. A 50% increase in activity would be required to match estimated demand. This underprovision extends across all cancers and represents reduced access and the use of dose fractionation at odds with international norms of evidence-based practice. By 2016, demand is predicted to grow to about 55,206 attendances per million and by 2020 to 60,057. Services have increased their activity by 14% between 2006 and 2011, but estimated demand has increased by 11%. Access remains low and English radiotherapy dose

  5. Re-Imagining "Bildung Zur Humanität": How I Developed the Dialogos Approach to Practical Philosophy through Action Inquiry Research

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Helskog, Guro Hansen


    This paper presents an account of how I developed the Dialogos approach to practical philosophy through action inquiry research. The process of development is understood as a contribution to the reconstruction of the notion "Bildung zur Humanität" as an ideal in education. Core perspectives, traditions and purposes involved in the action…

  6. Radiotherapy for Vestibular Schwannomas: A Critical Review

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Murphy, Erin S., E-mail: murphye3@ccf.or; Suh, John H.


    Vestibular schwannomas are slow-growing tumors of the myelin-forming cells that cover cranial nerve VIII. The treatment options for patients with vestibular schwannoma include active observation, surgical management, and radiotherapy. However, the optimal treatment choice remains controversial. We have reviewed the available data and summarized the radiotherapeutic options, including single-session stereotactic radiosurgery, fractionated conventional radiotherapy, fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy, and proton beam therapy. The comparisons of the various radiotherapy modalities have been based on single-institution experiences, which have shown excellent tumor control rates of 91-100%. Both stereotactic radiosurgery and fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy have successfully improved cranial nerve V and VII preservation tomore » >95%. The mixed data regarding the ideal hearing preservation therapy, inherent biases in patient selection, and differences in outcome analysis have made the comparison across radiotherapeutic modalities difficult. Early experience using proton therapy for vestibular schwannoma treatment demonstrated local control rates of 84-100% but disappointing hearing preservation rates of 33-42%. Efforts to improve radiotherapy delivery will focus on refined dosimetry with the goal of reducing the dose to the critical structures. As future randomized trials are unlikely, we suggest regimented pre- and post-treatment assessments, including validated evaluations of cranial nerves V, VII, and VIII, and quality of life assessments with long-term prospective follow-up. The results from such trials will enhance the understanding of therapy outcomes and improve our ability to inform patients.« less

  7. Locally Advanced Stage IV Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck: Impact of Pre-Radiotherapy Hemoglobin Level and Interruptions During Radiotherapy

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rades, Dirk; Department of Radiation Oncology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg; Stoehr, Monika


    Purpose: Stage IV head and neck cancer patients carry a poor prognosis. Clear understanding of prognostic factors can help to optimize care for the individual patient. This study investigated 11 potential prognostic factors including pre-radiotherapy hemoglobin level and interruptions during radiotherapy for overall survival (OS), metastases-free survival (MFS), and locoregional control (LC) after radiochemotherapy. Methods and Materials: Eleven factors were investigated in 153 patients receiving radiochemotherapy for Stage IV squamous cell head and neck cancer: age, gender, Karnofsky performance score (KPS), tumor site, grading, T stage, N stage, pre-radiotherapy hemoglobin level, surgery, chemotherapy type, and interruptions during radiotherapy >1 week.more » Results: On multivariate analysis, improved OS was associated with KPS 90-100 (relative risk [RR], 2.36; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.20-4.93; p = .012), hemoglobin {>=}12 g/dL (RR, 1.88; 95% CI, 1.01-3.53; p = .048), and no radiotherapy interruptions (RR, 2.59; 95% CI, 1.15-5.78; p = .021). Improved LC was significantly associated with lower T stage (RR, 2.17; 95% CI, 1.16-4.63; p = .013), hemoglobin {>=}12 g/dL (RR, 4.12; 95% CI, 1.92-9.09; p < .001), surgery (RR, 2.67; 95% CI, 1.28-5.88; p = .008), and no radiotherapy interruptions (RR, 3.32; 95% CI, 1.26-8.79; p = .015). Improved MFS was associated with KPS 90-100 (RR, 3.41; 95% CI, 1.46-8.85; p = .012). Conclusions: Significant predictors for outcome in Stage IV head and neck cancer were performance status, stage, surgery, pre-radiotherapy hemoglobin level, and interruptions during radiotherapy >1 week. It appears important to avoid anemia and radiotherapy interruptions to achieve the best treatment results.« less

  8. Radiotherapy Treatment Planning for Testicular Seminoma

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wilder, Richard B., E-mail:; Buyyounouski, Mark K.; Efstathiou, Jason A.


    Virtually all patients with Stage I testicular seminoma are cured regardless of postorchiectomy management. For patients treated with adjuvant radiotherapy, late toxicity is a major concern. However, toxicity may be limited by radiotherapy techniques that minimize radiation exposure of healthy normal tissues. This article is an evidence-based review that provides radiotherapy treatment planning recommendations for testicular seminoma. The minority of Stage I patients who choose adjuvant treatment over surveillance may be considered for (1) para-aortic irradiation to 20 Gy in 10 fractions, or (2) carboplatin chemotherapy consisting of area under the curve, AUC = 7 Multiplication-Sign 1-2 cycles. Two-dimensional radiotherapymore » based on bony anatomy is a simple and effective treatment for Stage IIA or IIB testicular seminoma. Centers with expertise in vascular and nodal anatomy may consider use of anteroposterior-posteroanterior fields based on three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy instead. For modified dog-leg fields delivering 20 Gy in 10 fractions, clinical studies support placement of the inferior border at the top of the acetabulum. Clinical and nodal mapping studies support placement of the superior border of all radiotherapy fields at the top of the T12 vertebral body. For Stage IIA and IIB patients, an anteroposterior-posteroanterior boost is then delivered to the adenopathy with a 2-cm margin to the block edge. The boost dose consists of 10 Gy in 5 fractions for Stage IIA and 16 Gy in 8 fractions for Stage IIB. Alternatively, bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin chemotherapy for 3 cycles or etoposide and cisplatin chemotherapy for 4 cycles may be delivered to Stage IIA or IIB patients (e.g., if they have a horseshoe kidney, inflammatory bowel disease, or a history of radiotherapy).« less

  9. Internet-based computer technology on radiotherapy.


    Chow, James C L


    Recent rapid development of Internet-based computer technologies has made possible many novel applications in radiation dose delivery. However, translational speed of applying these new technologies in radiotherapy could hardly catch up due to the complex commissioning process and quality assurance protocol. Implementing novel Internet-based technology in radiotherapy requires corresponding design of algorithm and infrastructure of the application, set up of related clinical policies, purchase and development of software and hardware, computer programming and debugging, and national to international collaboration. Although such implementation processes are time consuming, some recent computer advancements in the radiation dose delivery are still noticeable. In this review, we will present the background and concept of some recent Internet-based computer technologies such as cloud computing, big data processing and machine learning, followed by their potential applications in radiotherapy, such as treatment planning and dose delivery. We will also discuss the current progress of these applications and their impacts on radiotherapy. We will explore and evaluate the expected benefits and challenges in implementation as well.

  10. ABCB1-Gen-Polymorphismus in einer polnischen Kohorte ist mit Risiko für bullöses Pemphigoid assoziiert.


    Rychlik-Sych, Mariola; Barańska, Małgorzata; Dudarewicz, Michał; Skrętkowicz, Jadwiga; Żebrowska, Agnieszka; Owczarek, Jacek; Waszczykowska, Elżbieta


    Polymorphismen im ABCB1-Gen, das für das P-Glykoprotein kodiert, können die intrazelluläre Konzentration von Xenobiotika beeinflussen und so zur Entwicklung von Autoimmunerkrankungen, einschließlich des bullösen Pemphigoids (BP), beitragen. In der vorliegenden Studie sollte untersucht werden, ob in einer polnischen Kohorte die C3435T- und G2677T/A-Polymorphismen im ABCB1-Gen mit dem Risiko für ein BP assoziiert sind. Die Studie umfasste 71 Patienten mit BP und 156 gesunde Probanden. Der C3435T-Polymorphismus wurde mittels PCR-RFLP bestimmt und der G2677T/A-Polymorphismus mittels Allel-spezifischer PCR. Es gab zwar keine Korrelation zwischen dem C3435-Polymorphismus und dem BP-Risiko, aber wir konnten eine derartige Assoziation hinsichtlich des G2677T/A-Polymorphismus nachweisen. Das relative Risiko eines BP war bei Personen mit dem 2677TA-Genotyp um mehr als den Faktor fünf erhöht (OR = 5,52; p = 0,0063) und bei Trägern des 2677TT-Genotyps mehr als verdoppelt (OR = 2,40; p = 0,0076). Mit 2,40 (p = 0,000018) war die OR bei Trägern des 2677T-Allels ebenfalls erhöht. Die höhere Prävalenz des 2677GG-Genotyps und des 2677G-Allels bei der Kontrollgruppe sowie eine OR < 1,0 (0,22 beziehungsweise 0,33) legen eine Schutzfunktion des 2677G-Allels hinsichtlich der Ausbildung eines BP nahe. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie zeigen, dass der G2677T/A-Polymorphismus im ABCB1-Gen das Risiko für die Entstehung eines BP beeinflussen könnte. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy in muscle-invasive bladder cancer.


    James, Nicholas D; Hussain, Syed A; Hall, Emma; Jenkins, Peter; Tremlett, Jean; Rawlings, Christine; Crundwell, Malcolm; Sizer, Bruce; Sreenivasan, Thiagarajan; Hendron, Carey; Lewis, Rebecca; Waters, Rachel; Huddart, Robert A


    Radiotherapy is an alternative to cystectomy in patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer. In other disease sites, synchronous chemoradiotherapy has been associated with increased local control and improved survival, as compared with radiotherapy alone. In this multicenter, phase 3 trial, we randomly assigned 360 patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer to undergo radiotherapy with or without synchronous chemotherapy. The regimen consisted of fluorouracil (500 mg per square meter of body-surface area per day) during fractions 1 to 5 and 16 to 20 of radiotherapy and mitomycin C (12 mg per square meter) on day 1. Patients were also randomly assigned to undergo either whole-bladder radiotherapy or modified-volume radiotherapy (in which the volume of bladder receiving full-dose radiotherapy was reduced) in a partial 2-by-2 factorial design (results not reported here). The primary end point was survival free of locoregional disease. Secondary end points included overall survival and toxic effects. At 2 years, rates of locoregional disease-free survival were 67% (95% confidence interval [CI], 59 to 74) in the chemoradiotherapy group and 54% (95% CI, 46 to 62) in the radiotherapy group. With a median follow-up of 69.9 months, the hazard ratio in the chemoradiotherapy group was 0.68 (95% CI, 0.48 to 0.96; P=0.03). Five-year rates of overall survival were 48% (95% CI, 40 to 55) in the chemoradiotherapy group and 35% (95% CI, 28 to 43) in the radiotherapy group (hazard ratio, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.63 to 1.09; P=0.16). Grade 3 or 4 adverse events were slightly more common in the chemoradiotherapy group than in the radiotherapy group during treatment (36.0% vs. 27.5%, P=0.07) but not during follow-up (8.3% vs. 15.7%, P=0.07). Synchronous chemotherapy with fluorouracil and mitomycin C combined with radiotherapy significantly improved locoregional control of bladder cancer, as compared with radiotherapy alone, with no significant increase in adverse events. (Funded by Cancer

  12. Zinc-Responsive Regulation of Alternative Ribosomal Protein Genes in Streptomyces coelicolor Involves Zur and σR▿ †

    PubMed Central

    Owen, Gillian A.; Pascoe, Ben; Kallifidas, Dimitris; Paget, Mark S. B.


    Streptomyces coelicolor contains paralogous versions of seven ribosomal proteins (S14, S18, L28, L31, L32, L33, and L36), which differ in their potential to bind structural zinc. The paralogues are termed C+ or C− on the basis of the presence or absence of putative cysteine ligands. Here, mutational studies suggest that the C− version of L31 can functionally replace its C+ paralogue only when expressed at an artificially elevated level. We show that the level of expression of four transcriptional units encoding C− proteins is elevated under conditions of zinc deprivation. Zur controls the expression of three transcriptional units (including rpmG2, rpmE2, rpmB2, rpsN2, rpmF2, and possibly rpsR2). Zur also controls the expression of the znuACB operon, which is predicted to encode a high-affinity zinc transport system. Surprisingly, the zinc-responsive control of the rpmG3-rpmJ2 operon is dictated by σR, a sigma factor that was previously shown to control the response to disulfide stress in S. coelicolor. The induction of σR activity during zinc limitation establishes an important link between thiol-disulfide metabolism and zinc homeostasis. PMID:17400736

  13. Quality assurance in radiotherapy.


    Kouloulias, V E


    In 1999, the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), being a European pioneer in the field of cancer research as well as in quality assurance (QA), launched an Emmanuel van der Schueren fellowship for QA in radiotherapy. In this paper, the work that has been done during the first E. van der Schueren fellowship is reported, focusing on four phase III EORTC clinical trials: 22921 for rectal cancer, 22961 and 22991 for prostate cancer and 22922 for breast cancer. A historical review of the QA programme of the EORTC Radiotherapy group during the past 20 years is included.

  14. Adjuvant radiotherapy for stage I endometrial cancer.


    Kong, A; Johnson, N; Cornes, P; Simera, I; Collingwood, M; Williams, C; Kitchener, H


    The role of adjuvant radiotherapy (both pelvic external beam radiotherapy and vaginal intracavity brachytherapy) in stage I endometrial cancer following total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (TAH and BSO) remains unclear. To assess the efficacy of adjuvant radiotherapy following surgery for stage I endometrial cancer. The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, EMBASE, CancerLit, Physician Data Query (PDQ) of National Cancer Institute. Handsearching was also carried out where appropriate. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) which compared adjuvant radiotherapy versus no radiotherapy following surgery for patients with stage I endometrial cancer were included. Quality of the studies was assessed and data collected using a predefined data collection form. The primary endpoint was overall survival. Secondary endpoints were locoregional recurrence, distant recurrence and endometrial cancer death. Data on quality of life (QOL) and morbidity were also collected. A meta-analysis on included trials was performed using the Cochrane Collaboration Review Manager Software 4.2. The meta-analysis was performed on four trials (1770 patients). The addition of pelvic external beam radiotherapy to surgery reduced locoregional recurrence, a relative risk (RR) of 0.28 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.17 to 0.44, p < 0.00001), which is a 72% reduction in the risk of pelvic relapse (95% CI 56% to 83%) and an absolute risk reduction of 6% (95% CI of 4 to 8%). The number needed to treat (NNT) to prevent one locoregional recurrence is 16.7 patients (95% CI 12.5 to 25). The reduction in the risk of locoregional recurrence did not translate into either a reduction in the risk of distant recurrence or death from all causes or endometrial cancer death. A subgroup analysis of women with multiple high risk factors (including stage 1c and grade 3) showed a trend toward the reduction in the risk of death from all causes and endometrial cancer

  15. New-Generation BeiDou (BDS-3) Experimental Satellite Precise Orbit Determination with an Improved Cycle-Slip Detection and Repair Algorithm

    PubMed Central

    Hu, Chao; Wang, Qianxin; Wang, Zhongyuan; Hernández Moraleda, Alberto


    Currently, five new-generation BeiDou (BDS-3) experimental satellites are working in orbit and broadcast B1I, B3I, and other new signals. Precise satellite orbit determination of the BDS-3 is essential for the future global services of the BeiDou system. However, BDS-3 experimental satellites are mainly tracked by the international GNSS Monitoring and Assessment Service (iGMAS) network. Under the current constraints of the limited data sources and poor data quality of iGMAS, this study proposes an improved cycle-slip detection and repair algorithm, which is based on a polynomial prediction of ionospheric delays. The improved algorithm takes the correlation of ionospheric delays into consideration to accurately estimate and repair cycle slips in the iGMAS data. Moreover, two methods of BDS-3 experimental satellite orbit determination, namely, normal equation stacking (NES) and step-by-step (SS), are designed to strengthen orbit estimations and to make full use of the BeiDou observations in different tracking networks. In addition, a method to improve computational efficiency based on a matrix eigenvalue decomposition algorithm is derived in the NES. Then, one-year of BDS-3 experimental satellite precise orbit determinations were conducted based on iGMAS and Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) networks. Furthermore, the orbit accuracies were analyzed from the discrepancy of overlapping arcs and satellite laser range (SLR) residuals. The results showed that the average three-dimensional root-mean-square error (3D RMS) of one-day overlapping arcs for BDS-3 experimental satellites (C31, C32, C33, and C34) acquired by NES and SS are 31.0, 36.0, 40.3, and 50.1 cm, and 34.6, 39.4, 43.4, and 55.5 cm, respectively; the RMS of SLR residuals are 55.1, 49.6, 61.5, and 70.9 cm and 60.5, 53.6, 65.8, and 73.9 cm, respectively. Finally, one month of observations were used in four schemes of BDS-3 experimental satellite orbit determination to further investigate the reliability and

  16. Radiation-induced heart disease in lung cancer radiotherapy

    PubMed Central

    Ming, Xin; Feng, Yuanming; Yang, Chengwen; Wang, Wei; Wang, Ping; Deng, Jun


    Abstract Background: Radiation-induced heart disease (RIHD), which affects the patients’ prognosis with both acute and late side effects, has been published extensively in the radiotherapy of breast cancer, lymphoma and other benign diseases. Studies on RIHD in lung cancer radiotherapy, however, are less extensive and clear even though the patients with lung cancer are delivered with higher doses to the heart during radiation treatment. Methods: In this article, after extensive literature search and analysis, we reviewed the current evidence on RIHD in lung cancer patients after their radiation treatments and investigated the potential risk factors for RIHD as compared to other types of cancers. Result: Cardiac toxicity has been found highly relevant in lung cancer radiotherapy. So far, the crude incidence of cardiac complications in the lung cancer patients after radiotherapy has been up to 33%. Conclusion: The dose to the heart, the lobar location of tumor, the treatment modality, the history of heart and pulmonary disease and smoking were considered as potential risk factors for RIHD in lung cancer radiotherapy. As treatment techniques improve over the time with better prognosis for lung cancer survivors, an improved prediction model can be established to further reduce the cardiac toxicity in lung cancer radiotherapy. PMID:27741117

  17. [Current status and potential perspectives in classical radiotherapy technology].


    Dabić-Stanković, Kata M; Stanković, Jovan B; Radosević-Jelić, Ljiljana M


    After purchase of radiotherapy equipment in 2003, classic radiation therapy in Serbia will reach the highest world level. In order to define the highest standards in radiation technology, we analyzed the current status and potential perspectives of radiation therapy. An analysis of present situation in the USA, assumed as the most developed in the world, was done. Available data, collected in the last 3 years (equipment assortment, therapy modalities, workload and manpower) for 284 radiotherapy centers, out of potential 2050, were analyzed. Results were presented as crude percentage and matched to point current status. The analysis showed that CLINAC accelerators are the most popular (82.7%), as well as, ADAC (43.7%) and Focus (CMS) (27.4%) systems for therapy planning. Movement towards virtual simulation is evident (59.3%), although classic "simulation" is not fully eliminated from the radiotherapy chain. The most popular brachytherapy afterloader is Microselectron HDR (71%). About 64.4% centers use IMPAC communication/verification/record system that seems more open than Varis. All centers practice modern radiotherapy modalities and techniques (CPRT, IMRT, SRS/SRT, TBI, IORT, IVBHRT, HDR BHRT, etc.). CT and MRI availability is out of question, but PET is available in 3% of centers, however this percentage is rapidly growing. Up to 350 new patients per year are treated by one accelerator (about 35 pts. a day). Centers are relatively small and utilize 2-3 accelerators on average. Average FTE staffing norm is 4 radiation oncologists, 2-3 medical radiotherapy physicists, about 3 certified medical dosimetrists and about 6 radiotherapy technologists. In the past 5 years relative stagnation in classic radiotherapy has been observed. In spite of substantial investments in technology and consequent improvements, as well as wide introduction of computers in radiotherapy, radiotherapy results have not changed significantly. Vendor developement strategies do not point that

  18. Radiotherapy-induced hypopituitarism: a review.


    Sathyapalan, Thozhukat; Dixit, Sanjay


    Hypopituitarism is a disorder caused by impaired hormonal secretions from the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Radiotherapy is the most common cause of iatrogenic hypopituitarism. The hypothalamic-pituitary axis inadvertently gets irradiated in patients receiving prophylactic cranial radiotherapy for leukemia, total body irradiation and radiotherapy for intracranial, base skull, sinonasal and nasopharyngeal tumors. Radiation-induced hypopituitarism (RIH) is insidious, progressive and largely nonreversible. Mostly, RIH involves one hypothalamic-pituitary axis; however, multiple hormonal axes deficiency starts developing at higher doses. Although the clinical effects of the hypopituitarism are more profound in children and young adults, its implications in older adults are being increasingly recognized. The risk continues to persist or increase up to 10 years following radiation exposure. The clinical management of hypopituitarism is challenging both for the patients and healthcare providers. Here we have reviewed the scale of the problem, the risk factors and the management of RIH.

  19. Surgery Followed by Radiotherapy Versus Radiotherapy Alone for Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression From Unfavorable Tumors

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rades, Dirk, E-mail:; Huttenlocher, Stefan; Bajrovic, Amira

    Purpose: Despite a previously published randomized trial, controversy exists regarding the benefit of adding surgery to radiotherapy for metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC). It is thought that patients with MSCC from relatively radioresistant tumors or tumors associated with poor functional outcome after radiotherapy alone may benefit from surgery. This study focuses on these tumors. Methods and Materials: Data from 67 patients receiving surgery plus radiotherapy (S+RT) were matched to 134 patients (1:2) receiving radiotherapy alone (RT). Groups were matched for 10 factors and compared for motor function, ambulatory status, local control, and survival. Additional separate matched-pair analyses were performed formore » patients receiving direct decompressive surgery plus stabilization of involved vertebrae (DDSS) and patients receiving laminectomy (LE). Results: Improvement of motor function occurred in 22% of patients after S+RT and 16% after RT (p = 0.25). Posttreatment ambulatory rates were 67% and 61%, respectively (p = 0.68). Of nonambulatory patients, 29% and 19% (p = 0.53) regained ambulatory status. One-year local control rates were 85% and 89% (p = 0.87). One-year survival rates were 38% and 24% (p = 0.20). The matched-pair analysis of patients receiving LE showed no significant differences between both therapies. In the matched-pair analysis of patients receiving DDSS, improvement of motor function occurred more often after DDSS+RT than RT (28% vs. 19%, p = 0.024). Posttreatment ambulatory rates were 86% and 67% (p = 0.30); 45% and 18% of patients regained ambulatory status (p = 0.29). Conclusions: Patients with MSCC from an unfavorable primary tumor appeared to benefit from DDSS but not LE when added to radiotherapy in terms of improved functional outcome.« less

  20. Recruitment in Radiotherapy

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Deeley, T. J.; And Others


    The Faculty Board of Radiotherapy and Oncology of the Royal College of Radiobiologists surveyed the factors thought to influence recruitment into the specialty. Possible factors listed in replies of 36 questionnaires are offered. (LBH)

  1. [Description of latest generation equipment in external radiotherapy].


    Pellejero, S; Lozares, S; Mañeru, F


    Both the planning systems and the form of administering radiotherapy have changed radically since the introduction of 3D planning. At present treatment planning based on computerised axial tomography (CAT) images is standard practice in radiotherapy services. In recent years lineal accelerators for medical use have incorporated technology capable of administering intensity modulated radiation beams (IMRT). With this mode distributions of conformed doses are generated that adjust to the three dimensional form of the white volume, providing appropriate coverage and a lower dose to nearby risk organs. The use of IMRT is rapidly spreading amongst radiotherapy centres throughout the world. This growing use of IMRT has focused attention on the need for greater control of the geometric uncertainties in positioning the patient and control of internal movements. To this end, both flat and volumetric image systems have been incorporated into the treatment equipment, making image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) possible. This article offers a brief description of the latest advances included in the planning and administration of radiotherapy treatment.

  2. PET imaging in adaptive radiotherapy of gastrointestinal tumours.


    Bulens, Philippe; Thomas, Melissa; Deroose, Christophe M; Haustermans, Karin


    Radiotherapy is the standard of care in the multimodality treatment of a variety of gastrointestinal (GI) tumours, such as oesophageal cancer, gastric cancer, rectal cancer and anal cancer. Additionally, radiotherapy has served as an alternative for surgery in patients with liver cancer, cancer of the biliary tract and pancreatic cancer. Positron-emission tomography (PET), generally in combination with computed tomography (CT), has an established role in the diagnosis, response assessment and (re-)staging of several GI tumours. However, the additional value of PET in adaptive radiotherapy, i.e. during the radiation treatment course and in the delineation process, is still unclear. When performed during radiotherapy, PET aims at assessing treatment-induced variations in functional tumour volumes to reduce the radiation target volume. Moreover, in the radiation treatment planning, tumour delineation could be more accurate by incorporating PET to identify the metabolic tumour volume. This review focuses on the additional value of PET for adaptive radiotherapy protocols as well as for the target volume adaptation for individualised treatment strategies in oesophageal, gastric, pancreatic, liver, biliary tract, rectal and anal neoplasms.

  3. Evaluation of improved land use data and canopy representation in BEIS with biogenic VOC measurements in California

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    The link provided access to all the datasets and metadata used in this manuscript for the model development and evaluation per Geoscientific Model Development's publication guidelines with the exception of the model output due to its size. This dataset is associated with the following publication:Bash , J., K. Baker , and M. Beaver. Evaluation of improved land use and canopy representation in BEIS v3.61 with biogenic VOC measurements in California. Geoscientific Model Development. Copernicus Publications, Katlenburg-Lindau, GERMANY, 9: 2191-2207, (2016).

  4. Stereotactic body radiotherapy for lung cancer: how much does it really cost?


    Lievens, Yolande; Obyn, Caroline; Mertens, Anne-Sophie; Van Halewyck, Dries; Hulstaert, Frank


    Despite the lack of randomized evidence, stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) is being accepted as superior to conventional radiotherapy for patients with T1-2N0 non-small-cell lung cancer in the periphery of the lung and unfit or unwilling to undergo surgery. To introduce SBRT in a system of coverage with evidence development, a correct financing had to be determined. A time-driven activity-based costing model for radiotherapy was developed. Resource cost calculation of all radiotherapy treatments, standard and innovative, was conducted in 10 Belgian radiotherapy centers in the second half of 2012. The average cost of lung SBRT across the 10 centers (6221&OV0556;) is in the range of the average costs of standard fractionated 3D-conformal radiotherapy (5919&OV0556;) and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (7379&OV0556;) for lung cancer. Hypofractionated 3D-conformal radiotherapy and intensity-modulated radiotherapy schemes are less costly (3993&OV0556; respectively 4730&OV0556;). The SBRT cost increases with the number of fractions and is highly dependent of personnel and equipment use. SBRT cost varies more by centre than conventional radiotherapy cost, reflecting different technologies, stages in the learning curve and a lack of clear guidance in this field. Time-driven activity-based costing of radiotherapy is feasible in a multicentre setup, resulting in real-life resource costs that can form the basis for correct reimbursement schemes, supporting an early yet controlled introduction of innovative radiotherapy techniques in clinical practice.

  5. Contribution of FDOPA PET to radiotherapy planning for advanced glioma

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dowson, Nicholas; Fay, Michael; Thomas, Paul; Jeffree, Rosalind; McDowall, Robert; Winter, Craig; Coulthard, Alan; Smith, Jye; Gal, Yaniv; Bourgeat, Pierrick; Salvado, Olivier; Crozier, Stuart; Rose, Stephen


    Despite radical treatment with surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, advanced gliomas recur within months. Geographic misses in radiotherapy planning may play a role in this seemingly ineluctable recurrence. Planning is typically performed on post-contrast MRIs, which are known to underreport tumour volume relative to FDOPA PET scans. FDOPA PET fused with contrast enhanced MRI has demonstrated greater sensitivity and specificity than MRI alone. One sign of potential misses would be differences between gross target volumes (GTVs) defined using MRI alone and when fused with PET. This work examined whether such a discrepancy may occur. Materials and Methods: For six patients, a 75 minute PET scan using 3,4-dihydroxy-6-18F-fluoro-L-phynel-alanine (18F-FDOPA) was taken within 2 days of gadolinium enhanced MRI scans. In addition to standard radiotherapy planning by an experienced radiotherapy oncologist, a second gross target volume (GTV) was defined by an experienced nuclear medicine specialist for fused PET and MRI, while blinded to the radiotherapy plans. The volumes from standard radiotherapy planning were compared to the PET defined GTV. Results: The comparison indicated radiotherapy planning would change in several cases if FDOPA PET data was available. PET-defined contours were external to 95% prescribed dose for several patients. However, due to the radiotherapy margins, the discrepancies were relatively small in size and all received a dose of 50 Gray or more. Conclusions: Given the limited size of the discrepancies it is uncertain that geographic misses played a major role in patient outcome. Even so, the existence of discrepancies indicates that FDOPA PET could assist in better defining margins when planning radiotherapy for advanced glioma, which could be important for highly conformal radiotherapy plans.

  6. An Improved BeiDou-2 Satellite-Induced Code Bias Estimation Method.


    Fu, Jingyang; Li, Guangyun; Wang, Li


    Different from GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO and BeiDou-3, it is confirmed that the code multipath bias (CMB), which originate from the satellite end and can be over 1 m, are commonly found in the code observations of BeiDou-2 (BDS) IGSO and MEO satellites. In order to mitigate their adverse effects on absolute precise applications which use the code measurements, we propose in this paper an improved correction model to estimate the CMB. Different from the traditional model which considering the correction values are orbit-type dependent (estimating two sets of values for IGSO and MEO, respectively) and modeling the CMB as a piecewise linear function with a elevation node separation of 10°, we estimate the corrections for each BDS IGSO + MEO satellite on one hand, and a denser elevation node separation of 5° is used to model the CMB variations on the other hand. Currently, the institutions such as IGS-MGEX operate over 120 stations which providing the daily BDS observations. These large amounts of data provide adequate support to refine the CMB estimation satellite by satellite in our improved model. One month BDS observations from MGEX are used for assessing the performance of the improved CMB model by means of precise point positioning (PPP). Experimental results show that for the satellites on the same orbit type, obvious differences can be found in the CMB at the same node and frequency. Results show that the new correction model can improve the wide-lane (WL) ambiguity usage rate for WL fractional cycle bias estimation, shorten the WL and narrow-lane (NL) time to first fix (TTFF) in PPP ambiguity resolution (AR) as well as improve the PPP positioning accuracy. With our improved correction model, the usage of WL ambiguity is increased from 94.1% to 96.0%, the WL and NL TTFF of PPP AR is shorten from 10.6 to 9.3 min, 67.9 to 63.3 min, respectively, compared with the traditional correction model. In addition, both the traditional and improved CMB model have a

  7. An Improved BeiDou-2 Satellite-Induced Code Bias Estimation Method

    PubMed Central

    Fu, Jingyang; Li, Guangyun; Wang, Li


    Different from GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO and BeiDou-3, it is confirmed that the code multipath bias (CMB), which originate from the satellite end and can be over 1 m, are commonly found in the code observations of BeiDou-2 (BDS) IGSO and MEO satellites. In order to mitigate their adverse effects on absolute precise applications which use the code measurements, we propose in this paper an improved correction model to estimate the CMB. Different from the traditional model which considering the correction values are orbit-type dependent (estimating two sets of values for IGSO and MEO, respectively) and modeling the CMB as a piecewise linear function with a elevation node separation of 10°, we estimate the corrections for each BDS IGSO + MEO satellite on one hand, and a denser elevation node separation of 5° is used to model the CMB variations on the other hand. Currently, the institutions such as IGS-MGEX operate over 120 stations which providing the daily BDS observations. These large amounts of data provide adequate support to refine the CMB estimation satellite by satellite in our improved model. One month BDS observations from MGEX are used for assessing the performance of the improved CMB model by means of precise point positioning (PPP). Experimental results show that for the satellites on the same orbit type, obvious differences can be found in the CMB at the same node and frequency. Results show that the new correction model can improve the wide-lane (WL) ambiguity usage rate for WL fractional cycle bias estimation, shorten the WL and narrow-lane (NL) time to first fix (TTFF) in PPP ambiguity resolution (AR) as well as improve the PPP positioning accuracy. With our improved correction model, the usage of WL ambiguity is increased from 94.1% to 96.0%, the WL and NL TTFF of PPP AR is shorten from 10.6 to 9.3 min, 67.9 to 63.3 min, respectively, compared with the traditional correction model. In addition, both the traditional and improved CMB model have a better

  8. Adjuvant radiotherapy after breast conserving surgery - a comparative effectiveness research study.


    Corradini, Stefanie; Niyazi, Maximilian; Niemoeller, Olivier M; Li, Minglun; Roeder, Falk; Eckel, Renate; Schubert-Fritschle, Gabriele; Scheithauer, Heike R; Harbeck, Nadia; Engel, Jutta; Belka, Claus


    The purpose of this retrospective outcome study was to validate the effectiveness of postoperative radiotherapy in breast conserving therapy (BCT) and to evaluate possible causes for omission of radiotherapy after breast conserving surgery (BCS) in a non-trial population. Data were provided by the population-based Munich Cancer Registry. The study included epidemiological data of 30.811 patients diagnosed with breast cancer from 1998 to 2012. The effect of omitting radiotherapy was analysed using Kaplan-Meier-estimates and Cox proportional hazard regression. Variables predicting omission of radiotherapy were analysed using multivariate logistic regression. Use of postoperative radiotherapy after BCS was associated with significant improvements in local control and survival. 10-year loco-regional recurrence-free-survival was 90.8% with postoperative radiotherapy vs. 77.6% with surgery alone (p<0.001). 10-year overall survival rates were 55.2% with surgery alone vs. 82.2% following postoperative radiotherapy (p<0.001). Variables predicting omission of postoperative radiotherapy included advanced age (women ⩾80 years; OR: 0.082; 95% CI: 0.071-0.094, p<0.001). This study shows a decrease in local control and a survival disadvantage if postoperative radiotherapy after breast conserving surgery is omitted in an unselected cohort of primary breast cancer patients. Due to its epidemiological nature, it cannot answer the question in whom postoperative radiotherapy can be safely omitted. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Radiotherapy in poor risk patients with stage I cancer of the endometrium: results of not giving external beam radiotherapy.


    DeCruze, B; Guthrie, D


    Poor prognosis (poorly differentiated and/or deep myometrial invasion) Stage I endometrial cancer can have a relapse rate as high as 50%. Traditionally, most clinical oncologists treat these patients with external beam radiotherapy after surgery but there is no evidence to show that this improves survival. The retrospective study looks at the results of not giving external beam radiotherapy in 25 consecutive patients and compares the results with a group of 13 consecutive patients who did have such treatment. The two groups were comparable with regard to age, degree of differentiation and degree of invasion. Survival was comparable in the two groups. There is no evidence of any obvious decrease in survival from withholding external beam radiotherapy, but this was not a prospective randomized controlled trial. This study illustrates that it is essential that the Medical Research Council ASTEC trial should be supported because this will determine the true place of external beam radiotherapy in such patients.

  10. Vaginal dilator therapy for women receiving pelvic radiotherapy.


    Miles, Tracie; Johnson, Nick


    Vaginal dilation therapy is advocated after pelvic radiotherapy to prevent stenosis (abnormal narrowing of the vagina), but can be uncomfortable and psychologically distressing. To assess the benefits and harms of different types of vaginal dilation methods offered to women treated by pelvic radiotherapy for cancer. Searches included the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL 2013, Issue 5), MEDLINE (1950 to June week 2, 2013), EMBASE (1980 to 2013 week 24) and CINAHL (1982 to 2013). Comparative data of any type, which evaluated dilation or penetration of the vagina after pelvic radiotherapy treatment for cancer. Two review authors independently assessed whether potentially relevant studies met the inclusion criteria. We found no trials and therefore analysed no data. We identified no studies for inclusion in the original review or for this update. However, we felt that some studies that were excluded warranted discussion. These included one randomised trial (RCT), which showed no improvement in sexual scores associated with encouraging women to practise dilation therapy; a recent small RCT that did not show any advantage to dilation over vibration therapy during radiotherapy; two non-randomised comparative studies; and five correlation studies. One of these showed that objective measurements of vaginal elasticity and length were not linked to dilation during radiotherapy, but the study lacked power. One study showed that women who dilated tolerated a larger dilator, but the risk of objectivity and bias with historical controls was high. Another study showed that the vaginal measurements increased in length by a mean of 3 cm after dilation was introduced 6 to 10 weeks after radiotherapy, but there was no control group; another case series showed the opposite. Three recent studies showed less stenosis associated with prophylactic dilation after radiotherapy. One small case series suggested that dilation years after radiotherapy might restore the

  11. Oral mucosal melanoma treated with carbon ion radiotherapy: a case report.


    Musha, Atsushi; Saitoh, Jun-Ichi; Shirai, Katsuyuki; Yokoo, Satoshi; Ohno, Tatsuya; Nakano, Takashi


    Oral mucosal melanoma is a rare disease with a relatively poor prognosis. Carbon ion radiotherapy has been shown to be effective against radiotherapy-resistant tumors owing to its excellent dose concentration and high biological effect. Our patient was a 66-year-old Japanese man with oral mucosal melanoma of his right maxillary gingiva (T4aN0M0). He received carbon ion radiotherapy at 57.6 Gy (relative biological effectiveness) in 16 fractions for 4 weeks. Concomitant chemotherapy (dacarbazine + nimustine + vincristine) was administered at the same time as carbon ion radiotherapy initiation. Two courses of adjuvant chemotherapy were given after carbon ion radiotherapy. Although he experienced grade 2 acute oral mucositis, his symptoms improved within a few weeks of undergoing carbon ion radiotherapy. He was alive at the time of reporting, 35 months after treatment, without any recurrence. Late toxicity has not been observed. Carbon ion radiotherapy for oral mucosal melanoma resulted in a good local effect.

  12. Barriers to radiotherapy access at the University College Hospital in Ibadan, Nigeria.


    Anakwenze, Chidinma P; Ntekim, Atara; Trock, Bruce; Uwadiae, Iyobosa B; Page, Brandi R


    Nigeria has the biggest gap between radiotherapy availability and need, with one machine per 19.4 million people, compared to one machine per 250,000 people in high-income countries. This study aims to identify its patient-level barriers to radiotherapy access. This was a cross sectional study consisting of patient questionnaires ( n  = 50) conducted in January 2016 to assess patient demographics, types of cancers seen, barriers to receiving radiotherapy, health beliefs and practices, and factors leading to treatment delay. Eighty percent of patients could not afford radiotherapy without financial assistance and only 6% of the patients had federal insurance, which did not cover radiotherapy services. Of the patients who had completed radiotherapy treatment, 91.3% had experienced treatment delay or often cancellation due to healthcare worker strike, power failure, machine breakdown, or prolonged wait time. The timeliness of a patient's radiotherapy care correlated with their employment status and distance from radiotherapy center ( p  < 0.05). Barriers to care at a radiotherapy center in a low- and middle-income country (LMIC) have previously not been well characterized. These findings can be used to inform efforts to expand the availability of radiotherapy and improve current treatment capacity in Nigeria and in other LMICs.

  13. Bladder filling variation during conformal radiotherapy for rectal cancer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sithamparam, S.; Ahmad, R.; Sabarudin, A.; Othman, Z.; Ismail, M.


    Conformal radiotherapy for rectal cancer is associated with small bowel toxicity mainly diarrhea. Treating patients with a full bladder is one of the practical solutions to reduce small bowel toxicity. Previous studies on prostate and cervix cancer patients revealed that maintaining consistent bladder volume throughout radiotherapy treatment is challenging. The aim of this study was to measure bladder volume variation throughout radiotherapy treatment. This study also measured the association between bladder volume changes and diarrhea. Twenty two rectal cancer patients were recruited prospectively. Patients were planned for treatment with full bladder following departmental bladder filling protocol and the planning bladder volume was measured during CT-simulation. During radiotherapy, the bladder volume was measured weekly using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and compared to planning bladder volume. Incidence and severity of diarrhea were recorded during the weekly patient review. There was a negative time trend for bladder volume throughout five weeks treatment. The mean bladder volume decreased 18 % from 123 mL (SD 54 mL) during CT-simulation to 101 mL (SD 71 mL) on the 5th week of radiotherapy, but the decrease is not statistically significant. However, there was a large variation of bladder volume within each patient during treatment. This study showed an association between changes of bladder volume and diarrhea (P = 0.045). In conclusion bladder volume reduced throughout radiotherapy treatment for conformal radiotherapy for rectal cancer and there was a large variation of bladder volume within patients.

  14. Cost-effectiveness of modern radiotherapy techniques in locally advanced pancreatic cancer.


    Murphy, James D; Chang, Daniel T; Abelson, Jon; Daly, Megan E; Yeung, Heidi N; Nelson, Lorene M; Koong, Albert C


    Radiotherapy may improve the outcome of patients with pancreatic cancer but at an increased cost. In this study, the authors evaluated the cost-effectiveness of modern radiotherapy techniques in the treatment of locally advanced pancreatic cancer. A Markov decision-analytic model was constructed to compare the cost-effectiveness of 4 treatment regimens: gemcitabine alone, gemcitabine plus conventional radiotherapy, gemcitabine plus intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT); and gemcitabine with stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT). Patients transitioned between the following 5 health states: stable disease, local progression, distant failure, local and distant failure, and death. Health utility tolls were assessed for radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments and for radiation toxicity. SBRT increased life expectancy by 0.20 quality-adjusted life years (QALY) at an increased cost of $13,700 compared with gemcitabine alone (incremental cost-effectiveness ratio [ICER] = $69,500 per QALY). SBRT was more effective and less costly than conventional radiotherapy and IMRT. An analysis that excluded SBRT demonstrated that conventional radiotherapy had an ICER of $126,800 per QALY compared with gemcitabine alone, and IMRT had an ICER of $1,584,100 per QALY compared with conventional radiotherapy. A probabilistic sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the probability of cost-effectiveness at a willingness to pay of $50,000 per QALY was 78% for gemcitabine alone, 21% for SBRT, 1.4% for conventional radiotherapy, and 0.01% for IMRT. At a willingness to pay of $200,000 per QALY, the probability of cost-effectiveness was 73% for SBRT, 20% for conventional radiotherapy, 7% for gemcitabine alone, and 0.7% for IMRT. The current results indicated that IMRT in locally advanced pancreatic cancer exceeds what society considers cost-effective. In contrast, combining gemcitabine with SBRT increased clinical effectiveness beyond that of gemcitabine alone at a cost potentially acceptable by

  15. Clinical experience with image-guided radiotherapy in an accelerated partial breast intensity-modulated radiotherapy protocol.


    Leonard, Charles E; Tallhamer, Michael; Johnson, Tim; Hunter, Kari; Howell, Kathryn; Kercher, Jane; Widener, Jodi; Kaske, Terese; Paul, Devchand; Sedlacek, Scot; Carter, Dennis L


    To explore the feasibility of fiducial markers for the use of image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) in an accelerated partial breast intensity modulated radiotherapy protocol. Nineteen patients consented to an institutional review board approved protocol of accelerated partial breast intensity-modulated radiotherapy with fiducial marker placement and treatment with IGRT. Patients (1 patient with bilateral breast cancer; 20 total breasts) underwent ultrasound guided implantation of three 1.2- x 3-mm gold markers placed around the surgical cavity. For each patient, table shifts (inferior/superior, right/left lateral, and anterior/posterior) and minimum, maximum, mean error with standard deviation were recorded for each of the 10 BID treatments. The dose contribution of daily orthogonal films was also examined. All IGRT patients underwent successful marker placement. In all, 200 IGRT treatment sessions were performed. The average vector displacement was 4 mm (range, 2-7 mm). The average superior/inferior shift was 2 mm (range, 0-5 mm), the average lateral shift was 2 mm (range, 1-4 mm), and the average anterior/posterior shift was 3 mm (range, 1 5 mm). This study shows that the use of IGRT can be successfully used in an accelerated partial breast intensity-modulated radiotherapy protocol. The authors believe that this technique has increased daily treatment accuracy and permitted reduction in the margin added to the clinical target volume to form the planning target volume. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Children Undergoing Radiotherapy: Swedish Parents’ Experiences and Suggestions for Improvement

    PubMed Central

    Mullaney, Tara; Nilsson, Kristina; Wickart-Johansson, Gun; Svärd, Anna-Maja; Nyholm, Tufve; Lindh, Jack; Lindh, Viveca


    Approximately 300 children, from 0 to 18 years old, are diagnosed with cancer in Sweden every year. Of these children, 80–90 of them undergo radiotherapy treatment for their cancer. Although radiotherapy is an encounter with advanced technology, few studies have investigated the child’s and the parent’s view of the procedure. As part of an ongoing multicenter study aimed to improve patient preparation and the care environment in pediatric radiotherapy, this article reports the findings from interviews with parents at baseline. The aim of the present study was twofold: to describe parents’ experience when their child undergoes radiotherapy treatment, and to report parents’ suggestions for improvements during radiotherapy for their children. Sixteen mothers and sixteen fathers of children between 2–16 years old with various cancer diagnoses were interviewed. Data were analyzed using content analysis. The findings showed that cancer and treatment turns people’s lives upside down, affecting the entire family. Further, the parents experience the child’s suffering and must cope with intense feelings. Radiotherapy treatment includes preparation by skilled and empathetic staff. The parents gradually find that they can deal with the process; and lastly, parents have suggestions for improvements during the radiotherapy treatment. An overarching theme emerged: that despair gradually turns to a sense of security, with a sustained focus on and close interaction with the child. In conclusion, an extreme burden was experienced around the start of radiotherapy, though parents gradually coped with the process. PMID:26509449

  17. Radiotherapy access in Belgium: How far are we from evidence-based utilisation?


    Lievens, Y; De Schutter, H; Stellamans, K; Rosskamp, M; Van Eycken, L


    Underutilisation of radiotherapy has been observed worldwide. To evaluate the current situation in Belgium, optimal utilisation proportions (OUPs) adopted from the European SocieTy for Radiotherapy and Oncology - Health Economics in Radiation Oncology (ESTRO-HERO) project were compared to actual utilisation proportions (AUPs) and with radiotherapy advised during the multidisciplinary cancer team (MDT) meetings. In addition, the impact of independent variables was analysed. AUPs and advised radiotherapy were calculated overall and by cancer type for 110,810 unique cancer diagnoses in 2009-2010. Radiotherapy utilisation was derived from reimbursement data and distinguished between palliative and curative intent external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) and/or brachytherapy (BT). Sensitivity analyses regarding the influence of the follow-up period, the survival length and patient's age were performed. Advised radiotherapy was calculated based on broad treatment categories as reported at MDT meetings. The overall AUP of 37% (39% including BT) was lower than the OUP of 53%, but in line with advised radiotherapy (35%). Large variations by tumour type were observed: in some tumours (e.g. lung and prostate cancer) AUP was considerably lower than OUP, whereas in others there was reasonable concordance (e.g. breast and rectal cancer). Overall, 84% of treatments started within 9 months following diagnosis. Survival time influenced AUP in a cancer type-dependent way. Elderly patients received less radiotherapy. Although the actually delivered radiotherapy in Belgium aligns well to MDT advices, it is lower than the evidence-based optimum. Further analysis of potential barriers is needed for radiotherapy forecasting and planning, and in order to promote adequate access to radiotherapy. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Radiotherapy in the treatment of solitary plasmacytoma.


    Jyothirmayi, R; Gangadharan, V P; Nair, M K; Rajan, B


    Solitary plasmacytoma of bone (SPB) and extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP) are rare. High local control rates are reported with radiotherapy, although the optimal dose and extent of radiotherapy portals remains controversial. Between 1983 and 1993, 30 patients with solitary plasmacytoma were seen at the Regional Cancer Centre, Trivandrum, India. 23 patients had SPB and seven EMP. The mean age was 52 years and the male to female ratio 3.2:1. Diagnosis of SPB was confirmed by biopsy in 16 patients and tumour excision in seven. 20 patients received megavoltage radiotherapy to the bone lesion with limited margins, and one received chemotherapy. Two patients who underwent complete tumour excision received no further treatment. All seven patients with EMP received megavoltage radiotherapy, four following biopsy and three after tumour excision. Local control was achieved in all patients with SPB. Nine progressed to multiple myeloma and one developed a solitary plasmacytoma in another bone. Six patients with EMP achieved local control. Three later progressed to multiple myeloma and one had local relapse. Median time to relapse was 28 months in SPB and 30 months in EMP. 5-year overall survival rates were 82% and 57% for patients with SPB and EMP, respectively. The corresponding progression free survival rates were 55% and 50%, respectively. Age, sex, site of tumour, serum M protein and haemoglobin levels did not significantly influence progression free survival. The extent of surgery, radiotherapy dose or time to relapse were not significant prognostic factors. Radiotherapy appears to be an effective modality of treatment of solitary plasmacytoma. No dose-response relationship is observed, and high local control rates are achieved with limited portals. Progression to multiple myeloma is the commonest pattern of failure, although no prognostic factors for progression are identified. The role of chemotherapy in preventing disease progression needs further evaluation.

  19. [Head and neck adaptive radiotherapy].


    Graff, P; Huger, S; Kirby, N; Pouliot, J


    Onboard volumetric imaging systems can provide accurate data of the patient's anatomy during a course of head and neck radiotherapy making it possible to assess the actual delivered dose and to evaluate the dosimetric impact of complex daily positioning variations and gradual anatomic changes such as geometric variations of tumors and normal tissues or shrinkage of external contours. Adaptive radiotherapy is defined as the correction of a patient's treatment planning to adapt for individual variations observed during treatment. Strategies are developed to selectively identify patients that require replanning because of an intolerable dosimetric drift. Automated tools are designed to limit time consumption. Deformable image registration algorithms are the cornerstones of these strategies, but a better understanding of their limits of validity is required before adaptive radiotherapy can be safely introduced to daily practice. Moreover, strict evaluation of the clinical benefits is yet to be proven. Copyright © 2013 Société française de radiothérapie oncologique (SFRO). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  20. Recent Advances in Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Carcinoma

    PubMed Central

    Nath, Sameer K.; Simpson, Daniel R.; Rose, Brent S.; Sandhu, Ajay P.


    Radiotherapy has a well-established role in the management of head and neck cancers. Over the past decade, a variety of new imaging modalities have been incorporated into the radiotherapy planning and delivery process. These technologies are collectively referred to as image-guided radiotherapy and may lead to significant gains in tumor control and radiation side effect profiles. In the following review, these techniques as they are applied to head and neck cancer patients are described, and clinical studies analyzing their use in target delineation, patient positioning, and adaptive radiotherapy are highlighted. Finally, we conclude with a brief discussion of potential areas of further radiotherapy advancement. PMID:19644564

  1. A Kindler syndrome-associated squamous cell carcinoma treated with radiotherapy.


    Caldeira, Ademar; Trinca, William Correia; Flores, Thais Pires; Costa, Andrea Barleze; Brito, Claudio de Sá; Weigert, Karen Loureiro; Matos, Maryana Schwartzhaupt; Nicolini, Carmela; Obst, Fernando Mariano


    Kindler syndrome1, 2 is a genetic disorder mainly characterized by increased skin fragility and photosensitivity,3, 4 making the use of treatments based on radiation difficult or even prohibited. Thus, cases reporting Kindler syndrome patients treated with radiotherapy are rare. In this study, we report clinical outcomes and care provided for a rare case of a Kindler syndrome patient submitted to radiotherapy. Diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma involving the buccal mucosa, the patient was exclusively treated with radiotherapy, with 70 Gy delivered on the PTV with the Volumetric Modulated Arc technique. The patient's reaction regarding control of the lesion is relevant compared to patients not affected by the syndrome. We noticed acute reactions of the skin and buccal mucosa after few radiotherapy sessions, followed by a fast reduction in the tumor volume. The efficacy of radiotherapy along with multidisciplinary actions allowed treatment continuity, leading to a complete control of the lesion and life quality improvement and showed that the use of radiotherapy on Kindler syndrome patients is possible.

  2. Combinations of Radiotherapy and Immunotherapy for Melanoma: A Review of Clinical Outcomes

    PubMed Central

    Barker, Christopher A.; Postow, Michael A.


    Radiotherapy has long played a role in the management of melanoma. Recent advances have also demonstrated the efficacy of immunotherapy in the treatment of melanoma. Preclinical data suggest a biologic interaction between radiotherapy and immunotherapy. Several clinical studies corroborate these findings. This review will summarize the outcomes of studies reporting on patients with melanoma treated with a combination of radiotherapy and immunotherapy. Vaccine therapies often use irradiated melanoma cells, and may be enhanced by radiotherapy. The cytokines interferon-alpha and interleukin-2 have been combined with radiotherapy in several small studies, with some evidence suggesting increased toxicity and/or efficacy. Ipilimumab, a monoclonal antibody which blocks cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4, has been combined with radiotherapy in several notable case studies and series. Finally, pilot studies of adoptive cell transfer have suggested radiotherapy may improve the efficacy of treatment. The review will demonstrate that the combination of radiotherapy and immunotherapy has been reported in several notable case studies, series and clinical trials. These clinical results suggest interaction and the need for further study. PMID:24661650

  3. Postoperative Radiotherapy Patterns of Care and Survival Implications for Medulloblastoma in Young Children.


    Kann, Benjamin H; Park, Henry S; Lester-Coll, Nataniel H; Yeboa, Debra N; Benitez, Viviana; Khan, Atif J; Bindra, Ranjit S; Marks, Asher M; Roberts, Kenneth B


    Postoperative radiotherapy to the craniospinal axis is standard-of-care for pediatric medulloblastoma but is associated with long-term morbidity, particularly in young children. With the advent of modern adjuvant chemotherapy strategies, postoperative radiotherapy deferral has gained acceptance in children younger than 3 years, although it remains controversial in older children. To analyze recent postoperative radiotherapy national treatment patterns and implications for overall survival in patients with medulloblastoma ages 3 to 8 years. Using the National Cancer Data Base, patients ages 3 to 8 years diagnosed as having histologically confirmed medulloblastoma in 2004 to 2012, without distant metastases, who underwent surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy with or without postoperative radiotherapy at facilities nationwide accredited by the Commission on Cancer were identified. Patients were designated as having "postoperative radiotherapy upfront" if they received radiotherapy within 90 days of surgery or "postoperative radiotherapy deferred" otherwise. Factors associated with postoperative radiotherapy deferral were identified using multivariable logistic regression. Overall survival (OS) was compared using Kaplan-Meier analysis with log-rank tests and multivariable Cox regression. Statistical tests were 2-sided. Postoperative radiotherapy utilization and overall survival. Among 816 patients, 123 (15.1%) had postoperative radiotherapy deferred, and 693 (84.9%) had postoperative radiotherapy upfront; 36.8% of 3-year-olds and 4.1% of 8-year-olds had postoperative radiotherapy deferred (P < .001). On multivariable logistic regression, variables associated with postoperative radiotherapy deferral were age (odds ratio [OR], 0.57 per year; 95% CI, 0.49-0.67 per year) and year of diagnosis (OR, 1.18 per year; 95% CI, 1.08-1.29 per year). On survival analysis, with median follow-up of 4.8 years, OS was improved for those receiving postoperative radiotherapy upfront vs

  4. Secondary malignancy following radiotherapy for thyroid eye disease.


    Gillis, Christopher C; Chang, Eun Hae; Al-Kharazi, Khalid; Pickles, Tom


    To describe the first case of a secondary meningioma in a patient after radiation treatment for thyroid eye disease (TED). Secondarily to identify any additional cases of secondary malignancy resulting from radiotherapy for thyroid eye disease from our institutional experience. Thyroid eye disease (TED) is a self-limiting auto-immune disorder causing expansion of orbital soft tissue from deposition of glycosaminoglycans and collagen, leading to significant cosmetic and functional morbidity. Established management options for TED include: glucocorticosteroids, orbital radiotherapy, and surgical orbital decompression. Two large series on radiotherapy for TED have been reported without any cases of secondary malignancy. The case of a patient with visual failure, found to have a sphenoid wing meningioma after previous TED radiotherapy is described. We then reviewed 575 patients with at least 3-year follow-up receiving radiotherapy for TED at British Columbia Cancer Agency to identify other possible secondary malignancies. The patient had postoperative improvement in her vision without any identified complications. Three additional cases of hematologic malignancy were identified. The calculated risk in our population of developing a radiation-induced meningioma after TED with at least 3 years of follow-up of is 0.17% (1/575); with hematopoetic malignancies the risk for secondary malignancy is 0.7% (4/575). Our calculated risk for secondary malignancy (0.17%, 0.7%) is similar to the reported theoretical risk published in the literature (0.3-1.2%). There is real risk for the development of a secondary malignancy after radiotherapy treatment of TED and treatment options should include consideration for this potential.

  5. History of the development of radiotherapy in Latin America.


    Pinillos, Luis; Pinto, Joseph A; Sarria, Gustavo


    Radiotherapy was the first nonsurgical treatment for malignant tumours and represents one of the oldest disciplines of oncology. In Latin America, as in many parts of the world, the history of modern oncology begins with the implementation of radiation therapy facilities. The development of radiotherapy in Latin America was possible thanks to the seminal work of radiation oncologists in different countries. As a large territory, there is a need to implement modern facilities and equipment, but unfortunately there are disparities in the access and quality of radiotherapy services across Latin America and even within individual countries. In this review, we describe the history, challenges and success in the implementation of radiotherapy and the frustration caused by the lack of facilities in several Latin American countries.

  6. Microcystic adnexal carcinoma following radiotherapy in childhood

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Borenstein, A.; Seidman, D.S.; Trau, H.


    A 36-year-old man was treated by radiotherapy for tinea capitis many years before discovery of microcystic adnexal carcinoma (MAC). Because of patient's refusal of any surgical intervention, we were able to follow the natural course of this tumor for 13 years. This case emphasizes the typical slow development of (MAC). The implication of the association of MAC and radiotherapy are discussed.

  7. Integer programming for improving radiotherapy treatment efficiency.


    Lv, Ming; Li, Yi; Kou, Bo; Zhou, Zhili


    Patients received by radiotherapy departments are diverse and may be diagnosed with different cancers. Therefore, they need different radiotherapy treatment plans and thus have different needs for medical resources. This research aims to explore the best method of scheduling the admission of patients receiving radiotherapy so as to reduce patient loss and maximize the usage efficiency of service resources. A mix integer programming (MIP) model integrated with special features of radiotherapy is constructed. The data used here is based on the historical data collected and we propose an exact method to solve the MIP model. Compared with the traditional First Come First Served (FCFS) method, the new method has boosted patient admission as well as the usage of linear accelerators (LINAC) and beds. The integer programming model can be used to describe the complex problem of scheduling radio-receiving patients, to identify the bottleneck resources that hinder patient admission, and to obtain the optimal LINAC-bed radio under the current data conditions. Different management strategies can be implemented by adjusting the settings of the MIP model. The computational results can serve as a reference for the policy-makers in decision making.

  8. Radiotherapy for breast cancer: The predictable consequences of an unmet need.


    Rodin, Danielle; Knaul, Felicia M; Lui, Tracey Y; Gospodarowicz, Mary


    Radiotherapy has had a transformative impact on the treatment of breast cancer, but is unavailable to the majority of breast cancer patients in low- and middle-income countries. In these settings, where many women present with advanced disease at an age when they are often the primary caregiver for their families, the lack of access to radiotherapy is particularly devastating. Until recently, this disparity has been largely neglected in the medical literature and it had been difficult to convince governments, industry, and policymakers of the importance of investing in radiotherapy, as well as broader cancer control strategies, in low-resource settings. The Lancet Radiotherapy Commission report published in 2015 challenged many assumptions about the affordability of radiotherapy treatment. Data from the Commission is presented here to support radiotherapy investment for breast cancer and discuss how the morbidity and premature mortality among adult women caused by breast cancer has a huge detrimental effect on both the health sector and the economy. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  9. Adenocarcinoma of the ethmoid following radiotherapy for bilateral retinoblastoma

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rowe, L.D.; Lane, R.; Snow, J.B. Jr.


    Adenocarcinoma of the ethmoid sinus is rare, representing only 4 to 8% of malignancies of the paranasal sinuses. An extraordinary case of papillary adenocarcinoma of the ethmoid sinus arising 30 years following high-dose radiotherapy for bilateral retinoblastoma is presented. Second fatal mesenchymal and epithelial primaries have been described in 8.5% of patients with bilateral retinoblastomas previously treated with radiotherapy; however, papillary adenocarcinoma arising within the paranasal sinuses has not been reported. Aggressive treatment including partial maxillectomy, radical pansinusectomy, radical neck dissection followed by regional radiotherapy and systemic chemotherapy failed to prevent the development of fatal hepatic metastases. The high incidencemore » of second fatal primary neoplasms in patients with bilateral retinoblastomas receiving radiation suggests an innate susceptibility that may add to the risk of radiotherapy.« less

  10. [Radiotherapy in cancers of the oesophagus, the gastric cardia and the stomach].


    Créhange, G; Huguet, F; Quero, L; N'Guyen, T V; Mirabel, X; Lacornerie, T


    Localized oesophageal and gastric cancers have a poor prognosis. In oesophageal cancer, external radiotherapy combined with concomitant chemotherapy is accepted as part of the therapeutic armamentarium in a curative intent in the preoperative setting for resectable tumours; or without surgery in inoperable patients or non-resectable tumours due to wide local and/or regional extension. Data from the literature show conflicting results with no clinical evidence in favour of either a unique dose protocol or consensual target volume definition in the setting of exclusive chemoradiation. In the preoperative setting, chemoradiotherapy has become the standard in oesophageal cancer, even though there is no evidence that surgery may be beneficial in locally advanced tumours that respond to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The main cause of failure after exclusive chemoradiotherapy in oesophageal cancer is locoregional relapse suggesting that doses and volumes usually considered may be inadequate. In gastric cancer, radiotherapy may be indicated postoperatively in patients with resected tumours that include less than D2 lymph node dissection or in the absence of perioperative chemotherapy. Preoperative chemoradiotherapy in gastric cancers is still under investigation. The evolving techniques of external radiotherapy, such as image-guided radiotherapy (IMRT) and volumetric modulated arctherapy (VMAT) have reduced the volume of lung and heart exposed to radiation, which seems to have diminished radiotherapy-related morbi-mortality rates. Given this, quality assurance for radiotherapy and protocols for radiotherapy delivery must be better standardized. This article on the indications for radiotherapy and the techniques used in oesophageal and gastric cancers is included in a special issue dedicated to national recommendations from the French society of radiation oncology (SFRO) on radiotherapy indications, planning, dose prescription, and techniques of radiotherapy delivery

  11. Fiducial marker guided prostate radiotherapy: a review

    PubMed Central

    Jain, Suneil; Hounsell, Alan R; O'Sullivan, Joe M


    Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) is an essential tool in the accurate delivery of modern radiotherapy techniques. Prostate radiotherapy positioned using skin marks or bony anatomy may be adequate for delivering a relatively homogeneous whole-pelvic radiotherapy dose, but these surrogates are not reliable when using reduced margins, dose escalation or hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy. Fiducial markers (FMs) for prostate IGRT have been in use since the 1990s. They require surgical implantation and provide a surrogate for the position of the prostate gland. A variety of FMs are available and they can be used in a number of ways. This review aimed to establish the evidence for using prostate FMs in terms of feasibility, implantation procedures, types of FMs used, FM migration, imaging modalities used and the clinical impact of FMs. A search strategy was defined and a literature search was carried out in Medline. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, which resulted in 50 articles being included in this review. The evidence demonstrates that FMs provide a more accurate surrogate for the position of the prostate than either external skin marks or bony anatomy. A combination of FM alignment and soft-tissue analysis is currently the most effective and widely available approach to ensuring accuracy in prostate IGRT. FM implantation is safe and well tolerated. FM migration is possible but minimal. Standardization of all techniques and procedures in relation to the use of prostate FMs is required. Finally, a clinical trial investigating a non-surgical alternative to prostate FMs is introduced. PMID:27585736

  12. Radiotherapy for Tracheal-Bronchial Cystic Adenoid Carcinomas.


    Levy, A; Omeiri, A; Fadel, E; Le Péchoux, C


    Primary tracheal-bronchial adenoid cystic carcinoma (thoracic adenoid cystic carcinoma; TACC) is a rare and aggressive malignant tumour. Radiotherapy results have not been previously individualised in this setting. Records of 31 patients with TACC (74% tracheal and 26% bronchial) who received radiotherapy between February 1984 and September 2014 were retrospectively analysed. Surgical removal of the primary tumour was carried out for most (71%) patients, and 13/22 (59%) had R1 or R2 (1/22) margins. The mean tumour size was 4.1 cm, 10 (32%) had associated lymph node involvement and 13 (41%) had perineural invasion (PNI). Adjuvant and definitive radiotherapy were delivered for 22 (71%) and nine patients, respectively. The mean delivered dose was 62 Gy (40-70 Gy) and eight patients had a radiotherapy boost (mean 19 Gy, range 9-30 Gy, two with endobronchial brachytherapy). At a median follow-up of 5.7 years, the 5 year overall survival and progression-free survival (PFS) rates were 88% and 61%, respectively. There were three local relapses and 10 metastatic relapses (mean delay 3.2 years), resulting in 5 year local and metastatic relapse rates of 10% and 26%, respectively. The prognostic factors in the univariate analysis for both decreased overall survival and PFS were: age ≥50 years (hazard ratio 6.2 and 3.8) and the presence of PNI (hazard ratio 10.3 and 4.1); and for PFS only: a radiotherapy dose ≤ 60 Gy (hazard ratio 3.1). Late toxicities were: tracheotomy due to symptomatic tracheal stenosis (n = 5), G3 dyspnoea (n = 4), hypothyroidism (n = 5) and pericarditis (n = 4). Radiotherapy dose may affect local control and the presence of PNI should be considered as an adverse prognostic factor. TACC irradiation conferred good local control rates, when comparing these results with historical series. Copyright © 2017 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. The role of radiotherapy in the management of POEMS syndrome.


    Suh, Yang-Gun; Kim, Young-Suk; Suh, Chang-Ok; Kim, Yu Ri; Cheong, June-Won; Kim, Jin Seok; Cho, Jaeho


    POEMS syndrome is a paraneoplastic syndrome caused by an underlying plasma cell proliferative disease. In this study, we examined the treatment outcomes and role of radiotherapy in the management of POEMS syndrome. In total, 33 patients diagnosed with POEMS syndrome were analyzed. These patients presented with osteosclerotic myeloma (OSM, n = 13), Castleman's disease (CD, n = 4), OSM with CD (n = 10), and vascular endothelial growth factor elevation without gross lesions (VEGFe, n = 6), respectively. The patients were treated by radiotherapy alone (n = 4), chemotherapy alone (n = 16), or a combination thereof (n = 9). The clinical response rates of radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy plus chemotherapy were 75%, 69%, and 89%, respectively. In addition, the hematologic response rates were 50%, 69%, and 71%, respectively. Among the six patients with limited multiple lesions who underwent radiotherapy, the clinical symptoms were improved in five patients after radiotherapy. The median progression-free survival (PFS) was 51 months, and the median overall survival (OS) was 65 months. In univariate analysis, the administration of chemotherapy was significantly associated with better PFS (p = 0.007) and OS (p = 0.020). In contrast, underlying VEGFe was a significant factor worsening PFS (p = 0.035) and OS (p = 0.008). Radiotherapy produces a reliable clinical response and is effective in improving POEMS-associated symptoms that are refractory to chemotherapy in selected patients with clustered or limited multiple lesions that can be covered by single radiation field.

  14. „3D-augmented-reality“-Visualisierung für die navigierte Osteosynthese von Beckenfrakturen

    PubMed Central

    Befrui, N.; Fischer, M.; Fuerst, B.; Lee, S.-C.; Fotouhi, J.; Weidert, S.; Johnson, A.; Euler, E.; Osgood, G.; Navab, N.; Böcker, W.


    Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Trotz großer Fortschritte in der Entwicklung der Hard- und Software von Navigationssystemen finden diese aufgrund ihrer vermeintlichen Komplexität, umständlichen Integration in klinische Arbeitsabläufe und fraglichen Vorteilen gegenüber konventionellen bildgebenden Verfahren bisher wenig Einsatz in den heutigen Operationssälen. Ziel der Arbeit Entwicklung einer „Augmented-reality“(AR)-Darstellung zur chirurgischen Navigation ohne Infrarot(„IR“)-Tracking-Marker und Vergleich zum konventioneller Röntgen in einem simulierten Eingriff. Material und Methoden Navigationssystem bestehend aus „Cone-beam-CT“(CBCT)-fähigem C-Bogen und „Red-green-blue-depth“(RGBD)-Kamera. Testung durch Kirschner(K)-Draht-Platzierung in Modellen unter Berücksichtigung der benötigten Zeit, der Strahlendosis und der Benutzerfreundlichkeit der Systeme. Ergebnisse Eine signifikante Reduktion der benötigten Zeit, der Röntgenbilder und der gesamten Strahlendosis bei der AR-Navigation gegenüber dem konventionellen Röntgen bei gleichbleibender Präzision. Schlussfolgerung Die AR-Navigation mithilfe der RGBD-Kamera bietet flexible und intuitive Darstellungsmöglichkeiten des Operations-situs für navigierte Osteosynthesen ohne Tracking-Marker. Hiermit ist es möglich, Operationen schneller, einfacher und mit geringerer Strahlenbelastung für Patient und OP-Personal durchzuführen. PMID:29500506

  15. Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy Might Increase Pneumonitis Risk Relative to Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy in Patients Receiving Combined Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy: A Modeling Study of Dose Dumping

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Vogelius, Ivan S.; Department of Human Oncology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI; Department of Radiation Oncology, Rigshospitalet


    Purpose: To model the possible interaction between cytotoxic chemotherapy and the radiation dose distribution with respect to the risk of radiation pneumonitis. Methods and Materials: A total of 18 non-small-cell lung cancer patients previously treated with helical tomotherapy at the University of Wisconsin were selected for the present modeling study. Three treatment plans were considered: the delivered tomotherapy plans; a three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT) plan; and a fixed-field intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) plan. The IMRT and 3D-CRT plans were generated specifically for the present study. The plans were optimized without adjusting for the chemotherapy effect. The effect of chemotherapy was modeledmore » as an independent cell killing process by considering a uniform chemotherapy equivalent radiation dose added to all voxels of the organ at risk. The risk of radiation pneumonitis was estimated for all plans using the Lyman and the critical volume models. Results: For radiotherapy alone, the critical volume model predicts that the two IMRT plans are associated with a lower risk of radiation pneumonitis than the 3D-CRT plan. However, when the chemotherapy equivalent radiation dose exceeds a certain threshold, the radiation pneumonitis risk after IMRT is greater than after 3D-CRT. This threshold dose is in the range estimated from clinical chemoradiotherapy data sets. Conclusions: Cytotoxic chemotherapy might affect the relative merit of competing radiotherapy plans. More work is needed to improve our understanding of the interaction between chemotherapy and the radiation dose distribution in clinical settings.« less

  16. Waiting time for radiotherapy in women with cervical cancer

    PubMed Central

    do Nascimento, Maria Isabel; Azevedo e Silva, Gulnar


    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the waiting time for radiotherapy for patients with cervical cancer. METHODS This descriptive study was conducted with 342 cervical cancer cases that were referred to primary radiotherapy, in the Baixada Fluminense region, RJ, Southeastern Brazil, from October 1995 to August 2010. The waiting time was calculated using the recommended 60-day deadline as a parameter to obtaining the first cancer treatment and considering the date at which the diagnosis was confirmed, the date of first oncological consultation and date when the radiotherapy began. Median and proportional comparisons were made using the Kruskal Wallis and Chi-square tests. RESULTS Most of the women (72.2%) began their radiotherapy within 60 days from the diagnostic confirmation date. The median of this total waiting time was 41 days. This median worsened over the time period, going from 11 days (1995-1996) to 64 days (2009-2010). The median interval between the diagnostic confirmation and the first oncological consultation was 33 days, and between the first oncological consultation and the first radiotherapy session was four days. The median waiting time differed significantly (p = 0.003) according to different stages of the tumor, reaching 56 days, 35 days and 30 days for women whose cancers were classified up to IIA; from IIB to IIIB, and IVA-IVB, respectively. CONCLUSIONS Despite most of the women having had access to radiotherapy within the recommended 60 days, the implementation of procedures to define the stage of the tumor and to reestablish clinical conditions took a large part of this time, showing that at least one of these intervals needs to be improved. Even though the waiting times were ideal for all patients, the most advanced cases were quickly treated, which suggests that access to radiotherapy by women with cervical cancer has been reached with equity. PMID:26786473

  17. Development of three-dimensional radiotherapy techniques in breast cancer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Coles, Charlotte E.

    Radiotherapy following conservation surgery decreases local relapse and death from breast cancer. Currently, the challenge is to minimise the morbidity caused by this treatment without losing efficacy. Despite many advances in radiation techniques in other sites of the body, the majority of breast cancer patients are still planned and treated using 2-dimensional simple radiotherapy techniques. In addition, breast irradiation currently consumes 30% of the UK's radiotherapy workload. Therefore, any change to more complex treatment should be of proven benefit. The primary objective of this research is to develop and evaluate novel radiotherapy techniques to decrease irradiation of normal structures and improve localisation of the tumour bed. I have developed a forward-planned intensity modulated (IMRT) breast radiotherapy technique, which has shown improved dosimetry results compared to standard breast radiotherapy. Subsequently, I have developed and implemented a phase III randomised controlled breast IMRT trial. This National Cancer Research Network adopted trial will answer an important question regarding the clinical benefit of breast IMRT. It will provide DNA samples linked with high quality clinical outcome data, for a national translational radiogenomics study investigating variation in normal tissue toxicity. Thus, patients with significant late normal tissue side effects despite good dose homogeneity will provide the best model for finding differences due to underlying genetics. I evaluated a novel technique using high definition free-hand 3-dimensional (3D) ultrasound in a phantom study, and the results suggested that this is an accurate and reproducible method for tumour bed localisation. I then compared recognised methods of tumour bed localisation with the 3D ultrasound method in a clinical study. The 3D ultrasound technique appeared to accurately represent the shape and spatial position of the tumour cavity. This tumour bed localisation research

  18. Quality of radiotherapy services in post-Soviet countries: An IAEA survey.


    Rosenblatt, Eduardo; Fidarova, Elena; Ghosh, Sunita; Zubizarreta, Eduardo; Unterkirhere, Olga; Semikoz, Natalia; Sinaika, Valery; Kim, Viktor; Karamyan, Nerses; Isayev, Isa; Akbarov, Kamal; Lomidze, Darejan; Bondareva, Oksana; Tuzlucov, Piotr; Zardodkhonova, Manzura; Tkachev, Sergey; Kislyakova, Marina; Alimov, Jamshid; Pidlubna, Tetiana; Barton, Michael; Mackillop, William


    The quality of radiotherapy services in post-Soviet countries has not yet been studied following a formal methodology. The IAEA conducted a survey using two sets of validated radiation oncology quality indicators (ROIs). Eleven post-Soviet countries were assessed. A coordinator was designated for each country and acted as the liaison between the country and the IAEA. The methodology was a one-time cross-sectional survey using a 58-question tool in Russian. The questionnaire was based on two validated sets of ROIs: for radiotherapy centres, the indicators proposed by Cionini et al., and for data at the country level, the Australasian ROIs. The overall response ratio was 66.3%, but for the Russian Federation, it was 24%. Data were updated on radiotherapy infrastructure and equipment. 256 radiotherapy centres are operating 275 linear accelerators and 337 Cobalt-60 units. 61% of teletherapy machines are older than ten years. Analysis of ROIs revealed significant differences between these countries and radiotherapy practices in the West. Naming, task profile and education programmes of radiotherapy professionals are different than in the West. Most countries need modernization of their radiotherapy infrastructure coupled with adequate staffing numbers and updated education programmes focusing on evidence-based medicine, quality, and safety. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Monte Carlo role in radiobiological modelling of radiotherapy outcomes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    El Naqa, Issam; Pater, Piotr; Seuntjens, Jan


    Radiobiological models are essential components of modern radiotherapy. They are increasingly applied to optimize and evaluate the quality of different treatment planning modalities. They are frequently used in designing new radiotherapy clinical trials by estimating the expected therapeutic ratio of new protocols. In radiobiology, the therapeutic ratio is estimated from the expected gain in tumour control probability (TCP) to the risk of normal tissue complication probability (NTCP). However, estimates of TCP/NTCP are currently based on the deterministic and simplistic linear-quadratic formalism with limited prediction power when applied prospectively. Given the complex and stochastic nature of the physical, chemical and biological interactions associated with spatial and temporal radiation induced effects in living tissues, it is conjectured that methods based on Monte Carlo (MC) analysis may provide better estimates of TCP/NTCP for radiotherapy treatment planning and trial design. Indeed, over the past few decades, methods based on MC have demonstrated superior performance for accurate simulation of radiation transport, tumour growth and particle track structures; however, successful application of modelling radiobiological response and outcomes in radiotherapy is still hampered with several challenges. In this review, we provide an overview of some of the main techniques used in radiobiological modelling for radiotherapy, with focus on the MC role as a promising computational vehicle. We highlight the current challenges, issues and future potentials of the MC approach towards a comprehensive systems-based framework in radiobiological modelling for radiotherapy.

  20. Outcome analysis of salvage radiotherapy for occult cervical cancer found after simple hysterectomy.


    Koh, Hyeon Kang; Jeon, Wan; Kim, Hak Jae; Wu, Hong-Gyun; Kim, Kyubo; Chie, Eui Kyu; Ha, Sung W


    The objective was to analyze the outcomes of the patients, who received salvage radiotherapy for incidentally discovered cervical cancer following simple hysterectomy, and to identify the influence of intracavitary radiotherapy on treatment outcomes. Data from 117 patients with occult cervical cancer who underwent simple hysterectomy followed by salvage radiotherapy from September 1979 to November 2010 were collected. All the patients received external beam radiotherapy with (n = 45) or without (n = 72) intracavitary radiotherapy. Local control, disease-free survival, overall survival and treatment-related toxicity were investigated. The median follow-up time was 75 months. The 5- and 10-year local control/disease-free survival/overall survival rates were 93/87/87% and 90/84/83%, respectively. Among 98 patients who had no residual disease and negative resection margin on surgical specimens, 32 (33%) received intracavitary radiotherapy and 66 (67%) did not. There were no differences in patient and tumor characteristics between patients treated with and without intracavitary radiotherapy. The 5-year local control rate for the non-intracavitary radiotherapy group was 93 versus 94% for the intracavitary radiotherapy group (P = 0.564); the disease-free survival rate was 88 versus 94% (P = 0.894); the overall survival rate was 95 versus 85% (P = 0.106), respectively. Among all patients, there were 5% of Grade 3 or higher late toxicities. Patients with occult invasive cervical cancer discovered following simple hysterectomy could be treated safely and effectively with salvage radiotherapy. For patients with no residual disease and negative resection margin, intracavitary radiotherapy could be omitted.

  1. Role of particle radiotherapy in the management of head and neck cancer.


    Laramore, George E


    Modern imaging techniques and powerful computers allow a radiation oncologist to design treatments delivering higher doses of radiation than previously possible. Dose distributions imposed by the physics of 'standard' photon and electron beams limit further dose escalation. Hadron radiotherapy offers advantages in either dose distribution and/or improved radiobiology that may significantly improve the treatment of certain head and neck malignancies. Clinical studies support the effectiveness of fast-neutron radiotherapy in the treatment of major and minor salivary gland tumors. Data show highly favorable outcomes with proton radiotherapy for skull-base malignancies and tumors near highly critical normal tissues compared with that expected with standard radiotherapy. Heavy-ion radiotherapy clinical studies are mainly being conducted with fully stripped carbon ions, and limited data seem to indicate a possible improvement over proton radiotherapy for the same subset of radioresistant tumors where neutrons show a benefit over photons. Fast-neutron radiotherapy has different radiobiological properties compared with standard radiotherapy but similar depth dose distributions. Its role in the treatment of head and neck cancer is currently limited to salivary gland malignancies and certain radioresistant tumors such as sarcomas. Protons have the same radiobiological properties as standard radiotherapy beams but more optimal depth dose distributions, making it particularly advantageous when treating tumors adjacent to highly critical structures. Heavy ions combine the radiobiological properties of fast neutrons with the physical dose distributions of protons, and preliminary data indicate their utility for radioresistant tumors adjacent to highly critical structures.

  2. Seizure control following radiotherapy in patients with diffuse gliomas: a retrospective study

    PubMed Central

    Rudà, Roberta; Magliola, Umberto; Bertero, Luca; Trevisan, Elisa; Bosa, Chiara; Mantovani, Cristina; Ricardi, Umberto; Castiglione, Anna; Monagheddu, Chiara; Soffietti, Riccardo


    Background Little information is available regarding the effect of conventional radiotherapy on glioma-related seizures. Methods In this retrospective study, we analyzed the seizure response and outcome following conventional radiotherapy in a cohort of 43 patients with glioma (33 grade II, 10 grade III) and medically intractable epilepsy. Results At 3 months after radiotherapy, seizure reduction was significant (≥50% reduction of frequency compared with baseline) in 31/43 patients (72%) of the whole series and in 25/33 patients (76%) with grade II gliomas, whereas at 12 months seizure reduction was significant in 26/34 (76%) and in 19/25 (76%) patients, respectively. Seizure reduction was observed more often among patients displaying an objective tumor response on MRI, but patients with no change on MRI also had a significant seizure reduction. Seizure freedom (Engel class I) was achieved at 12 months in 32% of all patients and in 38% of patients with grade II tumors. Timing of radiotherapy and duration of seizures prior to radiotherapy were significantly associated with seizure reduction. Conclusions This study showed that a high proportion of patients with medically intractable epilepsy from diffuse gliomas derive a significant and durable benefit from radiotherapy in terms of epilepsy control and that this positive effect is not strictly associated with tumor shrinkage as shown on MRI. Radiotherapy at tumor progression seems as effective as early radiotherapy after surgery. Prospective studies must confirm and better characterize the response to radiotherapy. PMID:23897633

  3. Rib fracture following stereotactic body radiotherapy: a potential pitfall.


    Stanic, Sinisa; Boike, Thomas P; Rule, William G; Timmerman, Robert D


    Although the incidence of rib fractures after conventional radiotherapy is generally low (<2%), rib fractures are a relatively common complication of stereotactic body radiotherapy. For malignancy adjacent to the chest wall, the incidence of rib fractures after stereotactic body radiotherapy is as high as 10%. Unrecognized bone fractures can mimic bone metastases on bone scintigraphy, can lead to extensive workup, and can even lead to consideration of unnecessary systemic chemotherapy, as treatment decisions can be based on imaging findings alone. Nuclear medicine physicians and diagnostic radiologists should always consider rib fracture in the differential diagnosis.

  4. Severe skin reaction secondary to concomitant radiotherapy plus cetuximab

    PubMed Central

    Berger, Bernhard; Belka, Claus


    The therapeutic use of monoclonal antibodies against the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is specifically associated with dermatologic reactions of variable severity. Recent evidence suggests superiority of the EGFR inhibitor (EGFRI) cetuximab plus radiotherapy compared to radiotherapy alone in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Although not documented in a study population, several reports indicate a possible overlap between radiation dermatitis and the EGFRI-induced skin rash. We here present a case of severe skin reaction secondary to the addition of cetuximab to radiotherapy. PMID:18226196

  5. Ground track maintenance for BeiDou IGSO satellites subject to tesseral resonances and the luni-solar perturbations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fan, Li; Jiang, Chao; Hu, Min


    Eight inclined geosynchronous satellite orbit (IGSO) satellites in the Chinese BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) have been put in orbit until now. IGSO is a special class of geosynchronous circular orbit, with the inclination not equal to zero. It can provide high elevation angle coverage to high-latitude areas. The geography longitude of the ground track cross node is the main factor to affect the ground coverage areas of the IGSO satellites. In order to ensure the navigation performance of the IGSO satellites, the maintenance control of the ground track cross node is required. Considering the tesseral resonances and the luni-solar perturbations, a control approach is proposed to maintain the ground track for the long-term evolution. The drifts of the ground track cross node of the IGSO satellites are analyzed, which is formulated as a function of the bias of the orbit elements and time. Based on the derived function, a method by offsetting the semi-major axis is put forward to maintain the longitude of the ground track cross node, and the offset calculation equation is presented as well. Moreover, the orbit inclination is adjusted to maintain the location angle intervals between each two IGSO satellites. Finally, the precision of the offset calculation equation is analyzed to achieve the operational deployment. Simulation results show that the semi-major axis offset method is effective, and its calculation equation is accurate. The proposed approach has been applied to the maintenance control of BeiDou IGSO satellites.

  6. Results of radiotherapy for Peyronie's disease

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Niewald, Marcus; Wenzlawowicz, Knut v.; Fleckenstein, Jochen


    Purpose: To retrospectively review the results of radiotherapy for Peyronie's disease. Patients and Methods: In the time interval 1983-2000, 154 patients in our clinic were irradiated for Peyronie's disease. Of those, 101 had at least one complete follow-up data set and are the subject of this study. In the majority of patients, penis deviation was between 30 and 50{sup o}, there were one or two indurated foci with a diameter between 5 and 15 mm. Pain was recorded in 48/92 patients. Seventy-two of the 101 patients received radiotherapy with a total dose of 30 Gy, and 25 received 36 Gymore » in daily fractions of 2.0 Gy. The remaining patients received the following dosage: 34 Gy (1 patient), 38-40 Gy (3 patients). Mean duration of follow-up was 5 years. Results: The best results ever at any time during follow-up were an improvement of deviation in 47%, reduction of number of foci in 32%, reduction of size of foci in 49%, and less induration in 52%. Approximately 50% reported pain relief after radiotherapy. There were 28 patients with mild acute dermatitis and only 4 patients with mild urethritis. There were no long-term side effects. Conclusion: Our results compare well with those of other studies in the literature. In our patient cohort, radiotherapy was an effective therapy option with only very rare and mild side effects.« less

  7. Cost analysis of cetuximab (Erbitux) plus radiotherapy (ERT) versus concomitant cisplatin plus radiotherapy (CRT) within an NHS oncology unit (single institution): a pilot study.


    Caroline, Brammer; Sundus, Yahya; Dawn, Dawson; Carol, Glaister; Susan, Merrick


    The aim of this feasibility study is to define the resource effectiveness of cetuximab vs cisplatin given concomitantly with radiotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma within a National Health Service clinical oncology unit. 20 patients with Stage 3 or 4 head and neck squamous cell cancers were randomized to receive either cetuximab with radiotherapy (ERT) or cisplatin with radiotherapy concurrent with external beam radiotherapy 70 Gy in 35 fractions on a 1 : 1 basis over a 12-month duration. The study compared the resource utilization of ERT vs cisplatin with radiotherapy taking into account drug costs, clinical management and the costs of managing treatment-related toxicity from first fraction of radiotherapy to 6 months after the completion of therapy. Outcome measures were quality of life (recorded at the entry, end of radiotherapy, 6 weeks post treatment and 6 months post treatment), admissions to hospital, delays to radiotherapy, locoregional control and survival. Total drug costs including cost of nutritional supplements for patients treated with cetuximab were £7407.45 compared with £3959.07 for patients treated with cisplatin. Unscheduled admissions for toxicity management were significantly more common in the ERT arm. Healthcare personnel spent significantly more time delivering unscheduled outpatient care for patients receiving cisplatin than for those receiving cetuximab (p = 0.01). No significant difference in the quality of life was suggested at baseline, 6 weeks and 6 months. The mean time to removal of percutaneous gastrostomy (PEG) after completion of radiotherapy was 49.7 weeks in the cisplatin arm and 18.5 weeks in the cetuximab arm (p = 0.04). There was a statistically significant difference in patient-reported use of PEG between the cisplatin and cetuximab arms at 6 months following completion of treatment (p = 0.04). At 21 months, overall survival was 80% in the cisplatin arm vs 50% in the cetuximab (p = 0.332), with

  8. Cost analysis of cetuximab (Erbitux) plus radiotherapy (ERT) versus concomitant cisplatin plus radiotherapy (CRT) within an NHS oncology unit (single institution): a pilot study

    PubMed Central

    Sundus, Yahya; Dawn, Dawson; Carol, Glaister; Susan, Merrick


    Objective: The aim of this feasibility study is to define the resource effectiveness of cetuximab vs cisplatin given concomitantly with radiotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma within a National Health Service clinical oncology unit. Methods: 20 patients with Stage 3 or 4 head and neck squamous cell cancers were randomized to receive either cetuximab with radiotherapy (ERT) or cisplatin with radiotherapy concurrent with external beam radiotherapy 70 Gy in 35 fractions on a 1 : 1 basis over a 12-month duration. The study compared the resource utilization of ERT vs cisplatin with radiotherapy taking into account drug costs, clinical management and the costs of managing treatment-related toxicity from first fraction of radiotherapy to 6 months after the completion of therapy. Outcome measures were quality of life (recorded at the entry, end of radiotherapy, 6 weeks post treatment and 6 months post treatment), admissions to hospital, delays to radiotherapy, locoregional control and survival. Results: Total drug costs including cost of nutritional supplements for patients treated with cetuximab were £7407.45 compared with £3959.07 for patients treated with cisplatin. Unscheduled admissions for toxicity management were significantly more common in the ERT arm. Healthcare personnel spent significantly more time delivering unscheduled outpatient care for patients receiving cisplatin than for those receiving cetuximab (p = 0.01). No significant difference in the quality of life was suggested at baseline, 6 weeks and 6 months. The mean time to removal of percutaneous gastrostomy (PEG) after completion of radiotherapy was 49.7 weeks in the cisplatin arm and 18.5 weeks in the cetuximab arm (p = 0.04). There was a statistically significant difference in patient-reported use of PEG between the cisplatin and cetuximab arms at 6 months following completion of treatment (p = 0.04). At 21 months, overall survival was 80% in the cisplatin arm vs 50% in the

  9. SU-F-R-01: Preclinical Radioimmunogenomics Study to Design Personalized Radiotherapy

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Abdollahi, H


    Purpose: Radiogenomics is an active area of research to find clinical correlation between genomics and radiotherapy outcomes. In this era, many different biological issues should be taken into account. In this study we aimed to introduce “Radioimmunogenomics” as a new approach to study immunogetics issue regard to radiotherapy induced clinical manifestations. Methods: We studied different immunological pathways and signaling molecules which underling radiation response of normal and malignant tissues. In the other hand, we found many genes and proteins are responsible to radiation effects on biological tissues. We defined a theoretical framework to correlate these genes with radiotherapy outcomes asmore » TCP and NTCP biological dose tools. Results: Our theoretical results showed, high-throughput immunogenomics biomarkers can be correlated with radiotherapy outcomes. Genes regarding to inflammation, apoptosis, repair molecules and many other immunological markers can be defined as radioimmune markers to predict radiotherapy response. Conclusion: Radioimmunogenomics can be used as a new personalized radiotherapy research area to enhance treatment outcome as well as quality of life.« less

  10. The intensity of radiotherapy-elicited immune response is associated with esophageal cancer clearance.


    Ma, Jin-lu; Jin, Long; Li, Yao-Dong; He, Chen-chen; Guo, Xi-jing; Liu, Rui; Yang, Yun-Yi; Han, Su-xia


    Radiation therapy is one of the standard therapeutic modalities for esophageal cancer, achieving its main antitumor efficacy through DNA damage. However, accumulating evidence shows that radiotherapy can substantially alter the tumor microenvironment, particularly with respect to its effects on immune cells. We hypothesized that the immune response elicited by radiotherapy may be as important as the radiation itself for successful treatment. More specifically, immunomodulatory cytokines may enhance the effectiveness of radiotherapy. To investigate this hypothesis, we measured changes in the serum interferon-gamma (IFN- γ ) and interleukin-2 (IL-2) concentrations during radiotherapy and compared these modifications with outcomes. We found that serum concentrations of IL-2 and IFN- γ were positively associated with local response to radiotherapy in esophageal cancer. More generally, the intensity of the radiotherapy-elicited immune response was positively associated with local response to radiotherapy in esophageal cancer. Changes in serum IL-2 and IFN- γ concentrations were further associated with increased risks of acute hematologic toxicity and acute organ toxicity of the esophagus, lung, and skin. These results suggest that deciphering the mechanisms of radiotherapy-elicited immune response may help in the development of therapeutic interventions that would enhance the efficacy of radiotherapy and convert some ineffective responses to effective responses.

  11. Parents' Lived Experiences During Their Children's Radiotherapy.


    Gårdling, Jenny; Törnqvist, Erna; Edwinson Månsson, Marie; Hallström, Inger

    The aim of radiotherapy is to provide a cure and/or symptomatic relief for children with cancer. Treatment is delivered on a daily basis, 5 days per week, over the course of 5 to 35 days. Many parents find that leaving their children alone during treatment and exposing them to radiation is a challenging experience. To gain an understanding of parents' lived experiences, 10 parents were asked to keep a diary while their children underwent radiotherapy. A descriptive inductive design with a hermeneutic-phenomenological approach was chosen to analyze the diaries. The parents were asked to write down their lived experiences while their children underwent radiotherapy. Daily notes, both short and long, were desirable. The parents described radiotherapy as a balancing act involving a constant attempt to maintain a balance between coercing and protecting their children in order to improve their children's chances of survival. Meanwhile, the parents themselves were struggling with their own despair and feelings of powerlessness. While protecting their children, they experienced a sense of hope and felt that they had gained control. Parents' daily written reflections are important for clinical practice and provide vital knowledge. Parents need support when focusing on coercing and protecting their children and help with information and routines that enable them gain control.

  12. Radiotherapy physics research in the UK: challenges and proposed solutions.


    Mackay, R I; Burnet, N G; Green, S; Illidge, T M; Staffurth, J N


    In 2011, the Clinical and Translational Radiotherapy Research Working Group (CTRad) of the National Cancer Research Institute brought together UK radiotherapy physics leaders for a think tank meeting. Following a format that CTRad had previously and successfully used with clinical oncologists, 23 departments were asked to complete a pre-meeting evaluation of their radiotherapy physics research infrastructure and the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats within their own centre. These departments were brought together with the CTRad Executive Group and research funders to discuss the current state of radiotherapy physics research, perceived barriers and possible solutions. In this Commentary, we summarise the submitted materials, presentations and discussions from the meeting and propose an action plan. It is clear that there are challenges in both funding and staffing of radiotherapy physics research. Programme and project funding streams sometimes struggle to cater for physics-led work, and increased representation on research funding bodies would be valuable. Career paths for academic radiotherapy physicists need to be examined and an academic training route identified within Modernising Scientific Careers; the introduction of formal job plans may allow greater protection of research time, and should be considered. Improved access to research facilities, including research linear accelerators, would enhance research activity and pass on developments to patients more quickly; research infrastructure could be benchmarked against centres in the UK and abroad. UK National Health Service departments wishing to undertake radiotherapy research, with its attendant added value for patients, need to develop a strategy with their partner higher education institution, and collaboration between departments may provide enhanced opportunities for funded research.

  13. Experience with carbon ion radiotherapy at GSI

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jäkel, O.; Schulz-Ertner, D.; Karger, C. P.; Heeg, P.; Debus, J.


    At GSI, a radiotherapy facility was established using beam scanning and active energy variation. Between December 1997 and April 2004, 220 patients have been treated at this facility with carbon ions. Most patients are treated for chordoma and chondrosarcoma of the base of skull, using a dose of 60 Gye (Gray equivalent) in 20 fractions. Carbon ion therapy is also offered in a combination with conventional radiotherapy for a number of other tumors (adenoidcystic carcinoma, chordoma of the cervical spine and sacrum, atypical menningeoma). The patients treated for skull base tumors showed an overall local control rate after two years of 90%. The overall treatment toxicity was mild. This shows that carbon ion radiotherapy can safely be applied using a scanned beam and encouraged the Heidelberg university hospital to build a hospital based facility for ion therapy.

  14. Male breast cancer: 20-year survival data for post-mastectomy radiotherapy.


    Eggemann, Holm; Ignatov, Atanas; Stabenow, Roland; von Minckwitz, Gunter; Röhl, Friedrich Wilhelm; Hass, Peter; Costa, Serban-Dan


    The goal of this population-based study was to determine the impact of post-mastectomy radiation therapy on long-term overall survival (OS) of male patients with breast cancer. We investigated 20-year OS rates of 664 patients diagnosed with primary stage I-III breast cancer in former East Germany between 1970 and 1989. Patients had a radical mastectomy with axillary lymph node dissection without systemic adjuvant therapy. Median follow-up time was 26.2 years (range 19-38 years). 52.4% of the patients had post-mastectomy radiotherapy. Radiotherapy showed different effects in each stage group after 20 years. Whereas there was an OS trend for radiotherapy to harm patients with stage I disease (hazard ratio (HR) 1.45; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.98-2.15; p = 0.065), radiotherapy showed no benefit in patients with stage II disease (HR 0.82; 95% CI 0.62-1.1; p = 0.15). There was a significant survival benefit for patients with stage III disease receiving radiotherapy (HR 0.60; 95% CI 0.41-0.88; p = 0.008). Post-mastectomy radiotherapy is associated with longer OS in male patients with stage III breast cancer. Male breast cancer patients at stages I and II do not seem to benefit from radiotherapy, but obsolete irradiation techniques might explain adverse long-term effects in earlier stages.

  15. Die Digitalisierung der Energiewirtschaft: Potenziale und Herausforderungen der IKT-Branche für Utility 4.0

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aichele, Christian; Schönberger, Marius

    Energieunternehmen haben auf dem Weg zur digitalen Transformation noch viele Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt derzeit auf der Modernisierung der IT-Systeme. Ausgangspunkt hierzu ist, dass sich bei den Endkonsumenten Mobile Applikationen, Smartphones, Tablet-PCs oder Smart TVs einer immensen Beliebtheit erfreuen. Durch diese Technologien wird die physische und virtuelle Welt in immer weiter zunehmendem Maße miteinander verknüpft. Mobile Applikation können einen wahren Hype hervorrufen und Verhaltensweisen auch nachhaltig verändern (ein Beispiel hierfür ist Pokémon Go, eine App die ein virtuelles Spiel mit der realen Umgebung kombiniert und die erstmalig auch eingefleischte Zocker aus der Anonymität ihrer häuslichen Umgebung hervorlocken konnte und für analoge Bewegung im Freien sorgte).

  16. PVD-Beschichtungstechnologie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lake, Markus K.

    Die PVD-Technologie umfasst eine Reihe von Beschichtungsverfahren zur Abscheidung von Metallen, Legierungen oder chemischen Verbindungen durch Zufuhr von thermischer Energie oder durch Teilchenbeschuss im Hochvakuum. PVDVerfahren gestatten u. a. die Beschichtung bei niedrigen Prozesstemperaturen, so dass thermisch sensible Substrate, z. B. wärmebehandelte Stähle oder ausgewählte Kunststoffe, beschichtet werden können. Insbesondere mit dem Magnetron Sputter Ion Plating-Verfahren (MSIP-Verfahren) und mit dem Arc Ion Plating-Verfahren (AIP-Verfahren) ist es möglich, thermisch vorbehandelte Werkstoffe zu beschichten, ohne den eingestellten Wärmebehandlungszustand (Härte, Spannungszustand) zu verändern. Ferner können endbearbeitete Bauteile mit der PVD-Technologie beschichtet werden, da die eingesetzten PVD-Verfahren die Ausgangsoberfläche konturgetreu abbilden, ohne dass eine Nachbearbeitung erforderlich wird.

  17. Smart Meter Rollout: Intelligente Messsysteme als Schnittstelle zum Kunden im Smart Grid und Smart Market

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vortanz, Karsten; Zayer, Peter

    Das Gesetz zur Digitalisierung der Energiewende ist verabschiedet. Ab 2017 sind moderne Messeinrichtungen (mME) und intelligente Messsysteme (iMSys) zu verbauen und zu betreiben. Der "deutsche Weg" für die Einführung von Smart Metern sieht einen stufenweisen Rollout sowie ein Höchstmaß an Informations- und Datensicherheit vor. Dabei spielen iMSys und mME eine wichtige Rolle bei der Neugestaltung der intelligenten Netze (Smart Grids) und des neuen Marktmodells (Smart Market). Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit den neuen Gesetzen, den Marktrollen und ihren Aufgaben, Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, dem iMSys als sichere Lösung, dem sicheren Betrieb von Smart Meter Gateways, Smart Grid - Smart Market, dem Zusammenspiel zwischen reguliertem Bereich und Markt, den Einsatzbereichen der iMSys sowie den Auswirkungen auf Prozesse und Systeme und gibt Handlungsempfehlungen.

  18. Akne.


    Degitz, Klaus; Ochsendorf, Falk


    Akne ist eine chronische Erkrankung mit hoher Prävalenz unter Jugendlichen. Pathogenetische Hauptfaktoren (und ihre klinischen Korrelate) sind gesteigerte Talgproduktion (Seborrhoe), follikuläre Hyperkeratose (Komedonen) und perifollikuläre Entzündungsvorgänge (Papulopusteln). Die Krankheit wird von endogenen (Androgene, IGF-1, neuroendokrine Faktoren) und exogenen (Propionibacterium acnes, Diät, mechanische Irritation, Inhaltsstoffe medizinischer oder kosmetischer Externa) Einflüssen moduliert. Akne geht mit zum Teil hoher Morbidität einher und kann bereits bei leichter Ausprägung eine erhebliche Verschlechterung der Lebensqualität bewirken. Zu Therapie stehen wirksame topische und systemische Behandlungsverfahren zur Verfügung. Eine optimale Behandlung erfordert eine stadiengerechtes Management und kontinuierliche ärztliche Begleitung der Patienten über den erforderlichen Behandlungszeitraum. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. [Principles of radiotherapy of non-small cell lung cancer].


    Esik, Olga; Horváth, Akos; Bajcsay, András; Hideghéty, Katalin; Agócs, László; Pikó, Béla; Lengyel, Zsolt; Petrányi, Agota; Pisch, Julianna


    The long-term survival probability for Hungarian lung cancer patients is 10% worse than the best results published in the most highly developed countries (the mean 5-year survival probability in Hungary is 5%, in contrast with the 15% survival probability in the USA). On the basis of the international recommendations and personal experience, an attempt was made to formulate the guidelines for radiotherapy as one of the fundamental non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treatment modalities for national use. An expert panel was set up comprising physicians from 6 radiotherapeutic centers (the National Institute of Oncology / Semmelweis University, Budapest; the Beth Israel Medical Center, New York; the University of Kaposvár; the University of Essen; the University of Debrecen; and the County Hospital of Gyula). Experts in two important medical fields closely related to radiotherapy (surgery and diagnostic imaging) were also engaged in the elaboration of the manuscript. Discussion of the most important principles of the radiotherapy and an overview of the prognostic factors was followed by a critical analysis of the protocols applied in the radiotherapy of Hungarian NSCLC patients during recent decades. The new guidelines suggested for the radiotherapy of NSCLC are presented separately for the postoperative period, marginally resectable tumors, and the aggressive or non-aggressive radiotherapy of inoperable tumors. Detailed accounts are given of the techniques of external irradiation and brachytherapy, and of the acute and late radiation-induced damage of normal tissues. The authors believe that this document may be instrumental in improving the survival index of Hungarian NSCLC patients in the near future.

  20. Deterioration of duodenal lymphangiectasia after radiotherapy for gastric MALT lymphoma

    PubMed Central

    Iwamuro, Masaya; Tanaka, Takehiro; Kanzaki, Hiromitsu; Kawano, Seiji; Kawahara, Yoshiro; Iwasaki, Yoshiaki; Okada, Hiroyuki


    A 68-year-old Japanese woman underwent radiotherapy for gastric lymphoma. Although lymphangiectasia was sparsely observed in the second portion of the duodenum before radiotherapy, the number of pinpoint white spots obviously increased after the treatment. Although the duodenal lymphangiectasia gradually progressed, the patient had no features of protein-losing enteropathy. This case highlights the importance of endoscopic observation of the duodenum after irradiation to the abdomen as radiotherapy may secondarily cause intestinal lymphangiectasia. PMID:28798810

  1. Reirradiation for recurrent head and neck cancers using charged particle or photon radiotherapy.


    Yamazaki, Hideya; Demizu, Yusuke; Okimoto, Tomoaki; Ogita, Mikio; Himei, Kengo; Nakamura, Satoaki; Suzuki, Gen; Yoshida, Ken; Kotsuma, Tadayuki; Yoshioka, Yasuo; Oh, Ryoongjin


    To examine the outcomes of reirradiation for recurrent head and neck cancers using different modalities. This retrospective study included 26 patients who received charged particle radiotherapy (CP) and 150 who received photon radiotherapy (117 CyberKnife radiotherapy [CK] and 36 intensity-modulated radiotherapy [IMRT]). Inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) involving propensity scores was used to reduce background selection bias. Higher prescribed doses were used in CP than photon radiotherapy. The 1‑year overall survival (OS) rates were 67.9% for CP and 54.1% for photon radiotherapy (p = 0.15; 55% for CK and 51% for IMRT). In multivariate Cox regression, the significant prognostic factors for better survival were nasopharyngeal cancer, higher prescribed dose, and lower tumor volume. IPTW showed a statistically significant difference between CP and photon radiotherapy (p = 0.04). The local control rates for patients treated with CP and photon radiotherapy at 1 year were 66.9% (range 46.3-87.5%) and 67.1% (range 58.3-75.9%), respectively. A total of 48 patients (27%) experienced toxicity grade ≥3 (24% in the photon radiotherapy group and 46% in the CP group), including 17 patients with grade 5 toxicity. Multivariate analysis revealed that younger age and a larger planning target volume (PTV) were significant risk factors for grade 3 or worse toxicity. CP provided superior survival outcome compared to photon radiotherapy. Tumor volume, primary site (nasopharyngeal), and prescribed dose were identified as survival factors. Younger patients with a larger PTV experienced toxicity grade ≥3.

  2. Radiotherapy for esthesioneuroblastoma: is elective nodal irradiation warranted in the multimodality treatment approach?


    Noh, O Kyu; Lee, Sang-wook; Yoon, Sang Min; Kim, Sung Bae; Kim, Sang Yoon; Kim, Chang Jin; Jo, Kyung Ja; Choi, Eun Kyung; Song, Si Yeol; Kim, Jong Hoon; Ahn, Seung Do


    The role of elective nodal irradiation (ENI) in radiotherapy for esthesioneuroblastoma (ENB) has not been clearly defined. We analyzed treatment outcomes of patients with ENB and the frequency of cervical nodal failure in the absence of ENI. Between August 1996 and December 2007, we consulted with 19 patients with ENB regarding radiotherapy. Initial treatment consisted of surgery alone in 2 patients; surgery and postoperative radiotherapy in 4; surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy in 1; surgery, postoperative radiotherapy, and chemotherapy in 3; and chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy or concurrent chemoradiotherapy in 5. Five patients did not receive planned radiotherapy because of disease progression. Including 2 patients who received salvage radiotherapy, 14 patients were treated with radiotherapy. Elective nodal irradiation was performed in 4 patients with high-risk factors, including 3 with cervical lymph node metastasis at presentation. Fourteen patients were analyzable, with a median follow-up of 27 months (range, 7-64 months). The overall 3-year survival rate was 73.4%. Local failure occurred in 3 patients (21.4%), regional cervical failure in 3 (21.4%), and distant failure in 2 (14.3%). No cervical nodal failure occurred in patients treated with combined systemic chemotherapy regardless of ENI. Three cervical failures occurred in the 4 patients treated with ENI or neck dissection (75%), none of whom received systemic chemotherapy. ENI during radiotherapy for ENB seems to play a limited role in preventing cervical nodal failure. Omitting ENI may be an option if patients are treated with a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Radiation-induced heart disease in lung cancer radiotherapy: A dosimetric update.


    Ming, Xin; Feng, Yuanming; Yang, Chengwen; Wang, Wei; Wang, Ping; Deng, Jun


    Radiation-induced heart disease (RIHD), which affects the patients' prognosis with both acute and late side effects, has been published extensively in the radiotherapy of breast cancer, lymphoma and other benign diseases. Studies on RIHD in lung cancer radiotherapy, however, are less extensive and clear even though the patients with lung cancer are delivered with higher doses to the heart during radiation treatment. In this article, after extensive literature search and analysis, we reviewed the current evidence on RIHD in lung cancer patients after their radiation treatments and investigated the potential risk factors for RIHD as compared to other types of cancers. Cardiac toxicity has been found highly relevant in lung cancer radiotherapy. So far, the crude incidence of cardiac complications in the lung cancer patients after radiotherapy has been up to 33%. The dose to the heart, the lobar location of tumor, the treatment modality, the history of heart and pulmonary disease and smoking were considered as potential risk factors for RIHD in lung cancer radiotherapy. As treatment techniques improve over the time with better prognosis for lung cancer survivors, an improved prediction model can be established to further reduce the cardiac toxicity in lung cancer radiotherapy.

  4. Radiotherapy physics research in the UK: challenges and proposed solutions

    PubMed Central

    Mackay, R I; Burnet, N G; Green, S; Illidge, T M; Staffurth, J N


    In 2011, the Clinical and Translational Radiotherapy Research Working Group (CTRad) of the National Cancer Research Institute brought together UK radiotherapy physics leaders for a think tank meeting. Following a format that CTRad had previously and successfully used with clinical oncologists, 23 departments were asked to complete a pre-meeting evaluation of their radiotherapy physics research infrastructure and the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats within their own centre. These departments were brought together with the CTRad Executive Group and research funders to discuss the current state of radiotherapy physics research, perceived barriers and possible solutions. In this Commentary, we summarise the submitted materials, presentations and discussions from the meeting and propose an action plan. It is clear that there are challenges in both funding and staffing of radiotherapy physics research. Programme and project funding streams sometimes struggle to cater for physics-led work, and increased representation on research funding bodies would be valuable. Career paths for academic radiotherapy physicists need to be examined and an academic training route identified within Modernising Scientific Careers; the introduction of formal job plans may allow greater protection of research time, and should be considered. Improved access to research facilities, including research linear accelerators, would enhance research activity and pass on developments to patients more quickly; research infrastructure could be benchmarked against centres in the UK and abroad. UK National Health Service departments wishing to undertake radiotherapy research, with its attendant added value for patients, need to develop a strategy with their partner higher education institution, and collaboration between departments may provide enhanced opportunities for funded research. PMID:22972972

  5. [Radiotherapy of squamous cell carcinomas of the tongue--a statistical review].


    Kubo, K; Furukawa, S; Fuchihata, H; Nakamura, M; Shimizutani, K; Nishiyama, K; Ikeda, H; Masaki, N


    The cases of 36 patients referred for radiotherapy of the tongue after an excisional biopsy or after an inadequate excision of the tongue cancer have been reviewed. In 32 patients treated by radiotherapy, the actuarial survival rate at five years was 86%, and the local rate control, was 82%. The local control rate for those treated by interstitial radiotherapy (Int. RT) was successful in 12 out of 13 cases, and the rates for those treated by external radiotherapy (Ext. RT) followed by Int. RT, or by the intraoral cone technique with electron beams (Elec.), or by Ext. RT, or by Elec. followed by Int. RT, or by no additional therapy were 7 out of 9, 4 out of 5, 2 out of 4, 1 out of 1, and 2 out of 4, respectively. For such cases of cancer, subsequent interstitial radiotherapy is advisable to maintain local control.

  6. Radiotherapy and "new" drugs-new side effects?

    PubMed Central


    Background and purpose Targeted drugs have augmented the cancer treatment armamentarium. Based on the molecular specificity, it was initially believed that these drugs had significantly less side effects. However, currently it is accepted that all of these agents have their specific side effects. Based on the given multimodal approach, special emphasis has to be placed on putative interactions of conventional cytostatic drugs, targeted agents and other modalities. The interaction of targeted drugs with radiation harbours special risks, since the awareness for interactions and even synergistic toxicities is lacking. At present, only limited is data available regarding combinations of targeted drugs and radiotherapy. This review gives an overview on the current knowledge on such combined treatments. Materials and methods Using the following MESH headings and combinations of these terms pubmed database was searched: Radiotherapy AND cetuximab/trastuzumab/panitumumab/nimotuzumab, bevacizumab, sunitinib/sorafenib/lapatinib/gefitinib/erlotinib/sirolimus, thalidomide/lenalidomide as well as erythropoietin. For citation crosscheck the ISI web of science database was used employing the same search terms. Results Several classes of targeted substances may be distinguished: Small molecules including kinase inhibitors and specific inhibitors, antibodies, and anti-angiogenic agents. Combination of these agents with radiotherapy may lead to specific toxicities or negatively influence the efficacy of RT. Though there is only little information on the interaction of molecular targeted radiation and radiotherapy in clinical settings, several critical incidents are reported. Conclusions The addition of molecular targeted drugs to conventional radiotherapy outside of approved regimens or clinical trials warrants a careful consideration especially when used in conjunction in hypo-fractionated regimens. Clinical trials are urgently needed in order to address the open question in regard

  7. The med AUSTRON/OGRO patterns of care study on radiotherapy indications in Austria.


    Mock, Ulrike; Mayer, Ramona; Potter, Richard; Jäger, Robert; Vutuc, Christian; Eiter, Helmut; Hammer, Josef; Hawliczek, Robert; Hirn, Brigitte; Knocke-Abulesz, Tomas-Henrik; Kogelnik, Hans-Dieter; Lukas, Peter; Nechville, Elisabeth; Pakisch, Brigitte; Papauschek, Michael; Ing Raunik, Wolfgang; Rhomberg, Walter; Sabitzer, Hubert; Schratter-Sehn, Annemarie; Sedlmayer, Felix; Wedrich, Irene; Auberger, Thomas


    In Austria a national survey was conducted by Med AUSTRON/Osterreichische Gesellschaft for Radio--Onkologie, Radiobiologie und Medizinische Radiophysik (OGRO) in order to estimate the indications, patient numbers and radiotherapy treatment planning procedures and performances at all Austrian radiotherapy institutes. Results were correlated with incidence rates (Austrian cancer registry) to determine patterns of radiotherapy practice in Austria. At 12 radiotherapy departments of Austria data of all patients receiving irradiation within a 3 months (2002/2003) period were assessed. On the basis of a questionnaire number of treated patients, indications, and parameters of disease (stage, histology) and treatment modalities were evaluated. Results were analysed with regard to different tumour groups, according to academic and non academic hospitals, and correlated with epidemiological data on cancer incidence. In total, 3783 patients were registered within this period. According to the different tumour entities percentages of patients receiving radiotherapy within initial treatment varied from 3% to 90 % (e.g. brain tumours: 77%, breast cancer: 90%, prostate cancer: 35%). The most frequent indications to radiotherapy per radiotherapy department were breast cancer (range 22%-35%; mean 26%), urological tumours (range 6%-27%; mean 12%) and bone metastases (mean 10%, range 3%-17%). In Austria breast cancer, urological tumours and bone metastases are representing the most common indications to radiotherapy. Among the different departments variations in indications to radiotherapy were observed. Our study is the first evaluation of radiotherapeutic management in Austria.

  8. Radiotherapy-induced hypopituitarism in nasopharyngeal carcinoma: the tip of an iceberg.


    Ipekci, S H; Cakir, M; Kiyici, A; Koc, O; Artac, M


    Radiation-induced hypopituitarism is an important late complication of cranial radiotherapy in children and adults. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the effects of radiotherapy on pituitary function in adult nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients. Pituitary function was evaluated in 30 patients after cranial radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Somatotroph and corticotroph axes were assessed by insulin tolerance test while gonadotroph and thyroid axes were evaluated by basal pituitary and end organ hormone levels at 10-133 months after radiotherapy. At least one hormonal disorder was observed in 28 (93%) patients after radiotherapy. 26 (87%) patients had one or more anterior pituitary hormone deficiencies. The rates of pituitary hormone deficiencies were 77% for growth hormone, followed by adrenocorticotropic hormone (73%), thyroid-stimulating hormone (27%) and gonadotropins (7%). Hyperprolactinemia was present in 13 (43%) patients. Radiation-induced hypopituitarism is more common than expected in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  9. Gebrauch von Komplementärmedizin bei Patienten mit metastasierendem Melanom unter Therapie mit Ipilimumab innerhalb einer klinischen Studie.


    Huebner, Jutta; Mohr, Peter; Simon, Jan-Christoph; Fluck, Michael; Berking, Carola; Zimmer, Lisa; Loquai, Carmen


    In Deutschland wenden 40-90 % aller Krebspatienten Methoden der komplementären and alternativen Medizin (KAM) an. Bis dato gibt es kein Datenmaterial zum Einsatz der KAM bei Melanompatienten. Das Ziel unserer Studie war es, Daten über den Gebrauch, die Informationsquellen und Ziele von Patienten mit metastasierendem Melanom zu erfassen. Einhundertsechsundfünfzig Patienten aus 25 Studienzentren nahmen an der DecOG-MM-PAL Multibasket Studie teil. Die beteiligten Personen wurden auch gebeten, an einer Nebenstudie teilzunehmen, die ihren Gebrauch von KAM erfassen sollte. Dazu wurde während der Behandlung ein standardisierter Fragebogen zu genau festgelegten Zeitpunkten ausgeteilt. Insgesamt gingen 55 Fragebögen von 32 (21 %) Melanompatienten ein. Von diesen gaben 17 (53 %) ein Interesse an KAM an, und sieben (22 %) machten von KAM Gebrauch. Die Hauptinformationsquellen (31 %) waren Familienmitglieder und Freunde, gefolgt von Ärzten (19 %). Die Hauptgründe für die Anwendung von KAM waren die Stärkung des Immunsystems (41 %) und des Körpers (34 %). Nahrungsergänzungsmittel (Vitamine und Spurenelemente) wurden am häufigsten angewendet (28 %). Eine relativ hohe Anzahl an Patienten mit metastasierendem Melanom machte trotz Teilnahme an einer klinischen Studie von KAM Gebrauch. Wechselwirkungen könnten durch biologisch basierte KAM auftreten, und hier besonders bei immunmodulierenden KAM- Strategien. Um Risiken zu vermeiden, sollte die Kommunikation zwischen den Ärzten und den Patienten verbessert werden. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Redesigning Radiotherapy Quality Assurance: Opportunities to Develop an Efficient, Evidence-Based System to Support Clinical Trials-Report of the National Cancer Institute Work Group on Radiotherapy Quality Assurance

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bekelman, Justin E., E-mail:; Deye, James A.; Vikram, Bhadrasain


    Purpose: In the context of national calls for reorganizing cancer clinical trials, the National Cancer Institute sponsored a 2-day workshop to examine challenges and opportunities for optimizing radiotherapy quality assurance (QA) in clinical trial design. Methods and Materials: Participants reviewed the current processes of clinical trial QA and noted the QA challenges presented by advanced technologies. The lessons learned from the radiotherapy QA programs of recent trials were discussed in detail. Four potential opportunities for optimizing radiotherapy QA were explored, including the use of normal tissue toxicity and tumor control metrics, biomarkers of radiation toxicity, new radiotherapy modalities such asmore » proton beam therapy, and the international harmonization of clinical trial QA. Results: Four recommendations were made: (1) to develop a tiered (and more efficient) system for radiotherapy QA and tailor the intensity of QA to the clinical trial objectives (tiers include general credentialing, trial-specific credentialing, and individual case review); (2) to establish a case QA repository; (3) to develop an evidence base for clinical trial QA and introduce innovative prospective trial designs to evaluate radiotherapy QA in clinical trials; and (4) to explore the feasibility of consolidating clinical trial QA in the United States. Conclusion: Radiotherapy QA can affect clinical trial accrual, cost, outcomes, and generalizability. To achieve maximum benefit, QA programs must become more efficient and evidence-based.« less

  11. Redesigning radiotherapy quality assurance: opportunities to develop an efficient, evidence-based system to support clinical trials--report of the National Cancer Institute Work Group on Radiotherapy Quality Assurance.


    Bekelman, Justin E; Deye, James A; Vikram, Bhadrasain; Bentzen, Soren M; Bruner, Deborah; Curran, Walter J; Dignam, James; Efstathiou, Jason A; FitzGerald, T J; Hurkmans, Coen; Ibbott, Geoffrey S; Lee, J Jack; Merchant, Thomas E; Michalski, Jeff; Palta, Jatinder R; Simon, Richard; Ten Haken, Randal K; Timmerman, Robert; Tunis, Sean; Coleman, C Norman; Purdy, James


    In the context of national calls for reorganizing cancer clinical trials, the National Cancer Institute sponsored a 2-day workshop to examine challenges and opportunities for optimizing radiotherapy quality assurance (QA) in clinical trial design. Participants reviewed the current processes of clinical trial QA and noted the QA challenges presented by advanced technologies. The lessons learned from the radiotherapy QA programs of recent trials were discussed in detail. Four potential opportunities for optimizing radiotherapy QA were explored, including the use of normal tissue toxicity and tumor control metrics, biomarkers of radiation toxicity, new radiotherapy modalities such as proton beam therapy, and the international harmonization of clinical trial QA. Four recommendations were made: (1) to develop a tiered (and more efficient) system for radiotherapy QA and tailor the intensity of QA to the clinical trial objectives (tiers include general credentialing, trial-specific credentialing, and individual case review); (2) to establish a case QA repository; (3) to develop an evidence base for clinical trial QA and introduce innovative prospective trial designs to evaluate radiotherapy QA in clinical trials; and (4) to explore the feasibility of consolidating clinical trial QA in the United States. Radiotherapy QA can affect clinical trial accrual, cost, outcomes, and generalizability. To achieve maximum benefit, QA programs must become more efficient and evidence-based. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Unilateral Radiotherapy for the Treatment of Tonsil Cancer

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Chronowski, Gregory M., E-mail:; Garden, Adam S.; Morrison, William H.


    Purpose: To assess, through a retrospective review, clinical outcomes of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsil treated at the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center with unilateral radiotherapy techniques that irradiate the involved tonsil region and ipsilateral neck only. Methods and Materials: Of 901 patients with newly diagnosed squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsil treated with radiotherapy at our institution, we identified 102 that were treated using unilateral radiotherapy techniques. All patients had their primary site of disease restricted to the tonsillar fossa or anterior pillar, with <1 cm involvement of the soft palate. Patients had TX (n =more » 17 patients), T1 (n = 52), or T2 (n = 33) disease, with Nx (n = 3), N0 (n = 33), N1 (n = 23), N2a (n = 21), or N2b (n = 22) neck disease. Results: Sixty-one patients (60%) underwent diagnostic tonsillectomy before radiotherapy. Twenty-seven patients (26%) underwent excision of a cervical lymph node or neck dissection before radiotherapy. Median follow-up for surviving patients was 38 months. Locoregional control at the primary site and ipsilateral neck was 100%. Two patients experienced contralateral nodal recurrence (2%). The 5-year overall survival and disease-free survival rates were 95% and 96%, respectively. The 5-year freedom from contralateral nodal recurrence rate was 96%. Nine patients required feeding tubes during therapy. Of the 2 patients with contralateral recurrence, 1 experienced an isolated neck recurrence and was salvaged with contralateral neck dissection only and remains alive and free of disease. The other patient presented with a contralateral base of tongue tumor and involved cervical lymph node, which may have represented a second primary tumor, and died of disease. Conclusions: Unilateral radiotherapy for patients with TX-T2, N0-N2b primary tonsil carcinoma results in high rates of disease control, with low rates of contralateral nodal failure and a low incidence of acute toxicity

  13. Palliative Radiotherapy for Bone Metastases: An ASTRO Evidence-Based Guideline

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lutz, Stephen, E-mail: slutz@bvha.or; Berk, Lawrence; Chang, Eric


    Purpose: To present guidance for patients and physicians regarding the use of radiotherapy in the treatment of bone metastases according to current published evidence and complemented by expert opinion. Methods and Materials: A systematic search of the National Library of Medicine's PubMed database between 1998 and 2009 yielded 4,287 candidate original research articles potentially applicable to radiotherapy for bone metastases. A Task Force composed of all authors synthesized the published evidence and reached a consensus regarding the recommendations contained herein. Results: The Task Force concluded that external beam radiotherapy continues to be the mainstay for the treatment of pain and/ormore » prevention of the morbidity caused by bone metastases. Various fractionation schedules can provide significant palliation of symptoms and/or prevent the morbidity of bone metastases. The evidence for the safety and efficacy of repeat treatment to previously irradiated areas of peripheral bone metastases for pain was derived from both prospective studies and retrospective data, and it can be safe and effective. The use of stereotactic body radiotherapy holds theoretical promise in the treatment of new or recurrent spine lesions, although the Task Force recommended that its use be limited to highly selected patients and preferably within a prospective trial. Surgical decompression and postoperative radiotherapy is recommended for spinal cord compression or spinal instability in highly selected patients with sufficient performance status and life expectancy. The use of bisphosphonates, radionuclides, vertebroplasty, and kyphoplasty for the treatment or prevention of cancer-related symptoms does not obviate the need for external beam radiotherapy in appropriate patients. Conclusions: Radiotherapy is a successful and time efficient method by which to palliate pain and/or prevent the morbidity of bone metastases. This Guideline reviews the available data to define its

  14. Anal Cancer: An Examination of Radiotherapy Strategies

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Glynne-Jones, Rob; Lim, Faye


    The Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 9811, ACCORD-03, and ACT II Phase III trials in anal cancer showed no benefit for cisplatin-based induction and maintenance chemotherapy, or radiation dose-escalation >59 Gy. This review examines the efficacy and toxicity of chemoradiation (CRT) in anal cancer, and discusses potential alternative radiotherapy strategies. The evidence for the review was compiled from randomized and nonrandomized trials of radiation therapy and CRT. A total of 103 retrospective/observational studies, 4 Phase I/II studies, 16 Phase II prospective studies, 2 randomized Phase II studies, and 6 Phase III trials of radiotherapy or chemoradiation were identified. There are nomore » meta-analyses based on individual patient data. A 'one-size-fits-all' approach for all stages of anal cancer is inappropriate. Early T1 tumors are probably currently overtreated, whereas T3/T4 lesions might merit escalation of treatment. Intensity-modulated radiotherapy or the integration of biological therapy may play a role in future.« less

  15. Definitive radiotherapy for extramedullary plasmacytomas of the head and neck.


    Michalaki, V J; Hall, J; Henk, J M; Nutting, C M; Harrington, K J


    Extramedullary plasmacytoma of the head and neck region (EMPHN) is an uncommon malignant plasma cell neoplasm. In this study we conducted a retrospective analysis of our experience of EMPHN with particular emphasis on the role of definitive radiotherapy. From 1982 to 2001, 10 patients (6 males, 4 females) with EMPHN were treated in our institution. Of nine patients treated at initial diagnosis, all received definitive radiotherapy. One patient treated at relapse underwent surgical resection followed by post-operative radiotherapy. The median age at diagnosis was 55 years (range 35-84 years). The disease was most frequently localized in the paranasal sinuses (50%). All nine patients who received definitive radiotherapy at a dose of 40-50 Gy achieved a complete response. The median follow up period was 29 months (range 7-67 months). Four patients (40%) relapsed, three have died of their disease. Two patients (20%) with paranasal sinus disease subsequently relapsed with multiple myeloma at 10 months and 24 months, respectively. Our results indicate that treatment of EMPHN with radiotherapy achieves excellent rates of local control. The relapse rate in neck nodes of 10% does not justify elective irradiation of the uninvolved neck.

  16. [Integration of the radiotherapy irradiation planning in the digital workflow].


    Röhner, F; Schmucker, M; Henne, K; Momm, F; Bruggmoser, G; Grosu, A-L; Frommhold, H; Heinemann, F E


    At the Clinic of Radiotherapy at the University Hospital Freiburg, all relevant workflow is paperless. After implementing the Operating Schedule System (OSS) as a framework, all processes are being implemented into the departmental system MOSAIQ. Designing a digital workflow for radiotherapy irradiation planning is a large challenge, it requires interdisciplinary expertise and therefore the interfaces between the professions also have to be interdisciplinary. For every single step of radiotherapy irradiation planning, distinct responsibilities have to be defined and documented. All aspects of digital storage, backup and long-term availability of data were considered and have already been realized during the OSS project. After an analysis of the complete workflow and the statutory requirements, a detailed project plan was designed. In an interdisciplinary workgroup, problems were discussed and a detailed flowchart was developed. The new functionalities were implemented in a testing environment by the Clinical and Administrative IT Department (CAI). After extensive tests they were integrated into the new modular department system. The Clinic of Radiotherapy succeeded in realizing a completely digital workflow for radiotherapy irradiation planning. During the testing phase, our digital workflow was examined and afterwards was approved by the responsible authority.

  17. Baseline utilization of breast radiotherapy before institution of the Medicare practice quality reporting initiative.


    Smith, Benjamin D; Smith, Grace L; Roberts, Kenneth B; Buchholz, Thomas A


    In 2007, Medicare implemented the Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI), which provides financial incentives to physicians who report their performance on certain quality measures. PQRI measure #74 recommends radiotherapy for patients treated with conservative surgery (CS) for invasive breast cancer. As a first step in evaluating the potential impact of this measure, we assessed baseline use of radiotherapy among women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer before implementation of PQRI. Using the SEER-Medicare data set, we identified women aged 66-70 diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and treated with CS between 2000 and 2002. Treatment with radiotherapy was determined using SEER and claims data. Multivariate logistic regression tested whether receipt of radiotherapy varied significantly across clinical, pathologic, and treatment covariates. Of 3,674 patients, 94% (3,445) received radiotherapy. In adjusted analysis, the presence of comorbid illness (odds ratio [OR] 1.69; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.19-2.42) and unmarried marital status were associated with omission of radiotherapy (OR 1.65; 95% CI, 1.22-2.20). In contrast, receipt of chemotherapy was protective against omission of radiotherapy (OR 0.25; 95% CI, 0.16-0.38). Race and geographic region did not correlate with radiotherapy utilization. Utilization of radiotherapy following CS was high for patients treated before institution of PQRI, suggesting that at most 6% of patients could benefit from measure #74. Further research is needed to determine whether institution of PQRI will affect radiotherapy utilization.

  18. Radiotherapy-induced hearing loss in patients with laryngeal and hypopharyngeal carcinomas.


    Gudelj, Goran; Trotić, Robert; Herceg, Tonko; Parazajder, Domagoj; Vagić, Davor; Geber, Goran


    The purpose of this study was to investigate a hypothesized correlation of development of a sensorineural hearing loss and radiotherapy in patients with laryngeal and hypopharyngeal carcinoma. This prospective study included a total of 50 patients, which after strict exclusion critera (audiologic problems before RT primary tumors of the auditory system, spread of the primary tumor to any part of the auditory system) resulted in 23 analyzed patients, ranging between 50 and 76 years of age, with a mean age of 60. Audiometry measuring frequency-specific thresholds was performed in three time points: one month before radiotherapy, one and six months after radiotherapy. A significant statistical difference in hearing tresholds after radiotherapy was found in 6 out of 23 patients. An obvious tendency towards hearing loss without statistical significance at 250 and 4000 Hz was found for a whole tested population (p < or = 0.3 with Bonferroni correction). Observed tendency towards hearing loss after radiotherapy of laryngeal carcinoma was related to side of the tumor and less severe when chemotherapy was not added as adjuvant therapy. These results should help to decrease a rate of hearing loss by careful planing of ear protection, by using observed frequencies as relevant markers of hearing loss and by reconsidering adjuvant chemoterapy during radiotherapy of laryngeal carcinoma.

  19. Paragangliomas: presentation and management by radiotherapy at the Prince of Wales Hospital.


    Smee, Robert I; Jayasekara, Jayana; Williams, Janet R; Hanna, Claire


    Paragangliomas are commonly treated with surgery, while radiotherapy is reserved for those that are inoperable or have relapsed. However, this retrospective study aims to determine whether radiotherapy is a viable initial treatment for paragangliomas. Of 73 tumours researched, 44 were diagnosed and treated from January 1967 to December 2012 at the Radiation Oncology Department at the Prince of Wales Hospital and thus were eligible for analysis. Median follow-up time was 3.5 years with a range of 1 to 40 years. Thirty-four tumours were treated with radiotherapy only, and 10 tumours were treated with both surgical resection and radiotherapy. Local control and cause-specific survival were the primary end points measured. Five-year local control rate for the population of 44 lesions was 89%; it was 100% in the group treated by radiotherapy alone, but only 50% in the group treated by surgery followed by radiotherapy, with radiation used for salvage. The difference in control rates between these two subset groups was found to be statistically significant (P < 0.001). Cause-specific survival rates for this eligible population at 5 and 10 years were 98% and 90%, respectively. After initial radiotherapy, 4 patients had improved cranial nerve function, there was clinical improvement in tinnitus, and one new cranial nerve deficit developed where a high dose was used. Radiotherapy has high local control rates and few complications. The local control and complication rates compare favourably to surgery. © 2014 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists.

  20. Role of radiotherapy fractionation in head and neck cancers (MARCH): an updated meta-analysis

    PubMed Central

    Lacas, Benjamin; Bourhis, Jean; Overgaard, Jens; Zhang, Qiang; Gregoire, Vincent; Nankivell, Matthew; Zackrisson, Bjorn; Szutkowski, Zbigniew; Suwiński, Rafał; Poulsen, Michael; O’Sullivan, Brian; Corvo, Renzo; Laskar, Sarbani Ghosh; Fallai, Carlo; Yamazaki, Hideya; Dobrowsky, Werner; Cho, Kwan Ho; Garden, Adam S; Langendijk, Johannes A; Viegas, Celia Maria Pais; Hay, John; Lotayef, Mohamed; Parmar, Mahesh K B; Auperin, Anne; van Herpen, Carla; Maingon, Philippe; Trotti, Andy M; Grau, Cai; Pignon, Jean-Pierre; Blanchard, Pierre


    Summary Background The Meta-Analysis of Radiotherapy in squamous cell Carcinomas of Head and neck (MARCH) showed that altered fractionation radiotherapy is associated with improved overall and progression-free survival compared with conventional radiotherapy, with hyperfractionated radiotherapy showing the greatest benefit. This update aims to confirm and explain the superiority of hyperfractionated radiotherapy over other altered fractionation radiotherapy regimens and to assess the benefit of altered fractionation within the context of concomitant chemotherapy with the inclusion of new trials. Methods For this updated meta-analysis, we searched bibliography databases, trials registries, and meeting proceedings for published or unpublished randomised trials done between Jan 1, 2009, and July 15, 2015, comparing primary or postoperative conventional fractionation radiotherapy versus altered fractionation radiotherapy (comparison 1) or conventional fractionation radiotherapy plus concomitant chemotherapy versus altered fractionation radiotherapy alone (comparison 2). Eligible trials had to start randomisation on or after Jan 1, 1970, and completed accrual before Dec 31, 2010; had to have been randomised in a way that precluded prior knowledge of treatment assignment; and had to include patients with non-metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx, or larynx undergoing first-line curative treatment. Trials including a non-conventional radiotherapy control group, investigating hypofractionated radiotherapy, or including mostly nasopharyngeal carcinomas were excluded. Trials were grouped in three types of altered fractionation: hyperfractionated, moderately accelerated, and very accelerated. Individual patient data were collected and combined with a fixed-effects model based on the intention-to-treat principle. The primary endpoint was overall survival. Findings Comparison 1 (conventional fractionation radiotherapy vs altered

  1. Development of a Multileaf Collimator for Proton Radiotherapy

    DTIC Science & Technology


    to treat shallow depths was also simulated and commissioned in Eclipse . In order to calibrate the number of simulated protons per MU, a reference ...beam technology for proton radiotherapy, and the fourth year of the project to develop image guided treatment protocols for proton therapy. This...radiotherapy to proton therapy, and to develop a decision-making algorithm to maximize the efficiency of the facility. This report describes the

  2. Mathematical modelling of radiotherapy strategies for early breast cancer.


    Enderling, Heiko; Anderson, Alexander R A; Chaplain, Mark A J; Munro, Alastair J; Vaidya, Jayant S


    Targeted intraoperative radiotherapy (Targit) is a new concept of partial breast irradiation where single fraction radiotherapy is delivered directly to the tumour bed. Apart from logistic advantages, this strategy minimizes the risk of missing the tumour bed and avoids delay between surgery and radiotherapy. It is presently being compared with the standard fractionated external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) in randomized trials. In this paper we present a mathematical model for the growth and invasion of a solid tumour into a domain of tissue (in this case breast tissue), and then a model for surgery and radiation treatment of this tumour. We use the established linear-quadratic (LQ) model to compute the survival probabilities for both tumour cells and irradiated breast tissue and then simulate the effects of conventional EBRT and Targit. True local recurrence of the tumour could arise either from stray tumour cells, or the tumour bed that harbours morphologically normal cells having a predisposition to genetic changes, such as a loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in genes that are crucial for tumourigenesis, e.g. tumour suppressor genes (TSGs). Our mathematical model predicts that the single high dose of radiotherapy delivered by Targit would result in eliminating all these sources of recurrence, whereas the fractionated EBRT would eliminate stray tumour cells, but allow (by virtue of its very schedule) the cells with LOH in TSGs or cell-cycle checkpoint genes to pass on low-dose radiation-induced DNA damage and consequently mutations that may favour the development of a new tumour. The mathematical model presented here is an initial attempt to model a biologically complex phenomenon that has until now received little attention in the literature and provides a 'proof of principle' that it is possible to produce clinically testable hypotheses on the effects of different approaches of radiotherapy for breast cancer.

  3. Changes in biophysical properties of the skin following radiotherapy for breast cancer.


    Hu, Stephen Chu-Sung; Hou, Ming-Feng; Luo, Kuei-Hau; Chuang, Hung-Yi; Wei, Shu-Yi; Chen, Gwo-Shing; Chiang, Wenchang; Huang, Chih-Jen


    Acute radiation dermatitis is a common adverse effect in patients undergoing radiotherapy for breast cancer. However, the effects of radiotherapy on biophysical properties of the skin have rarely been investigated. In this prospective cohort study, we seek to determine the effects of radiotherapy for breast cancer on skin biophysical parameters. We measured various skin biophysical parameters (skin hydration, pH, sebum level, pigmentation, and blood flow) in 144 breast cancer patients by non-invasive techniques before and after radiotherapy. The measurements were simultaneously performed on the irradiated breast and the corresponding contralateral unirradiated breast for comparison. Following radiotherapy, the irradiated breast showed a significant decrease in skin hydration, increase in skin pH, increase in pigmentation, and increase in cutaneous blood flow. The contralateral unirradiated breast showed a slight increase in pigmentation but no significant changes in any of the other biophysical parameters after radiotherapy. No significant associations were found between patient characteristics (diabetes mellitus, hypertension, type of surgery, chemotherapy, hormone therapy) and changes in skin biophysical parameters following radiotherapy. In conclusion, radiation therapy for breast cancer induces measurable and significant changes in biophysical properties of the skin including hydration, pH, pigmentation, and blood flow. These findings give us a greater understanding of the effects of ionizing radiation on skin physiology, and provide non-invasive and objective methods to assess radiation dermatitis. © 2014 Japanese Dermatological Association.

  4. Accelerated partial breast irradiation using robotic radiotherapy: a dosimetric comparison with tomotherapy and three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy.


    Rault, Erwann; Lacornerie, Thomas; Dang, Hong-Phuong; Crop, Frederik; Lartigau, Eric; Reynaert, Nick; Pasquier, David


    Accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) is a new breast treatment modality aiming to reduce treatment time using hypo fractionation. Compared to conventional whole breast irradiation that takes 5 to 6 weeks, APBI is reported to induce worse cosmetic outcomes both when using three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT) and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). These late normal tissue effects may be attributed to the dose volume effect because a large portion of the non-target breast tissue volume (NTBTV) receives a high dose. In the context of APBI, non-coplanar beams could spare the NTBTV more efficiently. This study evaluates the dosimetric benefit of using the Cyberknife (CK) for APBI in comparison to IMRT (Tomotherapy) and three dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT). The possibility of using surgical clips, implanted during surgery, to track target movements is investigated first. A phantom of a female thorax was designed in-house using the measurements of 20 patients. Surgical clips of different sizes were inserted inside the breast. A treatment plan was delivered to the mobile and immobile phantom. The motion compensation accuracy was evaluated using three radiochromic films inserted inside the breast. Three dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT), Tomotherapy (TOMO) and CK treatment plans were calculated for 10 consecutive patients who received APBI in Lille. To ensure a fair comparison of the three techniques, margins applied to the CTV were set to 10 mm. However, a second CK plan was prepared using 3 mm margins to evaluate the benefits of motion compensation. Only the larger clips (VITALITEC Medium-Large) could be tracked inside the larger breast (all gamma indices below 1 for 1 % of the maximum dose and 1 mm). All techniques meet the guidelines defined in the NSABP/RTOG and SHARE protocols. As the applied dose volume constraints are very strong, insignificant dosimetric differences exist between techniques regarding the PTV

  5. Protons and more: state of the art in radiotherapy.


    Hoskin, Peter J; Bhattacharya, Indrani S


    The purpose of modern radiotherapy is to deliver a precise high dose of radiation which will result in reproductive death of the cells. Radiation should transverse within the tumour volume whilst minimising damage to surrounding normal tissue. Overall 40% of cancers which are cured will have received radiotherapy. Current state of the art treatment will incorporate cross-sectional imaging and multiple high energy X-ray beams in processes called intensity modulated radiotherapy and image guided radiotherapy. Brachytherapy enables very high radiation doses to be delivered by the direct passage of a radiation source through or within the tumour volume and similar results can be achieved using rotational stereotactic X-ray beam techniques. Protons have the characteristics of particle beams which deposit their energy in a finite fixed peak at depth in tissue with no dose beyond this point - the Bragg peak. This has advantages in certain sites such as the spine adjacent to the spinal cord and particularly in children when the overall volume of tissue receiving radiation can be minimised. © 2014 Royal College of Physicians.

  6. Radiotherapy changes salivary properties and impacts quality of life of children with Hodgkin disease.


    Marangoni-Lopes, L; Rodrigues, L P; Mendonça, R H; Nobre-Dos Santos, M


    We aimed to perform a longitudinal investigation of the effects of radiotherapy on salivary flow rate, pH, buffering capacity, and protein composition of saliva and on the quality of life of children with Hodgkin disease. Ten children (6-16-year-old) with Hodgkin disease and 10 matched healthy children were investigated. Stimulated and non-stimulated saliva samples were collected at baseline, after 1080 and 2160cGy of radiation, and 1, 2, and 3 months post-radiotherapy. The salivary flow rate was expressed as mL/min. Buffer capacity was determined by titration. Amylase activity, immunoglobulin A, mucin, and lactoferrin concentrations were determined by ELISA. Quality of life was assessed by Quality of Life - Head and Neck module 35 questionnaire. We found that radiotherapy caused hyposalivation at 1080cGy and 1 month after radiotherapy and reduced buffering capacity at 2160cGy. Mucin concentration and amylase activity in non-stimulated saliva increased 1 month after radiotherapy. Lactoferrin concentration increased during and after radiotherapy. Immunoglobulin A concentration increased at 1080cGy, 1 and 2 months, for non-stimulated saliva and at 2160cGy and 1 month for stimulated saliva. Children reported more pain after radiotherapy and more xerostomia during radiotherapy. We concluded that the radiotherapy protocol affected the children's salivary properties and children's quality of life. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. [Effects of radiotherapy on lymphocyte populations in lung cancer].


    Gava, A; Moro, L; De Angeli, S; Coghetto, F; Marazzato, G; Fantin, P; Patrese, P


    The authors report on the results of the immune monitoring of a study population of 31 patients with lung cancer who were treated with radiotherapy. A synthetic thymic pentapeptide, thymopentin, was employed whose effect was evaluated on the immunological parameters analyzed. After radiotherapy, a considerable and homogeneous decrement was observed in several lymphocytic subsets (less sensible in activated T-cells), together with a progressive decrement in the helper/suppressor ratio, in the long run. Monocytes and null cells showed more radioresistance. Thymopentin had no influence on the tested immunological parameters up to 6 months after radiotherapy; later on, a slightly more balanced helper/suppressor ratio could be noticed in the surviving patients who had been treated with thymopentin.

  8. Primary radiotherapy for carcinoma of the endometrium using external beam radiotherapy and single line source brachytherapy.


    Churn, M; Jones, B


    A small proportion of patients with adenocarcinoma of the endometrium are inoperable by virtue of severe concurrent medical conditions, gross obesity or advanced stage disease. They can be treated with primary radiotherapy with either curative or palliative intent. We report 37 such patients treated mainly with a combination of external beam radiotherapy and intracavitary brachytherapy using a single line source technique. The 5-year disease-specific survival for nonsurgically staged patients was 68.4% for FIGO Stages I and II and 33.3% for Stages III and IV. The incidence of late morbidity was acceptably low. Using the Franco-Italian Glossary, there was 27.0% grade 1 but no grade 2-4 bladder toxicity. For the rectum the rates were 18.9% grade 1, 5.4% grade 2, 2.7% grade 3, and no grade 4 toxicity. Methods of optimizing the dose distribution of the brachytherapy by means of variation of treatment length, radioactive source positions, and prescription point according to tumour bulk and individual anatomy are discussed. The biologically equivalent doses (BED) for combined external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy were calculated to be in the range of 78-107 Gy(3) or 57-75 Gy(10) at point 'A' and appear adequate for the control of Stage I cancers.

  9. Radiotherapy of rectal cancer in elderly patients: Real-world data assessment in a decade.


    Diao, Peng; Langrand-Escure, Julien; Garcia, Max-Adrien; Espenel, Sophie; Rehailia-Blanchard, Amel; de Lavigerie, Blandine; Vial, Nicolas; de Laroche, Guy; Vallard, Alexis; Magné, Nicolas


    There is paucity of data on the efficacy and toxicity of radiotherapy in rectal cancer (RC) elderly patients. The objective was to identify management strategies and resulting outcomes in RC patients ≥70 years undergoing radiotherapy. A retrospective study included consecutive RC patients ≥70 years undergoing rectal radiotherapy. From 2004-2015, 340 RC patients underwent pre-operative (n = 238; 70%), post-operative (n = 41, 12%), or exclusive (n = 61, 18%) radiotherapy, with a median age of 78.5 years old (range: 70-96). Radiotherapy protocols were tailored, with 54 different radiotherapy programs (alteration of the total dose, and/or fractionation, and/or volume). Median follow-up was 27.1 months. Acute and late grade 3-4 radio-induced toxicities were reported in 3.5% and 0.9% of patients. Metastatic setting (OR = 6.60, CI95% 1.47-46.03, p = 0.02), exclusive radiotherapy (OR = 5.08, CI95% 1.48-18.21, p = 0.009), and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (OR = 6.42, CI95% 1.31-24.73, p = 0.01) were associated with grade ≥3 acute toxicities in univariate analysis. Exclusive radiotherapy (OR = 9.79, CI95% 2.49-43.18, p = 0.001) and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (OR = 12.62, CI95% 2.05-71.26, p = 0.003) were independent predictive factors of grade ≥3 acute toxicities in multivariate analysis. A complete pathological response was achieved in 12 out of 221 pre-operative patients (5.4%). Age, tumor stage, and surgery were independent predictive factors of survival in multivariate analysis. At end of follow-up, 7.1% of patients experienced local relapse. Radiotherapy for RC in elderly patients appeared safe and manageable, perhaps due to the tailoring of radiotherapy protocols. Tailored management resulted in acceptable rate of local tumor control. Copyright © 2018 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Conventional external beam radiotherapy for central nervous system malignancies

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Halperin, E.C.; Burger, P.C.


    Fractionated external beam photon radiotherapy is an important component of the clinical management of malignant disease of the central nervous system. The practicing neurologist or neurosurgeon frequently relies on the consultative and treatment skills of a radiotherapist. This article provides a review for the nonradiotherapist of the place of conventional external beam radiotherapy in neuro-oncology. 23 references.

  11. The prospect of carbon fiber implants in radiotherapy

    PubMed Central

    Xiao‐bin, Tang; Chang‐ran, Geng; Da, Chen


    Because of their superior characteristics, carbonaceous materials, which are still at their early stage of development, have garnered significant interest. Because of their low atomic number, carbonaceous orthopedic implants possess radiation properties similar to biological tissues and, therefore, they are more suitable to patients in need of radiotherapy. The effects of stainless steel, titanium, and carbon plates on radiation dose distributions were investigated in this work using Monte Carlo simulations and TLD measurements for 6 MV photon beams. It is found that carbon plates will neither increase the incident surface dose, nor lead to the decrease of exit surface dose (the effect of a second build‐up). Carbon fiber orthopedic implants have a good prospect for radiotherapy patients because they have minimal perturbation effects on the radiotherapy dose distribution. PACS number: 87.55.K‐,87.55.Gh, PMID:22766953

  12. [Porting Radiotherapy Software of Varian to Cloud Platform].


    Zou, Lian; Zhang, Weisha; Liu, Xiangxiang; Xie, Zhao; Xie, Yaoqin


    To develop a low-cost private cloud platform of radiotherapy software. First, a private cloud platform which was based on OpenStack and the virtual GPU hardware was builded. Then on the private cloud platform, all the Varian radiotherapy software modules were installed to the virtual machine, and the corresponding function configuration was completed. Finally the software on the cloud was able to be accessed by virtual desktop client. The function test results of the cloud workstation show that a cloud workstation is equivalent to an isolated physical workstation, and any clients on the LAN can use the cloud workstation smoothly. The cloud platform transplantation in this study is economical and practical. The project not only improves the utilization rates of radiotherapy software, but also makes it possible that the cloud computing technology can expand its applications to the field of radiation oncology.

  13. Complement is a central mediator of radiotherapy-induced tumor-specific immunity and clinical response.


    Surace, Laura; Lysenko, Veronika; Fontana, Andrea Orlando; Cecconi, Virginia; Janssen, Hans; Bicvic, Antonela; Okoniewski, Michal; Pruschy, Martin; Dummer, Reinhard; Neefjes, Jacques; Knuth, Alexander; Gupta, Anurag; van den Broek, Maries


    Radiotherapy induces DNA damage and cell death, but recent data suggest that concomitant immune stimulation is an integral part of the therapeutic action of ionizing radiation. It is poorly understood how radiotherapy supports tumor-specific immunity. Here we report that radiotherapy induced tumor cell death and transiently activated complement both in murine and human tumors. The local production of pro-inflammatory anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a was crucial to the tumor response to radiotherapy and concomitant stimulation of tumor-specific immunity. Dexamethasone, a drug frequently given during radiotherapy, limited complement activation and the anti-tumor effects of the immune system. Overall, our findings indicate that anaphylatoxins are key players in radiotherapy-induced tumor-specific immunity and the ensuing clinical responses. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Recent advances in intensity modulated radiotherapy and proton therapy for esophageal cancer.


    Xi, Mian; Lin, Steven H


    Radiotherapy is an important component of the standard of care for esophageal cancer. In the past decades, significant improvements in the planning and delivery of radiation techniques have led to better dose conformity to the target volume and improved normal tissue sparing. Areas covered: This review focuses on the advances in radiotherapy techniques and summarizes the availably dosimetric and clinical outcomes of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), volumetric modulated arc therapy, proton therapy, and four-dimensional radiotherapy for esophageal cancer, and discusses the challenges and future development of proton therapy. Expert commentary: Although three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy is the standard radiotherapy technique in esophageal cancer, the retrospectively comparative studies strongly suggest that the dosimetric advantage of IMRT over three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy can translate into improved clinical outcomes, despite the lack of prospective randomized evidence. As a novel form of conventional IMRT technique, volumetric modulated arc therapy can produce equivalent or superior dosimetric quality with significantly higher treatment efficiency in esophageal cancer. Compared with photon therapy, proton therapy has the potential to achieve further clinical improvement due to their physical properties; however, prospective clinical data, long-term results, and cost-effectiveness are needed.

  15. Stereotactic body radiotherapy in lung cancer: an update *

    PubMed Central

    Abreu, Carlos Eduardo Cintra Vita; Ferreira, Paula Pratti Rodrigues; de Moraes, Fabio Ynoe; Neves, Wellington Furtado Pimenta; Gadia, Rafael; Carvalho, Heloisa de Andrade


    Abstract For early-stage lung cancer, the treatment of choice is surgery. In patients who are not surgical candidates or are unwilling to undergo surgery, radiotherapy is the principal treatment option. Here, we review stereotactic body radiotherapy, a technique that has produced quite promising results in such patients and should be the treatment of choice, if available. We also present the major indications, technical aspects, results, and special situations related to the technique. PMID:26398758

  16. Verification of respiratory-gated radiotherapy with new real-time tumour-tracking radiotherapy system using cine EPID images and a log file.


    Shiinoki, Takehiro; Hanazawa, Hideki; Yuasa, Yuki; Fujimoto, Koya; Uehara, Takuya; Shibuya, Keiko


    A combined system comprising the TrueBeam linear accelerator and a new real-time tumour-tracking radiotherapy system, SyncTraX, was installed at our institution. The objectives of this study are to develop a method for the verification of respiratory-gated radiotherapy with SyncTraX using cine electronic portal image device (EPID) images and a log file and to verify this treatment in clinical cases. Respiratory-gated radiotherapy was performed using TrueBeam and the SyncTraX system. Cine EPID images and a log file were acquired for a phantom and three patients during the course of the treatment. Digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs) were created for each treatment beam using a planning CT set. The cine EPID images, log file, and DRRs were analysed using a developed software. For the phantom case, the accuracy of the proposed method was evaluated to verify the respiratory-gated radiotherapy. For the clinical cases, the intra- and inter-fractional variations of the fiducial marker used as an internal surrogate were calculated to evaluate the gating accuracy and set-up uncertainty in the superior-inferior (SI), anterior-posterior (AP), and left-right (LR) directions. The proposed method achieved high accuracy for the phantom verification. For the clinical cases, the intra- and inter-fractional variations of the fiducial marker were  ⩽3 mm and  ±3 mm in the SI, AP, and LR directions. We proposed a method for the verification of respiratory-gated radiotherapy with SyncTraX using cine EPID images and a log file and showed that this treatment is performed with high accuracy in clinical cases.

  17. Clinical radiotherapy audits in Belgium, 2011-2014.


    Scalliet, P G M


    Systematic clinical radiotherapy audits have been introduced in Belgium in 2011, as part of the Federal Cancer Plan. This is in compliance with article 11 of the 97/43 Council directive of Euratom states, translated into the Belgian legislation by royal decree in 2002. The principle of clinical audits has thus been part of the federal legal requirements for more than 10 years. However, its application had to wait for the development of a practical approach: what authority will audit, who will be the auditors, along which methodology, at what frequency, etc. Since 2002, the Federal College of Radiotherapy has the mission to monitor quality of radiotherapy at large. It was therefore decided after discussions with the relevant administration at the Ministry of Health and the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control that the College would practically organise the audits. Early in the 2000s, the IAEA developed a manual for comprehensive audits, as a tool for quality improvement. Auditors were professionals of the domain and the audit visit took the form of a peer review. Great care was taken to assemble an audit party able to cover all aspects of clinical radiotherapy with a radiation oncologist, a medical physicist, a radiation therapist and, on demand, a quality officer. The IAEA manual contains a series of questionnaires to be prepared by the audited centre in advance (pre-audit and self-assessment), indicating what specific areas the auditors would assess. It is also a template for the auditors, ensuring that no area is left aside or forgotten during the site visit. The report, at the end of the visit, is drafted according to a specific report template, also developed by IAEA. Several members of the Belgian radiotherapy community have developed their auditor's skills by participating to the IAEA audit program; they are the core of the auditor Belgian team. Copyright © 2015 Société française de radiothérapie oncologique (SFRO). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights

  18. Impact of immunotherapy among patients with melanoma brain metastases managed with radiotherapy.


    Stokes, William A; Binder, David C; Jones, Bernard L; Oweida, Ayman J; Liu, Arthur K; Rusthoven, Chad G; Karam, Sana D


    Patients with melanoma brain metastases (MBM) have been excluded from trials evaluating immunotherapy in melanoma. As such, immunotherapy's role in MBM is poorly understood, particularly in combination with radiotherapy. The National Cancer Database was queried for patients with MBM receiving brain radiotherapy. They were classified according to immunotherapy receipt. Multivariate Cox regression was performed to identify factors associated with survival. Among 1287 patients, 185 received immunotherapy. Factors associated with improved survival included younger age, academic facility, lower extracranial disease burden, stereotactic radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy. Adding immunotherapy to radiotherapy for MBM is associated with improved survival. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Contribution of BeiDou satellite system for long baseline GNSS measurement in Indonesia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gumilar, I.; Bramanto, B.; Kuntjoro, W.; Abidin, H. Z.; Trihantoro, N. F.


    The demand for more precise positioning method using GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) in Indonesia continue to rise. The accuracy of GNSS positioning depends on the length of baseline and the distribution of observed satellites. BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) is a positioning system owned by China that operating in Asia-Pacific region, including Indonesia. This research aims to find out the contribution of BDS in increasing the accuracy of long baseline static positioning in Indonesia. The contributions are assessed by comparing the accuracy of measurement using only GPS (Global Positioning System) and measurement using the combination of GPS and BDS. The data used is 5 days of GPS and BDS measurement data for baseline with 120 km in length. The software used is open-source RTKLIB and commercial software Compass Solution. This research will explain in detail the contribution of BDS to the accuracy of position in long baseline static GNSS measurement.

  20. Low-Dose Radiotherapy in Indolent Lymphoma

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rossier, Christine; Schick, Ulrike; Miralbell, Raymond

    Purpose: To assess the response rate, duration of response, and overall survival after low-dose involved-field radiotherapy in patients with recurrent low-grade lymphoma or chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Methods and Materials: Forty-three (24 women, 19 men) consecutive patients with indolent lymphoma or CLL were treated with a total dose of 4 Gy (2 x 2 Gy) using 6- 18-MV photons. The median age was 73 years (range, 39-88). Radiotherapy was given either after (n = 32; 75%) or before (n = 11; 25%) chemotherapy. The median time from diagnosis was 48 months (range, 1-249). The median follow-up period was 20 monthsmore » (range, 1-56). Results: The overall response rate was 90%. Twelve patients (28%) had a complete response, 15 (35%) had a partial response, 11 (26%) had stable disease, and 5 (11%) had progressive disease. The median overall survival for patients with a positive response (complete response/partial response/stable disease) was 41 months; for patients with progressive disease it was 6 months (p = 0.001). The median time to in-field progression was 21 months (range, 0-24), and the median time to out-field progression was 8 months (range, 0-40). The 3-year in-field control was 92% in patients with complete response (median was not reached). The median time to in-field progression was 9 months (range, 0.5-24) in patients with partial response and 6 months (range, 0.6-6) in those with stable disease (p < 0.05). Younger age, positive response to radiotherapy, and no previous chemotherapy were the best factors influencing the outcome. Conclusions: Low-dose involved-field radiotherapy is an effective treatment in the management of patients with recurrent low-grade lymphoma or CLL.« less

  1. Radiotherapy in Gorlin Syndrome: Can It Be Safe and Effective in Adult Patients?


    Baker, Sarah; Joseph, Kurian; Tai, Patricia


    Gorlin syndrome, also known as nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome, is a rare autosomal dominant disorder with multiple manifestations including early onset of cutaneous basal cell carcinomas (BCCs). Radiotherapy has traditionally been contraindicated due to reports of BCC induction. We describe here a patient treated successfully with radiotherapy with no tumour induction at 57 months of follow-up. A comprehensive literature review of radiotherapy outcomes in patients with Gorlin syndrome suggests radiotherapy may be a feasible treatment option for adult patients with treatment refractory lesions or surgical contraindication. © The Author(s) 2015.

  2. Cancer Deaths due to Lack of Universal Access to Radiotherapy in the Brazilian Public Health System.


    Mendez, L C; Moraes, F Y; Fernandes, G Dos S; Weltman, E


    Radiotherapy plays a fundamental role in the treatment of cancer. Currently, the Brazilian public health system cannot match the national radiotherapy demand and many patients requiring radiotherapy are never exposed to this treatment. This study estimated the number of preventable deaths in the public health system if access to radiotherapy was universal. Incidence rates for the year 2016 provided by Instituto Nacional de Cancer were used in this analysis. The number of untreated patients requiring radiotherapy was obtained through the difference between the total number of patients requiring radiotherapy and the total amount of delivered radiotherapy treatments in the public health system. The number of deaths for the three most common cancers in each gender due to radiotherapy shortage was calculated. Initially, the total number of patients per cancer type was divided in stages using Brazilian epidemiological data. Subsequently, previously published tree arm diagrams were used to define the rate of patients requiring radiotherapy in each specific clinical setting. Finally, the clinical benefit of radiotherapy in overall survival was extracted from studies with level 1 evidence. Over 596 000 cancer cases were expected in Brazil in 2016. The public health system covers more than 75% of the Brazilian population and an estimated 111 432 patients who required radiotherapy in 2016 did not receive this treatment. Breast, colorectal and cervix cancers are the most frequent malignant tumours in women and prostate, lung and colorectal in men. The number of deaths due to a radiotherapy shortage in the year 2016 for these types of cancer were: (i) breast: 1011 deaths in 10 years; (ii) cervix: 2006 deaths in 2 years; (iii) lung: 1206 deaths in 2 years; (iv) prostate, intermediate risk: 562 deaths in 13 years; high risk: 298 deaths in 10 years; (v) colorectal: 0 deaths, as radiotherapy has no proven benefit in overall survival. Thousands of cancer patients requiring

  3. The Benefits of Providing External Beam Radiotherapy in Low- and Middle-income Countries.


    Yap, M L; Hanna, T P; Shafiq, J; Ferlay, J; Bray, F; Delaney, G P; Barton, M


    More than half of all cancer diagnoses worldwide occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and the incidence is projected to rise substantially within the next 20 years. Radiotherapy is a vital, cost-effective treatment for cancer; yet there is currently a huge deficit in radiotherapy services within these countries. The aim of this study was to estimate the potential outcome benefits if external beam radiotherapy was provided to all patients requiring such treatment in LMICs, according to the current evidence-based guidelines. Projected estimates of these benefits were calculated to 2035, obtained by applying the previously published Collaboration for Cancer Outcomes, Research and Evaluation (CCORE) demand and outcome benefit estimates to cancer incidence and projection data from the GLOBOCAN 2012 data. The estimated optimal radiotherapy utilisation rate for all LMICs was 50%. There were about 4.0 million cancer patients in LMICs who required radiotherapy in 2012. This number is projected to increase by 78% by 2035, a far steeper increase than the 38% increase expected in high-income countries. National radiotherapy benefits varied widely, and were influenced by case mix. The 5 year population local control and survival benefits for all LMICs, if radiotherapy was delivered according to guidelines, were estimated to be 9.6% and 4.4%, respectively, compared with no radiotherapy use. This equates to about 1.3 million patients who would derive a local control benefit in 2035, whereas over 615 000 patients would derive a survival benefit if the demand for radiotherapy in LMICs was met. The potential outcome benefits were found to be higher in LMICs. These results further highlight the urgent need to reduce the gap between the supply of, and demand for, radiotherapy in LMICs. We must attempt to address this 'silent crisis' as a matter of priority and the approach must consider the complex societal challenges unique to LMICs. Copyright © 2016 The Royal College

  4. Optimisation in radiotherapy. III: Stochastic optimisation algorithms and conclusions.


    Ebert, M


    This is the final article in a three part examination of optimisation in radiotherapy. Previous articles have established the bases and form of the radiotherapy optimisation problem, and examined certain types of optimisation algorithm, namely, those which perform some form of ordered search of the solution space (mathematical programming), and those which attempt to find the closest feasible solution to the inverse planning problem (deterministic inversion). The current paper examines algorithms which search the space of possible irradiation strategies by stochastic methods. The resulting iterative search methods move about the solution space by sampling random variates, which gradually become more constricted as the algorithm converges upon the optimal solution. This paper also discusses the implementation of optimisation in radiotherapy practice.

  5. Dose factor entry and display tool for BNCT radiotherapy


    Wessol, Daniel E.; Wheeler, Floyd J.; Cook, Jeremy L.


    A system for use in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) radiotherapy planning where a biological distribution is calculated using a combination of conversion factors and a previously calculated physical distribution. Conversion factors are presented in a graphical spreadsheet so that a planner can easily view and modify the conversion factors. For radiotherapy in multi-component modalities, such as Fast-Neutron and BNCT, it is necessary to combine each conversion factor component to form an effective dose which is used in radiotherapy planning and evaluation. The Dose Factor Entry and Display System is designed to facilitate planner entry of appropriate conversion factors in a straightforward manner for each component. The effective isodose is then immediately computed and displayed over the appropriate background (e.g. digitized image).

  6. Precise positioning with current multi-constellation Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou.


    Li, Xingxing; Zhang, Xiaohong; Ren, Xiaodong; Fritsche, Mathias; Wickert, Jens; Schuh, Harald


    The world of satellite navigation is undergoing dramatic changes with the rapid development of multi-constellation Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs). At the moment more than 70 satellites are already in view, and about 120 satellites will be available once all four systems (BeiDou + Galileo + GLONASS + GPS) are fully deployed in the next few years. This will bring great opportunities and challenges for both scientific and engineering applications. In this paper we develop a four-system positioning model to make full use of all available observations from different GNSSs. The significant improvement of satellite visibility, spatial geometry, dilution of precision, convergence, accuracy, continuity and reliability that a combining utilization of multi-GNSS brings to precise positioning are carefully analyzed and evaluated, especially in constrained environments.

  7. Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy for Cervical Lymph Node Metastases From Unknown Primary Cancer

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Madani, Indira; Vakaet, Luc; Bonte, Katrien


    Purpose: To compare the effectiveness of intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and conventional (two-dimensional) radiotherapy in the treatment of cervical lymph node metastases from unknown primary cancer (UPC). Methods and Materials: Between February 2003 and September 2006, 23 patients with UPC of squamous cell carcinoma were treated with IMRT. Extended putative mucosal and bilateral nodal sites were irradiated to a median dose of 66 Gy. In 19 patients, IMRT was performed after lymph node dissection, and in 4 patients primary radiotherapy was given. The conventional radiotherapy group (historical control group) comprised 18 patients treated to a median dose of 66 Gy betweenmore » August 1994 and October 2003. Results: Twenty patients completed treatment. As compared with conventional radiotherapy, the incidence of Grade 3 acute dysphagia was significantly lower in the IMRT group (4.5% vs. 50%, p = 0.003). By 6 months, Grade 3 xerostomia was detected in 11.8% patients in the IMRT group vs. 53.4% in the historical control group (p = 0.03). No Grade 3 dysphagia or skin fibrosis was observed after IMRT but these were noted after conventional radiotherapy (26.7%, p = 0.01) and 26.7%, p = 0.03) respectively). With median follow-up of living patients of 17 months, there was no emergence of primary cancer. One patient had persistent nodal disease and another had nodal relapse at 5 months. Distant metastases were detected in 4 patients. The 2-year overall survival and distant disease-free probability after IMRT did not differ significantly from those for conventional radiotherapy (74.8% vs. 61.1% and 76.3% vs. 68.4%, respectively). Conclusions: Use of IMRT for UPC resulted in lower toxicity than conventional radiotherapy, and was similar in efficacy.« less

  8. How to use PET/CT in the evaluation of response to radiotherapy.


    Decazes, Pierre; Thureau, Sébastien; Dubray, Bernard; Vera, Pierre


    Radiotherapy is a major treatment modality for many cancers. Tumor response after radiotherapy determines the subsequent steps of the patient's management (surveillance, adjuvant or salvage treatment and palliative care). Tumor response assessed during radiotherapy offers a promising opportunity to adapt the treatment plan to reduced or increased target volume, to specifically target sub-volumes with relevant biological characteristics (metabolism, hypoxia, proliferation, etc.) and to further spare the organs at risk. In addition to its role in the diagnosis and the initial staging, Positron Emission Tomography combined with a Computed Tomography (PET/CT) provides functional information and is therefore attractive to evaluate tumor response. The aim of this paper is to review the published data addressing PET/CT as an evaluation tool in irradiated tumors. Reports on PET/CT acquired at various times (during radiotherapy, after initial (chemo-) radiotherapy, after definitive radiotherapy and during posttreatment follow-up) in solid tumors (lung, head-and-neck, cervix, esophagus, prostate and rectum) were collected and reviewed. Various tracers and technical aspects are also discussed. 18F-FDG PET/CT has a well-established role in clinical routine after definitive chemo-radiotherapy for locally advanced head-and-neck cancers. 18F-choline PET/CT is indicated in prostate cancer patients with biochemical failure. 18F-FDG PET/CT is optional in many other circumstances and the clinical benefits of assessing tumor response with PET/CT remain a field of very active research. The combination of PET with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (PET/MRI) may prove to be valuable in irradiated rectal and cervix cancers. Tumor response can be evaluated by PET/CT with clinical consequences in multiple situations, notably in head and neck and prostate cancers, after radiotherapy. Further clinical evaluation for most cancers is still needed, possibly in association to MRI.

  9. Risk of ischemic heart disease in women after radiotherapy for breast cancer.


    Darby, Sarah C; Ewertz, Marianne; McGale, Paul; Bennet, Anna M; Blom-Goldman, Ulla; Brønnum, Dorthe; Correa, Candace; Cutter, David; Gagliardi, Giovanna; Gigante, Bruna; Jensen, Maj-Britt; Nisbet, Andrew; Peto, Richard; Rahimi, Kazem; Taylor, Carolyn; Hall, Per


    Radiotherapy for breast cancer often involves some incidental exposure of the heart to ionizing radiation. The effect of this exposure on the subsequent risk of ischemic heart disease is uncertain. We conducted a population-based case-control study of major coronary events (i.e., myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization, or death from ischemic heart disease) in 2168 women who underwent radiotherapy for breast cancer between 1958 and 2001 in Sweden and Denmark; the study included 963 women with major coronary events and 1205 controls. Individual patient information was obtained from hospital records. For each woman, the mean radiation doses to the whole heart and to the left anterior descending coronary artery were estimated from her radiotherapy chart. The overall average of the mean doses to the whole heart was 4.9 Gy (range, 0.03 to 27.72). Rates of major coronary events increased linearly with the mean dose to the heart by 7.4% per gray (95% confidence interval, 2.9 to 14.5; P<0.001), with no apparent threshold. The increase started within the first 5 years after radiotherapy and continued into the third decade after radiotherapy. The proportional increase in the rate of major coronary events per gray was similar in women with and women without cardiac risk factors at the time of radiotherapy. Exposure of the heart to ionizing radiation during radiotherapy for breast cancer increases the subsequent rate of ischemic heart disease. The increase is proportional to the mean dose to the heart, begins within a few years after exposure, and continues for at least 20 years. Women with preexisting cardiac risk factors have greater absolute increases in risk from radiotherapy than other women. (Funded by Cancer Research UK and others.).

  10. Trend in and Correlates of Undergoing Radiotherapy in Taiwanese Cancer Patients' Last Month of Life.


    Hung, Yen-Ni; Cheng, Skye Hung-Chun; Liu, Tsang-Wu; Chang, Wen-Cheng; Chen, Jen-Shi; Tang, Siew Tzuh


    A significant proportion of cancer patients at end of life (EOL) undergo radiotherapy, but this evidence is not from nationwide population-based studies. The aims of this population-based study were to investigate the trend in undergoing radiotherapy among Taiwanese cancer patients' last month of life (EOL radiotherapy) in 2001-2010 and to identify factors associated with EOL radiotherapy. This was a population-based retrospective cohort study analyzing data from Taiwan's national death registry, cancer registry, and National Health Insurance claims for EOL radiotherapy using multilevel generalized linear mixed modeling. Participants were Taiwanese cancer patients (N = 339,546) who died in 2001-2010. Overall, 8.59% (7.97%-9.85%) of patients underwent EOL radiotherapy with a decreasing trend over time. Correlates of EOL radiotherapy included male gender, younger age, residing in less urbanized areas, diagnosis of lung cancer, metastatic disease, death within two years of diagnosis, and without comorbidities. Cancer patients were more likely to undergo EOL radiotherapy if they received primary care from medical oncologists and pediatricians, in a nonprofit, teaching hospital with a larger case volume of terminally ill cancer patients, and greater EOL care intensity. Approximately one-tenth of Taiwanese cancer patients underwent EOL radiotherapy with a decreasing trend over time. Undergoing EOL radiotherapy was associated with demographics, disease characteristics, physician specialty, and primary hospital's characteristics and EOL care practice patterns. Clinical and financial interventions should target hospitals/physicians that tend to aggressively treat at-risk cancer patients at EOL to carefully evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of using EOL radiotherapy. Copyright © 2016 American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Radiotherapy for ductal carcinoma in situ and risk of second non-breast cancers.


    Withrow, Diana R; Morton, Lindsay M; Curtis, Rochelle E; Schonfeld, Sara J; Berrington de González, Amy


    Radiotherapy for ductal carcinoma (DCIS) is increasing, but the risks and benefits of the treatment remain uncertain. We aimed to investigate the relationship between radiotherapy for DCIS and risk of second non-breast cancers in a large US cohort. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of 52,556 women in 12 U.S. population-based cancer registries diagnosed with first primary DCIS during 1992-2008 at age 25-79 years. We estimated relative risks (RRs), attributable risks (AR), and excess absolute risks (EAR) of second non-breast cancers associated with radiotherapy using Poisson regression adjusted for age at year of diagnosis, grade, hormonal therapy (yes/no or unknown), and time since diagnosis. Approximately half of the women (46.3%) received radiotherapy. Radiotherapy was associated with an increased risk of all second non-breast cancers combined [RR 1.17, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.08-1.28] and all in-field, radiation-related second cancers combined (RR 1.37, 95% CI 1.15-1.63), driven by second lung cancers (RR 1.33, 95% CI 1.10-1.60) and non-CLL leukemia (RR 1.71, 95% CI 1.02-2.86). The estimated cumulative excess risk of all second non-breast cancers was 0.8% by 15 years after DCIS diagnosis. Radiotherapy was associated with an increased risk of second non-breast cancers. The specific excess of cancers at sites likely in/near the radiotherapy field suggests the findings are unlikely due exclusively to confounding, but further research into factors related to receipt of radiotherapy is needed. Our risk estimates can be used to help assess the balance of the risks and benefits of radiotherapy for DCIS and to inform clinical practice.

  12. A prospective study: current problems in radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma in yogyakarta, indonesia.


    Stoker, Sharon D; Wildeman, Maarten A; Fles, Renske; Indrasari, Sagung R; Herdini, Camelia; Wildeman, Pieter L; van Diessen, Judi N A; Tjokronagoro, Maesadji; Tan, I Bing


    Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) has a high incidence in Indonesia. Previous study in Yogyakarta revealed a complete response of 29% and a median overall survival of less than 2 years. These poor treatment outcome are influenced by the long diagnose-to-treatment interval to radiotherapy (DTI) and the extended overall treatment time of radiotherapy (OTT). This study reveals insight why the OTT and DTI are prolonged. All patients treated with curative intent radiotherapy for NPC between July 2011 until October 2012 were included. During radiotherapy a daily diary was kept, containing information on DTI, missed radiotherapy days, the reason for missing and length of OTT. Sixty-eight patients were included. The median DTI was 106 days (95% CI: 98-170). Fifty-nine patients (87%) finished the treatment. The median OTT for radiotherapy was 57 days (95% CI: 57-65). The main reason for missing days was an inoperative radiotherapy machine (36%). Other reasons were patient's poor condition (21%), public holidays (14%), adjustment of the radiation field (7%), power blackout (3%), inoperative treatment planning system (2%) and patient related reasons (9%). Patient's insurance type was correlated to DTI in disadvantage for poor people. Yogyakarta has a lack of sufficient radiotherapy units which causes a delay of 3-4 months, besides the OTT is extended by 10-12 days. This influences treatment outcome to a great extend. The best solution would be creating sufficient radiotherapy units and better management in health care for poor patients. The growing economy in Indonesia will expectantly in time enable these solutions, but in the meantime solutions are needed. Solutions can consist of radiation outside office hours, better maintenance of the facilities and more effort from patient, doctor and nurse to finish treatment in time. These results are valuable when improving cancer care in low and middle income countries.

  13. Proton beam radiotherapy of iris melanoma

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Damato, Bertil; Kacperek, Andrzej; Chopra, Mona


    Purpose: To report on outcomes after proton beam radiotherapy of iris melanoma. Methods and Materials: Between 1993 and 2004, 88 patients with iris melanoma received proton beam radiotherapy, with 53.1 Gy in 4 fractions. Results: The patients had a mean age of 52 years and a median follow-up of 2.7 years. The tumors had a median diameter of 4.3 mm, involving more than 2 clock hours of iris in 32% of patients and more than 2 hours of angle in 27%. The ciliary body was involved in 20%. Cataract was present in 13 patients before treatment and subsequently developed inmore » another 18. Cataract had a 4-year rate of 63% and by Cox analysis was related to age (p = 0.05), initial visual loss (p < 0.0001), iris involvement (p < 0.0001), and tumor thickness (p < 0.0001). Glaucoma was present before treatment in 13 patients and developed after treatment in another 3. Three eyes were enucleated, all because of recurrence, which had an actuarial 4-year rate of 3.3% (95% CI 0-8.0%). Conclusions: Proton beam radiotherapy of iris melanoma is well tolerated, the main problems being radiation-cataract, which was treatable, and preexisting glaucoma, which in several patients was difficult to control.« less

  14. STF Optimierung von single-bit CT ΣΔ Modulatoren basierend auf skalierten Filterkoeffizienten

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Widemann, C.; Zorn, C.; Brückner, T.; Ortmanns, M.; Mathis, W.


    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Signalübertragungsverhalten von single-bit continuous-time (CT) ΣΔ Modulatoren. Dabei liegt der Fokus der Untersuchung auf dem Peaking der Signaltransferfunktion (STF). Dieser Effekt kann die Performance und die Stabilität des Gesamtsystems negativ beeinflussen, da bei auftretendem STF-Peaking Signale außerhalb des Signalbands verstärkt werden. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuer Ansatz zur Reduktion des Peakings vorgestellt, der auf der Optimierung der Systemdynamik basiert. Dabei werden die Filterkoeffizienten des Modulators systematisch angepasst. Anhand eines Beispielsystems wird gezeigt, dass der Ansatz genutzt werden kann, um das Übertragungsverhalten des Modulators abhängig vom Ausgangssystem zu verändern. So kann entweder die Systemsperformance verbessert werden, ohne Peaking in der STF zu erzeugen, oder das STF-Peaking reduziert werden, ohne die Systemperformance stark zu beeinflussen.

  15. Reinraumtechnik für die Medizintechnik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Petek, Max; Jungbluth, Martin; Krampe, Erhard

    Die Reinraumtechnik ist heute ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil bei der Fertigung von Produkten der Life Sciences, den Bereichen Pharma, Lebensmittel, Kosmetik und Medizintechnik. In Anbetracht der langen Historie der Medizintechnik ist sie jedoch eine sehr junge Disziplin. Die Bedeutung von Keimen und die richtige Einschätzung ihrer Größe wurden zwar sehr früh bereits durch Paracelsus erkannt, jedoch wurden daraus noch keine speziellen oder kontinuierlich umgesetzten Hygienevorschriften abgeleitet. Die erste bekannte technische Umsetzung von Hygieneempfehlungen geht auf den Franzosen François Nicolas Appert zurück, der eine aseptische Abfüllmethode für Lebensmittel entwickelte und diese 1810 veröffentlichte [1]. Die erste dokumentierte medizinische Umsetzung stellten Hygienevorschriften für Ärzte dar, die Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis nach 1847 in der Wiener Klinik für Geburtshilfe einführte [2].

  16. Individuelle Templates für Rekonstruktionen des linken Herzventrikels

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Feder, Stefan; Falk, Volkmar; Gutberiet, Matthias; Bartz, Dirk

    Bei krankhaften Vergrößerungen des linken Herzventrikels kann eine chirurgische Ventrikelrekonstruktion zur Verbesserung der Herzleistung beitragen. Die dabei erstellte Ventrikelgeometrie ist von entscheidender Bedeutung. Diese Studie befasst sich mit der computerbasierten Planung von individuellen Schablonen (Templates) für Ventrikelrekonstruktionen. Ziel ist es aus Cardio-CT-Daten, präoperativ, patientenindividuelle 3D-Modelle für Ventrikeltemplates zu erstellen. Hierfür wird aus CT-Daten der linksventrikuläre Blutpool segmentiert und daraus das Ventrikeltemplate modelliert. Dies geschieht anhand von zwei Kriterien: dem physiologischen Ventrikelfüllungsvolumen und der hämodynamisch günstigen ellipsoiden Form. Es konnten 20 3D-Templatemodelle mit einem durchschnittlichen Volumen von 144 ml erstellt werden. Die ellipsoide Form konnte durch manuelle Modellierung erreicht werden. Der Nachweis verbesserter Operationsergebnisse muss in nachfolgenden klinischen Studien erbracht werden.

  17. Dosimetric comparison of carbon ion and X-ray radiotherapy for Stage IIIA non-small cell lung cancer.


    Kubo, Nobuteru; Saitoh, Jun-Ichi; Shimada, Hirofumi; Shirai, Katsuyuki; Kawamura, Hidemasa; Ohno, Tatsuya; Nakano, Takashi


    The present study compared the dose-volume histograms of patients with Stage IIIA non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated with carbon ion radiotherapy with those of patients treated with X-ray radiotherapy. Patients with Stage IIIA NSCLC (n = 10 patients for each approach) were enrolled. Both radiotherapy plans were calculated with the same targets and organs at risk on the same CT. The treatment plan for the prophylactic lymph node and primary tumor (PTV1) delivered 40 Gy for X-ray radiotherapy and 40 Gy (relative biological effectiveness; RBE) for carbon ion radiotherapy. The total doses for the primary tumor and clinically positive lymph nodes (PTV2) were 60 Gy for X-ray radiotherapy and 60 Gy (RBE) for carbon ion radiotherapy. The homogeneity indexes for PTV1 and PTV2 were superior for carbon ion radiotherapy in comparison with X-ray radiotherapy (PTV1, 0.57 vs 0.65, P = 0.009; PTV2, 0.07 vs 0.16, P = 0.005). The normal lung mean dose, V5, V10 and V20 for carbon ion radiotherapy were 7.7 Gy (RBE), 21.4%, 19.7% and 17.0%, respectively, whereas the corresponding doses for X-ray radiotherapy were 11.9 Gy, 34.9%, 26.6% and 20.8%, respectively. Maximum spinal cord dose, esophageal maximum dose and V50, and bone V10, V30 and V50 were lower with carbon ion radiotherapy than with X-ray radiotherapy. The present study indicates that carbon ion radiotherapy provides a more homogeneous target dose and a lower dose to organs at risk than X-ray radiotherapy for Stage IIIA non-small cell lung cancer. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Japan Radiation Research Society and Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology.

  18. Postoperative radiotherapy in the management of keloids.


    Carvajal, Claudia C; Ibarra, Carla M; Arbulo, Douglas L; Russo, Moisés N; Solé, Claudio P


    The high recurrence rate following keloid resection has generated interest in adjuvant treatments for this disease. This study assesses keloid recurrence when treated with surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy. Retrospective analysis of resected keloids in patients referred to a Chilean radiation oncology centre between 2006 and 2013. Local recurrence was defined as new tissue growth on the surgical scar margin. Around103 keloids were analysed in 63 patients treated with 15 Gy in three fraction radiotherapy which was initiated on the same day as the surgery (75% of cases). The median keloid diameter was 6 cm; the most common site was thoracic (22%); the most common cause was prior surgery (35%); 37% caused symptoms, and several (47%) had received prior treatment with corticosteroids (32%), or surgery (30%). The median follow-up was three years, and 94% of recurrences occurred during the first year following treatment. Uni and multivariate analyses showed that an absence of symptoms was a protective factor for recurrence (OR: 0.24), while the time interval from onset to treatment with surgery plus radiotherapy >4.2 years was a risk factor (OR: 2.23). The first year recurrence rate was 32% and stabilised at 32% by the second year with no recurrences after 15 months. The combination of surgery and radiotherapy proved to be a good therapeutic alternative in the management of keloids. Our results are similar to those described in the literature for a dose of 15 Gy. Given these results, our centre will implement a new dose escalation protocol to improve future outcomes.

  19. Immunotherapy and stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (ISABR): a curative approach?


    Bernstein, Michael B; Krishnan, Sunil; Hodge, James W; Chang, Joe Y


    Conventional radiotherapy, in addition to its well-established tumoricidal effects, can also activate the host immune system. Radiation therapy modulates tumour phenotypes, enhances antigen presentation and tumour immunogenicity, increases production of cytokines and alters the tumour microenvironment, enabling destruction of the tumour by the immune system. Investigating the combination of radiotherapy with immunotherapeutic agents, which also promote the host antitumour immune response is, therefore, a logical progression. As the spectrum of clinical use of stereotactic radiotherapy continues to broaden, the question arose as to whether the ablative radiation doses used can also stimulate immune responses and, if so, whether we can amplify these effects by combining immunotherapy and stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR). In this Perspectives article, we explore the preclinical and clinical evidence supporting activation of the immune system following SABR. We then examine studies that provide data on the effectiveness of combining these two techniques - immunotherapy and SABR - in an approach that we have termed 'ISABR'. Lastly, we provide general guiding principles for the development of future clinical trials to investigate the efficacy of ISABR in the hope of generating further interest in these exciting developments.

  20. Therapeutic effect of high-dose three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy and conventional radiotherapy for non-small-cell lung cancer.


    Xu, Su-Jun; Shi, Yu-Sheng; Song, Hai-Chun; Chen, Long-Hua


    To improve the therapeutic effect of radiotherapy without increasing the risk of radiation injury in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). From August 1998 to August 1999, 135 patients with NSCLC received radiotherapy, of whom 62 were treated with high-dose three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT) at the total dose of 48 to 64 Gy in 6 to 8 fractions implemented in a course of 2 to 3 weeks, 6 to 8 Gy for each fraction. The other 73 patients underwent conventional radiotherapy (CR) at the total dose of 60 to 70 Gy in 30 to 35 fractions completed in 6 to 7 weeks. Follow-up study was conducted in all the cases, and CT-scan or magnetic resonance imaging was performed once every 3 months after the therapy to assess the local control rate, survival rate, radiation-induced lung and esophageal injuries. Three months after radiation therapy, complete remission of the lesions was achieved in 44.9% (CR group) and 77.8% (3D-CRT group) of the cases with the efficacy rates of 94.4% and 100% respectively, showing significant differences between the 2 groups (P<0.01). The 1- and 2-year survival rate of the patients in the 2 groups were 42.5% vs 77.8% and 30.1% vs 48.6% respectively, also with significant differences between the 2 groups (P<0.01). Significant difference also occurred in the 1- and 2-year local control rates between the 2 groups, but not in the incidences of radiation-induced lung and esophageal injuries. 3D-CRT may yield better therapeutic effect than CR does and has comparable safety with the latter.

  1. [Thermoplastic mask in radiotherapy: a source of anxiety for the patient?].


    Arino, C; Stadelmaier, N; Dupin, C; Kantor, G; Henriques de Figueiredo, B


    The thermoplastic mask often used to immobilize patients in radiotherapy can cause varying levels of stress and anxiety. This study aimed at evaluating the anxiety related to the use of radiotherapy masks and the coping strategies adopted by patients. Nineteen patients treated with radiotherapy mask for head and neck cancer, a brain tumour or a lymphoma, were met twice by a psychologist, either after the making of the mask and the first course of radiotherapy, or in the middle and at the end of treatment. Thirty-four semi-structured interviews were treated using a thematic content analysis and 13 patients answered to anxiety (STAI-YB) and coping (WCC) scales. The STAI-YB anxiety scores related to wearing the masks were low during the radiotherapy treatment period, and were confirmed by the remarks of patients recorded during the semi-structured interviews. Most patients had a positive perception of the mask, and considered it as a friend or protection. Twelve out of the 13 patients admitting to anxiety benefited from problem focused coping strategies. Thermoplastic mask-related anxiety is low and possibly lies in the positive representation patients have about the mask. The explanations provided by health professionals on the radiotherapy mask possibly have a very positive effect on this perception. Copyright © 2014 Société française de radiothérapie oncologique (SFRO). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  2. Change in urinary markers of osteoclast activity following palliative radiotherapy for bone metastases.


    Chow, E; Hird, A; Zhang, Liying; Sinclair, E; Danjoux, C; Barnes, E; Tsao, M; Barbera, L; Wong, Shun; Vieth, R


    To examine the effect of radiotherapy for bone metastases on urinary markers of osteoclast activity. Patients with radiological evidence of bone metastases planned for palliative radiotherapy were eligible for the study. A urine specimen was collected before and 1 month after radiotherapy to assess levels of calcium, creatinine, magnesium, phosphate, N-telopeptide and pyridinoline. The Brief Pain Inventory was completed in person at baseline and by telephone follow-up at 1 month after radiotherapy. Patients were classified as responders (complete or partial pain response) or non-responders (stable or progressive pain) to radiotherapy based on the International Bone Metastases Consensus Criteria for end point measurements. Absolute values of urine markers were compared between responders and non-responders, or between responders and patients with progression. Our study population consisted of 74 men and 51 women. A single 8 Gy or 20 Gy in five daily fractions were commonly employed. At the 1 month follow-up, all Brief Pain Inventory functional interference scores showed a highly significant decrease from baseline (P<0.01). From our study population, 58 (64%) were classified as responders and 57 (46%) as non-responders to radiotherapy. We compared the urinary markers between the responders and the non-responders. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups either in terms of baseline markers or in terms of month 1 follow-up markers. There was no significant change from baseline to the 1 month follow-up in responders or in non-responders to radiotherapy. Baseline levels of urinary markers could not predict which patient would benefit from palliative radiotherapy.

  3. Results of a randomized comparison of radiotherapy and bromodeoxyuridine with radiotherapy alone for brain metastases: Report of RTOG trial 89-05

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Phillips, T.L.; Scott, C.B.; Leibel, S.A.


    The purpose of this trial was to determine if the addition of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) to radiotherapy prolongs survival when compared to radiotherapy alone in patients with brain metastases. Seventy-two patients with brain metastases were randomized to 37.5 Gy in 15 fractions of 2.5 Gy or to the same dose with BrdUrd 0.8 g/m{sup 2} per day for 4 days of each of 3 weeks. Patients were stratified by primary site (breast, lung or other), number of metastases (single or multiple) and age (<60 vs. >60). There was no significant difference between the two treatment arms (p = 0.904). The studymore » was open from October 1989 to March 1993 and accrued 72 patients. Only one patient in the RT only arm remains alive. The two treatment arms were balanced with respect to all stratification variables. Toxicity due to radiotherapy was similar in both arms. BrdUrd caused significant Grade 4 and 5 hematologic and skin toxicity in five patients. Two patients died due to hematologic toxicity and one from a Stevens-Johnson type skin reaction. Phenytoin played a role in the skin reactions and ranitidine was associated with the hematologic deaths. Ranitidine was eliminated, BrdUrd was discontinued after any hematologic toxicity, and no further Grade 4 or 5 toxicities were seen. The median survival was 6.12 months in the radiotherapy group and 4.3 in the BrdUrd group (p = 0.904). Patients with solitary brain metastases had significantly better survival (p = 0.031). BrdUrd did not enhance the efficacy of the radiotherapy regiment tested, in spite of the fact that brain metastases have shown high labeling indices. The toxicity of this schedule of BrdUrd administration was apparently increased by ranitidine and phenytoin. 16 refs., 4 figs., 13 tabs.« less

  4. Verification of respiratory-gated radiotherapy with new real-time tumour-tracking radiotherapy system using cine EPID images and a log file

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shiinoki, Takehiro; Hanazawa, Hideki; Yuasa, Yuki; Fujimoto, Koya; Uehara, Takuya; Shibuya, Keiko


    A combined system comprising the TrueBeam linear accelerator and a new real-time tumour-tracking radiotherapy system, SyncTraX, was installed at our institution. The objectives of this study are to develop a method for the verification of respiratory-gated radiotherapy with SyncTraX using cine electronic portal image device (EPID) images and a log file and to verify this treatment in clinical cases. Respiratory-gated radiotherapy was performed using TrueBeam and the SyncTraX system. Cine EPID images and a log file were acquired for a phantom and three patients during the course of the treatment. Digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs) were created for each treatment beam using a planning CT set. The cine EPID images, log file, and DRRs were analysed using a developed software. For the phantom case, the accuracy of the proposed method was evaluated to verify the respiratory-gated radiotherapy. For the clinical cases, the intra- and inter-fractional variations of the fiducial marker used as an internal surrogate were calculated to evaluate the gating accuracy and set-up uncertainty in the superior-inferior (SI), anterior-posterior (AP), and left-right (LR) directions. The proposed method achieved high accuracy for the phantom verification. For the clinical cases, the intra- and inter-fractional variations of the fiducial marker were  ⩽3 mm and  ±3 mm in the SI, AP, and LR directions. We proposed a method for the verification of respiratory-gated radiotherapy with SyncTraX using cine EPID images and a log file and showed that this treatment is performed with high accuracy in clinical cases. This work was partly presented at the 58th Annual meeting of American Association of Physicists in Medicine.

  5. The impact of the haemoglobin level on the response to radiotherapy.


    Haydaroğlu, A; Yürüt, V; Arican, A; Yalman, D; Bülent Aras, A; Esassolak, M; Ozkök, S


    To define the impact of preradiotherapy haemoglobin (Hb) levels on the response rate of radiotherapy in patients with head and neck, uterine cervix and lung cancer. One hundred thirteen patients- 38 with head and neck cancer, 43 with carcinona of the uterine cervix and 32 with lung cancer- were retrospectively evaluated to determine the correlation between tumor response and preradiotherapy Hb levels. Hb level of 11 g/dl was taken as cut-off value for anemia. Patients were divided in two groups according to their objective response to radiotherapy. Histologically 30 of the head and neck cancers, 36 of the cervical cancers and 17 of the lung cancers were squamous-cell carcinomas. Tumor response of the epidermoid carcinomas were significantly correlated with preradiotherapy Hb levels (p < 0.001). Tumor response in patients with head and neck and cervical cancers was significantly correlated with pretreatment Hb levels while in patients with lung cancer this correlation did not reach statistical significance (p=0.059). Preradiotherapy Hb level is an important factor in determining the efficacy of radiotherapy. Raising the Hb level before radiotherapy may have a beneficial impact on the response to radiotherapy.

  6. [Clinical evaluation of heavy-particle radiotherapy using dose volume histogram (DVH)].


    Terahara, A; Nakano, T; Tsujii, H


    Radiotherapy with heavy particles such as proton and heavy-charged particles is a promising modality for treatment of localized malignant tumors because of the good dose distribution. A dose calculation and radiotherapy planning system which is essential for this kind of treatment has been developed in recent years. It has the capability to compute the dose volume histogram (DVH) which contains dose-volume information for the target volume and other interesting volumes. Recently, DVH is commonly used to evaluate and compare dose distributions in radiotherapy with both photon and heavy particles, and it shows that a superior dose distribution is obtained in heavy particle radiotherapy. DVH is also utilized for the evaluation of dose distribution related to clinical outcomes. Besides models such as normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) and tumor control probability (TCP), which can be calculated from DVH are proposed by several authors, they are applied to evaluate dose distributions themselves and to evaluate them in relation to clinical results. DVH is now a useful and important tool, but further studies are needed to use DVH and these models practically for clinical evaluation of heavy-particle radiotherapy.

  7. Evolving Clinical Cancer Radiotherapy: Concerns Regarding Normal Tissue Protection and Quality Assurance

    PubMed Central

    Choi, Won Hoon


    Radiotherapy, which is one of three major cancer treatment methods in modern medicine, has continued to develop for a long period, more than a century. The development of radiotherapy means allowing the administration of higher doses to tumors to improve tumor control rates while minimizing the radiation doses absorbed by surrounding normal tissues through which radiation passes for administration to tumors, thereby reducing or removing the incidence of side effects. Such development of radiotherapy was accomplished by the development of clinical radiation oncology, the development of computers and machine engineering, the introduction of cutting-edge imaging technology, a deepened understanding of biological studies on the effects of radiation on human bodies, and the development of quality assurance (QA) programs in medical physics. The development of radiotherapy over the last two decades has been quite dazzling. Due to continuous improvements in cancer treatment, the average five-year survival rate of cancer patients has been close to 70%. The increases in cancer patients’ complete cure rates and survival periods are making patients’ quality of life during or after treatment a vitally important issue. Radiotherapy is implemented in approximately 1/3 to 2/3s of all cancer patients; and has improved the quality of life of cancer patients in the present age. Over the last century, as a noninvasive treatment, radiotherapy has unceasingly enhanced complete tumor cure rates and the side effects of radiotherapy have been gradually decreasing, resulting in a tremendous improvement in the quality of life of cancer patients. PMID:26908993

  8. Mucosal secretion changes during radiotherapy in the oral cavity.


    Aziz, Luaay; Ebenfelt, Anders


    Mucositis in the oral cavity is a serious complication during radiation therapy for head and neck cancer, causing local discomfort and pain. In severe cases, hospitalization and interruption of radiotherapy may be necessary. The pathogenesis of this mucositis is not clear. With the purpose of getting more understanding of the pathogenesis of the mucositis, we examined the mucosal secretion from ten patients during radiotherapy with an imprint technique. In the secretion we studied the cellular composition and cellular function. In eight of ten treated patients the numbers of granulocytes increased in the secretion after 2 weeks of radiation therapy. The granulocytes, however, did not show any signs of phagocytosis. The patients all developed mucositis. We propose that the granulocytes in the secretion might play an important role in the development of mucositis during radiotherapy.

  9. Quality of life and satisfaction with information after radical prostatectomy, radical external beam radiotherapy and postoperative radiotherapy: a long-term follow-up study.


    Nicolaisen, Marianne; Müller, Stig; Patel, Hitendra R H; Hanssen, Tove Aminda


    To assess patients' symptoms, quality of life and satisfaction with information three to four years after radical prostatectomy, radical external beam radiotherapy and postoperative radiotherapy and to analyse differences between treatment groups and the relationship between disease-specific, health-related and overall quality of life and satisfaction with information. Radical prostate cancer treatments are associated with changes in quality of life. Differences between patients undergoing different treatments in symptoms and quality of life have been reported, but there are limited long-term data comparing radical prostatectomy with radical external beam radiotherapy and postoperative radiotherapy. A cross-sectional survey design was used. The study sample included 143 men treated with radical prostatectomy and/or radical external beam radiotherapy. Quality of life was measured using the 12-item Short Form Health Survey and the 50-item Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite Instrument. Questions assessing overall Quality of life and satisfaction with information were included. Descriptive statistics and interference statistical methods were applied to analyse the data. Radical external beam radiotherapy was associated with less urinary incontinence and better urinary function. There were no differences between the groups for disease-specific quality of life sum scores. Sexual quality of life was reported very low in all groups. Disease-specific quality of life and health-related quality of life were associated with overall quality of life. Patients having undergone surgery were more satisfied with information, and there was a positive correlation between quality of life and patient satisfaction. Pretreatment information and patient education lead to better quality of life and satisfaction. This study indicates a need for structured, pretreatment information and follow-up for all men going through radical prostate cancer treatment. Long-term quality of life

  10. Venetoclax Synergizes with Radiotherapy for Treatment of B-cell Lymphomas.


    O'Steen, Shyril; Green, Damian J; Gopal, Ajay K; Orozco, Johnnie J; Kenoyer, Aimee L; Lin, Yukang; Wilbur, D Scott; Hamlin, Donald K; Fisher, Darrell R; Hylarides, Mark D; Gooley, Theodore A; Waltman, Amelia; Till, Brian G; Press, Oliver W


    Constitutive B-cell receptor signaling leads to overexpression of the antiapoptotic BCL-2 protein and is implicated in the pathogenesis of many types of B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL). The BCL-2 small-molecule inhibitor venetoclax shows promising clinical response rates in several lymphomas, but is not curative as monotherapy. Radiotherapy is a rational candidate for combining with BCL-2 inhibition, as DNA damage caused by radiotherapy increases the activity of pro-apoptotic BCL-2 pathway proteins, and lymphomas are exquisitely sensitive to radiation. We tested B-NHL responses to venetoclax combined with either external beam radiotherapy or radioimmunotherapy (RIT), which joins the selectivity of antibody targeting with the effectiveness of irradiation. We first tested cytotoxicity of cesium-137 irradiation plus venetoclax in 14 B-NHL cell lines representing five lymphoma subtypes. Combination treatment synergistically increased cell death in 10 of 14 lines. Lack of synergy was predicted by resistance to single-agent venetoclax and high BCL-XL expression. We then assessed the efficacy of external beam radiotherapy plus venetoclax in murine xenograft models of mantle cell (MCL), germinal-center diffuse large B-cell (GCB-DLBCL), and activated B-cell (ABC-DLBCL) lymphomas. In each model, external beam radiotherapy plus venetoclax synergistically increased mouse survival time, curing up to 10%. We finally combined venetoclax treatment of MCL and ABC-DLBCL xenografts with a pretargeted RIT (PRIT) system directed against the CD20 antigen. Optimal dosing of PRIT plus venetoclax cured 100% of mice with no detectable toxicity. Venetoclax combined with radiotherapy may be a promising treatment for a wide range of lymphomas Cancer Res; 77(14); 3885-93. ©2017 AACR . ©2017 American Association for Cancer Research.

  11. SU-E-J-36: A Flexible Integration of Key Technologies in Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Accurate Radiotherapy System (ARTS-IGRT).


    Jia, J; Liu, F; Ren, Q; Pei, X; Cao, R; Wu, Y


    Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) is becoming increasingly important in the planning and delivery of radiotherapy. With the aim of implementing the key technologies in a flexible and integrated way in IGRT for accurate radiotherapy system (ARTS), a prototype system named as ARTS-IGRT was designed and completed to apply main principles in image-guided radiotherapy. The basic workflow of the ARTS-IGRT software was completed with five functional modules including management of patient information, X-ray image acquisition, 2D/2D anatomy match, 2D/3D match as well as marker-based match. For 2D/2D match, an image registration method was proposed based on maximization of mutual information with multi-resolution and regions of interest. For the 2D/3D registration, optimizations have been employed to improve the existing digitally reconstructed radiography generation algorithm based on ray-casting, and also an image registration method based on implanted markers with different numbers was adopted for 3D/3D match. In additional, the kV X-Ray imaging on rail device was finished for a better internal anatomy image checking at any angle. Together with an infrared device, a positioning and tracking system was developed as well for accurate patient setup and motion monitoring during each treatment. A lot of tests were carried out based on the head phantom to testify the availability of the improved algorithms. Compared with a set of controlled experiments adopted on the released commercial IGRT platform in the hospital, the functions of both software and hardware were testified comprehensively. The results showed a validity verification of ARTS-IGRT. The accuracy and efficiency of ARTS-IGRT on both software and hardware proved to be valid. And also with a flexible and user-friendly interface it can meet the principles of clinical radiotherapy practice. Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province (11040606Q55) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China

  12. Green tea extract (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) reduces efficacy of radiotherapy on prostate cancer cells.


    Thomas, Francis; Holly, Jeff M P; Persad, Rajendra; Bahl, Amit; Perks, Claire M


    To assess the influence of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) on the efficacy of ionizing radiation on prostate cancer cells because of the increased use of dietary interventions, especially by patients with prostate cancer. Radiotherapy is used to treat localized prostate cancer. Some people consume green tea (EGCG) as a chemopreventive agent against prostate cancer. Green tea can act as an antioxidant and induce superoxide dismutase enzymes, which could scavenge the free oxygen radicals generated by radiotherapy. Prostate cancer cell line DU145 cells were treated with EGCG or radiotherapy, or both. Cell death was assessed using trypan blue cell counting, and apoptosis was confirmed by assessing poly (adenosine phosphate ribose) polymerase cleavage. The antioxidant potential was assessed using Western immunoblotting for manganese superoxide dismutase and copper zinc superoxide dismutase enzymes. Radiotherapy was delivered using a linear accelerator. Cell cycle analysis was performed using flow cytometry. Radiotherapy at 3.5 Gy induced a 5.9-fold increase in apoptosis of DU145 cells. Subapoptotic doses of EGCG (1.5-7.5 μM) significantly reduced ionizing radiation-induced apoptosis (P < .001), with the inhibitory effect of EGCG on ionizing radiation being most effective when added 30 minutes before radiotherapy (P < .001). In addition, when radiotherapy and EGCG were used together, an approximate 1.5-fold increase in manganese superoxide dismutase levels was seen compared with the control and a 2-fold increase compared with radiotherapy alone. Radiotherapy is effective in inducing apoptosis in DU145 cells, but its effect was significantly reduced in the presence of EGCG, and this was associated with an increase in the induction of manganese superoxide dismutase. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. [Development of quality assurance/quality control web system in radiotherapy].


    Okamoto, Hiroyuki; Mochizuki, Toshihiko; Yokoyama, Kazutoshi; Wakita, Akihisa; Nakamura, Satoshi; Ueki, Heihachi; Shiozawa, Keiko; Sasaki, Koji; Fuse, Masashi; Abe, Yoshihisa; Itami, Jun


    Our purpose is to develop a QA/QC (quality assurance/quality control) web system using a server-side script language such as HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), which can be useful as a tool to share information about QA/QC in radiotherapy. The system proposed in this study can be easily built in one's own institute, because HTML can be easily handled. There are two desired functions in a QA/QC web system: (i) To review the results of QA/QC for a radiotherapy machine, manuals, and reports necessary for routinely performing radiotherapy through this system. By disclosing the results, transparency can be maintained, (ii) To reveal a protocol for QA/QC in one's own institute using pictures and movies relating to QA/QC for simplicity's sake, which can also be used as an educational tool for junior radiation technologists and medical physicists. By using this system, not only administrators, but also all staff involved in radiotherapy, can obtain information about the conditions and accuracy of treatment machines through the QA/QC web system.

  14. 30 Years of radiotherapy service in Southern Thailand: workload vs resources.


    Phungrassami, Temsak; Funsian, Amporn; Sriplung, Hutcha


    To study the pattern of patient load, personnel and equipment resources from 30-years experience in Southern Thailand. This retrospective study collected secondary data from the Division of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology and the Songklanagarind Hospital Tumor Registry database, Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, during the period of 1982-2012. The number of new patients who had radiation treatment gradually increased from 121 in 1982 to 2,178 in 2011. Shortages of all kinds of personnel were demonstrated as compared to the recommendations, especially in radiotherapy technicians. In 2011, Southern Thailand, with two radiotherapy centers, had 0.44 megavoltage radiotherapy machines (cobalt or linear accelerator) per million of population. This number is suboptimal, but could be managed cost-effectively by prolonging machine operating times during personnel shortages. This study identified a discrepancy between workload and resources in one medical school radiotherapy center in.

  15. Current role of modern radiotherapy techniques in the management of breast cancer

    PubMed Central

    Ozyigit, Gokhan; Gultekin, Melis


    Breast cancer is the most common type of malignancy in females. Advances in systemic therapies and radiotherapy (RT) provided long survival rates in breast cancer patients. RT has a major role in the management of breast cancer. During the past 15 years several developments took place in the field of imaging and irradiation techniques, intensity modulated RT, hypofractionation and partial-breast irradiation. Currently, improvements in the RT technology allow us a subsequent decrease in the treatment-related complications such as fibrosis and long-term cardiac toxicity while improving the loco-regional control rates and cosmetic results. Thus, it is crucial that modern radiotherapy techniques should be carried out with maximum care and efficiency. Several randomized trials provided evidence for the feasibility of modern radiotherapy techniques in the management of breast cancer. However, the role of modern radiotherapy techniques in the management of breast cancer will continue to be defined by the mature results of randomized trials. Current review will provide an up-to-date evidence based data on the role of modern radiotherapy techniques in the management of breast cancer. PMID:25114857

  16. [Role of radiotherapy in stage I testicular seminomas: about 25 cases].


    Aissa, Abdellah; Marnouche, Elamin; Elkacemi, Hanan; Kebdani, Tayeb; Benjaafar, Noureddine


    We conducted a retrospective, descriptive study of 25 stage I testicular seminomas to clarify the role of radiotherapy in the management of this disease. Between January 2001 and December 2009, 25 patients with stage I testicular seminoma were treated in the Radiotherapy Department at the National Institute of Oncology in Rabat. Primary orchidectomy was performed via the inguinal route. Initial staging was based on total beta-hCG dosage, alpha-fetoprotein dosage and exploration of superior diaphragmatic and sub-diaphragmatic lymph nodes using tomodensitometry. Adjuvant radiotherapy was delivered using linear accelerator. The median age was 33 years (18-52 years). Testicular tumor involved the right side in 16 patients and the left side in 9 patients. Radiotherapy was delivered to lombo-aortic lymph nodes in 18 patients, lombo-aortic and ipsilateral iliac lymph nodes in 7 patients, using 2 anterior-posterior beams, with delivery of 20-25 Gy in 10-14 fractions. Immediate tolerance was excellent. The average monitoring period was 73 months. Twenty three patients are currently alive in complete remission. One patient developed a pulmonary relapse 22 months after the end of the radiotherapy. One patient was lost to follow-up. Long-term toxicity, especially gastrointestinal toxicity, was not observed. No tumor or secondary hematologic disease was reported. Prophylactic radiotherapy remains the standard adjuvant treatment of stage I seminomas. Immediate tolerance is satisfactory and an increased risk for secondary cancer is negligible compared to the therapeutic benefit. However, strict monitoring and one cycle of carboplatin-based adjuvant chemotherapy are also effective.

  17. Hypothyroidism After Radiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wu, Y.-H.; Wang, H-M.; Taipei Chang Gung Head and Neck Oncology Group, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan

    Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the long-term incidence and possible predictive factors for posttreatment hypothyroidism in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients after radiotherapy. Methods and Materials: Four hundred and eight sequential NPC patients who had received regular annual thyroid hormone surveys prospectively after radiotherapy were included in this study. Median patient age was 47.3 years, and 286 patients were male. Thyroid function was prospectively evaluated by measuring thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and serum free thyroxine (FT4) levels. Low FT4 levels indicated clinical hypothyroidism in this study. Results: With a median follow-up of 4.3 years (range, 0.54-19.7 years), themore » incidence of low FT4 level was 5.3%, 9.0%, and 19.1% at 3, 5, and 10 years after radiotherapy, respectively. Hypothyroidism was more common with early T stage (p = 0.044), female sex (p = 0.037), and three-dimensional conformal therapy with the altered fractionation technique (p = 0.005) after univariate analysis. N stage, chemotherapy, reirradiation, and neck electron boost did not affect the incidence of hypothyroidism. Younger age and conformal therapy were significant factors that determined clinical hypothyroidism after multivariate analysis. Overall, patients presented with a low FT4 level about 1 year after presenting with an elevated TSH level. Conclusion: Among our study group of NPC patients, 19.1% experienced clinical hypothyroidism by 10 years after treatment. Younger age and conformal therapy increased the risk of hypothyroidism. We suggest routine evaluation of thyroid function in NPC patients after radiotherapy. The impact of pituitary injury should be also considered.« less

  18. The significance of size change of soft tissue sarcoma during preoperative radiotherapy.


    Miki, Y; Ngan, S; Clark, J C M; Akiyama, T; Choong, P F M


    To assess the significance of change in tumour size during preoperative radiotherapy in patients with soft tissue sarcoma (STS). A retrospective review of 91 cases with STS was performed. Inclusion criteria were localised extremity and truncal STS with measurable disease, older than 18 years, treated with preoperative radiotherapy and wide local excision, in the period between January 1966 and December 2005. Patients with head and neck STS, or who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy were excluded. A difference in excess of 10% of the greatest tumour diameter of the pre-radiotherapy and the post-radiotherapy MRI scans was considered as change in tumour size. Increase in tumour size was noted in 28 patients (31%) (Group 1). No change or decrease in size was observed in 63 patients (Group 2). There were no significance differences in local control or overall survival rates between the 2 groups. The estimated overall actuarial local recurrence free, event-free and overall survival rates were 90.5%, 64.4%, 62.9% in Group 1, and 85.7%, 60.8%, 68.9% in Group 2 respectively. Increase in tumour size during preoperative radiotherapy for soft tissue sarcoma does not seem to associate with inferior local tumour control or compromise survival. Lack of reduction in tumour size is not necessarily a sign of lack of response to preoperative radiotherapy.

  19. Predicting Radiotherapy Necessity in Tongue Cancer Using Lymph Node Yield.


    Feng, Zhien; Xu, Qiao Shi; Qin, Li Zheng; Li, Hua; Han, Zhengxue


    In patients with head and neck cancer and a single metastatic lymph node (pN1), the value of lymph node yield (LNY) remains controversial in determining the prognosis and identifying patients who require radiotherapy. This study evaluated the role of LNY in predicting the adequacy of neck dissection, need for adjuvant radiotherapy, and survival in patients with pN1 oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma. The authors implemented a retrospective cohort study. The predictor variable was LNY. The outcome variables were 5-year disease-specific survival and the need for adjuvant radiotherapy. Other study variables were age, gender, tumor stage, pathologic grade, growth pattern, tobacco and alcohol habits, and time frame. Descriptive and bivariate statistics were computed, and a P value less than .05 was considered statistically significant. The sample was chosen from among 2,792 patients who were histopathologically diagnosed as having oral squamous cell carcinoma and underwent surgical treatment from June 1996 through December 2012. One hundred forty-one patients treated at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial-Head and Neck Oncology of the Beijing Stomatological Hospital (Beijing, China) were screened for the study. Receiver operating characteristics curve analysis identified that a cutoff (LNY, 20; area under the curve, 0.708; 95% confidence interval, 0.625-0.781; sensitivity and specificity, 64.94 and 70.31%, respectively; P = .0001) could best discriminate patients into 2 groups according to need for adjuvant radiotherapy. Interestingly, subgroup analyses showed that patients who underwent adjuvant radiotherapy had notably better 5-year disease-specific survival than those who did not undergo radiotherapy if the LNY was smaller than 20 (58.0 vs 21.0%; P = .021). However, there was no significant association for 5-year disease-specific survival between the low and high LNY groups (49.2 vs 58.7%; P = .363). An LNY smaller than 20 at levels I to III predicted a

  20. Prognostic factors, patterns of recurrence and toxicity for patients with esophageal cancer undergoing definitive radiotherapy or chemo-radiotherapy.


    Haefner, Matthias F; Lang, Kristin; Krug, David; Koerber, Stefan A; Uhlmann, Lorenz; Kieser, Meinhard; Debus, Juergen; Sterzing, Florian


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and tolerability of definitive chemo-radiation or radiotherapy alone in patients with esophageal cancer. We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of n = 238 patients with squamous cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma of the esophagus treated with definitive radiotherapy with or without concomitant chemotherapy at our institution between 2000 and 2012. Patients of all stages were included to represent actual clinical routine. We performed univariate and multivariate analysis to identify prognostic factors for overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS). Moreover, treatment-related toxicity and patterns of recurrence were assessed. Patients recieved either chemo-radiation (64%), radiotherapy plus cetuximab (10%) or radiotherapy alone (26%). In 69%, a boost was applied, resulting in a median cumulative dose of 55.8 Gy; the remaining 31% received a median total dose of 50 Gy. For the entire cohort, the median OS and PFS were 15.0 and 11.0 months, respectively. In multivariate analysis, important prognostic factors for OS and PFS were T stage (OS: P = 0.005; PFS: P = 0.006), M stage (OS: P = 0.015; PFS: P = 0.003), concomitant chemotherapy (P < 0.001) and radiation doses of >55 Gy (OS: P = 0.019; PFS: P = 0.022). Recurrences occurred predominantly as local in-field relapse or distant metastases. Toxicity was dominated by nutritional impairment (12.6% with G3/4 dysphagia) and chemo-associated side effects. Definitive chemo-radiation in patients with esophageal cancer results in survival rates comparable with surgical treatment approaches. However, local and distant recurrence considerably restrict prognosis. Further advances in radio-oncological treatment strategies are necessary for improving outcome. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Japan Radiation Research Society and Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology.

  1. The role of TRAIL in fatigue induced by repeated stress from radiotherapy.


    Feng, Li Rebekah; Suy, Simeng; Collins, Sean P; Saligan, Leorey N


    Fatigue is one of the most common and debilitating side effects of cancer and cancer treatment, and yet its etiology remains elusive. The goal of this study is to understand the role of chronic inflammation in fatigue following repeated stress from radiotherapy. Fatigue and non-fatigue categories were assessed using ≥ 3-point change in Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Fatigue questionnaire (FACT-F) administered to participants at baseline/before radiotherapy and one year post-radiotherapy. Whole genome microarray and cytokine multiplex panel were used to examine fatigue-related transcriptome and serum cytokine changes, respectively. The study included 86 subjects (discovery phase n = 40, validation phase n = 46). The sample in the discovery phase included men with prostate cancer scheduled to receive external-beam radiotherapy. A panel of 48 cytokines were measured and the significantly changed cytokine found in the discovery phase was validated using sera from a separate cohort of men two years after completing radiotherapy for prostate cancer at a different institution. Effects of the significantly changed cytokine on cell viability was quantified using the MTT assay. During the discovery phase, tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) and TRAIL decoy receptor, TNFRSF10C (TRAIL-R3), were significantly upregulated in fatigued (≥3-point decrease from baseline to 1yr-post radiotherapy) subjects (n = 15). In the validation phase, TRAIL correlated with fatigue scores 2yrs post-radiotherapy. TRAIL caused selective cytotoxicity in neuronal cells, but not in microglial and muscle cells, in vitro. Late-onset inflammation directed by TRAIL may play a role in fatigue pathogenesis post-repeated stress from irradiation. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  2. Massive bleeding from the ileum: a late complication of pelvic radiotherapy

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Taverner, D.; Talbot, I.C.; Carr-Locke, D.L.


    Recurrent massive hemorrhage from the ileum as a late complication of radiotherapy has not previously been documented. We describe two patients with a history of pelvic radiotherapy 18 months and 11 yr before, in whom the source of melena was localized to the small bowel preoperatively. Characteristic serosal appearances of ileal radiation injury were present at laparotomy and resection of the terminal ileum controlled the hemorrhage. Pathological study revealed no ulceration but multiple telangiectatic vessels in the tips of mucosal villi. This cause should be considered in patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding previously exposed to pelvic radiotherapy.

  3. Radiotherapy Improvements by Using Au Nanoparticles.


    Torrisi, Lorenzo


    Au nanoparticles can be prepared inside biological solutions and incorporated in special molecules for their transport through blood, drugs and proteins up to the tumour sites or directly injected in their volume when it is possible. The Au nanoparticles are biocompatible and can be accepted locally in the organism also at relatively high concentrations. The use of Au nanoparticles injected in the tumour site enhances significantly the effective atomic number of the medium, depending on the used concentration, and consequently the proton and electron energy loss and the X-ray absorption coefficient determining an increment of the local absorbed dose during radiotherapy. Traditional radiotherapy using electrons, X-rays and gamma rays, and innovative protontherapy can benefit the increment of the effective atomic number of the tissue in the presence of Au-nanoparticles embedded in the tumour volume with an adaptive up-take procedure. This method decreases the dose released to the healthy tissues permitting a better cantering of the irradiated targets and shielding the healthy tissue placed behind the tumour. The presented theoretical study approach permits to evaluate an enhancement of the radiotherapy dose of the order of 1 % using 60 MeV protons, of the order of 10% using 6 MeV electrons and of the order of 100 % using 100 keV X-ray photons. Here, we also disccused for patents relaed to the topic.

  4. Radiotherapy of oral malignant melanomas in dogs.


    Blackwood, L; Dobson, J M


    To evaluate response to radiotherapy in dogs with oral malignant melanomas. Clinical trial. 36 dogs with histologically confirmed oral malignant melanomas. The prescribed radiation dose was 36 Gy given in 4 fractions of 9 Gy at 7-day intervals. The primary radiation source was a linear accelerator. In 25 of 36 dogs, complete remission was achieved, and in 9 dogs, partial remission was achieved. Recurrence of the primary tumor was the cause of euthanasia of 4 dogs. Twenty-one dogs were euthanatized because of metastasis. Radiotherapy was an effective palliative treatment for the primary tumor in dogs with oral malignant melanomas. However, rapid development of metastatic disease remained a major challenge.

  5. [Rescue cryotherapy for prostate cancer after radiotherapy].


    García, Erique Lledó; Amo, Felipe Herranz; San Segundo, Carmen González; Fagundo, Eva Paños; Escudero, Roberto Molina; Alonso, Adrian Husillos; Piniés, Gabriel Ogaya; Rascón, Jose Jara; Fernández, Carlos Hernández


    Radical Radiotherapy constitutes a useful therapeutic option for localized prostate cancer. Almost one third of prostate cancer patients choose this alternative to treat the disease. Despite modifications in the technique as intensity modulation, 3D conformational radiotherapy or computer-assisted brachytherapy, a significant percentage of these patients will show an increase in PSA values after radiation. Local relapse without distant disease and PSA less than 10 ng/ml are candidates for salvage therapy. Cryotherapy has already become a curative treatment option in this group of patients. Recent technological as well as surgical advances in salvage-cryotherapy have reduced dramatically complications and progressively increase the interest on this alternative.

  6. Risk Factors of Developing Long-Lasting Breast Pain After Breast Cancer Radiotherapy

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lundstedt, Dan, E-mail:; Department of Oncology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg; Gustafsson, Magnus

    Purpose: Postoperative radiotherapy decreases breast cancer mortality. However, studies have revealed a long-lasting breast pain among some women after radiotherapy. The purpose of this study was to identify risk factors that contribute to breast pain after breast cancer radiotherapy. Methods and Materials: We identified 1,027 recurrence-free women in two cohorts of Swedish women treated for breast cancer. The women had breast-conserving surgery and postoperative radiotherapy, the breast was treated to 48 Gy in 2.4-Gy fractions or to 50 Gy in 2.0-Gy fractions. Young women received a boost of up to 16 Gy. Women with more than three lymph node metastasesmore » had locoregional radiotherapy. Systemic treatments were given according to health-care guidelines. Three to 17 years after radiotherapy, we collected data using a study-specific questionnaire. We investigated the relation between breast pain and potential risk modifiers: age at treatment, time since treatment, chemotherapy, photon energy, fractionation size, boost, loco-regional radiotherapy, axillary surgery, overweight, and smoking. Results: Eight hundred seventy-seven women (85%) returned the questionnaires. Among women up to 39 years of age at treatment, 23.1% had breast pain, compared with 8.7% among women older than 60 years (RR 2.66; 95% CI 1.33-5.36). Higher age at treatment (RR 0.96; 95% CI 0.94-0.98, annual decrease) and longer time since treatment (RR 0.93; 95% CI 0.88-0.98, annual decrease) were related to a lower occurrence of breast pain. Chemotherapy increased the occurrence of breast pain (RR 1.72; 95% CI 1.19-2.47). In the multivariable model only age and time since treatment were statistically significantly related to the occurrence of breast pain. We found no statistically significant relation between breast pain and the other potential risk modifiers. Conclusions: Younger women having undergone breast-conserving surgery with postoperative radiotherapy report a higher occurrence of long

  7. Evaluation of Mediators Associated with the Inflammatory Response in Prostate Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy.


    Bedini, Nice; Cicchetti, Alessandro; Palorini, Federica; Magnani, Tiziana; Zuco, Valentina; Pennati, Marzia; Campi, Elisa; Allavena, Paola; Pesce, Samantha; Villa, Sergio; Avuzzi, Barbara; Morlino, Sara; Visentin, Maria Emanuela; Zaffaroni, Nadia; Rancati, Tiziana; Valdagni, Riccardo


    A recent "hot topic" in prostate cancer radiotherapy is the observed association between acute/late rectal toxicity and the presence of abdominal surgery before radiotherapy. The exact mechanism is unclear. Our working hypothesis was that a previous surgery may influence plasma level of inflammatory molecules and this might result in enhanced radiosensitivity. We here present results on the feasibility of monitoring the expression of inflammatory molecules during radiotherapy. Plasma levels of a panel of soluble mediators associated with the inflammatory response were measured in prostate cancer patients undergoing radical radiotherapy. We measured 3 cytokines (IL-1b, IL-6, and TNF alpha), 2 chemokines (CCL2 and CXCL8), and the long pentraxin PTX3. 20 patients were enrolled in this feasibility evaluation. All patients were treated with IMRT at 78 Gy. 3/20 patients reported grade 2 acute rectal toxicity, while 4/20 were scored as grade 2 late toxicity. CCL2 was the most interesting marker showing significant increase during and after radiotherapy. CCL2 levels at radiotherapy end could be modelled using linear regression including basal CCL2, age, surgery, hypertension, and use of anticoagulants. The 4 patients with late toxicity had CCL2 values at radiotherapy end above the median value. This trial is registered with ISRCTN64979094.

  8. Radiotherapy utilization in developing countries: An IAEA study.


    Rosenblatt, Eduardo; Fidarova, Elena; Zubizarreta, Eduardo H; Barton, Michael B; Jones, Glenn W; Mackillop, William J; Cordero, Lisbeth; Yarney, Joel; Lim, Gerard; Gan, John V; Cernea, Valentin; Stojanovic-Rundic, Suzana; Strojan, Primoz; Kochbati, Lotfi; Quarneti, Aldo


    The planning of national radiotherapy (RT) services requires a thorough knowledge of the country's cancer epidemiology profile, the radiotherapy utilization (RTU) rates and a future projection of these data. Previous studies have established RTU rates in high-income countries. Optimal RTU (oRTU) rates were determined for nine middle-income countries, following the epidemiological evidence-based method. The actual RTU (aRTU) rates were calculated dividing the total number of new notifiable cancer patients treated with radiotherapy in 2012 by the total number of cancer patients diagnosed in the same year in each country. An analysis of the characteristics of patients and treatments in a series of 300 consecutive radiotherapy patients shed light on the particular patient and treatments profile in the participating countries. The median oRTU rate for the group of nine countries was 52% (47-56%). The median aRTU rate for the nine countries was 28% (9-46%). These results show that the real proportion of cancer patients receiving RT is lower than the optimal RTU with a rate difference between 10-42.7%. The median percent-unmet need was 47% (18-82.3%). The optimal RTU rate in middle-income countries did not differ significantly from that previously found in high-income countries. The actual RTU rates were consistently lower than the optimal, in particular in countries with limited resources and a large population. Crown Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Significance of Cox-2 expression in rectal cancers with or without preoperative radiotherapy

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pachkoria, Ketevan; Zhang Hong; Adell, Gunnar


    Purpose: Radiotherapy has reduced local recurrence of rectal cancers, but the result is not satisfactory. Further biologic factors are needed to identify patients for more effective radiotherapy. Our aims were to investigate the relationship of cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2) expression to radiotherapy, and clinicopathologic/biologic variables in rectal cancers with or without radiotherapy. Methods and Materials: Cox-2 expression was immunohistochemically examined in distal normal mucosa (n = 28), in adjacent normal mucosa (n = 107), in primary cancer (n = 138), lymph node metastasis (n = 30), and biopsy (n = 85). The patients participated in a rectal cancer trial of preoperative radiotherapy.more » Results: Cox-2 expression was increased in primary tumor compared with normal mucosa (p < 0.0001), but there was no significant change between primary tumor and metastasis. Cox-2 positivity was or tended to be related to more p53 and Ki-67 expression, and less apoptosis (p {<=} 0.05). In Cox-2-negative cases of either biopsy (p = 0.01) or surgical samples (p = 0.02), radiotherapy was related to less frequency of local recurrence, but this was not the case in Cox-2-positive cases. Conclusion: Cox-2 expression seemed to be an early event involved in rectal cancer development. Radiotherapy might reduce a rate of local recurrence in the patients with Cox-2 weakly stained tumors, but not in those with Cox-2 strongly stained tumors.« less

  10. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Plus Hypnosis for Distress During Breast Radiotherapy: A Randomized Trial.


    Montgomery, Guy H; Sucala, Madalina; Dillon, Matthew J; Schnur, Julie B


    Radiotherapy is a common and effective treatment for women with breast cancer. However, radiotherapy has also been shown to adversely affect patients' emotional well-being. Currently, few mind-body interventions are designed to improve patients' quality of life during radiotherapy. One intervention which has demonstrated clinical efficacy in the breast cancer radiotherapy setting is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy plus Hypnosis. The goal of this study was to investigate the impact of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy plus Hypnosis on emotional distress in women with breast cancer undergoing radiotherapy. One hundred patients were randomly assigned to either the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy plus Hypnosis (n = 50) or Attention Control (n = 50) group. Results revealed significant benefits of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy plus Hypnosis on emotional distress at the mid-point (d = 0.54), the conclusion (d = 0.64), and 4 weeks following the conclusion (d = 0.65) of radiotherapy (all ps < 0.05). In summary, results support further study of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy plus Hypnosis as an evidence-based intervention to reduce emotional distress in women with breast cancer. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy plus Hypnosis has the benefits of being brief, noninvasive, lacking side-effects, and producing beneficial effects which last beyond the conclusion of radiotherapy. Given these strengths, we propose that Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy plus Hypnosis is a strong candidate for greater dissemination and implementation in cancer populations.

  11. Precise positioning with current multi-constellation Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou

    PubMed Central

    Li, Xingxing; Zhang, Xiaohong; Ren, Xiaodong; Fritsche, Mathias; Wickert, Jens; Schuh, Harald


    The world of satellite navigation is undergoing dramatic changes with the rapid development of multi-constellation Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs). At the moment more than 70 satellites are already in view, and about 120 satellites will be available once all four systems (BeiDou + Galileo + GLONASS + GPS) are fully deployed in the next few years. This will bring great opportunities and challenges for both scientific and engineering applications. In this paper we develop a four-system positioning model to make full use of all available observations from different GNSSs. The significant improvement of satellite visibility, spatial geometry, dilution of precision, convergence, accuracy, continuity and reliability that a combining utilization of multi-GNSS brings to precise positioning are carefully analyzed and evaluated, especially in constrained environments. PMID:25659949

  12. Xerostomia, salivary characteristics and gland volumes following intensity-modulated radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a two-year follow up.


    Sim, Cpc; Soong, Y L; Pang, Epp; Lim, C; Walker, G D; Manton, D J; Reynolds, E C; Wee, Jts


    To evaluate changes in xerostomia status, salivary characteristics and gland volumes 2 years following radiotherapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients. Xerostomia scores, salivary flow rates, pH and buffering capacity were measured at pre-radiotherapy, mid-radiotherapy, 2 weeks, 3 months and 2 years post-radiotherapy. Salivary gland volumes and their correlation with radiation dose were also assessed. Mean radiation dose to oral cavity, parotid and submandibular glands (SMG) was 44.5, 65.0 and 38.6 Gy respectively. Parotid and SMG volumes decreased 33% at 3 months post-radiotherapy; volumes at 2 years post-radiotherapy were 84% and 51% of pre-radiotherapy levels, respectively. Correlations were observed between parotid gland volume per cent reduction and its radiation dose and between resting salivary flow rate reduction and post-radiotherapy/pre-radiotherapy SMG volume ratio. Salivary flow rates and resting saliva pH remained significantly low at 2 years post-radiotherapy (both flow rates, P = 0.001; resting saliva pH, P = 0.005). Similarly, xerostomia scores remained significantly higher compared with pre-radiotherapy levels. Submandibular gland volumetric shrinkage persisted 2 years after radiotherapy. Xerostomia scores remained significantly higher, and salivary flow rates and resting saliva pH remained significantly lower, suggesting that study participants were still at risk for hyposalivation-related oral diseases. © 2018 Australian Dental Association.

  13. The population benefit of radiotherapy for gynaecological cancer: Local control and survival estimates.


    Hanna, Timothy P; Delaney, Geoffrey P; Barton, Michael B


    The population benefit of radiotherapy for gynaecological cancer (GC) if evidence-based guidelines were routinely followed is not known. This study's aim was to address this. Decision trees were utilised to estimate benefit. Radiotherapy alone (RT) benefit was the absolute proportional benefit of radiotherapy over no radiotherapy for radical indications, and over surgery alone for adjuvant indications. Chemoradiotherapy (CRT) benefit was the absolute incremental benefit of concurrent chemotherapy and RT over RT alone. Citation databases were systematically queried for the highest level of evidence defining 5-year Local Control (LC), and 2-year and 5-year Overall Survival (OS) benefit. Meta-analysis was performed if there were multiple sources of the same evidence level. Deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analysis was performed. Guidelines supported 22 radiotherapy indications, of which 8 were for CRT. 21% of all GC had an adjuvant or curative radiotherapy indication. The absolute estimated population-based 5-year LC and OS benefits of RT, if all patients were treated according to guidelines, were: endometrial cancer LC 5.7% (95% CI (3.5%,8.2%)), OS 2.3% (1.2%,3.4%), ovarian cancer (nil), vulval cancer LC 10.0% (1.6%,18.2%), OS 8.5% (0.5%,15.9%). Combined with prior estimates for cervical cancer, RT benefits for all GC were LC 9.0% (7.8%,10.3%), OS 4.6% (3.8%,5.4%). The incremental benefit of CRT for all GC was LC 0.7% (0.4%,0.9%), OS 0.5% (0.2%,0.8%). Benefits were distinct from the contribution of other modalities. The model was robust in sensitivity analysis. Most radiotherapy benefit was irreplaceable by other modalities. Radiotherapy provides important and irreplaceable LC and OS benefits for GC when optimally utilised. The population model provided a robust means for estimating this benefit. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Radiosurgery and radiotherapy for sacral tumors.


    Gibbs, Iris C; Chang, Steven D


    Sacral tumors represent a small subset of spinal lesions and typically include chordomas, metastases, other primary bone tumors, and benign schwannomas. Resection is the standard treatment for many sacral tumors, but many types of sacral lesions have the potential for recurrence after excision. In these cases, adjuvant radiotherapy is often beneficial. Although conventional radiotherapy plays an important role in the management of spinal lesions, the radiation doses required for adequate local control of many sacral lesions generally exceed the tolerance doses of normal tissues, thus limiting its definitive role in the management of sacral tumors. Recent advances in the field of stereotactic radiosurgery have allowed precise targeting of the sacrum. In this report the authors review the use of these two forms of radiation treatment and their role in managing sacral tumors.

  15. Radiotherapy of Langerhans' Cell Histiocytosis : Results and Implications of a National Patterns-of-Care Study.


    Olschewski, Thomas; Seegenschmiedt, Michael Heinrich


    This patterns-of-care study was performed to define the current clinical experience with radiotherapy of Langerhans' cell histiocytosis in adults in Germany and to define open questions resulting from this study. A standardized questionnaire was sent to 198 German radiotherapy institutions. Data about patient characteristics, stage of disease, practice and fractionation of radiotherapy, outcome of therapy, etc. were systematically evaluated. 123 of 198 institutions answered the complete questionnaire (62.1%). Only 23 of the 123 institutions (18.7%) reported experience with radiotherapy of Langerhans' cell histiocytosis of adults. 18 institutions with 98 patients were evaluable. The majority of patients (72 of 98) was treated on a linear accelerator. The median single dose of radiotherapy was 2 Gy, while the median total dose was 24 Gy. 81 of 89 evaluable patients (91%) reached a local control of the treated lesion(s), 69 of those had a complete remission. Eight of 89 patients (9%) developed an in-field recurrence. 87.8% of patients experienced no acute and 97% of patients no late side effects of radiotherapy. Clinical experience with radiotherapy of Langerhans' cell histiocytosis in adults in Germany is still very limited. Nevertheless, the clinical results-with high remission and local control rates-confirm the effectiveness of radiotherapy in the multidisciplinary treatment of this disease. Due to the small number of patients in this study despite higher incidence rates, the knowledge of this disease has to be multiplied in Germany. Future patients should be systematically included into a prospective radiotherapy registry.

  16. The desire to survive: the adaptation process of adult cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy.


    Chao, Yu Huan; Wang, Shou-Yu; Hsu, Tsui Hua; Wang, Kai Wei K


    Radiotherapy is one of the primary treatment strategies for cancer. However, patients not only deal with the side-effects of radiotherapy, but they must also endure the psychological distress caused by cancer. This study explores how cancer patients adapt to the treatment process when receiving radiotherapy. This study used a grounded theory approach, and eight in-depth interviews were conducted with newly diagnosed cancer patients who received radiotherapy as a primary treatment. The core category that emerged from this study was "the desire to survive". The categories and subcategories that emerged from the data include facing unknown situations (e.g. searching for relevant information and decision-making considerations, and listening to healthcare professionals' suggestions), experiencing the pain of treatment (e.g. tolerating side-effects, tolerating inconvenience during the treatment, accepting support during the treatment, and adjusting lifestyles), and chances to extend life (e.g. accepting fate, determination to undergo the treatment, and adjusting negative emotions). The study results provide a better understanding of the experiences of cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy. Healthcare professionals should provide effective medical management for side-effects and psychological support to cancer patients during the journey of radiotherapy. © 2014 The Authors. Japan Journal of Nursing Science © 2014 Japan Academy of Nursing Science.

  17. Recommendations for the use of radiotherapy in nodal lymphoma.


    Hoskin, P J; Díez, P; Williams, M; Lucraft, H; Bayne, M


    These guidelines have been developed to define the use of radiotherapy for lymphoma in the current era of combined modality treatment taking into account increasing concern over the late side-effects associated with previous radiotherapy. The role of reduced volume and reduced doses is addressed, integrating modern imaging with three-dimensional planning and advanced techniques of treatment delivery. Both wide-field and involved-field techniques have now been supplanted by the use of defined volumes based on node involvement shown on computed tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET) imaging and applying the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements concepts of gross tumour volume (GTV), clinical target volume (CTV) and planning target volume (PTV). The planning of lymphoma patients for radical radiotherapy should now be based upon contrast enhanced 3 mm contiguous CT with three-dimensional definition of volumes using the convention of GTV, CTV and PTV. The involved-site radiotherapy concept defines the CTV based on the PET-defined pre-chemotherapy sites of involvement with an expansion in the cranio-caudal direction of lymphatic spread by 1.5 cm, constrained to tissue planes such as bone, muscle and air cavities. The margin allows for uncertainties in PET resolution, image registration and changes in patient positioning and shape. There is increasing evidence in both Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma that traditional doses are higher than necessary for disease control and related to the incidence of late effects. No more than 30 Gy for Hodgkin and aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma and 24 Gy for indolent lymphomas is recommended; lower doses of 20 Gy in combination therapy for early-stage low-risk Hodgkin lymphoma may be sufficient. As yet there are no large datasets validating the use of involved-site radiotherapy; these will emerge from the current generation of clinical trials. Radiotherapy remains the most effective single

  18. BeiDou Signal Acquisition with Neumann–Hoffman Code Modulation in a Degraded Channel

    PubMed Central

    Zhao, Lin; Liu, Aimeng; Ding, Jicheng; Wang, Jing


    With the modernization of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), secondary codes, also known as the Neumann–Hoffman (NH) codes, are modulated on the satellite signal to obtain a better positioning performance. However, this leads to an attenuation of the acquisition sensitivity of classic integration algorithms because of the frequent bit transitions that refer to the NH codes. Taking weak BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) signals as objects, the present study analyzes the side effect of NH codes on acquisition in detail and derives a straightforward formula, which indicates that bit transitions decrease the frequency accuracy. To meet the requirement of carrier-tracking loop initialization, a frequency recalculation algorithm is proposed based on verified fast Fourier transform (FFT) to mitigate the effect, meanwhile, the starting point of NH codes is found. Then, a differential correction is utilized to improve the acquisition accuracy of code phase. Monte Carlo simulations and real BDS data tests demonstrate that the new structure is superior to the conventional algorithms both in detection probability and frequency accuracy in a degraded channel. PMID:28208776

  19. Clinical efficacy of telemedicine in emergency radiotherapy for malignant spinal cord compression.


    Hashimoto, S; Shirato, H; Kaneko, K; Ooshio, W; Nishioka, T; Miyasaka, K


    The authors developed a Telecommunication-HElped Radiotherapy Planning and Information SysTem (THERAPIST), then estimated its clinical benefit in radiotherapy in district hospitals where consultation with the university hospital was required. The system consists of a personal computer with an image scanner and a digital camera, set up in district hospitals and directly connected via ISDN to an image server, and a treatment planning device set up in a university hospital. Image data and consultative reports are sent to the server. Radiation oncologists at the university hospital determine a treatment schedule and verify actual treatment fields. From 1998 to 1999, 12 patients with malignant spinal cord compression (MSCC) were treated by emergency radiotherapy with the help of this system. Image quality, transmission time, and cost benefit also were satisfactory for clinical use. The mean time between the onset of symptoms and the start of radiotherapy was reduced significantly from 7.1 days to 0.8 days (P < .05) by the introduction of the system. Five of 6 nonambulant patients became ambulant after the introduction of THERAPIST compared with 2 of 8 before the introduction of THERAPIST. The treatment outcome was significantly better after the introduction of the system (P < .05), and suggested to be beyond the international standard. The telecommunication-helped radiotherapy and information system was useful in emergency radiotherapy in district hospitals for patients with MSCC for whom consultation with experienced radiation oncologists at a university hospital was required.

  20. Sequence of Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer After Breast-Conserving Surgery

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Jobsen, Jan J., E-mail:; Palen, Job van der; Department of Research Methodology, Measurement and Data Analysis, Faculty of Behavioural Science, University of Twente


    Purpose: The optimal sequence of radiotherapy and chemotherapy in breast-conserving therapy is unknown. Methods and Materials: From 1983 through 2007, a total of 641 patients with 653 instances of breast-conserving therapy (BCT), received both chemotherapy and radiotherapy and are the basis of this analysis. Patients were divided into three groups. Groups A and B comprised patients treated before 2005, Group A radiotherapy first and Group B chemotherapy first. Group C consisted of patients treated from 2005 onward, when we had a fixed sequence of radiotherapy first, followed by chemotherapy. Results: Local control did not show any differences among the threemore » groups. For distant metastasis, no difference was shown between Groups A and B. Group C, when compared with Group A, showed, on univariate and multivariate analyses, a significantly better distant metastasis-free survival. The same was noted for disease-free survival. With respect to disease-specific survival, no differences were shown on multivariate analysis among the three groups. Conclusion: Radiotherapy, as an integral part of the primary treatment of BCT, should be administered first, followed by adjuvant chemotherapy.« less

  1. Pain Management of Malignant Psoas Syndrome Under Epidural Analgesia During Palliative Radiotherapy.


    Ota, Takayo; Makihara, Masaru; Tsukuda, Hiroshi; Kajikawa, Ryuji; Inamori, Masayuki; Miyatake, Nozomi; Tanaka, Noriko; Tokunaga, Masahiro; Hasegawa, Yoshikazu; Tada, Takuhito; Fukuoka, Masahiro


    Malignant psoas syndrome is a rare malignant condition presenting as lumbosacral plexopathy and painful fixed flexion of the hip. Metastasis to the psoas muscle is observed, which damages the nerve bundles in the lumbosacral plexuses. The syndrome presents as refractory lower back pain with several other neurological symptoms. The pain is difficult to control because it is a mixture of nociceptive and neuropathic pain, which indicates that treatment requires a versatile approach. The authors report a case of severe back pain caused by metastasis to the psoas muscle of advanced gastric cancer in a patient who underwent palliative radiotherapy under epidural analgesia. Despite conventional analgesics and subcutaneous oxycodone, he had difficulties in maintaining supine position because of the back pain and had a problem to receive radiotherapy, which required him to stay still in the same position during the treatment. By epidural analgesia, he could remain in supine position and complete radiotherapy without increasing opioid administration. His back pain was improved after the radiotherapy. Epidural analgesia is an effective treatment choice for a patient who is unable to keep the position during palliative radiotherapy.

  2. Clinical evaluation of intensity-modulated radiotherapy for head and neck cancers

    PubMed Central

    Bhide, S A; Newbold, K L; Harrington, K J; Nutting, C M


    Radiotherapy and surgery are the principal curative modalities in treatment of head and neck cancer. Conventional two-dimensional and three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy result in significant side effects and altered quality of life. Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) can spare the normal tissues, while delivering a curative dose to the tumour-bearing tissues. This article reviews the current role of IMRT in head and neck cancer from the point of view of normal tissue sparing, and also reviews the current published literature by individual head and neck cancer subsites. In addition, we briefly discuss the role of image guidance in head and neck IMRT, and future directions in this area. PMID:22556403

  3. Individualized radiotherapy by combining high-end irradiation and magnetic resonance imaging.


    Combs, Stephanie E; Nüsslin, Fridtjof; Wilkens, Jan J


    Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) has been integrated into daily clinical routine and can today be considered the standard especially with high-dose radiotherapy. Currently imaging is based on MV- or kV-CT, which has clear limitations especially in soft-tissue contrast. Thus, combination of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and high-end radiotherapy opens a new horizon. The intricate technical properties of MR imagers pose a challenge to technology when combined with radiation technology. Several solutions that are almost ready for routine clinical application have been developed. The clinical questions include dose-escalation strategies, monitoring of changes during treatment as well as imaging without additional radiation exposure during treatment.

  4. [Bladder-conserving treatment for bladder cancer: potential of and developments in radiotherapy].


    Hulshof, Maarten C C M; Pieters, Bradley R; Koning, Caro C E


    The standard treatment for muscle-invasive bladder cancer is surgical removal of the bladder and construction of a neobladder. Recently, important improvements have been made in the potential for bladder-conserving treatment using radiotherapy. External beam radiotherapy has undergone technological improvements, as a result of which it is possible to radiate the tumour more precisely while decreasing radiation to healthy tissue. Radiochemotherapy improves local recurrence-free and overall survival compared with radiotherapy alone. The results of this combined treatment are comparable with those of surgery. Additionally, Dutch radiotherapy departments have collected data in a national database of 1040 selected patients with confined bladder cancer. These patients were treated with external beam radiation, limited surgery and brachytherapy. The 5-year local recurrence-free survival was 75%. Bladder conserving treatment options for muscle-invasive bladder cancer should be discussed during the multidisciplinary meeting.

  5. Could Radiotherapy Effectiveness Be Enhanced by Electromagnetic Field Treatment?

    PubMed Central

    Francisco, Artacho-Cordón; del Mar, Salinas-Asensio María; Irene, Calvente; Sandra, Ríos-Arrabal; Josefa, León; Elisa, Román-Marinetto; Nicolás, Olea; Isabel, Núñez María


    One of the main goals in radiobiology research is to enhance radiotherapy effectiveness without provoking any increase in toxicity. In this context, it has been proposed that electromagnetic fields (EMFs), known to be modulators of proliferation rate, enhancers of apoptosis and inductors of genotoxicity, might control tumor recruitment and, thus, provide therapeutic benefits. Scientific evidence shows that the effects of ionizing radiation on cellular compartments and functions are strengthened by EMF. Although little is known about the potential role of EMFs in radiotherapy (RT), the radiosensitizing effect of EMFs described in the literature could support their use to improve radiation effectiveness. Thus, we hypothesized that EMF exposure might enhance the ionizing radiation effect on tumor cells, improving the effects of RT. The aim of this paper is to review reports of the effects of EMFs in biological systems and their potential therapeutic benefits in radiotherapy. PMID:23867611

  6. Partial breast radiotherapy with simple teletherapy techniques.


    Fekete, Gábor; Újhidy, Dóra; Együd, Zsófia; Kiscsatári, Laura; Marosi, Gusztáv; Kahán, Zsuzsanna; Varga, Zoltán


    A prospective pilot study of partial breast irradiation (PBI) with conventional vs hypofractionated schedules was set out. The study aimed to determine efficacy, acute and late side effects, and the preference of photon vs electron irradiation based on individual features. Patients were enrolled according to internationally accepted guidelines on PBI. Conformal radiotherapy plans were generated with both photon and electron beams, and the preferred technique based on dose homogeneity and the radiation exposure of healthy tissues was applied. For electron dose verification, a special phantom was constructed. Patients were randomized for fractionation schedules of 25 × 2 vs 13 × 3Gy. Skin and breast changes were registered at the time of and ≥1 year after the completion of radiotherapy. Dose homogeneity was better with photons. If the tumor bed was located in the inner quadrants, electron beam gave superior results regarding conformity and sparing of organ at risk (OAR). If the tumor was situated in the lateral quadrants, conformity was better with photons. A depth of the tumor bed ≥3.0cm predicted the superiority of photon irradiation (odds ratio [OR] = 23.6, 95% CI: 5.2 to 107.5, p < 0.001) with >90% sensitivity and specificity. After a median follow-up of 39 months, among 72 irradiated cases, 1 local relapse out of the tumor bed was detected. Acute radiodermatitis of grade I to II, hyperpigmentation, and telangiectasia developed ≥1 year after radiotherapy, exclusively after electron beam radiotherapy. The choice of electrons or photons for PBI should be based on tumor bed location; the used methods are efficient and feasible. Copyright © 2015 American Association of Medical Dosimetrists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Dosimetry audits and intercomparisons in radiotherapy: A Malaysian profile

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    M. Noor, Noramaliza; Nisbet, A.; Hussein, M.; Chu S, Sarene; Kadni, T.; Abdullah, N.; Bradley, D. A.


    Quality audits and intercomparisons are important in ensuring control of processes in any system of endeavour. Present interest is in control of dosimetry in teletherapy, there being a need to assess the extent to which there is consistent radiation dose delivery to the patient. In this study we review significant factors that impact upon radiotherapy dosimetry, focusing upon the example situation of radiotherapy delivery in Malaysia, examining existing literature in support of such efforts. A number of recommendations are made to provide for increased quality assurance and control. In addition to this study, the first level of intercomparison audit i.e. measuring beam output under reference conditions at eight selected Malaysian radiotherapy centres is checked; use being made of 9 μm core diameter Ge-doped silica fibres (Ge-9 μm). The results of Malaysian Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL) participation in the IAEA/WHO TLD postal dose audit services during the period between 2011 and 2015 will also been discussed. In conclusion, following review of the development of dosimetry audits and the conduct of one such exercise in Malaysia, it is apparent that regular periodic radiotherapy audits and intercomparison programmes should be strongly supported and implemented worldwide. The programmes to-date demonstrate these to be a good indicator of errors and of consistency between centres. A total of ei+ght beams have been checked in eight Malaysian radiotherapy centres. One out of the eight beams checked produced an unacceptable deviation; this was found to be due to unfamiliarity with the irradiation procedures. Prior to a repeat measurement, the mean ratio of measured to quoted dose was found to be 0.99 with standard deviation of 3%. Subsequent to the repeat measurement, the mean distribution was 1.00, and the standard deviation was 1.3%.

  8. Second malignancies after chemotherapy and radiotherapy for Hodgkin disease.


    Chronowski, Gregory M; Wilder, Richard B; Levy, Larry B; Atkinson, Edward N; Ha, Chul S; Hagemeister, Fredrick B; Barista, Ibrahim; Rodriguez, Maria A; Sarris, Andreas H; Hess, Mark A; Cabanillas, Fernando; Cox, James D


    The purpose of this preliminary study was to determine the incidence of second malignancies after combined-modality therapy for adults with Hodgkin disease and relate it to the details of initial treatment. We retrospectively studied 286 patients ranging in age from 16 to 88 years with stage I or II Hodgkin disease who were treated between 1980 and 1995 with chemotherapy followed 3 to 4 weeks later by radiotherapy. Patients received a median of three cycles of induction chemotherapy. Mitoxantrone, vincristine, vinblastine, and prednisone was used in 161 cases, mechlorethamine, vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisone (MOPP) in 67 cases, Adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine in 19 cases, lomustine, vinblastine, procarbazine, and prednisone/doxorubicin, bleomycin, dacarbazine, and lomustine in 18 cases, and other chemotherapeutic regimens in the remaining 21 cases. The median radiotherapy dose was 40 Gy given in 20 daily 2-Gy fractions. Median follow-up of surviving patients was 7.4 years. There were 2,230 person-years of observation. Significantly increased relative risks (RR) were observed for acute myeloid leukemia (RR, 69.3; 95% CI, 14.3-202.6) and melanoma (RR, 7.3; 95% CI, 1.5-21.3). The 5-, 10-, and 15-year actuarial risks of acute myeloid leukemia were 0.8%, 1.3%, and 1.3%, respectively. Patients treated with MOPP had the highest 15-year actuarial risk of leukemia (1.6%). The 5-, 10-, and 15-year actuarial risks of solid tumors were 1.9%, 9.3%, and 16.8%, respectively. Consolidative radiotherapy to both sides of the diaphragm resulted in a trend toward an increased risk of solid tumors relative to radiotherapy to only one side of the diaphragm (p = 0.08). In an effort to reduce the risk of second malignancies, we have stopped using the alkylating agents nitrogen mustard and procarbazine and elective paraaortic and splenic radiotherapy after chemotherapy.

  9. Bayesian network models for error detection in radiotherapy plans

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kalet, Alan M.; Gennari, John H.; Ford, Eric C.; Phillips, Mark H.


    The purpose of this study is to design and develop a probabilistic network for detecting errors in radiotherapy plans for use at the time of initial plan verification. Our group has initiated a multi-pronged approach to reduce these errors. We report on our development of Bayesian models of radiotherapy plans. Bayesian networks consist of joint probability distributions that define the probability of one event, given some set of other known information. Using the networks, we find the probability of obtaining certain radiotherapy parameters, given a set of initial clinical information. A low probability in a propagated network then corresponds to potential errors to be flagged for investigation. To build our networks we first interviewed medical physicists and other domain experts to identify the relevant radiotherapy concepts and their associated interdependencies and to construct a network topology. Next, to populate the network’s conditional probability tables, we used the Hugin Expert software to learn parameter distributions from a subset of de-identified data derived from a radiation oncology based clinical information database system. These data represent 4990 unique prescription cases over a 5 year period. Under test case scenarios with approximately 1.5% introduced error rates, network performance produced areas under the ROC curve of 0.88, 0.98, and 0.89 for the lung, brain and female breast cancer error detection networks, respectively. Comparison of the brain network to human experts performance (AUC of 0.90 ± 0.01) shows the Bayes network model performs better than domain experts under the same test conditions. Our results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of comprehensive probabilistic models as part of decision support systems for improved detection of errors in initial radiotherapy plan verification procedures.

  10. Adaptive radiotherapy for head and neck cancers: Fact or fallacy to improve therapeutic ratio?


    Li, Y Q; Tan, J S H; Wee, J T S; Chua, M L K


    Modern standards of precision radiotherapy, primarily driven by the technological advances of intensity modulation and image guidance, have led to increased versatility in radiotherapy planning and delivery. The ability to shape doses around critical normal organs, while simultaneously "painting" boost doses to the tumor have translated to substantial therapeutic gains in head and neck cancer patients. Recently, dose adaptation (or adaptive radiotherapy) has been proposed as a novel concept to enhance the therapeutic ratio of head and neck radiotherapy, facilitated in part by the onset of molecular and functional imaging. These contemporary imaging techniques have enabled visualisation of the spatial molecular architecture of the tumor. Daily cone-beam imaging, besides improving treatment accuracy, offers another unique angle to explore radiomics - a novel high throughput feature extraction and selection workflow, for adapting radiotherapy based on real-time tumor changes. Here, we review the existing evidence of molecular and functional imaging in head and neck cancers, as well as the current application of adaptive radiotherapy in the treatment of this tumor type. We propose that adaptive radiotherapy can be further exploited through a systematic application of molecular and functional imaging, including radiomics, at the different phases of planning and treatment. Copyright © 2018 Société française de radiothérapie oncologique (SFRO). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  11. Oedema-based model for diffuse low-grade gliomas: application to clinical cases under radiotherapy.


    Badoual, M; Gerin, C; Deroulers, C; Grammaticos, B; Llitjos, J-F; Oppenheim, C; Varlet, P; Pallud, J


    Diffuse low-grade gliomas are characterized by slow growth. Despite appropriate treatment, they change inexorably into more aggressive forms, jeopardizing the patient's life. Optimizing treatments, for example with the use of mathematical modelling, could help to prevent tumour regrowth and anaplastic transformation. Here, we present a model of the effect of radiotherapy on such tumours. Our objective is to explain observed delay of tumour regrowth following radiotherapy and to predict its duration. We have used a migration-proliferation model complemented by an equation describing appearance and draining of oedema. The model has been applied to clinical data of tumour radius over time, for a population of 28 patients. We were able to show that draining of oedema accounts for regrowth delay after radiotherapy and have been able to fit the clinical data in a robust way. The model predicts strong correlation between high proliferation coefficient and low progression-free gain of lifetime, due to radiotherapy among the patients, in agreement with clinical studies. We argue that, with reasonable assumptions, it is possible to predict (precision ~20%) regrowth delay after radiotherapy and the gain of lifetime due to radiotherapy. Our oedema-based model provides an early estimation of individual duration of tumour response to radiotherapy and thus, opens the door to the possibility of personalized medicine. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  12. Evaluation of Mediators Associated with the Inflammatory Response in Prostate Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy

    PubMed Central

    Bedini, Nice; Cicchetti, Alessandro; Palorini, Federica; Magnani, Tiziana; Zuco, Valentina; Pennati, Marzia; Campi, Elisa; Allavena, Paola; Pesce, Samantha; Villa, Sergio; Avuzzi, Barbara; Morlino, Sara; Visentin, Maria Emanuela; Zaffaroni, Nadia; Valdagni, Riccardo


    A recent “hot topic” in prostate cancer radiotherapy is the observed association between acute/late rectal toxicity and the presence of abdominal surgery before radiotherapy. The exact mechanism is unclear. Our working hypothesis was that a previous surgery may influence plasma level of inflammatory molecules and this might result in enhanced radiosensitivity. We here present results on the feasibility of monitoring the expression of inflammatory molecules during radiotherapy. Plasma levels of a panel of soluble mediators associated with the inflammatory response were measured in prostate cancer patients undergoing radical radiotherapy. We measured 3 cytokines (IL-1b, IL-6, and TNF alpha), 2 chemokines (CCL2 and CXCL8), and the long pentraxin PTX3. 20 patients were enrolled in this feasibility evaluation. All patients were treated with IMRT at 78 Gy. 3/20 patients reported grade 2 acute rectal toxicity, while 4/20 were scored as grade 2 late toxicity. CCL2 was the most interesting marker showing significant increase during and after radiotherapy. CCL2 levels at radiotherapy end could be modelled using linear regression including basal CCL2, age, surgery, hypertension, and use of anticoagulants. The 4 patients with late toxicity had CCL2 values at radiotherapy end above the median value. This trial is registered with ISRCTN64979094. PMID:29682101

  13. Review on heavy ion radiotherapy facilities and related ion sources (invited)a)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kitagawa, A.; Fujita, T.; Muramatsu, M.; Biri, S.; Drentje, A. G.


    Heavy ion radiotherapy awakens worldwide interest recently. The clinical results obtained by the Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences in Japan have clearly demonstrated the advantages of carbon ion radiotherapy. Presently, there are four facilities for heavy ion radiotherapy in operation, and several new facilities are under construction or being planned. The most common requests for ion sources are a long lifetime and good stability and reproducibility. Sufficient intensity has been achieved by electron cyclotron resonance ion sources at the present facilities.

  14. Proton Radiotherapy for Solid Tumors of Childhood

    PubMed Central

    Cotter, Shane E.; McBride, Sean M.; Yock, Torunn I.


    The increasing efficacy of pediatric cancer therapy over the past four decades has produced many long-term survivors that now struggle with serious treatment related morbidities affecting their quality of life. Radiation therapy is responsible for a significant proportion of these late effects, but a relatively new and emerging modality, proton radiotherapy hold great promise to drastically reduce these treatment related late effects in long term survivors by sparing dose to normal tissues. Dosimetric studies of proton radiotherapy compared with best available photon based treatment show significant dose sparing to developing normal tissues. Furthermore, clinical data are now emerging that begin to quantify the benefit in decreased late treatment effects while maintaining excellent cancer control rates. PMID:22417062

  15. Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Hypofractionated Radiotherapy for Glioblastoma.


    Shah, Jennifer L; Li, Gordon; Shaffer, Jenny L; Azoulay, Melissa I; Gibbs, Iris C; Nagpal, Seema; Soltys, Scott G


    Glioblastoma is the most common primary brain tumor in adults. Standard therapy depends on patient age and performance status but principally involves surgical resection followed by a 6-wk course of radiation therapy given concurrently with temozolomide chemotherapy. Despite such treatment, prognosis remains poor, with a median survival of 16 mo. Challenges in achieving local control, maintaining quality of life, and limiting toxicity plague treatment strategies for this disease. Radiotherapy dose intensification through hypofractionation and stereotactic radiosurgery is a promising strategy that has been explored to meet these challenges. We review the use of hypofractionated radiotherapy and stereotactic radiosurgery for patients with newly diagnosed and recurrent glioblastoma. Copyright © 2017 by the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.

  16. Second Malignant Neoplasms and Cardiovascular Disease Following Radiotherapy

    PubMed Central

    Ng, Andrea K.; Allan, James M.; Pui, Ching-Hon; Kennedy, Ann R.; Xu, X. George; Purdy, James A.; Applegate, Kimberly; Yahalom, Joachim; Constine, Louis S.; Gilbert, Ethel S.; Boice, John D.


    Second malignant neoplasms (SMNs) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) are among the most serious and life-threatening late adverse effects experienced by the growing number of cancer survivors worldwide and are due in part to radiotherapy. The National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) convened an expert scientific committee to critically and comprehensively review associations between radiotherapy and SMNs and CVD, taking into account radiobiology; genomics; treatment (ie, radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy and other therapies); type of radiation; and quantitative considerations (ie, dose–response relationships). Major conclusions of the NCRP include: 1) the relevance of older technologies for current risk assessment when organ-specific absorbed dose and the appropriate relative biological effectiveness are taken into account and 2) the identification of critical research needs with regard to newer radiation modalities, dose–response relationships, and genetic susceptibility. Recommendation for research priorities and infrastructural requirements include 1) long-term large-scale follow-up of extant cancer survivors and prospectively treated patients to characterize risks of SMNs and CVD in terms of radiation dose and type; 2) biological sample collection to integrate epidemiological studies with molecular and genetic evaluations; 3) investigation of interactions between radiotherapy and other potential confounding factors, such as age, sex, race, tobacco and alcohol use, dietary intake, energy balance, and other cofactors, as well as genetic susceptibility; 4) focusing on adolescent and young adult cancer survivors, given the sparse research in this population; and 5) construction of comprehensive risk prediction models for SMNs and CVD to permit the development of follow-up guidelines and prevention and intervention strategies. PMID:22312134

  17. Adjuvant radiotherapy after transoral laser microsurgery for advanced squamous carcinoma of the head and neck

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pradier, Olivier; Christiansen, Hans; Schmidberger, Heinz

    Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of an adjuvant radiotherapy after transoral laser microsurgery for advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck and to show that a less invasive surgery with organ preservation in combination with radiotherapy is an alternative to a radical treatment. Patients and Methods: Between 1987 and 2000, 208 patients with advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck were treated with postoperative radiotherapy after surgical CO{sub 2} laser resection. Primary sites included oral cavity, 38; oropharynx, 88; larynx, 36; hypopharynx, 46. Disease stages were as follows: Stage III, 40 patients; Stage IV, 168 patients.more » Before 1994, the treatment consisted of a split-course radiotherapy with carboplatinum (Treatment A). After 1994, the patients received a conventional radiotherapy (Treatment B). Results: Patients had 5-year locoregional control and disease-specific survival (DSS) rates of 68% and 48%, respectively. The 5-year DSS was 70% and 44% for Stages III and IV, respectively (p = 0.00127). Patients treated with a hemoglobin level greater or equal to 13.5 g/dL before radiotherapy had a 5-year DSS of 55% as compared with 39% for patients treated with a hemoglobin level greater than 13.5 g/dL (p = 0.0054). Conclusion: In this series of patients with advanced head-and-neck tumors, transoral laser surgery in combination with adjuvant radiotherapy resulted in locoregional control and DSS rates similar to those reported for radical surgery followed by radiotherapy. Treatment B has clearly been superior to Treatment A. A further improvement of our treatment regimen might be expected by the combination of adjuvant radiotherapy with concomitant platinum-based chemotherapy.« less

  18. Associations between nutritional status, weight loss, radiotherapy treatment toxicity and treatment outcomes in gastrointestinal cancer patients.


    Hill, Amanda; Kiss, Nicole; Hodgson, Belinda; Crowe, Timothy C; Walsh, Adam D


    Patients with gastrointestinal cancers are susceptible to nutritional deterioration which may be compounded by radiotherapy treatment toxicities. This study aimed to determine whether nutritional status at radiotherapy commencement or changes in nutritional status throughout radiotherapy were associated with treatment toxicity and outcomes in gastrointestinal cancer patients. Seventy-three gastrointestinal cancer patients receiving curative radiotherapy underwent medical record audits assessing body weight, radiotherapy toxicity, unplanned treatment breaks or hospital admissions and completion of prescribed treatment/s. Nutritional status was assessed in a subset of patients (n = 11) using the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment tool. Seventy-five percent of patients lost weight throughout radiotherapy. Weight loss was significantly greater in patients experiencing unplanned radiotherapy breaks (-3.1% vs -1.6%, p < 0.05) and in patients not completing prescribed chemotherapy (-3.3% vs -1.6%, p < 0.05). Toxicity severity was strongly correlated with Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment score (rho = 0.839, p < 0.001) and was increased in patients experiencing unplanned admissions compared to those without admission (42.1% vs 9.3% with grade 3 toxicity respectively, p < 0.001). Deterioration in nutritional status during radiotherapy (as measured by weight loss) may be associated with poorer short-term treatment outcomes in gastrointestinal cancer patients. Patient numbers were too small to definitively determine the effect of nutritional status at radiotherapy commencement or changes in nutritional status throughout radiotherapy (defined by PG-SGA) on treatment outcomes. Further research is required to investigate this in larger, longer-term studies. Copyright © 2010. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  19. Big Data Analytics for Prostate Radiotherapy.


    Coates, James; Souhami, Luis; El Naqa, Issam


    Radiation therapy is a first-line treatment option for localized prostate cancer and radiation-induced normal tissue damage are often the main limiting factor for modern radiotherapy regimens. Conversely, under-dosing of target volumes in an attempt to spare adjacent healthy tissues limits the likelihood of achieving local, long-term control. Thus, the ability to generate personalized data-driven risk profiles for radiotherapy outcomes would provide valuable prognostic information to help guide both clinicians and patients alike. Big data applied to radiation oncology promises to deliver better understanding of outcomes by harvesting and integrating heterogeneous data types, including patient-specific clinical parameters, treatment-related dose-volume metrics, and biological risk factors. When taken together, such variables make up the basis for a multi-dimensional space (the "RadoncSpace") in which the presented modeling techniques search in order to identify significant predictors. Herein, we review outcome modeling and big data-mining techniques for both tumor control and radiotherapy-induced normal tissue effects. We apply many of the presented modeling approaches onto a cohort of hypofractionated prostate cancer patients taking into account different data types and a large heterogeneous mix of physical and biological parameters. Cross-validation techniques are also reviewed for the refinement of the proposed framework architecture and checking individual model performance. We conclude by considering advanced modeling techniques that borrow concepts from big data analytics, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, before discussing the potential future impact of systems radiobiology approaches.

  20. Big Data Analytics for Prostate Radiotherapy

    PubMed Central

    Coates, James; Souhami, Luis; El Naqa, Issam


    Radiation therapy is a first-line treatment option for localized prostate cancer and radiation-induced normal tissue damage are often the main limiting factor for modern radiotherapy regimens. Conversely, under-dosing of target volumes in an attempt to spare adjacent healthy tissues limits the likelihood of achieving local, long-term control. Thus, the ability to generate personalized data-driven risk profiles for radiotherapy outcomes would provide valuable prognostic information to help guide both clinicians and patients alike. Big data applied to radiation oncology promises to deliver better understanding of outcomes by harvesting and integrating heterogeneous data types, including patient-specific clinical parameters, treatment-related dose–volume metrics, and biological risk factors. When taken together, such variables make up the basis for a multi-dimensional space (the “RadoncSpace”) in which the presented modeling techniques search in order to identify significant predictors. Herein, we review outcome modeling and big data-mining techniques for both tumor control and radiotherapy-induced normal tissue effects. We apply many of the presented modeling approaches onto a cohort of hypofractionated prostate cancer patients taking into account different data types and a large heterogeneous mix of physical and biological parameters. Cross-validation techniques are also reviewed for the refinement of the proposed framework architecture and checking individual model performance. We conclude by considering advanced modeling techniques that borrow concepts from big data analytics, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, before discussing the potential future impact of systems radiobiology approaches. PMID:27379211

  1. Efficacy of low-dose radiotherapy in painful gonarthritis: experiences from a retrospective East German bicenter study

    PubMed Central


    Purpose To evaluate the efficacy of low-dose radiotherapy in painful gonarthritis. Methods We assessed the medical records of 1037 patients with painful gonarthritis who had undergone low-dose radiotherapy between 1981 and 2008. The subjective patient perception of the response to irradiation as graded immediately or up to two months after the completion of a radiotherapy series was evaluated and correlated with age, gender, radiological grading and the duration of symptoms before radiotherapy. Moreover, we performed a mail survey to obtain additional long-term follow-up information and received one hundred and six evaluable questionnaires. Results We assessed 1659 series of radiotherapy in 1037 patients. In 79.3% of the cases the patients experienced a slight, marked or complete pain relief immediately or up to two months after the completion of radiotherapy. Gender, age and the duration of pain before radiotherapy did not have a significant influence on the response to irradiation. In contrast, severe signs of osteoarthritis were associated with more effective pain relief. In more than 50% of the patients who reported a positive response to irradiation a sustained period of symptomatic improvement was observed. Conclusions Our results confirm that low-dose radiotherapy is an effective treatment for painful osteoarthritis of the knee. In contrast to an earlier retrospective study, severe signs of osteoarthritis constituted a positive prognostic factor for the response to irradiation. A randomized trial is urgently required to compare radiotherapy with other treatment modalities. PMID:23369282

  2. The development of stereotactic body radiotherapy in the past decade: a global perspective.


    Lo, Simon S; Slotman, Ben J; Lock, Michael; Nagata, Yasushi; Guckenberger, Matthias; Siva, Shankar; Foote, Matthew; Tan, Daniel; Teh, Bin S; Mayr, Nina A; Chang, Eric L; Timmerman, Robert D; Sahgal, Arjun


    In the past 10 years, there has been an exponential increase in the incorporation of stereotactic body radiotherapy, also known as stereotactic ablative radiotherapy, into the armamentarium against various types of cancer in different settings worldwide. In this article in the 10th year anniversary issue of Future Oncology, representatives from the USA, Canada, Japan, Germany, The Netherlands, Australia and Singapore will provide individual perspectives of the development of stereotactic body radiotherapy in their respective countries.

  3. Efficacy of Rasayana Avaleha as adjuvant to radiotherapy and chemotherapy in reducing adverse effects.


    Vyas, Purvi; Thakar, A B; Baghel, M S; Sisodia, Arvind; Deole, Yogesh


    Cancer is the most dreadful disease affecting mankind. The available treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy have cytotoxic effects, which are hazardous to the normal cells of the patient, causing many unnecessary effects. This further leads to complications of the therapy, impaired health, and deterioration of quality of life, resulting in mandatory stoppage of the treatment. In the present study, the efficacy of an Ayurvedic formulation, Rasayana Avaleha, has been evaluated as an adjuvant medication to modern radiotherapy and chemotherapy. A total of 36 cancer patients were registered in this trial and were divided into two groups, group A and group B. In group A, the patients were treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy along with adjuvant Rasayana Avaleha (RT + CT + RA), while in group B only radiotherapy and chemotherapy (RT + CT) were given, as the control group. After assessing the results, it was observed that Rasayana Avaleha gave better results in controlling the adverse effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in comparison with the control group. Therefore, Rasayana Avaleha has proved to be an effective adjuvant therapy in protecting patients from the adverse effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

  4. Radiotherapy for localized gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma: long-term outcomes over 10 years.


    Ohkubo, Yu; Saito, Yoshihiro; Ushijima, Hiroki; Onishi, Masahiro; Kazumoto, Tomoko; Saitoh, Jun-Ichi; Kubota, Nobuko; Kobayashi, Hirofumi; Maseki, Nobuo; Nishimura, Yu; Kurosumi, Masafumi


    This study aimed to assess the long-term outcomes of radiotherapy in patients with localized gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma. Twenty-seven patients with Stage I gastric MALT lymphoma were treated with radiotherapy from 1999 to 2010. The median age was 65 years (range: 31-84). Fifteen patients were Helicobacter pylori-negative. Thirteen patients were treated with definitive radiotherapy alone. The other 14 patients who had refractory or residual disease following a prior treatment received salvage radiotherapy. The median dose of the radiotherapy was 30 Gy in 20 fractions (range: 30-39.5 Gy). The median follow-up period was 121 months (range: 8-176 months). The 5- and 10-year overall survival rates for all patients were 92% and 87%, respectively. No patients died from MALT lymphoma. Three patients died of other diseases at 8, 33 and 74 months after radiotherapy (myocardial infarction, pneumonia and hepatocellular carcinoma, respectively). No cases of local recurrence were observed during the follow-up period. There were no serious late gastric, liver or kidney complications during a median follow-up period of over 10 years. Two patients remain alive with distant metastases: a lung metastasis and an abdominal lymph node metastasis at 104 months and 21 months after radiotherapy, respectively. Excellent long-term local control was observed in patients with localized gastric MALT lymphoma after radiotherapy. However, lifelong follow-up should be conducted to detect cases of late recurrence, especially distant metastases. © Oxford University Press 2017.

  5. Quality of radiotherapy reporting in randomized controlled trials of prostate cancer.


    Soon, Yu Yang; Chen, Desiree; Tan, Teng Hwee; Tey, Jeremy


    Good radiotherapy reporting in clinical trials of prostate radiotherapy is important because it will allow accurate reproducibility of radiotherapy treatment and minimize treatment variations that can affect patient outcomes. The aim of our study is to assess the quality of prostate radiotherapy (RT) treatment reporting in randomized controlled trials in prostate cancer. We searched MEDLINE for randomized trials of prostate cancer, published from 1996 to 2016 and included prostate RT as one of the intervention arms. We assessed if the investigators reported the ten criteria adequately in the trial reports: RT dose prescription method; RT dose-planning procedures; organs at risk (OAR) dose constraints; target volume definition, simulation procedures; treatment verification procedures; total RT dose; fractionation schedule; conduct of quality assurance (QA) as well as presence or absence of deviations in RT treatment planning and delivery. We performed multivariate logistic regression to determine the factors that may influence the quality of reporting. We found 59 eligible trials. There was significant variability in the quality of reporting. Target volume definition, total RT dose and fractionation schedule were reported adequately in 97% of included trials. OAR constraints, simulation procedures and presence or absence of deviations in RT treatment planning and delivery were reported adequately in 30% of included trials. Twenty-four trials (40%) reported seven criteria or more adequately. Multivariable logistic analysis showed that trials that published their quality assurance results and cooperative group trials were more likely to have adequate quality in reporting in at least seven criteria. There is significant variability in the quality of reporting on prostate radiotherapy treatment in randomized trials of prostate cancer. We need to have consensus guidelines to standardize the reporting of radiotherapy treatment in randomized trials.

  6. Pelvic radiotherapy in the setting of rheumatoid arthritis: Refining the paradigm.


    Felefly, T; Mazeron, R; Huertas, A; Canova, C H; Maroun, P; Kordahi, M; Morice, P; Deutsch, É; Haie-Méder, C; Chargari, C


    Conflicting results concerning the toxicity of radiotherapy in the setting of rheumatoid arthritis were reported in literature. This work describes the toxicity profiles of patients with rheumatoid arthritis undergoing pelvic radiotherapy for gynecologic malignancies at our institution. Charts of patients with rheumatoid arthritis who underwent pelvic radiotherapy for cervical or endometrial cancer in a curative intent at the Gustave-Roussy Cancer Campus between 1990 and 2015 were reviewed for treatment-related toxicities. Acute and late effects were graded as per the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 4.0 scoring system. Eight patients with cervical cancer and three with endometrial cancer were identified. Median follow-up was 56 months. Median external beam radiotherapy dose was 45Gy. All patients received a brachytherapy boost using either pulse- or low-dose rate technique. Concomitant chemotherapy was used in seven cases. Median time from rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis to external beam radiation therapy was 5 years. No severe acute gastrointestinal or genitourinary toxicity was reported. One patient had grade 3 dermatitis. Any late toxicity occurred in 7 /11 patients, and one patient experienced severe late toxicities. One patient with overt systemic rheumatoid arthritis symptoms at the time of external beam radiation therapy experienced late grade 3 ureteral stenosis, enterocolitis and lumbar myelitis. Pelvic radiotherapy, in the setting of rheumatoid arthritis, appears to be feasible, with potentially slight increase in low grade late events compared to other anatomic sites. Patients with overt systemic rheumatoid arthritis manifestation at the time of radiotherapy might be at risk of potential severe toxicities. Copyright © 2017 Société française de radiothérapie oncologique (SFRO). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  7. Implantate in der Augenheilkunde

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dresp, Joachim H.

    Im Bereich der Augenheilkunde findet sich die weltweit am häufigsten ausgeführte chirurgische Massnahme, die operative Behandlung des Grauen Stars: die Katarakt. Bei der Katarakt handelt es sich um eine Eintrübung der natürlichen Augenlinse, die sich je nach Stadium der Erkrankung leicht opak, über milchig bis zu bräunlich präsentiert. Mit dieser Zunahme der Undurchlässigkeit für das sichtbare Licht geht eine Abnahme des Sehvermögens einher, die bis zur totalen Erblindung führen kann. Bedingt durch die sehr eingeschränkten chirurgischen Möglichkeiten in den Ländern der Dritten Welt ist die Katarakt die Erblindungsursache Nummer 1 in der Welt. Ganz im Gegensatz hierzu ist in den industrialisierten Ländern Europas, Amerikas und Asiens die Katarakt-OP die sicherste chirurgische Intervention. In der Augenheilkunde werden Implantate aller drei Aggregatszustände verwendet.

  8. The role of PET in target localization for radiotherapy treatment planning.


    Rembielak, Agata; Price, Pat


    Positron emission tomography (PET) is currently accepted as an important tool in oncology, mostly for diagnosis, staging and restaging purposes. It provides a new type of information in radiotherapy, functional rather than anatomical. PET imaging can also be used for target volume definition in radiotherapy treatment planning. The need for very precise target volume delineation has arisen with the increasing use of sophisticated three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy techniques and intensity modulated radiation therapy. It is expected that better delineation of the target volume may lead to a significant reduction in the irradiated volume, thus lowering the risk of treatment complications (smaller safety margins). Better tumour visualisation also allows a higher dose of radiation to be applied to the tumour, which may lead to better tumour control. The aim of this article is to review the possible use of PET imaging in the radiotherapy of various cancers. We focus mainly on non-small cell lung cancer, lymphoma and oesophageal cancer, but also include current opinion on the use of PET-based planning in other tumours including brain, uterine cervix, rectum and prostate.

  9. Estimating the costs of intensity-modulated and 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy in Ontario.


    Yong, J H E; McGowan, T; Redmond-Misner, R; Beca, J; Warde, P; Gutierrez, E; Hoch, J S


    Radiotherapy is a common treatment for many cancers, but up-to-date estimates of the costs of radiotherapy are lacking. In the present study, we estimated the unit costs of intensity-modulated radiotherapy (imrt) and 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-crt) in Ontario. An activity-based costing model was developed to estimate the costs of imrt and 3D-crt in prostate cancer. It included the costs of equipment, staff, and supporting infrastructure. The framework was subsequently adapted to estimate the costs of radiotherapy in breast cancer and head-and-neck cancer. We also tested various scenarios by varying the program maturity and the use of volumetric modulated arc therapy (vmat) alongside imrt. From the perspective of the health care system, treating prostate cancer with imrt and 3D-crt respectively cost $12,834 and $12,453 per patient. The cost of radiotherapy ranged from $5,270 to $14,155 and was sensitive to analytic perspective, radiation technique, and disease site. Cases of head-and-neck cancer were the most costly, being driven by treatment complexity and fractions per treatment. Although imrt was more costly than 3D-crt, its cost will likely decline over time as programs mature and vmat is incorporated. Our costing model can be modified to estimate the costs of 3D-crt and imrt for various disease sites and settings. The results demonstrate the important role of capital costs in studies of radiotherapy cost from a health system perspective, which our model can accommodate. In addition, our study established the need for future analyses of imrt cost to consider how vmat affects time consumption.

  10. An overview of the situation in radiotherapy with emphasis on the developing countries.


    Hanson, G P; Stjernswärd, J; Nofal, M; Durosinmi-Etti, F


    Radiotherapy services are closely linked to the level of medical care which, in turn, is an important component of the overall health care program, with its development related to social, economic, and educational factors. As a basis for understanding the situation regarding adequate coverage of the population by radiotherapy services, general information about the world population (currently 5 billion), age distribution, frequency of cancer occurrence, and causes of death is presented. For an appreciation of the obstacles that must be overcome, the situation with regard to Gross National Product (GNP), transfer of economic resources, and per capita expenditures for health services is shown. For example, in the developing world, most countries spend less than 5% of their GNP for health, and on a macro scale at least 20 billion U.S. dollars per year are being transferred from the poor nations of the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere. Information about the wide range of population coverage with radiotherapy resources and the trend regarding high-energy radiotherapy machines is presented. For example, in North America (USA) there are six high-energy machines for each one million persons, and each machine is used to treat about 230 new patients per year. In other parts of the world, such as large areas of Africa and South-East Asia, there may only be one high-energy radiotherapy machine for 20 to 40 million people, and one machine may be used to treat more than 600 new patients per year. Many cancer patients have no access to radiotherapy services. When estimates of the need for radiotherapy services in the developing world as a consequence of cancer incidence are compared with the current health expenditures, it is concluded that a combined effort of national authorities, donor and financial institutions, professional and scientific societies, and international organizations is required. The knowledge, skills, and technology are available in many

  11. Clinical outcomes using carbon-ion radiotherapy and dose-volume histogram comparison between carbon-ion radiotherapy and photon therapy for T2b-4N0M0 non-small cell lung cancer-A pilot study.


    Shirai, Katsuyuki; Kawashima, Motohiro; Saitoh, Jun-Ichi; Abe, Takanori; Fukata, Kyohei; Shigeta, Yuka; Irie, Daisuke; Shiba, Shintaro; Okano, Naoko; Ohno, Tatsuya; Nakano, Takashi


    The safety and efficacy of carbon-ion radiotherapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer have not been established. We evaluated the clinical outcomes and dose-volume histogram parameters of carbon-ion radiotherapy compared with photon therapy in T2b-4N0M0 non-small cell lung cancer. Twenty-three patients were treated with carbon-ion radiotherapy between May 2011 and December 2015. Seven, 14, and 2 patients had T2b, T3, and T4, respectively. The median age was 78 (range, 53-91) years, with 22 male patients. There were 12 adenocarcinomas, 8 squamous cell carcinomas, 1 non-small cell lung carcinoma, and 2 clinically diagnosed lung cancers. Eleven patients were operable, and 12 patients were inoperable. Most patients (91%) were treated with carbon-ion radiotherapy of 60.0 Gy relative biological effectiveness (RBE) in 4 fractions or 64.0 Gy (RBE) in 16 fractions. Local control and overall survival rates were calculated. Dose-volume histogram parameters of normal lung and tumor coverages were compared between carbon-ion radiotherapy and photon therapies, including three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). The median follow-up of surviving patients was 25 months. Three patients experienced local recurrence, and the 2-year local control rate was 81%. During follow-up, 5 patients died of lung cancer, and 1 died of intercurrent disease. The 2-year overall survival rate was 70%. Operable patients had a better overall survival rate compared with inoperable patients (100% vs. 43%; P = 0.04). There was no grade ≥2 radiation pneumonitis. In dose-volume histogram analysis, carbon-ion radiotherapy had a significantly lower dose to normal lung and greater tumor coverage compared with photon therapies. Carbon-ion radiotherapy was effectively and safely performed for T2b-4N0M0 non-small cell lung cancer, and the dose distribution was superior compared with those for photon therapies. A Japanese multi-institutional study is

  12. Radiotherapy infrastructure and human resources in Switzerland : Present status and projected computations for 2020.


    Datta, Niloy Ranjan; Khan, Shaka; Marder, Dietmar; Zwahlen, Daniel; Bodis, Stephan


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the present status of radiotherapy infrastructure and human resources in Switzerland and compute projections for 2020. The European Society of Therapeutic Radiation Oncology "Quantification of Radiation Therapy Infrastructure and Staffing" guidelines (ESTRO-QUARTS) and those of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) were applied to estimate the requirements for teleradiotherapy (TRT) units, radiation oncologists (RO), medical physicists (MP) and radiotherapy technologists (RTT). The databases used for computation of the present gap and additional requirements are (a) Global Cancer Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence (GLOBOCAN) for cancer incidence (b) the Directory of Radiotherapy Centres (DIRAC) of the IAEA for existing TRT units (c) human resources from the recent ESTRO "Health Economics in Radiation Oncology" (HERO) survey and (d) radiotherapy utilization (RTU) rates for each tumour site, published by the Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research (IIAMR). In 2015, 30,999 of 45,903 cancer patients would have required radiotherapy. By 2020, this will have increased to 34,041 of 50,427 cancer patients. Switzerland presently has an adequate number of TRTs, but a deficit of 57 ROs, 14 MPs and 36 RTTs. By 2020, an additional 7 TRTs, 72 ROs, 22 MPs and 66 RTTs will be required. In addition, a realistic dynamic model for calculation of staff requirements due to anticipated changes in future radiotherapy practices has been proposed. This model could be tailor-made and individualized for any radiotherapy centre. A 9.8 % increase in radiotherapy requirements is expected for cancer patients over the next 5 years. The present study should assist the stakeholders and health planners in designing an appropriate strategy for meeting future radiotherapy needs for Switzerland.

  13. Secondary Intracranial Tumors Following Radiotherapy for Pituitary Adenomas: A Systematic Review

    PubMed Central

    Yamanaka, Ryuya; Sato, Toshiteru; Hayano, Azusa; Takashima, Yasuo


    Pituitary adenomas are often treated with radiotherapy for the management of tumor progression or recurrence. Despite the improvement in cure rates, patients treated by radiotherapy are at risk of development of secondary malignancies. We conducted a comprehensive literature review of the secondary intracranial tumors that occurred following radiotherapy to pituitary adenomas to obtain clinicopathological characteristics. The analysis included 48 neuroepithelial tumors, 37 meningiomas, and 52 sarcomas which were published between 1959–2017, although data is missing regarding overall survival and type of irradiation in a significant proportion of the reports. The average onset age for the pituitary adenoma was 37.2 ± 14.4 years and the average latency period before the diagnosis of the secondary tumor was 15.2 ± 8.7 years. Radiotherapy was administered in pituitary adenomas at an average dose of 52.0 ± 19.5 Gy. The distribution of pituitary adenomas according to their function was prolactinoma in 10 (7.2%) cases, acromegaly in 37 (27.0%) cases, Cushing disease in 4 (2.9%) cases, PRL+GH in 1 (0.7%) case, non-functioning adenoma in 57 (41.6%) cases. Irradiation technique delivered was lateral opposing field in 23 (16.7%) cases, 3 or 4 field technique in 27 (19.6%) cases, rotation technique in 10 (7.2%) cases, radio surgery in 6 (4.3%) cases. Most of the glioma or sarcoma had been generated after lateral opposing field or 3/4 field technique. Fibrosarcomas were predominant before 1979 (p < 0.0001). The median overall survival time for all neuroepithelial tumors was 11 months (95% confidence intervals (CI), 3–14). Patients with gliomas treated with radiotherapy exhibited a non-significant positive trend with longer overall survival. The median overall survival time for sarcoma cases was 6 months (95% CI, 1.5–9). The median survival time in patients with radiation and/or chemotherapy for sarcomas exhibited a non-significant positive trend with longer overall

  14. Omission of Breast Radiotherapy in Low-risk Luminal A Breast Cancer: Impact on Health Care Costs.


    Han, K; Yap, M L; Yong, J H E; Mittmann, N; Hoch, J S; Fyles, A W; Warde, P; Gutierrez, E; Lymberiou, T; Foxcroft, S; Liu, F F


    The economic burden of cancer care is substantial, including steep increases in costs for breast cancer management. There is mounting evidence that women age ≥ 60 years with grade I/II T1N0 luminal A (ER/PR+, HER2- and Ki67 ≤ 13%) breast cancer have such low local recurrence rates that adjuvant breast radiotherapy might offer limited value. We aimed to determine the total savings to a publicly funded health care system should omission of radiotherapy become standard of care for these patients. The number of women aged ≥ 60 years who received adjuvant radiotherapy for T1N0 ER+ HER2- breast cancer in Ontario was obtained from the provincial cancer agency. The cost of adjuvant breast radiotherapy was estimated through activity-based costing from a public payer perspective. The total saving was calculated by multiplying the estimated number of luminal A cases that received radiotherapy by the cost of radiotherapy minus Ki-67 testing. In 2010, 748 women age ≥ 60 years underwent surgery for pT1N0 ER+ HER2- breast cancer; 539 (72%) underwent adjuvant radiotherapy, of whom 329 were estimated to be grade I/II luminal A subtype. The cost of adjuvant breast radiotherapy per case was estimated at $6135.85; the cost of Ki-67 at $114.71. This translated into an annual saving of about $2.0million if radiotherapy was omitted for all low-risk luminal A breast cancer patients in Ontario and $5.1million across Canada. There will be significant savings to the health care system should omission of radiotherapy become standard practice for women with low-risk luminal A breast cancer. Copyright © 2016 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Integrating Radiosensitivity and Immune Gene Signatures for Predicting Benefit of Radiotherapy in Breast Cancer.


    Cui, Yi; Li, Bailiang; Pollom, Erqi Liu; Horst, Kathleen; Li, Ruijiang


    Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease and not all patients respond equally to adjuvant radiotherapy. Predictive biomarkers are needed to select patients who will benefit from the treatment and spare others the toxicity and burden of radiation. We first trained and tested an intrinsic radiosensitivity gene signature to predict local recurrence after radiotherapy in three cohorts of 948 patients. Next, we developed an antigen processing and presentation-based immune signature by maximizing the treatment interaction effect in 129 patients. To test their predictive value, we matched patients treated with or without radiotherapy in an independent validation cohort for clinicopathologic factors including age, ER status, HER2 status, stage, hormone-therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery. Disease specific survival (DSS) was the primary endpoint. Our validation cohort consisted of 1,439 patients. After matching and stratification by the radiosensitivity signature, patients who received radiotherapy had better DSS than patients who did not in the radiation-sensitive group (hazard ratio [HR]=0.68, P=0.059, n=322), while a reverse trend was observed in the radiation-resistant group (HR=1.53, P=0.059, n=202). Similarly, patients treated with radiotherapy had significantly better DSS in the immuneeffective group (HR=0.46, P=0.0076, n=180), with no difference in DSS in the immunedefective group (HR=1.27, P=0.16, n=348). Both signatures were predictive of radiotherapy benefit (P interaction =0.007 and 0.005). Integration of radiosensitivity and immune signatures further stratified patients into three groups with differential outcomes for those treated with or without radiotherapy (P interaction =0.003). The proposed signatures have the potential to select patients who are most likely to benefit from radiotherapy. Copyright ©2018, American Association for Cancer Research.

  16. The anal canal as a risk organ in cervical cancer patients with hemorrhoids undergoing whole pelvic radiotherapy.


    Jang, Hyunsoo; Baek, Jong Geun; Jo, Sunmi


    Tolerance of the anal canal tends to be ignored in patients with cervical cancer undergoing whole pelvic radiotherapy. However, patients with hemorrhoids may be troubled with low radiation dose. We tried to analyze the dose-volume statistics of the anal canal in patients undergoing whole pelvic radiotherapy. The records of 31 patients with cervical cancer who received definite or postoperative radiotherapy at one institution were reviewed. Acute anal symptoms, such as anal pain and bleeding, were evaluated from radiotherapy start to 1 month after radiotherapy completion. Various clinical and dosimetric factors were analyzed to characterize relations with acute anal complications. The anal verge was located an average of 1.2 cm (range -0.6~3.9) below the lower border of the ischial tuberosity and an average of 2.7 cm (range -0.6~5.7) behind the sacral promontory level. The presence of hemorrhoids before radiotherapy was found to be significantly associated with acute radiation-induced anal symptoms (p = 0.001), and the mean induction dose for anal symptoms was 36.9 Gy. No patient without hemorrhoids developed an anal symptom during radiotherapy. Dosimetric analyses of V30 and V40 showed marginal correlations with anal symptoms (p = 0.07). The present study suggests a relation between acute anal symptoms following radiotherapy and acute hemorrhoid aggravation. Furthermore, the location of the anal verge was found to be variable, and consequently doses administered to the anal canal also varied substantially. Our results caution careful radiation treatment planning for whole pelvic radiotherapy, and that proper clinical management be afforded patients with hemorrhoids during radiotherapy.

  17. Exploring the variation of oral microbiota in supragingival plaque during and after head-and-neck radiotherapy using pyrosequencing.


    Gao, Li; Hu, Yuejian; Wang, Yuxia; Jiang, Wenxin; He, Zhiyan; Zhu, Cailian; Ma, Rui; Huang, Zhengwei


    The aim of this article was to study the variation in oral microflora of the subgingival plaque during and after radiotherapy. During and after radiotherapy, microbial samples were collected at seven time points (early stage, medium stage, and later stage of radiotherapy, and 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year after radiotherapy) in three subjects for a total of 21 samples. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification was carried out on the 16S rDNA hypervariable V1-V3 region, and then the PCR products were determined by high-throughput pyrosequencing. The rarefaction curve indicating the richness of the microflora demonstrated that the number of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) was in decline from the early stage of radiotherapy to the time point 1 month after radiotherapy and then trended upward. The Shannon diversity index declined during radiotherapy (ranging from 4.59 to 3.73), and generally rose after radiotherapy, with the lowest value of 3.5 (1 month after radiotherapy) and highest value of 4.75 (6 months after radiotherapy). A total of 120 genera were found; five genera (Actinomyces, Veillonella, Prevotella, Streptococcus, Campylobacter) were found in all subjects across all time points. The richness and diversity of oral ecology decreased with increased radiation dose, and it was gradually restored with time. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. The cost of radiotherapy in a decade of technology evolution.


    Van de Werf, Evelyn; Verstraete, Jan; Lievens, Yolande


    To quantify changes in radiotherapy costs occurring in a decade of medical-technological evolution. The activity-based costing (ABC) model of the University Hospitals Leuven (UHL) radiotherapy (RT) department was adapted to current RT standards. It allocated actual resource costs to the treatments based on the departmental work-flow and patient mix in 2009. A benchmark with the former model analyzed the cost increases related to changes in RT infrastructure and practice over 10 years. A considerable increase in total RT costs was observed, resulting from higher capital investments (96%) and personnel cost (103%), the latter dominating the total picture. Treatment delivery remains the most costly activity, boosted by the cost of improved quality assurance (QA), 23% of total product costs, coming along with more advanced RT techniques. Hence, cost increases at the product level are most obvious for complex treatments, such as intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), representing cost increases ranging between 38% and 88% compared to conformal approaches. The ABC model provides insight into the financial consequences of evolving technology and practice. Such data are a mandatory first step in our strive to prove RT cost-effectiveness and thus support optimal reimbursement and provision of radiotherapy departments. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Radiation-induced complications in prostate cancer patients treated with radiotherapy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Azuddin, A. Yusof; Rahman, I. Abdul; Siah, N. J.; Mohamed, F.; Saadc, M.; Ismail, F.


    The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between radiation-induced complications with dosimetric and radiobiological parameters for prostate cancer patients that underwent the conformal radiotherapy treatment. 17 prostate cancer patients that have been treated with conformal radiotherapy were retrospectively analysed. The dosimetric data was retrieved in the form of dose-volume histogram (DVH) from Radiotherapy Treatment Planning System. The DVH was utilised to derived Normal Tissue Complication Probability (NTCP) in radiobiological data. Follow-up data from medical records were used to grade the occurrence of acute gastrointestinal (GI) and genitourinary (GU) complications using Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) scoring system. The chi-square test was used to determine the relationship between radiation-induced complication with dosimetric and radiobiological parameters. 8 (47%) and 7 (41%) patients were having acute GI and GU complications respectively. The acute GI complication can be associated with V60rectum, rectal mean dose and NTCPrectum with p-value of 0.016, 0.038 and 0.049 respectively. There are no significant relationships of acute GU complication with dosimetric and radiobiological variables. Further study can be done by increase the sample size and follow up duration for deeper understanding of the factors that effecting the GU and GI complication in prostate cancer radiotherapy.

  20. A longitudinal study on the radiation-induced thyroid gland changes after external beam radiotherapy of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.


    Lin, Zhixiong; Wu, Vincent Wing-Cheung; Lin, Jing; Feng, Huiting; Chen, Longhua


    Radiation-induced thyroid disorders have been reported in radiotherapy of head and neck cancers. This study evaluated the radiation-induced damages to thyroid gland in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Forty-five patients with NPC treated by radiotherapy underwent baseline thyroid hormones (free triiodothyronine, free thyroxine [fT4], and thyrotropin [TSH]) examination and CT scan before radiotherapy. The volume of the thyroid gland was calculated by delineating the structure in the corresponding CT slices using the radiotherapy treatment planning system. The thyroid doses were estimated using the treatment planning system. Subsequent CT scans were conducted at 6, 12, and 18 months after radiotherapy, whereas the hormone levels were assessed at 3, 6, 12, and 18 months after radiotherapy. Trend lines of the volume and hormone level changes against time were plotted. The relationship between the dose and the change of thyroid volume and hormone levels were evaluated using the Pearson correlation test. An average of 20% thyroid volume reduction in the first 6 months and a further 8% shrinkage at 12 months after radiotherapy were observed. The volume reduction was dependent on the mean thyroid doses at 6, 12, and 18 months after radiotherapy (r = -0.399, -0.472, and -0.417, respectively). Serum free triiodothyronine and fT4 levels showed mild changes of <2.5% at 6 months, started to drop by 8.8% and 11.3%, respectively, at 12 months, and became stable at 18 months. The mean serum TSH level increased mildly at 6 months after radiotherapy and more steeply after 18 months. At 18 months after radiotherapy, 12 patients had primary hypothyroidism with an elevated serum TSH, in which 4 of them also presented with low serum fT4. There was a significant difference (p = 0.014) in the mean thyroid doses between patients with hypothyroidism and normal thyroid function. Radiotherapy for patients with NPC caused radiation-induced changes of the thyroid gland. The

  1. Morphological and immunohistochemical criteria of tissue response to radiotherapy in rectal cancer.


    Ionescu, S; Brătucu, E; Zurac, S; Staniceanu, F; Pătraşcu, Tr; Burcoş, Tr; Herlea, V; Degeratu, D; Popa, I; Cristian, D


    Given the context that rectal tumours respond to a certain degree to radiotherapy, a necessity arises for estimating a tumour's capacity to react to radiation from the very moment of diagnostic biopsy. We have histologically and immunohistochemically analysed tissues coming from 52 patients with rectal adenocarcinomas. Of the studied parameters, the ones presenting significant variation under radiotherapy in terms of statistics(p 0.05) were: colloid type (p=0.001), EGFR in the tumour(p=0.00045), EGFR in the normal epithelium (p=0.0017),VEGF in the tumour (p=0.0132) and VEGF in the tumour stroma (p=0.030). Our study follows the same trends as the medical literature we have consulted regarding the variation of EGFR and VEGF with radiotherapy, and the distinct note of our study relies in the observation that normal stroma in case of rectal tumors also reacts to radiotherapy, sometimes more aggressively than the tumor itself, especially in which concerns the nerve and muscle fibers. Celsius.

  2. An electromechanical, patient positioning system for head and neck radiotherapy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ostyn, Mark; Dwyer, Thomas; Miller, Matthew; King, Paden; Sacks, Rachel; Cruikshank, Ross; Rosario, Melvin; Martinez, Daniel; Kim, Siyong; Yeo, Woon-Hong


    In cancer treatment with radiation, accurate patient setup is critical for proper dose delivery. Improper arrangement can lead to disease recurrence, permanent organ damage, or lack of disease control. While current immobilization equipment often helps for patient positioning, manual adjustment is required, involving iterative, time-consuming steps. Here, we present an electromechanical robotic system for improving patient setup in radiotherapy, specifically targeting head and neck cancer. This positioning system offers six degrees of freedom for a variety of applications in radiation oncology. An analytical calculation of inverse kinematics serves as fundamental criteria to design the system. Computational mechanical modeling and experimental study of radiotherapy compatibility and x-ray-based imaging demonstrates the device feasibility and reliability to be used in radiotherapy. An absolute positioning accuracy test in a clinical treatment room supports the clinical feasibility of the system.

  3. Design and Shielding of Radiotherapy Treatment Facilities; IPEM Report 75, 2nd Edition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Horton, Patrick; Eaton, David


    Design and Shielding of Radiotherapy Treatment Facilities provides readers with a single point of reference for protection advice to the construction and modification of radiotherapy facilities. The book assembles a faculty of national and international experts on all modalities including megavoltage and kilovoltage photons, brachytherapy and high-energy particles, and on conventional and Monte Carlo shielding calculations. This book is a comprehensive reference for qualified experts and radiation-shielding designers in radiation physics and also useful to anyone involved in the design of radiotherapy facilities.

  4. External radiotherapy and brachytherapy in the management of extrahepatic and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: available evidence.


    Sahai, Puja; Kumar, Senthil


    This review aims to summarize the currently available evidence for the role of external radiotherapy and brachytherapy in the management of cholangiocarcinoma. High locoregional disease recurrence rates after surgical resection alone for both the extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (EHCC) and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (IHCC) provide a rationale for using adjuvant radiotherapy with chemotherapy. We performed a literature search related to radiotherapy in cholangiocarcinoma published between 2000 and 2016. The role of radiation is discussed in the adjuvant, neoadjuvant, definitive and the palliative setting. Evidence from Phase II trials have demonstrated efficacy of adjuvant chemoradiation in combination with chemotherapy in EHCC. Locally advanced cholangiocarcinoma may be treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. In the case of downsizing, assessment for resection may be considered. Brachytherapy offers dose escalation after external radiotherapy. Selected unresectable cases of cholangiocarcinoma may be considered for stereotactic body radiation therapy with neoadjuvant and/or concurrent chemotherapy. Liver transplantation is a treatment option in selected patients with EHCC and IHCC after neoadjuvant chemoradiation. Stenting in combination with palliative external radiotherapy and/or brachytherapy provides improved stent patency and survival. Newer advanced radiation techniques provide a scope for achieving better disease control with reduced morbidity. Effective multimodality treatment incorporating radiotherapy is the way forward for improving survival in patients with cholangiocarcinoma.

  5. The construction of help during radiotherapy: Redefining informal care.


    Appleton, Lynda; Perkins, Elizabeth


    This study will explore how help is constructed during and following radiotherapy for patients with cancer. Grounded theory methods were used in the study to explore the way in which family members and friends constructed a role for themselves in relation to patients receiving radiotherapy. A total of 22 helpers were interviewed. Patients were being treated for a range of cancers including breast, prostate, colorectal, and head and neck. Respondents in this study consistently defined themselves as "helpers" rather than "carers." While radiotherapy as a treatment modality was mostly seen as noninvasive, the cancer diagnosis cast a long shadow over the lives of helpers and patients creating a separation in longstanding relationships. Helpers experienced this separation as "otherness." Help became an important vehicle for bridging this separation. Individuals developed different ways of knowing about the patient as the basis for providing help. Two different types of help were identified in this study: the behind the scenes, largely invisible work that helpers undertook to help the patient without their knowledge and the explicit visible help that was much more commonly negotiated and discussed between helpers and patients. The study provides the basis for a greater understanding on the part of professionals into the impact of diagnosis and radiotherapy treatment on family and friends. In doing so, the study identifies opportunities for the experience of helpers to be recognised and supported by professionals. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  6. Visualization of complex DNA double-strand breaks in a tumor treated with carbon ion radiotherapy

    PubMed Central

    Oike, Takahiro; Niimi, Atsuko; Okonogi, Noriyuki; Murata, Kazutoshi; Matsumura, Akihiko; Noda, Shin-Ei; Kobayashi, Daijiro; Iwanaga, Mototaro; Tsuchida, Keisuke; Kanai, Tatsuaki; Ohno, Tatsuya; Shibata, Atsushi; Nakano, Takashi


    Carbon ion radiotherapy shows great potential as a cure for X-ray-resistant tumors. Basic research suggests that the strong cell-killing effect induced by carbon ions is based on their ability to cause complex DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). However, evidence supporting the formation of complex DSBs in actual patients is lacking. Here, we used advanced high-resolution microscopy with deconvolution to show that complex DSBs are formed in a human tumor clinically treated with carbon ion radiotherapy, but not in a tumor treated with X-ray radiotherapy. Furthermore, analysis using a physics model suggested that the complexity of radiotherapy-induced DSBs is related to linear energy transfer, which is much higher for carbon ion beams than for X-rays. Visualization of complex DSBs in clinical specimens will help us to understand the anti-tumor effects of carbon ion radiotherapy. PMID:26925533

  7. Ion-induced nuclear radiotherapy


    Horn, K.M.; Doyle, B.L.


    Ion-induced Nuclear Radiotherapy (INRT) is a technique for conducting radiosurgery and radiotherapy with a very high degree of control over the spatial extent of the irradiated volume and the delivered dose. Based upon the concept that low energy, ion induced atomic and nuclear reactions can be used to produce highly energetic reaction products at the site of a tumor, the INRT technique is implemented through the use of a conduit-needle or tube which conducts a low energy ion beam to a position above or within the intended treatment area. At the end of the conduit-needle or tube is a specially fabricated target which, only when struck by the ion beam, acts as a source of energetic radiation products. The inherent limitations in the energy, and therefore range, of the resulting reaction products limits the spatial extent of irradiation to a pre-defined volume about the point of reaction. Furthermore, since no damage is done to tissue outside this irradiated volume, the delivered dose may be made arbitrarily large. INRT may be used both as a point-source of radiation at the site of a small tumor, or as a topical bath of radiation to broad areas of diseased tissue. 25 figs.

  8. Ion-induced nuclear radiotherapy


    Horn, Kevin M.; Doyle, Barney L.


    Ion-induced Nuclear Radiotherapy (INRT) is a technique for conducting radiosurgery and radiotherapy with a very high degree of control over the spatial extent of the irradiated volume and the delivered dose. Based upon the concept that low energy, ion induced atomic and nuclear reactions can be used to produce highly energetic reaction products at the site of a tumor, the INRT technique is implemented through the use of a conduit-needle or tube which conducts a low energy ion beam to a position above or within the intended treatment area. At the end of the conduit-needle or tube is a specially fabricated target which, only when struck by the ion beam, acts as a source of energetic radiation products. The inherent limitations in the energy, and therefore range, of the resulting reaction products limits the spatial extent of irradiation to a pre-defined volume about the point of reaction. Furthermore, since no damage is done to tissue outside this irradiated volume, the delivered dose may be made arbitrarily large. INRT may be used both as a point-source of radiation at the site of a small tumor, or as a topical bath of radiation to broad areas of diseased tissue.

  9. Assessment of olfactory threshold in patients undergoing radiotherapy for head and neck malignancies.


    Jalali, Mir Mohammad; Gerami, Hooshang; Rahimi, Abbas; Jafari, Manizheh


    Radiotherapy is a common treatment modality for patients with head and neck malignancies. As the nose lies within the field of radiotherapy of the head and neck, the olfactory fibers and olfactory receptors may be affected by radiation. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in olfactory threshold in patients with head and neck malignancies who have received radiation to the head and neck. The olfactory threshold of patients with head and neck malignancies was assessed prospectively before radiation therapy and serially for up to 6 months after radiotherapy using sniff bottles. In vivo dosimetry was performed using 82 LiF (MCP) chips and a thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) system. Sixty-one patients were recruited before radiotherapy was commenced. Seven patients did not return for evaluation after radiation. Fifty-four patients were available for follow-up assessment (28 women, 26 men; age, 22-86 years; median, 49 years). Total radiation dose was 50.1 Gy (range, 30-66 Gy). Mean olfactory threshold scores were found to deteriorate significantly at various timepoints after radiotherapy (11.7 before radiotherapy versus 4.0 at Month 6, general linear model, P<0.0001). With in vivo dosimetry, we found that the median measured dose to the olfactory area was 334 µC. We also identified a cutoff point according to the dose to the olfactory epithelium. Olfactory threshold was significantly decreased 2-6 weeks after initiation of therapy, with cumulative local radiation >135 µC (Mann-Whitney U test, P=0.01). Deterioration in olfactory threshold scores was found at 6 months after initiation of radiation therapy. Provided that these results are reproducible, an evaluation of olfactory functioning in patients with head and neck malignancies using in vivo dosimetry may be useful for determining the optimal dose for patients treated with conformal radiotherapy techniques while avoiding the side effects of radiation.

  10. Investment in radiotherapy infrastructure positively affected the economic status of an oncology hospital

    PubMed Central

    Śmigielska, Mirella; Milecki, Piotr


    Background Radiotherapy is among the most efficient treatment methods of cancer. However, a radiotherapy base needs a substantial financial investment, especially before the beginning of its operation, and in some cases, in developing countries such a huge investment may cause some financial disturbances for a hospital concerned. Aim To assess the influence of investments modernizing the radiotherapy base in the period between 2000 and 2007 on the financial condition of the oncology hospital in the region with population of about 3 million. Material and methods Financial reports and medical statistics for the period between 2000 and 2007 from the studied oncology hospital and a recognized staffing model, as well as data on epidemiological situation of the region have been used to calculate the economic effects of financial investment in the radiotherapy base. Results The growth of RT therapeutic potential has been driven by two cost-effective investment programmes. The total amount invested in both programmes was PLN 127,191,000. The number of radiotherapy patients treated in the hospital increased from 2301 in 2000 to 4799 in 2007 with a the same number of five therapeutic machines, although all five of them were replaced over that period. Investments modernizing the radiotherapy base lead to a significant increase in depreciation and operating costs, which adversely affects financial results of the hospital. Conclusion Long term trends showed that investments had positive influence on hospital performance shown both in increased income and larger number of patients treated. PMID:24377017

  11. Investment in radiotherapy infrastructure positively affected the economic status of an oncology hospital.


    Smigielska, Mirella; Milecki, Piotr


    Radiotherapy is among the most efficient treatment methods of cancer. However, a radiotherapy base needs a substantial financial investment, especially before the beginning of its operation, and in some cases, in developing countries such a huge investment may cause some financial disturbances for a hospital concerned. To assess the influence of investments modernizing the radiotherapy base in the period between 2000 and 2007 on the financial condition of the oncology hospital in the region with population of about 3 million. Financial reports and medical statistics for the period between 2000 and 2007 from the studied oncology hospital and a recognized staffing model, as well as data on epidemiological situation of the region have been used to calculate the economic effects of financial investment in the radiotherapy base. The growth of RT therapeutic potential has been driven by two cost-effective investment programmes. The total amount invested in both programmes was PLN 127,191,000. The number of radiotherapy patients treated in the hospital increased from 2301 in 2000 to 4799 in 2007 with a the same number of five therapeutic machines, although all five of them were replaced over that period. Investments modernizing the radiotherapy base lead to a significant increase in depreciation and operating costs, which adversely affects financial results of the hospital. Long term trends showed that investments had positive influence on hospital performance shown both in increased income and larger number of patients treated.

  12. The use of positron emission tomography in pion radiotherapy.


    Goodman, G B; Lam, G K; Harrison, R W; Bergstrom, M; Martin, W R; Pate, B D


    The radioactive debris produced by pion radiotherapy can be imaged by the technique of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) as a method of non-invasive in situ verification of the pion treatment. This paper presents the first visualization of the pion stopping distribution within a tumor in a human brain using PET. Together with the tissue functional information provided by the standard PET scans using radiopharmaceuticals, the combination of pion with PET technique can provide a much better form of radiotherapy than the use of conventional radiation in both treatment planning and verification.

  13. Effect of image-guided hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy on peripheral non-small-cell lung cancer

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Shu-wen; Ren, Juan; Yan, Yan-li; Xue, Chao-fan; Tan, Li; Ma, Xiao-wei


    The objective of this study was to compare the effects of image-guided hypofractionated radiotherapy and conventional fractionated radiotherapy on non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Fifty stage- and age-matched cases with NSCLC were randomly divided into two groups (A and B). There were 23 cases in group A and 27 cases in group B. Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) and stereotactic radiotherapy were conjugately applied to the patients in group A. Group A patients underwent hypofractionated radiotherapy (6–8 Gy/time) three times per week, with a total dose of 64–66 Gy; group B received conventional fractionated radiotherapy, with a total dose of 68–70 Gy five times per week. In group A, 1-year and 2-year local failure survival rate and 1-year local failure-free survival rate were significantly higher than in group B (P<0.05). The local failure rate (P<0.05) and distant metastasis rate (P>0.05) were lower in group A than in group B. The overall survival rate of group A was significantly higher than that of group B (P=0.03), and the survival rate at 1 year was 87% vs 63%, (P<0.05). The median survival time of group A was longer than that of group B. There was no significant difference in the incidence of complications between the two groups (P>0.05). Compared with conventional fractionated radiation therapy, image-guided hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy in NSCLC received better treatment efficacy and showed good tolerability. PMID:27574441

  14. Art therapy using famous painting appreciation maintains fatigue levels during radiotherapy in cancer patients.


    Koom, Woong Sub; Choi, Mi Yeon; Lee, Jeongshim; Park, Eun Jung; Kim, Ju Hye; Kim, Sun-Hyun; Kim, Yong Bae


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of art therapy to control fatigue in cancer patients during course of radiotherapy and its impact on quality of life (QoL). Fifty cancer patients receiving radiotherapy received weekly art therapy sessions using famous painting appreciation. Fatigue and QoL were assessed using the Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI) Scale and the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue (FACIT-F) at baseline before starting radiotherapy, every week for 4 weeks during radiotherapy, and at the end of radiotherapy. Mean changes of scores over time were analyzed using a generalized linear mixed model. Of the 50 patients, 34 (68%) participated in 4 sessions of art therapy. Generalized linear mixed models testing for the effect of time on mean score changes showed no significant changes in scores from baseline for the BFI and FACIT-F. The mean BFI score and FACIT-F total score changed from 3.1 to 2.7 and from 110.7 to 109.2, respectively. Art therapy based on the appreciation of famous paintings led to increases in self-esteem by increasing self-realization and forming social relationships. Fatigue and QoL in cancer patients with art therapy do not deteriorate during a period of radiotherapy. Despite the single-arm small number of participants and pilot design, this study provides a strong initial demonstration that art therapy of appreciation for famous painting is worthy of further study for fatigue and QoL improvement. Further, it can play an important role in routine practice in cancer patients during radiotherapy.

  15. Quality assurance of the SCOPE 1 trial in oesophageal radiotherapy.


    Wills, Lucy; Maggs, Rhydian; Lewis, Geraint; Jones, Gareth; Nixon, Lisette; Staffurth, John; Crosby, Tom


    SCOPE 1 was the first UK based multi-centre trial involving radiotherapy of the oesophagus. A comprehensive radiotherapy trials quality assurance programme was launched with two main aims: 1. To assist centres, where needed, to adapt their radiotherapy techniques in order to achieve protocol compliance and thereby enable their participation in the trial. 2. To support the trial's clinical outcomes by ensuring the consistent planning and delivery of radiotherapy across all participating centres. A detailed information package was provided and centres were required to complete a benchmark case in which the delineated target volumes and organs at risk, dose distribution and completion of a plan assessment form were assessed prior to recruiting patients into the trial. Upon recruiting, the quality assurance (QA) programme continued to monitor the outlining and planning of radiotherapy treatments. Completion of a questionnaire was requested in order to gather information about each centre's equipment and techniques relating to their trial participation and to assess the impact of the trial nationally on standard practice for radiotherapy of the oesophagus. During the trial, advice was available for individual planning issues, and was circulated amongst the SCOPE 1 community in response to common areas of concern using bulletins. 36 centres were supported through QA processes to enable their participation in SCOPE1. We discuss the issues which have arisen throughout this process and present details of the benchmark case solutions, centre questionnaires and on-trial protocol compliance. The range of submitted benchmark case GTV volumes was 29.8-67.8cm 3 ; and PTV volumes 221.9-513.3 cm 3 . For the dose distributions associated with these volumes, the percentage volume of the lungs receiving 20Gy (V20Gy) ranged from 20.4 to 33.5%. Similarly, heart V40Gy ranged from 16.1 to 33.0%. Incidence of incorrect outlining of OAR volumes increased from 50% of centres at benchmark

  16. [Radiotherapy of primary breast sarcomas: Retrospective study].


    Chellakhi, M; Benchakroun, N; Bouchbika, Z; Jouhadi, H; Tawfiq, N; Sahraoui, S; Benider, A


    Primary breast sarcomas are heterogeneous tumours derived from non-epithelial mammary gland structures. Although they represent a rare entity, their incidence may increase in the coming years owing to conservative approach considered in the treatment of breast cancer. The aim of this work was to highlight the effect of postoperative irradiation in the treatment of these tumours. This is a retrospective study conducted at the Mohammed-VI centre for cancer treatment between 2004 and 2011. Survival rates were calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method. Fifteen cases were collected. The median age was 41.9years. Phyllode sarcoma accounted for 66% of this series. Surgical treatment was performed in 93% of the patients with negative margins in 33.33% of the cases. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy was indicated in 46% of the patients with locally advanced tumours and 66% of the patients received postoperative radiotherapy for positive or close margins. Five years overall survival and relapse free survival was not significantly different with the use of adjuvant radiotherapy. Due to the rarity of this entity and the absence of randomized trials, evidence based management is still lacking. However, a multidisciplinary approach is to be required including surgical excision followed by radiotherapy, depending on the tumour characteristics. Copyright © 2018 Société française de radiothérapie oncologique (SFRO). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  17. Severe radiotherapy-induced extracutaneous toxicity under vemurafenib.


    Peuvrel, Lucie; Ruellan, Anne-Lise; Thillays, François; Quereux, Gaëlle; Brocard, Anabelle; Saint-Jean, Mélanie; Aumont, Maud; Drouet, Franck; Dreno, Brigitte


    Vemurafenib is a BRAF inhibitor indicated for the treatment of metastatic melanoma. We report the two first cases of severe and prolonged radiotherapy-induced visceral toxicity in patients treated concomitantly with vemurafenib: a brain radionecrosis and an anorectitis. It raises the question of both the risks of this association and its benefit in melanoma. The first patient, a female aged 32, treated with vemurafenib for three months, presented a steroid-dependent radionecrosis after brain stereotactic radiosurgery. Symptoms persisted until her death six months later. The second patient, a male aged 64 and treated with vemurafenib for nineteen days, presented a radiation-induced anorectitis complicated by diarrhoea, anorexia and weight loss following the concomitant radiation of a primary rectal tumour. A colostomy was needed after ten months in order to improve local status and general health. In our patients, the radiotherapy-induced toxicity under vemurafenib was unusual in its intensity and duration, suggesting a radiosensitization phenomenon. This hypothesis is reinforced by the publication of six cases of severe radiodermatitis under vemurafenib and by in vitro data. The combination of vemurafenib and radiotherapy should thus lead to discussion of a transient cessation of vemurafenib, given the severity of the adverse events experienced. Meanwhile, further studies are needed to determine the potential benefit of this combined treatment in metastatic melanoma.

  18. Plattenepithelkarzinom in Verbindung mit einer roten Tätowierung.


    Schmitz, Inge; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Ernert, Carsten; Tannapfel, Andrea


    Obwohl Tätowierungen in den letzten Jahren außerordentlich beliebt geworden sind, wurde in der Literatur bisher nur über wenige Fälle schwerer Reaktionen berichtet, die zu einer malignen Transformation führten. Dies steht im Kontrast zu der praktisch unüberschaubaren Zahl an Tätowierungen weltweit. Die Zusammensetzung der für Tätowierungen verwendeten Farbstoffe variiert stark, und selbst gleiche Farbtöne können unterschiedliche Komponenten enthalten. Das Ziel unserer Studie war es zu untersuchen, auf welche Weise Tätowierungen möglicherweise Hautkrebs auslösen können. Wir berichten über den seltenen Fall einer 24-jährigen Frau, bei der sich sieben Monate nachdem sie eine Tätowierung auf dem Fußrücken erhalten hatte in unmittelbarer Nähe des verwendeten roten Farbstoffs ein Plattenepithelkarzinom entwickelte. Die Komplikationen begannen mit einer unspezifischen Schwellung. Die Läsion wurde histologisch untersucht. Die Zusammensetzung des inkorporierten Farbstoffs wurde mittels Rasterelektronenmikroskopie in Kombination mit energiedispersiver Elementanalyse analysiert. Zur weiteren Charakterisierung wurden Thermogravimetrie und Pulverdiffraktometrie eingesetzt. Der Tätowierungsfarbstoff enthielt hauptsächlich Bariumsulfat; Spuren von Al, S, Ti, P, Mg und Cl ließen sich ebenfalls nachweisen. Bei der Analyse zeigten sich Pigmentgranula unterschiedlicher Größe. In seltenen Fällen kann Tätowierungstinte karzinogene Effekte haben, die multifaktoriell zu sein scheinen. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Enhanced relative biological effectiveness of proton radiotherapy in tumor cells with internalized gold nanoparticles

    PubMed Central

    Polf, Jerimy C.; Bronk, Lawrence F.; Driessen, Wouter H. P.; Arap, Wadih; Pasqualini, Renata; Gillin, Michael


    The development and use of sensitizing agents to improve the effectiveness of radiotherapy have long been sought to improve our ability to treat cancer. In this letter, we have studied the relative biological effectiveness of proton beam radiotherapy on prostate tumor cells with and without internalized gold nanoparticles. The effectiveness of proton radiotherapy for the killing of prostate tumor cells was increased by approximately 15%–20% for those cells containing internalized gold nanoparticles. PMID:21915155

  20. Dose constraints for moderate hypofractionated radiotherapy for prostate cancer: The French genito-urinary group (GETUG) recommendations.


    Langrand-Escure, J; de Crevoisier, R; Llagostera, C; Créhange, G; Delaroche, G; Lafond, C; Bonin, C; Bideault, F; Sargos, P; Belhomme, S; Pasquier, D; Latorzeff, I; Supiot, S; Hennequin, C


    Considering recent phase III trials results, moderate hypofractionated radiotherapy can be considered as a standard treatment for low and intermediate risk prostate cancer management. This assessment call for a framework allowing homogeneous and reproducible practices in the different centers using this radiotherapy schedule. The French Genito-Urinary Group (GETUG) provides here recommendations for daily practice of moderate hypofractionated radiotherapy for prostate cancer, with indications, dose, fractionation, pre-treatment planning, volume of interest delineation (target volume and organs at risk) and margins, dose constraints and radiotherapy techniques. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier SAS.

  1. Optimum dose of radiotherapy for chemodectomas of the middle ear

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kim, J.A.; Elkon, D.; Lim, M.L.

    Forty patients with chemodectomas of the middle ear were seen at the University of Virginia Hospital from 1932 to 1978. Surgery, post-operative radiotherapy or radiotherapy alone were the treatment modalities employed depending on the extent of the disease. These have been reviewed with regard to the clinical presentation and results of treatment with long term follow-up of 1 to 30 years. An attempt was made to determine the optimum dose of radiotherapy based on our data and reported cases in the literature. The majority of patients complaining of tinnitus, otalgia and pulsation obtained significant if not complete relief of symptoms.more » Cranial nerve defects, however, ofter persisted after therapy. Tumor was considered to be controlled if there was no increase in its size or progression of symptoms. Tumor control was obtained in eight of 10 early patients but only in two of seven more patients with advanced disease with total resection. Control rate with post-operative radiotherapy after subtotal resection was 85%. Radiotherapy alone was used for inoperable or recurrent tumors and control was obtained in 88% of them. In addition to our data, the radiation dose used in over 200 patients reported in the literature was analyzed. There was only a 2% recurrence rate in patients who received 4000 rad/4 weeks or higher. Twenty-two percent of patients treated with less than 4000 rad developed recurrence. The tendency is to use a lower dose of postoperative treatment and a higher dose for gross inoperable tumors. 4000 rad/4 weeks seems to be adequate for control of postoperative residual disease and no more than 5000 rad/5 weeks are required even for advanced inoperable cases. By keeping the dose below 5000 rad/5 weeks, the incidence of complications such as brain necrosis is greatly decreased.« less

  2. Ayurveda for chemo-radiotherapy induced side effects in cancer patients.


    Metri, Kashinath; Bhargav, Hemant; Chowdhury, Praerna; Koka, Prasad S


    Chemotherapy drugs and radiotherapy are highly toxic and both damage adjacent healthy cells. Side effects may be acute (occurring within few weeks after therapy), intermediate or late (occurring months or years after the therapy). Some important side effects of chemotherapy are: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, mucositis, alopecia, constipation etc; whereas radiation therapy though administered locally, can produce systemic side effects such as fatigue, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, alteration in the taste, sleep disturbance, headache, anemia, dry skin, constipation etc. Late complications of these therapies also include pharyngitis, esophagitis, laryngitis, persistent dysphagia, fatigue, hepatotoxicity, infertility and cognitive deficits. These arrays of side effects have a devastating effect on the quality of life of cancer survivors. Due to the inadequacy of most of the radio-protectors and chemo-protectors in controlling the side effects of conventional cancer therapy the complementary and alternative medicines have attracted the view of researchers and medical practitioners more recently. This review aims at providing a comprehensive management protocol of above mentioned chemo-radiotherapy induced side effects based on Ayurveda, which is an ancient system of traditional medicine practiced in Indian peninsula since 5000 BC. When the major side effects of chemo-radiotherapy are looked through an ayurvedic perspective, it appears that they are the manifestations of aggravated pitta dosha, especially under the group of disorders called Raktapitta (haemorrhage) or Raktadushti (vascular inflammation). Based on comprehensive review of ancient vedic literature and modern scientific evidences, ayurveda based interventions are put forth. This manuscript should help clinicians and people suffering from cancer to combat serious chemo-radiotherapy related side effects through simple but effective home-based ayurveda remedies. The remedies described are commonly available and

  3. South East Asia, Differing Socioeconomic Factors, Differing Access to Radiotherapy: The Philippines, a Microcosm.


    Calaguas, Miriam Joy C; Gubat, Johannes A


    The accessibility of radiotherapy in Southeast Asia, a region characterized by diversity in both economy and culture, differ widely among its member countries. In most countries, access is not universal and is generally limited by radiotherapy resources and the health-seeking behavior of patients. This in turn relates to the current health policy in place, the practice of radiation oncology, and cultural factors such as religion and family dynamics. Although it is clear that radiotherapy access parallel economic development, it is also affected by different social factors that work to facilitate or impede its improvement. These factors are herein described in relation to the Philippine situation, where there is wide economic disparity, multiple subcultures, and logistical impediments to improving radiotherapy access, reminiscent of the Southeast Asian region. In the face of increasing cancer burden, it becomes increasingly important to improve services and develop new and efficient approaches taking different cultural factors into consideration. Through regional and international cooperation, solutions to the common and complex problem of inequity in radiotherapy access may be developed. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  4. New Language and Old Problems in Breast Cancer Radiotherapy.


    Chiricuţă, Ion Christian


    New developments in breast cancer radiotherapy make possible new standards in treatment recommandations based on international guidelines. Developments in radiotherapy irradiation techniques from 2D to 3D-Conformal RT and to IMRT (Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy) make possible to reduce the usual side effects on the organs at risk as: skin, lung, miocard, bone, esophagus and brahial plexus. Dispite of all these progresses acute and late side effects are present. Side effects are as old as the radiotherapy was used. New solutions are available now by improving irradiation techniques. New techniques as sentinel node procedure (SNP) or partial breast irradiation (PBRT) and immediate breast reconstruction with silicon implants (IBRIS) make necessary new considerations regarding the target volume delineations. A new language for definition of gross tumor volume (GTV), clinical target volume (CTV) based on the new diagnostic methods as PET/CT,nonaparticle MRI will have real impact on target delineation and irradiation techniques. "The new common language in breast cancer therapy" would be the first step to improve the endresults and finally the quality of life of the patients. Celsius.

  5. Improving external beam radiotherapy by combination with internal irradiation.


    Dietrich, A; Koi, L; Zöphel, K; Sihver, W; Kotzerke, J; Baumann, M; Krause, M


    The efficacy of external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) is dose dependent, but the dose that can be applied to solid tumour lesions is limited by the sensitivity of the surrounding tissue. The combination of EBRT with systemically applied radioimmunotherapy (RIT) is a promising approach to increase efficacy of radiotherapy. Toxicities of both treatment modalities of this combination of internal and external radiotherapy (CIERT) are not additive, as different organs at risk are in target. However, advantages of both single treatments are combined, for example, precise high dose delivery to the bulk tumour via standard EBRT, which can be increased by addition of RIT, and potential targeting of micrometastases by RIT. Eventually, theragnostic radionuclide pairs can be used to predict uptake of the radiotherapeutic drug prior to and during therapy and find individual patients who may benefit from this treatment. This review aims to highlight the outcome of pre-clinical studies on CIERT and resultant questions for translation into the clinic. Few clinical data are available until now and reasons as well as challenges for clinical implementation are discussed.

  6. Preface: BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS)/GNSS+: New developments and emerging applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jin, Shuanggen


    The China's BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) has been developed and operated well with over 25 launched satellites in 2017, including fifteen Medium Earth orbit (MEO) satellites, five geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) satellites and five inclined geosynchronous orbit (IGSO) satellites. Together with the United States' GPS, European Union's Galileo and Russia's GLONASS as well as other regional augmentation systems, e.g., Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) and Japan Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS), more emerging applications of multi-Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) will be exploited and realized in the coming years. The papers in this issue of Advances in Space Research present new advances in the system, techniques and emerging applications of BDS/GNSS+. These papers were from an open call and a special call for participants at the 8th China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC 2017) held on May 23-25, 2017, Shanghai, China. This conference series provides a good platform for academic and technique exchanges as well as collaboration in satellite navigation. CSNC 2017 was well attend with more than 3000 participants and over 800 papers in 12 sessions.

  7. Radio Frequency Compatibility Evaluation of S Band Navigation Signals for Future BeiDou.


    Sun, Yanbo; Xue, Rui; Zhao, Danfeng; Wang, Dun


    With L band frequency allocations for satellite navigation getting more crowded, S band (2483.5-2500 MHz) is already allocated for navigation services, where Globalstar broadcasts downlink communications to user terminals. The Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) is transmitting navigation signals and Galileo exploits some potential signals in S band. Also, several candidate S band signals based on binary offset carrier (BOC), binary phase shift keying (BPSK), continuous phase modulation (CPM) and minimum shift keying-BOC (MSK-BOC) are suggested for BeiDou system (BDS). In quite narrow S band, mutual interference among these systems is inevitable, thus the compatibility issue is particularly significant for S band signal design. To explore desired S band signals for BDS, the paper firstly describes a comprehensive compatibility evaluation methods based on effective carrier-to-noise ratio degradation for acquisition and code tracking. Then a real simulation is established using space constellations, modulation schemes and received power. Finally, the worst mutual interference of BDS candidate signals with Galileo, IRNSS and Globalstar is calculated and compared. The results indicate that CPM signal is easier to allow peaceful coexistence of other systems with minimal mutual interference in S band compared to other BDS candidates.

  8. Left-sided breast cancer irradiation using rotational and fixed-field radiotherapy

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Qi, X. Sharon, E-mail:; Liu, Tian X.; Liu, Arthur K.


    The 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) technique is the standard for breast cancer radiotherapy. During treatment planning, not only the coverage of the planning target volume (PTV) but also the minimization of the dose to critical structures, such as the lung, heart, and contralateral breast tissue, need to be considered. Because of the complexity and variations of patient anatomy, more advanced radiotherapy techniques are sometimes desired to better meet the planning goals. In this study, we evaluated external-beam radiation treatment techniques for left breast cancer using various delivery platforms: fixed-field including TomoDirect (TD), static intensity-modulated radiotherapy (sIMRT), and rotational radiotherapy includingmore » Elekta volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) and tomotherapy helical (TH). A total of 10 patients with left-sided breast cancer who did or did not have positive lymph nodes and were previously treated with 3DCRT/sIMRT to the entire breast were selected, their treatment was planned with Monaco VMAT, TD, and TH. Dosimetric parameters including PTV coverage, organ-at-risk (OAR) sparing, dose-volume histograms, and target minimum/maximum/mean doses were evaluated. It is found that for plans providing comparable PTV coverage, the Elekta VMAT plans were generally more inhomogeneous than the TH and TD plans. For the cases with regional node involvement, the average mean doses administered to the heart were 9.2 (± 5.2) and 8.8 (± 3.0) Gy in the VMAT and TH plans compared with 11.9 (± 6.4) and 11.8 (± 9.2) Gy for the 3DCRT and TD plans, respectively, with slightly higher doses given to the contralateral lung or breast or both. On average, the total monitor units for VMAT plans are 11.6% of those TH plans. Our studies have shown that VMAT and TH plans offer certain dosimetric advantages over fixed-field IMRT plans for advanced breast cancer requiring regional nodal treatment. However, for early-stage breast cancer fixed

  9. [Single-dose palliative radiotherapy in inoperable non-small-cell lung carcinoma].


    Scolaro, T; Bacigalupo, A; Giudici, S; Guenzi, M; Vitale, V


    The treatment of choice for advanced inoperable non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is radiation therapy. Palliative radiotherapy schedules vary considerably in different centers, but a 30-Gy dose given in ten fractions over two weeks is a typical standard schedule. Our study was aimed at investigating whether a shorter course of only one 10-Gy fraction allows good palliation in the treatment of inoperable NSCLC patients whose main symptoms are related to an intrathoracic lesion. Patients of both sexes and any age, untreated with radiotherapy, with inoperable and histologically or cytologically proved NSCLC were examined. Seventeen patients, too advanced for radical "curative" radiotherapy and whose main symptoms were related to primary intrathoracic lesions, entered the study even though they had metastases. On admission, 76% (13/17) of patients had cough 76% (13/17) dyspnea, 70.7% (12/17) chest pain and 23.6% (4/17) hemoptysis. They received a single dose of 10 Gy, delivered with an 18-Mv linear accelerator via anteroposteriorly opposing portals without spinal cord shielding. Treatment volume usually included the macroscopically detected lesion identified with a CT simulator. Palliation of symptoms was achieved in high rates of patients: 46% for cough, 69% for dyspnea, 83% for pain and 75% for hemoptysis. These results were obtained within one month of treatment. Unfortunately, palliation of symptoms did not last long, decreasing to 42% within two months of the end of treatment and to 32% at three months. Four patients were retreated, one patient three months and three patients two months after the end of radiotherapy. Ten Gy to the target volume were administered as retreatment with spinal cord shielding. Side-effects were mild: nausea in 3 patients (17%), vomiting in one patient (5%) and grade-II dysphagia in two patients were observed and classified according to WHO criteria. Pain increased 24 hours after radiotherapy in five patients. We can conclude that

  10. Genomic and Histopathological Tissue Biomarkers That Predict Radiotherapy Response in Localised Prostate Cancer

    PubMed Central

    Wilkins, Anna; Dearnaley, David; Somaiah, Navita


    Localised prostate cancer, in particular, intermediate risk disease, has varied survival outcomes that cannot be predicted accurately using current clinical risk factors. External beam radiotherapy (EBRT) is one of the standard curative treatment options for localised disease and its efficacy is related to wide ranging aspects of tumour biology. Histopathological techniques including immunohistochemistry and a variety of genomic assays have been used to identify biomarkers of tumour proliferation, cell cycle checkpoints, hypoxia, DNA repair, apoptosis, and androgen synthesis, which predict response to radiotherapy. Global measures of genomic instability also show exciting capacity to predict survival outcomes following EBRT. There is also an urgent clinical need for biomarkers to predict the radiotherapy fraction sensitivity of different prostate tumours and preclinical studies point to possible candidates. Finally, the increased resolution of next generation sequencing (NGS) is likely to enable yet more precise molecular predictions of radiotherapy response and fraction sensitivity. PMID:26504789

  11. A Review of Update Clinical Results of Carbon Ion Radiotherapy

    PubMed Central

    Tsujii, Hirohiko; Kamada, Tadashi


    Among various types of ion species, carbon ions are considered to have the most balanced, optimal properties in terms of possessing physically and biologically effective dose localization in the body. This is due to the fact that when compared with photon beams, carbon ion beams offer improved dose distribution, leading to the concentration of the sufficient dose within a target volume while minimizing the dose in the surrounding normal tissues. In addition, carbon ions, being heavier than protons, provide a higher biological effectiveness, which increases with depth, reaching the maximum at the end of the beam's range. This is practically an ideal property from the standpoint of cancer radiotherapy. Clinical studies have been carried out in the world to confirm the efficacy of carbon ions against a variety of tumors as well as to develop effective techniques for delivering an efficient dose to the tumor. Through clinical experiences of carbon ion radiotherapy at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences and Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, a significant reduction in the overall treatment time with acceptable toxicities has been obtained in almost all types of tumors. This means that carbon ion radiotherapy has meanwhile achieved for itself a solid place in general practice. This review describes clinical results of carbon ion radiotherapy together with physical, biological and technological aspects of carbon ions. PMID:22798685

  12. Early hypofractionated salvage radiotherapy for postprostatectomy biochemical recurrence.


    Kruser, Tim J; Jarrard, David F; Graf, Andrew K; Hedican, Sean P; Paolone, David R; Wegenke, John D; Liu, Glenn; Geye, Heather M; Ritter, Mark A


    Postprostatectomy adjuvant or salvage radiotherapy, when using standard fractionation, requires 6.5 to 8 weeks of treatment. The authors report on the safety and efficacy of an expedited radiotherapy course for salvage prostate radiotherapy. A total of 108 consecutive patients were treated with salvage radiation therapy to 65 grays (Gy) in 26 fractions of 2.5 Gy. Median follow-up was 32.4 months. Median presalvage prostate-specific antigen (PSA) was 0.44 (range, 0.05-9.50). Eighteen (17%) patients received androgen deprivation after surgery or concurrently with radiation. The actuarial freedom from biochemical failure for the entire group at 4 years was 67% ± 5.3%. An identical 67% control rate was seen at 5 years for the first 50 enrolled patients, whose median follow-up was longer at 43 months. One acute grade 3 genitourinary toxicity occurred, with no acute grade 3 gastrointestinal and no late grade 3 toxicities observed. On univariate analysis, higher Gleason score (P = .006), PSA doubling time ≤12 months (P = .03), perineural invasion (P = .06), and negative margins (P = .06) showed association with unsuccessful salvage. On multivariate analysis, higher Gleason score (P = .057) and negative margins (P = .088) retained an association with biochemical failure. Hypofractionated radiotherapy (65 Gy in 2.5 Gy fractions in about 5 weeks) reduces the length of treatment by from 1-½ to 3 weeks relative to other treatment schedules commonly used, produces low rates of toxicity, and demonstrates encouraging efficacy at 4 to 5 years. Hypofractionation may provide a convenient, resource-efficient, and well-tolerated salvage approach for the estimated 20,000 to 35,000 US men per year experiencing biochemical recurrence after prostatectomy. Copyright © 2010 American Cancer Society.

  13. Credentialing of radiotherapy centres in Australasia for TROG 09.02 (Chisel), a Phase III clinical trial on stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy of early stage lung cancer.


    Kron, Tomas; Chesson, Brent; Hardcastle, Nicholas; Crain, Melissa; Clements, Natalie; Burns, Mark; Ball, David


    A randomised clinical trial comparing stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy (SABR) with conventional radiotherapy for early stage lung cancer has been conducted in Australia and New Zealand under the auspices of the TransTasman Radiation Oncology Group (NCT01014130). We report on the technical credentialing program as prerequisite for centres joining the trial. Participating centres were asked to develop treatment plans for two test cases to assess their ability to create plans according to protocol. Dose delivery in the presence of inhomogeneity and motion was assessed during a site visit using a phantom with moving inserts. Site visits for the trial were conducted in 16 Australian and 3 New Zealand radiotherapy facilities. The tests with low density inhomogeneities confirmed shortcomings of the AAA algorithm for dose calculation. Dose was assessed for a typical treatment delivery including at least one non-coplanar beam in a stationary and moving phantom. This end-to-end test confirmed that all participating centres were able to deliver stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy with the required accuracy while the planning study demonstrated that they were able to produce acceptable plans for both test cases. The credentialing process documented that participating centres were able to deliver dose as required in the trial protocol. It also gave an opportunity to provide education about the trial and discuss technical issues such as four-dimensional CT, small field dosimetry and patient immobilisation with staff in participating centres. Advances in knowledge: Credentialing is an important quality assurance tool for radiotherapy trials using advanced technology. In addition to confirming technical competence, it provides an opportunity for education and discussion about the trial.

  14. Art therapy using famous painting appreciation maintains fatigue levels during radiotherapy in cancer patients

    PubMed Central

    Koom, Woong Sub; Choi, Mi Yeon; Lee, Jeongshim; Park, Eun Jung; Kim, Ju Hye; Kim, Sun-Hyun; Kim, Yong Bae


    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of art therapy to control fatigue in cancer patients during course of radiotherapy and its impact on quality of life (QoL). Materials and Methods: Fifty cancer patients receiving radiotherapy received weekly art therapy sessions using famous painting appreciation. Fatigue and QoL were assessed using the Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI) Scale and the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue (FACIT-F) at baseline before starting radiotherapy, every week for 4 weeks during radiotherapy, and at the end of radiotherapy. Mean changes of scores over time were analyzed using a generalized linear mixed model. Results: Of the 50 patients, 34 (68%) participated in 4 sessions of art therapy. Generalized linear mixed models testing for the effect of time on mean score changes showed no significant changes in scores from baseline for the BFI and FACIT-F. The mean BFI score and FACIT-F total score changed from 3.1 to 2.7 and from 110.7 to 109.2, respectively. Art therapy based on the appreciation of famous paintings led to increases in self-esteem by increasing self-realization and forming social relationships. Conclusion: Fatigue and QoL in cancer patients with art therapy do not deteriorate during a period of radiotherapy. Despite the single-arm small number of participants and pilot design, this study provides a strong initial demonstration that art therapy of appreciation for famous painting is worthy of further study for fatigue and QoL improvement. Further, it can play an important role in routine practice in cancer patients during radiotherapy. PMID:27306778

  15. Software for quantitative analysis of radiotherapy: overview, requirement analysis and design solutions.


    Zhang, Lanlan; Hub, Martina; Mang, Sarah; Thieke, Christian; Nix, Oliver; Karger, Christian P; Floca, Ralf O


    Radiotherapy is a fast-developing discipline which plays a major role in cancer care. Quantitative analysis of radiotherapy data can improve the success of the treatment and support the prediction of outcome. In this paper, we first identify functional, conceptional and general requirements on a software system for quantitative analysis of radiotherapy. Further we present an overview of existing radiotherapy analysis software tools and check them against the stated requirements. As none of them could meet all of the demands presented herein, we analyzed possible conceptional problems and present software design solutions and recommendations to meet the stated requirements (e.g. algorithmic decoupling via dose iterator pattern; analysis database design). As a proof of concept we developed a software library "RTToolbox" following the presented design principles. The RTToolbox is available as open source library and has already been tested in a larger-scale software system for different use cases. These examples demonstrate the benefit of the presented design principles. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. 3D ultrasound-based patient positioning for radiotherapy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Michael H.; Rohling, Robert N.; Archip, Neculai; Clark, Brenda G.


    A new 3D ultrasound-based patient positioning system for target localisation during radiotherapy is described. Our system incorporates the use of tracked 3D ultrasound scans of the target anatomy acquired using a dedicated 3D ultrasound probe during both the simulation and treatment sessions, fully automatic 3D ultrasound-toultrasound registration, and OPTOTRAK IRLEDs for registering simulation CT to ultrasound data. The accuracy of the entire radiotherapy treatment process resulting from the use of our system, from simulation to the delivery of radiation, has been validated on a phantom. The overall positioning error is less than 5mm, which includes errors from estimation of the irradiated region location in the phantom.

  17. The use of strontium-90 Beta radiotherapy as adjuvant treatment for conjunctival melanoma.


    Cohen, Victoria M L; Papastefanou, Vasilios P; Liu, S; Stoker, Ian; Hungerford, John L


    Background/Aims. To report the safety and efficacy of strontium (Sr(90)) beta radiotherapy as adjuvant treatment for conjunctival melanoma. Methods. A retrospective cohort study was undertaken from 1999 to 2007 of all patients who underwent Sr(90) beta radiotherapy for incompletely excised conjunctival melanoma. Failure of treatment was defined as recurrence of a conjunctival melanoma at the same location following beta radiotherapy. Results. Twenty patients underwent Sr(90) beta radiotherapy for incompletely excised conjunctival melanoma. Median follow-up interval was 59 months (8-152). All patients had conjunctival melanoma involving the bulbar conjunctiva. Underlying diagnoses included PAM with atypia in 60% (12 of 20), PAM without atypia in 15% (3 of 20), and de novo conjunctival melanoma in 25% (5 of 20). Following Sr(90) beta radiotherapy, in 90% (18 out of 20) local control was achieved and visual acuity was not affected in any patient. Three patients (15%) had dry eye symptoms, episcleritis, and descemetcoele, respectively. No cataract or secondary glaucoma was reported. Conclusions. Sr(90) treatment is a very effective adjuvant treatment after excisional biopsy and cryotherapy for conjunctival melanoma with a local success rate of 90%. The treatment is not associated with significant side effects and visual acuity is not affected.

  18. The Use of Strontium-90 Beta Radiotherapy as Adjuvant Treatment for Conjunctival Melanoma

    PubMed Central

    Cohen, Victoria M. L.; Papastefanou, Vasilios P.; Liu, S.; Stoker, Ian; Hungerford, John L.


    Background/Aims. To report the safety and efficacy of strontium (Sr90) beta radiotherapy as adjuvant treatment for conjunctival melanoma. Methods. A retrospective cohort study was undertaken from 1999 to 2007 of all patients who underwent Sr90 beta radiotherapy for incompletely excised conjunctival melanoma. Failure of treatment was defined as recurrence of a conjunctival melanoma at the same location following beta radiotherapy. Results. Twenty patients underwent Sr90 beta radiotherapy for incompletely excised conjunctival melanoma. Median follow-up interval was 59 months (8–152). All patients had conjunctival melanoma involving the bulbar conjunctiva. Underlying diagnoses included PAM with atypia in 60% (12 of 20), PAM without atypia in 15% (3 of 20), and de novo conjunctival melanoma in 25% (5 of 20). Following Sr90 beta radiotherapy, in 90% (18 out of 20) local control was achieved and visual acuity was not affected in any patient. Three patients (15%) had dry eye symptoms, episcleritis, and descemetcoele, respectively. No cataract or secondary glaucoma was reported. Conclusions. Sr90 treatment is a very effective adjuvant treatment after excisional biopsy and cryotherapy for conjunctival melanoma with a local success rate of 90%. The treatment is not associated with significant side effects and visual acuity is not affected. PMID:23431299

  19. TH-CD-202-11: Implications for Online Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Radiotherapy of Gastic and Gastroesophageal Junction Cancers Using MRI-Guided Radiotherapy

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Mittauer, K; Geurts, M; Toya, R

    Purpose: Radiotherapy for gastric and gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) tumors commonly requires large margins due to deformation, motion and variable changes of the stomach anatomy, at the risk of increased normal tissue toxicities. This work quantifies the interfraction variation of stomach deformation from daily MRI-guided radiotherapy to allow for a more targeted determination of margin expansion in the treatment of gastric and GEJ tumors. Methods: Five patients treated for gastric (n=3) and gastroesophageal junction (n=2) cancers with conventionally fractionated radiotherapy underwent daily MR imaging on a clinical MR-IGRT system. Treatment planning and contours were performed based on the MR simulation. Themore » stomach was re-contoured on each daily volumetric setup MR. Dice similarity coefficients (DSC) of the daily stomach were computed to evaluate the stomach interfraction deformation. To evaluate the stomach margin, the maximum Hausdorff distance (HD) between the initial and fractional stomach surface was measured for each fraction. The margin expansion, needed to encompass all fractions, was evaluated from the union of all fractional stomachs. Results: In total, 94 fractions with daily stomach contours were evaluated. For the interfraction stomach differences, the average DSC was 0.67±0.1 for gastric and 0.62±0.1 for GEJ cases. The maximum HD of each fraction was 3.5±2.0cm (n=94) with mean HD of 0.8±0.4cm (across all surface voxels for all fractions). The margin expansion required to encompass all individual fractions (averaged across 5 patients) was 1.4 cm(superior), 2.3 cm(inferior), 2.5 cm(right), 3.2 cm(left), 3.7 cm(anterior), 3.4 cm(posterior). Maximum observed difference for margin expansion was 8.7cm(posterior) among one patient. Conclusion: We observed a notable interfractional change in daily stomach shape (i.e., mean DSC of 0.67, p<0.0001) in both gastric and GEJ patients, for which adaptive radiotherapy is indicated. A minimum PTV

  20. Cetuximab and Radiotherapy in Laryngeal Preservation for Cancers of the Larynx and Hypopharynx

    PubMed Central

    Bonner, James; Giralt, Jordi; Harari, Paul; Spencer, Sharon; Schulten, Jeltje; Hossain, Anwar; Chang, Shao-Chun; Chin, Steve; Baselga, José


    IMPORTANCE The appropriate use of surgery or radiotherapy-based approaches for organ preservation has been the subject of much debate. Unfortunately, there has been a lack of improvement in overall survival for patients with laryngeal carcinoma in the last 30 years. OBJECTIVE To assess the rates of laryngeal preservation and laryngectomy-free survival in patients receiving cetuximab and radiotherapy (CRT) and patients receiving radiotherapy alone. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Patients were enrolled in a multicenter, open-label, stratified, randomized, phase 3 study from April 1, 1999, through March 31, 2002, from 73 centers in the United States and 14 other countries. A secondary subgroup analysis of patients with hypopharyngeal and laryngeal carcinoma was undertaken. Rates of laryngeal preservation and laryngectomy-free survival were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method. The hazard ratios (HRs) were calculated using a Cox proportional hazards regression model. Quality of life was evaluated using the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer core questionnaire and head and neck module. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Laryngeal preservation and laryngectomy-free survival. RESULTS Of the 424 patients included in the trial, 168 treated patients with cancer of the larynx or hypopharynx were included in this analysis (90 in the CRT group and 78 in the radiotherapy alone group). The median (range) age of the patients was 59 (40-80) years in the CRT group and 61 (35-81) years in the radiotherapy alone group. In the CRT group, 72 patients (80.0%) were male and 18 (20.0%) were female. In the radiotherapy alone group, 62 (79.5%) were male and 16 (20.5%) were female. The rates of laryngeal preservation at 2 years were 87.9% for CRT vs 85.7% for radiotherapy alone, with an HR of 0.57 (95% CI, 0.23-1.42; P = .22). Similarly, the HR for laryngectomy-free survival comparing CRT vs radiotherapy alone was 0.78 (95% CI, 0.54-1.11; P = .17). This study was not

  1. Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Vestibular Schwannoma (Acoustic Neuroma): Predicting the Risk of Hydrocephalus;Vestibular schwannoma; Hydrocephalus; Fractionated; Stereotactic radiotherapy

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Powell, Ceri; Micallef, Caroline; Gonsalves, Adam


    Purpose: To determine the incidence and predictive factors for the development of hydrocephalus in patients with acoustic neuromas (AN) treated with fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy. Patients and Methods: Seventy-two patients with AN were treated with fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy between 1998 and 2007 (45-50 Gy in 25-30 fractions over 5 to 6 weeks). The pretreatment MRI scan was assessed for tumor characteristics and anatomic distortion independently of subsequent outcome and correlated with the risk of hydrocephalus. Results: At a median follow-up of 49 months (range, 1-120 months), 5-year event-free survival was 95%. Eight patients (11%) developed hydrocephalus within 19 months of radiotherapy,more » which was successfully treated. On univariate analysis, pretreatment factors predictive of hydrocephalus were maximum diameter (p = 0.005), proximity to midline (p = 0.009), displacement of the fourth ventricle (p = 0.02), partial effacement of the fourth ventricle (p < 0.001), contact with the medulla (p = 0.005), and more brainstem structures (p = 0.004). On multivariate analysis, after adjusting for fourth ventricular effacement, no other variables remained independently associated with hydrocephalus formation. Conclusions: Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy results in excellent tumor control of AN, albeit with a risk of developing hydrocephalus. Patients at high risk, identified as those with larger tumors with partial effacement of the fourth ventricle before treatment, should be monitored more closely during follow-up. It would also be preferable to offer treatment to patients with progressive AN while the risk of hydrocephalus is low, before the development of marked distortion of fourth ventricle before tumor diameter significantly exceeds 2 cm.« less

  2. Gold coated lanthanide phosphate nanoparticles for targeted alpha generator radiotherapy.


    McLaughlin, Mark F; Woodward, Jonathan; Boll, Rose A; Wall, Jonathan S; Rondinone, Adam J; Kennel, Stephen J; Mirzadeh, Saed; Robertson, J David


    Targeted radiotherapies maximize cytotoxicty to cancer cells. In vivo α-generator targeted radiotherapies can deliver multiple α particles to a receptor site dramatically amplifying the radiation dose delivered to the target. The major challenge with α-generator radiotherapies is that traditional chelating moieties are unable to sequester the radioactive daughters in the bioconjugate which is critical to minimize toxicity to healthy, non-target tissue. The recoil energy of the (225)Ac daughters following α decay will sever any metal-ligand bond used to form the bioconjugate. This work demonstrates that an engineered multilayered nanoparticle-antibody conjugate can deliver multiple α radiations and contain the decay daughters of (225)Ac while targeting biologically relevant receptors in a female BALB/c mouse model. These multi-shell nanoparticles combine the radiation resistance of lanthanide phosphate to contain (225)Ac and its radioactive decay daughters, the magnetic properties of gadolinium phosphate for easy separation, and established gold chemistry for attachment of targeting moieties.

  3. Radiotherapy in marginal zone lymphoma

    PubMed Central


    Purpose To evaluate the efficacy of radiotherapy (RT) for early-stage nodal and extranodal marginal zone lymphoma (MZL). Materials and methods Patients with stage I (n = 22) and stage II (n = 8) MZL, who were treated with RT were reviewed. The primary tumor localisation was in the orbita (n = 12), stomach (n = 8), head and neck other than the orbita (n = 8), breast (n = 1) and one case of marginal zone lymphoma of the skin (n = 1). The median radiotherapy dose was 40 Gy (5 to 45 Gy). Results The median follow-up time was 103 months. The 5-year overall survival and event-free survival rates were 85 ± 7% and 71 ± 9%, respectively. There was no infield recurrence. Recurrence occurred outside of the radiation field in six patients. The relapses were treated with salvage RT and had excellent local control (100%) at five years after salvage RT. Conclusions Localized extranodal MZL have an excellent prognosis following moderate-dose RT. RT is also an effective salvage therapy in cases of localized recurrence. Further clinical studies should evaluate the optimal dose for MZL. PMID:23281682

  4. Biological PET-guided adaptive radiotherapy for dose escalation in head and neck cancer: a systematic review.


    Hamming-Vrieze, Olga; Navran, Arash; Al-Mamgani, Abrahim; Vogel, Wouter V


    In recent years, the possibility of adapting radiotherapy to changes in biological tissue parameters has emerged. It is hypothesized that early identification of radio-resistant parts of the tumor during treatment provides the possibility to adjust the radiotherapy plan to improve outcome. The aim of this systematic literature review was to evaluate the current state of the art of biological PET-guided adaptive radiotherapy, focusing on dose escalation to radio-resistant tumor. A structured literature search was done to select clinical trials including patients with head and neck cancer of the oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx or larynx, with a PET performed during treatment used to develop biological adaptive radiotherapy by i) delineation of sub-volumes suitable for adaptive re-planning, ii) in silico adaptive treatment planning or iii) treatment of patients with PET based dose escalated adaptive radiotherapy. Nineteen articles were selected, 12 articles analyzing molecular imaging signal during treatment and 7 articles focused on biological adaptive treatment planning, of which two were clinical trials. Studied biological pathways include metabolism (FDG), hypoxia (MISO, FAZA and HX4) and proliferation (FLT). In the development of biological dose adaptation in radiotherapy for head-neck tumors, many aspects of the procedure remain ambiguous. Patient selection, tracer selection for detection of the radio-resistant sub-volumes, timing of adaptive radiotherapy, workflow and treatment planning aspects are discussed in a clinical context.

  5. Redesigning Radiotherapy Quality Assurance: Opportunities to Develop an Efficient, Evidence-Based System to Support Clinical Trials

    PubMed Central

    Bekelman, Justin E.; Deye, James A.; Vikram, Bhadrasain; Bentzen, Soren M.; Bruner, Deborah; Curran, Walter J.; Dignam, James; Efstathiou, Jason A.; FitzGerald, T. J.; Hurkmans, Coen; Ibbott, Geoffrey S.; Lee, J. Jack; Merchant, Timothy E.; Michalski, Jeff; Palta, Jatinder R.; Simon, Richard; Ten Haken, Randal K.; Timmerman, Robert; Tunis, Sean; Coleman, C. Norman; Purdy, James


    Background In the context of national calls for reorganizing cancer clinical trials, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) sponsored a two day workshop to examine the challenges and opportunities for optimizing radiotherapy quality assurance (QA) in clinical trial design. Methods Participants reviewed the current processes of clinical trial QA and noted the QA challenges presented by advanced technologies. Lessons learned from the radiotherapy QA programs of recent trials were discussed in detail. Four potential opportunities for optimizing radiotherapy QA were explored, including the use of normal tissue toxicity and tumor control metrics, biomarkers of radiation toxicity, new radiotherapy modalities like proton beam therapy, and the international harmonization of clinical trial QA. Results Four recommendations were made: 1) Develop a tiered (and more efficient) system for radiotherapy QA and tailor intensity of QA to clinical trial objectives. Tiers include (i) general credentialing, (ii) trial specific credentialing, and (iii) individual case review; 2) Establish a case QA repository; 3) Develop an evidence base for clinical trial QA and introduce innovative prospective trial designs to evaluate radiotherapy QA in clinical trials; and 4) Explore the feasibility of consolidating clinical trial QA in the United States. Conclusion Radiotherapy QA may impact clinical trial accrual, cost, outcomes and generalizability. To achieve maximum benefit, QA programs must become more efficient and evidence-based. PMID:22425219

  6. Relationship between radiotherapy and gastroesophageal reflux disease in causing tracheoesophageal voice rehabilitation failure.


    Cocuzza, Salvatore; Bonfiglio, Marco; Chiaramonte, Rita; Serra, Agostino


    The objective was to analyze the association of radiotherapy with gastroesophageal reflux as determinant of fistula related pathology, in voice prosthesis patients. Retrospective study. Sixty-one laryngectomy patients were enrolled between 2005 and 2012. All patients underwent phonatory rehabilitation with voice prosthesis, along with evidence of gastroesophageal reflux disease, for which proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) were prescribed. We analyzed the occurrence of fistula-related problems among patients who received postoperative radiotherapy and those patients who did not. We observed a higher rate of failure of speech rehabilitation in laryngectomy patients with gastroesphageal reflux: this occurred when they had a history of postoperative radiotherapy (45%) compared with patients who did not (17%) (P < 0.05), although all patients were treated with PPIs. Our results seem to confirm the importance of postoperative radiotherapy with gastroesophageal reflux for the determinism of fistula-related problems. Copyright © 2014 The Voice Foundation. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Radiobiological concepts for treatment planning of schemes that combines external beam radiotherapy and systemic targeted radiotherapy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fabián Calderón Marín, Carlos; González González, Joaquín Jorge; Laguardia, Rodolfo Alfonso


    The combination of radiotherapy modalities with external bundles and systemic radiotherapy (CIERT) could be a reliable alternative for patients with multiple lesions or those where treatment planning maybe difficult because organ(s)-at-risk (OARs) constraints. Radiobiological models should have the capacity for predicting the biological irradiation response considering the differences in the temporal pattern of dose delivering in both modalities. Two CIERT scenarios were studied: sequential combination in which one modality is executed following the other one and concurrent combination when both modalities are running simultaneously. Expressions are provided for calculation of the dose-response magnitudes Tumor Control Probability (TCP) and Normal Tissue Complication Probability (NTCP). General results on radiobiological modeling using the linear-quadratic (LQ) model are also discussed. Inter-subject variation of radiosensitivity and volume irradiation effect in CIERT are studied. OARs should be under control during the planning in concurrent CIERT treatment as the administered activity is increased. The formulation presented here may be used for biological evaluation of prescriptions and biological treatment planning of CIERT schemes in clinical situation.

  8. Functional Imaging in Radiotherapy in the Netherlands: Availability and Impact on Clinical Practice.


    Vogel, W V; Lam, M G E H; Pameijer, F A; van der Heide, U A; van de Kamer, J B; Philippens, M E; van Vulpen, M; Verheij, M


    Functional imaging with positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) and multiparametric magnetic resonance (mpMR) is increasingly applied for radiotherapy purposes. However, evidence and experience are still limited, and this may lead to clinically relevant differences in accessibility, interpretation and decision making. We investigated the current patterns of care in functional imaging for radiotherapy in the Netherlands in a care evaluation study. The availability of functional imaging in radiotherapy centres in the Netherlands was evaluated; features available in >80% of academic and >80% of non-academic centres were considered standard of care. The impact of functional imaging on clinical decision making was evaluated using case questionnaires on lung, head/neck, breast and prostate cancer, with multiple-choice questions on primary tumour delineation, nodal involvement, distant metastasis and incidental findings. Radiation oncologists were allowed to discuss cases in a multidisciplinary approach. Ordinal answers were evaluated by median and interquartile range (IQR) to identify the extent and variability of clinical impact; additional patterns were evaluated descriptively. Information was collected from 18 radiotherapy centres in the Netherlands (all except two). PET/CT was available for radiotherapy purposes to 94% of centres; 67% in the treatment position and 61% with integrated planning CT. mpMR was available to all centres; 61% in the treatment position. Technologists collaborated between departments to acquire PET/CT or mpMR for radiotherapy in 89%. All sites could carry out image registration for target definition. Functional imaging generally showed a high clinical impact (average median 4.3, scale 1-6) and good observer agreement (average IQR 1.1, scale 0-6). However, several issues resulted in ignoring functional imaging (e.g. positional discrepancies, central necrosis) or poor observer agreement (atelectasis, diagnostic discrepancies

  9. Mucosal Malignant Melanoma of Nasal Cavity Recurring a Year After Radiotherapy.


    Çomunoğlu, Cem; Kuzey, Gamze Mocan; Inançli, Mete; Baba, Füsun; Özkayalar, Hanife


    Sinonasal mucosal malignant melanoma is a rare entity. In this report we present a nasal mucosal malignant melanoma case with its histopathological and clinical features. An 88-year-old female patient presented with epistaxis a month ago. Examination revealed a polypoid mass lesion of right nasal cavity originating from the middle concha. Her medical history revealed that she had been found to have a mass lesion in the right nasal cavity 15 months ago. She then underwent a punch biopsy from that lesion. A definitive histopathological diagnosis was not made but it was declared that the lesion had been a malignant epithelial tumor. The patient then had radiotherapy and the lesion showed complete regression. One year after completion of radiotherapy, the lesion recurred. Her last PET-CT showed multiple metastatic foci. Endoscopic excisional biopsy was performed for her recurrent lesion. Fragmented tumoral tissues were measured as 3,6x3x0,5 cm. Macroscopically the tumor was brownish in color. Histopathologically the tumor consisted of spindled and epitheloid cells. Immunohistochemically the tumor cells displayed positivity for S-100, HMB-45 and Melan-A. Findings were consistent with malignant melanoma. Mucosal malignant melanomas have a poor prognosis despite chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Five-year survival for sinonasal melanoma is reported to be lower than 35%. Sinonasal melanomas show a high recurrence rate. The immunohistochemical markers showing high specificity for malignant melanoma such as S-100, HMB-45 and Melan-A are used in order to reach a correct diagnosis. In our case the tumor showed recurrence and multiple metastases 1 year after completion of radiotherapy. For this recurrent tumor, chemotherapy and radiotherapy have been planned.

  10. Oral cancer radiotherapy affects enamel microhardness and associated indentation pattern morphology

    PubMed Central

    Seyedmahmoud, R.; Thiagarajan, G.; Gorski, J. P.; Reed Edwards, R.; McGuire, J. D.


    Objectives The aim of this study is to determine the effects of in vitro and in vivo high-dose radiotherapy on microhardness and associated indentation pattern morphology of enamel. Materials and methods The inner, middle, and outer microhardness of enamel was evaluated using three experimental groups: control (non-radiated); in vitro irradiated; in vivo irradiated. In vitro specimens were exposed to simulated radiotherapy, and in vivo specimens were extracted teeth from oral cancer patients previously treated with radiotherapy. Indentations were measured via SEM images to calculate microhardness values and to assess the mechanomorphological properties of enamel before and after radiotherapy. Results Middle and outer regions of enamel demonstrated a significant decrease in microhardness after in vitro and in vivo irradiation compared to the control group (p < 0.05). Two indentation patterns were observed: pattern A—presence of microcracks around indent periphery, which represents local dissipation of deformation energy; pattern B—clean, sharp indents. The percentage of clean microindentation patterns, compared to controls, was significantly higher following in vitro and in vivo irradiation in all enamel regions. The highest percentage of clean microindentations (65%) was observed in the in vivo irradiated group in the inner region of enamel near the dentin-enamel junction. Conclusions For the first time, this study shows that in vitro and in vivo irradiation alters enamel microhardness. Likewise, the indentation pattern differences suggest that enamel may become more brittle following in vitro and in vivo irradiation. Clinical relevance The mechanomorphological property changes of enamel following radiation may be a contributory component of pathologic enamel delamination following oral cancer radiotherapy. PMID:29151196

  11. Hyperthermia and radiotherapy in the management of head and neck cancers: A systematic review and meta-analysis.


    Datta, Niloy R; Rogers, Susanne; Ordóñez, Silvia Gómez; Puric, Emsad; Bodis, Stephan


    A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate the outcome of controlled clinical trials in head and neck cancers (HNCs) using hyperthermia and radiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone. A total of 498 abstracts were screened from four databases and hand searched as per the PRISMA guidelines. Only two-arm studies treating HNCs with either radiotherapy alone, or hyperthermia and radiotherapy without concurrent chemotherapy or surgery were considered. The evaluated end point was complete response (CR). Following a detailed screening of the titles, abstracts and full text papers, six articles fulfilling the above eligibility criteria were considered. In total 451 clinical cases from six studies were included in the meta-analysis. Five of six trials were randomised. The overall CR with radiotherapy alone was 39.6% (92/232) and varied between 31.3% and 46.9% across the six trials. With thermoradiotherapy, the overall CR reported was 62.5% (137/219), (range 33.9-83.3%). The odds ratio was 2.92 (95% CI: 1.58-5.42, p = 0.001); the risk ratio was 1.61 (95% CI: 1.32-1.97, p < 0.0001) and the risk difference was 0.25 (95% CI: 0.12-0.39, p < 0.0001), all in favour of combined treatment with hyperthermia and radiotherapy over radiotherapy alone. Acute and late grade III/IV toxicities were reported to be similar in both the groups. Hyperthermia along with radiotherapy enhances the likelihood of CR in HNCs by around 25% compared to radiotherapy alone with no significant additional acute and late morbidities. This level I evidence should justify the integration of hyperthermia into the multimodality therapy of HNCs.

  12. Activity-based costing: a practical model for cost calculation in radiotherapy.


    Lievens, Yolande; van den Bogaert, Walter; Kesteloot, Katrien


    The activity-based costing method was used to compute radiotherapy costs. This report describes the model developed, the calculated costs, and possible applications for the Leuven radiotherapy department. Activity-based costing is an advanced cost calculation technique that allocates resource costs to products based on activity consumption. In the Leuven model, a complex allocation principle with a large diversity of cost drivers was avoided by introducing an extra allocation step between activity groups and activities. A straightforward principle of time consumption, weighed by some factors of treatment complexity, was used. The model was developed in an iterative way, progressively defining the constituting components (costs, activities, products, and cost drivers). Radiotherapy costs are predominantly determined by personnel and equipment cost. Treatment-related activities consume the greatest proportion of the resource costs, with treatment delivery the most important component. This translates into products that have a prolonged total or daily treatment time being the most costly. The model was also used to illustrate the impact of changes in resource costs and in practice patterns. The presented activity-based costing model is a practical tool to evaluate the actual cost structure of a radiotherapy department and to evaluate possible resource or practice changes.

  13. Dental needs in Brazilian patients subjected to head and neck radiotherapy.


    Rosales, Ana Carolina de Mesquita Netto; Esteves, Sérgio Carlos Barros; Jorge, Jacks; Almeida, Oslei Paes de; Lopes, Márcio Ajudarte


    In spite of its recognized benefits in the treatment of malignant tumors, radiation therapy have several side effects in the head and neck region. The evaluation of oral conditions by a dentist is important to prevent or minimize these problems. The aim of this retrospective review was to analyze the dental needs in 357 patients who received radiotherapy in the head and neck region and were treated at Orocentro/FOP/UNICAMP, between January 1990 and December 2004. Review of patient files showed that dental examination before radiotherapy was not performed in 148 patients (41.5%) and was done in 209 patients (58.5%). From the total of examined patients, 94 (45%) did not require dental procedures at the moment of examination, while 115 (55%) presented some sort of dental need. Following the patients after the radiotherapy, it was observed that the group of patients that was evaluated before radiation presented less need of restorations, root canal filling and dental extractions than those who were not evaluated. The results of this study confirm that the evaluation of oral conditions prior to radiotherapy is essential to minimize the dental needs, emphasizing the importance of the dentist in the multidisciplinary team that treats cancer patients.

  14. Low dose radiotherapy for plantar fasciitis. Treatment outcome of 171 patients.


    Badakhshi, Harun; Buadch, Volker


    Although the effectiveness of low-dose radiotherapy for chronic degenerative and inflammatory diseases has been documented in previous studies, patient-reported clinical outcomes are rarely available. This study aimed to determine the effect of low-dose radiotherapy on patients with painful plantar fasciitis. From 2002 to 2008, 200 patients older than 65 years of age with painful plantar fasciitis were treated in our hospital. Records from 171 of these patients were available for analysis. All patients were treated with an identical dose of 3Gy using identical equipment and techniques. Response was evaluated with patient-reported questionnaires and clinical visits. Minimum-term follow-up was 18 months, with mean follow-up at 54 months. Three months after receiving low-dose radiotherapy, 67.3% of patients had no or mild pain, and 57.9% had no or discrete mobility restriction. At a mean of 54 months, 61.4% of patients had no or mild pain and 64.9% of patients had no or discrete mobility restriction; 60.8% of patients reported improved quality of life. Low-dose radiotherapy is effective in most patients with painful plantar fasciitis. Due to minimal side effects and low costs, it represents an excellent treatment option compared to conventional therapies or surgery. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Improved Overall Survival with Aggressive Primary Tumor Radiotherapy for Patients with Metastatic Esophageal Cancer.


    Guttmann, David M; Mitra, Nandita; Bekelman, Justin; Metz, James M; Plastaras, John; Feng, Weiwei; Swisher-McClure, Samuel


    The aim of this study was to characterize utilization and survival outcomes associated with primary tumor-directed radiotherapy (PTDRT) in patients with newly diagnosed metastatic esophageal cancer. We conducted an observational cohort study using the National Cancer Data Base to evaluate patients with newly diagnosed metastatic esophageal cancer between 2004 and 2012. Overall survival outcomes after treatment with chemotherapy plus conventional palliative dose radiotherapy (<5040 cGy), chemotherapy plus definitive dose radiotherapy (≥5040 cGy), or chemotherapy alone were compared by using Cox proportional hazards models with inverse probability of treatment weighting using the propensity score. Potential unmeasured confounding was assessed through sensitivity analyses. The final cohort consisted of 12,683 patients: 57% were treated with chemotherapy alone, 24% were treated with chemotherapy plus palliative dose radiotherapy, and 19% were treated with chemotherapy plus definitive dose radiotherapy. Compared with chemotherapy alone, chemotherapy plus definitive dose radiotherapy was associated with improved survival (median overall survival of 8.3 versus 11.3 months [hazard ratio = 0.72, 95% confidence interval: 0.70-0.74, p ≤ 0.001]), whereas chemotherapy plus palliative dose radiotherapy was associated with slightly inferior outcomes (median overall survival of 8.3 months versus 7.5 months (hazard ratio = 1.10, 95% confidence interval 1.07-1.13, p ≤ 0.001). These findings were robust to potential unmeasured confounding in sensitivity analyses. Additionally, landmark analyses confirmed these findings in patients surviving 12 months or longer. Definitive dose, but not conventional palliative dose, PTDRT is associated with improved overall survival in metastatic esophageal cancer, suggesting that local control may be important to prognosis. These findings support integrating PTDRT into future clinical trials aimed at refining personalized treatment for

  16. [Survey of potential improvements during the course of the radiotherapy treatment--a patient questionnaire].


    Momm, Felix; Jooss, David; Xander, Carola J; Adebahr, Sonja; Duncker-Rohr, Viola; Heinemann, Felix; Kirste, Simon; Messmer, Marc-Benjamin; Grosu, Anca-Ligia; Becker, Gerhild


    In the context of quality assurance, increasing demands are placed on the whole radiotherapy treatment process. The patients directly concerned generally do not realize most aspects of the quality assurance program (e.g., additional safety checks) during their daily therapy. It was the aim of this study to systematically ask patients about potential improvements during the course of radiotherapy treatment from their own perspective. In the defined time span (1 month), 624 radiotherapy patients (600 questionnaires were returned, 96.2%) were interviewed using a questionnaire newly developed to inquire about several aspects of their treatment. Furthermore, they were asked for their specific needs and suggestions for improvements that could be made during the course of radiotherapy treatment. Overall, the patients were satisfied with the course of their radiotherapy treatment and with patient care. As an example, about 90% agreed with the statement: "My first contact with the radiation oncology unit proceeded with kindness and competence so that I was given the impression that I will be well cared for in this clinic." Considering the organization of the course of radiotherapy, a large majority of patients attached great value to set appointments for the therapy fractions. A main point of criticism was waiting times or delays caused by servicing or machine failures. Small, low cost improvements as music in the therapy room were considered as important as expensive measures (e.g., daylight in the therapy room). The patients emphasized the importance of staff friendliness. The situation of radiotherapy patients was, in general, satisfactory. Future improvements can be mainly expected from smooth organisation of both planning and treatment which can be achieved by electronic scheduling systems. Many results of the survey could be easily implemented in daily practice. In matters of organization radiation oncology with its complex procedures can be used as a model for other

  17. Immunotherapy Combined with Large Fractions of Radiotherapy: Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases—Implications for Intraoperative Radiotherapy after Resection

    PubMed Central

    Herskind, Carsten; Wenz, Frederik; Giordano, Frank A.


    Brain metastases (BM) affect approximately a third of all cancer patients with systemic disease. Treatment options include surgery, whole-brain radiotherapy, or stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) while chemotherapy has only limited activity. In cases where patients undergo resection before irradiation, intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT) to the tumor bed may be an alternative modality, which would eliminate the repopulation of residual tumor cells between surgery and postoperative radiotherapy. Accumulating evidence has shown that high single doses of ionizing radiation can be highly efficient in eliciting a broad spectrum of local, regional, and systemic tumor-directed immune reactions. Furthermore, immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) has proven effective in treating antigenic BM and, thus, combining IORT with ICB might be a promising approach. However, it is not known if a low number of residual tumor cells in the tumor bed after resection is sufficient to act as an immunizing event opening the gate for ICB therapies in the brain. Because immunological data on tumor bed irradiation after resection are lacking, a rationale for combining IORT with ICB must be based on mechanistic insight from experimental models and clinical studies on unresected tumors. The purpose of the present review is to examine the mechanisms by which large radiation doses as applied in SRS and IORT enhance antitumor immune activity. Clinical studies on IORT for brain tumors, and on combined treatment of SRS and ICB for unresected BM, are used to assess the safety, efficacy, and immunogenicity of IORT plus ICB and to suggest an optimal treatment sequence. PMID:28791250

  18. Immunotherapy Combined with Large Fractions of Radiotherapy: Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases-Implications for Intraoperative Radiotherapy after Resection.


    Herskind, Carsten; Wenz, Frederik; Giordano, Frank A


    Brain metastases (BM) affect approximately a third of all cancer patients with systemic disease. Treatment options include surgery, whole-brain radiotherapy, or stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) while chemotherapy has only limited activity. In cases where patients undergo resection before irradiation, intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT) to the tumor bed may be an alternative modality, which would eliminate the repopulation of residual tumor cells between surgery and postoperative radiotherapy. Accumulating evidence has shown that high single doses of ionizing radiation can be highly efficient in eliciting a broad spectrum of local, regional, and systemic tumor-directed immune reactions. Furthermore, immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) has proven effective in treating antigenic BM and, thus, combining IORT with ICB might be a promising approach. However, it is not known if a low number of residual tumor cells in the tumor bed after resection is sufficient to act as an immunizing event opening the gate for ICB therapies in the brain. Because immunological data on tumor bed irradiation after resection are lacking, a rationale for combining IORT with ICB must be based on mechanistic insight from experimental models and clinical studies on unresected tumors. The purpose of the present review is to examine the mechanisms by which large radiation doses as applied in SRS and IORT enhance antitumor immune activity. Clinical studies on IORT for brain tumors, and on combined treatment of SRS and ICB for unresected BM, are used to assess the safety, efficacy, and immunogenicity of IORT plus ICB and to suggest an optimal treatment sequence.

  19. Voice quality after endoscopic laser surgery and radiotherapy for early glottic cancer: objective measurements emphasizing the Voice Handicap Index

    PubMed Central

    Caminero Cueva, Maria Jesús; Señaris González, Blanca; Llorente Pendás, José Luis; Gorriz Gil, Carmen; López Llames, Aurora; Alonso Pantiga, Ramón; Suárez Nieto, Carlos


    We analyzed the functional outcome and self-evaluation of the voice of patients with T1 glottic carcinoma treated with endoscopic laser surgery and radiotherapy. We performed an objective voice evaluation, as well as a physical, emotional and functional well being assessment of 19 patients treated with laser surgery and 18 patients treated with radiotherapy. Voice quality is affected both by surgery and radiotherapy. Voice parameters only show differences in the maximum phonation time between both treatments. Results in the Voice Handicap Index show that radiotherapy has less effect on patient voice quality perception. There is a reduced impact on the patient’s perception of voice quality after radiotherapy, despite there being no significant differences in vocal quality between radiotherapy and laser cordectomy. PMID:17999074

  20. Einstellung und Wissen von Lehramtsstudierenden zur Evolution - ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Graf, Dittmar; Soran, Haluk

    Es wird eine Untersuchung vorgestellt, in der Wissen und Überzeugungen von Lehramtsstudierenden aller Fächer zum Thema Evolution an zwei Universitäten in Deutschland und der Türkei erhoben worden sind. Die Befragung wurde in Dortmund und in Ankara durchgeführt. Es stellte sich heraus, dass ausgeprägte Defizite im Verständnis der Evolutionsmechanismen herrschen. Viele Studierende, insbesondere aus der Türkei, sind nicht von der Faktizität der Evolution überzeugt. Dies gilt sowohl für Studierende mit Fach Biologie als auch für Studierende mit anderen Fächern. Näher untersucht worden sind die Faktoren, die die Überzeugungen zur Evolution beeinflussen können, was ja in Anbetracht der hohen Ablehnungsrate der Evolution von besonderem Interesse ist. Das Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft spielt hierbei eine besondere Rolle: Wer der Wissenschaft vertraut, ist auch eher von der Evolution überzeugt, als diejenigen, die skeptisch gegenüber der Wissenschaft sind.

  1. Supply Chain Management (SCM) mit Kanban

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Beer, Anja; Dickmann, Eva; Dickmann, Philipp; Gerth, Wolf-Michael; Graßy, Mario; Herron, Colin; Schmidt, Peter; Seidl, Florian; Wittmann, Claus-Eduard

    Nach Schätzungen von Mercer Management Consulting und dem Fraunhofer Institut wird der Wertschöpfungsanteil in der Automobilindustrie von durchschnittlich 35 % im Jahr 2002 auf 23 % im Jahr 2015 sinken [Merc 04]. Der Trend, die Produktionstiefe oder allgemeiner, die Wertschöpfungstiefe, zu reduzieren, hat zur Folge, dass die Kaufteile den größeren Teil der Wertschöpfung einnehmen. Die Optimierungspotentiale und der Einfluss auf die Kosten wandern immer mehr zu den Lieferanten, vor allem bei größeren Unternehmen oder Konzernen. Lieferanten-Philosophien, die auf oberflächlichen Verbindungen zu Lieferanten aufbauen, um immer optimal und schnell den günstigsten Teilepreis zu erhalten, haben sich in vielen Sparten oder Produktbereichen, z. B. im Maschinenbau, im besten Fall als kurzfristig erfolgreich erwiesen. Kooperative und nachhaltige Strategien sind der erfolgversprechendere Weg, zumindest mittelbis langfristig. In der Realität wird sehr wenig in Supply Chain-Konzepte investiert und die Umsetzungen sind daher vielmals oberflächlich.

  2. Late temporal lobe necrosis after conventional radiotherapy for carcinoma of maxillary sinus.


    Kanakamedala, Madhava R; Mahta, Ali; Liu, Jianlin; Kesari, Santosh


    Cerebral radiation necrosis is a serious late complication after conventional radiotherapy that can present with focal neurologic deficits or with more generalized signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure, depending on the location. The incidence and severity of radionecrosis are dose-volume dependent. We report a case of cerebral radiation necrosis 5 years after radiotherapy for a maxillary sinus carcinoma.

  3. Ten-year results of quality assurance in radiotherapy chart round.


    Taghavi Bayat, Bardia; Gill, Suki; Siva, Shankar; Tai, Keen Hun; Joon, Michael Lim; Foroudi, Farshad


    The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) initiated a unique instrument to audit the quality of patient notes and radiotherapy prescriptions. We present our experience collected over ten years from the use of the RANZCR audit instrument. In this study, the results of data collected prospectively from January 1999 to June 2009 through the audit instrument were assessed. Radiotherapy chart rounds were held weekly in the uro-oncology tumour stream and real time feedback was provided. Electronic medical records were retrospectively assessed in September 2009 to see if any omissions were subsequently corrected. In total 2597 patients were audited. One hundred and thirty seven (5%) patients had one hundred and ninety nine omissions in documentation or radiotherapy prescription. In 79% of chart rounds no omissions were found at all, in 12% of chart rounds one omission was found and in 9% of chart rounds two or more omissions were found. Out of 199 omissions, 95% were of record keeping and 2% were omissions in the treatment prescription. Of omissions, 152 (76%) were unfiled investigation results of which 77 (51%) were subsequently corrected. Real-time audit with feedback is an effective tool in assessing the standards of radiotherapy documentation in our department, and also probably contributed to the high level of attentiveness. A large proportion of omissions were investigation results, which highlights the need for an improved system of retrieval of investigation results in the radiation oncology department.

  4. Improved management of radiotherapy departments through accurate cost data.


    Kesteloot, K; Lievens, Y; van der Schueren, E


    Escalating health care expenses urge governments towards cost containment. More accurate data on the precise costs of health care interventions are needed. We performed an aggregate cost calculation of radiation therapy departments and treatments and discussed the different cost components. The costs of a radiotherapy department were estimated, based on accreditation norms for radiotherapy departments set forth in the Belgian legislation. The major cost components of radiotherapy are the cost of buildings and facilities, equipment, medical and non-medical staff, materials and overhead. They respectively represent around 3, 30, 50, 4 and 13% of the total costs, irrespective of the department size. The average cost per patient lowers with increasing department size and optimal utilization of resources. Radiotherapy treatment costs vary in a stepwise fashion: minor variations of patient load do not affect the cost picture significantly due to a small impact of variable costs. With larger increases in patient load however, additional equipment and/or staff will become necessary, resulting in additional semi-fixed costs and an important increase in costs. A sensitivity analysis of these two major cost inputs shows that a decrease in total costs of 12-13% can be obtained by assuming a 20% less than full time availability of personnel; that due to evolving seniority levels, the annual increase in wage costs is estimated to be more than 1%; that by changing the clinical life-time of buildings and equipment with unchanged interest rate, a 5% reduction of total costs and cost per patient can be calculated. More sophisticated equipment will not have a very large impact on the cost (+/-4000 BEF/patient), provided that the additional equipment is adapted to the size of the department. That the recommendations we used, based on the Belgian legislation, are not outrageous is shown by replacing them by the USA Blue book recommendations. Depending on the department size, costs in

  5. Radiotherapy Monte Carlo simulation using cloud computing technology.


    Poole, C M; Cornelius, I; Trapp, J V; Langton, C M


    Cloud computing allows for vast computational resources to be leveraged quickly and easily in bursts as and when required. Here we describe a technique that allows for Monte Carlo radiotherapy dose calculations to be performed using GEANT4 and executed in the cloud, with relative simulation cost and completion time evaluated as a function of machine count. As expected, simulation completion time decreases as 1/n for n parallel machines, and relative simulation cost is found to be optimal where n is a factor of the total simulation time in hours. Using the technique, we demonstrate the potential usefulness of cloud computing as a solution for rapid Monte Carlo simulation for radiotherapy dose calculation without the need for dedicated local computer hardware as a proof of principal.

  6. Toxicity and dosimetric analysis of non-small cell lung cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy with 4DCT and image-guided intensity modulated radiotherapy: a regional centre's experience.


    Livingston, Gareth C; Last, Andrew J; Shakespeare, Thomas P; Dwyer, Patrick M; Westhuyzen, Justin; McKay, Michael J; Connors, Lisa; Leader, Stephanie; Greenham, Stuart


    For patients receiving radiotherapy for locally advance non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), the probability of experiencing severe radiation pneumonitis (RP) appears to rise with an increase in radiation received by the lungs. Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) provides the ability to reduce planned doses to healthy organs at risk (OAR) and can potentially reduce treatment-related side effects. This study reports toxicity outcomes and provides a dosimetric comparison with three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT). Thirty curative NSCLC patients received radiotherapy using four-dimensional computed tomography and five-field IMRT. All were assessed for early and late toxicity using common terminology criteria for adverse events. All plans were subsequently re-planned using 3DCRT to the same standard as the clinical plans. Dosimetric parameters for lungs, oesophagus, heart and conformity were recorded for comparison between the two techniques. IMRT plans achieved improved high-dose conformity and reduced OAR doses including lung volumes irradiated to 5-20 Gy. One case each of oesophagitis and erythema (3%) were the only Grade 3 toxicities. Rates of Grade 2 oesophagitis were 40%. No cases of Grade 3 RP were recorded and Grade 2 RP rates were as low as 3%. IMRT provides a dosimetric benefit when compared to 3DCRT. While the clinical benefit appears to increase with increasing target size and increasing complexity, IMRT appears preferential to 3DCRT in the treatment of NSCLC.

  7. [Implementation of "never events" checklists in a radiotherapy information system].


    Brusadin, G; Bour, M S; Deutsch, E; Kouchit, N; Corbin, S; Lefkopoulos, D


    In order to reduce the incidence of major accidents during external radiotherapy treatment, "never events" checklists have been incorporated into the "record and verify" system. This article details this process. Prospects for improvement are also proposed, including a peer-to-peer audit on the use of checklists and the availability of the radiotherapy information system manufacturer to collaborate in this process to secure the patients' journey. Copyright © 2017 Société française de radiothérapie oncologique (SFRO). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  8. [Clinical efficacy of alternating chemo-radiotherapy for locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma].


    You, Xi; Yang, Yucheng


    The purpose of this study is to investigate the effective of alternating Chemo-radiotherapy for locally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Retrospective analysis 106 cases of patients with locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma between November 2005 and March 2007. All patients received cisplatin-based chemotherapy but 15 patients received radiotherapy(RT) alone. Inducing chemotherapy (IC) + RT + adju-vant chemotherapy (AC) regimen in 36 patients, IC+RT regimen was delivered in 25 patients and AC + RT regimen in 30 patients. 61 patients received 1 to 2 cycles of inducing chemotherapy and 66 patients received 3 to 6 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy after radiotherapy. Chemotherapy started on the first day after the end of the induction chemotherapy, adjuvant chemotherapy begun after radiotherapy for a week. All patients were treated by radiotherapy using 60 Co r-ray, the nasophyarynx primary site was given a total does of 68 -74 Gy. The lymph nodes of the neck was given 60 to 70 Gy. The prophylactic irradiation does of the neck was 48-50 Gy. RESCULT: The median follow up time was 51 months. A total of 58 patients died, the overall survival rate was 45% in whole groups. The 5-year overall survival rates were 33%, 63%, 60% and 50% in RT, IC + RT + AC, IC + RT and RT+AC group, respectively. The 5-year disease-free survival rates were 13%, 56%, 48% and 40% in RT, IC + RT + AC, IC + RT and RT + AC group, respectively. The 5-year relapse-free survival rates were 13%, 53%, 48% and 50% in RT, IC + RT + AC, IC + RT and RT + AC group, respectively. The 5-year metastasis-free survival rates were 6%, 50%, 44% and 47% in RT, IC + RT + AC, IC+ RT and RT + AC group, respectively. There was significant difference in all groups (P < 0.05). The median time to relapses were 22 months, 29 months, 28 months and 25 months in RT, IC + RT + AC, IC + RT and RT + AC group, respectively. The median time to first distant metastasis were 10 months, 19 months, 15 months and 12 months in RT, IC

  9. Standard-Fractionated Radiotherapy for Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma: Visual Outcome Is Predicted by Mean Eye Dose

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Abouaf, Lucie; Girard, Nicolas; Claude Bernard University, Lyon


    Purpose: Radiotherapy has shown its efficacy in controlling optic nerve sheath meningiomas (ONSM) tumor growth while allowing visual acuity to improve or stabilize. However, radiation-induced toxicity may ultimately jeopardize the functional benefit. The purpose of this study was to identify predictive factors of poor visual outcome in patients receiving radiotherapy for ONSM. Methods and Materials: We conducted an extensive analysis of 10 patients with ONSM with regard to clinical, radiologic, and dosimetric aspects. All patients were treated with conformal radiotherapy and subsequently underwent biannual neuroophthalmologic and imaging assessments. Pretreatment and posttreatment values of visual acuity and visual field were comparedmore » with Wilcoxon's signed rank test. Results: Visual acuity values significantly improved after radiotherapy. After a median follow-up time of 51 months, 6 patients had improved visual acuity, 4 patients had improved visual field, 1 patient was in stable condition, and 1 patient had deteriorated visual acuity and visual field. Tumor control rate was 100% at magnetic resonance imaging assessment. Visual acuity deterioration after radiotherapy was related to radiation-induced retinopathy in 2 patients and radiation-induced mature cataract in 1 patient. Study of radiotherapy parameters showed that the mean eye dose was significantly higher in those 3 patients who had deteriorated vision. Conclusions: Our study confirms that radiotherapy is efficient in treating ONSM. Long-term visual outcome may be compromised by radiation-induced side effects. Mean eye dose has to be considered as a limiting constraint in treatment planning.« less

  10. Conformal Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Advanced Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma With Intracranial Extension: An Institutional Experience

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Chakraborty, Santam, E-mail:; Ghoshal, Sushmita; Patil, Vijay Maruti


    Purpose: To describe the results of conformal radiotherapy in advanced juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma in a tertiary care institution. Methods and Materials: Retrospective chart review was conducted for 8 patients treated with conformal radiotherapy between 2006 and 2009. The median follow-up was 17 months. All patients had Stage IIIB disease with intracranial extension. Radiotherapy was considered as treatment because patients were deemed inoperable owing to extensive intracranial/intraorbital extension or proximity to optic nerve. All but 1 patient were treated with intensity-modulated radiotherapy using seven coplanar fields. Median (range) dose prescribed was 39.6 (30-46) Gy. Actuarial analysis of local control and descriptivemore » analysis of toxicity profile was conducted. Results: Despite the large and complex target volume (median planning target volume, 292 cm{sup 3}), intensity-modulated radiotherapy achieved conformal dose distributions (median van't Reit index, 0.66). Significant sparing of the surrounding organs at risk was obtained. No significant Grade 3/4 toxicities were experienced during or after treatment. Actual local control at 2 years was 87.5%. One patient died 1 month after radiotherapy secondary to massive epistaxis. The remaining 7 patients had progressive resolution of disease and were symptom-free at last follow-up. Persistent rhinitis was the only significant toxicity, seen in 1 patient. Conclusions: Conformal radiotherapy results in good local control with minimal acute and late side effects in juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibromas, even in the presence of advanced disease.« less

  11. Evaluation of Radiation-induced Class V Dental Caries in Patients with Head and Neck Cancers Undergoing Radiotherapy.


    Mohammadi, Narmin; Seyednejad, Farshad; Oskoee, Parnian Alizadeh; Savadi Oskoee, Siavash; Ebrahimi Chaharom, Mohammad Esmaeil


    Salivary glands are very susceptible to radiation and any disturbances in their function are detrimental to the hard tissues in the oral cavity. The aim of this study was to evaluate posterior class V dental caries in patients with head and neck cancers undergoing radiotherapy. In this study, twenty seven patients undergoing conventional radiotherapy were included. Class V dental caries of posterior teeth in these patients were evaluated in three intervals: before treatment, 3 weeks after the initiation of the treatment, and at the end of the treatment. Differences of mean caries activity between intervals were evaluated using paired sample t-test. There were no class V decays prior to radiotherapy. Mean percentage of class V caries three weeks after radiotherapy and at the end of radiotherapy were 28.42% ± 14.41 and 67.05% ± 19.02, respectively. There were statistically signifi-cant differences in mean values among three stages (P = 0.00025). The results of the present study re-vealed that radiotherapy in patients with head and neck cancers causes class V dental caries on posteri-or teeth.

  12. Management of Mediastinal Relapse after Treatment with Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy or Accelerated Hypofractionated Radiotherapy for Stage I/II Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer

    PubMed Central

    Kilburn, Jeremy M.; Lester, Scott C.; Lucas, John T.; Soike, Michael H.; Blackstock, A. William; Kearns, William T.; Hinson, William H.; Miller, Antonius A.; Petty, William J.; Munley, Michael T.; Urbanic, James J.


    Purpose/Objective(s) Regional failures occur in up to 15% of patients treated with stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for stage I/II lung cancer. This report focuses on the management of the unique scenario of isolated regional failures. Methods Patients treated initially with SBRT or accelerated hypo-fractionated radiotherapy were screened for curative intent treatment of isolated mediastinal failures (IMFs). Local control, regional control, progression-free survival, and distant control were estimated from the date of salvage treatment using the Kaplan–Meier method. Results Among 160 patients treated from 2002 to 2012, 12 suffered IMF and were amenable to salvage treatment. The median interval between treatments was 16 months (2–57 mo). Median salvage dose was 66 Gy (60–70 Gy). With a median follow-up of 10 months, the median overall survival was 15 months (95% confidence interval, 5.8–37 mo). When estimated from original treatment, the median overall survival was 38 months (95% confidence interval, 17–71 mo). No subsequent regional failures occurred. Distant failure was the predominant mode of relapse following salvage for IMF with a 2-year distant control rate of 38%. At the time of this analysis, three patients have died without recurrence while four are alive and no evidence of disease. High-grade toxicity was uncommon. Conclusions To our knowledge, this is first analysis of salvage mediastinal radiation after SBRT or accelerated hypofractionated radiotherapy in lung cancer. Outcomes appear similar to stage III disease at presentation. Distant failures were common, suggesting a role for concurrent or sequential chemotherapy. A standard full course of external beam radiotherapy is advisable in this unique clinical scenario. PMID:24736084

  13. Left-sided breast cancer irradiation using rotational and fixed-field radiotherapy.


    Qi, X Sharon; Liu, Tian X; Liu, Arthur K; Newman, Francis; Rabinovitch, Rachel; Kavanagh, Brian; Hu, Y Angie


    The 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) technique is the standard for breast cancer radiotherapy. During treatment planning, not only the coverage of the planning target volume (PTV) but also the minimization of the dose to critical structures, such as the lung, heart, and contralateral breast tissue, need to be considered. Because of the complexity and variations of patient anatomy, more advanced radiotherapy techniques are sometimes desired to better meet the planning goals. In this study, we evaluated external-beam radiation treatment techniques for left breast cancer using various delivery platforms: fixed-field including TomoDirect (TD), static intensity-modulated radiotherapy (sIMRT), and rotational radiotherapy including Elekta volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) and tomotherapy helical (TH). A total of 10 patients with left-sided breast cancer who did or did not have positive lymph nodes and were previously treated with 3DCRT/sIMRT to the entire breast were selected, their treatment was planned with Monaco VMAT, TD, and TH. Dosimetric parameters including PTV coverage, organ-at-risk (OAR) sparing, dose-volume histograms, and target minimum/maximum/mean doses were evaluated. It is found that for plans providing comparable PTV coverage, the Elekta VMAT plans were generally more inhomogeneous than the TH and TD plans. For the cases with regional node involvement, the average mean doses administered to the heart were 9.2 (± 5.2) and 8.8 (± 3.0)Gy in the VMAT and TH plans compared with 11.9 (± 6.4) and 11.8 (± 9.2)Gy for the 3DCRT and TD plans, respectively, with slightly higher doses given to the contralateral lung or breast or both. On average, the total monitor units for VMAT plans are 11.6% of those TH plans. Our studies have shown that VMAT and TH plans offer certain dosimetric advantages over fixed-field IMRT plans for advanced breast cancer requiring regional nodal treatment. However, for early-stage breast cancer fixed-field radiotherapy

  14. Patient training in respiratory-gated radiotherapy

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kini, Vijay R.; Vedam, Subrahmanya S.; Keall, Paul J.


    Respiratory gating is used to counter the effects of organ motion during radiotherapy for chest tumors. The effects of variations in patient breathing patterns during a single treatment and from day to day are unknown. We evaluated the feasibility of using patient training tools and their effect on the breathing cycle regularity and reproducibility during respiratory-gated radiotherapy. To monitor respiratory patterns, we used a component of a commercially available respiratory-gated radiotherapy system (Real Time Position Management (RPM) System, Varian Oncology Systems, Palo Alto, CA 94304). This passive marker video tracking system consists of reflective markers placed on the patient's chestmore » or abdomen, which are detected by a wall-mounted video camera. Software installed on a PC interfaced to this camera detects the marker motion digitally and records it. The marker position as a function of time serves as the motion signal that may be used to trigger imaging or treatment. The training tools used were audio prompting and visual feedback, with free breathing as a control. The audio prompting method used instructions to 'breathe in' or 'breathe out' at periodic intervals deduced from patients' own breathing patterns. In the visual feedback method, patients were shown a real-time trace of their abdominal wall motion due to breathing. Using this, they were asked to maintain a constant amplitude of motion. Motion traces of the abdominal wall were recorded for each patient for various maneuvers. Free breathing showed a variable amplitude and frequency. Audio prompting resulted in a reproducible frequency; however, the variability and the magnitude of amplitude increased. Visual feedback gave a better control over the amplitude but showed minor variations in frequency. We concluded that training improves the reproducibility of amplitude and frequency of patient breathing cycles. This may increase the accuracy of respiratory-gated radiation therapy.« less

  15. Available evidence on re-irradiation with stereotactic ablative radiotherapy following high-dose previous thoracic radiotherapy for lung malignancies.


    De Bari, Berardino; Filippi, Andrea Riccardo; Mazzola, Rosario; Bonomo, Pierluigi; Trovò, Marco; Livi, Lorenzo; Alongi, Filippo


    Patients affected with intra-thoracic recurrences of primary or secondary lung malignancies after a first course of definitive radiotherapy have limited therapeutic options, and they are often treated with a palliative intent. Re-irradiation with stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) represents an appealing approach, due to the optimized dose distribution that allows for high-dose delivery with better sparing of organs at risk. This strategy has the goal of long-term control and even cure. Aim of this review is to report and discuss published data on re-irradiation with SABR in terms of efficacy and toxicity. Results indicate that thoracic re-irradiation may offer satisfactory disease control, however the data on outcome and toxicity are derived from low quality retrospective studies, and results should be cautiously interpreted. As SABR may be associated with serious toxicity, attention should be paid for an accurate patients' selection. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Hyperfractionated Accelerated Radiotherapy (HART) for Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma: Toxicity and Survival Analysis

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Dandekar, Prasad; Harmer, Clive; Barbachano, Yolanda


    Purpose: Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) is one of the most aggressive cancers, and the current protocol of hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy was initiated to improve survival while limiting toxicities. Methods and Materials: All patients with ATC from 1991 to 2002 were accrued and received megavoltage radiotherapy from the mastoid processes to the carina up to 60 Gy in twice-daily fractions of 1.8 and 2 Gy, 6 hours apart. Results: Thirty-one patients were accrued with a median age of 69 years, and 55% were women. Debulking was performed in 26%, and total thyroidectomy, in 6%, whereas 68% received radical radiotherapy alone. Localmore » control data were available for 27 patients: 22% had a complete response, 26% had a partial response, 15% showed progressive disease, and 37% showed static disease. Median overall survival for all 31 patients was 70 days (95% confidence interval, 40-99). There was no significant difference in median survival between patients younger (70 days) and older than 70 years (42 days), between men (70 days) and women (49days), and between patients receiving postoperative radiotherapy (77 days) and radical radiotherapy alone (35 days). Grade III or higher skin erythema was seen in 56% patients; desquamation in 21%; dysphagia in 74%; and esophagitis in 79%. Conclusion: The current protocol failed to offer a significant survival benefit, was associated with severe toxicities, and thus was discontinued. There is a suggestion that younger patients with operable disease have longer survival, but this would require a larger study to confirm it.« less

  17. Five-year follow-up using a prostate stent as fiducial in image-guided radiotherapy of prostate cancer.


    Carl, Jesper; Sander, Lotte


    To report results from the five-year follow-up on a previously reported study using image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) of localized or locally advanced prostate cancer (PC) and a removable prostate stent as fiducial. Patients with local or locally advanced PC were treated using five-field 3D conformal radiotherapy (3DRT). The clinical target volumes (CTV) were treated to 78 Gy in 39 fractions using daily on-line image guidance (IG). Late genito-urinary (GU) and gastro-intestinal (GI) toxicities were scored using the radiotherapy oncology group (RTOG) score and the common toxicity score of adverse events (CTC) score. Urinary symptoms were also scored using the international prostate symptom score (IPSS). Median observation time was 5.4 year. Sixty-two of the 90 patients from the original study cohort were eligible for toxicity assessment. Overall survival, cancer-specific survival and biochemical freedom from failure were 85%, 96% and 80%, respectively at five years after radiotherapy. Late toxicity GU and GI RTOG scores≥2 were 5% and 0%. Comparing pre- and post-radiotherapy IPSS scores indicate that development in urinary symptoms after radiotherapy may be complex. Prostate image-guided radiotherapy using a prostate stent demonstrated survival data comparable with recently published data. GU and GI toxicities at five-year follow-up were low and comparable to the lowest toxicity rates reported. These findings support that the precision of the prostate stent technique is at least as good as other techniques. IPSS revealed a complex development in urinary symptoms after radiotherapy.

  18. Competing-risks mortality after radiotherapy vs. observation for localized prostate cancer: a population-based study.


    Abdollah, Firas; Sun, Maxine; Schmitges, Jan; Thuret, Rodolphe; Tian, Zhe; Shariat, Shahrokh F; Briganti, Alberto; Jeldres, Claudio; Perrotte, Paul; Montorsi, Francesco; Karakiewicz, Pierre I


    Contemporary patients with localized prostate cancer (PCa) are more frequently treated with radiotherapy. However, there are limited data on the effect of this treatment on cancer-specific mortality (CSM). Our objective was to test the relationship between radiotherapy and survival in men with localized PCa and compare it with those treated with observation. A population-based cohort identified 68,797 men with cT1-T2 PCa treated with radiotherapy or observation between the years 1992 and 2005. Propensity-score matching was used to minimize potential bias related to treatment assignment. Competing-risks analyses tested the effect of treatment type (radiotherapy vs. observation) on CSM, after accounting to other-cause mortality. All analyses were carried out within PCa risk, baseline comorbidity status, and age groups. Radiotherapy was associated with more favorable 10-year CSM rates than observation in patients with high-risk PCa (8.8 vs. 14.4%, hazard ratio [HR]: 0.59, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.50-0.68). Conversely, the beneficial effect of radiotherapy on CSM was not evident in patients with low-intermediate risk PCa (3.7 vs. 4.1%, HR: 0.91, 95% CI: 0.80-1.04). Radiotherapy was beneficial in elderly patients (5.6 vs. 7.3%, HR: 0.70, 95% CI: 0.59-0.80). Moreover, it was associated with improved CSM rates among patients with no comorbidities (5.7 vs. 6.5%, HR: 0.81, 95% CI: 0.67-0.98), one comorbidity (4.6 vs. 6.0%, HR: 0.87, 95% CI: 0.75-0.99), and more than two comorbidities (4.2 vs. 5.0%, HR: 0.79, 95% CI: 0.65-0.96). Radiotherapy substantially improves CSM in patients with high-risk PCa, with little or no benefit in patients with low-/intermediate-risk PCa relative to observation. These findings must be interpreted within the context of the limitations of observational data. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. External Beam Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer Patients on Anticoagulation Therapy: How Significant is the Bleeding Toxicity?

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Choe, Kevin S.; Jani, Ashesh B.; Liauw, Stanley L., E-mail: sliauw@radonc.uchicago.ed

    Purpose: To characterize the bleeding toxicity associated with external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer patients receiving anticoagulation (AC) therapy. Methods and Materials: The study cohort consisted of 568 patients with adenocarcinoma of the prostate who were treated with definitive external beam radiotherapy. Of these men, 79 were receiving AC therapy with either warfarin or clopidogrel. All patients were treated with three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy or intensity-modulated radiotherapy. Bleeding complications were recorded during treatment and subsequent follow-up visits. Results: With a median follow-up of 48 months, the 4-year actuarial risk of Grade 3 or worse bleeding toxicity was 15.5% for those receivingmore » AC therapy compared with 3.6% among those not receiving AC (p < .0001). On multivariate analysis, AC therapy was the only significant factor associated with Grade 3 or worse bleeding (p < .0001). For patients taking AC therapy, the crude rate of bleeding was 39.2%. Multivariate analysis within the AC group demonstrated that a higher radiotherapy dose (p = .0408), intensity-modulated radiotherapy (p = 0.0136), and previous transurethral resection of the prostate (p = .0001) were associated with Grade 2 or worse bleeding toxicity. Androgen deprivation therapy was protective against bleeding, with borderline significance (p = 0.0599). Dose-volume histogram analysis revealed that Grade 3 or worse bleeding was minimized if the percentage of the rectum receiving >=70 Gy was <10% or the rectum receiving >=50 Gy was <50%. Conclusion: Patients taking AC therapy have a substantial risk of bleeding toxicity from external beam radiotherapy. In this setting, dose escalation or intensity-modulated radiotherapy should be used judiciously. With adherence to strict dose-volume histogram criteria and minimizing hotspots, the risk of severe bleeding might be reduced.« less

  20. Postoperative Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy in Low-Risk Endometrial Cancers: Final Results of a Phase I Study

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Macchia, Gabriella, E-mail: gmacchia@rm.unicatt.i; Cilla, Savino M.P.; Ferrandina, Gabriella


    Purpose: To determine the maximum tolerated dose of short-course radiotherapy (intensity-modulated radiotherapy technique) to the upper two thirds of the vagina in endometrial cancers with low risk of local recurrence. Patients and Methods: A Phase I clinical trial was performed. Eligible patients had low-risk resected primary endometrial adenocarcinomas. Radiotherapy was delivered in 5 fractions over 1 week. The planning target volume was the clinical target volume plus 5 mm. The clinical target volume was defined as the upper two thirds of the vagina as evidenced at CT simulation by a vaginal radio-opaque device. The planning target volume was irradiated bymore » a seven-field intensity-modulated radiotherapy technique, planned by the Plato Sunrise inverse planning system. A first cohort of 6 patients received 25 Gy (5-Gy fractions), and a subsequent cohort received 30 Gy (6-Gy fractions). The Common Toxicity Criteria scale, version 3.0, was used to score toxicity. Results: Twelve patients with endometrial cancer were enrolled. Median age was 58 years (range, 49-74 years). Pathologic stage was IB (83.3%) and IC (16.7%). Median tumor size was 30 mm (range, 15-50 mm). All patients completed the prescribed radiotherapy. No patient experienced a dose-limiting toxicity at the first level, and the radiotherapy dose was escalated from 25 to 30 Gy. No patients at the second dose level experienced dose-limiting toxicity. The most common Grade 2 toxicity was gastrointestinal, which was tolerable and manageable. Conclusions: The maximum tolerated dose of short-course radiotherapy was 30 Gy at 6 Gy per fraction. On the basis of this result, we are conducting a Phase II study with radiotherapy delivered at 30 Gy.« less

  1. Treatment of unicentric and multicentric Castleman disease and the role of radiotherapy.


    Chronowski, G M; Ha, C S; Wilder, R B; Cabanillas, F; Manning, J; Cox, J D


    Although surgery is considered standard therapy for unicentric Castleman disease, favorable responses to radiotherapy also have been documented. The authors undertook this study to analyze the clinical factors, treatment approaches, and outcomes of patients with unicentric or multicentric Castleman disease, and to report the outcomes of patients with unicentric Castleman disease treated with radiotherapy. The authors reviewed the medical records of 22 patients who had received a histologic diagnosis of Castleman disease at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center between 1988 and 1999. One patient with a concurrent histopathologic diagnosis of nonsecretory multiple myeloma was excluded from the study. In all patients, the diagnosis of Castleman disease was based on the results of lymph node biopsies. Disease was categorized as being either unicentric or multicentric and further subdivided into hyaline vascular, plasma cell, or mixed variant histologic types. Clinical variables and outcomes were analyzed according to treatment, which consisted of surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy. Records from 21 patients were analyzed: 12 had unicentric disease, and 9 had multicentric disease. The mean follow-up time for the entire series was 51 months (median, 40 months). Four patients with unicentric disease were treated with radiotherapy alone: 2 remain alive and symptom free, 2 died of causes unrelated to Castleman disease and had no evidence of disease at last follow-up. Eight patients with unicentric disease were treated with complete or partial surgical resection, and all are alive and asymptomatic. All nine patients with multicentric disease were treated with combination chemotherapy: five are alive with no evidence of disease, and four are alive with progressive disease. Surgery results in excellent rates of cure in patients with unicentric Castleman disease; radiotherapy can also achieve clinical response and cure in selected patients. Multicentric

  2. Left Ventricular Strain in Chemotherapy-Naive and Radiotherapy-Naive Patients With Cancer.


    Tadic, Marijana; Genger, Martin; Baudisch, Ana; Kelle, Sebastian; Cuspidi, Cesare; Belyavskiy, Evgeny; Burkhardt, Franziska; Venneri, Lucia; Attanasio, Philipp; Pieske, Burkert


    We sought to investigate left ventricular (LV) function and mechanics in patients with cancer before they received chemotherapy or radiotherapy, as well as the relationship between cancer and reduced LV multidirectional strain in the whole study population. The retrospective study involved 122 chemotherapy- and radiotherapy-naive patients with cancer and 45 age- and sex-matched controls with a cardiovascular risk profile similar to that of the patients with cancer. All the patients underwent echocardiographic examination before introduction of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. LV longitudinal (-19.1% ± 2.1% vs -17.8% ± 3.5%; P = 0.022), circumferential (-22.9% ± 3.5% vs -20.1% ± 4.1%; P < 0.001), and radial (40.5% ± 8.8% vs 35.2% ± 10.7%; P = 0.004) strain was significantly lower in the patients with cancer than in the control group. Endocardial and midmyocardial longitudinal LV strain was significantly reduced in the patients with cancer compared with the controls, whereas epicardial longitudinal strain was similar between these groups. Endocardial, midmyocardial, and epicardial circumferential strain was significantly lower in the chemotherapy- or radiotherapy-naive patients with cancer than in the controls. Cancer was associated with reduced longitudinal (odds ratio [OR], 9.0; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.20-23.50; P < 0.001), reduced circumferential (OR, 7.1; 95% CI, 3.80-20.40; P < 0.001), and reduced radial strain (OR, 7.2; 95% CI, 3.41-25.10; P < 0.001) independent of age, sex, body mass index, diabetes, and hypertension. LV mechanics was impaired in the patients with cancer compared with the controls even before initiation of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Cancer and hypertension were associated with reduced LV multidirectional strain independent of other clinical parameters. The present results indicate that cancer itself potentially induces cardiac remodelling independent of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Copyright © 2017 Canadian

  3. Early onset of bilateral brachial plexopathy during mantle radiotherapy for Hodgkin's disease.


    Churn, M; Clough, V; Slater, A


    We report a case of brachial plexus neuropathy occurring in a 50-year-old man treated with standard mantle radiotherapy for early-stage Hodgkin's disease. A dose of 35 Gy in 20 fractions was given to the mantle field, following by a boost to the right side of the neck (8 Gy in four fractions). The onset of symptoms was early in the course of treatment and a gradual and almost full recovery was observed over 3 years after completion ofradiotherapy. The diagnosis was supported by electromyography. The temporal relationship of the radiotherapy and the onset of the brachial plexus neuropathy suggests a cause and effect, but this association is rarely reported after mantle radiotherapy. We review the aetiology of this condition and postulate possible mechanisms in this patient.

  4. It Is Tough and Tiring but It Works--Children's Experiences of Undergoing Radiotherapy.


    Engvall, Gunn; Ångström-Brännström, Charlotte; Mullaney, Tara; Nilsson, Kristina; Wickart-Johansson, Gun; Svärd, Anna-Maja; Nyholm, Tufve; Lindh, Jack; Lindh, Viveca


    Approximately 300 children ages 0 to 18 are diagnosed with cancer in Sweden every year, and 80 to 90 of them undergo radiotherapy treatment. The aim was to describe children's experiences of preparing for and undergoing radiotherapy, and furthermore to describe children's suggestions for improvement. Thirteen children between the ages of 5 and 15 with various cancer diagnoses were interviewed. Data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The findings revealed five categories: positive and negative experiences with hospital stays and practical arrangements; age-appropriate information, communication, and guidance to various degrees; struggle with emotions; use of distraction and other suitable coping strategies; and children's suggestions for improvement during radiotherapy. An overarching theme emerged: "It is tough and tiring but it works". Some key areas were: explanatory visits, the need for information and communication, being afraid, discomfort and suffering, the need for media distraction, dealing with emotions, and the need for support. A systematic, family-centered preparation program could possible help families prepare and individualized distraction during radiotherapy could contribute to reducing distress. Further studies with interventions could clarify successful programs.

  5. [Technique of complex mammary irradiation: Mono-isocentric 3D conformational radiotherapy and helical tomotherapy].


    Vandendorpe, B; Guilbert, P; Champagne, C; Antoni, T; Nguyen, T D; Gaillot-Petit, N; Servagi Vernat, S


    To evaluate the dosimetric contribution of helical tomotherapy for breast cancers compared with conformal radiotherapy in mono-isocentric technique. For 23 patients, the dosimetric results in mono-isocentric 3D conformational radiotherapy did not satisfy the constraints either of target volumes nor organs at risk. A prospective dosimetric comparison between mono-isocentric 3D conformational radiotherapy and helical tomotherapy was therefore carried out. The use of helical tomotherapy showed a benefit in these 23 patients, with either an improvement in the conformity index or homogeneity, but with an increase in low doses. Of the 23 patients, two had pectus excavatum, five had past thoracic irradiation and two required bilateral irradiation. The other 14 patients had a combination of morphology and/or indication of lymph node irradiation. For these patients, helical tomotherapy was therefore preferred to mono-isocentric 3D conformational radiotherapy. Tomotherapy appears to provide better homogeneity and tumour coverage. This technique of irradiation may be justified in the case of morphological situations such as pectus exavatum and in complex clinical situations. In other cases, conformal radiotherapy in mono-isocentric technique remains to be favoured. Copyright © 2017 Société française de radiothérapie oncologique (SFRO). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  6. Is it possible to improve communication around radiotherapy delivery: A randomized study to assess the efficacy of team training?


    Liénard, Aurore; Delevallez, France; Razavi, Darius; Gibon, Anne-Sophie; Libert, Yves; Delvaux, Nicole; Marchal, Serge; Etienne, Anne-Marie; Bragard, Isabelle; Reynaert, Christine; Slachmuylder, Jean-Louis; Durieux, Jean-François; Farvacques, Christine; Scalliet, Pierre; Van Houtte, Paul; Coucke, Philippe; Merckaert, Isabelle


    The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of a 38-h communication skills training program designed for multidisciplinary radiotherapy teams. Four radiotherapy teams were randomly assigned to a training program or to a waiting list. Assessments were scheduled at baseline (T1) and then after the training was completed or four months later (T2), respectively. Communication around radiotherapy delivery was assessed based on audio recordings of the first and last radiotherapy sessions in order to assess team members' communication skills and the expression of concerns by breast cancer patients (analyzed with content analysis software LaComm). 198 radiotherapy sessions were recorded. During the first radiotherapy sessions, members of the trained teams exhibited more assessment skills (p=0.048), provided more setting information (p<0.001), and used more social words (p=0.019) compared to the members of the untrained teams. During the last radiotherapy session, members of the trained teams used more assessment skills (p=0.004) and patients interacting with members of the trained teams expressed more sadness words (p=0.023). Training of multidisciplinary teams has the potential to transfer skills that affect the short exchanges that take place around radiotherapy delivery. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Ganzheitliche Digitalisierungsansätze im Stadtwerk: Von der Strategie bis zur Umsetzung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dudenhausen, Roman; Hahn, Heike

    Digitalisierung muss im Stadtwerk dazu führen, Kundenerwartungen, die heutzutage schon vielfach durch digitales Know-how und Erfahrungen geprägt sind, in einzigartiger Weise zu entsprechen - in Form digitaler Kundenkontaktpunkte, automatisierter Prozesse oder plattformbasierter Geschäftsmodelle. Eine große Rolle spielen dabei unternehmensweit nutzbare Informationen, die eine 360-Grad-Sicht auf den Kunden ermöglichen. Nur in dieser Kombination werden sich nachhaltig Wettbewerbsvorteile generieren lassen. Manch ein Kunde wird die Lust, einen Prozess zu Ende zu gehen, schon vor dem Abschluss verlieren, wenn er nicht unmittelbar und ohne die digitale Welt zu verlassen zum Ziel kommt. Eine nur "halb digitale Kundenerfahrung" wird weder zu Neugeschäft noch zur positiven emotionalen Bindung zwischen Kunden und Stadtwerk führen. Nicht zu unterschätzen sind zudem Erwartungen hinsichtlich zukünftiger Geschäftsmodelle, aus denen sich disruptive Bedrohungen für die herkömmlichen Strom- und Gasangebote ergeben werden. Erste innovative Ansätze finden sich bereits im Markt, die erahnen lassen, dass zurzeit viel diskutierte Technologien wie die Blockchain nicht mehr nur hypothetischer Natur sind. Die Auseinandersetzung mit der Digitalisierung erfolgt dabei sinnvollerweise in einem unternehmensweit abgestimmten Rahmen, der eine zielgerichtete und ganzheitliche Vorgehensweise ermöglicht.

  8. Grave's disease induced by radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A case report and review of the literature.


    Ma, Jin-An; Li, Xuezhen; Zou, Wen; Zhou, Yan


    Radiotherapy is an effective treatment for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). A number of thyroid dysfunctions are induced by damage resulting from the relatively high doses of radiation administered to the thyroid and pituitary gland during radiotherapy. Hypothyroidism constitutes the most frequent type of thyroid dysfunction induced by NPC radiotherapy, while hyperthyroidism, particularly Grave's disease, is extremely rare. The present study describes the case of a 40-year-old male who presented with Grave's disease 2 years after receiving radiotherapy for the treatment of NPC. The patient exhibited swelling of the eyes, an increased appetite, decreased levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone, increased levels of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) demonstrated by the examination of thyroid function and enlargement of the bilateral intraocular rectus revealed by CT scan. The patient's symptoms were ameliorated following treatment with propylthiouracil and propranolol for 1 month, and the levels of T3 and T4 were restored to normal. The pathophysiological mechanism of radiotherapy-induced hyperthyroidism has yet to be elucidated. Hyperthyroidism is often neglected as several of its clinical manifestations are similar to other complications observed during and following cancer treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor thyroid function following head and neck radiotherapy.

  9. Clinical application of oral meglumine diatrizoate esophagogram in screening esophageal fistula during radiotherapy for esophageal cancer.


    Geng, Lidan; Wu, Rong; Hu, He; Zhao, Yu; Fan, Lingli; Zhao, Zhenhua; Liao, Dongbiao; Li, Musheng; Xiang, Miao; Ma, Ying; Du, Xiaobo


    Esophageal fistula is a serious and common complication of radiotherapy for esophageal cancer. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment is necessary. Because of side effect of barium esophagography, it cannot be used to screening esophageal fistula during radiotherapy. Meglumine diatrizoate is an ionic contrast agent, its adverse reactions were rarely seen when it was used in the body cavity. The purpose of this trial is identified the sensitivity and specificity of oral meglumine diatrizoate in an esophagogram for screening esophageal fistula during radiotherapy. This trial was a prospective, multicenter, diagnostic clinical trial. A total of 105 patients with esophageal cancer will swallowed meglumine diatrizoate and underwent a radiographic examination weekly during radiotherapy, medical personnel observed the esophageal lesions to determine whether an esophageal fistula formed. If an esophageal fistula was observed, esophagofiberoscopy and/or computer tomography was used to further confirm the diagnosis. And the sensitivity and specificity of meglumine diatrizoate should be calculated for screening esophageal fistula during radiotherapy. To our knowledge, this study protocol is the first to identify the sensitivity and specificity of oral meglumine diatrizoate in an esophagogram for screening esophageal fistula during radiotherapy. If oral meglumine diatrizoate can be used to screening esophageal fistula, more patients will benefit from early detection and treatment.

  10. Radio Frequency Compatibility Evaluation of S Band Navigation Signals for Future BeiDou

    PubMed Central

    Sun, Yanbo; Xue, Rui; Zhao, Danfeng; Wang, Dun


    With L band frequency allocations for satellite navigation getting more crowded, S band (2483.5–2500 MHz) is already allocated for navigation services, where Globalstar broadcasts downlink communications to user terminals. The Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) is transmitting navigation signals and Galileo exploits some potential signals in S band. Also, several candidate S band signals based on binary offset carrier (BOC), binary phase shift keying (BPSK), continuous phase modulation (CPM) and minimum shift keying-BOC (MSK-BOC) are suggested for BeiDou system (BDS). In quite narrow S band, mutual interference among these systems is inevitable, thus the compatibility issue is particularly significant for S band signal design. To explore desired S band signals for BDS, the paper firstly describes a comprehensive compatibility evaluation methods based on effective carrier-to-noise ratio degradation for acquisition and code tracking. Then a real simulation is established using space constellations, modulation schemes and received power. Finally, the worst mutual interference of BDS candidate signals with Galileo, IRNSS and Globalstar is calculated and compared. The results indicate that CPM signal is easier to allow peaceful coexistence of other systems with minimal mutual interference in S band compared to other BDS candidates. PMID:28475142

  11. Experiences in radiotherapy of vulvar carcinomas (in German)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Makoski, H.B.; Sack, H.


    The management of 137 patients with carcinoma of the vulva is reported. The mean age at the onset of the disease of the patient was 64.1 yrs. Between 34 and 45% of the patients had diabetes. The predominant type of carcinoma was squamous cell carcinoma with the lesion originating from the labia. Metastases were found in eight patients. The value of lymphography in the management of carcinoma of the vulva is discussed. The 5 year survival rate was 24%. In the group of patients receiving radiotherapy alone, a high incidence of recurrence was observed. Following adequate surgery for carcinoma ofmore » the vulva, the incidence of recurrence was low. It is concluded that a mature carcinoma of the vulva cannot be cured by radiotherapy as the only modality. (auth)« less

  12. The Efficacy of Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Orbital Pseudotumor

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Matthiesen, Chance, E-mail: chance-matthiesen@ouhsc.ed; Bogardus, Carl; Thompson, J. Spencer

    Purpose: To review institutional outcomes for patients treated with external-beam radiotherapy (EBRT) for orbital pseudotumor. Methods and Materials: This is a single-institution retrospective review of 20 orbits in 16 patients diagnosed with orbital pseudotumor that received EBRT at the University of Oklahoma, Department of Radiation Oncology. Treated patients had a median follow-up of 16.5 months. Results: Fifteen patients (93.7%) were initially treated with corticosteroids. Eight had recurrence after steroid cessation, six were unable to taper corticosteroids completely or partially, and one experienced progression of symptoms despite corticosteroid therapy. Fourteen patients (87.5%) initially responded to radiotherapy indicated by clinical improvement ofmore » preradiation symptoms and/or tapering of corticosteroid dose. Mean EBRT dose was 20 Gy (range, 14-30 Gy). Thirteen patients (81.2%) continued to improve after radiation therapy. Patient outcomes were complete cessation of corticosteroid therapy in nine patients (56.3%) and reduced corticosteroid dose in four patients (25%). Radiotherapy did not achieve long-term control for three patients (18.7%), who still required preradiation corticosteroid dosages. Three patients received retreatment(s) of four orbits, of which two patients achieved long-term symptom control without corticosteroid dependence. One patient received retreatment to an orbit three times, achieving long-term control without corticosteroid dependence. No significant late effects have been observed in retreated patients. Conclusions: Radiotherapy is an effective treatment for acute symptomatic improvement and long-term control of orbital pseudotumor. Orbital retreatment can be of clinical benefit, without apparent increase in morbidity, when initial irradiation fails to achieve complete response.« less

  13. Feasibility of carbon-ion radiotherapy for re-irradiation of locoregionally recurrent, metastatic, or secondary lung tumors.


    Hayashi, Kazuhiko; Yamamoto, Naoyoshi; Karube, Masataka; Nakajima, Mio; Tsuji, Hiroshi; Ogawa, Kazuhiko; Kamada, Tadashi


    Intrathoracic recurrence after carbon-ion radiotherapy for primary or metastatic lung tumors remains a major cause of cancer-related deaths. However, treatment options are limited. Herein, we report on the toxicity and efficacy of re-irradiation with carbon-ion radiotherapy for locoregionally recurrent, metastatic, or secondary lung tumors. Data of 95 patients with prior intrathoracic carbon-ion radiotherapy who were treated with re-irradiation with carbon-ion radiotherapy at our institution between 2006 and 2016 were retrospectively analyzed. Seventy-three patients (76.8%) had primary lung tumors and 22 patients (23.2%) had metastatic lung tumors. The median dose of initial carbon-ion radiotherapy was 52.8 Gy (relative biological effectiveness) and the median dose of re-irradiation was 66.0 Gy (relative biological effectiveness). None of the patients received concurrent chemotherapy. The median follow-up period after re-irradiation was 18 months. In terms of grade ≥3 toxicities, one patient experienced each of the following: grade 5 bronchopleural fistula, grade 4 radiation pneumonitis, grade 3 chest pain, and grade 3 radiation pneumonitis. The 2-year local control and overall survival rates were 54.0% and 61.9%, respectively. In conclusion, re-irradiation with carbon-ion radiotherapy was associated with relatively low toxicity and moderate efficacy. Re-irradiation with carbon-ion radiotherapy might be an effective treatment option for patients with locoregionally recurrent, metastatic, or secondary lung tumors. © 2018 The Authors. Cancer Science published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Japanese Cancer Association.

  14. Comfort and anxiety levels of women with early stage breast cancer who receive radiotherapy.


    Tuncer, Gamze; Yucel, Sebnem Cinar


    The aim of this planned research was to determine the comfort and anxiety levels of women with breast cancer receiving radiotherapy. This descriptive type study covered patients that applied to the radiation oncology breast polyclinic of our university hospital between January and May 2011. Patient Identification Form, Radiation Therapy Comfort Questionnaire (RTCQ), Spielberger State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) were completed and analysed. The mean age of the women who participated in the study was 51.6 ± 10.4 years. Mean scores of women were 3.73 ± 0.31 for RTCQ, 29.1 ± 5.88 for SAI and 37.8±6.91 for TAI. While the comfort levels of the women with breast cancer receiving radiotherapy were moderate, they experienced only low levels of anxiety. By determining the comfort level of the patient before radiotherapy, besides providing comfort in this direction, eliminating/minimizing anxiety and stress will positively affect radiotherapy application. More attention of nurses to this issue is to be recommended.

  15. Combined radiotherapy and Corynebacterium parvum treatment of rat tumors with different immunogenicity. [X rays

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Moroson, H.; Stowe, S.; Rotman, M.


    Evidence is presented that combined radiotherapy and Corynebacterium parvum treatment gives better results than radiotherapy alone in rats bearing a chemically-induced highly-immunogenic transplanted fibrosarcoma termed BP 179; however, similar behavior is not observed with either of two weakly-immunogenic mammary carcinomas, 13762 or ME/H. Relative immunogenicity is determined by the ability of immunized rats to reject tumor cell challenge. Both 13762 and ME/H carcinomata grow progressively and metastasize early to the retroperitoneal cavity and lungs if they are left untreated. Local radiotherapy of the primary tumor has no influence on growth of metastases whether it is combined with C. parvum ormore » not. Results of cell-mediated cytotoxicity studies with lymphocytes from BP 179 and ME/H tumor bearing rats treated with radiation or radiation plus C. parvum support the in vivo findings of combined radiotherapy. These data suggest that unlike strongly immunogenic tumors, weakly immunogenic tumors will not respond better to C. parvum combined with radiation therapy.« less

  16. Chromosomal Radiosensitivity in Lymphocytes of Cervix Cancer Patients—Correlation with Side Effect after Radiotherapy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wegierek-Ciuk, Aneta; Lankoff, Anna; Lisowska, Halina; Banasik-Nowak, Anna; Arabski, Michał; Kedzierawski, Piotr; Florek, Agnieszka; Wojcik, Andrzej


    It is well known that cancer patients receiving similar radiotherapy treatments differ widely in normal tissue reactions ranging from undetectable to unacceptably severe levels. Therefore, an important goal of radiobiological research is to establish a test which would allow identifying individual radiosensitivity of patients prior to radiotherapy. The aim of the presented study is to assess the relationship between lymphocyte intrinsic radiosensitivity in vitro and early reaction of normal tissue in cervix cancer patients treated by radiotherapy. The following endpoints are analyzed in vitro: frequency of micronuclei, the kinetics of DNA repair and apoptosis. Acute normal tissue reaction to radiotherapy in the skin, bladder and rectum are scored according to the EORTC/RTOG scale. Our results show a wide inter-individual variability in chromosomal radiosensitivity in vitro. The majority of patients show a Grade 0, 1 or 2 reaction for all organs studied. No statistically significant correlation has been observed between the in vitro results in lymphocytes and the degree of early normal tissue and organ reaction.

  17. Severe cutaneous toxicity following treatment with radiotherapy and cetuximab: a case report

    PubMed Central


    While the addition of cetuximab to radiotherapy improves clinical outcomes in locoregionally advanced head and neck squamous cell cancers, there are a small number of reports of severe radiation dermatitis occurring with this therapeutic combination. We present the case of a 69 year old male who developed severe radiation dermatitis following treatment with cetuximab and radiotherapy for a locoregionally advanced head and neck squamous cell cancer. PMID:19128507

  18. Comparison of heart and coronary artery doses associated with intensity-modulated radiotherapy versus three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for distal esophageal cancer.


    Kole, Thomas P; Aghayere, Osarhieme; Kwah, Jason; Yorke, Ellen D; Goodman, Karyn A


    To compare heart and coronary artery radiation exposure using intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) vs. four-field three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT) treatment plans for patients with distal esophageal cancer undergoing chemoradiation. Nineteen patients with distal esophageal cancers treated with IMRT from March 2007 to May 2008 were identified. All patients were treated to 50.4 Gy with five-field IMRT plans. Theoretical 3D-CRT plans with four-field beam arrangements were generated. Dose-volume histograms of the planning target volume, heart, right coronary artery, left coronary artery, and other critical normal tissues were compared between the IMRT and 3D-CRT plans, and selected parameters were statistically evaluated using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Intensity-modulated radiotherapy treatment planning showed significant reduction (p < 0.05) in heart dose over 3D-CRT as assessed by average mean dose (22.9 vs. 28.2 Gy) and V30 (24.8% vs. 61.0%). There was also significant sparing of the right coronary artery (average mean dose, 23.8 Gy vs. 35.5 Gy), whereas the left coronary artery showed no significant improvement (mean dose, 11.2 Gy vs. 9.2 Gy), p = 0.11. There was no significant difference in percentage of total lung volume receiving at least 10, 15, or 20 Gy or in the mean lung dose between the planning methods. There were also no significant differences observed for the kidneys, liver, stomach, or spinal cord. Intensity-modulated radiotherapy achieved a significant improvement in target conformity as measured by the conformality index (ratio of total volume receiving 95% of prescription dose to planning target volume receiving 95% of prescription dose), with the mean conformality index reduced from 1.56 to 1.30 using IMRT. Treatment of patients with distal esophageal cancer using IMRT significantly decreases the exposure of the heart and right coronary artery when compared with 3D-CRT. Long-term studies are necessary to determine how this

  19. Radiotherapy for Rectal Cancer Is Associated With Reduced Serum Testosterone and Increased FSH and LH

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bruheim, Kjersti; Svartberg, Johan; Department of Medicine, University Hospital of North Norway, Tromso

    Purpose: It is known that scattered radiation to the testes during pelvic radiotherapy can affect fertility, but there is little knowledge on its effects on male sex hormones. The aim of this study was to determine whether radiotherapy for rectal cancer affects testosterone production. Methods and Materials: All male patients who had received adjuvant radiotherapy for rectal cancer from 1993 to 2003 were identified from the Norwegian Rectal Cancer Registry. Patients treated with surgery alone were randomly selected from the same registry as control subjects. Serum levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone, and sex hormone bindingmore » globulin (SHBG) were analyzed, and free testosterone was calculated (N = 290). Information about the radiotherapy treatment was collected from the patient hospital charts. Results: Serum FSH was 3 times higher in the radiotherapy group than in the control group (median, 18.8 vs. 6.3 IU/L, p <0.001), and serum LH was 1.7 times higher (median, 7.5 vs. 4.5 IU/l, p <0.001). In the radiotherapy group, 27% of patients had testosterone levels below the reference range (8-35 nmol/L), compared with 10% of the nonirradiated patients (p <0.001). Irradiated patients had lower serum testosterone (mean, 11.1 vs. 13.4 nmol/L, p <0.001) and lower calculated free testosterone (mean, 214 vs. 235 pmol/L, p <0.05) than control subjects. Total testosterone, calculated free testosterone, and gonadotropins were related to the distance from the bony pelvic structures to the caudal field edge. Conclusions: Increased serum levels of gonadotropins and subnormal serum levels of testosterone indicate that curative radiotherapy for rectal cancer can result in permanent testicular dysfunction.« less

  20. Evaluation of Thyroid Disorders During Head-and-Neck Radiotherapy by Using Functional Analysis and Ultrasonography

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bakhshandeh, Mohsen; Hashemi, Bijan, E-mail:; Mahdavi, Seyed Rabie


    Purpose: To evaluate thyroid function and vascular changes during radiotherapy for patients with head and neck cancer. Methods and Materials: Fifty patients treated with primary or postoperative radiotherapy for various cancers in the head and neck region were prospectively evaluated. The serum samples (triiodothyronine [T3], thyroxine [T4], thyroid-stimulating hormone [TSH], free triiodothyronine [FT3], and free thyroxine [FT4]), the echo level of the thyroid gland, and color Doppler ultrasonography (CDU) parameters of the right inferior thyroid artery (RITA) of the patients were measured before and at regular intervals during radiotherapy. The thyroid gland dose-volume histograms of the patients were derived frommore » their computed tomography-based treatment plans. Results: There was a significant fall in TSH level (p < 0.0001) but an increase in FT4 (p < 0.0001) and T4 (p < 0.022) levels during the radiotherapy course. The threshold dose required to produce significant changes was 12 Gy (Biologically Effective Dose in 2-Gy fractions, BED{sub 2}). There were significant rises in the patients' pulsatility index, resistive index, peak systolic velocity, blood volume flow levels, and RITA diameter (p < 0.0001), as detected by CDU during radiotherapy, compared to those parameters measured before the treatment. Hypoechogenicity and irregular echo patterns (p < 0.0001) were seen during radiotherapy compared to those before treatment. There was significant Pearson's correlation between the CDU parameters and T4, FT4, and TSH levels. Conclusions: Radiation-induced thyroiditis is regarded as primary damage to the thyroid gland. Thyroiditis can subsequently result in hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Our results demonstrated that changes in thyroid vessels occur during radiotherapy delivered to patients. Vessel changes also can be attributed to the late effect of radiation on the thyroid gland. The hypoechogenicity and irregular echo patterns observed in patients may

  1. Radiotherapy in Prostate Cancer Patients With Pelvic Lymphocele After Surgery: Clinical and Dosimetric Data of 30 Patients.


    Jereczek-Fossa, Barbara Alicja; Colangione, Sarah Pia; Fodor, Cristiana; Russo, Stefania; Cambria, Raffaella; Zerini, Dario; Bonora, Maria; Cecconi, Agnese; Vischioni, Barbara; Vavassori, Andrea; Matei, Deliu Victor; Bottero, Danilo; Brescia, Antonio; Musi, Gennaro; Mazzoleni, Federica; Orsi, Franco; Bonomo, Guido; De Cobelli, Ottavio; Orecchia, Roberto


    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the feasibility of irradiation after prostatectomy in the presence of asymptomatic pelvic lymphocele. The inclusion criteria for this study were: (1) patients referred for postoperative (adjuvant or salvage) intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT; 66-69 Gy in 30 fractions); (2) detection of postoperative pelvic lymphocele at the simulation computed tomography [CT] scan; (3) no clinical symptoms; and (4) written informed consent. Radiotherapy toxicity and occurrence of symptoms or complications of lymphocele were analyzed. Dosimetric data (IMRT plans) and the modification of lymphocele volume during radiotherapy (cone beam CT [CBCT] scan) were evaluated. Between January 2011 and July 2013, in 30 of 308 patients (10%) treated with radiotherapy after prostatectomy, pelvic lymphocele was detected on the simulation CT. The median lymphocele volume was 47 cm(3) (range, 6-467.3 cm(3)). Lymphocele was not included in planning target volume (PTV) in 8 cases (27%). Maximum dose to lymphocele was 57 Gy (range, 5.7-73.3 Gy). Radiotherapy was well tolerated. In all but 2 patients, lymphoceles remained asymptomatic. Lymphocele drainage-because of symptom occurrence-had to be performed in 2 patients during IMRT and in one patient, 7 weeks after IMRT. CBCT at the end of IMRT showed reduction in lymphocele volume and position compared with the initial data (median reduction of 37%), more pronounced in lymphoceles included in PTV. Radiotherapy after prostatectomy in the presence of pelvic asymptomatic lymphocele is feasible with acceptable acute and late toxicity. The volume of lymphoceles decreased during radiotherapy and this phenomenon might require intermediate radiotherapy plan evaluation. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Multiple comparisons permutation test for image based data mining in radiotherapy.


    Chen, Chun; Witte, Marnix; Heemsbergen, Wilma; van Herk, Marcel


    : Comparing incidental dose distributions (i.e. images) of patients with different outcomes is a straightforward way to explore dose-response hypotheses in radiotherapy. In this paper, we introduced a permutation test that compares images, such as dose distributions from radiotherapy, while tackling the multiple comparisons problem. A test statistic Tmax was proposed that summarizes the differences between the images into a single value and a permutation procedure was employed to compute the adjusted p-value. We demonstrated the method in two retrospective studies: a prostate study that relates 3D dose distributions to failure, and an esophagus study that relates 2D surface dose distributions of the esophagus to acute esophagus toxicity. As a result, we were able to identify suspicious regions that are significantly associated with failure (prostate study) or toxicity (esophagus study). Permutation testing allows direct comparison of images from different patient categories and is a useful tool for data mining in radiotherapy.

  3. Multiple comparisons permutation test for image based data mining in radiotherapy

    PubMed Central


    Comparing incidental dose distributions (i.e. images) of patients with different outcomes is a straightforward way to explore dose-response hypotheses in radiotherapy. In this paper, we introduced a permutation test that compares images, such as dose distributions from radiotherapy, while tackling the multiple comparisons problem. A test statistic Tmax was proposed that summarizes the differences between the images into a single value and a permutation procedure was employed to compute the adjusted p-value. We demonstrated the method in two retrospective studies: a prostate study that relates 3D dose distributions to failure, and an esophagus study that relates 2D surface dose distributions of the esophagus to acute esophagus toxicity. As a result, we were able to identify suspicious regions that are significantly associated with failure (prostate study) or toxicity (esophagus study). Permutation testing allows direct comparison of images from different patient categories and is a useful tool for data mining in radiotherapy. PMID:24365155

  4. The influence of bone density on the radiotherapy of cervix cancer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Soares, M. R.; Souza, D. N.


    Until the 1970s the irradiated region of a patient undergoing external beam radiotherapy was considered a homogeneous volume and a regular surface, with physical characteristics similar to water. With the improvement of medical imaging equipment, it has become possible to conduct planning in radiotherapy treatment that considers the heterogeneities and irregularities of a patient's anatomy. Consequently, such technological resources have brought greater accuracy to radiotherapy. In this study, we determined the variation in the average amount of absorbed dose on the target volume and at the point of prescription treatment by comparing the doses which were calculated in a planning system considering the patient both as a homogeneous, and as a heterogeneous medium. The results showed that when we take into account the volume of the upper vagina and cervix, and consider the pelvis as a heterogeneous medium, the calculated dose was under-estimated at some points in the studied volume with respect to the dose when this region was considered homogeneous.

  5. Expanded flap to repair facial scar left by radiotherapy of hemangioma.


    Zhao, Donghong; Ma, Xinrong; Li, Jiang; Zhang, Lingfeng; Zhu, Baozhen


    This study explored the feasibility and clinical efficacy of expanded flap to repair facial scar left by radiotherapy of hemangioma. From March 2000 to April 2011, 13 cases of facial cicatrices left by radiotherapy of hemangioma have been treated with implantation surgery of facial skin dilator under local anesthesia. After water flood expansion for 1-2 months, resection of facial scar was performed, and wound repairing with expansion flap transfer was done. Thirteen patients were followed up from 5 months to 3 years. All patients tolerated flap transfer well; no contracture occurred during the facial expansion flap transfer. The incision scar was not obvious, and its color and texture were identical to surrounding skin. In conclusion, the use of expanded flap transfer to repair the facial scar left by radiotherapy of hemangioma is advantageous due to its simplicity, flexibility, and large area of repairing. This method does not affect the subsequent facial appearance.

  6. Clinical study and numerical simulation of brain cancer dynamics under radiotherapy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nawrocki, S.; Zubik-Kowal, B.


    We perform a clinical and numerical study of the progression of brain cancer tumor growth dynamics coupled with the effects of radiotherapy. We obtained clinical data from a sample of brain cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy and compare it to our numerical simulations to a mathematical model of brain tumor cell population growth influenced by radiation treatment. We model how the body biologically receives a physically delivered dose of radiation to the affected tumorous area in the form of a generalized LQ model, modified to account for the conversion process of sublethal lesions into lethal lesions at high radiation doses. We obtain good agreement between our clinical data and our numerical simulations of brain cancer progression given by the mathematical model, which couples tumor growth dynamics and the effect of irradiation. The correlation, spanning a wide dataset, demonstrates the potential of the mathematical model to describe the dynamics of brain tumor growth influenced by radiotherapy.

  7. Implementing radiotherapy in Africa: Focus on the needs in Rwanda.


    Kamanzi, J-B; Adeduntan, R; Antoni, D; Musafiri, S; Noël, G


    Cancer care is a concern in low- and middle-income countries. The needs of structure to treat patients are huge. Because of the cost of radiotherapy, and the need for highly specialized workers, providing radiation therapy in these nations is a challenge. However, some solutions exist that can dramatically improve future care. In this article, we reviewed the plight of cancer treatment organization in Africa, and more specifically, the status of radiotherapy needs and concerns within Rwanda. Copyright © 2016 Société française de radiothérapie oncologique (SFRO). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  8. (18)F-FDG uptake of the spinal cord was decreased after conventional dose radiotherapy in esophageal cancer patients.


    Harata, Naoki; Yoshida, Katsuya; Oota, Sayako; Fujii, Hayahiko; Isogai, Jun; Yoshimura, Ryoichi


    We retrospectively investigated changes of (18)F-fluorodeocyglucose ((18)F-FDG) uptake in the spinal cord, inside and outside the radiation fields, in patients with esophageal cancer before and after conventional dose radiotherapy. A total of 17 consecutive patients with esophageal cancer (16 males, one female; age 50-83 years, mean 67.0 years), who underwent conventional dose radiotherapy and (18)F-FDG PET/CT before and 5.1 months (range 1.6-8.6 months) after the radiotherapy, were retrospectively evaluated. Sixteen patients had esophageal cancer and one patient had esophageal metastasis from thyroid cancer. Mean standardized uptake values (SUVmean) of the cervical, thoracic (inside and outside the radiation fields) and lumbar spinal cord were measured. SUVmean of the thoracic spinal cord inside the radiation field was decreased significantly after radiotherapy compared to those before radiotherapy (p < 0.001). SUVmean of the cervical spinal cord showed the same trend but it was not statistically significant (p = 0.051). SUVmean of the thoracic spinal cord outside the radiation field and the lumbar spinal cord did not differ significantly before and after the radiotherapy (p = 0.146 and p = 0.701, respectively). The results suggest that glucose metabolism of the spinal cord is decreased in esophageal cancer patients after conventional dose radiotherapy.

  9. A Bayesian network meta-analysis of whole brain radiotherapy and stereotactic radiotherapy for brain metastasis.


    Yuan, Xi; Liu, Wen-Jie; Li, Bing; Shen, Ze-Tian; Shen, Jun-Shu; Zhu, Xi-Xu


    This study was conducted to compare the effects of whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT) and stereotactic radiotherapy (SRS) in treatment of brain metastasis.A systematical retrieval in PubMed and Embase databases was performed for relative literatures on the effects of WBRT and SRS in treatment of brain metastasis. A Bayesian network meta-analysis was performed by using the ADDIS software. The effect sizes included odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI). A random effects model was used for the pooled analysis for all the outcome measures, including 1-year distant control rate, 1-year local control rate, 1-year survival rate, and complication. The consistency was tested by using node-splitting analysis and inconsistency standard deviation. The convergence was estimated according to the Brooks-Gelman-Rubin method.A total of 12 literatures were included in this meta-analysis. WBRT + SRS showed higher 1-year distant control rate than SRS. WBRT + SRS was better for the 1-year local control rate than WBRT. SRS and WBRT + SRS had higher 1-year survival rate than the WBRT. In addition, there was no difference in complication among the three therapies.Comprehensively, WBRT + SRS might be the choice of treatment for brain metastasis.

  10. Radiotherapy dosimetry using a commercial OSL system.


    Viamonte, A; da Rosa, L A R; Buckley, L A; Cherpak, A; Cygler, J E


    A commercial optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) system developed for radiation protection dosimetry by Landauer, Inc., the InLight microStar reader, was tested for dosimetry procedures in radiotherapy. The system uses carbon-doped aluminum oxide, Al2O3:C, as a radiation detector material. Using this OSL system, a percent depth dose curve for 60Co gamma radiation was measured in solid water. Field size and SSD dependences of the detector response were also evaluated. The dose response relationship was investigated between 25 and 400 cGy. The decay of the response with time following irradiation and the energy dependence of the Al2O3:C OSL detectors were also measured. The results obtained using OSL dosimeters show good agreement with ionization chamber and diode measurements carried out under the same conditions. Reproducibility studies show that the response of the OSL system to repeated exposures is 2.5% (1sd), indicating a real possibility of applying the Landauer OSL commercial system for radiotherapy dosimetric procedures.

  11. In vivo dosimetry in UK external beam radiotherapy: current and future usage.


    MacDougall, Niall D; Graveling, Michael; Hansen, Vibeke N; Brownsword, Kevin; Morgan, Andrew


    Towards Safer Radiotherapy recommended that radiotherapy (RT) centres should have protocols in place for in vivo dosimetry (IVD) monitoring at the beginning of patient treatment courses (Donaldson S. Towards safer radiotherapy. R Coll Radiol 2008). This report determines IVD implementation in the UK in 2014, the methods used and makes recommendations on future use. Evidence from peer-reviewed journals was used in conjunction with the first survey of UK RT centre IVD practice since the publication of Towards Safer Radiotherapy. In March 2014, profession-specific questionnaires were sent to radiographer, clinical oncologist and physics staff groups in each of the 66 UK RT centres. Response rates from each group were 74%, 45% and 74%, respectively. 73% of RT centres indicated that they performed IVD. Diodes are the most popular IVD device. Thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) is still in use in a number of centres but not as a sole modality, being used in conjunction with diodes and/or electronic portal imaging device (EPID). The use of EPID dosimetry is increasing and is considered of most potential value for both geometric and dosimetric verification. Owing to technological advances, such as electronic data transfer, independent monitor unit checking and daily image-guided radiotherapy, the overall risk of adverse treatment events in RT has been substantially reduced. However, the use of IVD may prevent a serious radiation incident. Point dose IVD is not considered suited to the requirements of verifying advanced RT techniques, leaving EPID dosimetry as the current modality likely to be developed as a future standard. Advances in knowledge: An updated perspective on UK IVD use and provision of professional guidelines for future implementation.

  12. In vivo dosimetry in UK external beam radiotherapy: current and future usage

    PubMed Central

    Graveling, Michael; Hansen, Vibeke N; Brownsword, Kevin; Morgan, Andrew


    Objective: Towards Safer Radiotherapy recommended that radiotherapy (RT) centres should have protocols in place for in vivo dosimetry (IVD) monitoring at the beginning of patient treatment courses (Donaldson S. Towards safer radiotherapy. R Coll Radiol 2008). This report determines IVD implementation in the UK in 2014, the methods used and makes recommendations on future use. Methods: Evidence from peer-reviewed journals was used in conjunction with the first survey of UK RT centre IVD practice since the publication of Towards Safer Radiotherapy. In March 2014, profession-specific questionnaires were sent to radiographer, clinical oncologist and physics staff groups in each of the 66 UK RT centres. Results: Response rates from each group were 74%, 45% and 74%, respectively. 73% of RT centres indicated that they performed IVD. Diodes are the most popular IVD device. Thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) is still in use in a number of centres but not as a sole modality, being used in conjunction with diodes and/or electronic portal imaging device (EPID). The use of EPID dosimetry is increasing and is considered of most potential value for both geometric and dosimetric verification. Conclusion: Owing to technological advances, such as electronic data transfer, independent monitor unit checking and daily image-guided radiotherapy, the overall risk of adverse treatment events in RT has been substantially reduced. However, the use of IVD may prevent a serious radiation incident. Point dose IVD is not considered suited to the requirements of verifying advanced RT techniques, leaving EPID dosimetry as the current modality likely to be developed as a future standard. Advances in knowledge: An updated perspective on UK IVD use and provision of professional guidelines for future implementation. PMID:28205452

  13. Cause-specific colostomy rates after radiotherapy for anal cancer: a Danish multicentre cohort study.


    Sunesen, Kåre G; Nørgaard, Mette; Lundby, Lilli; Havsteen, Hanne; Buntzen, Steen; Thorlacius-Ussing, Ole; Laurberg, Søren


    In anal cancer, colostomy-free survival is a measure of anal sphincter preservation after treatment with radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy. Failure to control anal cancer and complications of treatment are alternative indications for colostomy. However, no data exist on cause-specific colostomy rates. We examined this in a cohort study. Through national registries and review of medical records, we identified patients with anal cancer diagnosed from 1995 to 2003 who had curative-intent radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy in four Danish centers. We computed cumulative incidence of tumor-related colostomy and therapy-related colostomy, treating colostomy and death as competing events. Follow-up started at completion of radiotherapy and continued throughout 2008. We used competing risk regression to compute hazard ratios (HRs) to compare the cumulative incidence of cause-specific colostomies between age, sex, tumor size, chemotherapy, and local excision before radiotherapy. We included 235 patients with anal cancer. The 5-year cumulative incidences of tumor-related and therapy-related colostomy were 26% (95% CI, 21% to 32%) and 8% (95% CI, 5% to 12%), respectively. Tumor size greater than 6 cm versus less than 4 cm was a risk factor for tumor-related colostomy (adjusted HR, 3.8; 95% CI, 1.7 to 8.1), and local excision before radiotherapy was a risk factor for therapy-related colostomy (adjusted HR, 4.5; 95% CI, 1.5 to 13.5). After curative-intent radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy, one third of patients had a colostomy, of which one third were related to therapy. Large tumor size was associated with a higher risk of tumor-related colostomy, whereas history of prior excision was associated with an increased incidence of therapy-related colostomy.

  14. Assessment of image quality of a radiotherapy-specific hardware solution for PET/MRI in head and neck cancer patients.


    Winter, René M; Leibfarth, Sara; Schmidt, Holger; Zwirner, Kerstin; Mönnich, David; Welz, Stefan; Schwenzer, Nina F; la Fougère, Christian; Nikolaou, Konstantin; Gatidis, Sergios; Zips, Daniel; Thorwarth, Daniela


    Functional PET/MRI has great potential to improve radiotherapy planning (RTP). However, data integration requires imaging with radiotherapy-specific patient positioning. Here, we investigated the feasibility and image quality of radiotherapy-customized PET/MRI in head-and-neck cancer (HNC) patients using a dedicated hardware setup. Ten HNC patients were examined with simultaneous PET/MRI before treatment, with radiotherapy and diagnostic scan setup, respectively. We tested feasibility of radiotherapy-specific patient positioning and compared the image quality between both setups by pairwise image analysis of 18 F-FDG-PET, T1/T2-weighted and diffusion-weighted MRI. For image quality assessment, similarity measures including average symmetric surface distance (ASSD) of PET and MR-based tumor contours, MR signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and mean apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value were used. PET/MRI in radiotherapy position was feasible - all patients were successfully examined. ASSD (median/range) of PET and MR contours was 0.6 (0.4-1.2) and 0.9 (0.5-1.3) mm, respectively. For T2-weighted MRI, a reduced SNR of -26.2% (-39.0--11.7) was observed with radiotherapy setup. No significant difference in mean ADC was found. Simultaneous PET/MRI in HNC patients using radiotherapy positioning aids is clinically feasible. Though SNR was reduced, the image quality obtained with a radiotherapy setup meets RTP requirements and the data can thus be used for personalized RTP. Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. [Clinical experience of carbon ion radiotherapy for malignant tumors].


    Ishikawa, Hitoshi; Tsuji, Hiroshi; Tsujii, Hirohiko


    The carbon ion (C-ion) beams provide unique advantageous biological and physical properties in radiotherapy (RT) for malignant tumors. C-ion beams have a high relative biological effectiveness (RBE) resulting from the high linear energy transfer (LET). In terms of their physical characteristics, C-ion beams exhibit a spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP) and make for a better dose distribution of the target volume by specified beam modulations. Between June 1994 and August 2005, a total of 2,371 patients with malignant tumors were registered in phase I/II dose-escalation studies and clinical phase II trials using C-ion beams generated at Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC). In the initial dose-escalation studies, grade 3 or more late rectal complications had developed in some patients. However, the adverse effects were resolved because of the use of appropriate dose levels and modification of the radiation technique. C-ion beams can carry out hypofractionated radiotherapy with a large fraction dose and reduce the overall treatment times compared with conventional radiotherapy. They can also achieve better local tumor control even for radio-resistant tumors such as malignant melanoma, hepatocellular carcinoma and bone and soft tissue sarcomas with minimal morbidity to the normal surrounding tissues.

  16. [Prognostic value of sequencing of radiotherapy and chemotherapy following breast-conserving surgery for patients with breast cancer].


    Zhong, Q Z; Wang, Z; Tang, Y; Rong, Q L; Wang, S L; Jin, J; Wang, W H; Liu, Y P; Song, Y W; Fang, H; Chen, B; Qi, S N; Li, N; Tang, Y; Zhang, J H; Li, Y X


    Objective: To evaluate the prognostic value of sequencing of adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy following breast-conserving surgery for patients with breast cancer. Methods: A total of 1 154 patients withT1-2N0-3M0 breast cancer retrospectively reviewed. All patients received sequential radiotherapy and chemotherapy following breast-conserving surgery. Among them, 603 patients received radiotherapy first and 551 patients received chemotherapy first. Log-rank tests were used to determine significance of disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) rates in the Kaplan-Meier curve. Results: The 5-year DFS and OS rates for all patients were 93.0% and 97.8%. The 5-year OS rate was 98.6% in the radiotherapy first group and 96.4% in the chemotherapy first group ( P =0.191), and the corresponding DFS rate was 92.7% and 93.2% ( P =0.430), respectively. Among the patients with Luminal A subtype, the 5-year OS rate was 99.6% in the radiotherapy first group and 97.8% in the chemotherapy first group ( P =0.789). Among the patients with Luminal B subtype, the 5-year OS rate was 94.2% and 96.0%, respectively ( P =0.680). Among the patients with triple negative breast cancer, the 5-year OS rate was 100% and 90.9%, respectively, with statistically significant differences ( P =0.019). Among the patients with HER-2 positive breast cancer, The 5-year DFS rate was 80.1% and 100%, respectively ( P =0.045). Conclusions: The OS and DFS rates in the chemotherapy first group are not significantly different from those of radiotherapy first group after breast-conserving surgery. Patients with HER-2 positive breast cancer in chemotherapy first group have a much higher DFS rate than that of radiotherapy first group, whereas patients with triple negative breast cancer in radiotherapy first group have a better OS rate than that of chemotherapy first group. Further research is warranted to investigate the benefit of different molecular types in different sequencing of radiotherapy and

  17. Radiation-induced second primary cancer risks from modern external beam radiotherapy for early prostate cancer: impact of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR), volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) and flattening filter free (FFF) radiotherapy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Murray, Louise J.; Thompson, Christopher M.; Lilley, John; Cosgrove, Vivian; Franks, Kevin; Sebag-Montefiore, David; Henry, Ann M.


    Risks of radiation-induced second primary cancer following prostate radiotherapy using 3D-conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT), intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT), flattening filter free (FFF) and stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) were evaluated. Prostate plans were created using 10 MV 3D-CRT (78 Gy in 39 fractions) and 6 MV 5-field IMRT (78 Gy in 39 fractions), VMAT (78 Gy in 39 fractions, with standard flattened and energy-matched FFF beams) and SABR (42.7 Gy in 7 fractions with standard flattened and energy-matched FFF beams). Dose-volume histograms from pelvic planning CT scans of three prostate patients, each planned using all 6 techniques, were used to calculate organ equivalent doses (OED) and excess absolute risks (EAR) of second rectal and bladder cancers, and pelvic bone and soft tissue sarcomas, using mechanistic, bell-shaped and plateau models. For organs distant to the treatment field, chamber measurements recorded in an anthropomorphic phantom were used to calculate OEDs and EARs using a linear model. Ratios of OED give relative radiation-induced second cancer risks. SABR resulted in lower second cancer risks at all sites relative to 3D-CRT. FFF resulted in lower second cancer risks in out-of-field tissues relative to equivalent flattened techniques, with increasing impact in organs at greater distances from the field. For example, FFF reduced second cancer risk by up to 20% in the stomach and up to 56% in the brain, relative to the equivalent flattened technique. Relative to 10 MV 3D-CRT, 6 MV IMRT or VMAT with flattening filter increased second cancer risks in several out-of-field organs, by up to 26% and 55%, respectively. For all techniques, EARs were consistently low. The observed large relative differences between techniques, in absolute terms, were very low, highlighting the importance of considering absolute risks alongside the corresponding relative risks, since when absolute

  18. WITHDRAWN. Combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy (without surgery) compared with radiotherapy alone in localized carcinoma of the esophagus.


    Wong, Rebecca Ks; Malthaner, Richard


    Esophageal carcinoma can be managed primarily with either a surgical or non-surgical radiotherapeutic approach. Combination chemotherapy (CT) and radiotherapy (RT) has been incorporated into clinical practice and applied increasingly, especially in North America. To evaluate combined CT and RT (CTRT) versus RT alone in patients with localized esophageal carcinoma. Outcomes included overall survival, cause-specific survival, local recurrence, dysphagia relief, quality of life, acute and chronic toxicities. The Cochrane strategy for identifying randomized trials was combined with relevant MeSH headings. The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, CancerLIT and EMBASE were last searched in April 2005. References from relevant articles and personal files were included. Randomized controlled trials in patients with localized esophageal cancer comparing RT alone with combined CTRT were included. Studies comparing non-chemotherapy agents such as pure radiotherapy sensitisers, immunostimulants, planned esophagectomy, were excluded. Two reviewers extracted data independently. Trial quality was assessed using the Jadad scale and Detsky checklist. Sensitivity analyses were planned to examine the effect of concomitant versus sequential treatment, study quality, radiotherapy dose, and whether the drug regimen contained cisplatin or 5-fluorouracil were performed. Nineteen randomized trials were included, with eleven concomitant and eight sequential RTCT studies. Concomitant RTCT provided significant reduction in mortality with a harms ratio (HR) of 0.73 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.64 to 0.84). Using an estimated mortality rate for the control group of 62% at year one and 83% at year two, the absolute survival benefit for RTCT was 9% (95% CI 5 to 12%) and 4% (95% CI 3 to 6%]) respectively. There was an absolute reduction of local recurrence rate of 12% (95% CI 3 to 22%), number needed to treat (NNT) of 9, when the local recurrence rate for the RT alone arm was 68%. This was associated

  19. Theory, simulation and experiments for precise deflection control of radiotherapy electron beams.


    Figueroa, R; Leiva, J; Moncada, R; Rojas, L; Santibáñez, M; Valente, M; Velásquez, J; Young, H; Zelada, G; Yáñez, R; Guillen, Y


    Conventional radiotherapy is mainly applied by linear accelerators. Although linear accelerators provide dual (electron/photon) radiation beam modalities, both of them are intrinsically produced by a megavoltage electron current. Modern radiotherapy treatment techniques are based on suitable devices inserted or attached to conventional linear accelerators. Thus, precise control of delivered beam becomes a main key issue. This work presents an integral description of electron beam deflection control as required for novel radiotherapy technique based on convergent photon beam production. Theoretical and Monte Carlo approaches were initially used for designing and optimizing device´s components. Then, dedicated instrumentation was developed for experimental verification of electron beam deflection due to the designed magnets. Both Monte Carlo simulations and experimental results support the reliability of electrodynamics models used to predict megavoltage electron beam control. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Clinical evaluation of radiotherapy for advanced esophageal cancer after metallic stent placement

    PubMed Central

    Yu, You-Tao; Yang, Guang; Liu, Yan; Shen, Bao-Zhong


    AIM: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of radiotherapy for esophageal cancer after expandable metallic stent placement. METHODS: Ten cases of advanced esophageal cancer were evaluated, 7 having complete obstruction and 3 with digestive-respiratory fistula. Ten nitinol stents were placed at the site of stenosis. Patients were treated with a total dose of 1200 cGy divided into 3 fractions of 400 cGy 4-7 d after stents placement. RESULTS: All the 10 stents were placed successfully at one time. After radiotherapy for advanced esophageal cancer, the survival period of the cases ranged from 14 to 22 mo, with a mean survival of 17 mo. No re-stenosis occurred among all the 10 cases. CONCLUSION: Stent placement combined with radiotherapy for esophageal cancer is helpful to prolong patients’ survival and reduce occurrence of re-stenosis. PMID:15237455