Sample records for zusammenfassung es wird

  1. Zusammenfassung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fullerton, A. W.


    The “Tony Fest” was a fabulous meeting! Lac Taureau provided a beautiful setting resplendent with summer sunshine and fresh air; scenic vistas and a warm lake; delicious food and abundant refreshments to stimulate astrophysical advancement. With copious collegiality and a fine balance between the pursuit of scientific rigor and physical recreation, the meeting was both an adventure and an education: a fest worthy of its namesake! All of which makes the task of summarizing the meeting next to impossible! Instead, I can only attempt a “drawing together” — a Zusammenfassung, as Herr Professor Doktor Doktor Moffat might say — of the things that make this meeting especially memorable for me. I know that each of the participants will carry their own personal highlights with them for a long time to come.

  2. Zeitspiel ist keine Alternative - Warum der Wandel zur Pflicht wird

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dieper, Stephan

    "Wege entstehen dadurch, dass man sie geht." (Franz Kafka) Die Welt der Digitalisierung ist voll von Wegen, die jemand gegangen ist, bevor dort ein Weg war. Manche dieser Wege stellten sich als Sackgasse heraus, manche als Abkürzung und aus anderen wurden ganze Wegenetze und Städte. Die Energiewelt wird durch den digitalen Wandel nicht verschont bleiben. Durch die intelligenten Messsysteme und die zugehörigen, neuen Strukturen werden energiefremden Wettbewerbern Chancen zum Markteintritt eröffnet. EVUs müssen sich darauf einstellen, dass der permanente Wandel nicht mehr enden wird. Doch auch den EVUs eröffnen sich Optionen. Um erfolgreich zu sein, müssen sie lernen loszugehen, ohne das genaue Ziel zu kennen.

  3. Epigenetische Aspekte bei Karzinomen der Kopf-Hals-Region

    PubMed Central

    Schmezer, Peter; Plass, Christoph


    Zusammenfassung Plattenepithelkarzinome der Kopf-Hals-Region (HNSCC) zählen seit Jahren zu den weltweit häufigsten Krebsarten. Trotz vieler Bemühungen hat sich das 5-Jahres-Überleben bei Patienten mit HNSCC kaum verbessert. Um einen Fortschritt zu erzielen, ist es notwendig, die der Erkrankung zugrunde liegenden biologischen Prozesse besser zu verstehen. Neben den bekannten genetischen Veränderungen haben molekular-zytogenetische Untersuchungen bei HNSCC gezeigt, dass es weitere Veränderungen gibt, die mit Vermehrung und Verlust chromosomaler Bereiche einhergehen, für die jedoch die krankheitsverursachenden Gene bisher nicht identifiziert wurden. Darüberhinaus haben jüngste Forschungsergebnisse verdeutlicht, dass epigenetische Modifikationen wie die DNA Methylierung eine wichtige Rolle spielen. So konnte gezeigt werden, dass bei HNSCC eine Reihe von Genen (z.B. das Tumorsuppressorgen CDKN2A sowie DAPK1, MGMT, TIMP3, TCF21, und C/EBPα) hypermethylierte Bereiche in regulatorischen DNA Sequenzen aufweisen, wodurch ihre Expression verringert oder unterbunden wird. Die Hypermethylierung solcher Gene könnte als Biomarker zur Früherkennung von HNSCC genutzt werden und nicht zuletzt dadurch zur Verbesserung von Prävention und Therapieerfolg beitragen. PMID:18483718

  4. Niederschlag

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kunz, Michael; Mohr, Susanna; Werner, Peter C.

    Niederschlag kann in flüssiger Form als Niesel oder Regen oder in gefrorener, fester Form als Graupel, Hagel oder Schnee fallen. Durch die globale Erwärmung intensiviert sich der Wasserkreislauf, was zu einer Veränderung der Niederschlagsmuster führt. Außerdem ist zu erwarten, dass sich im Zuge des Klimawandels auch die Häufigkeit bestimmter Wetterlagen ändern wird, die das Niederschlagsgeschehen grundsätzlich bestimmen. Bereits heute ist in Deutschland eine Änderung der Niederschlagsaktivität zu beobachten. Das Kapitel beschäftigt sich neben den sommerlichen und winterlichen Starkniederschlagsereignissen auch mit Hagelereignissen und dem Schneefall. Neben einer Zusammenfassung der bereits beobachteten Änderungen dieser Niederschlagsformen in der Vergangenheit wird auch der Frage nachgegangen, inwieweit man für diese Ereignisse belastbare Aussagen für die Zukunft treffen kann.

  5. Frühe Stresserfahrungen und Krankheitsvulnerabilität

    PubMed Central

    Entringer, Sonja; Buss, Claudia; Heim, Christine


    Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Das stetig wachsende Forschungsgebiet der “Frühe[n] Programmierung von Krankheit und Gesundheit” untersucht, inwieweit die individuelle Vulnerabilität für die Entstehung verschiedenster Erkrankungen über die Lebensspanne bereits während der frühen Entwicklung beeinflusst wird. Ziele der Arbeit In der vorliegenden Übersichtsarbeit werden das Konzept der frühen Programmierung von Krankheitsvulnerabilität erläutert sowie Befunde zu den Folgen frühkindlicher Traumatisierung und pränataler Stressexposition zusammenfassend dargestellt. Es werden außerdem biologische Mechanismen diskutiert, die das erhöhte Krankheitsrisiko nach lebensgeschichtlich früher Stresserfahrungen vermitteln. Die Möglichkeit der transgenerationalen Transmission frühkindlicher Erfahrungen an die nächste Generation und die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen dieser Übertragung werden ebenfalls vorgestellt. Fazit Die Befundlage zu Stresserfahrungen im frühen Leben und der Entstehung von psychischen und körperlichen Störungen über die Lebensspanne wächst stetig. Die Mechanismen werden derzeit weiter bis hin zur molekularbiologischen und epigenetischen Ebene erforscht. Hier ergeben sich ganz neue Perspektiven, welche die Präzision klinischer Diagnostik und den Erfolg von Interventionen erheblich verbessern könnten. Momentan existiert jedoch noch ein erheblicher Mangel an Translation zwischen diesen Forschungserkenntnissen und deren Anwendung in der klinischen Versorgung. PMID:27604117

  6. Numerical solutions of pulsating flow and heat transfer characteristics in a channel with a backward-facing step

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Valencia, A.; Hinojosa, L.

    The incompressible laminar flow of air and heat transfer in a channel with a backward-facing step is studied for steady cases and for pulsatile inlet conditions. For steady flows the influence of the inlet velocity profile, the height of the step and the Reynolds number on the reattachment length is investigated. A parabolic entrance profile was used for pulsatile flow. It was found with amplitude of oscillation of one by Re=100 that the primary vortex breakdown through one pulsatile cycle. The wall shear rate in the separation zone varied markedly with pulsatile flows and the wall heat transfer remained relatively constant. The time-average pulsatile heat transfer at the walls was greater as with steady flow with the same mean Reynolds number. Zusammenfassung Es wird eine zweidimensionale numerische Untersuchung des instationären Wärmeübergangs und Druckverlustes im laminar durchströmten Spaltkanal mit einer plötzlichen Kanalerweiterung dargelegt und zwar für stationäre und periodische Geschwindigkeitsprofile am Eintritt des Kanals. Für stationäre Strömungen wurden die Form des Eintrittsprofils, die Reynoldszahl und die Kanalerweiterung variiert. Als Lösung der Navier/Stokes-und der Energiegleichungen mit periodischen Randbedingungen resultiert eine oszillierende Strömung, die das Aufplatzen des Primärwirbels in einer Schwingungsperiode zur Folge hat. Der Einfluß dieser Oszillation auf den Wärmeübergang und den Strömungsverlust wurde für die maximale Amplitude und für Re=100 eingehend untersucht.

  7. Planungsunterstützung für Pankreasoperationen bei Hyperinsulinismus von Kindern

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dornheim, J.; Preim, B.; Preim, U.; Mohnike, K.; Blankenstein, O.; Füchtner, F.; Mohnike, W.; Empting, S.; Mohnike, K.

    Auf Basis von sechs PET/CT-Datensätzen des Pankreas wird eine Computerunterstützung für die Teilresektion der Bauchspeicheldr üse (Pankreas) bei fokalem Hyperinsulinismus von Kindern entwickelt. Ziel ist es, die Lokalisation des krankhaften Fokus im Pankreasgewebe präoperativ dreidimensional zu visualisieren, um so die Sicherheit des Eingriffs zu erhöhen. Die relevanten anatomischen Strukturen werden im CT segmentiert und anschließend dreidimensional visualisiert. Der im PET erkennbare Fokus wird in diese anatomische 3D-Visualisierung eingeblendet. Es zeigt sich eine klare Erkennbarkeit des Fokus in allen sechs Fällen.

  8. Visualisierung analoger Schaltungen durch 3-D Animation von transienten SPICE-Simulationen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Becker, J.; Manoli, Y.


    Für das Zeichnen analoger Schaltpläne wird oft versucht, die Potentialverteilung in der entsprechenden Schaltung auszunutzen, um eine Platzierung der Bauteile nach abfallendem Potential vorzunehmen. Mit Hilfe von Computerunterstützung gelingt es, eine verallgemeinerte dreidimensionale Platzierungsstrategie anzuwenden, die allein auf Grund der Potentialwerte einer Schaltung die automatische Generierung einer technisch exakten Potentialdarstellung erlaubt. Somit ist es möglich, die Ergebnisse von transienten SPICE-Simulationen in jedem Zeitschritt darzustellen und eine Animation des zeitlichen Verhaltens zu erzeugen. Die Umsetzung dieser Methode zur Einbettung in eine webbasierte Lern - und Arbeitsplattform wird im Folgenden erläutert.

  9. Richtfunktechnik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Plaßmann, Wilfried

    Die Nachrichtenübertragung über Richtfunkstrecken wird neben der Übertragung über Kabel eingesetzt. Gegenüber der Rundfunk- und Fernsehübertragung weist sie den Unterschied auf, dass Sender und Empfänger ortsfest sind. Da es nur einen Empfänger gibt, kann die Übertragung mit einem gerichteten elektromagnetischen Feld erfolgen. Die Besonderheit dieser Technik wird hier dargestellt.

  10. Zweitore, Vierpole

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Plaßmann, Wilfried

    Zweitore (nach DIN 4899; alte Bezeichnung "Vierpole") sind Funktionseinheiten mit zwei Toren, wobei zu jedem Tor ein Klemmenpaar gehört. An eines der Tore wird das Eingangssignal angeschlossen, die zugehörigen Anschlüsse werden mit Eingangsklemmen bezeichnet. Entsprechend wird an den zwei Ausgangsklemmen das Ausgangssignal abgegriffen. Eventuell erforderliche Anschlüsse für eine Stromversorgung werden nicht mitgezählt. Der interne Aufbau besteht aus einer beliebigen Zusammenschaltung von Widerständen, Kondensatoren, Spulen, Transformatoren, Dioden, Transistoren usw. Es wird vorausgesetzt, dass die Zweitore zeitinvariant sind, d. h. die Eigenschaften hängen nicht von der Zeit ab.

  11. Effects of anisotropy in permeability on the two-phase flow and heat transfer in a porous cavity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, X. L.; Nguyen, T. Hung; Kahawita, R.

    Zusammenfassung In der Arbeit wird über die Ergebnisse einer numerischen Studie, betreffend die stationäre Konvektionsströmung und den stationären Wärmeübergang in einer rechteckigen, mit einem porösen, phasenveränderlichen Medium (PCM) verfüllten Kavität, berichtet. Den zwei vertikalen Berandungen der Kavität sind zwei, den Schmelzpunkt des PCM einschließende Temperaturen aufgeprägt, während die beiden horizontalen Berandungen adiabat gehalten werden. Das poröse Medium ist durch einen anisotropen Permeabilitätstensor charakterisiert, dessen Hauptachsen bezüglich des Gravitationsvektors beliebig orientiert sein können. Das Problem ist durch das Seitenverhältnis A, die Rayleigh-Zahl Ra, das Anisotropienverhältnis R und den Orientierungswinkel Θ des Permeabilitätstensor bestimmt. Hauptaugenmerk gilt dem Einfluß der anisotropen Permeabilität auf das Strömungsverhalten und den Wärme-übergang beim Phasenwechselprozeß flüssig/fest. Die Lösungsmethode basiert auf dem Kontrollvolumenprinzip in Verbindung mit der Landau-Transformation über welche das irreguläre Strömungsgebiet in ein rechteckiges abgebildet wird. Ergebnisse bezüglich Strömungsfeld, Temperaturverteilung, Phasengrenzenort und Wärmeübergang werden fürA=2,5Ra=40 0<=Θ<=π 0,25<=R<=4 mitgeteilt. Es zeigte sich, daß der Gleichgewichtszustand des Phasenwechselsprozesses fest/flüssig sowohl durch das Anisotropieverhältnis R als auch durch den Orientierungswinkel Θ des Permeabilitätstensors wesentlich beeinflußt werden kann. Zum einen existiert bei festgehaltenen ParameternA, Ra undR eine optimale Orientierung Θmax, bei der die Stromstärke, das Flüssigkeitsvolumen und der Wärmestrom Maximalwerte erreichen, während für Θmin=Θmax+π/2 Minimalwerte resultieren. Ist das anisotrope Medium entlang der Optimalrichtung Θmax orientiert, so ergibt sich zum anderen, daß eine Vergrößerung der in diese Richtung fallenden Permeabilitätskomponente die Stromstärke und den W

  12. Transit timing analysis of the exoplanets TrES-1 and TrES-2

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rabus, M.; Deeg, H. J.; Alonso, R.; Belmonte, J. A.; Almenara, J. M.


    Aims. The aim of this work is a detailed analysis of transit light curves from TrES-1 and TrES-2, obtained over a period of three to four years, in order to search for variabilities in observed mid-transit times and to set constraints on the presence of additional third bodies. Methods: Using the IAC 80 cm telescope, we observed transits of TrES-1 and TrES-2 over several years. Based on these new data and previously published work, we studied the observed light curves and searched for variations in the difference between observed and calculated (based on a fixed ephemeris) transit times. To model possible transit timing variations, we used polynomials of different orders, simulated O-C diagrams corresponding to a perturbing third mass, and we used sinusoidal fits. For each model we calculated the χ2 residuals and the false alarm probability (FAP). Results: For TrES-1, we can exclude planetary companions (>1 M⊕) in the 3:2 and 2:1 MMRs having high FAPs based on our transit observations from the ground. Likewise, a light time effect caused, e.g., by a 0.09 M_⊙ mass star at a distance of 7.8 AU is possible. As for TrES-2, we find a better ephemeris of Tc = 2 453 957.63512(28) + 2.4706101(18) × Epoch and a good fit for a sine function with a period of 0.2 days, compatible with a moon around TrES-2 and an amplitude of 57 s, but it is not a uniquely low χ2 value that would indicate a clear signal. In both cases, TrES-1 and TrES-2, we are able to put upper constraints on the presence of additional perturbers masses. We also conclude that any sinusoidal variations that might be indicative of exomoons need to be confirmed with higher statistical significance by further observations, noting that TrES-2 is in the field-of-view of the Kepler Space Telescope. Photometric data for TrES-1 and TrES-2 are only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via

  13. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) in HDF (CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition1)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-9 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. All instantaneous shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-8 product for a month are sorted by 2.5-degree spatial regions, by day number, and by the local hour of observation. The mean of the instantaneous fluxes for a given region-day-hour bin is determined and recorded on the ES-9 along with other flux statistics and scene information. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The ES-9 also contains hourly average fluxes for the month and an overall monthly average for each region. These average fluxes are given for both clear-sky and total-sky scenes. The following CERES ES9 data sets are currently available: CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=1998-08-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost

  14. CERES ERBE-like Instantaneous TOA Estimates (ES-8) in HDF (CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition1)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-4 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. For each observed 2.5-degree spatial region, the daily average, the hourly average over the month, and the overall monthly average of shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-9 product are spatially nested up from 2.5-degree regions to 5- and 10-degree regions, to 2.5-, 5-, and 10-degree zonal averages, and to global monthly averages. For each nested area, the albedo and net flux are given. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The following CERES ES4 data sets are currently available: CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=1998-08-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Latitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Longitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Horizontal

  15. CERES ERBE-like Instantaneous TOA Estimates (ES-8) in HDF (CER_ES8_TRMM-PFM_Edition2)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ES-8 archival data product contains a 24-hour, single-satellite, instantaneous view of scanner fluxes at the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reduced from spacecraft altitude unfiltered radiances using Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) scanner Inversion algorithms and the ERBE shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) Angular Distribution Models (ADMs). The ES-8 also includes the total (TOT), SW, LW, and window (WN) channel radiometric data; SW, LW, and WN unfiltered radiance values; and the ERBE scene identification for each measurement. These data are organized according to the CERES 3.3-second scan into 6.6-second records. As long as there is one valid scanner measurement within a record, the ES-8 record will be generated. The following CERES ES8 data sets are currently available: CER_ES8_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES8_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES8_TRMM-PFM_Transient-Ops2 CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES8_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES8_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES8_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1997-12-27; Stop_Date=2000-03-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Temporal_Resolution=1 day; Temporal_Resolution_Range=Daily - < Weekly].

  16. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) in HDF (CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-9 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. All instantaneous shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-8 product for a month are sorted by 2.5-degree spatial regions, by day number, and by the local hour of observation. The mean of the instantaneous fluxes for a given region-day-hour bin is determined and recorded on the ES-9 along with other flux statistics and scene information. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The ES-9 also contains hourly average fluxes for the month and an overall monthly average for each region. These average fluxes are given for both clear-sky and total-sky scenes. The following CERES ES9 data sets are currently available: CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2005-10-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost

  17. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) in HDF (CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-9 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. All instantaneous shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-8 product for a month are sorted by 2.5-degree spatial regions, by day number, and by the local hour of observation. The mean of the instantaneous fluxes for a given region-day-hour bin is determined and recorded on the ES-9 along with other flux statistics and scene information. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The ES-9 also contains hourly average fluxes for the month and an overall monthly average for each region. These average fluxes are given for both clear-sky and total-sky scenes. The following CERES ES9 data sets are currently available: CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2005-03-29] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost

  18. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) in HDF (CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition1)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-9 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. All instantaneous shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-8 product for a month are sorted by 2.5-degree spatial regions, by day number, and by the local hour of observation. The mean of the instantaneous fluxes for a given region-day-hour bin is determined and recorded on the ES-9 along with other flux statistics and scene information. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The ES-9 also contains hourly average fluxes for the month and an overall monthly average for each region. These average fluxes are given for both clear-sky and total-sky scenes. The following CERES ES9 data sets are currently available: CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2000-03-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost

  19. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) in HDF (CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-9 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. All instantaneous shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-8 product for a month are sorted by 2.5-degree spatial regions, by day number, and by the local hour of observation. The mean of the instantaneous fluxes for a given region-day-hour bin is determined and recorded on the ES-9 along with other flux statistics and scene information. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The ES-9 also contains hourly average fluxes for the month and an overall monthly average for each region. These average fluxes are given for both clear-sky and total-sky scenes. The following CERES ES9 data sets are currently available: CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2005-10-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost

  20. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) in HDF (CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition2)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-9 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. All instantaneous shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-8 product for a month are sorted by 2.5-degree spatial regions, by day number, and by the local hour of observation. The mean of the instantaneous fluxes for a given region-day-hour bin is determined and recorded on the ES-9 along with other flux statistics and scene information. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The ES-9 also contains hourly average fluxes for the month and an overall monthly average for each region. These average fluxes are given for both clear-sky and total-sky scenes. The following CERES ES9 data sets are currently available: CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2005-03-29] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost

  1. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) in HDF (CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition1)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-9 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. All instantaneous shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-8 product for a month are sorted by 2.5-degree spatial regions, by day number, and by the local hour of observation. The mean of the instantaneous fluxes for a given region-day-hour bin is determined and recorded on the ES-9 along with other flux statistics and scene information. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The ES-9 also contains hourly average fluxes for the month and an overall monthly average for each region. These average fluxes are given for both clear-sky and total-sky scenes. The following CERES ES9 data sets are currently available: CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2000-03-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost

  2. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) in HDF (CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-9 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. All instantaneous shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-8 product for a month are sorted by 2.5-degree spatial regions, by day number, and by the local hour of observation. The mean of the instantaneous fluxes for a given region-day-hour bin is determined and recorded on the ES-9 along with other flux statistics and scene information. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The ES-9 also contains hourly average fluxes for the month and an overall monthly average for each region. These average fluxes are given for both clear-sky and total-sky scenes. The following CERES ES9 data sets are currently available: CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2005-10-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost

  3. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) in HDF (CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition1)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-4 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. For each observed 2.5-degree spatial region, the daily average, the hourly average over the month, and the overall monthly average of shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-9 product are spatially nested up from 2.5-degree regions to 5- and 10-degree regions, to 2.5-, 5-, and 10-degree zonal averages, and to global monthly averages. For each nested area, the albedo and net flux are given. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The following CERES ES4 data sets are currently available: CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2000-03-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Latitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Longitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Horizontal

  4. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) in HDF (CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-4 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. For each observed 2.5-degree spatial region, the daily average, the hourly average over the month, and the overall monthly average of shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-9 product are spatially nested up from 2.5-degree regions to 5- and 10-degree regions, to 2.5-, 5-, and 10-degree zonal averages, and to global monthly averages. For each nested area, the albedo and net flux are given. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The following CERES ES4 data sets are currently available: CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2005-10-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Latitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Longitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Horizontal

  5. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) in HDF (CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition2)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-4 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. For each observed 2.5-degree spatial region, the daily average, the hourly average over the month, and the overall monthly average of shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-9 product are spatially nested up from 2.5-degree regions to 5- and 10-degree regions, to 2.5-, 5-, and 10-degree zonal averages, and to global monthly averages. For each nested area, the albedo and net flux are given. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The following CERES ES4 data sets are currently available: CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2005-12-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Latitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Longitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Horizontal

  6. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) in HDF (CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-4 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. For each observed 2.5-degree spatial region, the daily average, the hourly average over the month, and the overall monthly average of shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-9 product are spatially nested up from 2.5-degree regions to 5- and 10-degree regions, to 2.5-, 5-, and 10-degree zonal averages, and to global monthly averages. For each nested area, the albedo and net flux are given. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The following CERES ES4 data sets are currently available: CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2005-03-29] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Latitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Longitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Horizontal

  7. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) in HDF (CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition2)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-4 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. For each observed 2.5-degree spatial region, the daily average, the hourly average over the month, and the overall monthly average of shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-9 product are spatially nested up from 2.5-degree regions to 5- and 10-degree regions, to 2.5-, 5-, and 10-degree zonal averages, and to global monthly averages. For each nested area, the albedo and net flux are given. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The following CERES ES4 data sets are currently available: CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2005-12-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Latitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Longitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Horizontal

  8. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) in HDF (CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition2)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-4 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. For each observed 2.5-degree spatial region, the daily average, the hourly average over the month, and the overall monthly average of shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-9 product are spatially nested up from 2.5-degree regions to 5- and 10-degree regions, to 2.5-, 5-, and 10-degree zonal averages, and to global monthly averages. For each nested area, the albedo and net flux are given. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The following CERES ES4 data sets are currently available: CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2005-03-29] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Latitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Longitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Horizontal

  9. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) in HDF (CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-4 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. For each observed 2.5-degree spatial region, the daily average, the hourly average over the month, and the overall monthly average of shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-9 product are spatially nested up from 2.5-degree regions to 5- and 10-degree regions, to 2.5-, 5-, and 10-degree zonal averages, and to global monthly averages. For each nested area, the albedo and net flux are given. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The following CERES ES4 data sets are currently available: CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2005-10-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Latitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Longitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Horizontal

  10. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) in HDF (CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-4 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. For each observed 2.5-degree spatial region, the daily average, the hourly average over the month, and the overall monthly average of shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-9 product are spatially nested up from 2.5-degree regions to 5- and 10-degree regions, to 2.5-, 5-, and 10-degree zonal averages, and to global monthly averages. For each nested area, the albedo and net flux are given. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The following CERES ES4 data sets are currently available: CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2005-10-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Latitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Longitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Horizontal

  11. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) in HDF (CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition1)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-4 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. For each observed 2.5-degree spatial region, the daily average, the hourly average over the month, and the overall monthly average of shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-9 product are spatially nested up from 2.5-degree regions to 5- and 10-degree regions, to 2.5-, 5-, and 10-degree zonal averages, and to global monthly averages. For each nested area, the albedo and net flux are given. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The following CERES ES4 data sets are currently available: CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2000-03-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Latitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Longitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Horizontal

  12. Zusammenarbeit aus Sicht eines outgesourcten Instandhalters

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grüßer, Stefan; Loeven, Heinz-Wilhelm

    Dauerhafter Unternehmenserfolg ist nur mit einer fortschrittlichen Instandhaltung zu erzielen. Durch den enormen Kostendruck infolge der Globalisierung und die Innovationssprünge auf der technischen Seite wird auch die Frage nach der modernen Organisationsform für die Instandhaltung gestellt. Eine Möglichkeit der Kostenoptimierung ist das Outsourcing von Instandhaltungsleistungen. Hierbei ist es unerlässlich, dass sich die Mitarbeiter zum Dienstleister entwickeln. In diesem Beitrag wird die Entwicklung der InfraServ Knapsack von einer internen Instandhaltungsabteilung hin zu einem Industriellen Dienstleister beschrieben und Aspekte der Zusammenarbeit mit externen Kunden aus der Sicht des outgesourcten Instandhalters geschildert. Es werden die wichtigen Entwicklungsschritte zur Dienstleistungsorientierung der früheren Eigeninstandhaltung aufgezeigt. Dieser Beitrag ist nicht als "Königsweg“ zu verstehen, er soll vielmehr anhand der Erfahrungen einer outgesourcten Eigeninstandhaltung Anregungen für die Entwicklung der eigenen Instandhaltungsorganisation liefern.

  13. Advanced Boundary Electrode Modeling for tES and Parallel tES/EEG.


    Pursiainen, Sampsa; Agsten, Britte; Wagner, Sven; Wolters, Carsten H


    This paper explores advanced electrode modeling in the context of separate and parallel transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) and electroencephalography (EEG) measurements. We focus on boundary condition-based approaches that do not necessitate adding auxiliary elements, e.g., sponges, to the computational domain. In particular, we investigate the complete electrode model (CEM) which incorporates a detailed description of the skin-electrode interface including its contact surface, impedance, and normal current distribution. The CEM can be applied for both tES and EEG electrodes which are advantageous when a parallel system is used. In comparison to the CEM, we test two important reduced approaches: the gap model (GAP) and the point electrode model (PEM). We aim to find out the differences of these approaches for a realistic numerical setting based on the stimulation of the auditory cortex. The results obtained suggest, among other things, that GAP and GAP/PEM are sufficiently accurate for the practical application of tES and parallel tES/EEG, respectively. Differences between CEM and GAP were observed mainly in the skin compartment, where only CEM explains the heating effects characteristic to tES.

  14. CERES ERBE-like Instantaneous TOA Estimates (ES-8) in HDF (CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition2)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ES-8 archival data product contains a 24-hour, single-satellite, instantaneous view of scanner fluxes at the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reduced from spacecraft altitude unfiltered radiances using Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) scanner Inversion algorithms and the ERBE shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) Angular Distribution Models (ADMs). The ES-8 also includes the total (TOT), SW, LW, and window (WN) channel radiometric data; SW, LW, and WN unfiltered radiance values; and the ERBE scene identification for each measurement. These data are organized according to the CERES 3.3-second scan into 6.6-second records. As long as there is one valid scanner measurement within a record, the ES-8 record will be generated. The following CERES ES8 data sets are currently available: CER_ES8_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES8_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES8_TRMM-PFM_Transient-Ops2 CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES8_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES8_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES8_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1997-12-27; Stop_Date=2006-01-01] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Temporal_Resolution=1 day; Temporal_Resolution_Range=Daily - < Weekly].

  15. CERES ERBE-like Instantaneous TOA Estimates (ES-8) in HDF (CER_ES8_Terra-FM2_Edition1)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ES-8 archival data product contains a 24-hour, single-satellite, instantaneous view of scanner fluxes at the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reduced from spacecraft altitude unfiltered radiances using Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) scanner Inversion algorithms and the ERBE shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) Angular Distribution Models (ADMs). The ES-8 also includes the total (TOT), SW, LW, and window (WN) channel radiometric data; SW, LW, and WN unfiltered radiance values; and the ERBE scene identification for each measurement. These data are organized according to the CERES 3.3-second scan into 6.6-second records. As long as there is one valid scanner measurement within a record, the ES-8 record will be generated. The following CERES ES8 data sets are currently available: CER_ES8_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES8_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES8_TRMM-PFM_Transient-Ops2 CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES8_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES8_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES8_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1997-12-27; Stop_Date=2005-11-01] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Temporal_Resolution=1 day; Temporal_Resolution_Range=Daily - < Weekly].

  16. CERES ERBE-like Instantaneous TOA Estimates (ES-8) in HDF (CER_ES8_Aqua-FM3_Edition2)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ES-8 archival data product contains a 24-hour, single-satellite, instantaneous view of scanner fluxes at the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reduced from spacecraft altitude unfiltered radiances using Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) scanner Inversion algorithms and the ERBE shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) Angular Distribution Models (ADMs). The ES-8 also includes the total (TOT), SW, LW, and window (WN) channel radiometric data; SW, LW, and WN unfiltered radiance values; and the ERBE scene identification for each measurement. These data are organized according to the CERES 3.3-second scan into 6.6-second records. As long as there is one valid scanner measurement within a record, the ES-8 record will be generated. The following CERES ES8 data sets are currently available: CER_ES8_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES8_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES8_TRMM-PFM_Transient-Ops2 CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES8_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES8_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES8_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1997-12-27; Stop_Date=2005-12-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Temporal_Resolution=1 day; Temporal_Resolution_Range=Daily - < Weekly].

  17. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) in HDF (CER_ES9_FM1+FM4_Edition2)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-9 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. All instantaneous shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-8 product for a month are sorted by 2.5-degree spatial regions, by day number, and by the local hour of observation. The mean of the instantaneous fluxes for a given region-day-hour bin is determined and recorded on the ES-9 along with other flux statistics and scene information. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The ES-9 also contains hourly average fluxes for the month and an overall monthly average for each region. These average fluxes are given for both clear-sky and total-sky scenes. The following CERES ES9 data sets are currently available: CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2005-03-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost

  18. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) in HDF ( CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-9 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. All instantaneous shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-8 product for a month are sorted by 2.5-degree spatial regions, by day number, and by the local hour of observation. The mean of the instantaneous fluxes for a given region-day-hour bin is determined and recorded on the ES-9 along with other flux statistics and scene information. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The ES-9 also contains hourly average fluxes for the month and an overall monthly average for each region. These average fluxes are given for both clear-sky and total-sky scenes. The following CERES ES9 data sets are currently available: CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2005-03-29] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost

  19. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) in HDF ( CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-9 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. All instantaneous shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-8 product for a month are sorted by 2.5-degree spatial regions, by day number, and by the local hour of observation. The mean of the instantaneous fluxes for a given region-day-hour bin is determined and recorded on the ES-9 along with other flux statistics and scene information. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The ES-9 also contains hourly average fluxes for the month and an overall monthly average for each region. These average fluxes are given for both clear-sky and total-sky scenes. The following CERES ES9 data sets are currently available: CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2006-09-30] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost

  20. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) in HDF (CERES:CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition2)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-9 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. All instantaneous shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-8 product for a month are sorted by 2.5-degree spatial regions, by day number, and by the local hour of observation. The mean of the instantaneous fluxes for a given region-day-hour bin is determined and recorded on the ES-9 along with other flux statistics and scene information. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The ES-9 also contains hourly average fluxes for the month and an overall monthly average for each region. These average fluxes are given for both clear-sky and total-sky scenes. The following CERES ES9 data sets are currently available: CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2000-03-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost

  1. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) in HDF ( CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-9 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. All instantaneous shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-8 product for a month are sorted by 2.5-degree spatial regions, by day number, and by the local hour of observation. The mean of the instantaneous fluxes for a given region-day-hour bin is determined and recorded on the ES-9 along with other flux statistics and scene information. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The ES-9 also contains hourly average fluxes for the month and an overall monthly average for each region. These average fluxes are given for both clear-sky and total-sky scenes. The following CERES ES9 data sets are currently available: CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES9_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES9_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES9_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES9_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2006-10-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost

  2. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) in HDF (CER_ES4_FM1+FM4_Edition2)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-4 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. For each observed 2.5-degree spatial region, the daily average, the hourly average over the month, and the overall monthly average of shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-9 product are spatially nested up from 2.5-degree regions to 5- and 10-degree regions, to 2.5-, 5-, and 10-degree zonal averages, and to global monthly averages. For each nested area, the albedo and net flux are given. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The following CERES ES4 data sets are currently available: CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2005-03-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Latitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Longitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Horizontal

  3. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) in HDF (CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-4 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. For each observed 2.5-degree spatial region, the daily average, the hourly average over the month, and the overall monthly average of shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-9 product are spatially nested up from 2.5-degree regions to 5- and 10-degree regions, to 2.5-, 5-, and 10-degree zonal averages, and to global monthly averages. For each nested area, the albedo and net flux are given. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The following CERES ES4 data sets are currently available: CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2006-10-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Latitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Longitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Horizontal

  4. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) in HDF (CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition1)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-4 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. For each observed 2.5-degree spatial region, the daily average, the hourly average over the month, and the overall monthly average of shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-9 product are spatially nested up from 2.5-degree regions to 5- and 10-degree regions, to 2.5-, 5-, and 10-degree zonal averages, and to global monthly averages. For each nested area, the albedo and net flux are given. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The following CERES ES4 data sets are currently available: CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2003-12-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Latitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Longitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Horizontal

  5. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) in HDF (CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-4 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. For each observed 2.5-degree spatial region, the daily average, the hourly average over the month, and the overall monthly average of shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-9 product are spatially nested up from 2.5-degree regions to 5- and 10-degree regions, to 2.5-, 5-, and 10-degree zonal averages, and to global monthly averages. For each nested area, the albedo and net flux are given. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The following CERES ES4 data sets are currently available: CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2005-03-29] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Latitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Longitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Horizontal

  6. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) in HDF (CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition2)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-4 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. For each observed 2.5-degree spatial region, the daily average, the hourly average over the month, and the overall monthly average of shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-9 product are spatially nested up from 2.5-degree regions to 5- and 10-degree regions, to 2.5-, 5-, and 10-degree zonal averages, and to global monthly averages. For each nested area, the albedo and net flux are given. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The following CERES ES4 data sets are currently available: CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2002-12-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Latitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Longitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Horizontal

  7. CERES ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) in HDF (CER_ES4_FM1+FM3_Edition2)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) product contains a month of space and time averaged Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data for a single scanner instrument. The ES-4 is also produced for combinations of scanner instruments. For each observed 2.5-degree spatial region, the daily average, the hourly average over the month, and the overall monthly average of shortwave and longwave fluxes at the Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA) from the CERES ES-9 product are spatially nested up from 2.5-degree regions to 5- and 10-degree regions, to 2.5-, 5-, and 10-degree zonal averages, and to global monthly averages. For each nested area, the albedo and net flux are given. For each region, the daily average flux is estimated from an algorithm that uses the available hourly data, scene identification data, and diurnal models. This algorithm is 'like' the algorithm used for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The following CERES ES4 data sets are currently available: CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES4_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_FM1+FM2+FM3+FM4_Edition1 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM3_Edition2 CER_ES4_FM1+FM4_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM1_Edition2 CER_ES4_PFM+FM2_Edition2 CER_ES4_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES4_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1998-01-01; Stop_Date=2005-12-31] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Latitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Longitude_Resolution=2.5 degree; Horizontal

  8. CERES ERBE-like Instantaneous TOA Estimates (ES-8) in HDF (CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ES-8 archival data product contains a 24-hour, single-satellite, instantaneous view of scanner fluxes at the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reduced from spacecraft altitude unfiltered radiances using Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) scanner Inversion algorithms and the ERBE shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) Angular Distribution Models (ADMs). The ES-8 also includes the total (TOT), SW, LW, and window (WN) channel radiometric data; SW, LW, and WN unfiltered radiance values; and the ERBE scene identification for each measurement. These data are organized according to the CERES 3.3-second scan into 6.6-second records. As long as there is one valid scanner measurement within a record, the ES-8 record will be generated. The following CERES ES8 data sets are currently available: CER_ES8_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES8_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES8_TRMM-PFM_Transient-Ops2 CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES8_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES8_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES8_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1997-12-27; Stop_Date=2006-09-30] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Temporal_Resolution=1 day; Temporal_Resolution_Range=Daily - < Weekly].

  9. CERES ERBE-like Instantaneous TOA Estimates (ES-8) in HDF (CER_ES8_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    The ES-8 archival data product contains a 24-hour, single-satellite, instantaneous view of scanner fluxes at the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reduced from spacecraft altitude unfiltered radiances using Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) scanner Inversion algorithms and the ERBE shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) Angular Distribution Models (ADMs). The ES-8 also includes the total (TOT), SW, LW, and window (WN) channel radiometric data; SW, LW, and WN unfiltered radiance values; and the ERBE scene identification for each measurement. These data are organized according to the CERES 3.3-second scan into 6.6-second records. As long as there is one valid scanner measurement within a record, the ES-8 record will be generated. The following CERES ES8 data sets are currently available: CER_ES8_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_ES8_TRMM-PFM_Edition2 CER_ES8_TRMM-PFM_Transient-Ops2 CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_ES8_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_ES8_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_ES8_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_ES8_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_ES8_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1997-12-27; Stop_Date=2005-03-29] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Temporal_Resolution=1 day; Temporal_Resolution_Range=Daily - < Weekly].

  10. Konsistente Verknüpfung von Aktivitäts-, Sequenz- und Zustandsdiagrammen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ebrecht, Lars; Lemmer, Karsten

    Der folgende Beitrag stellt eine formale, generische Verhaltensstruktur und Semantik vor, die die Basis für die konsistente Verknüpfung der drei wichtigsten UML Verhaltensdiagramme bildet. Es wird gezeigt, wie sich das grobe und übersichtliche Verhalten in Aktivitätsdiagrammen, das detaillierte Schnittstellenverhalten in Sequenzdiagrammen und detaillierte Verhaltensmodelle in Zustandsdiagrammen mit Hilfe der Semantik konsistent miteinander verknüpfen lassen und die Inhalte der drei genannten Verhaltensdiagramme eindeutig miteinander in Beziehung gebracht werden können. Als Anwendungsbeispiel wird die komplexe, sicherheits- und echtzeitkritische zugseitige Komponente des Europäischen Leit- und Sicherungstechnik Systems (ETCS) verwendet.

  11. ES Review, Fall 2006

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Education Sector, 2006


    "ES Review" brings together in one publication recent Education Sector work that reflects both the reach of its policy projects and its commitment to translating the complexities of education policymaking for a wide range of audiences. Articles in this first edition of "ES Review" are: (1) Community College Confidential…

  12. Epidemiologie, Prävention und Früherkennung des Zervixkarzinoms

    PubMed Central

    Wentzensen, Nicolas


    Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Persistierende Infektionen mit humanen Papillomviren sind die notwendige Ursache des Zervixkarzinoms. Die Entwicklung von HPV-basierten Präventionsverfahren, der HPV Impfung und der HPV-Testung, führt derzeit zu umfangreichen Veränderungen von Zervixkarzinom-Vorsorgeprogrammen. Eine Dekade nach Einführung der HPV-Imfpung in vielen Ländern werden bereits Reduktionen von HPV-Infektionen und Krebsvorstufen in jungen Frauen beobachtet. Der Fokus liegt jetzt auf der Integration von neuen Testverfahren im Screening von Populationen mit zunehmenden Impfraten. Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerung Ein erfolgreiches Zervixkarzinom-Vorsorgeprogramm besteht aus verschiedenen Komponenten, vom primären Screening über die Triage zur Kolposkopie mit Biopsie, um Frauen mit Kresbvorstufen zu identifizieren, die eine therapeutische Intervention benötigen. Im primären Screening wird eine kleine Gruppe von Frauen mit erhöhtem Risiko für eine Krebsvorstufe identifiziert, während die grosse Mehrheit kein erhöhtes Risiko hat. Je nach primärem Testverfahren werden in screen-positiven Frauen zusätzliche Triage-Tests durchgeführt, um zu entscheiden, wer zur Kolposkopie überwiesen werden sollte. Derzeit gibt es drei verschiedene Ansätze für das primäre Zervixkarzinomscreening: Die Zervix-Zytologie, die HPV-Testung, und die HPV-Zytologie Ko-Testung. Zahlreiche Triage-Tests für HPV-positive Frauen werden derzeit untersucht, darunter sind die Zytologie, HPV-Genotypisierung, p16/Ki-67 Zytologie, und diverse Methylierungstests. Die steigende Anzahl an Optionen für die Früherkennung des Zervixkarzinoms stellt eine Herausforderung für klinische Leitlinien dar. Die zunehmende Komplexität von Vorsorgeprogrammen kann zur Verunsicherung von Ärzten und von am Screening teilnehmenden Frauen führen. Die Präzisions-Prävention des Zervixkarzinoms ist eine neuer Ansatz, der umfangreiche Risikodaten basierend auf der individuellen Vorgeschichte und von

  13. Bewehrte Betonbauteile unter Betriebsbedingungen: Forschungsbericht

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Eligehausen, Rolf; Kordina, Karl; Schießl, Peter


    Vorwort. Teil I: Rißbreiten (Gert König) 1 Ein mechanisches Modell zur Erhöhung der Vorhersagegenauigkeit über die Rißbreiten unter Betriebsbedingungen (Gert König und Michael Fischer). 1.1 Einleitung und Zielsetzung. 1.2 Versuchsprogramm. 1.3 Meßtechnik. 1.4 Belastung und Versuchsdurchführung. 1.5 Literatur. 2 Rißbreiten und Verformungszunahme vorgespannter Bauteile unter wiederholter Last - und Zwangbeanspruchung (Gert König und Michael Fischer). 2.1 Einleitung und Zielsetzung. 2.2 Versuchsprogramm. 2.3 Auswertung. 2.4 Ausblick. 2.5 Literatur. 3 Rißverhalten von Beton bei plötzlicher Abkühlung (Viktor Mechtcherine und Harald S. Müller). 3.1 Einleitung. 3.2 Experimentelle Untersuchungen. 3.3 Formulierung eines Stoffgesetzes für thermisch beanspruchten Beton. 3.4 Riß entwicklung in einer Betonplatte unter Temperaturschock. 3.5 Zusammenfassung. 3.6 Literatur. 4 Stahlfaserbeton unter Betriebsbedingungen bei Dauerbeanspruchung (Bo Soon Kang, Bernd Schnütgen und Friedhelm Stangenberg). 4.1 Einleitung. 4.2 Wirkung von Stahlfasern im Beton. 4.3 Versuchsprogramm. 4.4 Untersuchungen zum Verbundverhalten. 4.5 Untersuchungen zum Verhalten unter Biegebeanspruchung. 4.6 Theoretische Untersuchungen. 4.7 Literatur. 5 Experimentelle Untersuchungen an Stahlbeton-Zugkörpern unter wiederholter Belastung zur Ermittlung des versteifenden Einflusses der Mitwirkung des Betons zwischen den Rissen (Petra Seibel und Gerhard Mehlhorn). 5.1 Einleitung. 5.2 Ansatz zur Bestimmung der Mitwirkung des Betons zwischen den Rissen nach Eurocode 2, Model Code 90 und Günther. 5.3 Experimentelle Untersuchungen. 5.4 Ergebnisse. 5.5 Zusammenfassung. 5.6 Literatur. 6 Riß- und Verformungsverhalten von vorgefertigten Spannbetonträgern unter Betriebsbedingungen bei besonderer Berücksichtigung des Betonalters (Monika Maske, Heinz Meichsner und Lothar Schubert). 6.1 Einleitung. 6.2 Beschreibung der Fertigteilträger. 6.3 Belastungsversuche. 6.4 Ergebnisse. 6.5 Zusammenfassung. 6

  14. ES4 Terra+Aqua Ed4

    Atmospheric Science Data Center


    ... Detailed CERES ERBElike Level 3 (ES-4/ES-9) Product Information Collection Guide:  ES4 CG R1V1  (PDF) Data ... Edition2 for TRMM; and Edition1 for NPP) are approved for science publications.  SCAR-B Block:  ...

  15. ES4 Aqua-Xtrk Ed4

    Atmospheric Science Data Center


    ... Detailed CERES ERBElike Level 3 (ES-4/ES-9) Product Information Collection Guide:  ES4 CG R1V1  (PDF) Data ... Edition2 for TRMM; and Edition1 for NPP) are approved for science publications.  SCAR-B Block:  ...

  16. ES4 Terra-Xtrk Ed4

    Atmospheric Science Data Center


    ... Detailed CERES ERBElike Level 3 (ES-4/ES-9) Product Information Collection Guide:  ES4 CG R1V1  (PDF) Data ... Edition2 for TRMM; and Edition1 for NPP) are approved for science publications.  SCAR-B Block:  ...

  17. ES9 Terra-Xtrk Ed4

    Atmospheric Science Data Center


    ... Detailed CERES ERBElike Level 3 (ES-4/ES-9) Product Information Collection Guide:  ES9 CG R1V1  (PDF) Data ... Edition2 for TRMM; and Edition1 for NPP) are approved for science publications. SCAR-B Block:  ...

  18. ES9 Aqua-Xtrk Ed4

    Atmospheric Science Data Center


    ... Detailed CERES ERBElike Level 3 (ES-4/ES-9) Product Information Collection Guide:  ES9 CG R1V1  (PDF) Data ... Edition2 for TRMM; and Edition1 for NPP) are approved for science publications. SCAR-B Block:  ...

  19. Der Einfluss der Digitalisierung auf die Organisation eines Unternehmens

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Walter, Wolfram M.

    Die Digitalisierung schreitet mit großen Schritten voran. Dies wirkt sich nicht nur auf die Gesellschaft im Grundsatz, sondern auch auf das Verhalten der Kunden aus. Neue Kommunikationswege beschleunigen die Interaktion zwischen Unternehmen und Verbraucher. Im Vergleich mit großen Internetfirmen werden etablierte Dienstleistungsunternehmen - vom Energieversorger bis zu Versicherungen - stark unter Druck gesetzt, sich noch intensiver mit dem Kundenservice auseinanderzusetzen. Dies wird nur möglich sein, wenn sich die Organisationen entsprechend positionieren und sich frühzeitig auf die Veränderungen einstellen. Hieraus ergeben sich mehr Chancen als Risiken, zumal es nicht nur neue Prozesse, sondern auch neue Berufsbilder geben wird.

  20. Clausewitz’s Center of Gravity: Changing Our Warfighting Doctrine-Again!

    DTIC Science & Technology


    collapse of the enemy—tend to compete with the typically more restricted political objective(s). For example, during the Gulf War the ground component...under Clausewitz’s concept, determining the Iraqi CoG would have been unnecessary since the Gulf War was not a war of annihilation. Simply translating the...Schwerpunkt der Kraft erhalten wird, so ist es auch im Kriege. Die Streitkräfte jedes Kriegführenden, sei es ein einzelner Staat oder ein Bündnis von

  1. Detected Timing for Exoplanet TrES-5b. Possible Existence of Exoplanet TrES-5c

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sokov, E. N.; Sokova, I. A.; Dyachenko, V. V.; Rastegaev, D. A.; Rusov, S. A.


    In this paper, we present timing variations detected for the TrES-5b exoplanet. To obtain necessary photometric data for this exoplanet, we have organized an international campaign for exoplanet searching based on the Transit Timing Variation (TTV) method. We managed to collect N light curves for TrEs-5b. On the basis of the obtained data, we detected timing variations with the period P ≍ 100 days. We carried out the N-body modelling by means of the three-body problem. We detected a perturbation of TrES-5b which can be caused by a second exoplanet in the TrES-5 system. We calculated possible masses and resonances of the objects: M ˜ 0.24 Mjup on the 1:2 Resonance and M ˜ 3.15 Mjup on the 1:3 Resonance.

  2. Computerunterstütztes Modellieren mit Musiknetzen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Levens, Ulla

    In der folgenden Ausführung geht es um eine Anwendung von Petri-Netzen im Bereich Musik. Ausgehend von der Implementierung einer speziellen Anwendung, dem Programmsystem ScoreSynth, wird das zugrundeliegende Konzept erläutert und anschließend an einem kleinen Beispiel veranschaulicht. Dieser Beitrag ist ein Auszug aus [Lev95b].

  3. The Earth System (ES-DOC) Project

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Greenslade, Mark; Murphy, Sylvia; Treshansky, Allyn; DeLuca, Cecilia; Guilyardi, Eric; Denvil, Sebastien


    ESSI1.3 New Paradigms, Modelling, and International Collaboration Strategies for Earth System Sciences Earth System Documentation (ES-DOC) is an international project supplying tools & services in support of earth system documentation creation, analysis and dissemination. It is nurturing a sustainable standards based documentation eco-system that aims to become an integral part of the next generation of exa-scale dataset archives. ES-DOC leverages open source software and places end-user narratives at the heart of all it does. ES-DOC has initially focused upon nurturing the Earth System Model (ESM) documentation eco-system. Within this context ES-DOC leverages emerging documentation standards and supports the following projects: Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5); Dynamical Core Model Inter-comparison Project (DCMIP); National Climate Predictions and Projections Platforms Quantitative Evaluation of Downscaling Workshop. This presentation will introduce the project to a wider audience and demonstrate the range of tools and services currently available for use. It will also demonstrate how international collaborative efforts are essential to the success of ES-DOC.

  4. [Not Available].


    Hainschitz, I; Rieger, K; Siegl, H


    In Austria an index of 3 μg/kg of Ochratoxin A for coffee, 0,3 μg/kg for fruit juices and 0,2 μg/kg for beer is discussed. The laboratory of the food inspection authority of the state of Vorarlberg investigated the contribution of selected foodstuffs to the daily OTA intake and compared it with the recommendation of the scientific food committee of the EC. The focal point of this study was on beverages (coffee, coffee substitutes, beer and fruit juices) and their ingredients.ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Die Untersuchungsergebnisse von Bier, Fruchtsaft und Kaffee [Diagramm 1] zeigen, dass die Mehrzahl der Proben nur sehr schwach bis gar nicht belastet waren. Die OTA-Belastung lag bei der Mehrzahl der Proben unter der Nachweisgrenze von 0,3 μg/kg bzw. 0,01μg/1. Einzelne Proben waren aber erheblich belastet, sodass bei starkem Konsum (Fruchtsaft im Sommer) eine überschreitung der vom SCF vorgeschlagenen Höchstmenge nicht auszuschließen ist. Die Ergebnisse der Kaffeemitteluntersuchung [Diagramm 2] belegen eine höhere OTA-Belastung bei mehr als der Hälfte der Proben. Wenn die vom SCF vorgeschlagene Höchstaufnahme von 5 ng pro Tag und kg Körpergewicht zu Grunde gelegt wird, resultiert für eine 60 kg schwere Person ein Wert von 0,3 μg/Tag. Das bedeutet bei einem mit 100 μg/kg OTA kontaminierten Kaffeeersatz und dem Konsum nur einer Tasse (5 - 7 g Pulver), dass alleine aus dieser Quelle diese Höchstaufnahme deutlich überschritten wird. Der Eintrag über die restliche Nahrung wie Cerealien, die für etwa die Hälfte der OTA-Aufnahme verantwortlich sind, bleibt hier unberücksichtigt. Die Untersuchungen belegen, dass die Einhaltung der in österreich vorgeschlagenen Richtwerte bei Bier, Fruchtsäften und Kaffee keine Schwierigkeiten bereitet. Für Kaffeemittel und andere Trockenfrüchte als Weintrauben [3] wurde allerdings noch kein Richtwert vorgeschlagen. Die Ergebnisse belegen aber, dass gerade für Kaffemittel und verschiedene Trockenfrüchte vor dem Hintergrund

  5. Human ES cells – haematopoiesis and transplantation strategies*

    PubMed Central

    Kaufman, DS; Thomson, JA


    Human embryonic stem (ES) cells provide a novel opportunity to study early developmental events in a human system. We have used human ES cell lines, including clonally derived lines, to evaluate haematopoiesis. Co-culture of the human ES cells with irradiated bone marrow stromal cell lines in the presence of fetal bovine serum (FBS), but without other exogenous cytokines, leads to differentiation of the human ES cells within a matter of days. A portion of these differentiated cells express CD34, the best-defined marker for early haematopoietic cells. Haematopoietic colony-forming cells (CFCs) are demonstrated by methylcellulose assay. Myeloid, erythroid, megakaryocyte and multipotential CFCs can all be derived under these conditions. Enrichment of CD34+ cells derived from the human ES cells markedly increases the yield of CFCs, as would be expected for cells derived from adult bone marrow or umbilical cord blood. Transcription factors are also expressed in a manner consistent with haematopoietic differentiation. This system now presents the potential to evaluate specific conditions needed to induce or support events in early human blood development. Human ES cells are also a novel source of cells for transplantation therapies. The immunogenicity of ES cell-derived cells is unknown. The unique properties of ES cells afford the opportunity to explore novel mechanisms to prevent immune-mediated rejection. Potential strategies to overcome rejection will be presented, including creation of haematopoietic chimerism as a means to successfully transplant cells and tissues derived from human ES cells. PMID:12033728

  6. Es structure using an HF radar

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    From, W. R.; Whitehead, J. D.


    By using an HF radar which produces a steerable beam about 4° wide and measures angle of arrival and Doppler shift of radio echoes, the structure of various types of mid-latitude sporadic E (Es) has been determined. Totally reflecting Es is a very smooth layer, tilted less than 1° from the horizontal. Partially reflecting Es consists of clouds of ionization. These clouds vary in size from a few kilometers to 25 km in the direction of movement and larger in the transverse direction. Echoes often disappear rapidly: the clouds either disappear quickly or have sharp edges. Spread Es has a curious structure of small clouds, each of which reflects only for a few seconds, but each cloud moves with the same velocity, typically 100 m/s, even though the heights of the clouds vary up to 10 km. It is difficult to reconcile this finding with the presence of wind shears.

  7. Es structure using an HF radar

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    From, W. R.; Whitehead, J. D.

    Using an HF radar which produces a steerable beam about 4 deg wide and measures angle of arrival and Doppler shift of radio echoes, the structure of various types of midlatitude sporadic E (Es) has been determined. Totally reflecting Es is a very smooth layer, tilted less than 1 deg from the horizontal. Partially reflecting Es consists of clouds of ionization. These clouds vary in size from a few kilometers to 25 km in the direction of movement and larger in the transverse direction. Echoes often disappear rapidly: the clouds either disappear quickly or have sharp edges. Spread Es has a curious structure of small clouds each of which reflects only for a few seconds, but each cloud moves with the same velocity, typically 100 m/s, even though the heights of the clouds vary up to 10 km. It is difficult to reconcile this finding with the presence of wind shears.

  8. Reisen im freien Fall - Teil 2: Das Zwillingsparadoxon aus dem Blickwinkel der ART

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sonne, Bernd; Weiß, Reinhard


    Nachdem wir uns mit den Prinzipien der ART und einigen Beispielen vertraut gemacht haben, kommen wir nun zur Berechnung des Zwillingsparadoxons aus Sicht des reisenden Zwillings. Dabei spielt das Äquivalenzprinzip eine große Rolle. Deshalb wird die Bewegungssituation noch einmal erläutert, diesmal aus Sicht von Katrin. Sie befindet sich in ihrem System S'in Ruhe. In ihrem System läuft die Zeit t'ab. Nach dem Start fühlt Katrin jedoch eine Kraft, die sie als Gravitationskraft interpretieren kann. Sie merkt es daran, dass sie in den Sitz gedrückt wird. Nach einiger Zeit werden die Triebwerke abgeschaltet, und das Raumschiff fliegt mit konstanter Geschwindigkeit weiter, Phase 2. Anschließend wird der Schub der Triebwerke solange umgekehrt, bis das Raumschiff irgendwo mit der Geschwindigkeit null am Umkehrpunkt U landet, Phase 3 (Abb. 15.1). Die Erde, auf der sich Michael befindet, bewegt sich mit x'(t') aus Sicht von Katrin im freien Fall von ihr weg, s. das Experiment mit dem steigenden Fahrstuhl in Abschn. 13.2.1.

  9. Eine selbstkonsistente Carleman Linearisierung zur Analyse von Oszillatoren

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Weber, Harry; Mathis, Wolfgang


    Die Analyse nichtlinearer dynamischer Schaltungen ist bis heute eine herausfordernde Aufgabe, da nur selten analytische Lösungen angegeben werden können. Daher wurden eine Vielzahl von Methoden entwickelt, um eine qualitative oder quantitative Näherung für die Lösungen der Netzwerkgleichung zu erhalten. Oftmals wird beispielsweise eine Kleinsignalanalyse mit Hilfe einer Taylorreihe in einem Arbeitspunkt durchgeführt, die nach den Gliedern erster Ordnung abgebrochen wird. Allerdings ist diese Linearisierung nur in der Nähe des stabilen Arbeitspunktes für hyperbolische Systeme gültig. Besonders für die Analyse des dynamischen Verhaltens von Oszillatoren treten jedoch nicht-hyperbolische Systeme auf, sodass diese Methode nicht angewendet werden kann Mathis (2000). Carleman hat gezeigt, dass nichtlineare Differentialgleichungen mit polynomiellen Nichtlinearitäten in ein unendliches System von linearen Differentialgleichungen transformiert werden können Carleman (1932). Wird das unendlichdimensionale Gleichungssystem für numerische Zwecke abgebrochen, kann bei Oszillatoren der Übergang in eine stationäre Schwingung (Grenzzyklus) nicht wiedergegeben werden. In diesem Beitrag wird eine selbstkonsistente Carleman Linearisierung zur Untersuchung von Oszillatoren vorgestellt, die auch dann anwendbar ist, wenn die Nichtlinearitäten keinen Polynomen entsprechen. Anstelle einer linearen Näherung um einen Arbeitspunkt, erfolgt mit Hilfe der Carleman Linearisierung eine Approximation auf einem vorgegebenen Gebiet. Da es jedoch mit der selbstkonsistenten Technik nicht möglich ist, das stationäre Verhalten von Oszillatoren zu beschreiben, wird die Berechnung einer Poincaré-Abbildung durchgeführt. Mit dieser ist eine anschließende Analyse des Oszillators möglich.

  10. Earth System Documentation (ES-DOC) Preparation for CMIP6

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Denvil, S.; Murphy, S.; Greenslade, M. A.; Lawrence, B.; Guilyardi, E.; Pascoe, C.; Treshanksy, A.; Elkington, M.; Hibling, E.; Hassell, D.


    During the course of 2015 the Earth System Documentation (ES-DOC) project began its preparations for CMIP6 (Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project 6) by further extending the ES-DOC tooling ecosystem in support of Earth System Model (ESM) documentation creation, search, viewing & comparison. The ES-DOC online questionnaire, the ES-DOC desktop notebook, and the ES-DOC python toolkit will serve as multiple complementary pathways to generating CMIP6 documentation. It is envisaged that institutes will leverage these tools at different points of the CMIP6 lifecycle. Institutes will be particularly interested to know that the documentation burden will be either streamlined or completely automated.As all the tools are tightly integrated with the ES-DOC web-service, institutes can be confident that the latency between documentation creation & publishing will be reduced to a minimum. Published documents will be viewable with the online ES-DOC Viewer (accessible via citable URL's). Model inter-comparison scenarios will be supported using the ES-DOC online Comparator tool. The Comparator is being extended to:• Support comparison of both Model descriptions & Simulation runs;• Greatly streamline the effort involved in compiling official tables.The entire ES-DOC ecosystem is open source and built upon open standards such as the Common Information Model (CIM) (versions 1 and 2).

  11. [Cross-cultural adaptation to the European Portuguese of the questionnaire "Patient Knowledge about their Medications" (CPM-ES-ES)].


    Salmerón Rubio, Joaquín; Iglésias-Ferreira, Paula; García Delgado, Pilar; Mateus-Santos, Henrique; Martínez-Martínez, Fernando


    The scope of this work is to conduct the cross-cultural adaptation from Spanish to European Portuguese of a questionnaire to measure the degree of "Patient Knowledge about their Medications" (CPM-ES-ES). A method based on six steps was applied: 1. Translation into Portuguese, 2. Elaboration of the first consensus version in Portuguese; 3.Back-translation into Spanish; 4. Elaboration of the second consensus version (cultural equivalency); 5. Conducting the pre-test; 6. Evaluation of the overall results. A cross-culturally adapted questionnaire in European Portuguese that measures the degree of "Patient Knowledge about their Medications" is proposed. The pre-test confirmation obtained 100% agreement with the corrected version of the second consensus version after pre-testing. The methodology selected made it possible to cross-culturally adapt the Spanish version of the CPM-ES-ES questionnaire to the Portuguese version. Further studies should demonstrate the equivalence of the psychometric properties of the cross-cultural translation into Portuguese with the original version.

  12. Intelligente Messsysteme - Mehrwert für unterschiedliche Stufen der Wertschöpfung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Deppe, Benjamin

    Die Veränderung der Energiewirtschaft schreitet kontinuierlich voran - und wird mit Gesetz zur Digitalisierung der Energiewende nicht abgeschlossen sein. Vielmehr steigen die Innovationsgeschwindigkeit und die Erwartungshaltung der Kunden. Dieses Kapitel beschreibt, wie intelligente Messsysteme die Basis für neue Möglichkeiten schaffen und wie sich diese Veränderungen auf die Wertschöpfung auswirken. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf dem Wandel der einzelnen Wertschöpfungsstufen im Verlauf der Liberalisierung des Messwesens und dem seit dem 02.09.2016 verbindlichen Messstellenbetriebsgesetzes. Der Beitrag zeigt auf, wie sich bisher getrennte Wertschöpfungsstufen nunmehr direkt berühren und miteinander interagieren. Deutlich wird dadurch, wie Informationen zu Mehrwert führen können - aber auch, welche Fragen noch zu beantworten sind und welche Hürden es zu überwinden gilt.

  13. Transit timing analysis of the exoplanet TrES-5 b. Possible existence of the exoplanet TrES-5 c

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sokov, Eugene N.; Sokova, Iraida A.; Dyachenko, Vladimir V.; Rastegaev, Denis A.; Burdanov, Artem; Rusov, Sergey A.; Benni, Paul; Shadick, Stan; Hentunen, Veli-Pekka; Salisbury, Mark; Esseiva, Nicolas; Garlitz, Joe; Bretton, Marc; Ogmen, Yenal; Karavaev, Yuri; Ayiomamitis, Anthony; Mazurenko, Oleg; Alonso, David Molina; Velichko, Sergey F.


    In this work, we present transit timing variations detected for the exoplanet TrES-5b. To obtain the necessary amount of photometric data for this exoplanet, we have organized an international campaign to search for exoplanets based on the Transit Timing Variation method (TTV) and as a result of this we collected 30 new light curves, 15 light curves from the Exoplanet Transit Database (ETD) and 8 light curves from the literature for the timing analysis of the exoplanet TrES-5b. We have detected timing variations with a semi-amplitude of A ≈ 0.0016 days and a period of P ≈ 99 days. We carried out the N-body modeling based on the three-body problem. The detected perturbation of TrES-5b may be caused by a second exoplanet in the TrES-5 system. We have calculated the possible mass and resonance of the object: M ≈ 0.24MJup at a 1:2 Resonance.

  14. Determination of Neutron Spectra in a Graphite Sphere for Fusion Reactor Studies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bashter, I. B.; Cooper, P. N.

    Calculated and experimental results for the neutron spectra at different radii in a graphite sphere irradiated with 14.1 MeV neutrons were shown to be in satisfactory agreement over the energy range 14.1 to 1.8 MeV neutrons. A group of curves were constructed which gives the radius of a graphite sphere shield required to attenuate the neutron intensity to a certain value. The data set used in the present work, with carbon-12 cross section, is shown to be useful for spherical calculations.Translated AbstractDie Bestimmung der Neutronenspektren in einer GraphitkugelDie Übereinstimmung experimentell bestimmter und berechneter Neutronenspektren in Abhängigkeit vom Ort in einer Graphitkugel wird in einem Energiebereich von 14,1 bis 1,8 MeV (bei einer Ausgangsenergie von 14,1 MeV je Neutron) gezeigt. Eine Gruppe von Kurven wird konstruiert, die den für eine bestimmte Dämpfung der Neutronenintensität notwendigen Radius einer Graphitkugel angeben. Es wird nachgewiesen, daß die in der Arbeit benutzte Datenbank für den 12C-Wirkungsquerschnitt in sphärischen Geometrien anwendbar ist.

  15. A Hard X-ray View on Two Distant VHE Blazars: 1ES 1101-232 and 1ES 1553+113

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Reimer, A.; Costamente, L.; /Stanford U., HEPL /KIPAC, Menlo Park


    TeV-blazars are known as prominent non-thermal emitters across the entire electromagnetic spectrum with their photon power peaking in the X-ray and TeV-band. If distant, absorption of -ray photons by the extragalactic background light (EBL) alters the intrinsic TeV spectral shape, thereby affecting the overall interpretation. Suzaku observations for two of the more distant TeV-blazars known to date, 1ES 1101-232 and 1ES 1553+113, were carried out in May and July 2006, respectively, including a quasi-simultaneous coverage with the state of the art Cherenkov telescope facilities. We report on the resulting data sets with emphasis on the X-ray band, and set intomore » context to their historical behavior. During our campaign, we did not detect any significant X-ray or {gamma}-ray variability. 1ES 1101-232 was found in a quiescent state with the lowest X-ray flux ever measured. The combined XIS and HXD PIN data for 1ES 1101-232 and 1ES 1553+113 clearly indicate spectral curvature up to the highest hard X-ray data point ({approx} 30 keV), manifesting as softening with increasing energy. We describe this spectral shape by either a broken power law or a log-parabolic fit with equal statistical goodness of fits. The combined 1ES 1553+113 very high energy spectrum (90-500 GeV) did not show any significant changes with respect to earlier observations. The resulting contemporaneous broadband spectral energy distributions of both TeV-blazars are discussed in view of implications for intrinsic blazar parameter values, taking into account the {gamma}-ray absorption in the EBL.« less

  16. Implantate und Verfahren in der Augenheilkunde

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Neuhann, Tobias H.

    Das in der Medizin mit am häufigsten verwendete Implantat weltweit ist die Intraokulare Linse (IOL). Die Gründe hierfür sind vielschichtig: einmal haben die Operationstechniken in den letzten 30 Jahren eine wesentliche Steigerung an Gleichmäßigkeit, Erfolg und Effizienz erfahren, zum anderen verursachen die gestiegenen Anforderungen des Alltags in den Industrienationen und im Berufsleben den höheren Anspruch an das Sehvermögen. Ist die menschliche Linse Ursache für schlechtes Sehvermögen, besteht meist eine Trübung des Linsenproteins. Diese Trübung nennt wird Volksmund Grauer Star genannt, wissenschaftlich die Katarakt (cataracta). Es gibt unterschiedliche Formen wie angeborene (congenita) oder erworbene, traumatische, krankheitsoder altersbedingte Formen [45]. Wird die eingetrübte Linse nun mittels moderner Operationsverfahren entfernt, muss für Ersatz dieses lichtbrechenden Mediums gesorgt werden [2].

  17. The Earth System Documentation (ES-DOC) Software Process

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Greenslade, M. A.; Murphy, S.; Treshansky, A.; DeLuca, C.; Guilyardi, E.; Denvil, S.


    Earth System Documentation (ES-DOC) is an international project supplying high-quality tools & services in support of earth system documentation creation, analysis and dissemination. It is nurturing a sustainable standards based documentation eco-system that aims to become an integral part of the next generation of exa-scale dataset archives. ES-DOC leverages open source software, and applies a software development methodology that places end-user narratives at the heart of all it does. ES-DOC has initially focused upon nurturing the Earth System Model (ESM) documentation eco-system and currently supporting the following projects: * Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5); * Dynamical Core Model Inter-comparison Project (DCMIP); * National Climate Predictions and Projections Platforms Quantitative Evaluation of Downscaling Workshop. This talk will demonstrate that ES-DOC implements a relatively mature software development process. Taking a pragmatic Agile process as inspiration, ES-DOC: * Iteratively develops and releases working software; * Captures user requirements via a narrative based approach; * Uses online collaboration tools (e.g. Earth System CoG) to manage progress; * Prototypes applications to validate their feasibility; * Leverages meta-programming techniques where appropriate; * Automates testing whenever sensibly feasible; * Streamlines complex deployments to a single command; * Extensively leverages GitHub and Pivotal Tracker; * Enforces strict separation of the UI from underlying API's; * Conducts code reviews.

  18. The Earth System Documentation (ES-DOC) project

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Murphy, S.; Greenslade, M. A.; Treshansky, A.; DeLuca, C.; Guilyardi, E.; Denvil, S.


    Earth System Documentation (ES-DOC) is an international project supplying high quality tools and services in support of Earth system documentation creation, analysis and dissemination. It is nurturing a sustainable standards based documentation ecosystem that aims to become an integral part of the next generation of exa-scale dataset archives. ES-DOC leverages open source software, and applies a software development methodology that places end-user narratives at the heart of all it does. ES-DOC has initially focused upon nurturing the Earth System Model (ESM) documentation eco-system. Within this context ES-DOC leverages the emerging Common Information Model (CIM) metadata standard, which has supported the following projects: ** Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5); ** Dynamical Core Model Inter-comparison Project (DCMIP-2012); ** National Climate Predictions and Projections Platforms (NCPP) Quantitative Evaluation of Downscaling Workshop (QED-2013). This presentation will introduce the project to a wider audience and will demonstrate the current production level capabilities of the eco-system: ** An ESM documentation Viewer embeddable into any website; ** An ESM Questionnaire configurable on a project by project basis; ** An ESM comparison tool reusable across projects; ** An ESM visualization tool reusable across projects; ** A search engine for speedily accessing published documentation; ** Libraries for streamlining document creation, validation and publishing pipelines.

  19. Wissenschaft, die unsere Kultur verändert. Tiefenschichten des Streits um die Evolutionstheorie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Patzelt, Werner J.

    Die Evolutionstheorie ist eine der erfolgreichsten wissenschaftlichen Theorien. Sie erlaubt es, unsere Herkunft zu verstehen und riskante Merkmale gerade der menschlichen Spezies zu begreifen. Zugleich ist die Evolutionstheorie eine der umstrittensten Theorien. Das liegt nicht an ihrer empirischen Tragfähigkeit, sondern an ihrem Gegenstand. Sie handelt nämlich nicht nur - wie Hunderte andere wissenschaftliche Theorien - von der "Welt da draußen“, sondern vor allem auch von uns selbst und von unserem Platz in dieser Welt. Den einen gilt sie obendrein als Überwinderin religiösen Aberglaubens, den anderen als neuer Zugang zu Gott und seinem Wirken in der Welt. Ferner sehen die einen in der Evolution eine unbezweifelbare Tatsache gleich der Schwerkraft oder dem Holocaust, die anderen aber eine - noch oder dauerhaft - unbewiesene Hypothese oder gar eine falsche Schöpfungslehre. Und während die meisten Streitfragen solcher Art nach wechselseitig akzeptierten Regeln ‚normaler Wissenschaft‘ geklärt werden, wird bei der Frage nach dem Woher unserer Spezies und Kultur die intellektuelle Zuständigkeit von Wissenschaft mitunter überhaupt bezweifelt. Anscheinend geht es schon um recht tiefe Schichten unserer Kultur und nicht nur der wissenschaftlichen, wenn - wie seit 150 Jahren - um die Evolutionstheorie gestritten wird. Wie sehen diese Schichten aus?

  20. Analyzing EEG and MEG signals recorded during tES, a reply.


    Noury, Nima; Siegel, Markus


    Transcranial Electric Stimulation (tES) is a widely used non-invasive brain stimulation technique. However, strong stimulation artifacts complicate the investigation of neural activity with EEG or MEG during tES. Thus, studying brain signals during tES requires detailed knowledge about the properties of these artifacts. Recently, we characterized the phase- and amplitude-relationship between tES stimulation currents and tES artifacts in EEG and MEG and provided a mathematical model of these artifacts (Noury and Siegel, 2017, and Noury et al., 2016, respectively). Among several other features, we showed that, independent of the stimulation current, the amplitude of tES artifacts is modulated time locked to heartbeat and respiration. In response to our work, a recent paper (Neuling et al., 2017) raised several points concerning the employed stimulation device and methodology. Here, we discuss these points, explain potential misunderstandings, and show that none of the raised concerns are applicable to our results. Furthermore, we explain in detail the physics underlying tES artifacts, and discuss several approaches how to study brain function during tES in the presence of residual artifacts. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Daytime dependence of disturbances of ionospheric Es-layers connected to earthquakes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liperovskaya, E. V.; Liperovsky, A. V.; Meister, C.-V.; Silina, A. S.


    In the present work variations of the semi-transparency of the sporadic E-layer of the ionosphere due to seismic activities are studied. The semi-transparency Q is determined by the blanketing frequency fbEs and the characteristic frequency foEs, Q = (foEs - fbEs)/fbEs. At low values of the blanketing frequency fbEs, the critical frequency foEs does not describe the maximum ionisation density of the Es-layer, as the critical frequencies of regular ionospheric layers (e.g. foF2) do, but it describes the occurrence of small-scall (tenths of meters) inhomogeneities of the ionisation density along the vertical in the layer. The maximum ionisation density of the sporadic layer is proportional to the square of fbEs. In the case of vertical ionospheric sounding, the sporadic layer becomes transparent for signals with frequencies larger than fbEs. Investigations showed that about three days before an earthquake an increase of the semi-transparency interval is observed during sunset and sunrise. In the present work, analogous results are found for data of the vertical sounding stations "Tokyo" and "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky". Using the method of superposition of epoches, more than 50 earthquakes with magnitudes M > 5, depths h < 40 km, and distances between the station and the epicenter R < 300 km are considered in case of the vertical sounding station "Tokyo". More than 20 earthquakes with such parameters were analysed in case of the station "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky". Days with strong geomagnetic activity were excluded from the analysis. According to the station "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky" about 1-3 days before earthquakes, an increase of Es-spread is observed a few hours before midnight. This increase is a sign of large-scale inhomogeneities in the sporadic layers.

  2. Kamera-basierte Erkennung von Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkungen auf deutschen Straen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nienhüser, Dennis; Ziegenmeyer, Marco; Gumpp, Thomas; Scholl, Kay-Ulrich; Zöllner, J. Marius; Dillmann, Rüdiger

    An Fahrerassistenzsysteme im industriellen Einsatz werden hohe Anforderungen bezüglich Zuverlässigkeit und Robustheit gestellt. In dieser Arbeit wird die Kombination robuster Verfahren wie der Hough-Transformation und Support-Vektor-Maschinen zu einem Gesamtsystem zur Erkennung von Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkungen beschrieben. Es setzt eine Farbvideokamera als Sensorik ein. Die Evaluation auf Testdaten bestätigt durch die ermittelte hohe Korrektklassifikationsrate bei gleichzeitig geringer Zahl Fehlalarme die Zuverlässigkeit des Systems.

  3. Reale Gase, tiefe Temperaturen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Heintze, Joachim

    Wir werden uns in diesem Kapitel zunächst mit der van der Waals'schen Zustandsgleichung befassen. In dieser Gleichung wird versucht, die Abweichungen, die reale Gase vom Verhalten idealer Gase zeigen, durch physikalisch motivierte Korrekturterme zu berücksichtigen. Es zeigt sich, dass die van derWaals-Gleichung geeignet ist, nicht nur die Gasphase, sondern auch die Phänomene bei der Verflüssigung von Gasen und den kritischen Punkt zu beschreiben.

  4. Zfp206 regulates ES cell gene expression and differentiation.


    Zhang, Wen; Walker, Emily; Tamplin, Owen J; Rossant, Janet; Stanford, William L; Hughes, Timothy R


    Understanding transcriptional regulation in early developmental stages is fundamental to understanding mammalian development and embryonic stem (ES) cell properties. Expression surveys suggest that the putative SCAN-Zinc finger transcription factor Zfp206 is expressed specifically in ES cells [Zhang,W., Morris,Q.D., Chang,R., Shai,O., Bakowski,M.A., Mitsakakis,N., Mohammad,N., Robinson,M.D., Zirngibl,R., Somogyi,E. et al., (2004) J. Biol., 3, 21; Brandenberger,R., Wei,H., Zhang,S., Lei,S., Murage,J., Fisk,G.J., Li,Y., Xu,C., Fang,R., Guegler,K. et al., (2004) Nat. Biotechnol., 22, 707-716]. Here, we confirm this observation, and we show that ZFP206 expression decreases rapidly upon differentiation of cultured mouse ES cells, and during development of mouse embryos. We find that there are at least six isoforms of the ZFP206 transcript, the longest being predominant. Overexpression and depletion experiments show that Zfp206 promotes formation of undifferentiated ES cell clones, and positively regulates abundance of a very small set of transcripts whose expression is also specific to ES cells and the two- to four-cell stages of preimplantation embryos. This set includes members of the Zscan4, Thoc4, Tcstv1 and eIF-1A gene families, none of which have been functionally characterized in vivo but whose members include apparent transcription factors, RNA-binding proteins and translation factors. Together, these data indicate that Zfp206 is a regulator of ES cell differentiation that controls a set of genes expressed very early in development, most of which themselves appear to be regulators.

  5. SAChES: Scalable Adaptive Chain-Ensemble Sampling.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Swiler, Laura Painton; Ray, Jaideep; Ebeida, Mohamed Salah

    We present the development of a parallel Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method called SAChES, Scalable Adaptive Chain-Ensemble Sampling. This capability is targed to Bayesian calibration of com- putationally expensive simulation models. SAChES involves a hybrid of two methods: Differential Evo- lution Monte Carlo followed by Adaptive Metropolis. Both methods involve parallel chains. Differential evolution allows one to explore high-dimensional parameter spaces using loosely coupled (i.e., largely asynchronous) chains. Loose coupling allows the use of large chain ensembles, with far more chains than the number of parameters to explore. This reduces per-chain sampling burden, enables high-dimensional inversions and the usemore » of computationally expensive forward models. The large number of chains can also ameliorate the impact of silent-errors, which may affect only a few chains. The chain ensemble can also be sampled to provide an initial condition when an aberrant chain is re-spawned. Adaptive Metropolis takes the best points from the differential evolution and efficiently hones in on the poste- rior density. The multitude of chains in SAChES is leveraged to (1) enable efficient exploration of the parameter space; and (2) ensure robustness to silent errors which may be unavoidable in extreme-scale computational platforms of the future. This report outlines SAChES, describes four papers that are the result of the project, and discusses some additional results.« less

  6. Final Technical Report: Electronic Structure Workshop (ES13)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zhang, Shiwei

    The 25th Annual Workshop on Recent Developments in Electronic Structure Methods (ES2013) was successfully held at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg VA on June 11-14, 2013. The workshop website is at , which contains updated information on the workshop and a permanent archive of the scientific contents. DOE's continued support has been instrumental to the success of the workshop.

  7. ES Review: Selections from 2007

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Smiles, Robin, Ed.


    The second edition of the "ES Review" brings together, in one setting, abridged versions of research reports, outside articles and op-eds, book reviews, and other Education Sector publications. The 2007 edition features: (1) K-12 Accountability (Laboratories of Reform: Virtual High Schools and Innovation in Public Education (Bill…

  8. Interpretation of ES, CS, and IOS approximations within a translational--internal coupling scheme. IV. ES and IOS molecule--molecule cross sections

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Snider, R.F.; Parvatiyar, M.G.


    Properties of energy sudden and infinite order sudden translational--internal reduced S matrices are given for general molecule--molecule collisions. Formal similarities with the distorted wave Born approximation are discussed. Structural simplifications of energy dependent and kinetic cross sections associated with making the ES approximation are described. Conceptual difficulties associated with applying the ES and IOS approximations to kinetic processes dominated by energetically inelastic collisions are pointed out.

  9. ES '70 REPORT NUMBER 1.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center



  10. Investigations of ionospheric sporadic Es layer using oblique sounding method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Minullin, R.

    The characteristics of Es layer have been studied using oblique sounding at 28 radiolines at the frequencies of 34 -- 73 MHz at the transmission paths 400 -- 1600 km long during 30 years. Reflections from Es layer with a few hours duration were observed. The amplitude of the reflected signal reached 1000 μ V with the registration threshold 0,1 μ V. The borderlines between reflected and scattered signals were observed as sharp curves in 60 -- 100 s range on the distributions of duration of reflected signals for decameter waves. The duration of continuous Es reflections were decreased upon amplification of oblique sounding frequency. The distributions of duration of reflected signals for meter waves showed sharp curves in the range 200 -- 300 s, representing borderlines between signals reflected from meteoric traces and from Es layer. The filling coefficient for the oblique sounding as well as the Es layer emersion probability for the vertical sounding were shown to undergo daily, seasonal and periodic variations. The daily variations of the filling coefficient of Es signals showed clear-cut maximums at 10 -- 12 and 18 -- 20 hours and minimum at 4 -- 6 hours at all paths in summer time and the maximum at 12 -- 14 hours in winter time. The values of the filling coefficient for Es layer declined with the increase of oblique sounding frequency. The minimal values of the filling coefficient were observed in winter and early spring, while the maximal values were observed from May to August. Provided that the averaged filling coefficient is equal to one in summer, it reaches the level 0,25 in equinox and does not exceed the level 0,12 in winter as evident by the of oblique sounding. The filling coefficient relation to the value of the voltage detection threshold was approximated by power-mode law. The filling coefficients for summer period showed exponential relation with equivalent sounding frequencies. The experimental evidence was generalized in an analytical model

  11. 76 FR 44906 - Foremost 4809-ES Insect-O-Fog; Amended Cancellation Order

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [EPA-HQ-OPP-2009-1017; FRL-8880-8] Foremost 4809-ES Insect-O-Fog... cancellation order for the pesticide product Foremost 4809-ES Insect-O-Fog, a pesticide product containing Piperonyl Butoxide and Pyrethrins. The registrant of Foremost 4809-ES Insect-O-Fog--Delta Foremost Chemical...

  12. Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Mesenchymal Stroma Cells (hES-MSCs) Engraft In Vivo and Support Hematopoiesis without Suppressing Immune Function: Implications for Off-The Shelf ES-MSC Therapies

    PubMed Central

    Li, Ou; Tormin, Ariane; Sundberg, Berit; Hyllner, Johan; Le Blanc, Katarina; Scheding, Stefan


    Mesenchymal stroma cells (MSCs) have a high potential for novel cell therapy approaches in clinical transplantation. Commonly used bone marrow-derived MSCs (BM-MSCs), however, have a restricted proliferative capacity and cultures are difficult to standardize. Recently developed human embryonic stem cell-derived mesenchymal stroma cells (hES-MSCs) might represent an alternative and unlimited source of hMSCs. We therefore compared human ES-cell-derived MSCs (hES-MP002.5 cells) to normal human bone marrow-derived MSCs (BM-MSCs). hES-MP002.5 cells had lower yet reasonable CFU-F capacity compared with BM-MSC (8±3 versus 29±13 CFU-F per 100 cells). Both cell types showed similar immunophenotypic properties, i.e. cells were positive for CD105, CD73, CD166, HLA-ABC, CD44, CD146, CD90, and negative for CD45, CD34, CD14, CD31, CD117, CD19, CD 271, SSEA-4 and HLA-DR. hES-MP002.5 cells, like BM-MSCs, could be differentiated into adipocytes, osteoblasts and chondrocytes in vitro. Neither hES-MP002.5 cells nor BM-MSCs homed to the bone marrow of immune-deficient NSG mice following intravenous transplantation, whereas intra-femoral transplantation into NSG mice resulted in engraftment for both cell types. In vitro long-term culture-initiating cell assays and in vivo co-transplantation experiments with cord blood CD34+ hematopoietic cells demonstrated furthermore that hES-MP002.5 cells, like BM-MSCs, possess potent stroma support function. In contrast to BM-MSCs, however, hES-MP002.5 cells showed no or only little activity in mixed lymphocyte cultures and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) lymphocyte stimulation assays. In summary, ES-cell derived MSCs might be an attractive unlimited source for stroma transplantation approaches without suppressing immune function. PMID:23383153

  13. 75 FR 51876 - Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Form 1041-ES

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... 1041-ES AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury. ACTION: Notice and request for comments... Form 1041-ES, Estimated Income Tax for Estates and Trusts. DATES: Written comments should be received...-0971. [[Page 51877

  14. Distinct Stabilities of the Structurally Homologous Heptameric Co-Chaperonins GroES and gp31

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dyachenko, Andrey; Tamara, Sem; Heck, Albert J. R.


    The GroES heptamer is the molecular co-chaperonin that partners with the tetradecamer chaperonin GroEL, which assists in the folding of various nonnative polypeptide chains in Escherichia coli. Gp31 is a structural and functional analogue of GroES encoded by the bacteriophage T4, becoming highly expressed in T4-infected E. coli, taking over the role of GroES, favoring the folding of bacteriophage proteins. Despite being slightly larger, gp31 is quite homologous to GroES in terms of its tertiary and quaternary structure, as well as in its function and mode of interaction with the chaperonin GroEL. Here, we performed a side-by-side comparison of GroES and gp31 heptamer complexes by (ion mobility) tandem mass spectrometry. Surprisingly, we observed quite distinct fragmentation mechanisms for the GroES and gp31 heptamers, whereby GroES displays a unique and unusual bimodal charge distribution in its released monomers. Not only the gas-phase dissociation but also the gas-phase unfolding of GroES and gp31 were found to be very distinct. We rationalize these observations with the similar discrepancies we observed in the thermal unfolding characteristics and surface contacts within GroES and gp31 in the solution. From our data, we propose a model that explains the observed simultaneous dissociation pathways of GroES and the differences between GroES and gp31 gas-phase dissociation and unfolding. We conclude that, although GroES and gp31 exhibit high homology in tertiary and quaternary structure, they are quite distinct in their solution and gas-phase (un)folding characteristics and stability. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

  15. Electrical brain stimulation (tES) improves learning more than performance: A meta-analysis.


    Simonsmeier, Bianca A; Grabner, Roland H; Hein, Julia; Krenz, Ugne; Schneider, Michael


    Researchers have recently started evaluating whether stimulating the brain noninvasively with a weak and painless electrical current (transcranial Electrical Stimulation, tES) enhances physiological and cognitive processes. Some studies found that tES has weak but positive effects on brain physiology, cognition, or assessment performance, which has attracted massive public interest. We present the first meta-analytic test of the hypothesis that tES in a learning phase is more effective than tES in an assessment phase. The meta-analysis included 246 effect sizes from studies on language or mathematical competence. The effect of tES was stronger when stimulation was administered during a learning phase (d=0.712) as compared to stimulation administered during test performance (d=0.207). The overall effect was stimulation-dosage specific and, as found in a previous meta-analysis, significant only for anodal stimulation and not for cathodal. The results provide evidence for the modulation of long-term synaptic plasticity by tES in the context of practically relevant learning tasks and highlight the need for more systematic evaluations of tES in educational settings. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Regler

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wellenreuther, Günter; Zastrow, Dieter

    Aufgabe der Regler ist es, bei Abweichung der Regelgröße x von der Führungsgröße w die Reglerausgangsgröße y R so zu verändern, dass die Regelgröße x in möglichst kurzer Zeit optimal an die Führungsgröße w angeglichen wird. Ursache für die Abweichung kann eine aufgetretene Störgröße z oder die veränderte Führungsgröße w sein.

  17. ¿Qué es Indoor airPLUS?

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    El Programa Interior de airPLUS es una asociación entre EPA, los constructores, raters, las utilidades, y organizaciones sanitarias e interiores ambientales de mejorar aire interior en nuevas casas casas verdes.

  18. Metastable Pluripotent States in NOD Mouse Derived ES Cells

    PubMed Central

    Hanna, Jacob; Markoulaki, Styliani; Mitalipova, Maisam; Cheng, Albert W.; Cassady, John P.; Staerk, Judith; Carey, Bryce W.; Lengner, Christopher J.; Foreman, Ruth; Love, Jennifer; Gao, Qing; Kim, Jongpil; Jaenisch, Rudolf


    Embryonic stem (ES) cells are isolated from the inner cell mass (ICM) of blastocysts, whereas epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs) are derived from the post-implantation epiblast and display a restricted developmental potential. Here we characterize pluripotent states in the non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse strain, which prior to this study was considered “non-permissive” for ES cell derivation. We find that NOD stem cells can be stabilized by providing constitutive expression of Klf4 or c-Myc or small molecules that can replace these factors during in vitro reprogramming. The NOD ES and iPS cells appear “metastable”, as they acquire an alternative EpiSC-like identity after removal of the exogenous factors, while their reintroduction converts the cells back to ICM-like pluripotency. Our findings suggest that stem cells from different genetic backgrounds can assume distinct states of pluripotency in vitro, the stability of which is regulated by endogenous genetic determinants and can be modified by exogenous factors. PMID:19427283

  19. 78 FR 58607 - Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Form 1041-ES

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... 1041-ES AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury. ACTION: Notice and request for comments... Form 1041-ES, Estimated Income Tax for Estates and Trusts. DATES: Written comments should be received... INFORMATION: Title: Estimated Income Tax for Estates and Trusts. OMB Number: 1545-0971. Form Number: Form 1041...

  20. Lignes directrices simplifiées sur les lipides

    PubMed Central

    Allan, G. Michael; Lindblad, Adrienne J.; Comeau, Ann; Coppola, John; Hudson, Brianne; Mannarino, Marco; McMinis, Cindy; Padwal, Raj; Schelstraete, Christine; Zarnke, Kelly; Garrison, Scott; Cotton, Candra; Korownyk, Christina; McCormack, James; Nickel, Sharon; Kolber, Michael R.


    Résumé Objectif Produire un guide de pratique clinique comportant une approche simplifiée à la prévention primaire des maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV), en insistant sur l’estimation du risque de MCV et la prise en charge des profils lipidiques à l’intention des cliniciens de soins primaires et leurs équipes; nous avons recherché la contribution de professionnels des soins primaires qui n’avaient que peu ou pas de conflits d’intérêts et nous nous sommes concentrés sur les données probantes de la plus haute qualité accessibles. Méthodes Neuf professionnels de la santé (4 médecins de famille, 2 internistes, 1 infirmière praticienne, 1 infirmière autorisée et 1 pharmacienne) et 1 membre non votant (pharmacienne gestionnaire de projet) formaient le comité principal appelé le Lipid Pathway Committee (le comité). La sélection des membres s’est fondée sur la profession, le milieu de pratique et son emplacement. Les membres ont divulgué tous leurs conflits d’intérêts potentiels ou réels. Le processus d’élaboration des lignes directrices était itératif et s’appuyait sur des affichages en ligne, une révision détaillée des données probantes, des réunions par téléphone et en ligne. Le comité a cerné 12 questions prioritaires à répondre. Le groupe de révision des données probantes a répondu à ces questions. À la suite d’un examen des réponses, les principales recommandations ont été formulées par consensus du comité. Nous avons produit une ébauche des lignes directrices qui a ensuite été peaufinée, distribuée à un groupe de cliniciens (médecins de famille, autres spécialistes, pharmaciens, infirmières et infirmières praticiennes) et à des patients pour obtenir de la rétroaction, la réviser en conséquence et le comité l’a ensuite finalisée. Recommandations Des recommandations sont présentées concernant le dépistage et les analyses, les évaluations du risque, le suivi, de même que le r

  1. Electrical stimulation (ES) in the management of sexual pain disorders.


    Nappi, Rossella E; Ferdeghini, Francesea; Abbiati, Ileana; Vercesi, Claudia; Farina, Claudio; Polatti, Franco


    We performed an open study to investigate the use of electrical stimulation (ES) on the vestibular area and vaginal introitus in women with sexual pain disorders. We recruited 29 women (age range 20-45 years) from among the patients at our Reproductive Psychobiology Unit to participate in the present study. They each experienced vestibular pain, inducing dyspareunia and vaginism. We performed ES with an ECL43400 apparatus (Elite, EssediEsse srl, Milan, Italy) once a week for 10 weeks. To evaluate the muscular activity of the perineal floor and sexual function, we employed the same apparatus with a vaginal probe for recording myoelectrical activity (muV), we employed a VAS scale for evaluating pain, and we administered the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI; Rosen et al., 2000) before and after the study protocol. We analyzed data by parametric and nonparametric comparisons and correlations, as appropriate. Our major findings were as follows: (a) the contractile ability of pelvic floor muscles (p < 0.001), as well as the resting ability (p < 0.001), significantly improved following ES; (b) the current intensity tolerated significantly increased (p < 0.001) throughout the study, from 41.3 +/- 7.4 mA at the start of the study to 50 +/- 7.4 mA at the end of the stimulation protocol; (c) the Visual Analogic Scale (VAS) for pain significantly declined (p < 0.001), whereas FSFI pain scores (p < 0.001) and full scale scores (p < 0.001) significantly improved following ES, and 4 out of 9 women with vaginism went back to coital activity; (d) FSFI pain score and the current intensity tolerated, both before (R = .59; p < 0.006) and at the end (R = .53; p < 0.02) of the stimulation protocol, positively correlated. ES may be effective in the management of sexual pain disorders. Further controlled studies are necessary to standardize stimulation protocols according to the severity of pain and to better clarify the long-term clinical effects of ES.

  2. Ein statistisches Modell zum Einfluß der thermischen Bewegung auf NMR-Festkörperspektren

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ploss, W.; Freude, D.; Pfeifer, H.; Schmiedel, H.

    Es wird ein statistisches Modell zum Einfluß der thermischen Bewegung auf die NMR-Linienform vorgestellt, das die Verschmälerung von Festkörper-Spektren bei wachsender Temperatur beschreibt. Das Modell geht von der Annahme aus, daß nach einer Ortsveränderung eines Kerns infolge thermischer Bewegung jede beliebige Kernresonanzfrequenz mit der durch das Festkörperspektrum vorgegebenen Wahrscheinlichkeit angenommen werden kann. Am Beispiel der Festkörper-Gaußlinie wird der Unterschied zu dem bekannten Modell von ANDERSON und WEISS verdeutlicht.Translated AbstractA Statistical Model for the Influence of Thermal Motion on N. M. R. Spectra in SolidsA theory is proposed which allows to describe the narrowing of n. m. r.-line width in the presence of thermal motions of the spins. The model is based on the assumption, that the local resonance frequency of a given spin immediately after the jump is distributed according to the n. m. r.-line shape of the rigid lattice. The difference to the well-known ANDERSON-WEISS-model of spectral narrowing is demonstrated for a gaussian line shape.

  3. ES Review: Selections from 2008 & 2009

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Smiles, Robin, Ed.


    This third edition of the "ES Review" brings together, in one setting, some of the best work from 2008-09. It features: (1) K-12 Accountability (Measuring Skills for the 21st Century (Elena Silva); Beyond the Bubble: Technology and the Future of Student Assessment (Bill Tucker); Testing the Limits (Bill Tucker); Changing the Game: The…

  4. The Origins of dEs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Skillman, Evan D.

    With the new discoveries that some dEs are rotationally supported and that dIs may show a large variety in star formation histories, the perceived relationships between these two families of galaxies are changing. There are at least three viable channels for the origin of dwarf elliptical galaxies with strong observational evidence that support their reality. I will discuss the observational evidence for each of these channels and the likely physical processes which determine each channel.

  5. Maschinensicherheit

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Linke, Petra

    Soll eine Maschine ohne weitere Überprüfung in Europa in Verkehr gebracht werden, so ist nachzuweisen, dass diese die Forderungen der sogenannten Maschinenrichtlinie erfüllt. Durch Gesetzgebungen und Normen innerhalb der Mitgliedsstaaten wird das Einhalten dieser Richtlinie abgesichert. Ihr Ziel ist es, dass von der Maschine keine Gefahr für den Menschen ausgeht, d.h. sämtliche Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzanforderungen erfüllt werden. Dieses Kapitel beschreibt das allgemeine Vorgehen, das zu einer funktional sicheren Maschine und somit der Erfüllung der Maschinenrichtlinie führt.

  6. Erfassung tribologischer Zusammenhänge und Erkenntnisse in einer Datenbank

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gold, Peter Werner; Jacobs, Georg; Loos, J.; Rombach, Volker; Kurutas, Savas; Fröde, Astrid

    Die Datenbank enthält die tribologischen und stofflichen Daten, die innerhalb des Sonderforschungsbereichs 442 ermittelt wurden. Sie wird genutzt, um Informationen über die Eigenschaften von Schmierstoffen und Werkstoffverbunden, sowie über Prüfstände und Versuchsergebnisse zu erhalten. Diese Wissensbasis kann dazu beitragen, ökologisch verträgliche Tribosysteme mit Hilfe der Auswerte-Systeme (Module) auszulegen. Dabei handelt es sich um Berechnungswerkzeuge und Expertenwissen z. B. in Bezug auf die Auswahl von Schichtsystemen. Eine nähere Beschreibung der Auswerte-Systeme kann den folgenden Abschnitten entnommen werden.

  7. Chaperonin GroEL-GroES Functions as both Alternating and Non-Alternating Engines.


    Yamamoto, Daisuke; Ando, Toshio


    A double ring-shaped GroEL consisting of 14 ATPase subunits assists protein folding, together with co-chaperonin GroES. The dynamic GroEL-GroES interaction is actively involved in the chaperonin reaction. Therefore, revealing this dynamic interaction is a key to understanding the operation principle of GroEL. Nevertheless, how this interaction proceeds in the reaction cycle has long been controversial. Here, we directly imaged GroEL-GroES interaction in the presence of disulfide-reduced α-lactalbumin as a substrate protein using high-speed atomic force microscopy. This real-time imaging revealed the occurrence of primary, symmetric GroEL:GroES2 and secondary, asymmetric GroEL:GroES1 complexes. Remarkably, the reaction was observed to often branch into main and side pathways. In the main pathway, alternate binding and release of GroES occurs at the two rings, indicating tight cooperation between the two rings. In the side pathway, however, this cooperation is disrupted, resulting in the interruption of alternating rhythm. From various properties observed for both pathways, we provide mechanistic insight into the alternate and non-alternate operations of the two-engine system. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Maladies reliées aux loisirs aquatiques

    PubMed Central

    Sanborn, Margaret; Takaro, Tim


    Résumé Objectif Passer en revue les facteurs de risque, la prise en charge et la prévention des maladies reliées aux loisirs aquatiques en pratique familiale. Sources des données Des articles originaux et de synthèse entre janvier 1998 et février 2012 ont été identifiés à l’aide de PubMed et des expressions de recherche en anglais water-related illness, recreational water illness et swimmer illness. Message principal Il y a un risque de 3 % à 8 % de maladies gastrointestinales (MGI) après la baignade. Les groupes à risque élevé de MGI sont les enfants de moins de 5 ans, surtout s’ils n’ont pas été vaccinés contre le rotavirus, les personnes âgées et les patients immunodéficients. Les enfants sont à plus grand risque parce qu’ils avalent plus d’eau quand ils nagent, restent dans l’eau plus longtemps et jouent dans l’eau peu profonde et le sable qui sont plus contaminés. Les adeptes des sports dans lesquels le contact avec l’eau est abondant comme le triathlon et le surf cerf-volant sont aussi à risque élevé et même ceux qui s’adonnent à des activités impliquant un contact partiel avec l’eau comme la navigation de plaisance et la pêche ont un risque de 40 % à 50 % fois plus grand de MGI par rapport à ceux qui ne pratiquent pas de sports aquatiques. Il y a lieu de faire une culture des selles quand on soupçonne une maladie reliée aux loisirs aquatiques et l’échelle clinique de la déshydratation est utile pour l’évaluation des besoins de traitement chez les enfants affectés. Conclusion Les maladies reliées aux loisirs aquatiques est la principale cause de MGI durant la saison des baignades. La reconnaissance que la baignade est une source importante de maladies peut aider à prévenir les cas récurrents et secondaires. On recommande fortement le vaccin contre le rotavirus chez les enfants qui se baignent souvent.

  9. El fenotipo de las mucinas en el esófago de Barrett

    PubMed Central

    Torrado, Julio; Piazuelo, María Blanca; Ruiz, Irune; Izarzugaza, María Isabel; Camargo, María Constanza; Delgado, Alberto; Abdirad, Afshin; Correa, Pelayo


    Antecedentes El esófago de Barrett es una reconocida lesión precursora de adenocarcinoma esofágico. Aunque generalmente asociada al reflujo gastroesofágico, los mecanismos patogénicos de la enfermedad no son bien conocidos. El objetivo del presente estudio es explorar la historia natural e identificar marcadores de progreso del proceso precanceroso. Material y métodos Se utilizaron cortes histológicos de 67 especímenes de esófago correspondientes a 14 pacientes con esófago de Barrett, a los que se siguió entre 1 – 9 años. Se clasificaron las lesiones en: esófago de Barrett sin displasia, indefinido para displasia o con displasia. Se evaluó la expresión de diferentes mucinas en las células caliciformes y en las columnares usando técnicas de histoquímica e inmunohistoquímica. Resultados En todos los casos se comprobó la presencia de metaplasia intestinal incompleta. Las células columnares dentro del epitelio metaplásico contenían mucinas neutras. A mayor severidad de la lesión se encontró significativamente menor expresión de sialomucinas en las células columnares (p de tendencia igual a 0,03). En sujetos con lesiones indefinidas para displasia se observó un mayor contenido de sulfomucinas en las células caliciformes (p=0,034) y de MUC2 en las células columnares (p=0,029) que en sujetos con esófago de Barrett sin displasia. Se observó expresión de la mucina intestinal MUC2 y de la mucina gástrica MUC5AC en todas las muestras. MUC6, una mucina de las glándulas profundas gástricas, se presentó ocasionalmente. Conclusión La evaluación de los perfiles de mucinas en el esófago de Barrett sugiere una transición gradual del fenotipo del epitelio metaplásico a medida que la lesión avanza en el tiempo. PMID:21804831


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kundurthy, P.; Becker, A. C.; Agol, E.


    The Apache Point Survey of Transit Lightcurves of Exoplanets (APOSTLE) observed 11 transits of TrES-3b over two years in order to constrain system parameters and look for transit timing and depth variations. We describe an updated analysis protocol for APOSTLE data, including the reduction pipeline, transit model, and Markov Chain Monte Carlo analyzer. Our estimates of the system parameters for TrES-3b are consistent with previous estimates to within the 2{sigma} confidence level. We improved the errors (by 10%-30%) on system parameters such as the orbital inclination (i {sub orb}), impact parameter (b), and stellar density ({rho}{sub *}) compared to previousmore » measurements. The near-grazing nature of the system, and incomplete sampling of some transits, limited our ability to place reliable uncertainties on individual transit depths and hence we do not report strong evidence for variability. Our analysis of the transit timing data shows no evidence for transit timing variations and our timing measurements are able to rule out super-Earth and gas giant companions in low-order mean motion resonance with TrES-3b.« less

  11. ES Review: Selections from 2009 and 2010

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Smiles, Robin, Ed.


    This fourth edition of the "ES Review" brings together, in one setting, some of the best work from 2009-10. It features: (1) Teacher Quality (Teachers at Work: Improving Teacher Quality Through School Design (Elena Silva); Understanding Teachers Contracts (Andrew J. Rotherham); How Teachers Unions Lost the Media (Richard Whitmire and…

  12. ES1 is a mitochondrial enlarging factor contributing to form mega-mitochondria in zebrafish cones.


    Masuda, Takamasa; Wada, Yasutaka; Kawamura, Satoru


    Total mass of mitochondria increases during cell proliferation and differentiation through mitochondrial biogenesis, which includes mitochondrial proliferation and growth. During the mitochondrial growth, individual mitochondria have been considered to be enlarged independently of mitochondrial fusion. However, molecular basis for this enlarging process has been poorly understood. Cone photoreceptor cells in the retina possess large mitochondria, so-called mega-mitochondria that have been considered to arise via the enlarging process. Here we show that ES1 is a novel mitochondria-enlarging factor contributing to form mega-mitochondria in cones. ES1 is specifically expressed in cones and localized to mitochondria including mega-mitochondria. Knockdown of ES1 markedly reduced the mitochondrial size in cones. In contrast, ectopic expression of ES1 in rods significantly increased both the size of individual mitochondria and the total mass of the mitochondrial cluster without changing the number of them. RNA-seq analysis showed that ERRα and its downstream mitochondrial genes were significantly up-regulated in the ES1-expressing rods, suggesting facilitation of mitochondrial enlargement via ERRα-dependent processes. Furthermore, higher energy state was detected in the ES1-expressing rods, indicating that the enlarged mitochondria by ES1 are capable of producing high energy. ES1 is the mitochondrial protein that is first found to promote enlargement of individual mitochondria.

  13. Degradation of low rank coal by Trichoderma atroviride ES11.


    Silva-Stenico, M Estela; Vengadajellum, Caryn J; Janjua, Hussnain A; Harrison, Sue T L; Burton, Stephanie G; Cowan, Don A


    A new isolate of Trichoderma atroviride has been shown to grow on low rank coal as the sole carbon source. T. atroviride ES11 degrades approximately 82% of particulate coal (10 g l(-1)) over a period of 21 days with 50% reduction in 6 days. Glucose (5 g l(-1)) as a supplemented carbon source enhanced the coal solubilisation efficiency of T. atroviride ES11, while 10 and 20 g l(-1) glucose decrease coal solubilisation efficiency. Addition of nitrogen [1 g l(-1) (NH(4))(2)SO(4)] to the medium also increased the coal solubilisation efficiency of T. atroviride ES11. Assay results from coal-free and coal-supplemented cultures suggested that several intracellular enzymes are possibly involved in coal depolymerisation processes some of which are constitutive (phenol hydroxylase) and others that were activated or induced in the presence of coal (2,3-dihydrobiphenyl-2,3-diol dehydrogenase, 3,4-dihydro phenanthrene-3,4-diol dehydrogenase, 1,2-dihydro-1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene dehydrogenase, 1,2-dihydro-1,2-dihydroxyanthracene dehydrogenase). GC-MS analysis of chloroform extracts obtained from coal degrading T. atroviride ES11 cultures showed the formation of only a limited number of specific compounds (4-hydroxyphenylethanol, 1,2-benzenediol, 2-octenoic acid), strongly suggesting that the intimate association between coal particles and fungal mycelia results in rapid and near-quantitative transfer of coal depolymerisation products into the cell.

  14. La grossesse chez les hémodialysées chroniques

    PubMed Central

    Doukkali, Bouchra; Bahadi, Abdelaali; Rafik, Hicham; Kabbaj, Driss; Benyahia, Mohamed


    La survenue d'une grossesse en hémodialyse chronique (HDC) est rare, mais depuis la description du premier cas par Confortini en 1971, plusieurs observations ont été rapportées. L'hémodialyse a considérablement amélioré la fertilité de ces patientes. Nous rapportons l'expérience de douze grossesses survenues entre 1999 et 2014, chez douze patientes d’âge médian 34 ans (22-44), en hémodialyse (HD) depuis 40 mois (3-72), l’âge gestationnel moyen de diagnostic est de 16 semaines d'aménorrhée, la grossesse était compliquée dans 50% des cas par un hydramnios. Le terme moyen est de 35 semaine d'aménorrhée (SA) et l'accouchement a été réalisé dans 90% des grossesses par voie basse. Le poids moyen des nouveau-nés est de 1800g. De telles grossesses sont à haut risque du fait de la fréquence des complications. Elles devraient être contrôlées par les équipes multidisciplinaires, et la consultation prénatal ne devrait pas être négligée. L'objectif de ce travail est de rapporter notre expérience concernant la survenue d'une grossesse chez les patientes dialysées et de la confronter aux données de la littérature. PMID:26113944

  15. Effects of nuclear transfer procedures on ES cell cloning efficiency in the mouse.


    Yabuuchi, Akiko; Yasuda, Yoshiko; Kato, Yoko; Tsunoda, Yukio


    Enucleated oocytes receiving mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells develop into fertile young. The developmental potential to young is low, however, and the rate of postnatal death is high. We examined the effect of various nuclear transfer procedures on the in vitro and in vivo developmental potential of nuclear-transferred oocytes. The potential of oocytes receiving ES cells at M phase to develop into blastocysts after fusion by Sendai virus was high compared with that after direct injection (67% vs. 30%). The developmental potential of oocytes receiving ES cells at the M phase is higher than that of oocytes receiving ES cells at the G(1) phase (30-67% vs. 2-5%). Developmental ability to live young was low in all groups (0-4%). Different activation protocols affected the potential to develop into blastocysts to a different extent (27-62%), but did not affect the potential to develop into live young (0-3%). The present study demonstrated that the various conditions examined did not affect the potential of nuclear-transferred oocytes receiving ES cells to develop into live young or the incidence of postnatal death.

  16. Tourismus

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Matzarakis, Andreas; Lohmann, Martin

    Für den Tourismus haben Klima und Wetter eine große Relevanz: als Treiber des Verhaltens wie auch als Angebotsfaktor. Wetter und Klima sind demnach sowohl Bestandteil des touristischen Angebotes als auch limitierende Faktoren des Tourismus und Steuergrößen für die touristische Nachfrage. Insofern liegt es nahe, dass dieser Sektor vom Klimawandel betroffen sein wird. Der Tourismus ist aber auch ein Faktor, der seinerseits erheblich auf das Klima und den Klimawandel zurückwirkt. Dabei ist der Klimawandel aber nur einer von vielen voneinander abhängig erscheinenden Einflussfaktoren, denen der Sektor "Tourismus" ausgesetzt ist. Das heißt, es handelt sich um ein komplexes Wirkungsgefüge. Das Kapitel widmet sich den Klimawandelfolgen im Tourismus und macht diese beispielhaft an den Regionen "Küsten" sowie "Mittel- und Hochgebirge" fest, um Anpassungsmöglichkeiten anzufügen.

  17. Individuelle Templates für Rekonstruktionen des linken Herzventrikels

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Feder, Stefan; Falk, Volkmar; Gutberiet, Matthias; Bartz, Dirk

    Bei krankhaften Vergrößerungen des linken Herzventrikels kann eine chirurgische Ventrikelrekonstruktion zur Verbesserung der Herzleistung beitragen. Die dabei erstellte Ventrikelgeometrie ist von entscheidender Bedeutung. Diese Studie befasst sich mit der computerbasierten Planung von individuellen Schablonen (Templates) für Ventrikelrekonstruktionen. Ziel ist es aus Cardio-CT-Daten, präoperativ, patientenindividuelle 3D-Modelle für Ventrikeltemplates zu erstellen. Hierfür wird aus CT-Daten der linksventrikuläre Blutpool segmentiert und daraus das Ventrikeltemplate modelliert. Dies geschieht anhand von zwei Kriterien: dem physiologischen Ventrikelfüllungsvolumen und der hämodynamisch günstigen ellipsoiden Form. Es konnten 20 3D-Templatemodelle mit einem durchschnittlichen Volumen von 144 ml erstellt werden. Die ellipsoide Form konnte durch manuelle Modellierung erreicht werden. Der Nachweis verbesserter Operationsergebnisse muss in nachfolgenden klinischen Studien erbracht werden.

  18. esATAC: An Easy-to-use Systematic pipeline for ATAC-seq data analysis.


    Wei, Zheng; Zhang, Wei; Fang, Huan; Li, Yanda; Wang, Xiaowo


    ATAC-seq is rapidly emerging as one of the major experimental approaches to probe chromatin accessibility genome-wide. Here, we present "esATAC", a highly integrated easy-to-use R/Bioconductor package, for systematic ATAC-seq data analysis. It covers essential steps for full analyzing procedure, including raw data processing, quality control and downstream statistical analysis such as peak calling, enrichment analysis and transcription factor footprinting. esATAC supports one command line execution for preset pipelines, and provides flexible interfaces for building customized pipelines. esATAC package is open source under the GPL-3.0 license. It is implemented in R and C ++. Source code and binaries for Linux, MAC OS X and Windows are available through Bioconductor Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

  19. Specification Section 01065S ES&H for Service Contracts

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kirsch, Greg C.


    Section Includes: Requirements and guidelines in performance of work concerning protection of environment and property, and the safety and health of Contractors, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and Department of Energy (DOE) employees, visitors to SNL, and members of the public. This Section is applicable only to Service Contracts that do not involve construction or construction-like activities. Construction and construction-like activities are covered by Section 01065, Environment, Safety and Health (ES&H) for Construction Contracts. The entire ES&H program shall focus on safe-by-design intent, understanding the technical basis for the work, identifying and controlling energy sources, unacceptable consequences, risk assessments, and positivemore » verification.« less

  20. Orbital Period Increase in ES Ceti

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Miguel, Enrique; Patterson, Joseph; Kemp, Jonathan; Myers, Gordon; Rea, Robert; Krajci, Thomas; Monard, Berto; Cook, Lewis M.


    We report a long-term study of the eclipse times in the 10 minute helium binary ES Ceti. The binary period increases rapidly, with P/\\dot{P}=6.2× {10}6 years. This is consistent with the assumption that gravitational radiation (GR) drives the mass transfer, and it appears to be the first dynamical evidence that GR is indeed the driver of evolution in this class of very old cataclysmic variables—the AM Canum Venaticorum stars.

  1. ES4 NPP-FM5 Ed1-CV

    Atmospheric Science Data Center


    ... Data Products Catalog:  DPC ES4 R7V1  (PDF) Validation Graphics Readme Files:  Readme R6V1-894 ... Data:  Note:  Edition1-CV is for instrument validation purposes only and not suited for science publications. ...

  2. Digital Transformation Canvas - Übersicht behalten und Handlungsfelder gestalten

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Köster, Michael; Mache, Tobias

    Im Beitrag "Digital Transformation Canvas - Übersicht behalten und Handlungsfelder gestalten" wird zunächst grob auf die wesentlichen Herausforderungen, die mit der zunehmenden Digitalisierung einhergehen, eingegangen. Anschließend werden ausgewählte Konzepte des Business Transformation Management vorgestellt, die sich mit der grundlegenden Weiterentwicklung von Organisationen - wie es die Digitalisierung erfordert - auseinandersetzen. Eine detaillierte Einführung in die Methodik des Business Transformation Canvas, der sich mit den unterschiedlichsten Gestaltungsfeldern der Transformation auseinandersetzt und ein Framework für Transformationsprojekte darstellt, rundet den Beitrag ab. Er schließt mit einem Fazit und Ausblick.

  3. Digitale Transformation, aber wie? - Von der Spielwiese zur Umsetzungsplanung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kaiser, Thomas

    Es besteht wohl kaum Anlass zur Annahme, dass die seit Jahrzehnten etablierten Markt- und Technologiestrukturen der Energiewirtschaft sich nicht in einem radikalen Ablöseprozess mit Gewinnern und Verlierern befinden. Aber Vorsicht - vordergründig bereits verloren erscheinende Geschäftsmodelle erfahren im Zuge der Digitalisierung einerseits noch intensiveren Wettbewerbsdruck, können aber andererseits von diesem "technologischen Jungbrunnen" profitieren, um verlorenes Terrain zurückzugewinnen. Im folgenden Kapitel wird ein Managementzyklus aufgezeigt, der in Anlehnung an die bereits erfolgreiche Implementierung digitaler R/Evolutionen anderer Branchen aufzeigt, wie die Geschäftsleitung systematisch kostenbewusst und zielorientiert die Digitalisierung umsetzen kann.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Christiansen, Jessie L.; Ballard, Sarah; Charbonneau, David


    As part of the NASA EPOXI Mission of Opportunity, we observed seven known transiting extrasolar planet systems in order to construct time series photometry of extremely high phase coverage and precision. Here we present the results for four 'hot-Jupiter systems' with near-solar stars-HAT-P-4, TrES-3, TrES-2, and WASP-3. We observe 10 transits of HAT-P-4, estimating the planet radius R{sub p} = 1.332 {+-} 0.052 R{sub Jup}, the stellar radius R{sub *} = 1.602 {+-} 0.061 R{sub sun}, the inclination i = 89.67 {+-} 0.30 deg, and the transit duration from first to fourth contact {tau} = 255.6 {+-} 1.9 minutes. Formore » TrES-3, we observe seven transits and find R{sub p} = 1.320 {+-} 0.057 R{sub Jup}, R{sub *} = 0.817 {+-} 0.022 R{sub sun}, i = 81.99 {+-} 0.30 deg, and {tau} = 81.9 {+-} 1.1 minutes. We also note a long-term variability in the TrES-3 light curve, which may be due to star spots. We observe nine transits of TrES-2 and find R{sub p} = 1.169 {+-} 0.034 R{sub Jup}, R{sub *} = 0.940 {+-} 0.026 R{sub sun}, i = 84.15 {+-} 0.16 deg, and {tau} = 107.3 {+-} 1.1 minutes. Finally, we observe eight transits of WASP-3, finding R{sub p} = 1.385 {+-} 0.060 R{sub Jup}, R{sub *} = 1.354 {+-} 0.056 R{sub sun}, i = 84.22 {+-} 0.81 deg, and {tau} = 167.3 {+-} 1.3 minutes. We present refined orbital periods and times of transit for each target. We state 95% confidence upper limits on the secondary eclipse depths in our broadband visible bandpass centered on 650 nm. These limits are 0.073% for HAT-P-4, 0.062% for TrES-3, 0.16% for TrES-2, and 0.11% for WASP-3. We combine the TrES-3 secondary eclipse information with the existing published data and confirm that the atmosphere likely does not have a temperature inversion.« less

  5. Les tumeurs annexielles cutanées: étude anatomopathologique à propos de 96 cas

    PubMed Central

    El Ochi, Mohamed Réda; Boudhas, Adil; Allaoui, Mohammed; Rharrassi, Issam; Chahdi, Hafsa; Bouzidi, Abderrahman Al; Oukabli, Mohammed


    Les tumeurs annexielles cutanées sont des tumeurs primitives cutanées à la fois rares et hétérogènes. Elles sont le plus souvent bénignes et rarement malignes. Elles sont dominées du point de vu morphologique par leur polymorphisme lésionnel. Le but de cette étude est de relever le profil épidémiologique et les différents aspects anatomopathologiques de ce groupe de tumeurs dans une cohorte de population marocaine et de les comparer avec les données de la littérature. Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective de 96 cas de tumeurs annexielles cutanées colligées au service d'anatomie et de cytologie pathologique de l'Hôpital Militaire d'Instruction Mohammed V de rabat durant une période de 6 ans, de Janvier 2009 à Décembre 2014. Le pic de fréquence est situé entre 31 et 40 ans. L’âge moyen est de 36 ans avec une prédominance masculine (63,5%). Le siège de prédilection est la région de la tête et cou (47,9%). Les tumeurs bénignes (97,9%) sont plus fréquentes que les tumeurs malignes. La différenciation est folliculaire dans 51% des cas, eccrine/apocrine dans 44,8% des cas et sébacée dans 4,2% des cas. Le type histologique le plus fréquent est le pilomatrixome (33,4%) suivi par l'hidradénome (12,5%) et le spiradénome eccrine (11,5%). Les tumeurs annexielles cutanées sont rares et très variées. Le profil épidémiologique et les aspects anatomopathologiques qui ressortent sont globalement superposables à ceux rapportés dans la littérature. Elles sont majoritairement bénignes, à prédominance masculine et dominées par le pilomatrixome et l'hidradénome nodulaire. Les tumeurs malignes sont rares, agressives et surviennent à un âge plus avancé. PMID:26185579

  6. Cloning of ES cells and mice by nuclear transfer.


    Wakayama, Sayaka; Kishigami, Satoshi; Wakayama, Teruhiko


    We have been able to develop a stable nuclear transfer (NT) method in the mouse, in which donor nuclei are directly injected into the oocyte using a piezo-actuated micromanipulator. Although the piezo unit is a complex tool, once mastered it is of great help not only in NT experiments, but also in almost all other forms of micromanipulation. Using this technique, embryonic stem (ntES) cell lines established from somatic cell nuclei can be generated relatively easily from a variety of mouse genotypes and cell types. Such ntES cells can be used not only for experimental models of human therapeutic cloning but also as a means of preserving mouse genomes instead of preserving germ cells. Here, we describe our most recent protocols for mouse cloning.

  7. The Fast-Casual Conundrum: Fast-Casual Restaurant Entrées Are Higher in Calories than Fast Food.


    Schoffman, Danielle E; Davidson, Charis R; Hales, Sarah B; Crimarco, Anthony E; Dahl, Alicia A; Turner-McGrievy, Gabrielle M


    Frequently eating fast food has been associated with consuming a diet high in calories, and there is a public perception that fast-casual restaurants (eg, Chipotle) are healthier than traditional fast food (eg, McDonald's). However, research has not examined whether fast-food entrées and fast-casual entrées differ in calorie content. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the caloric content of entrées at fast-food restaurants differed from that found at fast-casual restaurants. This study was a cross-sectional analysis of secondary data. Calorie information from 2014 for lunch and dinner entrées for fast-food and fast-casual restaurants was downloaded from the MenuStat database. Mean calories per entrée between fast-food restaurants and fast-casual restaurants and the proportion of restaurant entrées that fell into different calorie ranges were assessed. A t test was conducted to test the hypothesis that there was no difference between the average calories per entrée at fast-food and fast-casual restaurants. To examine the difference in distribution of entrées in different calorie ranges between fast-food and fast-casual restaurants, χ(2) tests were used. There were 34 fast-food and 28 fast-casual restaurants included in the analysis (n=3,193 entrées). Fast-casual entrées had significantly more calories per entrée (760±301 kcal) than fast-food entrées (561±268; P<0.0001). A greater proportion of fast-casual entrées compared with fast-food entrées exceeded the median of 640 kcal per entrée (P<0.0001). Although fast-casual entrées contained more calories than fast-food entrées in the study sample, future studies should compare actual purchasing patterns from these restaurants to determine whether the energy content or nutrient density of full meals (ie, entrées with sides and drinks) differs between fast-casual restaurants and fast-food restaurants. Calorie-conscious consumers should consider the calorie content of entrée items

  8. Planetary transit observations at the University Observatory Jena: TrES-2

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Raetz, St.; Mugrauer, M.; Schmidt, T. O. B.; Roell, T.; Eisenbeiss, T.; Hohle, M. M.; Koeltzsch, A.; Vaňko, M.; Ginski, Ch.; Marka, C.; Moualla, M.; Tetzlaff, N.; Seifahrt, A.; Broeg, Ch.; Koppenhoefer, J.; Raetz, M.; Neuhäuser, R.


    We report on observations of several transit events of the transiting planet TrES-2 obtained with the Cassegrain-Teleskop-Kamera at the University Observatory Jena. Between March 2007 and November 2008 ten different transits and almost a complete orbital period were observed. Overall, in 40 nights of observation 4291 exposures (in total 71.52 h of observation) of the TrES-2 parent star were taken. With the transit timings for TrES-2 from the 34 events published by the TrES-network, the Transit Light Curve project and the Exoplanet Transit Database plus our own ten transits, we find that the orbital period is P=(2.470614± 0.000001) d, a slight change by ˜ 0.6 s compared to the previously published period. We present new ephemeris for this transiting planet. Furthermore, we found a second dip after the transit which could either be due to a blended variable star or occultation of a second star or even an additional object in the system. Our observations will be useful for future investigations of timing variations caused by additional perturbing planets and/or stellar spots and/or moons. Based on observations obtained with telescopes of the University Observatory Jena, which is operated by the Astrophysical Institute of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena and the 80cm telescope of the Wendelstein Observatory of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich.

  9. The centrality of meta-programming in the ES-DOC eco-system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Greenslade, Mark


    The Earth System Documentation (ES-DOC) project is an international effort aiming to deliver a robust earth system model inter-comparison project documentation infrastructure. Such infrastructure both simplifies & standardizes the process of documenting (in detail) projects, experiments, models, forcings & simulations. In support of CMIP6, ES-DOC has upgraded its eco-system of tools, web-services & web-sites. The upgrade consolidates the existing infrastructure (built for CMIP5) and extends it with the introduction of new capabilities. The strategic focus of the upgrade is improvements in the documentation experience and broadening the range of scientific use-cases that the archived documentation may help deliver. Whether it is highlighting dataset errors, exploring experimental protocols, comparing forcings across ensemble runs, understanding MIP objectives, reviewing citations, exploring component properties of configured models, visualising inter-model relationships, scientists involved in CMIP6 will find the ES-DOC infrastructure helpful. This presentation underlines the centrality of meta-programming within the ES-DOC eco-system. We will demonstrate how agility is greatly enhanced by taking a meta-programming approach to representing data models and controlled vocabularies. Such an approach nicely decouples representations from encodings. Meta-models will be presented along with the associated tooling chain that forward engineers artefacts as diverse as: class hierarchies, IPython notebooks, mindmaps, configuration files, OWL & SKOS documents, spreadsheets …etc.

  10. Messen, Kalibrieren, Eichen in der Radiologie: Prinzipien und Praxis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wagner, Siegfried R.

    Nach einleitender Erläuterung der unterschiedlichen Meßbedingungen in der Strahlentherapie und im Strahlenschutz werden die metrologischen Probleme am Beispiel der Größenkategorie Äquivalentdosis diskutiert. Als spezielle Größen werden effektive Äquivalentdosis und Umgebungs-Äquivalentdosis eingeführt. Es wird gezeigt, wie richtiges Messen durch ein konsistentes System von Bauartanforderungen an Meßgeräte, durch Kalibrieren und durch Eichen gewährleistet werden kann. Die Bedeutung von Meßunsicherheiten und Fehlergrenzen wird erläutert und ihre Auswirkung auf die Interpretation von Meßergebnissen behandelt.Translated AbstractMeasurements, Calibration, Verification in Radiology: Principles and PracticeThe different measuring conditions in radiotherapy and in radiation protection are discussed in the introduction. Then, the metrological problems are discussed exemplarily with the dose equivalent as a category of quantity. Effective dose equivalent and ambient dose equivalent are introduced as special quantities. It is demonstrated, how correct measurements can be secured by a consistent system of instrument pattern requirements, by calibration and verification. The importance of uncertainties of measurements and of error limits is illustrated and their influence on the interpretation of the results of measurements is treated.

  11. Physics, History, and the German Atomic Bomb.


    Walker, Mark


    Physics, History, and the German Atomic Bomb. This paper examines the German concept of a nuclear weapon during National Socialism and the Second World War. Zusammenfassung: Physik, Geschichte und die deutsche Atombombe. Dieser Aufsatz untersucht die deutsche Vorstellung einer nuklearen Waffe während des Nationalsozialismus und des Zweiten Weltkrieges. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  12. [History of the Journées Dermatologiques de Paris].


    Tilles, G


    Founded in 1801 at the Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris, under Jean-Louis Alibert, the French School of Dermatology was initially structured around the French Society of Dermatology (1889) and the organization of two world congresses (Paris 1889, 1900). After World War I, the creation of dermatological societies in the provinces infused French dermatology with new energy. In 1922, the first congress of the French-speaking dermatologists further contributed to the public profile of dermatologists in France. The "Journées de Mars" were initiated in 1961 at the Hôpital Saint-Louis, and in 1975 they went on to become the "Journées dermatologiques de Paris". Pr. Jean Civatte played a key role in their creation and in their organization for 30 years. After 1979, since actual patients could no longer be presented, the organizers of the congress had to change the content of the meeting from clinical presentations to post-graduate teaching and clinical research. From its origins in the form of meetings of French dermatologists in an intimate setting at the Hôpital Saint-Louis, the "Journées dermatologiques de Paris" grew within the ensuing decades into a major scientific event of the French-speaking dermatological community, bringing together more than 4000 participants in December each year. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  13. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation for grid-connected performance of integrated distributed PV-ES systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lv, Z. H.; Li, Q.; Huang, R. W.; Liu, H. M.; Liu, D.


    Based on the discussion about topology structure of integrated distributed photovoltaic (PV) power generation system and energy storage (ES) in single or mixed type, this paper focuses on analyzing grid-connected performance of integrated distributed photovoltaic and energy storage (PV-ES) systems, and proposes a comprehensive evaluation index system. Then a multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method based on grey correlation degree is proposed, and the calculations for weight matrix and fuzzy matrix are presented step by step. Finally, a distributed integrated PV-ES power generation system connected to a 380 V low voltage distribution network is taken as the example, and some suggestions are made based on the evaluation results.

  14. [Transfer of the AGnES concept to the regular German health-care system: legal evaluation, reimbursement, qualification].


    van den Berg, N; Kleinke, S; Heymann, R; Oppermann, R F; Jakobi, B; Hoffmann, W


    According to an amendment of German social security legislation, the AGnES concept of delegation of certain tasks of medical care, especially house calls, by general practitioners (GPs) to qualified practice employees (AGnES employees), will be transferred into the regular German health care system from January 2009 onward. The concept was developed to support GPs in regions with imminent gaps in primary care. Patient data, the specifically delegated and all other activities carried out by the AGnES employees in the AGnES projects were digitally documented. Additionally, the participating GPs, AGnES employees and patients underwent a set of standardised interviews. A curriculum to qualify the AGnES employees and to define the requirements needed was developed. A legal assessment of all delegated activities was carried out, and an economical model to calculate the necessary allowance was calculated. In seven model projects in four federal states in Germany, 11,228 house calls were carried out involving 1,424, mostly multimorbid, patients (mean age: 78.6 years). A modular structured curriculum, considering the basic education and acquired competences, was developed. It allows for an individual qualification of the AGnES employees. The result of the legal assessment was the central relevance of the qualification of the practice employees according to the AGnES curriculum as the essential condition for carrying out the entire range of activities of the AGnES concept. The economic model revealed euro 21.58 for a house call by an AGnES employee. The underlying model referred to underserved regions. A successful transfer of the AGnES concept with a high standard of quality into regular health-care depends on several factors. Of particular importance is the specific qualification of the practice employees, which is a central legal condition for the delegation of medical tasks from GPs to AGnEs employees. A second determining factor is also an adequate reimbursement within

  15. Towards saturation of the electron-capture delayed fission probability: The new isotopes 240Es and 236Bk

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Konki, J.; Khuyagbaatar, J.; Uusitalo, J.; Greenlees, P. T.; Auranen, K.; Badran, H.; Block, M.; Briselet, R.; Cox, D. M.; Dasgupta, M.; Di Nitto, A.; Düllmann, Ch. E.; Grahn, T.; Hauschild, K.; Herzán, A.; Herzberg, R.-D.; Heßberger, F. P.; Hinde, D. J.; Julin, R.; Juutinen, S.; Jäger, E.; Kindler, B.; Krier, J.; Leino, M.; Lommel, B.; Lopez-Martens, A.; Luong, D. H.; Mallaburn, M.; Nishio, K.; Pakarinen, J.; Papadakis, P.; Partanen, J.; Peura, P.; Rahkila, P.; Rezynkina, K.; Ruotsalainen, P.; Sandzelius, M.; Sarén, J.; Scholey, C.; Sorri, J.; Stolze, S.; Sulignano, B.; Theisen, Ch.; Ward, A.; Yakushev, A.; Yakusheva, V.


    The new neutron-deficient nuclei 240Es and 236Bk were synthesised at the gas-filled recoil separator RITU. They were identified by their radioactive decay chains starting from 240Es produced in the fusion-evaporation reaction 209Bi(34S,3n)240Es. Half-lives of 6 (2)s and 22-6+13s were obtained for 240Es and 236Bk, respectively. Two groups of α particles with energies Eα = 8.19 (3)MeV and 8.09 (3)MeV were unambiguously assigned to 240Es. Electron-capture delayed fission branches with probabilities of 0.16 (6) and 0.04 (2) were measured for 240Es and 236Bk, respectively. These new data show a continuation of the exponential increase of ECDF probabilities in more neutron-deficient isotopes.

  16. Identification of bacteria in pasteurized zucchini purées stored at different temperatures and comparison with those found in other pasteurized vegetable purées.


    Guinebretiere, M H; Berge, O; Normand, P; Morris, C; Carlin, F; Nguyen-The, C


    One hundred nineteen isolates from a commercial zucchini purée stored at 4, 10, and 20 to 25 degrees C were fingerprinted using repetitive sequence-based PCR (REP-PCR) and classified into 35 REP types. One representative isolate of each REP type was subsequently identified by API50CHB/20E profile and partial rrs gene sequence analysis. Nine REP types were misidentified by the API system. Strains were misidentified as being in the Bacillus circulans (group 2) API taxon or in taxa with a low number of positive API characters such as Brevibacillus brevis. A phylogenetic analysis pointed to one new species of Bacillus and three new species of Paenibacillus among the misidentified REP types. Bacterial components in zucchini purée were compared phenotypically with those obtained in previous work on broccoli, carrot, leek, potato, and split pea purées, based on simple matching coefficient and unweighted pair group method with averages cluster analysis. Out of 254 strains, 69 strains previously identified as B. circulans (group 2) or B. circulans/B. macerans/B. polymyxa were assigned to a new Paenibacillus taxon phylogenetically related to P. azotofixans. Storage conditions at 4 degrees C favored the development of "B. macroides/B. maroccanus" and Paenibacillus spp. in zucchini purées and Paenibacillus spp. in other purées. Storage conditions at 20 to 25 degrees C favored the development of B. subtilis group (B. licheniformis and B. subtilis) and B. cereus group strains. At 10 degrees C, Paenibacillus spp. were always present at high frequencies, whereas the occurrence of B. macroides/B. maroccanus (in zucchini purées), B. cereus, and B. pumilus varied with the experiment.

  17. Circuit for connecting the Videoton-340 with the ES-1030 as an operator console

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Uskov, V. A.; PRYADIN


    A system of connection of the Videoton-340 text display to the standard ES-7070 unit, for use as an operator console, partially replacing and supplementing the ES-7070 electric typewriter, is described. The interactions, including the specific instructions, among the Videoton-340, the Consul-260.1 electric typewriter and the ES-7070, which is the means of user access to the unified system of computers, are presented. Users at the Institute of Space Research note the reliability, high information output rate, noiselessness and convenience of the keyboard of the system.

  18. A pre-clinical safety study of PEGylated recombinant human endostatin (M2ES) in Sprague Dawley rats.


    Geng, Xingchao; Guo, Lifang; Liu, Li; Wang, Chao; Peng, Qian; Qi, Weihong; Sun, Li; Liu, Xiaomeng; Miao, Yufa; Lin, Zhi; Fu, Yan; Luo, Yongzhang; Li, Bo


    PEGylated recombinant human endostatin (M 2 ES) exhibited prolonged serum half-life and enhanced antitumor activity when compared with endostatin. A pre-clinical study was performed to evaluate the safety of M 2 ES in rats. After intravenous (IV) infusions of M 2 ES at a dose level of 3, 15 and 75 mg/kg in Sprague Dawley (SD) rats, M 2 ES was well tolerated in animals, with no observable changes in clinical observation, body weight, food consumption, urine analysis, hematology and serum biochemical analysis. The increase of kidney weights, and slight to severe vacuolation and necrosis of proximal tubule epithelial cells in kidney were observed in 15 and 75 mg/kg M 2 ES groups, but this adverse-effect was reversible. In summary, the major toxicity target organ of M 2 ES might be kidney, and the no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) of M 2 ES in rats was 3 mg/kg in this study. These pre-clinical safety data contribute to the initiation of the ongoing clinical study. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  19. Exploring optimal topology of thermal cloaks by CMA-ES

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fujii, Garuda; Akimoto, Youhei; Takahashi, Masayuki


    This paper presents topology optimization for thermal cloaks expressed by level-set functions and explored using the covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (CMA-ES). Designed optimal configurations provide superior performances in thermal cloaks for the steady-state thermal conduction and succeed in realizing thermal invisibility, despite the structures being simply composed of iron and aluminum and without inhomogeneities caused by employing metamaterials. To design thermal cloaks, a prescribed objective function is used to evaluate the difference between the temperature field controlled by a thermal cloak and when no thermal insulator is present. The CMA-ES involves searches for optimal sets of level-set functions as design variables that minimize a regularized fitness involving a perimeter constraint. Through topology optimization subject to structural symmetries about four axes, we obtain a concept design of a thermal cloak that functions in an isotropic heat flux.

  20. Association of plasma sRAGE, but not esRAGE with lung function impairment in COPD.


    Gopal, Poornima; Reynaert, Niki L; Scheijen, Jean L J M; Schalkwijk, Casper G; Franssen, Frits M E; Wouters, Emiel F M; Rutten, Erica P A


    Plasma soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Product (sRAGE) is considered as a biomarker in COPD. The contribution of endogenous sRAGE (esRAGE) to the pool of plasma sRAGE and the implication of both markers in COPD pathogenesis is however not clear yet. The aim of the current study was therefore to measure plasma levels of esRAGE comparative to total sRAGE in patients with COPD and a control group. Further, we established the relations of esRAGE and total sRAGE with disease specific characteristics such as lung function and DLCO, and with different circulating AGEs. Plasma levels of esRAGE and sRAGE were measured in an 88 patients with COPD and in 55 healthy controls. FEV1 (%predicted) and FEV1/VC (%) were measured in both groups; DLCO (%predicted) was measured in patients only. In this study population we previously reported that the AGE Nϵ-(carboxymethyl) lysine (CML) was decreased, Nϵ-(carboxyethyl) lysine (CEL) increased and pentosidine was not different in plasma of COPD patients compared to controls. Plasma esRAGE (COPD: 533.9 ± 412.4, CONTROLS: 848.7 ± 690.3 pg/ml; p = 0.000) was decreased in COPD compared to controls. No significant correlations were observed between plasma esRAGE levels and lung function parameters or plasma AGEs. A positive correlation was present between esRAGE and total sRAGE levels in the circulation. Confirming previous findings, total sRAGE (COPD: 512.6 ± 403.8, CONTROLS: 1834 ± 804.2 pg/ml; p < 0.001) was lower in patients compared to controls and was positively correlated FEV1 (r = 0.235, p = 0.032), FEV1/VC (r = 0.218, p = 0.047), and DLCO (r = 0.308, p = 0.006). sRAGE furthermore did show a significant positive association with CML (r = 0.321, p = 0.003). Although plasma esRAGE is decreased in COPD patients compared to controls, only total sRAGE showed a significant and independent association with FEV1, FEV1/VC and DLCO, indicating that total sRAGE but not esRAGE may serve as marker of COPD disease state and

  1. Identification of Bacteria in Pasteurized Zucchini Purées Stored at Different Temperatures and Comparison with Those Found in Other Pasteurized Vegetable Purées

    PubMed Central

    Guinebretiere, Marie-Hélène; Berge, Odile; Normand, Philippe; Morris, Cindy; Carlin, Frédéric; Nguyen-The, Christophe


    One hundred nineteen isolates from a commercial zucchini purée stored at 4, 10, and 20 to 25°C were fingerprinted using repetitive sequence-based PCR (REP-PCR) and classified into 35 REP types. One representative isolate of each REP type was subsequently identified by API50CHB/20E profile and partial rrs gene sequence analysis. Nine REP types were misidentified by the API system. Strains were misidentified as being in the Bacillus circulans (group 2) API taxon or in taxa with a low number of positive API characters such as Brevibacillus brevis. A phylogenetic analysis pointed to one new species of Bacillus and three new species of Paenibacillus among the misidentified REP types. Bacterial components in zucchini purée were compared phenotypically with those obtained in previous work on broccoli, carrot, leek, potato, and split pea purées, based on simple matching coefficient and unweighted pair group method with averages cluster analysis. Out of 254 strains, 69 strains previously identified as B. circulans (group 2) or B. circulans/B. macerans/B. polymyxa were assigned to a new Paenibacillus taxon phylogenetically related to P. azotofixans. Storage conditions at 4°C favored the development of “B. macroides/B. maroccanus” and Paenibacillus spp. in zucchini purées and Paenibacillus spp. in other purées. Storage conditions at 20 to 25°C favored the development of B. subtilis group (B. licheniformis and B. subtilis) and B. cereus group strains. At 10°C, Paenibacillus spp. were always present at high frequencies, whereas the occurrence of B. macroides/B. maroccanus (in zucchini purées), B. cereus, and B. pumilus varied with the experiment. PMID:11571151

  2. Modelling the horizontal structure of mid-latitude E(s) from its refraction effects on F-region echoes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Barnes, R. I.


    The observation of the refraction of F-region echoes presently reported implies that significant horizontal structure exists within some E(s) clouds. A modeling of the data collected with the Bribie Island HF radar indicates that wind shear variations can account for examples in which irregularities either pass through, or pass with, existing layers of E(s) which create the cloudy, nonblanketing variety of E(s). The blanketing variety of E(s) seems to have little or no horizontal structure, and most likely drifts with the same velocity as the irregularities which produce nonblanketing E(s). Irregularities with strong horizontal gradients act as diverging lenses, leading to an overestimation of cloud size via simple occulting geometry.

  3. Immunolocalization and immunodetection of the excretory/secretory (ES) antigens of Fasciola gigantica.


    Khan, M A Hannan; Ullah, Rizwan; Rehman, Abdur; Rehman, Lubna; P A, Ahammed Shareef; Abidi, S M A


    The digenetic trematode Fasciola gigantica is a parasite of great agricultural and economic importance. Along with Fasciola hepatica, F. gigantica incurs huge economic losses to the agricultural sector. Because of unavailability of an effective and commercial vaccine, the earliest diagnosis of the disease is the only way to control the disease. The conventional coprological techniques are able to detect the disease only after the parasites get matured and starts releasing their eggs with the faeces of host, therefore prepatent infection remain undiagnosed. The alternative method is by serological tests that uses circulatory antigens. Despite high sensitivity, their reliability is quite low because of the common antigens shared between different helminth parasites. To overcome this, investigation was shifted to identify the copro-antigens which could be more sensitive and reliable. In the present study, we tried to identify some of the immunodominant proteins from the Excretory Secretory (ES) product of F. gigantica which can be further characterized and used for early detection of infection and also as drug and vaccine candidates. The ES products of F. gigantica were collected and used for raising the polyclonal antibody in rabbit. The polypeptide profile was generated as well as immunogenic polypeptides were identified. The Source of ES antigen was immunolocalized using confocal microscopy and dot blot assay was performed to diagnose field infection. The polypeptide profile of ES products revealed a total of 24 polypeptides out of which 12 immunogenic polypeptides were identified by western blotting. Confocal micrographs showed the immunolocalization of antigens in the intestinal caecae, vitalline glands, gonads as well as in the tegument of the worm. The dot blot assay confirmed the utility of ES products for the detection of field infection. Subsequently, cross reactivity was found negative with Gigantocotyle explanatum; an amphitome parasite of same habitat

  4. Immunolocalization and immunodetection of the excretory/secretory (ES) antigens of Fasciola gigantica

    PubMed Central

    Ullah, Rizwan; Rehman, Abdur; Rehman, Lubna; P. A., Ahammed Shareef; Abidi, S. M. A.


    The digenetic trematode Fasciola gigantica is a parasite of great agricultural and economic importance. Along with Fasciola hepatica, F. gigantica incurs huge economic losses to the agricultural sector. Because of unavailability of an effective and commercial vaccine, the earliest diagnosis of the disease is the only way to control the disease. The conventional coprological techniques are able to detect the disease only after the parasites get matured and starts releasing their eggs with the faeces of host, therefore prepatent infection remain undiagnosed. The alternative method is by serological tests that uses circulatory antigens. Despite high sensitivity, their reliability is quite low because of the common antigens shared between different helminth parasites. To overcome this, investigation was shifted to identify the copro-antigens which could be more sensitive and reliable. In the present study, we tried to identify some of the immunodominant proteins from the Excretory Secretory (ES) product of F. gigantica which can be further characterized and used for early detection of infection and also as drug and vaccine candidates. The ES products of F. gigantica were collected and used for raising the polyclonal antibody in rabbit. The polypeptide profile was generated as well as immunogenic polypeptides were identified. The Source of ES antigen was immunolocalized using confocal microscopy and dot blot assay was performed to diagnose field infection. The polypeptide profile of ES products revealed a total of 24 polypeptides out of which 12 immunogenic polypeptides were identified by western blotting. Confocal micrographs showed the immunolocalization of antigens in the intestinal caecae, vitalline glands, gonads as well as in the tegument of the worm. The dot blot assay confirmed the utility of ES products for the detection of field infection. Subsequently, cross reactivity was found negative with Gigantocotyle explanatum; an amphitome parasite of same habitat

  5. Germline competence of mouse ES and iPS cell lines: Chimera technologies and genetic background.


    Carstea, Ana Claudia; Pirity, Melinda K; Dinnyes, Andras


    In mice, gene targeting by homologous recombination continues to play an essential role in the understanding of functional genomics. This strategy allows precise location of the site of transgene integration and is most commonly used to ablate gene expression ("knock-out"), or to introduce mutant or modified alleles at the locus of interest ("knock-in"). The efficacy of producing live, transgenic mice challenges our understanding of this complex process, and of the factors which influence germline competence of embryonic stem cell lines. Increasingly, evidence indicates that culture conditions and in vitro manipulation can affect the germline-competence of Embryonic Stem cell (ES cell) lines by accumulation of chromosome abnormalities and/or epigenetic alterations of the ES cell genome. The effectiveness of ES cell derivation is greatly strain-dependent and it may also influence the germline transmission capability. Recent technical improvements in the production of germline chimeras have been focused on means of generating ES cells lines with a higher germline potential. There are a number of options for generating chimeras from ES cells (ES chimera mice); however, each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Recent developments in induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell technology have opened new avenues for generation of animals from genetically modified somatic cells by means of chimera technologies. The aim of this review is to give a brief account of how the factors mentioned above are influencing the germline transmission capacity and the developmental potential of mouse pluripotent stem cell lines. The most recent methods for generating specifically ES and iPS chimera mice, including the advantages and disadvantages of each method are also discussed.

  6. Stereotyping in "Damals war es Friedrich" and "Brandstiftung."

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Moffit, Gisela


    Discusses the use of young adult books in teaching high school and college-level German, particularly "Damals war es Friedrich" and "Brandstiftung." The didactic intentions of these books are to inform younger adults about the Nazi periods of the past and the Neo-nazi resurgence of the present, encourage them to confront the issues, and to take a…

  7. Coherent structures in the Es layer and neutral middle atmosphere

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mošna, Zbyšek; Knížová, Petra Koucká; Potužníková, Kateřina


    The present paper shows results from the summer campaign performed during geomagnetically quiet period from June 1 to August 31, 2009. Within time-series of stratospheric and mesospheric temperatures at pressure levels 10-0.1 hPa, mesospheric winds measured in Collm, Germany, and the sporadic E-layer parameters foEs and hEs measured at the Pruhonice station we detected specific coherent wave-bursts in planetary wave domain. Permanent wave-like activity is observed in all analyzed data sets. However, the number of wave-like structures persistent in large range of height from the stratosphere to lower ionosphere is limited. The only coherent modes that are detected on consequent levels of the atmosphere are those corresponding to eigenmodes of planetary waves.

  8. SN2002es-like supernovae from different viewing angles

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Cao, Yi; Kulkarni, S. R.; Gal-Yam, Avishay


    In this letter, we compare optical light curves of two SN2002es-like Type Ia supernovae (SNe), iPTF14atg and iPTF14dpk, from the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory. Although the two light curves resemble each other around and after maximum, they show distinct early-phase rise behavior in the r-band. On the one hand, iPTF14atg revealed a slow and steady rise that lasted for 22 days with a mean rise rate of 0.2-0.3 mag day -1 , before it reached the R-band peak (-18.05 mag). On the other hand, iPTF14dpk rose rapidly to -17 mag within a day of discovery with a rise rate ,more » and then rose slowly to its peak (-18.19 mag) with a rise rate similar to iPTF14atg. The apparent total rise time of iPTF14dpk is therefore only 16 days. We show that emission from iPTF14atg before -17 days with respect to its maximum can be entirely attributed to radiation produced by collision between the SN and its companion star. Such emission is absent from iPTF14dpk probably because of an unfavored viewing angle, provided that SN2002es-like events arise from the same progenitor channel. We further show that an SN2002es-like SN may experience a dark phase after the explosion but before its radioactively powered light curve becomes visible. This dark phase may be lit by radiation from supernova-companion interaction.« less

  9. Basic and functional effects of transcranial Electrical Stimulation (tES)-An introduction.


    Yavari, Fatemeh; Jamil, Asif; Mosayebi Samani, Mohsen; Vidor, Liliane Pinto; Nitsche, Michael A


    Non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) has been gaining increased popularity in human neuroscience research during the last years. Among the emerging NIBS tools is transcranial electrical stimulation (tES), whose main modalities are transcranial direct, and alternating current stimulation (tDCS, tACS). In tES, a small current (usually less than 3mA) is delivered through the scalp. Depending on its shape, density, and duration, the applied current induces acute or long-lasting effects on excitability and activity of cerebral regions, and brain networks. tES is increasingly applied in different domains to (a) explore human brain physiology with regard to plasticity, and brain oscillations, (b) explore the impact of brain physiology on cognitive processes, and (c) treat clinical symptoms in neurological and psychiatric diseases. In this review, we give a broad overview of the main mechanisms and applications of these brain stimulation tools. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Semantic Desktop

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sauermann, Leo; Kiesel, Malte; Schumacher, Kinga; Bernardi, Ansgar

    In diesem Beitrag wird gezeigt, wie der Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft aussehen könnte und wo das Semantic Web neue Möglichkeiten eröffnet. Dazu werden Ansätze aus dem Bereich Semantic Web, Knowledge Representation, Desktop-Anwendungen und Visualisierung vorgestellt, die es uns ermöglichen, die bestehenden Daten eines Benutzers neu zu interpretieren und zu verwenden. Dabei bringt die Kombination von Semantic Web und Desktop Computern besondere Vorteile - ein Paradigma, das unter dem Titel Semantic Desktop bekannt ist. Die beschriebenen Möglichkeiten der Applikationsintegration sind aber nicht auf den Desktop beschränkt, sondern können genauso in Web-Anwendungen Verwendung finden.

  11. Transporterscheinungen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Heintze, Joachim

    In diesem Kapitel werden wir uns vornehmlich mit zwei Vorgängen befassen, ohne die das Erreichen des thermischen Gleichgewichts und die Veränderung des thermischen Zustands eines Systems unmöglich wäre: Wärmeleitung und Diffusion. Bei der Wärmeleitung wird die kinetische Energie der Teilchen durch Stöße auf die Nachbarn übertragen: Es handelt sich um den Transport von Wärmeenergie. Unter Diffusion versteht man den Transport von Molekülen aufgrund ihrer Wärmebewegung. Sie tritt in Erscheinung, wenn in einem System verschiedene Arten von Molekülen vorhanden und ungleichmäßig verteilt sind.

  12. Analyse der Literatur zu Klimawirkungen in Deutschland: ein Gesamtbild mit Lücken

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fleischhauer, Mark; Greiving, Stefan; Lindner, Christian; Lückenkötter, Johannes; Schauser, Inke

    Dieses Kapitel präsentiert Ergebnisse einer umfassenden Literaturauswertung zu relevanten Klimawirkungen für Deutschland, die im Rahmen des Projekts "Netzwerk Vulnerabilität" vorgenommen wurde. Es zeigt auf, dass ein aggregiertes Gesamtbild der Klimawirkungen für Deutschland als Grundlage für Folgenabschätzungen und Anpassungsplanungen noch nicht gezeichnet werden kann, da eine große Bandbreite an Ansätzen zur Bewertung von Vulnerabilitäten oder Klimawandelfolgen existiert und die gegenwärtig vorhandenen Klimawirkungs- und Vulnerabilitätsstudien von großer Heterogenität gekennzeichnet sind. Als erster Schritt wird deshalb eine Zusammenschau bereits vorhandener Ansätze geliefert.

  13. Zwischen Commonsense und Wissenschaft Mathematik in der Erziehungsphilosophie A. N. Whiteheads

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sölch, Dennis

    Obwohl Whitehead heute wie selbstverständlich als Philosoph rezipiert wird, so hat er seine wissenschaftliche Laufbahn doch als Mathematiker begonnen. Lange Zeit war er gemeinsam mit Bertrand Russell als Autor der Principia Mathematica unter Mathematikern und mathematischen Logikern deutlich besser bekannt als unter Philosophen. Doch selbst von denjenigen, die sich mit Whiteheads Überlegungen zur Metaphysik, zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte und zur Theologie befassen, werden seine Schriften zur Philosophie von Erziehung und Bildung häufig kaum beachtet. So entgeht es leicht, dass Whitehead nicht nur ein auf theoretischem Gebiet brillanter Mathematiker war, sondern sein theoretisches Fachwissen im Hinblick auf pädagogische und didaktische Relevanz fortwährend reflektiert hat.

  14. [Leben im Eismeer - Tauchuntersuchungen zur Biologie arktischer Meerespflanzen und Meerestiere


    Lippert; Karsten; Wiencke


    Die Maske wird nochmals auf Dichtigkeit überprüft, der Knoten der Sicherungsleine mit zwei halben Schlägen fixiert, dann rutscht die Taucherin von der Eiskante in das kalte Wasser. Eine halbe Stunde vergeht, bevor ihr Kopf wieder aus dem Eisloch auftaucht und sie ein großes Sammelnetz nach oben reicht, gefüllt mit verschiedenen Arten von Makroalgen. Obwohl noch große Flächen des Kongsfjordes im arktischen Spitzbergen zugefroren sind und das Festland von einer dicken Schneedecke bedeckt ist, hat unter Wasser in den Algenwäldern bereits der Sommer und damit die Saison der Meeresbiologen begonnen.

  15. Grundlagen und Grundbegriffe der Messtechnik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Plaßmann, Wilfried

    Es ist eine wesentliche Aufgabe der Messtechnik, technische Vorgänge quantitativ zu erfassen und anhand der gemessenen Größen Funktionsabläufe zu steuern. Als Beispiel sei ein Kraftwerk zur Energieerzeugung genannt, bei dem nur über die Messung von Temperaturen, Leistungen, Drücken und anderen Größen Aussagen über den momentanen Zustand möglich sind und bei Abweichungen vom Sollwert geeignete Eingriffe in das System erfolgen können. Damit eine eindeutige Kommunikation möglich wird, sind die in der Messtechnik verwendeten Begriffe, Messverfahren und Maßeinheiten in entsprechenden Normen oder Vorschriften festgelegt.

  16. Establishment of key grid-connected performance index system for integrated PV-ES system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Q.; Yuan, X. D.; Qi, Q.; Liu, H. M.


    In order to further promote integrated optimization operation of distributed new energy/ energy storage/ active load, this paper studies the integrated photovoltaic-energy storage (PV-ES) system which is connected with the distribution network, and analyzes typical structure and configuration selection for integrated PV-ES generation system. By combining practical grid- connected characteristics requirements and technology standard specification of photovoltaic generation system, this paper takes full account of energy storage system, and then proposes several new grid-connected performance indexes such as paralleled current sharing characteristic, parallel response consistency, adjusting characteristic, virtual moment of inertia characteristic, on- grid/off-grid switch characteristic, and so on. A comprehensive and feasible grid-connected performance index system is then established to support grid-connected performance testing on integrated PV-ES system.

  17. Yap1 is dispensable for self-renewal but required for proper differentiation of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells.


    Chung, HaeWon; Lee, Bum-Kyu; Uprety, Nadima; Shen, Wenwen; Lee, Jiwoon; Kim, Jonghwan


    Yap1 is a transcriptional co-activator of the Hippo pathway. The importance of Yap1 in early cell fate decision during embryogenesis has been well established, though its role in embryonic stem (ES) cells remains elusive. Here, we report that Yap1 plays crucial roles in normal differentiation rather than self-renewal of ES cells. Yap1-depleted ES cells maintain undifferentiated state with a typical colony morphology as well as robust alkaline phosphatase activity. These cells also retain comparable levels of the core pluripotent factors, such as Pou5f1 and Sox2, to the levels in wild-type ES cells without significant alteration of lineage-specific marker genes. Conversely, overexpression of Yap1 in ES cells promotes nuclear translocation of Yap1, resulting in disruption of self-renewal and triggering differentiation by up-regulating lineage-specific genes. Moreover, Yap1-deficient ES cells show impaired induction of lineage markers during differentiation. Collectively, our data demonstrate that Yap1 is a required factor for proper differentiation of mouse ES cells, while remaining dispensable for self-renewal. © 2016 The Authors.

  18. Nonpermissiveness for mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell derivation circumvented by a single backcross to 129/Sv strain: establishment of ES cell lines bearing the Omd conditional lethal mutation.


    Kress, C; Vandormael-Pournin, S; Baldacci, P; Cohen-Tannoudji, M; Babinet, C


    The inbred mouse strain DDK carries a conditional early embryonic lethal mutation that is manifested when DDK females are crossed to males of other inbred strains but not in the corresponding reciprocal crosses. It has been shown that embryonic lethality could be assigned to a single genetic locus called Ovum mutant (Om), on Chromosome (Chr) 11 near Syca 1. In the course of our study of the molecular mechanisms underlying the embryonic lethality, we were interested in deriving an embryonic stem cell bearing the Om mutation in the homozygous state (Omd/Omd). However, it turned out that DDK is nonpermissive for ES cell establishment, with a standard protocol. Here we show that permissiveness could be obtained using Omd/Omd blastocysts with a 75% 129/Sv and 25% DDK genetic background. Several germline-competent Omd/Omd ES cell lines have been derived from blastocysts of this genotype. Such a scenario could be extended to the generation of ES cell lines bearing any mutation present in an otherwise nonpermissive mouse strain.

  19. Reversible Redox Effect on Gas Permeation of Cobalt Doped Ethoxy Polysiloxane (ES40) Membranes

    PubMed Central

    Miller, Christopher R.; Wang, David K.; Smart, Simon; Diniz da Costa, João C.


    This work reports the remarkable effect of reversible gas molecular sieving for high temperature gas separation from cobalt doped ethoxy polysiloxane (CoES40) membranes. This effect stemmed from alternating the reducing and oxidising (redox) state of the cobalt particles embedded in the ES40 matrix. The reduced membranes gave the best H2 permeances of 1 × 10−6 mol m−2 s−1 Pa−1 and H2/N2 permselectivities of 65. The reduction process tailored a molecular gap attributed to changes in the specific volume between the reduced cobalt (Co(OH)2 and CoO) particles in the ES40 structure, thus allowing for the increased diffusion of gases. Upon re-oxidation, the tailored molecular gap became constricted as the particles reversed to Co3O4 resulting a lower gas diffusion, particularly for the larger gases ie. CO2 and N2. The ES40 matrix proved to be structurally rigid enough to withstand the reversible redox effect of cobalt particles across multiple cycles. PMID:23571730

  20. A strong X-ray Flare in 1ES 1959+650

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kapanadze, Bidzina


    The nearby TeV-detected HBL object 1ES 1959+650 (z=0.047) has been observed by Swift today which revealed a strong X-ray flare in the source. Namely, the observation-binned 0.3-10 keV count rate is 16.49+/-0.15 cts/s that is by a factor 2.45 larger compared to weighted mean count rate from all Swift-XRT pointings to this source, and by 90% larger than the rate recorded during the previous observation (performed on June 4). Note that the higher brightness states were observed only three times in the past (in 2015 September - December; see Kapanadze B. et al. 2016, "A recent strong X-ray flaring activity of 1ES 1959+650 with possibly less efficient stochastic acceleration", MNRASL, in press).

  1. iPHLoc-ES: Identification of bacteriophage protein locations using evolutionary and structural features.


    Shatabda, Swakkhar; Saha, Sanjay; Sharma, Alok; Dehzangi, Abdollah


    Bacteriophage proteins are viruses that can significantly impact on the functioning of bacteria and can be used in phage based therapy. The functioning of Bacteriophage in the host bacteria depends on its location in those host cells. It is very important to know the subcellular location of the phage proteins in a host cell in order to understand their working mechanism. In this paper, we propose iPHLoc-ES, a prediction method for subcellular localization of bacteriophage proteins. We aim to solve two problems: discriminating between host located and non-host located phage proteins and discriminating between the locations of host located protein in a host cell (membrane or cytoplasm). To do this, we extract sets of evolutionary and structural features of phage protein and employ Support Vector Machine (SVM) as our classifier. We also use recursive feature elimination (RFE) to reduce the number of features for effective prediction. On standard dataset using standard evaluation criteria, our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art predictor. iPHLoc-ES is readily available to use as a standalone tool from: and as a web application from: Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Another X-ray Flare in TeV-detected blazar 1ES 1959+650

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kapanadze, Bidzina


    Since 2015 August, the nearby TeV-detected HBL source 1ES 1959+650 (z=0.048) is in a phase of enhanced X-ray activity compared to the previous years (Kapanadze et al. 2016, MNRAS, 461, L26; ATel #8014, #8289, #8342, #8468, #9121, #9205, #9694, #9949, and for the historical 0.3-10 keV light curve).

  3. 77 FR 38884 - Professional Transportation, Inc.-Asset Acquisition-CUSA ES, LLC and CUSA CSS, LLC

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ..., Inc.--CUSA ES, LLC (MC-463168) and CUSA CSS, LLC (MC-522544) (collectively, Coach America Subsidiaries... Transportation, Inc.--Asset Acquisition--CUSA ES, LLC and CUSA CSS, LLC AGENCY: Surface Transportation Board. ACTION: Notice of Finance Application. SUMMARY: Professional Transportation, Inc. (PTI or Applicant), an...

  4. Einstellung und Wissen von Lehramtsstudierenden zur Evolution - ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Graf, Dittmar; Soran, Haluk

    Es wird eine Untersuchung vorgestellt, in der Wissen und Überzeugungen von Lehramtsstudierenden aller Fächer zum Thema Evolution an zwei Universitäten in Deutschland und der Türkei erhoben worden sind. Die Befragung wurde in Dortmund und in Ankara durchgeführt. Es stellte sich heraus, dass ausgeprägte Defizite im Verständnis der Evolutionsmechanismen herrschen. Viele Studierende, insbesondere aus der Türkei, sind nicht von der Faktizität der Evolution überzeugt. Dies gilt sowohl für Studierende mit Fach Biologie als auch für Studierende mit anderen Fächern. Näher untersucht worden sind die Faktoren, die die Überzeugungen zur Evolution beeinflussen können, was ja in Anbetracht der hohen Ablehnungsrate der Evolution von besonderem Interesse ist. Das Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft spielt hierbei eine besondere Rolle: Wer der Wissenschaft vertraut, ist auch eher von der Evolution überzeugt, als diejenigen, die skeptisch gegenüber der Wissenschaft sind.

  5. Reduced-portion entrées in a worksite and restaurant setting: impact on food consumption and waste.


    Berkowitz, Sarah; Marquart, Len; Mykerezi, Elton; Degeneffe, Dennis; Reicks, Marla


    Large portion sizes in restaurants have been identified as a public health risk. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether customers in two different food-service operator segments (non-commercial worksite cafeteria and commercial upscale restaurant) would select reduced-portion menu items and the impact of selecting reduced-portion menu items on energy and nutrient intakes and plate waste. Consumption and plate waste data were collected for 5 weeks before and 7 weeks after introduction of five reduced-size entrées in a worksite lunch cafeteria and for 3 weeks before and 4 weeks after introduction of five reduced-size dinner entrées in a restaurant setting. Full-size entrées were available throughout the entire study periods. A worksite cafeteria and a commercial upscale restaurant in a large US Midwestern metropolitan area. Adult worksite employees and restaurant patrons. Reduced-size entrées accounted for 5·3-12·8 % and 18·8-31·3 % of total entrées selected in the worksite and restaurant settings, respectively. Food waste, energy intake and intakes of total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, Na, fibre, Ca, K and Fe were significantly lower when both full- and reduced-size entrées were served in the worksite setting and in the restaurant setting compared with when only full-size entrées were served. A relatively small proportion of reduced-size entrées were selected but still resulted in reductions in overall energy and nutrient intakes. These outcomes could serve as the foundation for future studies to determine strategies to enhance acceptance of reduced-portion menu items in restaurant settings.

  6. GroEL-GroES assisted folding of multiple recombinant proteins simultaneously over-expressed in Escherichia coli.


    Goyal, Megha; Chaudhuri, Tapan K


    Folding of aggregation prone recombinant proteins through co-expression of chaperonin GroEL and GroES has been a popular practice in the effort to optimize preparation of functional protein in Escherichia coli. Considering the demand for functional recombinant protein products, it is desirable to apply the chaperone assisted protein folding strategy for enhancing the yield of properly folded protein. Toward the same direction, it is also worth attempting folding of multiple recombinant proteins simultaneously over-expressed in E. coli through the assistance of co-expressed GroEL-ES. The genesis of this thinking was originated from the fact that cellular GroEL and GroES assist in the folding of several endogenous proteins expressed in the bacterial cell. Here we present the experimental findings from our study on co-expressed GroEL-GroES assisted folding of simultaneously over-expressed proteins maltodextrin glucosidase (MalZ) and yeast mitochondrial aconitase (mAco). Both proteins mentioned here are relatively larger and aggregation prone, mostly form inclusion bodies, and undergo GroEL-ES assisted folding in E. coli cells during over-expression. It has been reported that the relative yield of properly folded functional forms of MalZ and mAco with the exogenous GroEL-ES assistance were comparable with the results when these proteins were overexpressed alone. This observation is quite promising and highlights the fact that GroEL and GroES can assist in the folding of multiple substrate proteins simultaneously when over-expressed in E. coli. This method might be a potential tool for enhanced production of multiple functional recombinant proteins simultaneously in E. coli. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Photometric investigation of hot exoplanets: TrES-3b and Qatar-1b

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Püsküllü, Ç.; Soydugan, F.; Erdem, A.; Budding, E.


    New photometric follow-up observations of transitting 'hot Jupiters' TrES-3b and Qatar-1b are presented. Weighted mean values of the solutions of light curves in R-filter for both planetary systems are reported and compared with the previous results. The transit light curves were analysed using the WINFITTER code. The physical properties of the planets were estimated. The planet radii are found to be Rp = 1.381 ± 0.033RJ for TrES-3b and Rp = 1.142 ± 0.025RJ for Qatar-1b. Transit times and their uncertainties were also determined and a new linear ephemeris was computed for both systems. Analysis of transit times showed that a significant signal could not be determined for TrES-3b, while weak evidence was found for Qatar-1b, which might be tested using more precise future transit times.

  8. Darwinische Kulturtheorie - Evolutionistische und "evolutionistische`` Theorien sozialen Wandels

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Antweiler, Christoph

    Evolutionistische Argumentationen außerhalb der Biologie sind weit verbreitet. Wenn sie vertreten werden, heißt das mitnichten, dass sie notwendigerweise von darwinischen Argumenten geprägt sind. Wenn man Evolution und Kultur aus explizit darwinischer Perspektive zusammen bringt, bedeutet das noch lange nicht unbedingt Soziobiologie. Und es bedeutet sicherlich nicht Sozialdarwinismus. Dieser Beitrag soll einen Überblick der so genannten evolutionären Ansätze bzw. evolutionistischen Ansätze zu menschlichen Gesellschaften bzw. Kulturen geben. Es soll gezeigt werden, was in den Ansätzen analytisch zu trennen ist und was synthetisch zusammen gehört. Mein Beitrag ist nicht wissenschaftsgeschichtlich angelegt, sondern systematisch ausgerichtet und hat zwei Schwerpunkte (Antweiler 2008; Antweiler 2009b). Zum einen geht es um kausale Zusammenhänge von organischer Evolution und gesellschaftlichem Wandel. Auf der anderen Seite werden Analogien zwischen biotischer und kultureller Evolution erläutert, die als spezifische Ähnlichkeiten dieser beiden als grundsätzlich verschieden gesehenen Prozesse aufgefasst werden. Dadurch wird die Frage aufgeworfen, ob die Evolution von Organismen einerseits und die Transformation von Gesellschaften bzw. Kulturen andererseits, spezielle Fälle eines allgemeinen Modells von Evolution darstellen.

  9. „3D-augmented-reality“-Visualisierung für die navigierte Osteosynthese von Beckenfrakturen

    PubMed Central

    Befrui, N.; Fischer, M.; Fuerst, B.; Lee, S.-C.; Fotouhi, J.; Weidert, S.; Johnson, A.; Euler, E.; Osgood, G.; Navab, N.; Böcker, W.


    Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Trotz großer Fortschritte in der Entwicklung der Hard- und Software von Navigationssystemen finden diese aufgrund ihrer vermeintlichen Komplexität, umständlichen Integration in klinische Arbeitsabläufe und fraglichen Vorteilen gegenüber konventionellen bildgebenden Verfahren bisher wenig Einsatz in den heutigen Operationssälen. Ziel der Arbeit Entwicklung einer „Augmented-reality“(AR)-Darstellung zur chirurgischen Navigation ohne Infrarot(„IR“)-Tracking-Marker und Vergleich zum konventioneller Röntgen in einem simulierten Eingriff. Material und Methoden Navigationssystem bestehend aus „Cone-beam-CT“(CBCT)-fähigem C-Bogen und „Red-green-blue-depth“(RGBD)-Kamera. Testung durch Kirschner(K)-Draht-Platzierung in Modellen unter Berücksichtigung der benötigten Zeit, der Strahlendosis und der Benutzerfreundlichkeit der Systeme. Ergebnisse Eine signifikante Reduktion der benötigten Zeit, der Röntgenbilder und der gesamten Strahlendosis bei der AR-Navigation gegenüber dem konventionellen Röntgen bei gleichbleibender Präzision. Schlussfolgerung Die AR-Navigation mithilfe der RGBD-Kamera bietet flexible und intuitive Darstellungsmöglichkeiten des Operations-situs für navigierte Osteosynthesen ohne Tracking-Marker. Hiermit ist es möglich, Operationen schneller, einfacher und mit geringerer Strahlenbelastung für Patient und OP-Personal durchzuführen. PMID:29500506

  10. Furan formation during storage and reheating of sterilised vegetable purées.


    Palmers, Stijn; Grauwet, Tara; Buvé, Carolien; Van de Vondel, Lore; Kebede, Biniam T; Hendrickx, Marc E; Van Loey, Ann


    To this day, research for furan mitigation has mostly targeted the levels of food production and handling of prepared foods by the consumer. However, part of the furan concentrations found in commercially available food products might originate from chemical deterioration reactions during storage. A range of individual vegetable purées was stored at two different temperatures to investigate the effects of storage on the furan concentrations of shelf-stable, vegetable-based foods. After 5 months of storage at 35°C (temperature-abuse conditions), a general increase in furan concentrations was observed. The furan formation during storage could be reduced by storing the vegetable purées at a refrigerated temperature of 4°C, at which the furan concentrations remained approximately constant for at least 5 months. Following storage, the vegetable purées were briefly reheated to 90°C to simulate the effect of the final preparation step before consumption. Contrary to storage, furan concentrations decreased as a result of evaporative losses. Both refrigerated storage and the reheating step prior to consumption showed the potential of mitigation measures for furan formation in vegetable-based foods (e.g. canned vegetables, ready-to-eat soups, sauces or baby foods). Next to furan, the vegetable purées were analysed for 2- and 3-methylfuran. Tomato was very susceptible to the formation of both alkylated derivatives of furan, as opposed to the other vegetables in this study. Methylfuran concentrations rapidly decreased during storage, which was contrary to the results observed for furan.

  11. Characterization of the groEL and groES loci in Bifidobacterium breve UCC 2003: genetic, transcriptional, and phylogenetic analyses.


    Ventura, Marco; Canchaya, Carlos; Zink, Ralf; Fitzgerald, Gerald F; van Sinderen, Douwe


    The bacterial heat shock response is characterized by the elevated expression of a number of chaperone complexes, including the GroEL and GroES proteins. The groES and groEL genes are highly conserved among eubacteria and are typically arranged as an operon. Genome analysis of Bifidobacterium breve UCC 2003 revealed that the groES and groEL genes are located in different chromosomal regions. The heat inducibility of the groEL and groES genes of B. breve UCC 2003 was verified by slot blot analysis. Northern blot analyses showed that the cspA gene is cotranscribed with the groEL gene, while the groES gene is transcribed as a monocistronic unit. The transcription initiation sites of these two mRNAs were determined by primer extension. Sequence and transcriptional analyses of the region flanking the groEL and groES genes of various bifidobacteria revealed similar groEL-cspA and groES gene units, suggesting a novel genetic organization of these chaperones. Phylogenetic analysis of the available bifidobacterial groES and groEL genes suggested that these genes evolved differently. Discrepancies in the phylogenetic positioning of groES-based trees make this gene an unreliable molecular marker. On the other hand, the bifidobacterial groEL gene sequences can be used as an alternative to current methods for tracing Bifidobacterium species, particularly because they allow a high level of discrimination between closely related species of this genus.

  12. Very Strong 0.3-10 keV Flare in the HBL Source 1ES 1959+650

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kapanadze, Bidzina


    Since 2017 June 12, the nearby TeV-detected HBL source 1ES 1959+650 (z=0.048) is showing another cycle of a very strong X-ray flaring activity, which is the fourth since 2015 August (see Kapanadze B. et al. "A recent strong X-ray flaring activity of 1ES 1959+650 with possibly less efficient stochastic acceleration"; ATel#9949,9694,9205,9121,8468,8342, 8289,8014,10439; see

  13. Defensin-Like ZmES4 Mediates Pollen Tube Burst in Maize via Opening of the Potassium Channel KZM1

    PubMed Central

    Márton, Mihaela L.; Debener, Thomas; Geiger, Dietmar; Becker, Dirk; Dresselhaus, Thomas


    In contrast to animals and lower plant species, sperm cells of flowering plants are non-motile and are transported to the female gametes via the pollen tube, i.e. the male gametophyte. Upon arrival at the female gametophyte two sperm cells are discharged into the receptive synergid cell to execute double fertilization. The first players involved in inter-gametophyte signaling to attract pollen tubes and to arrest their growth have been recently identified. In contrast the physiological mechanisms leading to pollen tube burst and thus sperm discharge remained elusive. Here, we describe the role of polymorphic defensin-like cysteine-rich proteins ZmES1-4 (Zea mays embryo sac) from maize, leading to pollen tube growth arrest, burst, and explosive sperm release. ZmES1-4 genes are exclusively expressed in the cells of the female gametophyte. ZmES4-GFP fusion proteins accumulate in vesicles at the secretory zone of mature synergid cells and are released during the fertilization process. Using RNAi knock-down and synthetic ZmES4 proteins, we found that ZmES4 induces pollen tube burst in a species-preferential manner. Pollen tube plasma membrane depolarization, which occurs immediately after ZmES4 application, as well as channel blocker experiments point to a role of K+-influx in the pollen tube rupture mechanism. Finally, we discovered the intrinsic rectifying K+ channel KZM1 as a direct target of ZmES4. Following ZmES4 application, KZM1 opens at physiological membrane potentials and closes after wash-out. In conclusion, we suggest that vesicles containing ZmES4 are released from the synergid cells upon male-female gametophyte signaling. Subsequent interaction between ZmES4 and KZM1 results in channel opening and K+ influx. We further suggest that K+ influx leads to water uptake and culminates in osmotic tube burst. The species-preferential activity of polymorphic ZmES4 indicates that the mechanism described represents a pre-zygotic hybridization barrier and may be a

  14. In vitro differentiation of mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells using the hanging drop method.


    Wang, Xiang; Yang, Phillip


    Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, This promising of science is leading scientists to investigate the possibility of cell-based therapies to treat disease. When culture in suspension without antidifferentiation factors, embryonic stem cells spontaneously differentiate and form three-dimensional multicellular aggregates. These cell aggregates are called embryoid bodies(EB). Hanging drop culture is a widely used EB formation induction method. The rounded bottom of hanging drop allows the aggregation of ES cells which can provide mES cells a good environment for forming EBs. The number of ES cells aggregatied in a hanging drop can be controlled by varying the number of cells in the initial cell suspension to be hung as a drop from the lid of Petri dish. Using this method we can reproducibly form homogeneous EBs from a predetermined number of ES cells.

  15. The Nature of the Enigmatic 10-Minute Accreting Binary System ES CET

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Steeghs, Daniel


    ES Cet is one of the most compact binary systems known with an orbital period of only 10.3 minutes. Our allocated observations with the XMM-Newton X-ray satellite were performed in January and July 2004, with the data being delivered to the PI in August 2004. Preliminary results were presented by the PI in September 2004 and January 2005. We have also secured supporting optical observations of ES Ceti using the Magellan telescopes (November 2004). The team is currently performing a thorough and final analysis of the X-ray, UV and optical data sets with the latest XMM pipeline software and our own analysis packages.

  16. Description and evaluation of the Earth System Regional Climate Model (RegCM-ES)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Farneti, Riccardo; Sitz, Lina; Di Sante, Fabio; Fuentes-Franco, Ramon; Coppola, Erika; Mariotti, Laura; Reale, Marco; Sannino, Gianmaria; Barreiro, Marcelo; Nogherotto, Rita; Giuliani, Graziano; Graffino, Giorgio; Solidoro, Cosimo; Giorgi, Filippo


    The increasing availability of satellite remote sensing data, of high temporal frequency and spatial resolution, has provided a new and enhanced view of the global ocean and atmosphere, revealing strong air-sea coupling processes throughout the ocean basins. In order to obtain an accurate representation and better understanding of the climate system, its variability and change, the inclusion of all mechanisms of interaction among the different sub-components, at high temporal and spatial resolution, becomes ever more desirable. Recently, global coupled models have been able to progressively refine their horizontal resolution to attempt to resolve smaller-scale processes. However, regional coupled ocean-atmosphere models can achieve even finer resolutions and provide additional information on the mechanisms of air-sea interactions and feedbacks. Here we describe a new, state-of-the-art, Earth System Regional Climate Model (RegCM-ES). RegCM-ES presently includes the coupling between atmosphere, ocean, land surface and sea-ice components, as well as an hydrological and ocean biogeochemistry model. The regional coupled model has been implemented and tested over some of the COordinated Regional climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) domains. RegCM-ES has shown improvements in the representation of precipitation and SST fields over the tested domains, as well as realistic representations of coupled air-sea processes and interactions. The RegCM-ES model, which can be easily implemented over any regional domain of interest, is open source making it suitable for usage by the large scientific community.

  17. A Strong X-ray Flare in TeV-detected blazar 1ES 1959+650

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kapanadze, Bidzina


    Since 2015 August, the nearby TeV-detected HBL source 1ES 1959+650 (z=0.048) is in a phase of enhanced X-ray activity compared to the previous years (Kapanadze et al. 2016, MNRAS, 461, L26; ATel #8014, #8289, #8342, #8468, #9121, #9205, #9694, #9949, #10430 and for the historical 0.3-10 keV light curve).

  18. 1ES 1959+650 Very Bright in X-Rays Again

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kapanadze, Bidzina


    Since 2015 August, the nearby TeV-detected HBL source 1ES 1959+650 (z=0.048) is in a phase of enhanced X-ray activity compared to the previous years (Kapanadze et al. 2016, MNRAS, 461, L26; ATel #8014,#8289,#8342,#8468,#9121,#9205,#9694).

  19. Robuste Verzweigungserkennung von Gefäßen in CTA-Datensätzen zur modellbasierten Extraktion der Centerline

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Beck, Thomas; Fritz, Dominik; Biermann, Christina; Dillmann, Rüdiger

    Bei der Befundung und Visualisierung von Blutgefäßen ist deren Centerline von zentraler Bedeutung. Die Unterscheidung zwischen unverzweigten Abschnitten des Gefäßes und Verzweigungsbereichen ermöglicht den Einsatz spezialisierter und sehr effizienter Algorithmen zur modellbasierten Extraktion der Centerline. In diesem Artikel wird ein robustes Verfahren zur Verzweigungserkennung vorgestellt. Das Verfahren beruht auf einem Front-Propagation-Ansatz mit dynamisch angepassten Schwellwerten und einer anschließenden Clusteranalyse. Die vorgestellte Methode zur Verzweigungserkennung wurde als Komponente einer Architektur zur Extraktion der Centerline auf handannotierten Datensätzen getestet. Erste Ergebnisse sind sehr vielversprechend und ermöglichen auch bei pathologischen Gefäßen eine robuste Detektion von Gefäßverzweigungen.

  20. Haptische Modellierung und Deformation einer Kugelzelle

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schippritt, Darius; Wiemann, Martin; Lipinski, Hans-Gerd

    Haptische Simulationsmodelle dienen in der Medizin in erster Linie dem Training operativer Eingriffe. Sie basieren zumeist auf physikalischen Gewebemodellen, welche eine sehr genaue Simulation der biomechanischen Eigenschaften des betreffenden Gewebes erlauben, aber gleichzeitig sehr rechenintensiv und damit zeitaufwändig in der Ausführung sind. Die menschliche Wahrnehmung kann allerdings auch eine ungenaue haptische Modellierung psychooptisch ausgleichen. Daher kann es sinnvoll sein, haptische Simulationen auch mit nicht vollständig physikalisch definierten Deformationsmodellen durchzuführen. Am Beispiel der haptischer Simulation einer in-vitro Fertilisation wird gezeigt, dass durch die Anwendung eines geometrischen Deformationsmodells eine künstliche Befruchtung unter realistischen experimentellen Bedingungen in Echtzeit haptisch simuliert und damit trainiert werden kann.

  1. Magnetoseed - Vasculäres Tissue Engineering

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Perea Saavedra, Héctor; Methe, Heiko; Wintermantel, Erich

    Gegenwärtig sind kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen, allen voran die Arteriosklerose koronarer und zerebraler Gefäße, Ursache für 38% aller Todesfälle in Nordamerika und häufigste Todesursache europäischer Männer < 65 Jahre und zweithäufigste Todesursache bei Frauen [4]. Es wird prognostiziert, dass innerhalb der nächsten 10-15 Jahre kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen und deren Komplikationen weltweit die häufigste Todesursache stellen werden. Dies ist zum einen Folge der ansteigenden Prävalenz kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen in Osteuropa und zunehmend auch in den Entwicklungsländern, zum anderen Folge der kontinuierlich ansteigenden Inzidenz von Übergewicht und Diabetes mellitus in den westlichen Ländern.

  2. Déprescription des antihyperglycémiants chez les personnes âgées

    PubMed Central

    Farrell, Barbara; Black, Cody; Thompson, Wade; McCarthy, Lisa; Rojas-Fernandez, Carlos; Lochnan, Heather; Shamji, Salima; Upshur, Ross; Bouchard, Manon; Welch, Vivian


    Résumé Objectif Formuler des lignes directrices fondées sur les données probantes afin d’aider les cliniciens à décider du moment et de la façon sécuritaire de réduire la dose des antihyperglycémiants, de mettre fin au traitement ou de passer à un autre agent chez les personnes âgées. Méthodes Nous nous sommes concentrés sur les données les plus probantes disponibles et avons cherché à obtenir les commentaires des professionnels de première ligne durant le processus de rédaction, de révision et d’adoption des lignes directrices. L’équipe était formée de 7 professionnels de la santé (2 médecins de famille, 3 pharmaciens, 1 infirmière praticienne et 1 endocrinologue) et d’une spécialiste de la méthodologie; les membres ont divulgué tout conflit d’intérêts. Nous avons eu recours à un processus rigoureux, y compris l’approche GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) pour formuler les lignes directrices. Nous avons effectué une revue systématique dans le but d’évaluer les données probantes indiquant les bienfaits et les torts liés à la déprescription des antihyperglycémiants. Nous avons révisé les revues des torts liés à la poursuite du traitement antihyperglycémiant, et effectué des synthèses narratives des préférences des patients et des répercussions sur les ressources. Ces synthèses et évaluations de la qualité des données selon l’approche GRADE ont servi à formuler les recommandations. L’équipe a peaufiné le texte sur le contenu et les recommandations des lignes directrices par consensus et a synthétisé les considérations cliniques afin de répondre aux questions courantes des cliniciens de première ligne. Une version préliminaire des lignes directrices a été distribuée aux cliniciens et aux intervenants aux fins d’examen, et des révisions ont été apportées au texte à chaque étape. Un algorithme d’appui décisionnel a été conçu pour

  3. Forecasting VaR and ES of stock index portfolio: A Vine copula method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Bangzheng; Wei, Yu; Yu, Jiang; Lai, Xiaodong; Peng, Zhenfeng


    Risk measurement has both theoretical and practical significance in risk management. Using daily sample of 10 international stock indices, firstly this paper models the internal structures among different stock markets with C-Vine, D-Vine and R-Vine copula models. Secondly, the Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) of the international stock markets portfolio are forecasted using Monte Carlo method based on the estimated dependence of different Vine copulas. Finally, the accuracy of VaR and ES measurements obtained from different statistical models are evaluated by UC, IND, CC and Posterior analysis. The empirical results show that the VaR forecasts at the quantile levels of 0.9, 0.95, 0.975 and 0.99 with three kinds of Vine copula models are sufficiently accurate. Several traditional methods, such as historical simulation, mean-variance and DCC-GARCH models, fail to pass the CC backtesting. The Vine copula methods can accurately forecast the ES of the portfolio on the base of VaR measurement, and D-Vine copula model is superior to other Vine copulas.

  4. Star Formation in M 33 (HerM33es)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kramer, C.; Boquien, M.; Braine, J.; Buchbender, C.; Calzetti, D.; Gratier, P.; Mookerjea, B.; Relaño, M.; Verley, S.


    Within the key project "Herschel M 33 extended survey" (HerM33es), we are studying the physical and chemical processes driving star formation and galactic evolution in the nearby galaxy M 33, combining the study of local conditions affecting individual star formation with properties only becoming apparent on global scales. Here, we present recent results obtained by the HerM33es team. Combining Spitzer and Herschel data ranging from 3.6 μm to 500μm, along with H i, Hα, and GALEX UV data, we have studied the dust at high spatial resolutions of 150 pc, providing estimators of the total infrared (TIR) brightness and of the star formation rate. While the temperature of the warm dust at high brightness is driven by young massive stars, evolved stellar populations appear to drive the temperature of the cold dust. Plane-parallel models of photon dominated regions (PDRs) fail to reproduce fully the [C ii], [O i], and CO maps obtained in a first spectroscopic study of one 2' × 2' subregion of M 33, located on the inner, northern spiral arm and encompassing the H ii region BCLMP 302.

  5. Brugia pahangi: Immunization with early L3 ES alters parasite migration, and reduces microfilaremia and lymphatic lesion formation in gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus)

    PubMed Central

    Zipperer, Ginger R.; Arumugam, Sridhar; Chirgwin, Sharon R.; Coleman, Sharon U.; Shakya, Krishna P.; Klei, Thomas R.


    Previous studies have shown that intradermally (ID) injected B. pahangi L3s migrate through various tissues and into the lymphatics of gerbils in a distinct pattern. Excretory/secretory products (ES) produced at the time of invasion of B. pahangi are likely to be important in this early migration phase of the parasite life cycle in their rodent host. Hence, early L3 ES was collected from 24 hr in vitro cultures of B. pahangi L3 larvae and used in immunization experiments to investigate the effect of immunity to early L3 ES on worm migration, survival and development of B. pahangi. Immunization of gerbils with ES in RIBI adjuvant produced antibodies to numerous ES proteins eliciting a strong humoral response to ES and indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) assay using anti-ES serum recognized the ES proteins on the surface of B. pahangi L3 larvae. Following ES immunization, gerbils were challenged either ID or intraperitoneally (IP) with 100 L3s of B. pahangi and euthanized at 3 or 106 days post inoculation (DPI). Immunization with early ES slowed the migration of ID inoculated L3 at 3DPI and significantly altered the locations of adult worms at 106 DPI. Immunization did not induce protection in any treatment group. However, immunized animals had significantly fewer microfilariae per female worm suggesting the antigens in ES are important in microfilariae development or survival in the host. The number of lymphatic granulomas was also significantly reduced in ES immunized animals. It is important to note that microfilariae serve as a nidus in these granulomas. Our results shows immunization with early B. malayi L3 ES alters the worm migration, affects circulating microfilarial numbers and reduces lymphatic granulomas associated with B. pahangi infection in gerbils. PMID:23981910

  6. Lossless quantum data compression and secure direct communication

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boström, Kim


    of the message. Diese Dissertation behandelt die Kodierung und Verschickung von Information durch einen Quantenkanal. Ein Quantenkanal besteht aus einem quantenmechanischen System, welches vom Sender manipuliert und vom Empfänger ausgelesen werden kann. Dabei repräsentiert der individuelle Zustand des Kanals die Nachricht. Die zwei Themen der Dissertation umfassen 1) die Möglichkeit, eine Nachricht in einem Quantenkanal verlustfrei zu komprimieren und 2) die Möglichkeit eine Nachricht von einer Partei zu einer einer anderen direkt und auf sichere Weise zu übermitteln, d.h. ohne dass es einer dritte Partei möglich ist, die Nachricht abzuhören und dabei unerkannt zu bleiben. Die wesentlichen Ergebnisse der Dissertation sind die folgenden. Ein allgemeiner Formalismus für Quantencodes mit variabler Länge wird ausgearbeitet. Diese Codes sind notwendig um verlustfreie Kompression zu ermöglichen. Wegen der Quantennatur des Kanals sind die codierten Nachrichten allgemein in einer Superposition von verschiedenen Längen. Es zeigt sich, daß es unmöglich ist eine Quantennachricht verlustfrei zu komprimieren, wenn diese dem Sender nicht apriori bekannt ist. Im anderen Falle wird die Möglichkeit verlustfreier Quantenkompression gezeigt und eine untere Schranke für die Kompressionsrate abgeleitet. Des weiteren wird ein expliziter Kompressionsalgorithmus konstruiert, der für beliebig vorgegebene Ensembles aus Quantennachrichten funktioniert. Ein quantenkryptografisches Prokoll - das “Ping-Pong Protokoll” - wird vorgestellt, welches die sichere direkte übertragung von klassischen Nachrichten durch einen Quantenkanal ermöglicht. Die Sicherheit des Protokolls gegen beliebige Abhörangriffe wird bewiesen für den Fall eines idealen Quantenkanals. Im Gegensatz zu anderen quantenkryptografischen Verfahren ist das Ping-Pong Protokoll deterministisch und kann somit sowohl für die Übermittlung eines zufälligen Schlüssels als auch einer komponierten Nachricht

  7. Differential conformational modulations of MreB folding upon interactions with GroEL/ES and TRiC chaperonin components

    PubMed Central

    Moparthi, Satish Babu; Carlsson, Uno; Vincentelli, Renaud; Jonsson, Bengt-Harald; Hammarström, Per; Wenger, Jérôme


    Here, we study and compare the mechanisms of action of the GroEL/GroES and the TRiC chaperonin systems on MreB client protein variants extracted from E. coli. MreB is a homologue to actin in prokaryotes. Single-molecule fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and time-resolved fluorescence polarization anisotropy report the binding interaction of folding MreB with GroEL, GroES and TRiC. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements on MreB variants quantified molecular distance changes occurring during conformational rearrangements within folding MreB bound to chaperonins. We observed that the MreB structure is rearranged by a binding-induced expansion mechanism in TRiC, GroEL and GroES. These results are quantitatively comparable to the structural rearrangements found during the interaction of β-actin with GroEL and TRiC, indicating that the mechanism of chaperonins is conserved during evolution. The chaperonin-bound MreB is also significantly compacted after addition of AMP-PNP for both the GroEL/ES and TRiC systems. Most importantly, our results showed that GroES may act as an unfoldase by inducing a dramatic initial expansion of MreB (even more than for GroEL) implicating a role for MreB folding, allowing us to suggest a delivery mechanism for GroES to GroEL in prokaryotes. PMID:27328749

  8. 75 FR 8326 - AES ES Westover, LLC; Supplemental Notice That Initial Market-Based Rate Filing Includes Request...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. ER10-712-000] AES ES Westover, LLC; Supplemental Notice That Initial Market- Based Rate Filing Includes Request for Blanket... proceeding of AES ES Westover, LLC's application for market-based rate authority, with an accompanying rate...

  9. Ultratraces of carotenes in tomato purées: HPLC-TLS study

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Luterotti, S.; Marković, K.; Franko, M.; Bicanic, D.; Vahčić, N.; Doka, O.


    The present study was designed to provide information about (i) the profile of carotene pigments and (ii) trace quantities of lycopene and β-carotene left in tomato purées. The ultrasensitive method comprising HPLC and thermal lens spectrometric (TLS) detection enabled us to detect as low as 0.3 and 1.1 ng ml-1 lycopene and β-carotene in purée extracts, respectively. Total concentration of β-carotene and lycopene (varying from 3 to 170 ng g-1) in the examined tomato purées may serve as an indicator of the carotene-specific antioxidative capacity of these products. Although conventional spectrophotometry can be used to rapidly assess the quality of products derived from tomatoes, a highly sensitive and selective method such as HPLC-TLS is needed for reliable analyses of samples such as, for example, those subjected to inappropriate storage and/or handling.

  10. Spanish validation of Bad Sobernheim Stress Questionnaire (BSSQ (brace).es) for adolescents with braces

    PubMed Central


    Background As a result of scientific and medical professionals gaining interest in Stress and Health Related Quality of Life (HRQL), the aim of our research is, thus, to validate into Spanish the German questionnaire Bad Sobernheim Stress Questionnaire (BSSQ) (mit Korsett), for adolescents wearing braces. Methods The methodology used adheres to literature on trans-cultural adaptation by doing a translation and a back translation; it involved 35 adolescents, ages ranging between 10 and 16, with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) and wearing the same kind of brace (Rigo System Chêneau Brace). The materials used were a socio-demographics data questionnaire, the SRS-22 and the Spanish version of BSSQ(brace).es. The statistical analysis calculated the reliability (test-retest reliability and internal consistency) and the validity (convergent and construct validity) of the BSSQ (brace).es. Results BSSQ(brace).es is reliable because of its satisfactory internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.809, p < 0.001) and temporal stability (test-retest method with a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.902 (p < 0.01)). It demonstrated convergent validity with SRS-22 since the Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.656 (p < 0.01). By undertaking an Exploratory Principal Components Analysis, a latent structure was found based on two Components which explicate the variance at 60.8%. Conclusions BSSQ (brace).es is reliable and valid and can be used with Spanish adolescents to assess the stress level caused by the brace. PMID:20633253

  11. Reduced endogenous secretory receptor for advanced glycation end products (esRAGE) in young people with Type 1 diabetes developing microalbuminuria.


    Marcovecchio, M L; Giannini, C; Dalton, R N; Widmer, B; Chiarelli, F; Dunger, D B


    The endogenous secretory receptor for advanced glycation end products (esRAGE) appears to work as a scavenger for AGEs and it has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications. The aim of the present study was to perform a longitudinal evaluation of esRAGE in young people with Type 1 diabetes (T1D) in relation to the development of microalbuminuria (MA). Serum esRAGE levels were measured in longitudinally collected blood samples from 49 T1D patients with MA (MA+) and 49 matched normoalbuminuric patients (MA-), followed in the Oxford Regional Prospective Study. esRAGE levels were compared between MA+ and MA- subjects in relation to the time of MA onset. Overall, esRAGE levels were significantly lower in MA+ than in MA- subjects (0.727 +/- 0.396 vs. 0.936 +/- 0.433 ng/ml; P = 0.015). These differences between the two groups were present both before (0.725 +/- 0.410 vs. 0.956 +/- 0.505 ng/ml, P = 0.038) and after the onset of MA (0.750 +/- 0.433 vs. 0.948 +/- 0.418 ng/ml, P = 0.04). In a longitudinal analysis there was no effect of age, duration, glycated haemoglobin (HbA(1c)) or body mass index standard deviation scores on esRAGE levels (all P > 0.05). In a Cox model, esRAGE levels significantly contributed to the probability of developing MA [Exp(B)(95% confidence interval): 0.34(0.12-0.98); P = 0.04), independently of HbA(1c). In this longitudinal study of young people with T1D, esRAGE levels were reduced in MA+ subjects, even before the onset of MA, and appeared to be related to its development, thus suggesting a potential role of esRAGE in the pathogenesis of this complication. Diabet. Med. 26, 815-819 (2009).

  12. Production of cloned mice from somatic cells, ES cells, and frozen bodies.


    Wakayama, Sayaka; Mizutani, Eiji; Wakayama, Teruhiko


    Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has become a unique and powerful tool for epigenetic reprogramming research and gene manipulation in animals. Although the success rates of somatic cloning have been inefficient and the mechanism of reprogramming is still largely unknown, therefore, the nuclear transfer (NT) method has been thought of as a "black box approach" and inadequate to determine the detail of how genomic reprogramming occurs. However, only the NT approach can reveal dynamic and global modifications in the epigenome without using genetic modification, as well as can create live animals. At present, this is the only technique available for the preservation and propagation of valuable genetic resources from mutant mice that are infertile or too old, or recovered from carcasses, without the use of germ cells. This chapter describes a basic protocol for mouse cloning and embryonic stem (ES) cell establishment from cloned embryo using a piezo-actuated micromanipulator. This technique will greatly help not only in mouse cloning but also in other forms of micromanipulation such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) into oocytes or ES cell injection into blastocysts. In addition, we describe a new, more efficient mouse cloning protocol using histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi), which increases the success rates of cloned mice or establish rate of ES cells to fivefold. Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Identification of a new allele of Es-I segregating in an inbred strain of mice.


    Soares, E R


    A new allele of Es-1, designated Es-1e, has been identified in the mouse. This allele was discovered segregating among the progeny of a strain DBA/2J male and is apparently the result of a spontaneous mutation within this strain. Genetic analyses have shown that this mutation is heritable and, further, that both heterozygous and homozygous progeny are viable and fertile. To date, no discernible deleterious effects have been identified as associated with this mutation.

  14. HD-03/ES: A Herbal Medicine Inhibits Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Secretion in Transfected Human Hepatocarcinoma PLC/PRF/5 Cells.


    Varma, Sandeep R; Sundaram, R; Gopumadhavan, S; Vidyashankar, Satyakumar; Patki, Pralhad S


    HD-03/ES is a herbal formulation used for the treatment of hepatitis B. However, the molecular mechanism involved in the antihepatitis B (HBV) activity of this drug has not been studied using in vitro models. The effect of HD-03/ES on hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) secretion and its gene expression was studied in transfected human hepatocarcinoma PLC/PRF/5 cells. The anti-HBV activity was tested based on the inhibition of HBsAg secretion into the culture media, as detected by HBsAg-specific antibody-mediated enzyme assay (ELISA) at concentrations ranging from 125 to 1000  μ g/mL. The effect of HD-03/ES on HBsAg gene expression was analyzed using semiquantitative multiplex RT-PCR by employing specific primers. The results showed that HD-03/ES suppressed HBsAg production with an IC50 of 380  μ g/mL in PLC/PRF/5 cells for a period of 24 h. HD-03/ES downregulated HBsAg gene expression in PLC/PRF/5 cells. In conclusion, HD-03/ES exhibits strong anti-HBV properties by inhibiting the secretion of hepatitis B surface antigen in PLC/PRF/5 cells, and this action is targeted at the transcription level. Thus, HD-03/ES could be beneficial in the treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis B infections.

  15. Schönheit und andere Provokationen - Eine neue evolutionsbiologische Theorie der Kunst

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Junker, Thomas

    Die Evolution hat viele spektakuläre Phänomene hervorgebracht - von der Eleganz des Vogelflugs über die gigantischen Körper der Dinosaurier und die farbenprächtige Vielfalt der Korallenriffe bis hin zu ihrem jüngsten Geniestreich - der menschlichen Kunst. Die schönen Künste - Malerei, Bildhauerei und Architektur, Theater, Tanz, Oper und Filmkunst, Musik und Literatur - Produkte der Evolution? Diese Vorstellung mutet vielen Menschen fremd an, aber wie könnte es anders sein? Denn wenn Charles Darwin recht hat, dann sind nicht nur die körperlichen Merkmale der Menschen als Antworten auf die Erfordernisse des Lebens entstanden, sondern auch ihre geistigen Fähigkeiten und Verhaltensweisen. Im Jahr 1859 hatte er auf den letzten Seiten seines berühmten Buches über die Entstehung der Arten eine kühne Prophezeiung gemacht: Durch die Evolutionstheorie werde es "zu einer bemerkenswerten Revolution in der Naturwissenschaft kommen […]. Die Psychologie wird auf die neue Grundlage gestellt, dass jede geistige Kraft und Fähigkeit notwendigerweise durch graduelle Übergänge erworben wird“ (Darwin 1859, S. 484, 488; Junker 2008).

  16. Detection of Planetary Emission from the Exoplanet TrES-2 Using Spitzer/IRAC

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Donovan, Francis T.; Charbonneau, David; Harrington, Joseph; Madhusudhan, N.; Seager, Sara; Deming, Drake; Knutson, Heather A.


    We present here the results of our observations of TrES-2 using the Infrared Array Camera on Spitzer. We monitored this transiting system during two secondary eclipses, when the planetary emission is blocked by the star. The resulting decrease in flux is 0.127% +/- 0.021%, 0.230% +/- 0.024%, 0.199% +/- 0.054%, and 0.359% +/- 0.060% at 3.6 microns, 4.5 microns, 5.8 microns, and 8.0 microns, respectively. We show that three of these flux contrasts are well fit by a blackbody spectrum with T(sub eff) = 1500 K, as well as by a more detailed model spectrum of a planetary atmosphere. The observed planet-to-star flux ratios in all four lRAC channels can be explained by models with and without a thermal inversion in the atmosphere of TrES-2, although with different atmospheric chemistry. Based on the assumption of thermochemical equilibrium, the chemical composition of the inversion model seems more plausible, making it a more favorable scenario. TrES-2 also falls in the category of highly irradiated planets which have been theoretically predicted to exhibit thermal inversions. However, more observations at infrared and visible wavelengths would be needed to confirm a thermal inversion in this system. Furthermore, we find that the times of the secondary eclipses are consistent with previously published times of transit and the expectation from a circular orbit. This implies that TrES-2 most likely has a circular orbit, and thus does not obtain additional thermal energy from tidal dissipation of a non-zero orbital eccentricity, a proposed explanation for the large radius of this planet. Key words: eclipses - infrared: stars - planetary systems - stars: individual (OSC 03549-02811) - techniques: photometric


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    O'Donovan, Francis T.; Charbonneau, David; Knutson, Heather A.


    We present here the results of our observations of TrES-2 using the Infrared Array Camera on Spitzer. We monitored this transiting system during two secondary eclipses, when the planetary emission is blocked by the star. The resulting decrease in flux is 0.127% +- 0.021%, 0.230% +- 0.024%, 0.199% +- 0.054%, and 0.359% +- 0.060% at 3.6 {mu}m, 4.5 {mu}m, 5.8 {mu}m, and 8.0 {mu}m, respectively. We show that three of these flux contrasts are well fit by a blackbody spectrum with T{sub eff} = 1500 K, as well as by a more detailed model spectrum of a planetary atmosphere. Themore » observed planet-to-star flux ratios in all four IRAC channels can be explained by models with and without a thermal inversion in the atmosphere of TrES-2, although with different atmospheric chemistry. Based on the assumption of thermochemical equilibrium, the chemical composition of the inversion model seems more plausible, making it a more favorable scenario. TrES-2 also falls in the category of highly irradiated planets which have been theoretically predicted to exhibit thermal inversions. However, more observations at infrared and visible wavelengths would be needed to confirm a thermal inversion in this system. Furthermore, we find that the times of the secondary eclipses are consistent with previously published times of transit and the expectation from a circular orbit. This implies that TrES-2 most likely has a circular orbit, and thus does not obtain additional thermal energy from tidal dissipation of a non-zero orbital eccentricity, a proposed explanation for the large radius of this planet.« less

  18. Teratocarcinomas induced by embryonic stem (ES) cells lacking vimentin: an approach to study the role of vimentin in tumorigenesis.


    Langa, F; Kress, C; Colucci-Guyon, E; Khun, H; Vandormael-Pournin, S; Huerre, M; Babinet, C


    Vimentin is a class III intermediate filament protein widely expressed in the developing embryo and in cells of mesenchymal origin in the adult. Vimentin knock-out mice develop and reproduce without any obvious defect. This is an unexpected finding in view of the high degree of conservation of the vimentin gene among vertebrates. However, it does not exclude the possibility of a role for vimentin in pathological conditions, like tumorigenesis. To address this question directly, we have used a teratocarcinoma model involving the injection of ES cells into syngeneic mice. ES cells lacking vimentin were generated from 129/Sv Vim-/- mice with high efficiency. The absence of vimentin did not affect ES cell morphology, viability or growth rate in vitro. Tumours were induced by subcutaneous injection of either Vim-/- or Vim+/+ ES cells into Vim+/+ and Vim-/- mice, in order to analyse the effect of the absence of vimentin in either the tumorigenic cells or the host mice. No significant differences were found in either tumour incidence, size or vascularization of teratocarcinomas obtained with all possible combinations. Vim-/- ES-derived tumours showed the same cellular composition typical of teratocarcinomas induced by wild-type ES cells together with a very similar apoptotic pattern. Taken together, these results demonstrate that in this model vimentin is not essential for efficient tumour growth and differentiation in vivo.

  19. Stereoskopische Visualisierung einer Infektion mammalischer Zellen durch pathogene Bakterien

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Granseier, Michael; Grassmé, Heike; Gulbins, Erich; Lipinski, Hans-Gerd

    Die Infektion mammalischer Zellen durch pathogene Bakterien ist biologisch immer noch nicht sicher geklärt. Mit Hilfe der Laserscanmikroskopie ist es mittlerweile aber möglich, räumliche Bilddaten von Zellproben zu erstellen, auf denen der Eindringvorgang der Bakterien in das Zellinnere durch verschieden leuchtende Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe visualisiert werden kann. Unter Verwendung bekannter und adaptierter 3D-Rekonstruktionsalgorithmen werden dreidimensionale Visualisierungen von Mikroskopiebildern vorgestellt, mit deren Hilfe die Analyse des Infektionsprozesses erleichtert wird. Dabei hat sich gezeigt, dass mit Oberflächenrekonstruktionsverfahren die Topografie der Zelloberfiäche korrekt dargestellt werden kann, während die Darstellung der Farbstoffverteilungen besser durch ein Texture-Mapping-Verfahren gelingt. Die Rekonstruktionen konnten insbesondere durch den Einsatz von stereoskopischen Visualisierungstechniken detailgenau analysiert werden.

  20. Lignes directrices sur la prise en charge en soins primaires des céphalées chez l’adulte

    PubMed Central

    Becker, Werner J.; Findlay, Ted; Moga, Carmen; Scott, N. Ann; Harstall, Christa; Taenzer, Paul


    Résumé Objectif Accroître l’utilisation d’approches éclairées par des données probantes pour diagnostiquer, investiguer et traiter en soins primaires les céphalées des patients. Qualité des données Une recherche documentaire exhaustive a été effectuée pour trouver des lignes directrices et des révisions systématiques publiées entre janvier 2000 et mai 2011. La grille d’évaluation de la qualité des recommandations pour la pratique clinique AGREE a servi à l’analyse critique des lignes directrices. Les 6 guides de pratique clinique de la plus grande qualité ont servi de base dans le processus d’adaptation. Message principal Un groupe d’élaboration multidisciplinaire de professionnels des soins primaires ont formulé 91 recommandations précises à l’aide d’un processus consensuel. Les recommandations portent sur le diagnostic, l’investigation et la prise en charge de la migraine, de la céphalée de tension, de la céphalée due à une surmédication et de la céphalée vasculaire de Horton. Conclusion Un guide de pratique clinique adapté au contexte des soins de santé au Canada a été produit en suivant un processus d’adaptation de lignes directrices dans le but d’aider les professionnels de toutes les disciplines des soins primaires à dispenser des soins éclairés par des données probantes aux patients souffrant de céphalées.

  1. Determinants of acceptance of cervical cancer screening in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


    Kahesa, Crispin; Kjaer, Susanne; Mwaiselage, Julius; Ngoma, Twalib; Tersbol, Britt; Dartell, Myassa; Rasch, Vibeke


    To describe how demographic characteristics and knowledge of cervical cancer influence screening acceptance among women living in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Multistage cluster sampling was carried out in 45 randomly selected streets in Dar es Salaam. Women between the ages of 25-59 who lived in the sampled streets were invited to a cervical cancer screening; 804 women accepted and 313 rejected the invitation. Information on demographic characteristics and knowledge of cervical cancer were obtained through structured questionnaire interviews. Women aged 35-44 and women aged 45-59 had increased ORs of 3.52 and 7.09, respectively, for accepting screening. Increased accepting rates were also found among single women (OR 2.43) and among women who had attended primary or secondary school (ORs of 1.81 and 1.94). Women who had 0-2 children were also more prone to accept screening in comparison with women who had five or more children (OR 3.21). Finally, knowledge of cervical cancer and awareness of the existing screening program were also associated with increased acceptance rates (ORs of 5.90 and 4.20). There are identifiable subgroups where cervical cancer screening can be increased in Dar es Salaam. Special attention should be paid to women of low education and women of high parity. In addition, knowledge and awareness raising campaigns that goes hand in hand with culturally acceptable screening services will likely lead to an increased uptake of cervical cancer screening.

  2. Trajet de soins des personnes âgées à Bobo-Dioulasso, au Burkina Faso: une enquête transversale

    PubMed Central

    Hien, Hervé; Berthé, Abdramane; Konaté, Blahima; Drabo, Maxime koiné; Tou, Fatoumata; Somda, Désiré; Badini-Kinda, Fatoumata; Macq, Jean


    Introduction En Afrique, il y n'a pas encore une maitrise du trajet de soins des personnes âgées pour construire des modèles de soins adaptés afin d'améliorer leur prise en charge. L'objectif de cette étude était de décrire le trajet de soins des personnes âgées à Bobo-Dioulasso. Méthodes Nous avons réalisé une étude transversale à prédominance qualitative avec des personnes âgées vivant dans les ménages dans la ville de Bobo-Dioulasso de septembre à novembre 2012. Nous avons sélectionné 30 personnes âgées de manière raisonnée dans 22 secteurs. Des entretiens qualitatifs ont été réalisés. Le recours aux soins formels, informels et mixtes a été analysé. Résultats Le trajet de soins des personnes âgées à Bobo-Dioulasso était à prédominance mixte: elles utilisaient à la fois pour le même épisode de maladie les services publics et privés l'automédication à domicile, la médecine traditionnelle, l'utilisation des médicaments du marche informel de la rue. Les premiers recours aux soins étaient à l'initiative des personnes âgées elles-mêmes. Les recours aux soins formels étaient largement utilisés par les personnes âgées qui avaient un revenu de pension. Conclusion Devant la complexité de la prise en charge des personnes âgées présentant plusieurs pathologies et ayant différents recours des soins il y a une nécessité d'orienter le système d'offre de soins vers une coordination dite « collective ». PMID:26097632

  3. Effects of energy content and energy density of pre-portioned entrées on energy intake.


    Blatt, Alexandria D; Williams, Rachel A; Roe, Liane S; Rolls, Barbara J


    Pre-portioned entrées are commonly consumed to help control portion size and limit energy intake. The influence of entrée characteristics on energy intake, however, has not been well studied. We determined how the effects of energy content and energy density (ED, kcal/g) of pre-portioned entrées combine to influence daily energy intake. In a crossover design, 68 non-dieting adults (28 men and 40 women) were provided with breakfast, lunch, and dinner on 1 day a week for 4 weeks. Each meal included a compulsory, manipulated pre-portioned entrée followed by a variety of unmanipulated discretionary foods that were consumed ad libitum. Across conditions, the entrées were varied in both energy content and ED between a standard level (100%) and a reduced level (64%). Results showed that in men, decreases in the energy content and ED of pre-portioned entrées acted independently and added together to reduce daily energy intake (both P < 0.01). Simultaneously decreasing the energy content and ED reduced total energy intake in men by 16% (445 ± 47 kcal/day; P < 0.0001). In women, the entrée factors also had independent effects on energy intake at breakfast and lunch, but at dinner and for the entire day the effects depended on the interaction of the two factors (P < 0.01). Simultaneously decreasing the energy content and ED reduced daily energy intake in women by 14% (289 ± 35 kcal/day; P < 0.0001). Both the energy content and ED of pre-portioned entrées affect daily energy intake and could influence the effectiveness of such foods for weight management.

  4. A TeV-Detected Blazar 1ES 1959+650 in a Strong 0.3-10 keV Flaring State

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kapanadze, Bidzina


    Since 2015 August, the nearby TeV-detected HBL source 1ES 1959+650 (z=0.048) is showing a phase of considerably enhanced X-ray flaring activity compared to the previous years (Kapanadze et al. "A recent strong X-ray flaring activity of 1ES 1959+650 with possibly less efficient stochastic acceleration", MNRAS, 461, L26; Kapanadze et al. 2017, "The second strong X-ray flare in 1ES 1959+650", MNRAS, 473, 2542; ATel #9949, # 9694, #9205, # 9121, #8468, # 8342, # 8289, #8014, #10439, #10622).

  5. 75 FR 5931 - Anthropomorphic Test Devices; Hybrid III Test Dummy, ES-2re Side Impact Crash Test Dummy

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... [Docket No. NHTSA-2009-0194] RIN 2127-AK64 Anthropomorphic Test Devices; Hybrid III Test Dummy, ES-2re Side Impact Crash Test Dummy AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Department... adopted specifications and qualification requirements for a new crash test dummy called the ``ES- 2re...

  6. 76 FR 31860 - Anthropomorphic Test Devices; Hybrid III Test Dummy, ES-2re Side Impact Crash Test Dummy

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... [Docket No. NHTSA-2010-0146] RIN 2127-AK64 Anthropomorphic Test Devices; Hybrid III Test Dummy, ES-2re Side Impact Crash Test Dummy AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Department..., 2008, concerning a 50th percentile adult male side crash test dummy called the ``ES-2re'' test dummy...

  7. The treatment implementation advisor: a component of the GypsES project


    Michael C. Saunders; Michael A. Foster


    The treatment implementation advisor is one of the knowledge based advisory modules of GypsES, a knowledge system environment for decision support in gypsy moth management. Its function is to provide detailed advice on intervention tactics for gypsy moth: e.g. aerial and ground application of insecticides and microbials, inundative or augmentative releases of...

  8. Ground-based K-band detection of thermal emission from the exoplanet TrES-3b

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Mooij, E. J. W.; Snellen, I. A. G.


    Context: Secondary eclipse measurements of transiting extrasolar planets with the Spitzer Space Telescope have yielded several direct detections of thermal exoplanet light. Since Spitzer operates at wavelengths longward of 3.6 μm, arguably one of the most interesting parts of the planet spectrum (from 1 to 3 μm) is inaccessible with this satellite. This region is at the peak of the planet's spectral energy distribution and is also the regime where molecular absorption bands can significantly influence the measured emission. Aims: So far, 2.2 μm K-band secondary eclipse measurements, which are possible from the ground, have not yet lead to secure detections. The aim of this paper is to measure the secondary eclipse of the very hot Jupiter TrES-3b in K-band, and in addition to observe its transit, to obtain an accurate planet radius in the near infrared. Methods: We have used the william herschell telescope (WHT) to observe the secondary eclipse, and the united kingdom infrared telescope (UKIRT) to observe the transit of TrES-3b. Both observations involved significant defocusing of the telescope, aimed to produce high-cadence time series of several thousand frames at high efficiency, with the starlight spread out over many pixels. Results: We detect the secondary eclipse of TrES-3b with a depth of -0.241 ± 0.043% (~6σ). This corresponds to a day-side brightness temperature of TB(2.2 μm) = 2040 ± 185 K, which is consistent with current models of the physical properties of this planet's upper atmosphere. The centre of the eclipse seems slightly offset from phase φ=0.5 by Δφ = -0.0042 ± 0.0027, which could indicate that the orbit of TrES-3b is non-circular. Analysis of the transit data shows that TrES-3b has a near-infrared radius of 1.338 ± 0.016 R_Jup, showing no significant deviation from optical measurements.

  9. An analysis of the transit times of TrES-1b

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Steffen, Jason H.; Agol, Eric


    The presence of a second planet in a known, transiting-planet system will cause the time between transits to vary. These variations can be used to constrain the orbital elements and mass of the perturbing planet. We analyse the set of transit times of the TrES-1 system given in Charbonneau et al. We find no convincing evidence for a second planet in the TrES-1 system from those data. By further analysis, we constrain the mass that a perturbing planet could have as a function of the semi-major axis ratio of the two planets and the eccentricity of the perturbing planet. Near low-order, mean-motion resonances (within ~1 per cent fractional deviation), we find that a secondary planet must generally have a mass comparable to or less than the mass of the Earth - showing that these data are the first to have sensitivity to sub-Earth-mass planets. We compare the sensitivity of this technique to the mass of the perturbing planet with future, high-precision radial velocity measurements.

  10. Repetitive Protein Unfolding by the trans Ring of the GroEL-GroES Chaperonin Complex Stimulates Folding*

    PubMed Central

    Lin, Zong; Puchalla, Jason; Shoup, Daniel; Rye, Hays S.


    A key constraint on the growth of most organisms is the slow and inefficient folding of many essential proteins. To deal with this problem, several diverse families of protein folding machines, known collectively as molecular chaperones, developed early in evolutionary history. The functional role and operational steps of these remarkably complex nanomachines remain subjects of active debate. Here we present evidence that, for the GroEL-GroES chaperonin system, the non-native substrate protein enters the folding cycle on the trans ring of the double-ring GroEL-ATP-GroES complex rather than the ADP-bound complex. The properties of this ATP complex are designed to ensure that non-native substrate protein binds first, followed by ATP and finally GroES. This binding order ensures efficient occupancy of the open GroEL ring and allows for disruption of misfolded structures through two phases of multiaxis unfolding. In this model, repeated cycles of partial unfolding, followed by confinement within the GroEL-GroES chamber, provide the most effective overall mechanism for facilitating the folding of the most stringently dependent GroEL substrate proteins. PMID:24022487

  11. Sox2 regulatory region 2 sequence works as a DNA nuclear targeting sequence enhancing the efficiency of an exogenous gene expression in ES cells

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Funabashi, Hisakage; Takatsu, Makoto; Saito, Mikako


    Research highlights: {yields} SV40-DTS worked as a DTS in ES cells as well as other types of cells. {yields} Sox2 regulatory region 2 worked as a DTS in ES cells and thus was termed as SRR2-DTS. {yields} SRR2-DTS was suggested as an ES cell-specific DTS. -- Abstract: In this report, the effects of two DNA nuclear targeting sequence (DTS) candidates on the gene expression efficiency in ES cells were investigated. Reporter plasmids containing the simian virus 40 (SV40) promoter/enhancer sequence (SV40-DTS), a DTS for various types of cells but not being reported yet for ES cells, and the 81 basemore » pairs of Sox2 regulatory region 2 (SRR2) where two transcriptional factors in ES cells, Oct3/4 and Sox2, are bound (SRR2-DTS), were introduced into cytoplasm in living cells by femtoinjection. The gene expression efficiencies of each plasmid in mouse insulinoma cell line MIN6 cells and mouse ES cells were then evaluated. Plasmids including SV40-DTS and SRR2-DTS exhibited higher gene expression efficiency comparing to plasmids without these DTSs, and thus it was concluded that both sequences work as a DTS in ES cells. In addition, it was suggested that SRR2-DTS works as an ES cell-specific DTS. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report to confirm the function of DTSs in ES cells.« less

  12. Substantial superiority of Niobe ES over Niobe II system in remote-controlled magnetic pulmonary vein isolation.


    Da Costa, Antoine; Guichard, Jean Baptiste; Maillard, Nicolas; Romeyer-Bouchard, Cécile; Gerbay, Antoine; Isaaz, Karl


    Catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation (AFib) primarily relies upon pulmonary vein isolation (PVI), but such procedures are associated with significant X-ray exposure. The newer Epoch system has been developed so as to enable more precise magnetic navigation whilst limiting X-ray exposure. This study was aimed at quantifying both exposure time and X-ray reduction with the newer Epoch system compared to Niobe II during AFib ablation procedures. From November 2011 to November 2013, our last 92 consecutive patients treated with the Niobe ES (Epoch Solution; 4th generation magnetic navigation technology) system were compared with the first 92 consecutive patients treated using the Niobe II system (3rd generation magnetic navigation technology) for symptomatic drug-refractory AFib. Mean patient age was 59±11years (20% female), and the study population was affected by either symptomatic paroxysmal (65.2%) or persistent (34.8%) AFib. Median procedure time was 2±0.5h and median total X-ray exposure 12.3±6.4min. Procedure time (1.9±0.4 vs. 2.7±1h, p<0.0001) and X-ray duration (12±4 vs. 15±7min, p=0.001) were significantly lower with Niobe ES than with the Niobe II system. X-ray ablation exposure time was also significantly lower with the Niobe ES system than with the Niobe II system (2.9±2 vs. 4±3.5min; p=0.01). Through multivariate analysis, the only predictive factors influencing both procedure duration and X-ray exposure were found to be the Niobe ES system use and LA size. Our study was the first to demonstrate that the new Niobe ES magnetic robotic system substantially reduced overall operating, fluoroscopy, and ablation times during AFib ablation procedure. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Double-mode Two-photon Absorption and Enhanced Photon Antibunching Due to Interference

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bandilla, A.; Ritze, H.-H.

    Inspired by results of interfering signal and idler from a nondegenerate parametric amplifier we investigate the photon statistics of the resulting field after interference of two components subjected to double-mode two-photon absorption. This absorption process leads to a strong correlation of the participating modes, which can be used to generate fields with photon antibunching in interference experiments. In addition the photon number can be made small, which produces enhanced antibunching.Translated AbstractZwei-Photonen-Absorption aus zwei Moden und durch Interferenz verstärktes photon antibunchingDie quantenmechanische Betrachtung der Interferenz führt zu neuen Ergebnissen, wenn Felder ohne klassisches Analogon betrachtet werden. Insbesondere ergibt sich durch die Reduktion der Photonenzahl durch Interferenz eine effektive Verstärkung des Photon Antibunching, wie von den Verfassern in vorhergehenden Arbeiten gezeigt wurde. Die vorliegende Untersuchung betrachtet die Interferenz von zwei korrelierten Moden, wobei die Korrelation durch Zwei-Photonen-Absorption aus den beiden Moden zustande kommt. In jeder einzelnen Mode ergibt sich lediglich ein gewisses Bunching, wenn man mit kohärentem Licht in beiden Moden beginnt. Es wird die Interferenz der Feldstärke-Komponenten in bestimmten Polarisationsrichtungen untersucht. Zur Vereinfachung wird in den betrachteten Moden die gleiche Anfangsphotonenzahl vorausgesetzt und der Analysator auf minimale Transmittanz gebracht. Das eigentliche Signal entsteht dann durch Einführung einer endlichen Phasenverschiebung zwischen den beiden Moden. Dieses Signal zeigt Antibunching und kann in seiner Intensität beliebig variiert werden, was wegen des (1/n)-Charakters des Antibunching zu seiner Verstärkung führt. Ferner wird gezeigt, daß die zunächst für zwei linear polarisierte Moden durchgeführte Rechnung auf zwei zirkulare Moden sowie auf zwei gegenläufige Strahlen bei der dopplerfreien Zwei-Quanten-Absorption

  14. A resource of vectors and ES cells for targeted deletion of microRNAs in mice

    PubMed Central

    Prosser, Haydn M.; Koike-Yusa, Hiroko; Cooper, James D.; Law, Frances C.; Bradley, Allan


    The 21-23 nucleotide single-stranded RNAs classified as microRNAs (miRNA) perform fundamental roles in a wide range of cellular and developmental processes. miRNAs regulate protein expression through sequence-specific base pairing with target messenger RNAs (mRNA) reducing both their stability and the process of protein translation1, 2. At least 30% of protein coding genes appear to be conserved targets for miRNAs1. In contrast to the protein coding genes3, 4, no public resource of miRNA mouse mutant alleles exists. We have generated a library of highly germ-line transmissible C57BL/6N mouse mutant embryonic stem (ES) cells with targeted deletions for the majority of miRNA genes currently annotated within the miRBase registry5. These alleles have been designed to be highly adaptable research tools that can be efficiently altered to create reporter, conditional and other allelic variants. This ES cell resource can be searched electronically and is available from ES cell repositories for distribution to the scientific community6. PMID:21822254

  15. The Four Es 1-year later: a tool for predicting the development of gambling problems.


    Rockloff, Matthew J; Dyer, Victoria


    The Four Es is a 40-item scale measuring psychological risk for the development of problem gambling behavior. One-year follow-up interviews (n = 395) from a previously reported phone survey in Queensland, Australia (n = 2,577) (Rockloff & Dyer, 2006) tested the ability of the Four Es instrument to prospectively identify persons who would later develop gambling problems. Two groups of participants were selected for the 1-year follow-up interviews, including (1) persons who had gambling problems, high-risk alcohol abuse problems, and/or substance abuse problems (abuse group); and (2) a random selection of other persons from the original survey (random group). The results indicated that the "Excess" trait, which measures impulsive behavior, was predictive of relative increases in gambling problems for both groups over the 1-year period. Additionally, the Four Es questionnaire showed good psychometric properties in the surveys, with a test-retest reliability of r = .70 and a Cronbach's alpha reliability of alpha = .90 and .92 in the original and follow-up interviews, respectively.

  16. Highly efficient biallelic genome editing of human ES/iPS cells using a CRISPR/Cas9 or TALEN system.


    Takayama, Kazuo; Igai, Keisuke; Hagihara, Yasuko; Hashimoto, Rina; Hanawa, Morifumi; Sakuma, Tetsushi; Tachibana, Masashi; Sakurai, Fuminori; Yamamoto, Takashi; Mizuguchi, Hiroyuki


    Genome editing research of human ES/iPS cells has been accelerated by clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated 9 (CRISPR/Cas9) and transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALEN) technologies. However, the efficiency of biallelic genetic engineering in transcriptionally inactive genes is still low, unlike that in transcriptionally active genes. To enhance the biallelic homologous recombination efficiency in human ES/iPS cells, we performed screenings of accessorial genes and compounds. We found that RAD51 overexpression and valproic acid treatment enhanced biallelic-targeting efficiency in human ES/iPS cells regardless of the transcriptional activity of the targeted locus. Importantly, RAD51 overexpression and valproic acid treatment synergistically increased the biallelic homologous recombination efficiency. Our findings would facilitate genome editing study using human ES/iPS cells. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  17. Mouse ES cells have a potential to differentiate into odontoblast-like cells using hanging drop method.


    Kawai, R; Ozeki, N; Yamaguchi, H; Tanaka, T; Nakata, K; Mogi, M; Nakamura, H


    We examined whether mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells can differentiate into odontoblast-like cells without epithelial-mesenchymal interaction. Cells were cultured by the 'hanging drop' method using a collagen type-I scaffold (CS) combined with bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-4 (CS/BMP-4). Expression of odontoblast-related mRNA and protein, and cell proliferation were performed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), immunofluorescence staining and WST-1 assay, respectively. Cells potently expressed odontoblast-related cell marker mRNAs following induction of odontoblastic differentiation. Dentin sialophosphoprotein, a marker of mature odontoblasts, was strongly expressed in differentiated ES cells. The cells also acquired an odontoblast-like functional phenotype, as evidenced by the appearance of alkaline phosphatase activity and calcification. The cell-surface expression of α2, α6, αV and αVβ3 integrin proteins was rapidly upregulated in differentiated cells. Finally, anti-α2 integrin antibody suppressed the expression of odontoblastic markers in cells grown using this culture system, suggesting that α2 integrin expression in ES cells triggers their differentiation into odontoblast-like cells. Mouse ES cells cultured by the 'hanging drop' method are able to differentiate into cells with odontoblast-specific physiological functions and cell-surface integrin protein expression. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. Historique en grandes enjambées de la thermodynamique de l'équilibre

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hertz, J.


    La Thermodynamique, une science totalement nouvelle au XIXème siècle, a germé en France en contrepoint des idées du siècle des Lumières, dans le milieu particulier des anciens élèves de l’Ecole Polytechnique, officiers supérieurs formés pour l’armée républicaine ou napoléonienne, mais qui ne trouvaient plus leur place dans l’armée de la Restauration. Ils se convertissaient en ingénieurs civils des métiers industriels en pleine expansion, comme le développement de la machine à vapeur ou des chemins de fer. La plupart d’entre eux, plutôt libre-penseurs, adhéraient aux idées scientistes du « positivisme », véhiculées dans les Loges de la Franc-Maçonnerie du Grand Orient de France et plus particulièrement dans les cercles Saint-Simoniens, premiers adeptes du socialisme industriel. C’est ainsi que naquit en 1824, dans le cerveau subtil mais brouillon de Sadi Carnot toute la vision illuminée de cette science nouvelle, incompréhensible pour ses contemporains. Elle ressuscita en 1834 sous la plume d’un Emile Clapeyron qui avait pris conscience de l’immensité de l’œuvre de Sadi Carnot. Mais le rappel de Clapeyron demeura également sans écho pendant dix années. Le réveil de la Thermodynamique se fera désormais hors de France par des hommes de grande pratique religieuse et généralement protestants. C’est ainsi que William Thomson en Ecosse et Rudolph Clausius, venu de Prusse, achevèrent l’œuvre de leurs deux prédécesseurs et que la Thermodynamique mécano-thermique fut définitivement établie en 1864. La thermodynamique chimique peut être attribuée à un seul génie mathématicien, Josiah Willard Gibbs qui travaillait tout seul au Yale College de New-Haven, dans le Connecticut, et rédigea sa nouvelle théorie entre 1875 et 1878. Enfin l’interprétation statistique du second principe sera l’œuvre en 1877 d’un Autrichien, Ludwig Boltzmann, homme génial mais fragile qui eut le temps d’insuffler ses idées

  19. Opacités nodulaires diffuses et calcifiées

    PubMed Central

    Jabri, Hasna; Bopaka, Régis Gothard; Lakhdar, Nawal; Moubachir, Houda; Khattabi, Wiam El; Afif, Hicham


    L’adénocarcinome pulmonaire est difficile à évoquer d’emblée devant les données anamnestiques et même radiologiques. Nous rapportons une observation d’une femme présentant une dyspnée avec la radiographie une opacité micronodulaire disséminée, confluente dans les deux champs pulmonaires avec des calcifications par endroit. L’histologie à travers les biopsies transbronchiques a permis de poser le diagnostic. Le pronostic était sombre par le décès de la patiente. PMID:27795800

  20. Development of Mouse Embryonic Stem (ES) Cells: IV Differentiation to Mature T and B Lymphocytes after Implantation of Embryoid Bodies Into Nude Mice

    PubMed Central

    Mok, Hoyan


    Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells in culture can differentiate into late stages of many lineage-committed precursor cells. Under appropriate organ-culture conditions, ES cels differentiate into lymphoidlike cells at a stage equivalent to lymphoid cells found in fetal liver. These hematopoietic precursors are located in cup-shaped structures found in some embryoid bodies; we called such embryoid bodies “ES fetuses.” In this study, we have followed the maturation of hematopoietic cells after implantation of ES fetuses into nude mice for 3 weeks. ES-cell-derived lymphoid cells-pre-B cells, mature B cells, and mature T cells were found in all lymphoid organs. Interestingly, there was also an increase of T cells of host origin. Because native nude mouse lack thymus, these T cells might be educated by thymuslike epithelium generated from ES fetuses. Practical applications of this combined in vitro and in vivo system are discussed. PMID:9700357

  1. 30ièmes Journées Franco-Belges de Pharmacochimie

    PubMed Central

    Aci-Sèche, Samia; Buron, Frédéric; Plé, Karen; Robin, Laurent; Suzenet, Franck; Routier, Sylvain


    The “Journées Franco-Belges de Pharmacochimie” is a recognized annual meeting in organic and medicinal chemistry known for the quality of scientific exchange and conviviality. Young researchers were encouraged to present their work and share ideas with senior scientists. Abstracts of plenary lectures, oral communications, and posters presented during the meeting are collected in this report. PMID:27869720

  2. Enhanced X-ray Activity of the UHBL Source 1ES 0033+595

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kapanadze, Bidzina


    The TeV-detected ultra-high-energy peaked BL Lacertae source (UHBL) 1ES 0033+595 was observed 87 times with X-Ray Telescope (XRT) onboard the Neil Geherels Swift Observatory since 2005 April 1 with a total exposure of 117 ks (Mostly, in the framework of our ToO requests).

  3. Mehr Mathematik Wagen in der Medizin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Deuflhard, Peter; Dössel, Olaf; Louis, Alfred K.; Zachow, Stefan

    In diesem Artikel wird an drei Erfolgsmodellen dargestellt, wie das Zusammenwirken von Mathematik und Medizin eine Entwicklung hin zu patientenspezifischen Modellen auf Basis moderner medizinischer Bildgebung angestoßen hat, die in naher Zukunft dynamisch weiter Raum greifen wird. Dabei existiert ein Gleichklang der Interessen von Medizin und Mathematik: Beide Disziplinen wollen die Resultate schnell und zuverlässig. Für die Klinik heißt dies, dass notwendige Rechnungen in möglichst kurzer Zeit, und zwar auf dem PC, ablaufen müssen und dass die Resultate so genau und belastbar sein müssen, dass medizinische Entscheidungen darauf aufbauen können. Für die Mathematik folgt daraus, dass höchste Anforderungen an die Effizienz der verwendeten Algorithmen und die darauf aufbauende Software in Numerik und Visualisierung zu stellen sind. Allerdings ist es noch ein weiter Weg, bis anatomische und medizinisch brauchbare funktionelle Modelle auch nur für die wichtigsten Körperteile und die häufigsten Krankheitsfälle verfügbar sein werden. Führende Universitätskliniken könnten, als Zentren einer interdisziplinären Kooperation von Medizinern, Ingenieuren und Mathematikern, eine Vorreiterrolle dabei übernehmen, mehr Mathematik in der Medizin zu wagen. Dies wäre zweifellos ein wichtiger Schritt in Richtung auf eine individuelle quantitative Medizin, bei dem Deutschland die besten Voraussetzungen hätte, die Rolle des "Schrittmachers“ zu übernehmen.

  4. Development of an ES-like cell culture system (RESC) from rohu, Labeo rohita (Ham.).


    Goswami, M; Lakra, W S; Yadav, Kamalendra; Jena, J K


    An embryonic stem (ES)-like cell culture system RESC from a commercially important freshwater carp, Labeo rohita, was developed using blastula stage embryos. The cells were cultured in Leibovitz-15 (L-15) medium in gelatin-coated cell culture flask supplemented with 15 % fetal bovine serum along with 10 ng ml(-1) basic fibroblast growth factor at 28 °C under feeder-free conditions. The ES-like cells were characterized by their unique morphology, alkaline phosphatase activity, embryoid body formation tendency, expression of transcription factor Oct4, and consistent chromosome count. The RESC cells when treated with retinoic acid differentiated into cells of different lineages. The RESC developed from mid-blastula embryos of L. rohita would be a useful tool for cellular differentiation and gene expression studies.

  5. IQM-Reifegradmodell für die Bewertung und Verbesserung des Information Lifecycle Management Prozesses

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Baškarada, Saša; Gebauer, Marcus; Koronios, Andy; Gao, Jing

    Heutige Organisationen produzieren und speichern mehr Informationen als je zuvor. Der resultierende Informationsüberfluss, zusammen mit einem Mangel an Qualitätssicherung für das Information Lifecycle Management, führt zu einem unsicheren Status der Informationsqualität in vielen Organisationen. Weiterhin hat sich herausgestellt, dass das Bewerten, Verbessern und Steuern der Informationsqualität ein offenkundig schwieriges Unterfangen ist. Dieses Kapitel stellt ein Modell zur Bewertung und Verbesserung der Information Quality Management Capability Maturity (IQM-Reifegrad) vor. Es wird ein Satz von Kriterien vorgestellt, der aus Literaturrecherche und Fallstudien abgeleitet wurde. Die Reifegradindikatoren werden validiert und in einem mehrstufigen Reifegradmodell durch eine Delphi-Studie gruppiert. Das abgeleitete IQM-Reifegradmodell hilft Organisationen ihre bestehenden Praktiken im IQM zu bewerten und potentielle Lücken und Verbesserungsstrategien zu ermitteln.

  6. PVD-Beschichtungstechnologie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lake, Markus K.

    Die PVD-Technologie umfasst eine Reihe von Beschichtungsverfahren zur Abscheidung von Metallen, Legierungen oder chemischen Verbindungen durch Zufuhr von thermischer Energie oder durch Teilchenbeschuss im Hochvakuum. PVDVerfahren gestatten u. a. die Beschichtung bei niedrigen Prozesstemperaturen, so dass thermisch sensible Substrate, z. B. wärmebehandelte Stähle oder ausgewählte Kunststoffe, beschichtet werden können. Insbesondere mit dem Magnetron Sputter Ion Plating-Verfahren (MSIP-Verfahren) und mit dem Arc Ion Plating-Verfahren (AIP-Verfahren) ist es möglich, thermisch vorbehandelte Werkstoffe zu beschichten, ohne den eingestellten Wärmebehandlungszustand (Härte, Spannungszustand) zu verändern. Ferner können endbearbeitete Bauteile mit der PVD-Technologie beschichtet werden, da die eingesetzten PVD-Verfahren die Ausgangsoberfläche konturgetreu abbilden, ohne dass eine Nachbearbeitung erforderlich wird.

  7. Werkstoffe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hornbogen, Erhard; Eggeler, Gunther; Werner, Ewald

    Lernziel: Dieses Kapitel vermittelt einen ersten Eindruck von Werkstoffen, die bestimmte technische Eigenschaften besitzen müssen, dabei einfach herstellbar sein sollen und die Forderung der Wirtschaftlichkeit erfüllen müssen. Wir diskutieren Werkstoffe in einfachen, allgemeinen und speziellen Zusammenhängen und lernen das Wissensgebiet Werkstoffkunde kennen, das die Werkstoffwissenschaft und die Werkstofftechnik umfasst. Wir verschaffen uns einen ersten Eindruck vom mikroskopischen Aufbau der vier Werkstoffgruppen Metalle, Gläser/Keramiken, Kunststoffe und Verbundwerkstoffe. Wir lernen einige wichtige Werkstoffeigenschaften kennen. Es geht dann um zuverl ässige Datenüber Eigenschaften von Werkstoffen und in diesem Zusammenhang wird die Prüfung, die Normung und die Bezeichnung von Werkstoffen betrachtet. Schließlich befassen wir uns kurz mit der zeitlichen Entwicklung von Werkstoffen und führen den Begriff der Nachhaltigkeit ein.

  8. Nebenwirkungen von TNF-alpha-Inhibitoren am Hautorgan.


    Lindhaus, Claudia; Tittelbach, Jörg; Elsner, Peter


    TNF-alpha-Inhibitoren werden seit Anfang der 1990er Jahre erfolgreich zur Behandlung diverser immunvermittelter entzündlicher Erkrankungen eingesetzt. Inzwischen gibt es eine umfangreiche Datenlage bezüglich ihrer Sicherheit. Nebenwirkungen sind bezogen auf die Häufigkeit der Anwendung selten und meist nicht schwerwiegend. Zu den Nebenwirkungen am Hautorgan zählen lokale injektionsassoziierte Reaktionen, Infektionen, immunvermittelte Reaktionen sowie Neoplasien. Die häufigsten schwerwiegenden Nebenwirkungen sind infektiöser Natur. Mykobakterielle Infektionen, aber auch non-mykobakterielle Erreger, Viren und Pilze können potenziell letale, systemische Infektionen auslösen. Im Folgenden wird eine Übersicht über das gegenwärtige Wissen bezüglich der Nebenwirkungen von TNFα-Inhibitoren am Hautorgan gegeben. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. LSWS linked with the low-latitude Es and its implications for the growth of the R-T instability

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Joshi, L. M.


    A comprehensive investigation of spread F irregularities over the Indian sector has been carried out using VHF radar and ionosonde observations. Two different categories of spread F observations, one where the onset of the range spread F (RSF) was concurrent with the peak h'F (category 1) and another where the RSF onset happened ~90 min after the peak h'F time (category 2), are presented. RSF in category 2 was preceded by the presence of oblique echoes in ionograms, indicating the irregularity genesis westward of Sriharikota. The average peak h'F in category 1 was ~30 km higher than that in category 2 indicating the presence of standing large-scale wave structure (LSWS). Occurrence of the blanketing Es during 19:30 to 20:30 Indian Standard Time in category 1 (category 2) was 0% (>50%). Model computation is also carried out to further substantiate the observational results. Model computation indicates that zonal variation of low-latitude Es can generate zonal modulation in the F layer height rise. It is found that the modulation of the F layer height, linked with the low-latitude Es, assists the equatorial spread F onset by modifying both the growth rate of the collisional Rayleigh-Taylor (R-T) instability and also its efficiency. A predominant presence of low-latitude Es has been observed, but the increase in the F layer height and the R-T instability growth in the evening hours will maximize with complete absence of low-latitude Es. A new mechanism for the generation of LSWS and its implications on R-T instability is discussed.

  10. MAGIC detection of short-term variability of the high-peaked BL Lac object 1ES 0806+524


    Aleksi , J.; Ansoldi, S.; Antonelli, L. A.; ...


    The high-frequency-peaked BL Lac (HBL) 1ES 0806+524 (z = 0.138) was discovered in very high energy (VHE) γ-rays in 2008. Until now, the broad-band spectrum of 1ES 0806+524 has been only poorly characterized, in particular at high energies. In this paper, we analysed multiwavelength observations from γ-rays to radio performed from 2011 January to March, which were triggered by the high activity detected at optical frequencies. These observations constitute the most precise determination of the broad-band emission of 1ES 0806+524 to date. The stereoscopic Major Atmospheric Gamma-Ray Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) observations yielded a γ-ray signal above 250 GeV of (3.7more » ± 0.7) per cent of the Crab Nebula flux with a statistical significance of 9.9σ. The multiwavelength observations showed significant variability in essentially all energy bands, including a VHE γ-ray flare that lasted less than one night, which provided unprecedented evidence for short-term variability in 1ES 0806+524. The spectrum of this flare is well described by a power law with a photon index of 2.97 ± 0.29 between ~150 GeV and 1 TeV and an integral flux of (9.3 ± 1.9) per cent of the Crab nebula flux above 250 GeV. The spectrum during the non-flaring VHE activity is compatible with the only available VHE observation performed in 2008 with VERITAS when the source was in a low optical state. Lastly, the broad-band spectral energy distribution can be described with a one-zone synchrotron self-Compton model with parameters typical for HBLs, indicating that 1ES 0806+524 is not substantially different from the HBLs previously detected.« less

  11. Transcranial electric stimulation (tES) and NeuroImaging: the state-of-the-art, new insights and prospects in basic and clinical neuroscience.


    Soekadar, Surjo R; Herring, Jim Don; McGonigle, David


    Transcranial electric stimulation (tES) of the brain has attracted an increased interest in recent years. Yet, despite remarkable research efforts to date, the underlying neurobiological mechanisms of tES' effects are still incompletely understood. This Special Issue aims to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the state-of-the-art in studies combining tES and neuroimaging, while introducing most recent insights and outlining future prospects related to this new and rapidly growing field. The findings reported here combine methodological advancements with insights into the underlying mechanisms of tES itself. At the same time, they also point to the many caveats and specific challenges associated with such studies, which can arise from both technical and biological sources. Besides promising to advance basic neuroscience, combined tES and neuroimaging studies may also substantially change previous conceptions about the methods of action of electric or magnetic stimulation on the brain. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  12. A new highest historical 0.3-10 keV brightness State of TeV-detected Blazar 1ES 1959+650

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kapanadze, Bidzina


    Since 2017 June, the nearby TeV-detected HBL source 1ES 1959+650 (z=0.048) is showing another cycle of a strong X-ray flaring activity, which is the fourth since 2015 August ( Kapanadze et al. "A recent strong X-ray flaring activity of 1ES 1959+650 with possibly less efficient stochastic acceleration", MNRAS, 461, L26; Kapanadze et al. 2017, "The second strong X-ray flare in 1ES 1959+650", submitted to MNRAS; ATel #9949, # 9694, #9205, # 9121, #8468, # 8342, # 8289, #8014, #10439, #10622) and revealed mostly by means of our ToO observations.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Spiegel, David S.; Burrows, Adam, E-mail: dsp@astro.princeton.ed, E-mail: burrows@astro.princeton.ed


    We develop atmosphere models of two of the three Kepler-field planets that were known prior to the start of the Kepler mission (HAT-P-7b and TrES-2). We find that published Kepler and Spitzer data for HAT-P-7b appear to require an extremely hot upper atmosphere on the dayside, with a strong thermal inversion and little day-night redistribution. The Spitzer data for TrES-2 suggest a mild thermal inversion with moderate day-night redistribution. We examine the effect of nonequilibrium chemistry on TrES-2 model atmospheres and find that methane levels must be adjusted by extreme amounts in order to cause even mild changes in atmosphericmore » structure and emergent spectra. Our best-fit models to the Spitzer data for TrES-2 lead us to predict a low secondary eclipse planet-star flux ratio ({approx}<2 x 10{sup -5}) in the Kepler bandpass, which is consistent with what very recent observations have found. Finally, we consider how the Kepler-band optical flux from a hot exoplanet depends on the strength of a possible extra optical absorber in the upper atmosphere. We find that the optical flux is not monotonic in optical opacity, and the non-monotonicity is greater for brighter, hotter stars.« less

  14. A Spitzer five-band analysis of the Jupiter-sized planet TrES-1

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Cubillos, Patricio; Harrington, Joseph; Foster, Andrew S. D.


    With an equilibrium temperature of 1200 K, TrES-1 is one of the coolest hot Jupiters observed by Spitzer. It was also the first planet discovered by any transit survey and one of the first exoplanets from which thermal emission was directly observed. We analyzed all Spitzer eclipse and transit data for TrES-1 and obtained its eclipse depths and brightness temperatures in the 3.6 μm (0.083% ± 0.024%, 1270 ± 110 K), 4.5 μm (0.094% ± 0.024%, 1126 ± 90 K), 5.8 μm (0.162% ± 0.042%, 1205 ± 130 K), 8.0 μm (0.213% ± 0.042%, 1190 ± 130 K), and 16more » μm (0.33% ± 0.12%, 1270 ± 310 K) bands. The eclipse depths can be explained, within 1σ errors, by a standard atmospheric model with solar abundance composition in chemical equilibrium, with or without a thermal inversion. The combined analysis of the transit, eclipse, and radial-velocity ephemerides gives an eccentricity of e=0.033{sub −0.031}{sup +0.015}, consistent with a circular orbit. Since TrES-1's eclipses have low signal-to-noise ratios, we implemented optimal photometry and differential-evolution Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms in our Photometry for Orbits, Eclipses, and Transits pipeline. Benefits include higher photometric precision and ∼10 times faster MCMC convergence, with better exploration of the phase space and no manual parameter tuning.« less

  15. A component-based, integrated spatially distributed hydrologic/water quality model: AgroEcoSystem-Watershed (AgES-W) overview and application

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    AgroEcoSystem-Watershed (AgES-W) is a modular, Java-based spatially distributed model which implements hydrologic/water quality simulation components. The AgES-W model was previously evaluated for streamflow and recently has been enhanced with the addition of nitrogen (N) and sediment modeling compo...

  16. Very-High-Energy γ-Ray Observations of the Blazar 1ES 2344+514 with VERITAS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Allen, C.; Archambault, S.; Archer, A.; Benbow, W.; Bird, R.; Bourbeau, E.; Brose, R.; Buchovecky, M.; Buckley, J. H.; Bugaev, V.; Cardenzana, J. V.; Cerruti, M.; Chen, X.; Christiansen, J. L.; Connolly, M. P.; Cui, W.; Daniel, M. K.; Eisch, J. D.; Falcone, A.; Feng, Q.; Fernandez-Alonso, M.; Finley, J. P.; Fleischhack, H.; Flinders, A.; Fortson, L.; Furniss, A.; Gillanders, G. H.; Griffin, S.; Grube, J.; Hütten, M.; Håkansson, N.; Hanna, D.; Hervet, O.; Holder, J.; Hughes, G.; Humensky, T. B.; Johnson, C. A.; Kaaret, P.; Kar, P.; Kelley-Hoskins, N.; Kertzman, M.; Kieda, D.; Krause, M.; Krennrich, F.; Kumar, S.; Lang, M. J.; Maier, G.; McArthur, S.; McCann, A.; Meagher, K.; Moriarty, P.; Mukherjee, R.; Nguyen, T.; Nieto, D.; O'Brien, S.; de Bhróithe, A. O'Faoláin; Ong, R. A.; Otte, A. N.; Park, N.; Petrashyk, A.; Pichel, A.; Pohl, M.; Popkow, A.; Pueschel, E.; Quinn, J.; Ragan, K.; Reynolds, P. T.; Richards, G. T.; Roache, E.; Rovero, A. C.; Rulten, C.; Sadeh, I.; Santander, M.; Sembroski, G. H.; Shahinyan, K.; Telezhinsky, I.; Tucci, J. V.; Tyler, J.; Wakely, S. P.; Weinstein, A.; Wilhelm, A.; Williams, D. A.


    We present very-high-energy γ-ray observations of the BL Lac object 1ES 2344+514 taken by the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System between 2007 and 2015. 1ES 2344+514 is detected with a statistical significance above the background of 20.8σ in 47.2 h (livetime) of observations, making this the most comprehensive very-high-energy study of 1ES 2344+514 to date. Using these observations, the temporal properties of 1ES 2344+514 are studied on short and long times-scales. We fit a constant-flux model to nightly and seasonally binned light curves and apply a fractional variability test to determine the stability of the source on different time-scales. We reject the constant-flux model for the 2007-2008 and 2014-2015 nightly binned light curves and for the long-term seasonally binned light curve at the >3σ level. The spectra of the time-averaged emission before and after correction for attenuation by the extragalactic background light are obtained. The observed time-averaged spectrum above 200 GeV is satisfactorily fitted (χ2/NDF = 7.89/6) by a power-law function with an index Γ = 2.46 ± 0.06stat ± 0.20sys and extends to at least 8 TeV. The extragalactic-background-light-deabsorbed spectrum is adequately fit (χ2/NDF = 6.73/6) by a power-law function with an index Γ = 2.15 ± 0.06stat ± 0.20sys while an F-test indicates that the power law with an exponential cut-off function provides a marginally better fit (χ2/NDF = 2.56/5) at the 2.1σ level. The source location is found to be consistent with the published radio location and its spatial extent is consistent with a point source.

  17. High-dose senna compared with conventional PEG-ES lavage as bowel preparation for elective colonoscopy: a prospective, randomized, investigator-blinded trial.


    Radaelli, Franco; Meucci, Gianmichele; Imperiali, Gianni; Spinzi, Giancarlo; Strocchi, Enrico; Terruzzi, Vittorio; Minoli, Giorgio


    To compare the efficacy and patient acceptance of an oral high dose of senna to conventional polyethylene glycol-electrolyte lavage solution (PEG-ES) in adults undergoing elective colonoscopy. Consecutive outpatients referred for elective colonoscopy were prospectively randomly assigned to receive, the day before the procedure, either 24 tablets of 12 mg senna, divided into two doses at 1 p.m. and 9 p.m. (senna group, n=191), or standard 4-L PEG-ES (PEG-ES group, n=92). The overall quality of colon cleansing (primary outcome measure) and cleansing in the right colon were evaluated using the Aronchick scoring scale (1=excellent to 4=inadequate) by the investigator/endoscopist who was blinded to the treatment assignment. Patient acceptance and the safety of the preparation were assessed by a nurse, using a structured questionnaire covering compliance with the dosing, overall tolerance of the preparation (1=none or mild discomfort to 4=severely distressing), and adverse events. The quality of colon cleansing, overall tolerance of the preparation, and compliance were significantly better with senna; overall cleansing was excellent or good in 90.6% of patients in the senna group and in 79.7% in the PEG-ES group (p= 0.003). The percentage of procedures rescheduled because of insufficient colon cleansing was 7.3% in the PEG-ES group and 2.6% in the senna group (p=0.035). Multivariate logistic regression modeling showed the PEG-ES preparation as negative independent predictor of unsuccessful bowel cleansing. The incidence of adverse reactions was similar in the two groups; patients who received senna experienced significantly less nausea and vomiting, but more abdominal pain. An oral high dose of senna is a valid alternative to standard PEG-ES for outpatient colonoscopy preparation.

  18. Child Labour in Urban Agriculture: The Case of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mlozi, Malongo R. S.


    Urban agriculture in Dar es Salaam was found to use child labor of both children with parents of higher and lower socioeconomic status (SES). Discusses policy implications and calls for the education of parents of lower SES not to expect an economic contribution from their children's labor, and the education of children about their rights. (LZ)

  19. ArgoEcoSystem-watershed (AgES-W) model evaluation for streamflow and nitrogen/sediment dynamics on a midwest agricultural watershed

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    AgroEcoSystem-Watershed (AgES-W) is a modular, Java-based spatially distributed model which implements hydrologic/water quality simulation components under the Object Modeling System Version 3 (OMS3). The AgES-W model was previously evaluated for streamflow and recently has been enhanced with the ad...

  20. Enterprise Systems (ES) Software in Business School Curriculum--Evaluation of Design and Delivery

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Seethamraju, Ravi


    Considering the increasing importance of enterprise systems in business, and their pedagogical value in demonstrating business process orientation and concepts of integration, several universities have incorporated popular enterprise system (ES) software products such as SAP R/3 into their business school curricula. This paper describes an attempt…

  1. The loss-of-allele assay for ES cell screening and mouse genotyping.


    Frendewey, David; Chernomorsky, Rostislav; Esau, Lakeisha; Om, Jinsop; Xue, Yingzi; Murphy, Andrew J; Yancopoulos, George D; Valenzuela, David M


    Targeting vectors used to create directed mutations in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells consist, in their simplest form, of a gene for drug selection flanked by mouse genomic sequences, the so-called homology arms that promote site-directed homologous recombination between the vector and the target gene. The VelociGene method for the creation of targeted mutations in ES cells employs targeting vectors, called BACVecs, that are based on bacterial artificial chromosomes. Compared with conventional short targeting vectors, BacVecs provide two major advantages: (1) their much larger homology arms promote high targeting efficiencies without the need for isogenicity or negative selection strategies; and (2) they enable deletions and insertions of up to 100kb in a single targeting event, making possible gene-ablating definitive null alleles and other large-scale genomic modifications. Because of their large arm sizes, however, BACVecs do not permit screening by conventional assays, such as long-range PCR or Southern blotting, that link the inserted targeting vector to the targeted locus. To exploit the advantages of BACVecs for gene targeting, we inverted the conventional screening logic in developing the loss-of-allele (LOA) assay, which quantifies the number of copies of the native locus to which the mutation was directed. In a correctly targeted ES cell clone, the LOA assay detects one of the two native alleles (for genes not on the X or Y chromosome), the other allele being disrupted by the targeted modification. We apply the same principle in reverse as a gain-of-allele assay to quantify the copy number of the inserted targeting vector. The LOA assay reveals a correctly targeted clone as having lost one copy of the native target gene and gained one copy of the drug resistance gene or other inserted marker. The combination of these quantitative assays makes LOA genotyping unequivocal and amenable to automated scoring. We use the quantitative polymerase chain reaction

  2. Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Veolia ES Technical Solutions, L.L.C. in Middlesex, New Jersey

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Veolia ES Technical Solutions is located at 125 Factory Lane in Middlesex, New Jersey. Veolia owns and operates a solvent-reprocessing facility that is located on a four-acre site in an industrial area of Middlesex Borough.

  3. Distance Learning Methodologies. TRANSCOM Regulating and Command & Control Evacuation System (TRAC2ES).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bloomquist, Carroll R.

    The TRANSCOM (Transportation Command) Regulating Command and Control Evacuation System (TRAC2ES), which applies state-of-the-art technology to manage global medical regulating (matching patients to clinical availability) and medical evacuation processes, will be installed at all Department of Defense medical locations globally. A combination of…

  4. Traduire encore Bertin aujourd'hui : pourquoi faire ? Les nouvelles faces cachées de la Sémiologie Graphique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dhieb, Mohsen


    La « Sémiologie Graphique » de Bertin est un ouvrage majeur de la cartographie contemporaine. Cependant, dès sa parution en 1967, cet ouvrage a suscité autant d'intérêt que de méfiance : l'ouvrage n'était pas dans le « moule » de la littérature cartographique en vigueur. Pourtant, si plusieurs de ses principes et concepts fondateurs ont été adoptés, plusieurs autres ne sont pas bien passés ou n'ont pas été mis en pratique. Il y a comme un fossé entre certains énoncés théoriques de l'ouvrage et leur mise en pratique. Certaines affirmations de Bertin peuvent paraître obsolètes aujourd'hui à l'heure du numérique, comme la non prise en compte de l'aspect dynamique ou interactif de la carte. L'avènement récent des SIG, de la géomatique et des systèmes de Cartographie Assistée par Ordinateur a relégué les vieilles méthodes de traitement graphique de l'information au second rang. Dès lors pourquoi traduire encore aujourd'hui, à l'heure du numérique, la « Sémiologie Graphique » ? Justement, d'abord, parce que certains principes restent, en substance, peu connus ; plusieurs aspects demeurent encore à explorer ; certaines méthodes et techniques manuelles délaissées peuvent être revisitées et remises en marche grâce à la visualisation ; des innovations n'ont pas été expérimentées ou implémentées par les moyens numériques. Dans le monde arabe, peu de recherches se sont imprégnées de sémiologie graphique. Lors de la traduction de l'ouvrage en arabe, des points restés obscurs ont été décelés. Ce sont ces quelques idées et réflexions qui nous ont poussés à revivre cette formidable aventure.

  5. Production of cloned mice and ES cells from adult somatic cells by nuclear transfer: how to improve cloning efficiency?


    Wakayama, Teruhiko


    Although it has now been 10 years since the first cloned mammals were generated from somatic cells using nuclear transfer (NT), most cloned embryos usually undergo developmental arrest prior to or soon after implantation, and the success rate for producing live offspring by cloning remains below 5%. The low success rate is believed to be associated with epigenetic errors, including abnormal DNA hypermethylation, but the mechanism of "reprogramming" is unclear. We have been able to develop a stable NT method in the mouse in which donor nuclei are directly injected into the oocyte using a piezo-actuated micromanipulator. Especially in the mouse, only a few laboratories can make clones from adult somatic cells, and cloned mice are never successfully produced from most mouse strains. However, this technique promises to be an important tool for future research in basic biology. For example, NT can be used to generate embryonic stem (NT-ES) cell lines from a patient's own somatic cells. We have shown that NT-ES cells are equivalent to ES cells derived from fertilized embryos and that they can be generated relatively easily from a variety of mouse genotypes and cell types of both sexes, even though it may be more difficult to generate clones directly. In general, NT-ES cell techniques are expected to be applied to regenerative medicine; however, this technique can also be applied to the preservation of genetic resources of mouse strain instead of embryos, oocytes and spermatozoa. This review describes how to improve cloning efficiency and NT-ES cell establishment and further applications.

  6. Climate change induced risk analysis of Dar es Salaam city (Tanzania)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Topa, Maria Elena; Herslund, Lise; Cavan, Gina; Printz, Andreas; Simonis, Ingo; Bucchignani, Edoardo; Jean-Baptiste, Nathalie; Hellevik, Siri; Johns, Regina; Kibassa, Deusdedit; Kweka, Clara; Magina, Fredrick; Mangula, Alpha; Mbuya, Elinorata; Uhinga, Guido; Kassenga, Gabriel; Kyessi, Alphonce; Shemdoe, Riziki; Kombe, Wilbard


    CLUVA (CLimate change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa; is a 3 years project, funded by the European Commission in 2010. The main objective of CLUVA is to develop context-centered methods and knowledge to be applied to African cities to assess vulnerabilities and increase knowledge on managing climate related risks. The project estimates the impacts of climate changes in the next 40 years at urban scale and downscales IPCC climate projections to evaluate specific threats to selected African test cities. These are mainly from floods, sea-level rise, droughts, heat waves, and desertification. The project evaluates and links: social vulnerability; urban green structures and ecosystem services; urban-rural interfaces; vulnerability of urban built environment and lifelines; and related institutional and governance dimensions of adaptation. The multi-scale and multi-disciplinary qualitative, quantitative and probabilistic approach of CLUVA is currently being applied to selected African test cities (Addis Ababa - Ethiopia; Dar es Salaam - Tanzania; Douala - Cameroun; Ouagadougou - Burkina Faso; St. Louis - Senegal). In particular, the poster will present preliminary findings for the Dar es Salaam case study. Dar es Salaam, which is Tanzania's largest coastal city, is exposed to floods, coastal erosion, droughts and heat waves, and highly vulnerable to impacts as a result of ineffective urban planning (about 70% unplanned settlements), poverty and lack of basic infrastructure (e.g. lack of or poor quality storm water drainage systems). Climate change could exacerbate the current situation increasing hazard-exposure alongside the impacts of development pressures which act to increase urban vulnerability for example because of informal (unregulated) urbanization. The CLUVA research team - composed of climate and environmental scientists, risk management experts, urban planners and social scientists from both European and African institutions - has

  7. Integrating ICT into Teaching and Learning at the University of Dar es Salaam

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mtebe, Joel S.; Dachi, Hilary; Raphael, Christina


    Since 1985, Tanzania has been undergoing significant political and economic changes from a centralized to a more market-oriented and globally connected economy. The University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) has responded to these changes by reviewing its legal status, vision, and functions, particularly those related to research, teaching, and public…

  8. Multi-band transit observations of the TrES-2b exoplanet

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mislis, D.; Schröter, S.; Schmitt, J. H. M. M.; Cordes, O.; Reif, K.


    We present a new data set of transit observations of the TrES-2b exoplanet taken in spring 2009, using the 1.2 m Oskar-Lühning telescope (OLT) of Hamburg Observatory and the 2.2 m telescope at Calar Alto Observatory using BUSCA (Bonn University Simultaneous CAmera). Both the new OLT data, taken with the same instrumental setup as our data taken in 2008, as well as the simultaneously recorded multicolor BUSCA data confirm the low inclination values reported previously, and in fact suggest that the TrES-2b exoplanet has already passed the first inclination threshold (imin,1 = 83.417°) and is not eclipsing the full stellar surface any longer. Using the multi-band BUSCA data we demonstrate that the multicolor light curves can be consistently fitted with a given set of limb darkening coefficients without the need to adjust these coefficients, and further, we can demonstrate that wavelength dependent stellar radius changes must be small as expected from theory. Our new observations provide further evidence for a change of the orbit inclination of the transiting extrasolar planet TrES-2b reported previously. We examine in detail possible causes for this inclination change and argue that the observed change should be interpreted as nodal regression. While the assumption of an oblate host star requires an unreasonably large second harmonic coefficient, the existence of a third body in the form of an additional planet would provide a very natural explanation for the observed secular orbit change. Given the lack of clearly observed short-term variations of transit timing and our observed secular nodal regression rate, we predict a period between approximately 50 and 100 days for a putative perturbing planet of Jovian mass. Such an object should be detectable with present-day radial velocity (RV) techniques, but would escape detection through transit timing variations. Photometric transit data are only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc

  9. Family perceptions of intellectual disability: Understanding and support in Dar es Salaam

    PubMed Central


    When attempting to understand the construct of intellectual disability in different contexts, speaking to family members in addition to the individual with the disability may provide new insight about understandings of and responses to intellectual disability in society and may help to identify the forms of support that are available or needed to ensure the quality of life of people with disabilities. This article outlines and discusses interviews that were conducted in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, with family members of children and adults with intellectual disabilities. These interviews explore how families came to understand that their child had an intellectual disability; the availability of family support; and family hopes and dreams for the future, and were a part of a wider exploratory study that gathered insight from individuals with disabilities, families, and other providers of support to explore understandings and perceptions of disability in Dar es Salaam. Understanding family experiences will help researchers, policy makers, non-governmental organisations, and others to identify family strengths and family support needs which can ultimately improve family quality of life and the quality of life of the member with a disability. PMID:28729979

  10. Classification of methods in transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) and evolving strategy from historical approaches to contemporary innovations.


    Guleyupoglu, Berkan; Schestatsky, Pedro; Edwards, Dylan; Fregni, Felipe; Bikson, Marom


    Transcranial Electrical Stimulation (tES) encompasses all methods of non-invasive current application to the brain used in research and clinical practice. We present the first comprehensive and technical review, explaining the evolution of tES in both terminology and dosage over the past 100 years of research to present day. Current transcranial Pulsed Current Stimulation (tPCS) approaches such as Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) descended from Electrosleep (ES) through Cranial Electro-stimulation Therapy (CET), Transcerebral Electrotherapy (TCET), and NeuroElectric Therapy (NET) while others like Transcutaneous Cranial Electrical Stimulation (TCES) descended from Electroanesthesia (EA) through Limoge, and Interferential Stimulation. Prior to a contemporary resurgence in interest, variations of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation were explored intermittently, including Polarizing current, Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation (GVS), and Transcranial Micropolarization. The development of these approaches alongside Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) and pharmacological developments are considered. Both the roots and unique features of contemporary approaches such as transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS) and transcranial Random Noise Stimulation (tRNS) are discussed. Trends and incremental developments in electrode montage and waveform spanning decades are presented leading to the present day. Commercial devices, seminal conferences, and regulatory decisions are noted. We conclude with six rules on how increasing medical and technological sophistication may now be leveraged for broader success and adoption of tES. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Classification of methods in transcranial Electrical Stimulation (tES) and evolving strategy from historical approaches to contemporary innovations

    PubMed Central

    Guleyupoglu, Berkan; Schestatsky, Pedro; Edwards, Dylan; Fregni, Felipe; Bikson, Marom


    Transcranial Electrical Stimulation (tES) encompasses all methods of non-invasive current application to the brain used in research and clinical practice. We present the first comprehensive and technical review, explaining the evolution of tES in both terminology and dosage over the past 100 years of research to present day. Current transcranial Pulsed Current Stimulation (tPCS) approaches such as Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) descended from Electrosleep (ES) through Cranial Electro-stimulation Therapy (CET), Transcerebral Electrotherapy (TCET), and NeuroElectric Therapy (NET) while others like Transcutaneous Cranial Electrical Stimulation (TCES) descended from Electroanesthesia (EA) through Limoge, and Interferential Stimulation. Prior to a contemporary resurgence in interest, variations of trans-cranial Direct Current Stimulation were explored intermittently, including Polarizing current, Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation (GVS), and Transcranial Micropolarization. The development of these approaches alongside Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) and pharmacological developments are considered. Both the roots and unique features of contemporary approaches such as transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS) and transcranial Random Noise Stimulation (tRNS) are discussed. Trends and incremental developments in electrode montage and waveform spanning decades are presented leading to the present day. Commercial devices, seminal conferences, and regulatory decisions are noted. We conclude with six rules on how increasing medical and technological sophistication may now be leveraged for broader success and adoption of tES. PMID:23954780

  12. Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) iron-sulphur cluster assembly protein 2 (EsIscA2) is differentially regulated after immune and oxidative stress challenges.


    Zhang, Peng; Liu, Yu; Wang, Min; Dong, Miren; Liu, Zhaoqun; Jia, Zhihao; Wang, Weilin; Zhang, Anguo; Wang, Lingling; Song, Linsheng


    Iron-sulphur clusters (ISCs), one of the oldest and most versatile cofactors of proteins, are involved in catalysis reactions, electron transport reactions, regulation processes as well as sensing of ambient conditions. Iron-sulphur cluster assembly protein (IscA) is a scaffold protein member of ISC formation system, which plays a significant role in the assembly and maturation process of ISC proteins. In the present study, the cDNA sequence of iron-sulphur cluster assembly protein 2 (designated as EsIscA2) was cloned from Eriocheir sinensis. The open reading frame (ORF) of EsIscA2 was of 507 bp, encoding a peptide of 168 amino acids with a typically conserved Fe-S domain. A tetrameric form was predicated by the SWISS-MODEL prediction algorithm, and three conserved cysteine residues (Cys-93, Cys-158, Cys-160) from each IscA monomer were predicted to form a 'cysteine pocket'. The deduced amino acid sequence of EsIscA2 shared over 50% similarity with that of other IscAs. EsIscA2 was clustered with IscA2 proteins from invertebrates and vertebrates, indicating that the protein was highly conservative in the evolution. rEsIscA2 exhibited a high iron binding affinity in the concentration ranging from 2 to 200 μM. EsIscA2 transcripts were detected in all the tested tissues including gonad, hemocytes, gill, muscle, heart, hepatopancreas and eyestalk, and EsIscA2 protein was detected in the mitochondria of hemocytes. The highest mRNA expression level of EsIscA2 was detected in muscle and hepatopancreas, which was about 34.66-fold (p < 0.05) and 27.07-fold (p < 0.05) of that in hemocytes, respectively. After Aeromonas hydrophila and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulations, the mRNA expression of EsIscA2 in hemocytes was down-regulated and reached the lowest level at 24 h (0.31-fold, p < 0.05) and 48 h (0.29-fold, p < 0.05) compared to control group, respectively. And the expression of EsIscA2 mRNA in hepatopancreas was repressed from 6 h to 48 h post

  13. Overview of the study design, participation and field work of the German Environmental Survey on Children 2003-2006 (GerES IV).


    Schulz, Christine; Seiwert, Margarete; Babisch, Wolfgang; Becker, Kerstin; Conrad, André; Szewzyk, Regine; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike


    The German Federal Environment Agency carried out its fourth German Environmental Survey (GerES IV), which is the first survey on children only and the environment-related module of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (German acronym: KiGGS), conducted by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). The German Environmental Surveys are nationwide population studies conducted to determine the exposure to environmental pollutants, to explore exposure pathways and to identify sub-groups with higher exposure. GerES IV was conducted on randomly selected 1790 children aged 3-14 years from the cross-sectional sample of KiGGS. The participants of GerES IV lived in 150 sampling locations all over Germany. Field work was carried out from May 2003 to May 2006. The response rate in GerES IV was 77.3%. Due to the fact that participation in GerES IV was limited to children that had previously participated in the KiGGS study, the total response rate in GerES IV resulted in 52.6%. Response rates did neither differ significantly between West and East Germany, nor between different community sizes, age groups and gender. The basic study programme included blood samples, morning urine, tap water and house dust as well as comprehensive questionnaire-based interviews. In addition, subgroups were studied with regard to "noise, hearing capacity and stress hormones", "chemical contamination of indoor air" and "biogenic indoor contamination". A key element of the field work in GerES IV was a home visit to carry out interviews, conduct measurements and collect samples. An exception was blood sampling which was carried out within KiGGS. The quality of field work, data collection, evaluation, and chemical, biological and physical analyses was successfully evaluated by internal and external quality assurance. This comprehensive overview aims at giving other research groups the opportunity to compare different study designs or to adapt their own design to get

  14. HESS and Fermi-LAT discovery of γ-rays from the blazar 1ES 1312-423


    Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; ...


    In this study, a deep observation campaign carried out by the High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS) on Centaurus A enabled the discovery of γ-rays from the blazar 1ES 1312-423, 2° away from the radio galaxy. With a differential flux at 1 TeV of (Φ1 TeV) = (1.9 ± 0.6stat ± 0.4sys) × 10 -13 cm -2 s -1 TeV -1 corresponding to 0.5 percent of the Crab nebula differential flux and a spectral index Γ = 2.9 ± 0.5stat ± 0.2sys, 1ES 1312-423 is one of the faintest sources ever detected in the very high energy (E > 100 GeV)more » extragalactic sky. A careful analysis using three and a half years of Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT) data allows the discovery at high energies (E > 100 MeV) of a hard spectrum (Γ = 1.4 ± 0.4stat ± 0.2sys) source coincident with 1ES 1312-423. Radio, optical, UV and X-ray observations complete the spectral energy distribution of this blazar, now covering 16 decades in energy. Lastly, the emission is successfully fitted with a synchrotron self-Compton model for the non-thermal component, combined with a blackbody spectrum for the optical emission from the host galaxy.« less

  15. Numerical simulation of groundwater flow in Dar es Salaam Coastal Plain (Tanzania)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Luciani, Giulia; Sappa, Giuseppe; Cella, Antonella


    They are presented the results of a groundwater modeling study on the Coastal Aquifer of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania). Dar es Salaam is one of the fastest-growing coastal cities in Sub-Saharan Africa, with with more than 4 million of inhabitants and a population growth rate of about 8 per cent per year. The city faces periodic water shortages, due to the lack of an adequate water supply network. These two factors have determined, in the last ten years, an increasing demand of groundwater exploitation, carried on by quite a number of private wells, which have been drilled to satisfy human demand. A steady-state three dimensional groundwater model has been set up by the MODFLOW code, and calibrated with the UCODE code for inverse modeling. The aim of the model was to carry out a characterization of groundwater flow system in the Dar es Salaam Coastal Plain. The inputs applied to the model included net recharge rate, calculated from time series of precipitation data (1961-2012), estimations of average groundwater extraction, and estimations of groundwater recharge, coming from zones, outside the area under study. Parametrization of the hydraulic conductivities was realized referring to the main geological features of the study area, based on available literature data and information. Boundary conditions were assigned based on hydrogeological boundaries. The conceptual model was defined in subsequent steps, which added some hydrogeological features and excluded other ones. Calibration was performed with UCODE 2014, using 76 measures of hydraulic head, taken in 2012 referred to the same season. Data were weighted on the basis of the expected errors. Sensitivity analysis of data was performed during calibration, and permitted to identify which parameters were possible to be estimated, and which data could support parameters estimation. Calibration was evaluated based on statistical index, maps of error distribution and test of independence of residuals. Further model

  16. Reference Maps of Human ES and iPS Cell Variation Enable High-Throughput Characterization of Pluripotent Cell Lines

    PubMed Central

    Bock, Christoph; Kiskinis, Evangelos; Verstappen, Griet; Gu, Hongcang; Boulting, Gabriella; Smith, Zachary D.; Ziller, Michael; Croft, Gist F.; Amoroso, Mackenzie W.; Oakley, Derek H.; Gnirke, Andreas; Eggan, Kevin; Meissner, Alexander


    SUMMARY The developmental potential of human pluripotent stem cells suggests that they can produce disease-relevant cell types for biomedical research. However, substantial variation has been reported among pluripotent cell lines, which could affect their utility and clinical safety. Such cell-line-specific differences must be better understood before one can confidently use embryonic stem (ES) or induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells in translational research. Toward this goal we have established genome-wide reference maps of DNA methylation and gene expression for 20 previously derived human ES lines and 12 human iPS cell lines, and we have measured the in vitro differentiation propensity of these cell lines. This resource enabled us to assess the epigenetic and transcriptional similarity of ES and iPS cells and to predict the differentiation efficiency of individual cell lines. The combination of assays yields a scorecard for quick and comprehensive characterization of pluripotent cell lines. PMID:21295703

  17. Urban agriculture and Anopheles habitats in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


    Dongus, Stefan; Nyika, Dickson; Kannady, Khadija; Mtasiwa, Deo; Mshinda, Hassan; Gosoniu, Laura; Drescher, Axel W; Fillinger, Ulrike; Tanner, Marcel; Killeen, Gerry F; Castro, Marcia C


    A cross-sectional survey of agricultural areas, combined with routinely monitored mosquito larval information, was conducted in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, to investigate how agricultural and geographical features may influence the presence of Anopheles larvae. Data were integrated into a geographical information systems framework, and predictors of the presence of Anopheles larvae in farming areas were assessed using multivariate logistic regression with independent random effects. It was found that more than 5% of the study area (total size 16.8 km2) was used for farming in backyard gardens and larger open spaces. The proportion of habitats containing Anopheles larvae was 1.7 times higher in agricultural areas compared to other areas (95% confidence interval = 1.56-1.92). Significant geographic predictors of the presence of Anopheles larvae in gardens included location in lowland areas, proximity to river, and relatively impermeable soils. Agriculture-related predictors comprised specific seedbed types, mid-sized gardens, irrigation by wells, as well as cultivation of sugar cane or leafy vegetables. Negative predictors included small garden size, irrigation by tap water, rainfed production and cultivation of leguminous crops or fruit trees. Although there was an increased chance of finding Anopheles larvae in agricultural sites, it was found that breeding sites originated by urban agriculture account for less than a fifth of all breeding sites of malaria vectors in Dar es Salaam. It is suggested that strategies comprising an integrated malaria control effort in malaria-endemic African cities include participatory involvement of farmers by planting shade trees near larval habitats.

  18. The AgroEcoSystem (AgES) response-function model simulates layered soil water dynamics in semi-arid Colorado: sensitivity and calibration

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Simulation of vertical soil hydrology is a critical component of simulating even more complex soil water dynamics in space and time, including land-atmosphere and subsurface interactions. The AgroEcoSystem (AgES) model is defined here as a single land unit implementation of the full AgES-W (Watershe...

  19. Von eingebetteten Systemen zu Cyber-Physical Systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wedde, Rorst F.; Lehnhoff, Sebastian; Rehtanz, Christian; Krause, Olav

    Das Hauptanliegen des Papiers ist, ein Paradigma für Probleme mit neuartigen Integrationsanforderungen für Forschung und Entwicklung in verteilten eingebetteten Echtzeitsystemen zu motivieren und vorzustellen, nämlich den Begriff Cyber-Physical Systems. Bei einer in letzter Zeit stark zunehmenden Anzahl von Realzeitanwendungen können ohne die Berücksichtigung solcher Forderungen keine praktisch brauchbaren Lösungen erwartet werden. Einige Anwendungsfelder werden angesprochen. Im Einzelnen werden dann für Elektroautos, die mit erneuerbaren Energien betrieben werden sollen, einerseits die Management-, verteilte Verhandlungs- und Verteilungsprobleme der benötigten Energie in einem bottom-up Ansatz gelöst. Andererseits wird als Teil unserer Projektarbeit die Bereitstellung von Reserveenergie für den allgemeinen Bedarf durch Autobatterien vorgestellt. Es zeigt sich, dass dies effizienter und wesentlich kurzfristiger in unserem verteilten Vorgehen geschehen kann als in traditionellen Verfahren.

  20. Flight Test Results of VDL-3, 1090ES, and UAT Datalinks for Weather Information Communication

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Griner, James


    This presentation describes final test results for the Weather Information Communications (WINCOMM) program at the NASA Glenn Research Center on flight testing of the 1090 Extended Squitter (1090ES), VDL Mode 3, and Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) data links as a medium for weather data exchange. It presents an architectural description of the use of 1090ES to meet the program objectives of sending turbulence information, the use of VDL Mode 3 to send graphical weather images, and the use of UAT for transmitting weather sensor data. This presentation provides a high level definition of the changes made to both avionics and ground-based receivers as well as the ground infrastructure used to support flight testing and future implementation. Summary of results from flight tests of these datalinks will also be presented.

  1. A Search for Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the Blazar 1ES 1959+650

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Li, Xiao-Pan; Luo, Yu-Hui; Yang, Hai-Yan

    We have searched quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in the 15 GHz light curve of the BL Lac object 1ES 1959+650 monitored by the Owens Valley Radio Observatory 40 m telescope during the period from 2008 January to 2016 February, using the Lomb–Scargle Periodogram, power spectral density (PSD), discrete autocorrelation function, and phase dispersion minimization (PDM) techniques. The red noise background has been established via the PSD method, and no QPO can be derived at the 3 σ confidence level accounting for the impact of the red noise variability. We conclude that the light curve of 1ES 1959+650 can be explained bymore » a stochastic red noise process that contributes greatly to the total observed variability amplitude, dominates the power spectrum, causes spurious bumps and wiggles in the autocorrelation function and can result in the variance of the folded light curve decreasing toward lower temporal frequencies when few-cycle, sinusoid-like patterns are present. Moreover, many early supposed periodicity claims for blazar light curves need to be reevaluated assuming red noise.« less

  2. Expresiones de afecto de madres bilingües, Bilingual mothers' expressions of affect

    PubMed Central

    Shiro, Martha


    En la interacción de 10 madres bilingües con sus hijos de 30 meses se analiza la expresión de afectividad en L1 y en L2. Se identificaron las expresiones de emoción, volición y actitud epistémica en 30 interacciones espontáneas: i. 10 madres (español L1) hablando en L1; ii. 10 madres (español L1) hablando en inglés L2; y iii. 10 madres (inglés L1) hablando en L1. Los resultados sugieren que los usos de L2 difieren de los de L1 (inglés o español): la expresión de volición y actitud epistémica se asemeja al inglés L1, mientras que la expresión de las emociones se acerca al español L1. Estos hallazgos permiten explicar los usos del lenguaje expresivo de los bilingües y ayudan a determinar sus efectos en el desarrollo del lenguaje PMID:25844004

  3. Expression and functional analysis of the lysine decarboxylase and copper amine oxidase genes from the endophytic fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides ES026.


    Zhang, Xiangmei; Wang, Zhangqian; Jan, Saad; Yang, Qian; Wang, Mo


    Huperzine A (HupA) isolated from Huperzia serrata is an important compound used to treat Alzheimer's disease (AD). Recently, HupA was reported in various endophytic fungi, with Colletotrichum gloeosporioides ES026 previously isolated from H. serrata shown to produce HupA. In this study, we performed next-generation sequencing and de novo RNA sequencing of C. gloeosporioides ES026 to elucidate the molecular functions, biological processes, and biochemical pathways of these unique sequences. Gene ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes assignments allowed annotation of lysine decarboxylase (LDC) and copper amine oxidase (CAO) for their conversion of L-lysine to 5-aminopentanal during HupA biosynthesis. Additionally, we constructed a stable, high-yielding HupA-expression system resulting from the overexpression of CgLDC and CgCAO from the HupA-producing endophytic fungus C. gloeosporioides ES026 in Escherichia coli. Quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis confirmed CgLDC and CgCAO expression, and quantitative determination of HupA levels was assessed by liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry, which revealed that elevated expression of CgLDC and CgCAO produced higher yields of HupA than those derived from C. gloeosporioides ES026. These results revealed CgLDC and CgCAO involvement in HupA biosynthesis and their key role in regulating HupA content in C. gloeosporioides ES026.

  4. Molecular cloning and tissue expression of the fatty acid-binding protein (Es-FABP) gene in female Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis).


    Gong, Ya-Nan; Li, Wei-Wei; Sun, Jiang-Ling; Ren, Fei; He, Lin; Jiang, Hui; Wang, Qun


    Fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs), small cytosolic proteins that function in the uptake and utilization of fatty acids, have been extensively studied in higher vertebrates while invertebrates have received little attention despite similar nutritional requirements during periods of reproductive activity. Therefore, a cDNA encoding Eriocheir sinensis FABP (Es-FABP) was cloned based upon EST analysis of a hepatopancreas cDNA library. The full length cDNA was 750 bp and encoded a 131 aa polypeptide that was highly homologous to related genes reported in shrimp. The 9108 bp Es-FABP gene contained four exons that were interrupted by three introns, a genomic organization common among FABP multigene family members in vertebrates. Gene expression analysis, as determined by RT-PCR, revealed the presence of Es-FABP transcripts in hepatopancreas, hemocytes, ovary, gills, muscle, thoracic ganglia, heart, and intestine, but not stomach or eyestalk. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed that Es-FABP expression in ovary, hemocytes, and hepatopancreas was dependent on the status of ovarian development, with peak expression observed in January. Evidence provided in the present report supports a role of Es-FABP in lipid transport during the period of rapid ovarian growth in E. sinensis, and indirectly confirms the participation of the hepatopancreas, ovary, and hemocytes in lipid nutrient absorption and utilization processes.

  5. 29ièmes Journées Franco-Belges de Pharmacochimie: Meeting Report

    PubMed Central


    The “Journées Franco-Belges de Pharmacochimie” is a recognized two-day annual meeting on Medicinal Chemistry that is renowned for the advanced science presented, conviviality, and outstanding opportunities for senior and young scientists to exchange knowledge. Abstracts of plenary lectures, oral communications, and posters presented during the meeting are collected in this report. PMID:26593925

  6. Kundenfokus: Startpunkt für die digitale Transformation bei Stadtwerken

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fett, Perry; Küller, Philipp

    Big Data, Internet der Dinge, Mobile Computing und soziale Medien - die modernen Informationstechnologien durchdringen den Alltag der meisten Menschen und lösen hierdurch eine digitale Transformation aus. Im Unternehmenskontext manifestiert sich die Digitalisierung durch eine neue Qualität der wissensbasierten Entscheidungsunterstützung und der Automatisierung bzw. Autonomisierung der Geschäftsprozesse. Für Stadtwerke gilt es nun, die Chancen der Digitalisierung zu ihren Gunsten zu nutzen. Ein Startpunkt könnte hierbei sein, wie Stadtwerke zukünftig mit ihren Kunden interagieren. Ausgelöst durch die Liberalisierung der Märkte rückt der Kunde heute stärker in den Mittelpunkt - die Energiewirtschaft steht nun vor der Herausforderung, dem Wettbewerb einen Schritt voraus zu sein und dem Kunden ein absolut positives Kundenerlebnis (Customer Experience) sowohl als Maßnahme zur Kundenbindung als auch zum Kundenaufbau zu bieten. Das vorliegende Kapitel zeigt hierfür die Erfolgskriterien für die gelungene Etablierung des Kundenfokus im eigenen Unternehmen auf. Mit dem Customer-Focus-Cycle-Modell von Fujitsu, angelehnt an den Deming-Kreislauf, wird ein allgemeingültiger Ansatz für ein mögliches Vorgehen beim Aufbau des Kundenfokus vorgestellt. Die sechs Phasen werden dabei anhand praktischer Beispiele erläutert und geben zudem Hinweise zu Methoden und Tools. Aus dem vorgestellten "Werkzeugkasten" wird ferner die Customer-Journey-Methode im Detail erläutert. Weiter soll das präsentierte Reifegradmodell Unternehmen dabei unterstützen, den eigenen Status quo festzustellen und die persönlichen Ziele auf dem Weg zur kundenzentrierten Organisation festzulegen.

  7. Le groupe de recherches transfusionnelles d’Afrique francophone: bilan des cinq premières années

    PubMed Central

    Tagny, Claude Tayou; Murphy, Edward L.; Lefrère, Jean-Jacques


    Les travaux de recherches sur la sécurité transfusionnelle en Afrique sub-saharienne sont peu nombreux, souvent limités à des initiatives locales avec des conclusions difficilement représentatives de cette région. Le Groupe de recherches transfusionnelles en Afrique sub-saharienne francophone a été créé en mai 2007 avec pour objectif de développer des stratégies globales d’amélioration de la sécurité transfusionnelle mais adaptables à la situation de chaque pays. Les activités du Groupe à ce jour ont porté essentiellement sur l’obtention de données épidémiologiques et de laboratoire sur la transfusion sanguine et à proposer des stratégies de sécurité transfusionnelle dans le domaine des infections transmissibles par la transfusion. Pour mener à bien ces activités de recherche, le Groupe travaille en étroite collaboration avec les Centres nationaux de transfusion sanguine (CNTS), les Centres régionaux de transfusion sanguine (CRTS), les banques de sang hospitalières (BSH) et les postes de collecte de sang. Pour les 5 premières années, quatre priorités de recherche ont été identifiées: (i) des études descriptives sur les caractéristiques des donneurs de sang et des centres de transfusion; (ii) une estimation du risque résiduel post-transfusionnel des principales infections virales transmissibles par la transfusion; (iii) une analyse des stratégies de sélection médicale des donneurs de sang; et (iv) une description des stratégies de dépistage des ITT et une description du système d’assurance qualité externe existant. Durant cette période, sept projets ont été mis en œuvre au niveau national et publiés et cinq études multicentriques ont été réalisées et publiées. La présente étude rapporte les principales observations et recommandations de ces études. PMID:24360798

  8. Modeling Urban Growth Spatial Dynamics: Case studies of Addis Ababa and Dar es Salaam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Buchta, Katja; Abo El Wafa, Hany; Printz, Andreas; Pauleit, Stephan


    Rapid urbanization, and consequently, the dramatic spatial expansion of mostly informal urban areas increases the vulnerability of African cities to the effects of climate change such as sea level rise, more frequent flooding, droughts and heat waves. The EU FP 7 funded project CLUVA (Climate Change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa, aims to develop strategies for minimizing the risks of natural hazards caused by climate change and to improve the coping capacity of African cities. Green infrastructure may play a particular role in climate change adaptation by providing ecosystem services for flood protection, stormwater retention, heat island moderation and provision of food and fuel wood. In this context, a major challenge is to gain a better understanding of the spatial and temporal dynamics of the cities and how these impact on green infrastructure and hence their vulnerability. Urban growth scenarios for two African cities, namely Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, were developed based on a characterization of their urban morphology. A population growth driven - GIS based - disaggregation modeling approach was applied. Major impact factors influencing the urban dynamics were identified both from literature and interviews with local experts. Location based factors including proximity to road infrastructure and accessibility, and environmental factors including slope, surface and flood risk areas showed a particular impact on urban growth patterns. In Addis Ababa and Dar es Salaam, population density scenarios were modeled comparing two housing development strategies. Results showed that a densification scenario significantly decreases the loss of agricultural and green areas such as forests, bushland and sports grounds. In Dar es Salaam, the scenario of planned new settlements with a population density of max. 350 persons per hectare would lead until 2025 to a loss of agricultural land (-10.1%) and green areas (-6.6%). On the other

  9. Parg deficiency confers radio-sensitization through enhanced cell death in mouse ES cells exposed to various forms of ionizing radiation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Shirai, Hidenori; Fujimori, Hiroaki; Gunji, Akemi

    Highlights: •Parg{sup −/−} ES cells were more sensitive to γ-irradiation than Parp-1{sup −/−} ES cells. •Parg{sup −/−} cells were more sensitive to carbon-ion irradiation than Parp-1{sup −/−} cells. •Parg{sup −/−} cells showed defects in DSB repair after carbon-ion irradiation. •PAR accumulation was enhanced after carbon-ion irradiation compared to γ-irradiation. -- Abstract: Poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (Parg) is the main enzyme involved in poly(ADP-ribose) degradation. Here, the effects of Parg deficiency on sensitivity to low and high linear-energy-transfer (LET) radiation were investigated in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. Mouse Parg{sup −/−} and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 deficient (Parp-1{sup −/−}) ES cells were used and responsesmore » to low and high LET radiation were assessed by clonogenic survival and biochemical and biological analysis methods. Parg{sup −/−} cells were more sensitive to γ-irradiation than Parp-1{sup −/−} cells. Transient accumulation of poly(ADP-ribose) was enhanced in Parg{sup −/−} cells. Augmented levels of phosphorylated H2AX (γ-H2AX) from early phase were observed in Parg{sup −/−} ES cells. The induction level of p53 phophorylation at ser18 was similar in wild-type and Parp-1{sup −/−} cells and apoptotic cell death process was mainly observed in the both genotypes. These results suggested that the enhanced sensitivity of Parg{sup −/−} ES cells to γ-irradiation involved defective repair of DNA double strand breaks. The effects of Parg and Parp-1 deficiency on the ES cell response to carbon-ion irradiation (LET13 and 70 keV/μm) and Fe-ion irradiation (200 keV/μm) were also examined. Parg{sup −/−} cells were more sensitive to LET 70 keV/μm carbon-ion irradiation than Parp-1{sup −/−} cells. Enhanced apoptotic cell death also accompanied augmented levels of γ-H2AX in a biphasic manner peaked at 1 and 24 h. The induction level of p53 phophorylation at

  10. Sociocultural factors that reduce risks of homicide in Dar es Salaam: a case control study

    PubMed Central

    Kibusi, Stephen Matthew; Ohnishi, Mayumi; Outwater, Anne; Seino, Kaoruko; Kizuki, Masashi; Takano, Takehito


    Objectives This study was performed to examine the potential contributions of sociocultural activities to reduce risks of death by homicide. Methods This study was designed as a case control study. Relatives of 90 adult homicide victims in Dar es Salaam Region, Tanzania, in 2005 were interviewed. As controls, 211 participants matched for sex and 5-year age group were randomly selected from the same region and interviewed regarding the same contents. Results Bivariate analysis revealed significant differences between victims and controls regarding educational status, occupation, family structure, frequent heavy drinking, hard drug use and religious attendance. Conditional logistic regression analysis indicated that the following factors were significantly related to not becoming victims of homicide: being in employment (unskilled labour: OR=0.04, skilled labour: OR=0.07, others: OR=0.04), higher educational status (OR=0.02), residence in Dar es Salaam after becoming an adult (compared with those who have resided in Dar es Salaam since birth: OR=3.95), living with another person (OR=0.07), not drinking alcohol frequently (OR=0.15) and frequent religious service attendance (OR=0.12). Conclusions Frequent religious service attendance, living in the same place for a long time and living with another person were shown to be factors that contribute to preventing death by homicide, regardless of place of residence and neighbourhood environment. Existing non-structural community resources and social cohesive networks strengthen individual and community resilience against violence. PMID:23322260


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Scuderi, Louis J.; Dittmann, Jason A.; Males, Jared R.


    On 2009 June 15 UT the transit of TrES-2b was detected using the University of Arizona's 1.55 m Kuiper Telescope with 2.0-2.5 millimag rms accuracy in the I band. We find a central transit time of T{sub c} = 2454997.76286 {+-} 0.00035 HJD, an orbital period of P = 2.4706127 {+-} 0.0000009 days, and an inclination angle of i = 83.{sup 0}92 {+-} 0{sup 0}.05, which is consistent with our re-fit of the original I-band light curve of O'Donovan et al. where we find i = 83.{sup 0}84 {+-} 0{sup 0}.05. We calculate an insignificant inclination change of {Delta}i =more » -0.{sup 0}08 {+-} 0{sup 0}.07 over the last three years, and as such, our observations rule out, at the {approx}11{sigma} level, the apparent change of orbital inclination to i{sub predicted} = 83.{sup 0}35 {+-} 0{sup 0}.1 as predicted by Mislis and Schmitt and Mislis et al. for our epoch. Moreover, our analysis of a recently published Kepler Space Telescope light curve for TrES-2b finds an inclination of i = 83.{sup 0}91 {+-} 0.{sup 0}03 for a similar epoch. These Kepler results definitively rule out change in i as a function of time. Indeed, we detect no significant changes in any of the orbital parameters of TrES-2b.« less

  12. Basic analysis of climate and urban bioclimate of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ndetto, Emmanuel L.; Matzarakis, Andreas


    Better understanding of urban microclimate and bioclimate of any city is imperative today when the world is constrained by both urbanisation and global climate change. Urbanisation generally triggers changes in land cover and hence influencing the urban local climate. Dar es Salaam city in Tanzania is one of the fast growing cities. Assessment of its urban climate and the human biometeorological conditions was done using the easily available synoptic meteorological data covering the period 2001-2011. In particular, the physiologically equivalent temperature (PET) was calculated using the RayMan software and results reveal that the afternoon period from December to February (DJF season) is relatively the most thermal stressful period to human beings in Dar es Salaam where PET values of above 35 °C were found. Additionally, the diurnal cycle of the individual meteorological elements that influence the PET index were analysed and found that air temperature of 30-35 °C dominate the afternoon period from 12:00 to 15:00 hours local standard time at about 60 % of occurrence. The current results, though considered as preliminary to the ongoing urban climate study in the city, provide an insight on how urban climate research is of significant importance in providing useful climatic information for ensuring quality of life and wellbeing of city dwellers.

  13. Virtuelle Kraftwerke für Smart Markets

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dürr, Thomas; Heyne, Jean-Christoph

    In den zurückliegenden Jahren haben insbesondere zwei Trends die Stromversorgung bestimmt: der starke Anstieg der dezentralen und der Ausbau der regenerativen Stromerzeugung, die vor allem in den Verteilnetzen stattfinden. Angesichts dieser Entwicklung gewinnen virtuelle Kraftwerke (VK) immer mehr an Bedeutung. In der frühen Phase waren VK insbesondere eine Möglichkeit, kleine dezentrale Erzeuger zu einer größeren Einheit zu bündeln und sie so marktfähig zu machen. Heute werden sie - überwacht und gesteuert über ein Dezentrales Energie-Management-System (DEMS) - gemeinsam mit Demand Response betrieben, also dem Reagieren eines Energieabnehmers auf Marktpreise. Das Demand Side Management soll zur Flexibilisierung der Industrie beitragen. Da der Ausbau der Übertragungsnetze nur schleppend vorankommt, kann die Nutzung von lastseitiger Flexibilität einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Versorgungssicherheit leisten. Im zweiten Teil des Beitrags geht es um die Entwicklung der Märkte. Großes Interesse besteht immer noch an der Regelenergie, zumal der Bedarf bis 2050 deutlich steigen wird. Die Spotmärkte Intraday und Day-Ahead wachsen kontinuierlich, deshalb werden sie für VK immer wichtiger. Am Ende gibt der Beitrag einen Ausblick auf die künftige Entwicklung, in der Regelenergie- und Spotmärkte noch eine Rolle spielen, aber andere Geschäftsmodelle wichtiger werden. Darüber hinaus geht es um langfristige Entwicklungen, die z. B. zusätzliche Serviceleistungen durch VK betreffen.


    EPA Science Inventory

    PFOS, perfluorooctanesulfonate, has recently received much attention from environmental researchers. Previous analytical methods were based upon complexing with a strong ion-pairing reagent and extraction into MTBE. Detection was done on a concentrate using negative ion LC/ES/MS/...


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kipping, David; Bakos, Gaspar, E-mail:


    We present an analysis of 18 short-cadence (SC) transit light curves of TrES-2b using quarter 0 (Q0) and quarter 1 (Q1) from the Kepler Mission. The photometry is of unprecedented precision, 237 ppm minute{sup -1}, allowing for the most accurate determination of the transit parameters yet obtained for this system. Global fits of the transit photometry, radial velocities, and known transit times are used to obtain a self-consistent set of refined parameters for this system, including updated stellar and planetary parameters. Special attention is paid to fitting for limb darkening and eccentricity. We place an upper limit on the occultationmore » depth to be <72.9 ppm to 3{sigma} confidence, indicating TrES-2b has the lowest determined geometric albedo for an exoplanet, of A{sub g} < 0.146. We also produce a transit timing analysis using Kepler's SC data and demonstrate exceptional timing precision at the level of a few seconds for each transit event. With 18 fully sampled transits at such high precision, we are able to produce stringent constraints on the presence of perturbing planets, Trojans, and extrasolar moons. We introduce the novel use of control data to identify phasing effects. We also exclude the previously proposed hypotheses of short-period transit time variation and additional transits but find that the hypothesis of long-term inclination change is neither supported nor refuted by our analysis.« less

  16. 77 FR 42831 - Professional Transportation, Inc.-Asset Acquisition-CUSA ES, LLC and CUSA CSS, LLC

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Surface Transportation Board [Docket No. MCF 21046] Professional Transportation, Inc.--Asset Acquisition--CUSA ES, LLC and CUSA CSS, LLC AGENCY: Surface Transportation Board, Department of Transportation. ACTION: Correction to Notice of Finance Application. On June 29, 2012, notice...

  17. Variable Stars in the Field of TrES-3b (Abstract)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aadland, E.


    (Abstract only) The star field around the exoplanet TrES-3b has potential for finding unknown variable stars. The field was observed over several nights using Minnesota State University Moorheadís Feder Observatory. A light curve for each star was created and are being evaluated for variability and periodicity. A python program is in development to help complete the analysis by automating some of the process. Several stars in the field appear to be variable and are being further analyzed to determine a period and to classify the type of variable.

  18. De Novo RNA Sequencing and Transcriptome Analysis of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides ES026 Reveal Genes Related to Biosynthesis of Huperzine A

    PubMed Central

    Zhang, Xiangmei; Xia, Qianqian; Zhao, Xinmei; Ahn, Youngjoon; Ahmed, Nevin; Cosoveanu, Andreea; Wang, Mo; Wang, Jialu; Shu, Shaohua


    Huperzine A is important in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. There are major challenges for the mass production of huperzine A from plants due to the limited number of huperzine-A-producing plants, as well as the low content of huperzine A in these plants. Various endophytic fungi produce huperzine A. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides ES026 was previously isolated from a huperzine-A-producing plant Huperzia serrata, and this fungus also produces huperzine A. In this study, de novo RNA sequencing of C. gloeosporioides ES026 was carried out with an Illumina HiSeq2000. A total of 4,324,299,051 bp from 50,442,617 high-quality sequence reads of ES026 were obtained. These raw data were assembled into 24,998 unigenes, 40,536,684 residues and 19,790 genes. The majority of the unique sequences were assigned to corresponding putative functions based on BLAST searches of public databases. The molecular functions, biological processes and biochemical pathways of these unique sequences were determined using gene ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) assignments. A gene encoding copper amine oxidase (CAO) (unigene 9322) was annotated for the conversion of cadaverine to 5-aminopentanal in the biosynthesis of huperzine A. This gene was also detected in the root, stem and leaf of H. serrata. Furthermore, a close relationship was observed between expression of the CAO gene (unigene 9322) and quantity of crude huperzine A extracted from ES026. Therefore, CAO might be involved in the biosynthesis of huperzine A and it most likely plays a key role in regulating the content of huperzine A in ES026. PMID:25799531

  19. Needles in the EST Haystack: Large-Scale Identification and Analysis of Excretory-Secretory (ES) Proteins in Parasitic Nematodes Using Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs)

    PubMed Central

    Nagaraj, Shivashankar H.; Gasser, Robin B.; Ranganathan, Shoba


    Background Parasitic nematodes of humans, other animals and plants continue to impose a significant public health and economic burden worldwide, due to the diseases they cause. Promising antiparasitic drug and vaccine candidates have been discovered from excreted or secreted (ES) proteins released from the parasite and exposed to the immune system of the host. Mining the entire expressed sequence tag (EST) data available from parasitic nematodes represents an approach to discover such ES targets. Methods and Findings In this study, we predicted, using EST2Secretome, a novel, high-throughput, computational workflow system, 4,710 ES proteins from 452,134 ESTs derived from 39 different species of nematodes, parasitic in animals (including humans) or plants. In total, 2,632, 786, and 1,292 ES proteins were predicted for animal-, human-, and plant-parasitic nematodes. Subsequently, we systematically analysed ES proteins using computational methods. Of these 4,710 proteins, 2,490 (52.8%) had orthologues in Caenorhabditis elegans, whereas 621 (13.8%) appeared to be novel, currently having no significant match to any molecule available in public databases. Of the C. elegans homologues, 267 had strong “loss-of-function” phenotypes by RNA interference (RNAi) in this nematode. We could functionally classify 1,948 (41.3%) sequences using the Gene Ontology (GO) terms, establish pathway associations for 573 (12.2%) sequences using Kyoto Encyclopaedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), and identify protein interaction partners for 1,774 (37.6%) molecules. We also mapped 758 (16.1%) proteins to protein domains including the nematode-specific protein family “transthyretin-like” and “chromadorea ALT,” considered as vaccine candidates against filariasis in humans. Conclusions We report the large-scale analysis of ES proteins inferred from EST data for a range of parasitic nematodes. This set of ES proteins provides an inventory of known and novel members of ES proteins as a

  20. [Analysis of prescriptions associated to hormone replacement therapy in Midi-Pyrénées region].


    Gass-Jégu, Florence; Damase-Michel, Christine; Hurault-Delarue, Caroline; Bourrel, Robert; Montastruc, Jean-Louis


    The aim of the present study was 1- to describe hormone replacement therapy (HRT) prescription in Midi-Pyrénées region (South West France) and 2- to compare the prescriptions of associated drugs to those of women who took HRT with prescriptions to women who did not take HRT. From 2004 to 2008, HRT prescription decreased for women aged 50 to 59 years in Midi-Pyrénées: 13.95% to 10.33% estradiol/progestin association consumers. During the first 6 months of 2008, 20,161 women took the association estradiol/progestin. Transdermal/percutaneous forms of estradiol (71.21%) and natural progesterone were mainly prescribed. The number of different dispensed drugs was significantly higher in the HRT group: 5.18 versus 2.82 in the control group (p < 0.0001). All classes were concerned except antineoplastic drugs and immunomodulators, drugs for diabetes and raloxifene which were more prescribed to controls. In the period of the study, 7,035 patients took estrogen alone (25.87% of HRT consumers). The same phenomena were observed in this group. Women exposed to HRT in Midi-Pyrénées, great consumers of drugs, represent a population who require particular medical supervision, because of the risks of HRT and pathologies and/or numerous associated drugs. © 2012 Société Française de Pharmacologie et de Thérapeutique.

  1. Casualty Risk Assessment Controlled Re-Entry of EPS - Ariane 5ES - ATV Mission

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arnal, M.-H.; Laine, N.; Aussilhou, C.


    To fulfil its mission of compliance check to the French Space Operations Act, CNES has developed ELECTRA© tool in order to estimate casualty risk induced by a space activity (like rocket launch, controlled or un-controlled re-entry on Earth of a space object). This article describes the application of such a tool for the EPS controlled re-entry during the second Ariane 5E/S flight (Johannes Kepler mission has been launched in February 2011). EPS is the Ariane 5E/S upper composite which is de-orbited from a 260 km circular orbit after its main mission (release of the Automated Transfer Vehicle - ATV). After a brief description of the launcher, the ATV-mission and a description of all the failure cases taken into account in the mission design (which leads to "back-up scenarios" into the flight software program), the article will describe the steps which lead to the casualty risk assessment (in case of failure) with ELECTRA©. In particular, the presence on board of two propulsive means of de-orbiting (main engine of EPS, and 4 ACS longitudinal nozzles in case of main engine failure or exhaustion) leads to a low remaining casualty risk.

  2. Characteristics and geographic distribution of HIV-positive women diagnosed with cervical cancer in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


    Lovgren, Kathleen; Soliman, Amr S; Ngoma, Twalib; Kahesa, Crispin; Meza, Jane


    Cervical cancer is the leading incident cancer and the main cause of cancer-related mortality among women in sub-Saharan Africa. Furthermore, HIV-infected women are at a higher risk of developing cervical cancer than HIV-negative women. The purpose of this study was to distinguish differences in characteristics of HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients with cervical cancer in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The HIV status of cervical cancer patients diagnosed and/or treated at Ocean Road Cancer Institute in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, during the period 2007-2011 was abstracted from the medical records. Additional abstracted information included patient's name, age, place of residence, occupation, education, marital status, age at marriage, gravidity, and screening clinic visit results. Ocean Road Cancer Institute patients came from two sources: the screening clinic followed by treatment clinic or the treatment clinic without prior screening. HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients were compared regarding the above-listed clinical and epidemiologic factors. Multivariable analysis was also performed to assess the risk factors associated with cervical cancer treatment without prior screening at Ocean Road Cancer Institute. HIV-positive cervical cancer patients tended to be younger, with higher education and lower parity. Patients screened for cervical cancer prior to treatment were more likely to be HIV-positive (OR: 2.09, 95% CI: 1.36, 3.21), less likely to have higher disease stages (OR: 0.64, 95% CI: 0.43, 0.94), and less likely to reside outside of Dar es Salaam (OR: 0.44, 95% CI: 0.30, 0.65). Screening for cervical cancer at Ocean Road Cancer Institute is utilised by more HIV-positive patients from Dar es Salaam. Future studies should focus on identifying the reasons for lower utilisation of screening by HIV-negative patients and patients from other distant rural regions in Tanzania. © The Author(s) 2016.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Barclay, Thomas; Huber, Daniel; Rowe, Jason F.

    We measure the mass and radius of the star and planet in the TrES-2 system using 2.7 years of observations by the Kepler spacecraft. The light curve shows evidence for ellipsoidal variations and Doppler beaming on a period consistent with the orbital period of the planet with amplitudes of 2.79{sup +0.44}{sub -0.62} and 3.44{sup +0.32}{sub -0.37} parts per million (ppm), respectively, and a difference between the dayside and the nightside planetary flux of 3.41{sup +0.55}{sub -0.82} ppm. We present an asteroseismic analysis of solar-like oscillations on TrES-2A which we use to calculate the stellar mass of 0.94 {+-} 0.05 M{submore » Sun} and radius of 0.95 {+-} 0.02 R{sub Sun }. Using these stellar parameters, a transit model fit and the phase-curve variations, we determine the planetary radius of 1.162{sup +0.020}{sub -0.024} R{sub Jup} and derive a mass for TrES-2b from the photometry of 1.44 {+-} 0.21 M{sub Jup}. The ratio of the ellipsoidal variation to the Doppler beaming amplitudes agrees to better than 2{sigma} with theoretical predications, while our measured planet mass and radius agree within 2{sigma} of previously published values based on spectroscopic radial velocity measurements. We measure a geometric albedo of 0.0136{sup +0.0022}{sub -0.0033} and an occultation (secondary eclipse) depth of 6.5{sup +1.7}{sub -1.8} ppm which we combined with the day/night planetary flux ratio to model the atmosphere of TrES-2b. We find that an atmosphere model that contains a temperature inversion is strongly preferred. We hypothesize that the Kepler bandpass probes a significantly greater atmospheric depth on the night side relative to the day side.« less

  4. Eukaryotic-like Ser/Thr Protein Kinases SpkC/F/K Are Involved in Phosphorylation of GroES in the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis

    PubMed Central

    Zorina, Anna; Stepanchenko, Natalia; Novikova, Galina V.; Sinetova, Maria; Panichkin, Vladimir B.; Moshkov, Igor E.; Zinchenko, Vladislav V.; Shestakov, Sergey V.; Suzuki, Iwane; Murata, Norio; Los, Dmitry A.


    Serine/threonine protein kinases (STPKs) are the major participants in intracellular signal transduction in eukaryotes, such as yeasts, fungi, plants, and animals. Genome sequences indicate that these kinases are also present in prokaryotes, such as cyanobacteria. However, their roles in signal transduction in prokaryotes remain poorly understood. We have attempted to identify the roles of STPKs in response to heat stress in the prokaryotic cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, which has 12 genes for STPKs. Each gene was individually inactivated to generate a gene-knockout library of STPKs. We applied in vitro Ser/Thr protein phosphorylation and phosphoproteomics and identified the methionyl-tRNA synthetase, large subunit of RuBisCO, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, translation elongation factor Tu, heat-shock protein GrpE, and small chaperonin GroES as the putative targets for Ser/Thr phosphorylation. The expressed and purified GroES was used as an external substrate to screen the protein extracts of the individual mutants for their Ser/Thr kinase activities. The mutants that lack one of the three protein kinases, SpkC, SpkF, and SpkK, were unable to phosphorylate GroES in vitro, suggesting possible interactions between them towards their substrate. Complementation of the mutated SpkC, SpkF, and SpkK leads to the restoration of the ability of cells to phosphorylate the GroES. This suggests that these three STPKs are organized in a sequential order or a cascade and they work one after another to finally phosphorylate the GroES. PMID:21551175

  5. Nuées ardentes of 22 November 1994 at Merapi volcano, Java, Indonesia

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Abdurachman, E.K.; Bourdier, J.-L.; Voight, B.


    Nuées ardentes associated with dome collapse on 22 November 1994, at Merapi volcano traveled to the south–southwest as far as 6.5 km, and collectively accumulated roughly 2.5–3 million cubic meters of deposits. The damaged area comprises 9.5 km2 and is covered by two nuée ardente facies, a conventional “Merapi-type”, valley-fill block-and-ash flow facies and a pyroclastic surge facies. The proximal deposits reflect the accumulation of dozens of nuées ardentes, with many subsidiary flow units. The distal deposits are more simply organized, as only a few individual events reached to distances >3.5 km. The stratigraphic relationships north of Turgo hill indicate that the surge deposits are a facies of particularly mobile nuées ardentes that also deposited channeled block-and-ash flow facies. They further suggest that the surge facies beyond the channel margins correlate laterally with a finer-grained sublayer locally developed at the base of the block-and-ash flow facies. Eyewitness reports suggest that the emplacement of the block-and-ash flow facies in the distal part of the Boyong river may have followed, by a short time interval, the destruction and deposition of the surge facies at Turgo village. The stratigraphy is in accord with the eyewitness reports. The surge facies was emplaced by a dilute surge current, detached from the same dome-collapse nuée ardente that, as a separate flow unit, subsequently emplaced the distal block-and-ash deposit in the Boyong valley. The detachment occurred at higher elevations, likely at or above the slope break at about 2000 m elevation. This flow separation enabled the surge current to shortcut over the landscape and to emplace its deposit even as the block-and-ash flow continued its tortuous southward movement in the Boyong channel. Dome-collapse nuée ardente activity formed the bulk of the eruption, which was accompanied by virtually no significant vertical summit explosive activity.

  6. Seasonal changes in the larvel populations of Aedes aegypti in two biotopes in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

    PubMed Central

    Trpis, Milan


    The seasonal dynamics of larval populations of Aedes aegypti was studied in two different biotopes in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The first biotope was located on the Msasani peninsula on the coast 6 km north of Dar es Salaam, where A. aegypti breeds exclusively in coral rock holes. The population dynamics was studied during both the rainy and the dry season. Seasonal changes in the density of A. aegypti larvae depend primarily on variation in rainfall. The population of larvae dropped to zero only for a short time during the driest period while the adult population was maintained at a low level. The second biotope was in an automobile dump in a Dar es Salaam suburb, where A. aegypti breeds in artificial containers such as tires, automobile parts, tins, coconut shells, and snail shells. The greater part of the A. aegypti population of this biotope is maintained in the egg stage during the dry season. It serves as a focal point for breeding during the dry season: with the coming of the rains, the population expands into the surrounding residential areas. More than 70% of the larval population developed in tires, 20% in tins, 5% in coconut shells, and 1% in snail shells. PMID:4539415

  7. Changes in the energy and sodium content of main entrées in US chain restaurants from 2010 to 2011.


    Wu, Helen W; Sturm, Roland


    The food environment shapes individual diets, and as food options change, energy and sodium intake may also shift. Understanding whether and how restaurant menus evolve in response to labeling laws and public health pressures could inform future efforts to improve the food environment. To track changes in the energy and sodium content of US chain restaurant main entrées between spring 2010 (when the Affordable Care Act was passed, which included a federal menu labeling requirement) and spring 2011. Nutrition information was collected from top US chain restaurants' websites, comprising 213 unique brands. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis evaluated change across main entrées overall and compared entrées that were added, removed, and unchanged. Tests of means and proportions were conducted for individual restaurant brands to see how many made significant changes. Separate analyses were conducted for children's menus. Mean energy and sodium did not change significantly overall, although mean sodium was 70 mg lower across all restaurants in added vs removed menu items at the 75th percentile. Changes were specific to restaurant brands or service model: family-style restaurants reduced sodium among higher-sodium entrées at the 75th percentile, but not on average, and entrées still far exceeded recommended limits. Fast-food restaurants decreased mean energy in children's menu entrées by 40 kcal. A few individual restaurant brands made significant changes in energy or sodium, but the vast majority did not, and not all changes were in the healthier direction. Among those brands that did change, there were slightly more brands that reduced energy and sodium compared with those that increased it. Industry marketing and pledges may create a misleading perception that restaurant menus are becoming substantially healthier, but both healthy and unhealthy menu changes can occur simultaneously. Our study found no meaningful changes overall across a 1-year time

  8. Measuring Students' Emotions in the Early Years: The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire-Elementary School (AEQ-ES)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lichtenfeld, Stephanie; Pekrun, Reinhard; Stupnisky, Robert H.; Reiss, Kristina; Murayama, Kou


    This article reports about the development and validation of a measurement instrument assessing elementary school students' achievement emotions (Achievement Emotions Questionnaire-Elementary School, AEQ-ES). Specifically, the instrument assesses students' enjoyment, anxiety, and boredom pertaining to three types of academic settings (i.e.,…

  9. ES-doc-errata: an issue tracker platform for CMIP6

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ben Nasser, Atef; Levavasseur, Guillaume; Greenslade, Mark; Denvil, Sébastien


    In the context of overseeing the quality of data, and as a result of the inherent complexity of projects such as CMIP5/6, it is a mandatory task to keep track of the status of datasets and the version evolution they sustain in their life-cycle. The ESdoc-errata project aims to keep track of the issues affecting specific versions of datasets/files. It enables users to resolve the history tree of each dataset/file enabling a better choice of the data used in their work based on the data status. The ES-doc-errata project has been designed and built on top of the Parent-IDentifiers handle service that will be deployed in the next iteration of the CMIP project, by ensuring maximum usability of ESGF ecosystem and encapsulated in the ES-doc structure. Consuming PIDs from handle service is guided by a specifically built algorithm that extracts meta-data regarding the issues that may or may not affect the quality of datasets/files and cause newer version to be published replacing older deprecated versions. This algorithm is able to deduce the nature of the flaws to the file granularity, that is of high value to the end-user. This new platform has been designed keeping in mind usability by end-users specialized in the data publishing process or other scientists requiring feedback on reliability of data required for their work. To this end, a specific set of rules and a code of conduct has been defined. A validation process ensures the quality of this newly introduced errata meta-data , an authentication safe-guard was implemented to prevent tampering with the archived data, and a wide variety of tools were put at users disposal to interact safely with the platform including a command-line client and a dedicated front-end.

  10. Werner-Syndrom. Eine prototypische Form der segmentalen Progerie

    PubMed Central

    Lessel, D.; Oshima, J.; Kubisch, C.


    Das Werner-Syndrom ist eine segmental progeroide Erkrankung mit Beginn in der Adoleszenz oder im frühen Erwachsenenalter. Typische Symptome, die zum vorgealterten Phänotyp beitragen, sind ein post-pubertär auftretender Kleinwuchs, Katarakte, eine vorzeitige Ergrauung/Ausdünnung des Haupthaars, sklerodermieähnliche Hautveränderungen und eine regionale Atrophie des subkutanen Fettgewebes. Darüber hinaus kommt es früh und gehäuft zu „Alterserkrankungen“ wie z. B. einem Diabetes mellitus Typ 2, einer Osteoporose, einer Atherosklerose sowie verschiedenen malignen Tumoren. Das Werner-Syndrom wird autosomal- rezessiv vererbt und ist durch Mutationen im Werner-Gen (WRN) bedingt. Es wurden bis heute mehr als 70 über das gesamte Gen verteilte Mutationen identifiziert, die typischerweise zu einem Verlust der Genfunktion führen. WRN kodiert für eine RecQ-Typ- Helikase, die u. a. an der DNA-Reparatur und der Aufrechterhaltung der DNA-Integrität beteiligt ist, was sich in einer erhöhten genetischen Instabilität in Patientenzellen wider-spiegelt. Trotz der relativen Seltenheit ist die Analyse des Werner-Syndroms von allgemeiner Bedeutung, um die Rolle der DNA-Stabilität und Integrität für das Altern sowie die Entwicklung altersassoziierter Erkrankungen besser zu verstehen. PMID:25309043

  11. Liver-enriched transcription factors are critical for the expression of hepatocyte marker genes in mES-derived hepatocyte-lineage cells.


    Kheolamai, Pakpoom; Dickson, Alan J


    Induction of stem cell differentiation toward functional hepatocytes is hampered by lack of knowledge of the hepatocyte differentiation processes. The overall objective of this project is to characterize key stages in the hepatocyte differentiation process. We established a mouse embryonic stem (mES) cell culture system which exhibited changes in gene expression profiles similar to those observed in the development of endodermal and hepatocyte-lineage cells previously described in the normal mouse embryo. Transgenic mES cells were established that permitted isolation of enriched hepatocyte-lineage populations. This approach has isolated mES-derived hepatocyte-lineage cells that express several markers of mature hepatocytes including albumin, glucose-6-phosphatase, tyrosine aminotransferase, cytochrome P450-3a, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase. In addition, our results show that the up-regulation of the expression levels of hepatocyte nuclear factor-3alpha, -4alpha, -6, and CCAAT-enhancer binding protein-beta might be critical for passage into late-stage differentiation towards functional hepatocytes. These data present important steps for definition of regulatory phenomena that direct specific cell fate determination. The mES cell culture system generated in this study provides a model for studying transition between stages of the hepatocyte development and has significant potential value for studying the molecular basis of hepatocyte differentiation in vitro.

  12. Effective oligonucleotide-mediated gene disruption in ES cells lacking the mismatch repair protein MSH3.


    Dekker, M; Brouwers, C; Aarts, M; van der Torre, J; de Vries, S; van de Vrugt, H; te Riele, H


    We have previously demonstrated that site-specific insertion, deletion or substitution of one or two nucleotides in mouse embryonic stem cells (ES cells) by single-stranded deoxyribo-oligonucleotides is several hundred-fold suppressed by DNA mismatch repair (MMR) activity. Here, we have investigated whether compound mismatches and larger insertions escape detection by the MMR machinery and can be effectively introduced in MMR-proficient cells. We identified several compound mismatches that escaped detection by the MMR machinery to some extent, but could not define general rules predicting the efficacy of complex base-pair substitutions. In contrast, we found that four-nucleotide insertions were largely subject to suppression by the MSH2/MSH3 branch of MMR and could be effectively introduced in Msh3-deficient cells. As these cells have no overt mutator phenotype and Msh3-deficient mice do not develop cancer, Msh3-deficient ES cells can be used for oligonucleotide-mediated gene disruption. As an example, we present disruption of the Fanconi anemia gene Fancf.

  13. Study of optical microvariability in the blazar 1ES1011+496

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sosa, M. S.; von Essen, C.; Cellone, S. A.; Andruchow, I.; Schmitt, J. H. M. M.

    We carried out a study of photometric variability of the blazar 1ES1011+496 using the 1.20 m Oskar Lühning telescope located at Ham- burger Sternwarte Institute, Germany. This object has been detected at hight energies ( 200 GeV), so it is of interest to characterize its behavior in the optical range. We obtained the light curves in B, V and R bands through dif- ferential photometry, with a time resolution of 15 minutes over 8 nights. We did not detect inter-night variability, but we detected a marginally sig- nificant variability in temporal scales of a few days.

  14. GP-support by means of AGnES-practice assistants and the use of telecare devices in a sparsely populated region in Northern Germany – proof of concept

    PubMed Central

    Berg, Neeltje van den; Fiß, Thomas; Meinke, Claudia; Heymann, Romy; Scriba, Sibylle; Hoffmann, Wolfgang


    Background In many rural regions in Germany, the proportion of the elderly population increases rapidly. Simultaneously, about one-third of the presently active GPs will retire until 2010. Often it is difficult to find successors for vacant GP-practices. These regions require innovative concepts to avoid the imminent shortage in primary health care. The AGnES-concept comprises the delegation of GP-home visits to qualified AGnES-practice assistants (AGnES: GP-supporting, community-based, e-health-assisted, systemic intervention). Main objectives were the assessment of the acceptance of the AGnES-concept by the participating GPs, patients, and AGnES-practice assistants, the kind of delegated tasks, and the feasibility of home telecare in a GP-practice. Methods In this paper, we report first results of the implementation of this concept in regular GP-practices, conducted November 2005 – March 2007 on the Island of Rügen, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany. This study was meant as a proof of concept. The GP delegated routine home-visits to qualified practice employees (here: registered nurses). Eligible patients were provided with telecare-devices to monitor disease-related physiological values. All delegated tasks, modules conducted and questionnaire responses were documented. The participating patients were asked for their acceptance based on standardized questionnaires. The GPs and AGnES-practice assistants were asked for their judgement about different project components, the quality of health care provision and the competences of the AGnES-practice assistants. Results 550 home visits were conducted. 105 patients, two GPs and three AGnES-practice assistants (all registered nurses) participated in the project. 48 patients used telecare-devices to monitor health parameters. 87.4% of the patients accepted AGnES-care as comparable to common GP-care. In the course of the project, the GPs delegated an increasing number of both monitoring and interventional tasks

  15. Stabilität

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Horn, Joachim

    Für die Stabilität eines linearen, zeitinvarianten Übertragungsgliedes existieren verschiedene Definitionen. Bei der asymptotischen Stabilität wird gefordert, dass der Systemausgang nach einer kurzzeitigen Systemanregung mit wachsender Zeit wieder gegen Null geht. Bei der BIBO-Stabilität (Bounded Input-Bounded Output) wird gefordert, dass bei einem beschränkten Systemeingang der Systemausgang ebenfalls beschränkt ist.

  16. Half doses of PEG-ES and senna vs. high-dose senna for bowel cleansing before colonoscopy: a randomized, investigator-blinded trial.


    Amato, Arnaldo; Radaelli, Franco; Paggi, Silvia; Terruzzi, Vittorio


    Patients' compliance with and tolerance of large-volume polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution (PEG-ES) have prompted continuous investigation with alternative forms of cleansing. High-dose senna is superior to PEG-ES for the quality of bowel cleansing, patient compliance, and tolerance, but its acceptance may be influenced by the incidence of abdominal pain. We hypothesized that a combination of half doses of PEG-ES and senna could minimize the incidence of abdominal pain without affecting the quality of bowel preparation. This randomized, investigator-blinded trial has been conducted on consecutive outpatients scheduled for elective colonoscopy at a single community-based hospital. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either 12 tablets of 12 mg senna and 2 l of PEG-ES (half-dose group, HDG) or 24 tablets of senna divided in two doses (senna group, SG) the day before colonoscopy. The main outcome measures were the quality of colon cleansing (Aronchick scoring scale) and the incidence of preparation-related abdominal pain. Secondary outcome measures were patients' compliance with the cleansing regimen, overall tolerability, prevalence of predefined side effects, and quality of right colon cleansing. A total of 296 patients were enrolled (HDG=151 and SG=145). Overall cleansing was excellent to good in 90.1 and 88.3% patients in HDG and SG, respectively (P=0.62). Preparation-related moderate-to-severe abdominal pain was reported by 6% patients in HDG and 15.2% in SG (P=0.009). No significant differences were observed for secondary outcomes. The regimen combining half doses of PEG-ES and senna provides high-quality bowel preparation and acceptable patient tolerance, with less abdominal pain compared with high-dose senna.

  17. Students' Experiences and Challenges of Blended Learning at the University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mtebe, Joel S.; Raphael, Christina


    Recent developments in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), especially eLearning, have heightened the need for University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) to supplement on-campus face-to-face delivery as well as meeting increased students' enrolments through blended distance learning. Since 2008, the University has been offering three…

  18. Development of Performance Standards for Employment Service. Volume 4: Handbook for Analyzing Local ES Performance.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fairchild, Charles K.

    The objective of the project was to develop methods for establishing output and input performance standards for the placement and placement-support functions of the U.S. Employment Service (ES). Volume 4, a preliminary or working handbook, contains all forms, guidelines, procedures, and training materials for primary data collection and analysis…

  19. Homicide death in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2005.


    Outwater, Anne H; Campbell, Jacquelyn C; Mgaya, Edward; Abraham, Alison G; Kinabo, Linna; Kazaura, Method; Kub, Joan


    Violence disproportionately affects low- and middle-income countries. Deeper understanding is needed in areas where little research has occurred. The objectives of the study were to: (a) ascertain rate of homicide death; (b) describe the victims and circumstances surrounding their deaths in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in 2005. This study was developed by adapting the WHO/CDC Injury Surveillance Guidelines (Holder et al., 2001). Data on 12 variables were collected on all homicide deaths. Descriptive statistics and hypothesis tests were done when appropriate. Age standardised, age-specific and cause-specific mortality rates are presented. The overall homicide rate was 12.57 (males and females respectively: 22.26 and 2.64). Homicide deaths were 93.4% male, mostly unemployed, with a mean age of 28.2 years. Most deaths occurred in urban areas. Mob violence was the cause of 57% of deaths. The risk of homicide death for males was greater than the world average, but for females it was less. Most homicides were committed by community members policing against thieves.

  20. Physical partner violence, women’s economic status and help-seeking behaviour in Dar es Salaam and Mbeya, Tanzania

    PubMed Central

    Vyas, Seema; Mbwambo, Jessie


    ABSTRACT Background: Women’s responses to partner violence are influenced by a complex constellation of factors including: psychological attachment to the partner; context of the abuse; and structural factors, all of which shape available options for women outside of the relationship. Objective: To describe women’s responses to physical partner violence; and to understand the role of women’s economic resources on their responses. Methods: Cross-sectional data from Dar es Salaam and Mbeya, Tanzania. Multivariate logistic regression was used to explore the relationship between women’s economic resources and their responses to violence. Results: In both sites, among physically abused women, over one-half experienced severe violence; approximately two-thirds had disclosed the violence; and approximately 40% had sought help. Abused women were more likely to have sought help from health services, the police and religious leaders in Dar es Salaam, and from local leaders in Mbeya. Economic resources did not facilitate women’s ability to leave violent partners in Dar es Salaam. In Mbeya, women who jointly owned capital assets were less likely to have left. In both sites, women’s sole ownership of capital assets facilitated help-seeking. Conclusion: Although support services are being scaled-up in Tanzania, efforts are needed to increase the acceptability of accessing such services. PMID:28485667

  1. Interdependence of domestic malaria prevention measures and mosquito-human interactions in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


    Geissbühler, Yvonne; Chaki, Prosper; Emidi, Basiliana; Govella, Nicodemus J; Shirima, Rudolf; Mayagaya, Valeliana; Mtasiwa, Deo; Mshinda, Hassan; Fillinger, Ulrike; Lindsay, Steven W; Kannady, Khadija; de Castro, Marcia Caldas; Tanner, Marcel; Killeen, Gerry F


    Successful malaria vector control depends on understanding behavioural interactions between mosquitoes and humans, which are highly setting-specific and may have characteristic features in urban environments. Here mosquito biting patterns in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania are examined and the protection against exposure to malaria transmission that is afforded to residents by using an insecticide-treated net (ITN) is estimated. Mosquito biting activity over the course of the night was estimated by human landing catch in 216 houses and 1,064 residents were interviewed to determine usage of protection measures and the proportion of each hour of the night spent sleeping indoors, awake indoors, and outdoors. Hourly variations in biting activity by members of the Anopheles gambiae complex were consistent with classical reports but the proportion of these vectors caught outdoors in Dar es Salaam was almost double that of rural Tanzania. Overall, ITNs confer less protection against exophagic vectors in Dar es Salaam than in rural southern Tanzania (59% versus 70%). More alarmingly, a biting activity maximum that precedes 10 pm and much lower levels of ITN protection against exposure (38%) were observed for Anopheles arabiensis, a vector of modest importance locally, but which predominates transmission in large parts of Africa. In a situation of changing mosquito and human behaviour, ITNs may confer lower, but still useful, levels of personal protection which can be complemented by communal transmission suppression at high coverage. Mosquito-proofing houses appeared to be the intervention of choice amongst residents and further options for preventing outdoor transmission include larviciding and environmental management.

  2. Common structural features of toxic intermediates from α-synuclein and GroES fibrillogenesis detected using cryogenic coherent X-ray diffraction imaging.


    Kameda, Hiroshi; Usugi, Sayaka; Kobayashi, Mana; Fukui, Naoya; Lee, Seki; Hongo, Kunihiro; Mizobata, Tomohiro; Sekiguchi, Yuki; Masaki, Yu; Kobayashi, Amane; Oroguchi, Tomotaka; Nakasako, Masayoshi; Takayama, Yuki; Yamamoto, Masaki; Kawata, Yasushi


    The aggregation and deposition of α-synuclein (αSyn) in neuronal cells is correlated to pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. Although the mechanism of αSyn aggregation and fibril formation has been studied extensively, the structural hallmarks that are directly responsible for toxicity toward cells are still under debate. Here, we have compared the structural characteristics of the toxic intermediate molecular species of αSyn and similar toxic species of another protein, GroES, using coherent X-ray diffraction analysis. Using coherent X-ray free electron laser pulses of SACLA, we analysed αSyn and GroES fibril intermediate species and characterized various aggregate structures. Unlike previous studies where an annular oligomeric form of αSyn was identified, particle reconstruction from scattering traces suggested that the specific forms of the toxic particles were varied, with the sizes of the particles falling within a specific range. We did however discover a common structural feature in both αSyn and GroES samples; the edges of the detected particles were nearly parallel and produced a characteristic diffraction pattern in the diffraction experiments. The presence of parallel-edged particles in toxic intermediates of αSyn and GroES fibrillogenesis pointed towards a plausible common molecular interface that leads to the formation of mature fibrils. © The Authors 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Japanese Biochemical Society. All rights reserved.

  3. An improved Red/ET recombineering system and mouse ES cells culture conditions for the generation of targeted mutant mice.


    Kumagai, Katsuyoshi; Takanashi, Masakatsu; Ohno, Shin-Ichiro; Kuroda, Masahiko; Sudo, Katsuko


    Targeted mutant mice generated on a C57BL/6 background are powerful tools for analysis of the biological functions of genes, and gene targeting technologies using mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells have been used to generate such mice. Recently, a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) recombineering system was established for the construction of targeting vectors. However, gene retrieval from BACs for the generation of gene targeting vectors using this system remains difficult. Even when construction of a gene targeting vector is successful, the efficiency of production of targeted mutant mice from ES cells derived from C57BL/6 mice are poor. Therefore, in this study, we first improved the strategy for the retrieval of genes from BACs and their transfer into a DT-A plasmid, for the generation of gene targeting vectors using the BAC recombineering system. Then, we attempted to generate targeted mutant mice from ES cell lines derived from C57BL/6 mice, by culturing in serum-free medium. In conclusion, we established an improved strategy for the efficient generation of targeted mutant mice on a C57BL/6 background, which are useful for the in vivo analysis of gene functions and regulation.

  4. Multi-filter Transit Observations of HAT-P-3b and TrES-3b with Multiple Northern Hemisphere Telescopes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ricci, D.; Sada, P. V.; Navarro-Meza, S.; López-Valdivia, R.; Michel, R.; Fox Machado, L.; Ramón-Fox, F. G.; Ayala-Loera, C.; Brown Sevilla, S.; Reyes-Ruiz, M.; La Camera, A.; Righi, C.; Cabona, L.; Tosi, S.; Truant, N.; Peterson, S. W.; Prieto-Arranz, J.; Velasco, S.; Pallé, E.; Deeg, H.


    We present a photometric follow-up of transiting exoplanets HAT-P-3b and TrES-3b, observed by using several optical and near-infrared filters, with four small-class telescopes (D = 36-152 cm) in the Northern Hemisphere. Two of the facilities present their first scientific results. New 10 HAT-P-3b light curves and new 26 TrES-3b light curves are reduced and combined by filter to improve the quality of the photometry. Combined light curves fitting is carried out independently by using two different analysis packages, allowing the corroboration of the orbital and physical parameters in the literature. Results find no differences in the relative radius with the observing filter. In particular, we report for HAT-P-3b a first estimation of the planet-to-star radius {R}p/{R}* ={0.1112}-0.0026+0.0025 in the B band which is coherent with values found in the VRIz‧JH filters. Concerning TrES-3b, we derive a value for the orbital period of P = 1.3061862 ± 0.0000001 days which shows no linear variations over nine years of photometric observations.

  5. GBT CHANG-ES: Enhancing Radio Halos in Edge-on Galaxies Through Short-Spacing Corrections

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Trent Braun, Timothy; Kepley, Amanda; Rand, Richard J.; Mason, Brian Scott; CHANG-ES


    We present L- and C-band continuum Stokes I data from the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) of 35 edge-on spiral galaxies that are part of the Continuum Halos in Nearby Galaxies, an EVLA Survey (CHANG-ES). CHANG-ES is an Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) large program to measure radio continuum emission from the halos of 35 edge-on spiral galaxies in order to address a wide variety of science goals, including constraining the structure of magnetic fields, understanding the origins of radio halos, and probing both cosmic ray transport and cosmic ray driven winds. These goals can be reached by studying radio halo scale heights, spectral index variations with height, and the distribution of intensity and position angle of polarized emission. In particular, we are interested in modeling non-thermal presssure gradients in the gaseous halos of nearby galaxies to predict how they contribute to the decrease in the rotation of extraplanar gas with increasing height off of the galactic midplanes (lagging halos). Ultimately, the study of lagging halos will help us probe the efficacy of gas cycling between the disk and the halo in nearby galaxies. Crucial to this and the rest of the CHANG-ES analysis is the combination of the VLA data (B,C,D configurations in L-band and C,D configurations in C-band) with the GBT data in order to fill in the missing short-spacings in the u-v plane, which increases our sensitivity to large-scale emission and allows us to recover the total flux density. We present preliminary results from two methods of combining single-dish and interferometic data, namely the use of GBT data cubes as a model for the CASA task tclean and combining the Fourier transforms of the images as weighted sums in the u-v plane (feathering). Lastly, we detail our new data reduction pipeline for our wideband GBT continuum data, with an emphasis on the application of a least-squares basket-weaving technique used to remove striping image artifacts that notoriously plague single

  6. The Hadronic Origin of the Hard Gamma-Ray Spectrum from Blazar 1ES 1101-232

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cao, Gang; Wang, Jiancheng


    The very hard γ-ray spectrum from distant blazars challenges the traditional synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) model, which may indicate that there is a contribution from an additional high-energy component beyond the SSC emission. In this paper, we study the possible origin of the hard γ-ray spectrum from distant blazars. We develop a model to explain the hard γ-ray spectrum from blazar 1ES 1101-232. In the model, the optical and X-ray radiation would come from the synchrotron radiation of primary electrons and secondary pairs and the GeV emission would be produced by the SSC process, however, the hard γ-ray spectrum would originate from the decay of neutral pion produced through proton-photon interactions with the synchrotron radiation photons within the jet. Our model can explain the observed spectral energy distribution of 1ES 1101-232 well, especially the very hard γ-ray spectrum. However, our model requires a very large proton power to efficiently produce the γ-ray through proton-photon interactions.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Mandushev, Georgi; Dunham, Edward W.; Quinn, Samuel N.


    We report the discovery of TrES-5, a massive hot Jupiter that transits the star GSC 03949-00967 every 1.48 days. From spectroscopy of the star we estimate a stellar effective temperature of T{sub eff} = 5171 {+-} 36 K, and from high-precision B, R, and I photometry of the transit we constrain the ratio of the semimajor axis a and the stellar radius R{sub *} to be a/R{sub *} = 6.07 {+-} 0.14. We compare these values to model stellar isochrones to obtain a stellar mass of M{sub *} = 0.893 {+-} 0.024 M{sub Sun }. Based on this estimate andmore » the photometric time series, we constrain the stellar radius to be R{sub *} = 0.866 {+-} 0.013 R{sub Sun} and the planet radius to be R{sub p} = 1.209 {+-} 0.021 R{sub J}. We model our radial-velocity data assuming a circular orbit and find a planetary mass of 1.778 {+-} 0.063 M{sub J}. Our radial-velocity observations rule out line-bisector variations that would indicate a specious detection resulting from a blend of an eclipsing binary system. TrES-5 orbits one of the faintest stars with transiting planets found to date from the ground and demonstrates that precise photometry and followup spectroscopy are possible, albeit challenging, even for such faint stars.« less

  8. Cloning mice and ES cells by nuclear transfer from somatic stem cells and fully differentiated cells.


    Wang, Zhongde


    Cloning animals by nuclear transfer (NT) has been successful in several mammalian species. In addition to cloning live animals (reproductive cloning), this technique has also been used in several species to establish cloned embryonic stem (ntES) cell lines from somatic cells. It is the latter application of this technique that has been heralded as being the potential means to produce isogenic embryonic stem cells from patients for cell therapy (therapeutic cloning). These two types of cloning differ only in the steps after cloned embryos are produced: for reproductive cloning the cloned embryos are transferred to surrogate mothers to allow them to develop to full term and for therapeutic cloning the cloned embryos are used to derive ntES cells. In this chapter, a detailed NT protocol in mouse by using somatic stem cells (neuron and skin stem cells) and fully differentiated somatic cells (cumulus cells and fibroblast cells) as nuclear donors is described.

  9. A research about characteristics of longitudinal variations of ES layers irregularities based on CHAMP occultation measurements

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liao, Sunmin


    Based on the data of CHAMP occultation measurements, this paper makes a preliminary analysis of the longitudinal variations of ES irregular structure by using Fourier decomposition and reconstruction technique. It is found that the longitudinal variations of the ES irregular structure show the features of multiple wave-numbers, which is dominated by the wave number 1 to the wave number 5 components, and decrease from the amplitudes of the wave number 6 components. The features of wave number structures are very different in different DIP latitude and different seasons. The number of crests in summer and autumn is mostly 3 or 4 crest structures, while the number of crests in spring achieves 5 at DIP 15°N with small fluctuates, the crests number of winter is the least. In the multiple wave-numbers structure, the wave number 4 component shows a significant dependence on the season, mainly in the summer and autumn, particularly obvious from July to October.

  10. Overexpression of EsMcsu1 from the halophytic plant Eutrema salsugineum promotes abscisic acid biosynthesis and increases drought resistance in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.).


    Zhou, C; Ma, Z Y; Zhu, L; Guo, J S; Zhu, J; Wang, J F


    The stress phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) plays pivotal roles in plants' adaptive responses to adverse environments. Molybdenum cofactor sulfurases influence aldehyde oxidase activity and ABA biosynthesis. In this study, we isolated a novel EsMcsu1 gene encoding a molybdenum cofactor sulfurase from Eutrema salsugineum. EsMcus1 transcriptional patterns varied between organs, and its expression was significantly upregulated by abiotic stress or ABA treatment. Alfalfa plants that overexpressed EsMcsu1 had a higher ABA content than wild-type (WT) plants under drought stress conditions. Furthermore, levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), ion leakage, and malondialdehyde were lower in the transgenic plants than in the WT plants after drought treatment, suggesting that the transgenic plants experienced less ROS-mediated damage. However, the expression of several stress-responsive genes, antioxidant enzyme activity, and osmolyte (proline and total soluble sugar) levels in the transgenic plants were higher than those in the WT plants after drought treatment. Therefore, EsMcsu1 overexpression improved drought tolerance in alfalfa plants by activating a series of ABA-mediated stress responses.

  11. MAGIC discovers VHE gamma-ray emission from the blazar 1ES 1727+502

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mariotti, Mose


    The MAGIC Collaboration reports the discovery of Very High Energy (VHE; E>100 GeV) gamma-ray emission from the BL Lac object 1ES 1727+502 (also known as OT546) with redshift z=0.055. The source was selected from the compilation of Costamante, L. & Ghisellini, G. 2002, A&A, 384, 56. Previous observations with the single MAGIC-I telescope yielded an upper limit on the level of 11.8% of the Crab Nebula flux above 140 GeV (J.

  12. Vehicle performance evaluation in side impact (MDB) using ES-II dummy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ganessh, T. S.; Bansode, Praveen; Revankar, Vidyakant; Kumar, Sunil


    Side impact collision is one of the leading causes of death. Protection of people during lateral collision is challenging because of relatively small space available to restraint occupant compared to front. Hence, it is imperative to protect the occupants in side collision. It is a function of vehicle type and restraints for side protection. This paper focuses on evaluation of injury parameters of the ES II dummy during the lateral collision of different vehicles with different spaces, sections and materials. Thus the comparison will enable us to understand the sensitivity of space, B-pillar section and material which affects the injury parameters. This study will help automotive engineers to design side impact crashworthy vehicles.

  13. Increasing X-Ray Brightness of HBL Source 1ES 1727+650

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kapanadze, Bidzina


    The nearby TeV-detected HBL object 1ES 1727+502 (1Zw 187, z=0.055) has been targeted 111 times by X-ray Telescope (XRT) onboard Swift since 2010 April 2. During this monitoring, the 0.3-10 keV count rate varied by a factor of 17.4 (see and showed a prolonged X-ray flaring activity during 2015 March - 2016 February, revealed mainly via the Target of Opportunity observations performed in the framework of our request of different urgencies (Request Number 6571, 6606, 6717, 6809, 6927, 7322, 7355, 7379, 7390, 7404, 7430, 7441, 7516, 7565; see Kapanadze et al. 2015, Atel #8224, #7342).

  14. Deformation and seismic precursors to dome-collapse and fountain-collapse nuées ardentes at Merapi Volcano, Java, Indonesia, 1994-1998

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Voight, B.; Young, K.D.; Hidayat, D.; ,; Purbawinata, M.A.; Ratdomopurbo, Antonius; ,; ,; Sayudi, D.S.; LaHusen, R.; Marso, J.; Murray, T.L.; Dejean, M.; Iguchi, M.; Ishihara, K.


    Following the eruption of January 1992, episodes of lava dome growth accompanied by generation of dome-collapse nuées ardentes occurred in 1994–1998. In addition, nuées ardentes were generated by fountain-collapse in January 1997, and the 1998 events also suggest an explosive component. Significant tilt and seismic precursors on varying time scales preceded these events. Deformation about the summit has been detected by electronic tiltmeters since November 1992, with inflation corresponding generally to lava dome growth, and deflation (or decreased inflation) corresponding to loss of dome mass. Strong short-term (days to weeks) accelerations in tilt rate and seismicity occurred prior to the major nuées ardentes episodes, apart from those of 22 November 1994 which were preceded by steadily increasing tilt for over 200 days but lacked short-term precursors. Because of the combination of populated hazardous areas and the lack of an issued warning, about 100 casualties occurred in 1994. In contrast, the strong precursors in 1997 and 1998 provided advance warning to observatory scientists, enabled the stepped raising of alert levels, and aided hazard management. As a result of these factors, but also the fortunate fact that the large nuées ardentes did not quite descend into populated areas, no casualties occurred. The nuée ardente episode of 1994 is interpreted as purely due to gravitational collapse, whereas those of 1997 and 1998 were influenced by gas-pressurization of the lava dome.

  15. The Elicitor Protein AsES Induces a Systemic Acquired Resistance Response Accompanied by Systemic Microbursts and Micro-Hypersensitive Responses in Fragaria ananassa.


    Hael-Conrad, Verónica; Perato, Silvia Marisa; Arias, Marta Eugenia; Martínez-Zamora, Martín Gustavo; Di Peto, Pía de Los Ángeles; Martos, Gustavo Gabriel; Castagnaro, Atilio Pedro; Díaz-Ricci, Juan Carlos; Chalfoun, Nadia Regina


    The elicitor AsES (Acremonium strictum elicitor subtilisin) is a 34-kDa subtilisin-like protein secreted by the opportunistic fungus Acremonium strictum. AsES activates innate immunity and confers resistance against anthracnose and gray mold diseases in strawberry plants (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) and the last disease also in Arabidopsis. In the present work, we show that, upon AsES recognition, a cascade of defense responses is activated, including: calcium influx, biphasic oxidative burst (O 2 ⋅- and H 2 O 2 ), hypersensitive cell-death response (HR), accumulation of autofluorescent compounds, cell-wall reinforcement with callose and lignin deposition, salicylic acid accumulation, and expression of defense-related genes, such as FaPR1, FaPG1, FaMYB30, FaRBOH-D, FaRBOH-F, FaCHI23, and FaFLS. All these responses occurred following a spatial and temporal program, first induced in infiltrated leaflets (local acquired resistance), spreading out to untreated lateral leaflets, and later, to distal leaves (systemic acquired resistance). After AsES treatment, macro-HR and macro-oxidative bursts were localized in infiltrated leaflets, while micro-HRs and microbursts occurred later in untreated leaves, being confined to a single cell or a cluster of a few epidermal cells that differentiated from the surrounding ones. The differentiated cells initiated a time-dependent series of physiological and anatomical changes, evolving to idioblasts accumulating H 2 O 2 and autofluorescent compounds that blast, delivering its content into surrounding cells. This kind of systemic cell-death process in plants is described for the first time in response to a single elicitor. All data presented in this study suggest that AsES has the potential to activate a wide spectrum of biochemical and molecular defense responses in F. ananassa that may explain the induced protection toward pathogens of opposite lifestyle, like hemibiotrophic and necrotrophic fungi.

  16. Live Cell Imaging of the Nascent Inactive X Chromosome during the Early Differentiation Process of Naive ES Cells towards Epiblast Stem Cells

    PubMed Central

    Guyochin, Aurélia; Maenner, Sylvain; Chu, Erin Tsi-Jia; Hentati, Asma; Attia, Mikael; Avner, Philip; Clerc, Philippe


    Random X-chromosome inactivation ensures dosage compensation in mammals through the transcriptional silencing of one of the two X chromosomes present in each female cell. Silencing is initiated in the differentiating epiblast of the mouse female embryos through coating of the nascent inactive X chromosome by the non-coding RNA Xist, which subsequently recruits the Polycomb Complex PRC2 leading to histone H3-K27 methylation. Here we examined in mouse ES cells the early steps of the transition from naive ES cells towards epiblast stem cells as a model for inducing X chromosome inactivation in vitro. We show that these conditions efficiently induce random XCI. Importantly, in a transient phase of this differentiation pathway, both X chromosomes are coated with Xist RNA in up to 15% of the XX cells. In an attempt to determine the dynamics of this process, we designed a strategy aimed at visualizing the nascent inactive X-chromosome in live cells. We generated transgenic female XX ES cells expressing the PRC2 component Ezh2 fused to the fluorescent protein Venus. The fluorescent fusion protein was expressed at sub-physiological levels and located in nuclei of ES cells. Upon differentiation of ES cell towards epiblast stem cell fate, Venus-fluorescent territories appearing in interphase nuclei were identified as nascent inactive X chromosomes by their association with Xist RNA. Imaging of Ezh2-Venus for up to 24 hours during the differentiation process showed survival of some cells with two fluorescent domains and a surprising dynamics of the fluorescent territories across cell division and in the course of the differentiation process. Our data reveal a strategy for visualizing the nascent inactive X chromosome and suggests the possibility for a large plasticity of the nascent inactive X chromosome. PMID:25546018

  17. The use of social media among adolescents in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara, Tanzania.


    Pfeiffer, Constanze; Kleeb, Matthis; Mbelwa, Alice; Ahorlu, Collins


    Social media form part of the rapid worldwide digital development that is re-shaping the life of many young people. While the use of social media by youths is increasingly researched in the North, studies about youth in the South are missing. It therefore remains unclear how social media can be included in interventions that aim at informing young people in many countries of the global South about sexual and reproductive health. This paper presents findings of a mixed-methods study of young people's user behaviour on the internet and specifically of social media as a platform for sexual health promotion in Tanzania. The study used questionnaires with 60 adolescents and in-depth interviews with eight students aged 15 to 19 years in Dar es Salaam, and in Mtwara, Southern Tanzania. Findings show that youth in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara access the internet mainly through mobile phones. Facebook is by far the most popular internet site. Adolescents highlighted their interest in reproductive and sexual health messages and updates being delivered through humorous posts, links and clips, as well as by youth role models like music stars and actors that are entertaining and reflect up-to-date trends of modern youth culture. Copyright © 2014 Reproductive Health Matters. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Wie wissenschaftlich ist der Evolutionsgedanke?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vollmer, Gerhard

    Darwin war ein besonnener Mann; alles Aufsehen war ihm zuwider. Trotzdem hat er eine Revolution ausgelöst, deren Wirkung nicht auf die Biologie beschränkt blieb. Seine Theorie lässt sich in fünf Teiltheorien zerlegen, die sich durch die Begriffe Artenwandel, Verwandtschaft alles Lebendigen und gemeinsamer Ursprung, Artenaufspaltung und Artenvielfalt, Gradualismus, natürliche Auslese charakterisieren lassen. Dadurch wurden mehrere religiöse und weitere weltanschauliche Überzeugungen in Frage gestellt. Deshalb wird die Evolutionstheorie auch heute noch vielfach kritisiert, ja bekämpft. Die Vorwürfe lassen sich ordnen nach den Kriterien, mit denen wir erfahrungswissenschaftliche Theorien beurteilen. Haltbar ist daran nur, dass es für die Evolutionstheorie zwar beliebig viele Bestätigungen gibt, aber nur wenige Widerlegungsmöglichkeiten. Durch die neuerdings entwickelten und durchgeführten Evolutionsexperimente ist die empirische Situation allerdings deutlich besser geworden. Am (erfahrungs)wissenschaftlichen Charakter der Evolutionstheorie besteht deshalb kein Zweifel.

  19. Ein Entscheidungsmodell zur Weitergabe persönlicher Daten im Internet

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Treiblmaier, Horst

    In den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten wandelte sich das Internet von einer Spielwiese für technikbegeisterte Computerspezialisten zu einem vielseitig einsetzbaren weltweiten Netzwerk für Privatpersonen und Unternehmen. Maßgeblichen Anteil daran besaß die rasante Entwicklung des World Wide Web (WWW), das, durch die Möglichkeit multimediale Inhalte zu vermitteln, für einen großen Teil der Bevölkerung industrialisierter Länder zu einem wesentlichen Bestandteil des täglichen Lebens wurde. Dass diese Entwicklung noch lange nicht abgeschlossen ist, zeigt die derzeitige Diskussion zum Thema Web 2.0 bzw. 3.0. Waren es in den letzten Jahren die hohen Umsatzzuwächse im E-Commerce und multimedial gestaltete Webseiten in Kombination mit aufwändigen Applikationen, die für ständig steigende Nutzerzahlen im World Wide Web sorgten, so wird dieser Innovationsschub nunmehr durch eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen fortgesetzt, die sich durch die zunehmende Vernetzung der Nutzer untereinander auszeichnen.

  20. Incidence of auto-immune pemphigus in the Midi-Pyrénées region in 2002-2006.


    Thomas, M; Paul, C; Berard, E; Fortenfant, F; Mazereeuw-Hautier, J; Livideanu, C; Viraben, R; Meyer, N


    Auto-immune pemphigus is an organ-specific immune disorder due to pathogenic auto-antibodies. Both genetic and environmental factors have been associated with the occurrence of auto-immune pemphigus. Little is known about the epidemiology of auto-immune pemphigus in western Europe. To evaluate the incidence of auto-immune pemphigus in south-western France (namely the Midi-Pyrénées region) in a 5-year period between 2002 and 2006. We performed a retrospective study of the annual incidence of auto-immune pemphigus diagnosed in the Midi-Pyrénées region, between January 1, 2002, and December 31, 2006. Possible cases of pemphigus were initially selected using skin direct immunofluorescence (DIF) databases from all laboratories in the Midi-Pyrénées region. Systematic validation of all cases was performed by two of the authors (N.M., M.T.). To qualify as a case of auto-immune pemphigus, patients had to fulfil the following criteria: history of clinical signs of pemphigus as assessed by a dermatologist and a positive DIF. To be included in the study, validated cases of auto-immune pemphigus had to fulfil the following criteria: the date of first positive skin DIF between January 1, 2002, and December 31, 2006, and patient living in the Midi-Pyrénées region at the time of the first positive skin DIF. Between 2002 and 2006, 91 patients with positive DIF were identified. Fifty-four patients with positive DIF did not meet the validation criteria for the study. Thirty-seven cases were included in the analysis. The crude annual mean incidence of auto-immune pemphigus between 2002 and 2006 was 2.7 cases/10(6) inhabitants/year (95% CI: 1.87-3.69). The world-population-standardized annual mean incidence of auto-immune pemphigus was 1.55 (95% CI: 0.99-2.11). We report a 1.55/10(6) inhabitants/year world-population-standardized incidence of auto-immune pemphigus in the south-west of France. A nationwide epidemiological study of pemphigus should be performed in France.

  1. Mapping intra-urban malaria risk using high resolution satellite imagery: a case study of Dar es Salaam.


    Kabaria, Caroline W; Molteni, Fabrizio; Mandike, Renata; Chacky, Frank; Noor, Abdisalan M; Snow, Robert W; Linard, Catherine


    With more than half of Africa's population expected to live in urban settlements by 2030, the burden of malaria among urban populations in Africa continues to rise with an increasing number of people at risk of infection. However, malaria intervention across Africa remains focused on rural, highly endemic communities with far fewer strategic policy directions for the control of malaria in rapidly growing African urban settlements. The complex and heterogeneous nature of urban malaria requires a better understanding of the spatial and temporal patterns of urban malaria risk in order to design effective urban malaria control programs. In this study, we use remotely sensed variables and other environmental covariates to examine the predictability of intra-urban variations of malaria infection risk across the rapidly growing city of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania between 2006 and 2014. High resolution SPOT satellite imagery was used to identify urban environmental factors associated malaria prevalence in Dar es Salaam. Supervised classification with a random forest classifier was used to develop high resolution land cover classes that were combined with malaria parasite prevalence data to identify environmental factors that influence localized heterogeneity of malaria transmission and develop a high resolution predictive malaria risk map of Dar es Salaam. Results indicate that the risk of malaria infection varied across the city. The risk of infection increased away from the city centre with lower parasite prevalence predicted in administrative units in the city centre compared to administrative units in the peri-urban suburbs. The variation in malaria risk within Dar es Salaam was shown to be influenced by varying environmental factors. Higher malaria risks were associated with proximity to dense vegetation, inland water and wet/swampy areas while lower risk of infection was predicted in densely built-up areas. The predictive maps produced can serve as valuable resources for

  2. Aspects épidémiologiques des fractures de membres liées à l'exercice de la fonction militaire au Togo

    PubMed Central

    Akpoto, Yao Messanvi; Abalo, Anani; Gnandi-pio, Faré; Sonhaye, Lantam; Tchaou, Mazamaesso; Sama, Hamza Doles; Assenouwe, Sarakawabalo; Lamboni, Damessane; Amavi, Kossigan Adodossi; Adam, Saliou; Kpelao, Essossinam; Tengue, Kodjo; Songne-Gnamkoulamba, Badjona


    Le but de notre étude était de déterminer la fréquence des fractures de membres liées à l'exercice de la fonction militaire au sein des Forces de Défense et de Sécurité en milieu africain en vue de ressortir l'impact des différentes circonstances de survenue. Nous avons entrepris une étude rétrospective descriptive allant du 1er janvier 2004 au 31 décembre 2013. Elle a concerné les agents des forces de défense et de sécurité traités pour des fractures de membres au cours de cette période. Sept cent quatre (704) cas de fractures de membres ont été dénombrés. L’âge moyen des patients était de 30,57 ans avec des extrêmes de 19 et 55 ans. La prédominance masculine était nette (95,71%). L'Armée de Terre (51,05%) et la Gendarmerie Nationale (38,86%) étaient les plus représentées. Les hommes du rang étaient majoritaires (43,08%), suivis des sous-officiers (32,59%). La fréquence annuelle des fractures de membres en rapport avec la profession militaire était de 63 cas. Les fractures de jambe étaient les lésions les plus recensées (32,96%). Les Formations et les stages militaires ont été les circonstances de survenue les plus rencontrées (42,60%), suivies des accidents de la circulation (39,43%). La perte des journées de service liée à ces lésions était estimée à 14009 jours par an. Les fractures de jambes occupent le premier rang des fractures de membres en rapport avec l'exercice de la profession militaire. Les formations-stages militaires et les accidents de la voie publique en sont les deux grandes circonstances de survenue. PMID:27081434

  3. Knowledge-based geographic information systems on the Macintosh computer: a component of the GypsES project


    Gregory Elmes; Thomas Millette; Charles B. Yuill


    GypsES, a decision-support and expert system for the management of Gypsy Moth addresses five related research problems in a modular, computer-based project. The modules are hazard rating, monitoring, prediction, treatment decision and treatment implementation. One common component is a geographic information system designed to function intelligently. We refer to this...

  4. A transgenic reporter under control of an es1 promoter/enhancer marks wound epidermis and apical epithelial cap during tail regeneration in Xenopus laevis tadpole.


    Sato, Kentaro; Umesono, Yoshihiko; Mochii, Makoto


    Rapid wound healing and subsequent formation of the apical epithelial cap (AEC) are believed to be required for successful appendage regeneration in amphibians. Despite the significant role of AEC in limb regeneration, its role in tail regeneration and the mechanisms that regulate the wound healing and AEC formation are not well understood. We previously identified Xenopus laevis es1, which is preferentially expressed in wounded regions, including the AEC after tail regeneration. In this study we established and characterized transgenic Xenopus laevis lines harboring the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) gene under control of an es1 gene regulatory sequence (es1:egfp). The EGFP reporter expression was clearly seen in several regions of the embryo and then declined to an undetectable level in larvae, recapitulating the endogenous es1 expression. After amputation of the tadpole tail, EGFP expression was re-activated at the edge of the stump epidermis and then increased in the wound epidermis (WE) covering the amputation surface. As the stump started to regenerate, the EGFP expression became restricted to the most distal epidermal region, including the AEC. EGFP was preferentially expressed in the basal or deep cells but not in the superficial cells of the WE and AEC. We performed a small-scale pharmacological screening for chemicals that affected the expression of EGFP in the stump epidermis after tail amputation. The EGFP expression was attenuated by treatment with an inhibitor for ERK, TGF-β or reactive oxygen species (ROS) signaling. These treatments also impaired wound closure of the amputation surface, suggesting that the three signaling activities are required for es1 expression in the WE and successful wound healing after tail amputation. These findings showed that es1:egfp Xenopus laevis should be a useful tool to analyze molecular mechanisms regulating wound healing and appendage regeneration. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Planetary Transits of the Trans-Atlantic Exoplanet Survey Candidate TrES-1b

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Price, A.; Bissinger, R.; Laughlin, G. P.; Gary, B. L.; Vanmunster, T.; Henden, A. A.; Starkey, D. R.; Kaiser, D. H.; Holtzman, J. A.; Marschall, L. A.; Michalik, T.; Wellington, T.; Paakkonen, P.


    The AAVSO compiled 10,560 CCD observations of the suspected exoplanet transit object TrES-1b covering seven complete transit windows, three windows of partial coverage, and coverage of baseline non-transit periods. Visual inspection of the light curves reveals the presence of slight humps at the egress points of some transits. A boot strap Monte Carlo simulation was applied to the data to confirm that the humps exist to a statistically significant degree. However, it does not rule out systemic effects which will be tested with campaigns in the 2005 observing season.

  6. Magnolol inhibits angiogenesis by regulating ROS-mediated apoptosis and the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway in mES/EB-derived endothelial-like cells.


    Kim, Gi Dae; Oh, Jedo; Park, Hyen-Joo; Bae, Kihwan; Lee, Sang Kook


    Magnolol, a neolignan from the traditional medicinal plant Magnolia obovata, has been shown to possess neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and anti-angiogenic activities. However, the precise mechanism of the anti-angiogenic activity of magnolol remains to be elucidated. In the present study, the anti-angiogenic effect of magnolol was evaluated in mouse embryonic stem (mES)/embryoid body (EB)-derived endothelial-like cells. The endothelial-like cells were obtained by differentiation from mES/EB cells. Magnolol (20 µM) significantly suppressed the transcriptional and translational expression of platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule (PECAM), an endothelial biomarker, in mES/EB-derived endothelial-like cells. To further understand the molecular mechanism of the suppression of PECAM expression, signaling pathways were analyzed in the mES/EB-derived endothelial-like cells. Magnolol induced the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by mitochondria, a process that was associated with the induction of apoptosis as determined by positive Annexin V staining and the activation of cleaved caspase-3. The involvement of ROS generation by magnolol was confirmed by treatment with an antioxidant, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC). NAC inhibited the magnolol-mediated induction of ROS generation and suppression of PECAM expression. In addition, magnolol suppressed the activation of MAPKs (ERK, JNK and p38) and the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway in mES/EB-derived endothelial-like cells. Taken together, these findings demonstrate for the first time that the anti-angiogenic activity of magnolol may be associated with ROS-mediated apoptosis and the suppression of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway in mES/EB-derived endothelial-like cells.

  7. Nagelbefall kann bei Patienten mit Psoriasis auf eine Enthesiopathie hinweisen.


    Castellanos-González, Maria; Joven, Beatriz Esther; Sánchez, Julio; Andrés-Esteban, Eva María; Vanaclocha-Sebastián, Francisco; Romero, Pablo Ortiz; Díaz, Raquel Rivera


    Obwohl subklinische Enthesiopathie ein gut etabliertes diagnostisches Merkmal der Psoriasisarthritis (PsA) ist, wird sie häufig übersehen, da viele Patienten asymptomatisch sind. Gäbe es klinische Hinweise auf das Vorliegen einer Enthesiopathie, würde dies den Klinikern die Möglichkeit eröffnen, eine PsA frühzeitig zu diagnostizieren. Es wurde eine monozentrische prospektive Studie mit insgesamt 90 Psoriasis-Patienten durchgeführt, um mittels Ultraschall das Vorliegen von Enthesenanomalien zu untersuchen und eine Korrelation mit dem Befall der Nägel festzustellen. Enthesenanomalien wurden bei 23 Patienten (25,5 %) gefunden, von denen 19 (82,6 %) Nagelbefall aufwiesen. Bei 4 Patienten waren die Nägel nicht betroffen. Enthesiopathie lag bei 31,1 % (19/61) der Patienten mit Onychopathie vor, von den Patienten ohne Nagelbefall litten nur 13,8 % (4/29) an Enthesiopathie (p = 0,07). Zwischen dem Target-NAPSI-Score und dem Vorliegen einer Enthesiopathie bestand eine signifikante Korrelation. Eine signifikante Korrelation bestand darüber hinaus auch zwischen dem Vorliegen einer Enthesiopathie und der Anzahl der betroffenen Nägel (p = 0,035). Klinische Belege für eine Onychopathie können der Schlüssel für die frühe Diagnose einer Enthesiopathie bei Psoriasis-Patienten sein. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. How Children Living in Poor Areas of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania Perceive Their Own Multiple Intelligences

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dixon, Pauline; Humble, Steve; Chan, David W.


    This study was carried out with 1,857 poor children from 17 schools, living in low-income areas of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. All children took the "Student Multiple Intelligences Profile" (SMIP) questionnaire as part of a bigger project that gathered data around concepts and beliefs of talent. This paper sets out two aims, first to…

  9. Détention provisoire des jeunes femmes accusées d'avortement clandestin ou d'infanticide au Sénégal

    PubMed Central

    Soumah, Mohamed Maniboliot; Pemba, Liliane Flore


    Introduction L'activité sexuelle chez les jeunes les expose à un accroissement du risque de contracter des grossesses non désirées. Le recours à l'avortement clandestin avec son corollaire de complications peut entrainer le décès de la jeune femme. Avortement et infanticide sont interdits et sanctionnés par la loi sénégalaise. Comment ces jeunes femmes vivent-elles leur détention? Existe-il des alternatives à la détention pour éviter leur désocialisation? Méthodes Cette étude rétrospective portait sur la maison d'arrêt des femmes de Dakar située à Liberté 6, un quartier de Dakar. Nous avons procédé à des entretiens avec des femmes détenues à la maison d'arrêt des femmes de Dakar et suspectées d'infanticide ou d'avortement clandestin. Résultats Les femmes de notre échantillon ont une moyenne d’âge inférieure à 25 ans avec parmi elles une fille mineure de 16 ans. Nous avons trouvé 18,51% de femmes suspectées d'infanticide ou d'avortement. Dans notre étude 50% des femmes sont originaires de la périphérie et de la banlieue de Dakar et presque 44% proviennent des autres régions du pays. La durée moyenne de détention provisoire est de neuf mois. Conclusion Malgré leur qualification distincte dans le code pénal: l'infanticide est un crime et l'avortement un délit, les femmes suspectées d'avoir commis ces actes sont soumises à de longues détentions préventives. PMID:22937189

  10. Body-art practices among undergraduate medical university students in dar es salaam, Tanzania, 2014.


    Chacha, Chacha Emmanuel; Kazaura, Method R


    Body-art practices are increasing among adolescents and young adults. Although substantial data are available in developed countries, little has been documented about body-art practices in developing countries. To determine the magnitude, types and reasons for practicing body-art practices among undergraduate medical University students in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducteed among undergraduate University students in Dar es Salaam involving 536 respondents from two Universities. We used a self-administered questionnaire to collect data. Analyses were based on summary measures and bivariate analyses. While 7.5% of undergraduate students reported having tattoos, 20% reported having body puncturing or piercing. Body piercing is reported more among female university undergraduate students than their male counterparts. Reported main reasons for undergoing body-art include "a mark of beauty," 24%, "just wanted one," 18% and "a mark of femininity or masculinity," 17%. The majority (98%) of students were aware that unsafe body-art practices may lead to contracting HIV and more than half (52%) reported awareness of the risk of Hepatitis B infection. Despite high awareness of the potential risks involved in unsafe body arts that include tattoo and piercing, these practices are increasing among adolescents and young adults. There is need to have educational and counseling efforts so as to minimize associated health risks.

  11. The Iron-Dependent Regulator Fur Controls Pheromone Signaling Systems and Luminescence in the Squid Symbiont Vibrio fischeri ES114

    PubMed Central

    Septer, Alecia N.; Lyell, Noreen L.


    Bacteria often use pheromones to coordinate group behaviors in specific environments. While high cell density is required for pheromones to achieve stimulatory levels, environmental cues can also influence pheromone accumulation and signaling. For the squid symbiont Vibrio fischeri ES114, bioluminescence requires pheromone-mediated regulation, and this signaling is induced in the host to a greater extent than in culture, even at an equivalent cell density. Our goal is to better understand this environment-specific control over pheromone signaling and bioluminescence. Previous work with V. fischeri MJ1 showed that iron limitation induces luminescence, and we recently found that ES114 encounters a low-iron environment in its host. Here we show that ES114 induces luminescence at lower cell density and achieves brighter luminescence in low-iron media. This iron-dependent effect on luminescence required ferric uptake regulator (Fur), which we propose influences two pheromone signaling master regulators, LitR and LuxR. Genetic and bioinformatic analyses suggested that under low-iron conditions, Fur-mediated repression of litR is relieved, enabling more LitR to perform its established role as an activator of luxR. Interestingly, Fur may similarly control the LitR homolog SmcR of Vibrio vulnificus. These results reveal an intriguing regulatory link between low-iron conditions, which are often encountered in host tissues, and pheromone-dependent master regulators. PMID:23315731

  12. An in vitro ES cell imprinting model shows that imprinted expression of the Igf2r gene arises from an allele-specific expression bias

    PubMed Central

    Latos, Paulina A.; Stricker, Stefan H.; Steenpass, Laura; Pauler, Florian M.; Huang, Ru; Senergin, Basak H.; Regha, Kakkad; Koerner, Martha V.; Warczok, Katarzyna E.; Unger, Christine; Barlow, Denise P.


    Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic process that results in parental-specific gene expression. Advances in understanding the mechanism that regulates imprinted gene expression in mammals have largely depended on generating targeted manipulations in embryonic stem (ES) cells that are analysed in vivo in mice. However, genomic imprinting consists of distinct developmental steps, some of which occur in post-implantation embryos, indicating that they could be studied in vitro in ES cells. The mouse Igf2r gene shows imprinted expression only in post-implantation stages, when repression of the paternal allele has been shown to require cis-expression of the Airn non-coding (nc) RNA and to correlate with gain of DNA methylation and repressive histone modifications. Here we follow the gain of imprinted expression of Igf2r during in vitro ES cell differentiation and show that it coincides with the onset of paternal-specific expression of the Airn ncRNA. Notably, although Airn ncRNA expression leads, as predicted, to gain of repressive epigenetic marks on the paternal Igf2r promoter, we unexpectedly find that the paternal Igf2r promoter is expressed at similar low levels throughout ES cell differentiation. Our results further show that the maternal and paternal Igf2r promoters are expressed equally in undifferentiated ES cells, but during differentiation expression of the maternal Igf2r promoter increases up to 10-fold, while expression from the paternal Igf2r promoter remains constant. This indicates, contrary to expectation, that the Airn ncRNA induces imprinted Igf2r expression not by silencing the paternal Igf2r promoter, but by generating an expression bias between the two parental alleles. PMID:19141673

  13. Meta-Analysis of Early Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) ± Endoscopic Sphincterotomy (ES) Versus Conservative Management for Gallstone Pancreatitis (GSP).


    Burstow, Matthew J; Yunus, Rossita M; Hossain, Md Belal; Khan, Shahjahan; Memon, Breda; Memon, Muhammed A


    The utility of early endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) ± endoscopic sphincterotomy (ES) in the treatment of gallstone pancreatitis (GSP) is still contentious. The aim was to conduct a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) investigating the treatment of GSP by early ERCP ± ES versus conservative management and analyzing the patient outcomes. A search of Medline, Embase, Science Citation Index, Current Contents, PubMed, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews identified all RCTs comparing early ERCP to conservative management in GSP published between January 1970 and January 2014. Search terms included "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)"; "Endoscopic sphincterotomy"; "Gallstones"; "Bile duct stones"; "Gallstone pancreatitis"; "Biliary pancreatitis"; "Randomize/Randomised controlled trials"; "Conservative management/treatment"; "Human"; "English." Only prospective RCTs comparing early intervention (ie, between 24 and 72 h) with ERCP ± ES versus conservative management in GSP were included. Data extraction and critical appraisal was carried out independently by 2 authors (M.J.B. and M.A.M.) using predefined data fields. Variables analyzed included severity of pancreatitis (mild or severe), overall mortality, overall complications which included pseudocyst formation, organ failure (renal, respiratory, and cardiac), abnormal coagulation, biliary sepsis, and development of pancreatic abscess/phlegmon. The quality of RCTs was assessed using Jadad's scoring system. Random-effects model was used to calculate the outcomes of both binary and continuous data. Heterogeneity among the outcome variables of these trials was determined by the Cochran Q statistic and I2 index. The meta-analysis was prepared in accordance with PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) guidelines. Eleven RCTs consisting of 1314 patients (conservative management=662, ERCP=652) were analyzed. There was a

  14. [Edith Magalhães Fraenkel: the greatest figure of Brazilian nursing].


    Oguisso, Taka; Freitas, Genival Fernandes de; Takashi, Magali Hiromi


    The present study aimed to describe and analyze the career of Edith Magalhães Fraenkel and her important legacy to Brazilian nursing. The methodology chosen was a documentary analysis of her areas of participation based on documents of the Historical Cultural Center of Iberian-American School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo (Universidade de São Paulo, USP) and in the Rectory of the same University. The following thematic topics were categorized: preparation for leadership, moving to São Paulo, creation of the School of Nursing of USP, event organization, and unique developments at the end of her career. We conclude that Mrs. Edith Fraenkel is the most important figure of Brazilian nursing, thanks to her immeasurable work as a leader of the profession, nationally and internationally.

  15. Possible Transit Timing Variations of the TrES-3 Planetary System

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jiang, Ing-Guey; Yeh, Li-Chin; Thakur, Parijat; Wu, Yu-Ting; Chien, Ping; Lin, Yi-Ling; Chen, Hong-Yu; Hu, Juei-Hwa; Sun, Zhao; Ji, Jianghui


    Five newly observed transit light curves of the TrES-3 planetary system are presented. Together with other light-curve data from the literature, 23 transit light curves in total, which cover an overall timescale of 911 epochs, have been analyzed through a standard procedure. From these observational data, the system's orbital parameters are determined and possible transit timing variations (TTVs) are investigated. Given that a null TTV produces a fit with reduced χ2 = 1.52, our results agree with previous work, that TTVs might not exist in these data. However, a one-frequency oscillating TTV model, giving a fit with a reduced χ2 = 0.93, does possess a statistically higher probability. It is thus concluded that future observations and dynamical simulations for this planetary system will be very important.

  16. SMYD5 regulates H4K20me3-marked heterochromatin to safeguard ES cell self-renewal and prevent spurious differentiation.


    Kidder, Benjamin L; Hu, Gangqing; Cui, Kairong; Zhao, Keji


    Epigenetic regulation of chromatin states is thought to control the self-renewal and differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells. However, the roles of repressive histone modifications such as trimethylated histone 4 lysine 20 (H4K20me3) in pluripotency and development are largely unknown. Here, we show that the histone lysine methyltransferase SMYD5 mediates H4K20me3 at heterochromatin regions. Depletion of SMYD5 leads to compromised self-renewal, including dysregulated expression of OCT4 targets, and perturbed differentiation. SMYD5-bound regions are enriched with repetitive DNA elements. Knockdown of SMYD5 results in a global decrease of H4K20me3 levels, a redistribution of heterochromatin constituents including H3K9me3/2, G9a, and HP1α, and de-repression of endogenous retroelements. A loss of SMYD5-dependent silencing of heterochromatin nearby genic regions leads to upregulated expression of lineage-specific genes, thus contributing to the decreased self-renewal and perturbed differentiation of SMYD5-depleted ES cells. Altogether, these findings implicate a role for SMYD5 in regulating ES cell self-renewal and H4K20me3-marked heterochromatin.

  17. Multiwavelength observations of the blazar 1ES 1011+496 in Spring 2008

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ahnen, M. L.; Ansoldi, S.; Antonelli, L. A.; Antoranz, P.; Babic, A.; Banerjee, B.; Bangale, P.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Barrio, J. A.; Becerra González, J.; Bednarek, W.; Bernardini, E.; Biasuzzi, B.; Biland, A.; Blanch, O.; Bonnefoy, S.; Bonnoli, G.; Borracci, F.; Bretz, T.; Carmona, E.; Carosi, A.; Chatterjee, A.; Clavero, R.; Colin, P.; Colombo, E.; Contreras, J. L.; Cortina, J.; Covino, S.; Da Vela, P.; Dazzi, F.; De Angelis, A.; De Caneva, G.; De Lotto, B.; de Oña Wilhelmi, E.; Delgado Mendez, C.; Di Pierro, F.; Dominis Prester, D.; Dorner, D.; Doro, M.; Einecke, S.; Elsaesser, D.; Fernández-Barral, A.; Fidalgo, D.; Fonseca, M. V.; Font, L.; Frantzen, K.; Fruck, C.; Galindo, D.; García López, R. J.; Garczarczyk, M.; Garrido Terrats, D.; Gaug, M.; Giammaria, P.; Eisenacher Glawion, D.; Godinović, N.; González Muñoz, A.; Guberman, D.; Hanabata, Y.; Hayashida, M.; Herrera, J.; Hose, J.; Hrupec, D.; Hughes, G.; Idec, W.; Kodani, K.; Konno, Y.; Kubo, H.; Kushida, J.; La Barbera, A.; Lelas, D.; Lindfors, E.; Lombardi, S.; Longo, F.; López, M.; López-Coto, R.; López-Oramas, A.; Lorenz, E.; Majumdar, P.; Makariev, M.; Mallot, K.; Maneva, G.; Manganaro, M.; Mannheim, K.; Maraschi, L.; Marcote, B.; Mariotti, M.; Martínez, M.; Mazin, D.; Menzel, U.; Miranda, J. M.; Mirzoyan, R.; Moralejo, A.; Nakajima, D.; Neustroev, V.; Niedzwiecki, A.; Nievas Rosillo, M.; Nilsson, K.; Nishijima, K.; Noda, K.; Orito, R.; Overkemping, A.; Paiano, S.; Palacio, J.; Palatiello, M.; Paneque, D.; Paoletti, R.; Paredes, J. M.; Paredes-Fortuny, X.; Persic, M.; Poutanen, J.; Prada Moroni, P. G.; Prandini, E.; Puljak, I.; Reinthal, R.; Rhode, W.; Ribó, M.; Rico, J.; Rodriguez Garcia, J.; Rügamer, S.; Saito, T.; Satalecka, K.; Scapin, V.; Schultz, C.; Schweizer, T.; Shore, S. N.; Sillanpää, A.; Sitarek, J.; Snidaric, I.; Sobczynska, D.; Stamerra, A.; Steinbring, T.; Strzys, M.; Takalo, L.; Takami, H.; Tavecchio, F.; Temnikov, P.; Terzić, T.; Tescaro, D.; Teshima, M.; Thaele, J.; Torres, D. F.; Toyama, T.; Treves, A.; Verguilov, V.; Vovk, I.; Ward, J. E.; Will, M.; Wu, M. H.; Zanin, R.; Lucarelli, F.; Pittori, C.; Vercellone, S.; Berdyugin, A.; Carini, M. T.; Lähteenmäki, A.; Pasanen, M.; Pease, A.; Sainio, J.; Tornikoski, M.; Walters, R.


    The BL Lac object 1ES 1011+496 was discovered at very high energy (VHE, E > 100GeV) γ-rays by Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) in Spring 2007. Before that the source was little studied in different wavelengths. Therefore, a multiwavelength (MWL) campaign was organized in Spring 2008. Along MAGIC, the MWL campaign included the Metsähovi Radio Observatory, Bell and Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien (KVA) optical telescopes and the Swift and AGILE satellites. MAGIC observations span from 2008 March to May for a total of 27.9 h, of which 19.4 h remained after quality cuts. The light curve showed no significant variability yielding an integral flux above 200 GeV of (1.3 ± 0.3) × 10-11 photons cm-2 s-1. The differential VHE spectrum could be described with a power-law function with a spectral index of 3.3 ± 0.4. Both results were similar to those obtained during the discovery. Swift X-ray Telescope observations revealed an X-ray flare, characterized by a harder-when-brighter trend, as is typical for high synchrotron peak BL Lac objects (HBL). Strong optical variability was found during the campaign, but no conclusion on the connection between the optical and VHE γ-ray bands could be drawn. The contemporaneous spectral energy distribution shows a synchrotron-dominated source, unlike concluded in previous work based on non-simultaneous data, and is well described by a standard one-zone synchrotron self-Compton model. We also performed a study on the source classification. While the optical and X-ray data taken during our campaign show typical characteristics of an HBL, we suggest, based on archival data, that 1ES 1011+496 is actually a borderline case between intermediate and high synchrotron peak frequency BL Lac objects.

  18. Structures spatiales localisées dans un oscillateur paramétrique optique (OPO)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Coulibaly, S.; Durniak, C.; Taki, M.


    La prise en compte du caractère non uniforme du pompage optique dans l'étude linéaire et faiblement non linéaire d'un OPO dégénéré (DOPO) a permis de mettre en évidence la discrétisation du seuil et l'existence de structures spatiales localisées de type Hermite-Gauss. L'évolution spatio-temporelle du signal en sortie est quant à elle gouvernée par l'équation de Ginzburg-Landau réelle dont les coefficients dépendent des variables d'espace.

  19. Long-term spectral and temporal behavior of the high-frequency peaked BL LAC object 1ES 1959+650

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Backes, M.; Uellenbeck, M.; Hayashida, M.; Satalecka, K.; Tescaro, D.; Terzić, T.; MAGIC Collaboration; Fuhrmann, L.; Nestoras, I.; F-GAMMA project; Lähteenmäki, A.; Tornikoski, M.; Nieppola, E.; Metsähovi; Böttcher, M.; Collmar, W.; Weidinger, M.


    The high-frequency peaked BL Lac object 1ES 1959+650 is well-known for an exceptional outburst, which was observed at very high energy (VHE) γ-rays by the Whipple 10m and HEGRA telescopes in 2002. Remarkably, this outburst lacked associated X-ray emission (a socalled "orphan flare") and by this cannot easily be described by standard Synchrotron Self Compton (SSC) models. Models based on hadronic emission processes have also been proposed to explain the observed behavior. Subsequent multi-wavelength observations during a low flux state at TeV energies in 2006 can, instead, be explained by a standard single-zone SSC model. In this context, 1ES 1959+650 has been regularly monitored by the MAGIC telescope since 2005. During these years, no significant variation in the VHE γ-ray flux has been observed. The low energy part of this is in very good agreement with the high-energy part of the time-integrated energy spectrum as measured by Fermi-LAT. Based on this constant flux level in VHE γ-rays, we assembled the time-integrated spectral energy distribution (SED) of 1ES 1959+650 from radio to VHE γ-rays. Despite the non-variability at very high energies, significant flux and spectral variations have been observed at optical and X-ray frequencies in the meanwhile. Furthermore, the shape of the SED at high energy γ-rays as measured by Fermi-LAT is essentially flat which cannot be explained by either conventional single-zone SSC models, or models invoking external radiation fields (EC).

  20. Outreach with Team eS Through Science Festivals and Interactive Art Installations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yoho, Amanda; Starkman, Glenn


    The Team eS project aims to acclimate (pre)teens to scientific concepts subtly, with fun, accessible, and engaging art and activities hosted at public community festivals, online at a dedicated website, and using social media. Our festivals will be centered around an interactive art installation inspired by a scientific concept. We hope to provide a positive experience inspired by science that these teens can reflect upon when encountering similar concepts in the future, especially in settings like a classroom where fear and anxiety can cloud interest or performance. We want to empower teens to not feel lost or out of the loop - we want to remove the fear of facing science.

  1. Der II. Hauptsatz der Wärmelehre

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Heintze, Joachim

    Wir haben in (4.44) den II. Hauptsatz als empirische Tatsache folgendermaßen formuliert: (i) Wärmeenergie geht von selbst nur von einem wärmeren Körper auf einen kälteren über, niemals in der umgekehrten Richtung. Nun werden wir beweisen, dass sich aus diesem Prinzip folgende äquivalente Formulierungen für den II. Hauptsatz ableiten lassen: (ii) Es ist unmöglich, ein Perpetuum mobile zweiter Art zu bauen, d. h. eine Maschine, die fortlaufend Wärmeenergie vollständig in mechanische Arbeit umsetzen kann. Eine Wärmekraftmaschine, die einen Kreisprozess mit der höchsten Temperatur Tw und der niedrigsten Temperatur Tk durchläuft, hat höchstens den Carnotschen Wirkungsgrad c = (Tw - Tk)/Tw. Wenn in der Maschine nur reversible Prozesse ablaufen, die gesamte Wärmezufuhr bei der Temperatur Tw erfolgt und ausschließlich bei der Temperatur Tw gekühlt wird, ist ihr Wirkungsgrad = C. Es gibt keine Wärmekraftmaschine, die eine bessere Ausnutzung der Wärmeenergie ermöglicht. (iv) In jedem thermodynamischen System existiert die Zustandsgröße Entropie, definiert durch ihr Differential dS = (dQrev)/T . Entropie kann erzeugt, aber nicht vernichtet werden. Bei Zustandsänderungen, die in einem abgeschlossenen System ablaufen, nimmt die Entropie entweder zu (irreversible Prozesse), oder sie bleibt konstant (reversible Prozesse). Im Anschluss an (iii) werden wir zur Definition der thermodynamischen Temperatur und bei der Diskussion von (iv) zu einem tieferen Verständnis der Entropie gelangen. Es zeigt sich, dass die Entropie das eigentliche Bindeglied zwischen Mechanik und Wärmelehre darstellt. Am Ende des Kapitels werden wir einige Anwendungen des II. Hauptsatzes betrachten.

  2. Provision of Vocational Skills Education to Orphans: Lessons from Orphanage Centres in Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Meli, Benjamin Mbeba


    This paper utilises data from a study that investigated the efficacy of vocational skills training provided to orphans from three orphanages in Temeke District, Dar es Salaam. The three orphanage centres that were studied are Kurasini National Children Home, Saudia and Don Bosco Vocational Centre. The sample comprised of 45 orphans, an official…

  3. Astéroides et satellites de Saturne: quelques résultats récents et contribution éventuelle des données Hipparcos.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Viateau, B.; Rapaport, M.

    48 astéroides et 2 satellites de Saturne étaient au programme de la mission Hipparcos, et diverses propositions ont été faites pour l'utilisation de ces données. Les auteurs présentent quelques résultats récents concernant ces objets, et susceptibles de 1) donner un supplément d'intére^t aux données astrométriques fournies par Hipparcos, 2) permettre de préciser les objectifs contenus dans diverses propositions.

  4. Window screening, ceilings and closed eaves as sustainable ways to control malaria in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

    PubMed Central

    Ogoma, Sheila B; Kannady, Khadija; Sikulu, Maggy; Chaki, Prosper P; Govella, Nicodem J; Mukabana, Wolfgang R; Killeen, Gerry F


    Background Malaria transmission in Africa occurs predominantly inside houses where the primary vectors prefer to feed. Human preference and investment in blocking of specific entry points for mosquitoes into houses was evaluated and compared with known entry point preferences of the mosquitoes themselves. Methods Cross-sectional household surveys were conducted in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to estimate usage levels of available options for house proofing against mosquito entry, namely window screens, ceilings and blocking of eaves. These surveys also enabled evaluation of household expenditure on screens and ceilings and the motivation behind their installation. Results Over three quarters (82.8%) of the 579 houses surveyed in Dar es Salaam had window screens, while almost half (48.9%) had ceilings. Prevention of mosquito entry was cited as a reason for installation of window screens and ceilings by 91.4% (394/431) and 55.7% (127/228) of respondents, respectively, but prevention of malaria was rarely cited (4.3%, 22/508). The median cost of window screens was between US $ 21-30 while that of ceilings was between US $301-400. The market value of insecticide-treated nets, window screening and ceilings currently in use in the city was estimated as 2, 5 and 42 million US$. More than three quarters of the respondents that lacked them said it was too expensive to install ceilings (82.2%) or window screens (75.5%). Conclusion High coverage and spending on screens and ceilings implies that these techniques are highly acceptable and excellent uptake can be achieved in urban settings like Dar es Salaam. Effective models for promotion and subsidization should be developed and evaluated, particularly for installation of ceilings that prevent entry via the eaves, which are the most important entry point for mosquitoes that cause malaria, a variety of neglected tropical diseases and the nuisance which motivates uptake. PMID:19785779

  5. Window screening, ceilings and closed eaves as sustainable ways to control malaria in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


    Ogoma, Sheila B; Kannady, Khadija; Sikulu, Maggy; Chaki, Prosper P; Govella, Nicodem J; Mukabana, Wolfgang R; Killeen, Gerry F


    Malaria transmission in Africa occurs predominantly inside houses where the primary vectors prefer to feed. Human preference and investment in blocking of specific entry points for mosquitoes into houses was evaluated and compared with known entry point preferences of the mosquitoes themselves. Cross-sectional household surveys were conducted in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to estimate usage levels of available options for house proofing against mosquito entry, namely window screens, ceilings and blocking of eaves. These surveys also enabled evaluation of household expenditure on screens and ceilings and the motivation behind their installation. Over three quarters (82.8%) of the 579 houses surveyed in Dar es Salaam had window screens, while almost half (48.9%) had ceilings. Prevention of mosquito entry was cited as a reason for installation of window screens and ceilings by 91.4% (394/431) and 55.7% (127/228) of respondents, respectively, but prevention of malaria was rarely cited (4.3%, 22/508). The median cost of window screens was between US $ 21-30 while that of ceilings was between US $301-400. The market value of insecticide-treated nets, window screening and ceilings currently in use in the city was estimated as 2, 5 and 42 million US$. More than three quarters of the respondents that lacked them said it was too expensive to install ceilings (82.2%) or window screens (75.5%). High coverage and spending on screens and ceilings implies that these techniques are highly acceptable and excellent uptake can be achieved in urban settings like Dar es Salaam. Effective models for promotion and subsidization should be developed and evaluated, particularly for installation of ceilings that prevent entry via the eaves, which are the most important entry point for mosquitoes that cause malaria, a variety of neglected tropical diseases and the nuisance which motivates uptake.

  6. Discovery of very high energy gamma-ray emission from the blazar 1ES 1727+502 with the MAGIC Telescopes


    Aleksić, J.; Antonelli, L. A.; Antoranz, P.; ...


    Motivated by the prediction of a high TeV luminosity we investigated whether the blazar 1ES 1727+502 (z = 0.055) is emitting very high energy (VHE, E > 100 GeV) γ rays. Here, we observed the BL Lac object 1ES 1727+502 in stereoscopic mode with the two MAGIC telescopes for 14 nights between May 6th and June 10th 2011, for a total effective observing time of 12.6 h. To study the multiwavelength spectral energy distribution (SED), we also oused simultaneous optical R-band data from the KVA telescope, archival UV/optical and X-ray observations from instruments UVOT and XRT on board of themore » Swift satellite, and high energy (HE, 0.1 GeV–100 GeV) γ-ray data from the Fermi-LAT instrument. We detected, for the first time, VHE γ-ray emission from 1ES 1727+502 at a statistical significance of 5.5σ. The integral flux above 150 GeV is estimated to be (2.1 ± 0.4)% of the Crab nebula flux and the de-absorbed VHE spectrum has a photon index of (2.7 ± 0.5). Furthermore, there were no significant short-term variability found in any of the wavebands presented here. We model the SED using a one-zone synchrotron self-Compton model obtaining parameters typical for this class of sources.« less


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Croll, Bryce; Jayawardhana, Ray; Albert, Loic


    We present near-infrared Ks-band photometry bracketing the secondary eclipse of the hot Jupiter TrES-2b using the Wide-field Infrared Camera on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. We detect its thermal emission with an eclipse depth of 0.062{sup +0.013}{sub -0.011}% (5{sigma}). Our best-fit secondary eclipse is consistent with a circular orbit (a 3{sigma} upper limit on the eccentricity, e, and argument or periastron, {omega}, of |e cos {omega}| < 0.0090), in agreement with mid-infrared detections of the secondary eclipse of this planet. A secondary eclipse of this depth corresponds to a dayside Ks-band brightness temperature of T{sub B} = 1636{sup +79}{sub -88} K. Ourmore » thermal emission measurement, when combined with the thermal emission measurements using Spitzer/IRAC from O'Donovan and collaborators, suggests that this planet exhibits relatively efficient dayside to nightside redistribution of heat and a near isothermal dayside atmospheric temperature structure, whose spectrum is well approximated by a blackbody. It is unclear if the atmosphere of TrES-2b requires a temperature inversion; if it does it is likely due to chemical species other than TiO/VO as the atmosphere of TrES-2b is too cool to allow TiO/VO to remain in gaseous form. Our secondary eclipse has the smallest depth of any detected from the ground, at around 2 {mu}m, to date.« less

  8. nES GEMMA Analysis of Lectins and Their Interactions with Glycoproteins - Separation, Detection, and Sampling of Noncovalent Biospecific Complexes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Engel, Nicole Y.; Weiss, Victor U.; Marchetti-Deschmann, Martina; Allmaier, Günter


    In order to better understand biological events, lectin-glycoprotein interactions are of interest. The possibility to gather more information than the mere positive or negative response for interactions brought mass spectrometry into the center of many research fields. The presented work shows the potential of a nano-electrospray gas-phase electrophoretic mobility molecular analyzer (nES GEMMA) to detect weak, noncovalent, biospecific interactions besides still unbound glycoproteins and unreacted lectins without prior liquid phase separation. First results for Sambucus nigra agglutinin, concanavalin A, and wheat germ agglutinin and their retained noncovalent interactions with glycoproteins in the gas phase are presented. Electrophoretic mobility diameters (EMDs) were obtained by nES GEMMA for all interaction partners correlating very well with molecular masses determined by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) of the individual molecules. Moreover, EMDs measured for the lectin-glycoprotein complexes were in good accordance with theoretically calculated mass values. Special focus was laid on complex formation for different lectin concentrations and binding specificities to evaluate the method with respect to results obtained in the liquid phase. The latter was addressed by capillary electrophoresis on-a-chip (CE-on-a-chip). Of exceptional interest was the fact that the formed complexes could be sampled according to their size onto nitrocellulose membranes after gas-phase separation. Subsequent immunological investigation further proved that the collected complex actually retained its native structure throughout nES GEMMA analysis and sampling.

  9. The Effectiveness of Texas Teacher Certification Programs as Evidenced through Pass Rates on TExES PPR 160 Exam

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Clouse, Scarlet


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences between alternative certification pathways, specifically those offered through a university-based, post baccalaureate certification program and a regional education service center certification program. A quantitative research design was implemented and archived scores on the TExES PPR…

  10. Cyclic AMP Receptor Protein Regulates Pheromone-Mediated Bioluminescence at Multiple Levels in Vibrio fischeri ES114

    PubMed Central

    Lyell, Noreen L.; Colton, Deanna M.; Bose, Jeffrey L.; Tumen-Velasquez, Melissa P.; Kimbrough, John H.


    Bioluminescence in Vibrio fischeri ES114 is activated by autoinducer pheromones, and this regulation serves as a model for bacterial cell-cell signaling. As in other bacteria, pheromone concentration increases with cell density; however, pheromone synthesis and perception are also modulated in response to environmental stimuli. Previous studies suggested that expression of the pheromone-dependent bioluminescence activator LuxR is regulated in response to glucose by cyclic AMP (cAMP) receptor protein (CRP) (P. V. Dunlap and E. P. Greenberg, J. Bacteriol. 164:45–50, 1985; P. V. Dunlap and E. P. Greenberg, J. Bacteriol. 170:4040–4046, 1988; P. V. Dunlap, J. Bacteriol. 171:1199–1202, 1989; and W. F. Friedrich and E. P. Greenberg, Arch. Microbiol. 134:87–91, 1983). Consistent with this model, we found that bioluminescence in V. fischeri ES114 is modulated by glucose and stimulated by cAMP. In addition, a Δcrp mutant was ∼100-fold dimmer than ES114 and did not increase luminescence in response to added cAMP, even though cells lacking crp were still metabolically capable of producing luminescence. We further discovered that CRP regulates not only luxR but also the alternative pheromone synthase gene ainS. We found that His-tagged V. fischeri CRP could bind sequences upstream of both luxR and ainS, supporting bioinformatic predictions of direct regulation at both promoters. Luminescence increased in response to cAMP if either the ainS or luxR system was under native regulation, suggesting cAMP-CRP significantly increases luminescence through both systems. Finally, using transcriptional reporters in transgenic Escherichia coli, we elucidated two additional regulatory connections. First, LuxR-independent basal transcription of the luxI promoter was enhanced by CRP. Second, the effect of CRP on the ainS promoter depended on whether the V. fischeri regulatory gene litR was also introduced. These results suggest an integral role for CRP in pheromone signaling that


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Jiang, Ing-Guey; Wu, Yu-Ting; Chien, Ping


    Five newly observed transit light curves of the TrES-3 planetary system are presented. Together with other light-curve data from the literature, 23 transit light curves in total, which cover an overall timescale of 911 epochs, have been analyzed through a standard procedure. From these observational data, the system's orbital parameters are determined and possible transit timing variations (TTVs) are investigated. Given that a null TTV produces a fit with reduced {chi}{sup 2} = 1.52, our results agree with previous work, that TTVs might not exist in these data. However, a one-frequency oscillating TTV model, giving a fit with a reducedmore » {chi}{sup 2} = 0.93, does possess a statistically higher probability. It is thus concluded that future observations and dynamical simulations for this planetary system will be very important.« less

  12. Advances in SELEX ES infrared detectors for space and astronomy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Knowles, P.; Hipwood, L.; Baker, I.; Weller, H.


    Selex ES produces a wide range of infrared detectors from mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) and triglycine sulfate (TGS), and has supplied both materials into space programmes spanning a period of over 40 years. Current development activities that underpin potential future space missions include large format arrays for near- and short-wave infrared (NIR and SWIR) incorporating radiation-hard designs and suppression of glow. Improved heterostructures are aimed at the reduction of dark currents and avalanche photodiodes (APDs), and parallel studies have been undertaken for low-stress MCT array mounts. Much of this development work has been supported by ESA, UK Space, and ESO, and some has been performed in collaboration with the UK Astronomy Technology Centre and E2V. This paper focuses on MCT heterostructure developments and novel design elements in silicon read-out chips (ROICs). The 2048 x 2048 element, 17um pitch ROIC for ESA's SWIR array development forms the basis for the largest cooled infrared detector manufactured in Europe. Selex ES MCT is grown by metal organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE), currently on 75mm diameter GaAs substrates. The MCT die size of the SWIR array is 35mm square and only a single array can be printed on the 75mm diameter wafer, utilising only 28% of the wafer area. The situation for 100mm substrates is little better, allowing only 2 arrays and 31% utilisation. However, low cost GaAs substrates are readily available in 150mm diameter and the MCT growth is scalable to this size, offering the real possibility of 6 arrays per wafer with 42% utilisation. A similar 2k x 2k ROIC is the goal of ESA's NIR programme, which is currently in phase 2 with a 1k x 1k demonstrator, and a smaller 320 x 256 ROIC (SAPHIRA) has been designed for ESO for the adaptive optics application in the VLT Gravity instrument. All 3 chips have low noise source-follower architecture and are enabled for MCT APD arrays, which have been demonstrated by ESO to be capable of

  13. SETDB1 modulates PRC2 activity at developmental genes independently of H3K9 trimethylation in mouse ES cells

    PubMed Central

    Fei, Qi; Yang, Xiaoqin; Jiang, Hua; Wang, Qian; Yu, Yanyan; Yu, Yiling; Yi, Wei; Zhou, Shaolian; Chen, Taiping; Lu, Chris; Atadja, Peter; Liu, Xiaole Shirley; Li, En; Zhang, Yong; Shou, Jianyong


    SETDB1, a histone methyltransferase responsible for methylation of histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9), is involved in maintenance of embryonic stem (ES) cells and early embryonic development of the mouse. However, how SETDB1 regulates gene expression during development is largely unknown. Here, we characterized genome-wide SETDB1 binding and H3K9 trimethylation (H3K9me3) profiles in mouse ES cells and uncovered two distinct classes of SETDB1 binding sites, termed solo and ensemble peaks. The solo peaks were devoid of H3K9me3 and enriched near developmental regulators while the ensemble peaks were associated with H3K9me3. A subset of the SETDB1 solo peaks, particularly those near neural development–related genes, was found to be associated with Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) as well as PRC2-interacting proteins JARID2 and MTF2. Genetic deletion of Setdb1 reduced EZH2 binding as well as histone 3 lysine 27 (H3K27) trimethylation level at SETDB1 solo peaks and facilitated neural differentiation. Furthermore, we found that H3K27me3 inhibits SETDB1 methyltransferase activity. The currently identified reciprocal action between SETDB1 and PRC2 reveals a novel mechanism underlying ES cell pluripotency and differentiation regulation. PMID:26160163

  14. The Onset of Another Very Strong X-Ray Flare in the HBL Source 1ES 1959+650

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kapanadze, Bidzina


    Since 2015 August, the nearby TeV-detected HBL source 1ES 1959+650 (Z=0.048) is showing a phase of significantly enhanced X-ray flaring activity compared to the previous years (Kapanadze et al. 2016, MNRAS, 461, L26; Kapanadze et al. 2017, MNRAS, 473, 2542; ATel #9949, # 9694, #9205, #9121, #8468, # 8342, # 8289, #8014, #10439, #10622).

  15. A Decade of Technology Enhanced Learning at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Challenges, Achievements, and Opportunities

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mtebe, Joel S.; Raphael, Christina


    For a decade past, integration of technology in teaching and learning has been received with both apprehension and skeptism from academics and student majority at the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM). The study recounts real, professional and practical experiences, challenges, and opportunities of integrating educational technologies using…

  16. Hinderniserkennung und -verfolgung mit einer PMD-kamera im automobil

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schamm, Thomas; Vacek, Stefan; Natroshvilli, Koba; Marius Zöllner, J.; Dillmann, Rüdiger

    Die Detektion von Hindernissen vor dem Automobil ist eine Hauptanforderung an moderne Fahrerassistenzsysteme (FAS). In dieser Arbeit wird ein System vorgestellt, das mit Hilfe einer PMDKamera (Photomischdetektor) Hindernisse auf der Fahrspur erkennt und deren relevante Parameter bestimmt. Durch die PMD-Kamera werden zunächst 3D-Tiefenbilder der Fahrzeugumwelt generiert. Nach einem initialen Filterprozess werden im Tiefenbild mit Hilfe eines Bereichswachstumsverfahrens Hindernisse gesucht. Zur Stabilisierung des Verfahrens und zur Parameterberechnung wird ein Kaiman Filter eingesetzt. Das Ergebnis ist eine Liste aller Hindernisse im Fahrbereich des Automobils.

  17. Transmission spectroscopy of the hot Jupiter TrES-3 b: Disproof of an overly large Rayleigh-like feature

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mackebrandt, F.; Mallonn, M.; Ohlert, J. M.; Granzer, T.; Lalitha, S.; García Muñoz, A.; Gibson, N. P.; Lee, J. W.; Sozzetti, A.; Turner, J. D.; Vaňko, M.; Strassmeier, K. G.


    Context. Transit events of extrasolar planets offer the opportunity to study the composition of their atmospheres. Previous work on transmission spectroscopy of the close-in gas giant (TrES)-3 b revealed an increase in absorption towards blue wavelengths of very large amplitude in terms of atmospheric pressure scale heights, too large to be explained by Rayleigh-scattering in the planetary atmosphere. Aims: We present a follow-up study of the optical transmission spectrum of the hot Jupiter TrES-3 b to investigate the strong increase in opacity towards short wavelengths found by a previous study. Furthermore, we aim to estimate the effect of stellar spots on the transmission spectrum. Methods: This work uses previously published long slit spectroscopy transit data of the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) and published broad band observations as well as new observations in different bands from the near-UV to the near-IR, for a homogeneous transit light curve analysis. Additionally, a long-term photometric monitoring of the TrES-3 host star was performed. Results: Our newly analysed GTC spectroscopic transit observations show a slope of much lower amplitude than previous studies. We conclude from our results the previously reported increasing signal towards short wavelengths is not intrinsic to the TrES-3 system. Furthermore, the broad band spectrum favours a flat spectrum. Long-term photometric monitoring rules out a significant modification of the transmission spectrum by unocculted star spots. Based on (1) data obtained with the STELLA robotic telescopes in Tenerife, an AIP facility jointly operated by AIP and IAC, (2) observations collected at the German-Spanish Astronomical Center, Calar Alto, jointly operated by the Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie Heidelberg and the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC) and (3) observations made with the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) operated on the island of La Palma by the Fundación Galileo Galilei of

  18. Urban lymphatic filariasis in the metropolis of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

    PubMed Central


    Background The last decades have seen a considerable increase in urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa, and it is estimated that over 50% of the population will live in urban areas by 2040. Rapid growth of cities combined with limited economic resources often result in informal settlements and slums with favorable conditions for proliferation of vectors of lymphatic filariasis (LF). In Dar es Salaam, which has grown more than 30 times in population during the past 55 years (4.4 million inhabitants in 2012), previous surveys have indicated high prevalences of LF. This study investigated epidemiological aspects of LF in Dar es Salaam, as a background for planning and implementation of control. Methods Six sites with varying distance from the city center (3–30 km) and covering different population densities, socioeconomic characteristics, and water, sewerage and sanitary facilities were selected for the study. Pupils from one public primary school at each site were screened for circulating filarial antigen (CFA; marker of adult worm infection) and antibodies to Bm14 (marker of exposure to transmission). Community members were examined for CFA, microfilariae and chronic manifestations. Structured questionnaires were administered to pupils and heads of community households, and vector surveys were carried out in selected households. Results The study indicated that a tremendous decrease in the burden of LF infection had occurred, despite haphazard urbanisation. Contributing factors may be urban malaria control targeting Anopheles vectors, short survival time of the numerous Culex quinquefasciatus vectors in the urban environment, widespread use of bed nets and other mosquito proofing measures, and mass drug administration (MDA) in 2006 and 2007. Although the level of ongoing transmission was low, the burden of chronic LF disease was still high. Conclusions The development has so far been promising, but continued efforts are necessary to ensure elimination of LF as a


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Chan, Tucker; Ingemyr, Mikael; Winn, Joshua N.


    We present transit photometry of three exoplanets, TrES-4b, HAT-P-3b, and WASP-12b, allowing for refined estimates of the systems' parameters. TrES-4b and WASP-12b were confirmed to be 'bloated' planets, with radii of 1.706 {+-} 0.056R{sub Jup} and 1.736 {+-} 0.092R{sub Jup}, respectively. These planets are too large to be explained with standard models of gas giant planets. In contrast, HAT-P-3b has a radius of 0.827 {+-} 0.055R{sub Jup}, smaller than a pure hydrogen-helium planet and indicative of a highly metal-enriched composition. Analyses of the transit timings revealed no significant departures from strict periodicity. For TrES-4, our relatively recent observations allow formore » improvement in the orbital ephemerides, which is useful for planning future observations.« less

  20. FGF7 and cell density are required for final differentiation of pancreatic amylase-positive cells from human ES cells.


    Takizawa-Shirasawa, Sakiko; Yoshie, Susumu; Yue, Fengming; Mogi, Akimi; Yokoyama, Tadayuki; Tomotsune, Daihachiro; Sasaki, Katsunori


    The major molecular signals of pancreatic exocrine development are largely unknown. We examine the role of fibroblast growth factor 7 (FGF7) in the final induction of pancreatic amylase-containing exocrine cells from induced-pancreatic progenitor cells derived from human embryonic stem (hES) cells. Our protocol consisted in three steps: Step I, differentiation of definitive endoderm (DE) by activin A treatment of hES cell colonies; Step II, differentiation of pancreatic progenitor cells by re-plating of the cells of Step I onto 24-well plates at high density and stimulation with all-trans retinoic acid; Step III, differentiation of pancreatic exocrine cells with a combination of FGF7, glucagon-like peptide 1 and nicotinamide. The expression levels of pancreatic endodermal markers such as Foxa2, Sox17 and gut tube endoderm marker HNF1β were up-regulated in both Step I and II. Moreover, in Step III, the induced cells expressed pancreatic markers such as amylase, carboxypeptidase A and chymotrypsinogen B, which were similar to those in normal human pancreas. From day 8 in Step III, cells immunohistochemically positive for amylase and for carboxypeptidase A, a pancreatic exocrine cell product, were induced by FGF7. Pancreatic progenitor Pdx1-positive cells were localized in proximity to the amylase-positive cells. In the absence of FGF7, few amylase-positive cells were identified. Thus, our three-step culture protocol for human ES cells effectively induces the differentiation of amylase- and carboxypeptidase-A-containing pancreatic exocrine cells.

  1. Étude ethnobotanique des plantes utilisées dans le traitement du diabète dans la médecine traditionnelle de la région Maritime du Togo

    PubMed Central

    Holaly, Gbekley Efui; Simplice, Karou Damintoti; Charlemagne, Gnoula; Kodjovi, Agbodeka; Kokou, Anani; Tchadjobo, Tchacondo; Amegnona, Agbonon; Komlan, Batawila; Jacques, Simpore


    Introduction Les plantes constituent une grande source de principes actifs qui peuvent être utilisés pour traiter de nombreuses maladies, dont le diabète. L'objectif de cette étude était de recenser les plantes utilisées en médecine traditionnelle pour traiter le diabète dans la région Maritime du Togo. Méthodes De janvier 2013 à juin 2014, une enquête ethnobotanique a été réalisée auprès de 164 guérisseurs traditionnels dans la région Maritime par des interviews directes à l'aide d'un questionnaire semi structuré. Résultats Les données recueillies ont permis d'identifier 112 espèces végétales appartenant à 51 familles. Les familles les plus représentées ont été les Caesalpiniaceae / Fabaceae avec 9 espèces, suivie des Euphorbiaceae et des Compositae avec 8 espèces chacune. Les espèces les plus citées ont été Allium sativum, Alium cepa, Guilandina bonduc, Moringa oleifera et de Picralima nitida qui ont eu une valeur usuelle de 0,05. En termes de recettes, 132 recettes sont préparées à partir des 112 espèces de plantes. Les recettes à plantes uniques ont été au nombre de 78, tandis que 54 recettes sont obtenues par des associations de plantes. Les parties de plantes les plus utilisées ont été les feuilles suivies par les racines. La principale méthode de préparation reste la décoction. Conclusion La région maritime du Togo dispose d'une biodiversité floristique importante en matière de plantes antidiabétiques. Ces résultats constituent une bonne base de données pour le criblage biologique dans la recherche de molécules antidiabétiques à base des plantes. PMID:26309469

  2. Glutenite bodies sequence division of the upper Es4 in northern Minfeng zone of Dongying Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shao, Xupeng


    Glutenite bodies are widely developed in northern Minfeng zone of Dongying Sag. Their litho-electric relationship is not clear. In addition, as the conventional sequence stratigraphic research method drawbacks of involving too many subjective human factors, it has limited deepening of the regional sequence stratigraphic research. The wavelet transform technique based on logging data and the time-frequency analysis technique based on seismic data have advantages of dividing sequence stratigraphy quantitatively comparing with the conventional methods. Under the basis of the conventional sequence research method, this paper used the above techniques to divide the fourth-order sequence of the upper Es4 in northern Minfeng zone of Dongying Sag. The research shows that the wavelet transform technique based on logging data and the time-frequency analysis technique based on seismic data are essentially consistent, both of which divide sequence stratigraphy quantitatively in the frequency domain; wavelet transform technique has high resolutions. It is suitable for areas with wells. The seismic time-frequency analysis technique has wide applicability, but a low resolution. Both of the techniques should be combined; the upper Es4 in northern Minfeng zone of Dongying Sag is a complete set of third-order sequence, which can be further subdivided into 5 fourth-order sequences that has the depositional characteristics of fine-upward sequence in granularity. Key words: Dongying sag, northern Minfeng zone, wavelet transform technique, time-frequency analysis technique ,the upper Es4, sequence stratigraphy

  3. Caractérisation de la flore bactérienne des péritonites communautaires opérées au Burkina Faso

    PubMed Central

    Sanou, Mahamoudou; Ky, Armand; Ouangre, Edgard; Bisseye, Cyrille; Sanou, Adama; Nagalo, Bolni Marius; Sanou, Drissa; Simporé, Jacques; Sangare, Lassana; Traore, Rasmata


    Introduction La péritonite communautaire est une urgence chirurgicale récurrente chez l'adulte qui constitue une préoccupation majeure pour le chirurgien et l'anesthésiste-réanimateur dans sa prise en charge. L'objectif de cette étude était d’établir non seulement le profil bactériologique des péritoniques communautaires opérées dans le service de chirurgie générale et digestive du CHU-YO mais aussi d’évaluer la sensibilité aux antibiotiques des souches bactériennes isolées à partir de ces dernières. Méthodes Cent six (106) patients ont été recrutés dans cette étude et des prélèvements bactériologiques préopératoires ont été effectués dont 63 se sont révélés positifs. Résultats Sur les 63 prélèvements positifs, 78 germes ont été isolés soit une moyenne de 1,2 germe par échantillon. Escherichia coli été le germe le plus fréquemment isolé (33,3%), suivi des anaérobies (11,5%), Streptococcus sp (9%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (6,4%) et Staphylococcus sp (5,1%). Les antibiotiques les plus efficaces sur les bactéries identifiées dans les péritonites communautaires étaient respectivement l'imipenème (100%), la colistine (100%), la céftriaxone (100%), et la ciprofloxacine (65,4%) Conclusion Le profil de sensibilité des bactéries identifiées dans les principales péritonites communautaires aux antibiotiques montre une augmentation inquiétante du nombre de souches résistantes, notamment à l'association amoxicilline/acide clavulanique PMID:25360201

  4. Bacillus pumilus ES4: candidate plant growth-promoting bacterium to enhance establishment of plants in mine tailings

    PubMed Central

    de-Bashan, Luz E.; Hernandez, Juan-Pablo; Bashan, Yoav; Maier, Raina


    Three plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB; Bacillus pumilus ES4, B. pumilus RIZO1, and Azospirillum brasilense Cd) were tested for their ability to enhance plant growth and development of the native Sonoran Desert shrub quailbush (Atriplex lentiformis) and for their effect on the native bacterial community in moderately acidic, high-metal content (AHMT) and in neutral, low metal content natural tailings (NLMT) in controlled greenhouse experiments. Inoculation of quailbush with all three PGPB significantly enhanced plant growth parameters, such as germination, root length, dry weight of shoots and roots, and root/shoot ratio in both types of tailings. The effect of inoculation on the indigenous bacterial community by the most successful PGPB Bacillus pumilus ES4 was evaluated by denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) fingerprinting and root colonization was followed by specific fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Inoculation with this strain significantly changed the bacterial community over a period of 60 days. FISH analysis showed that the preferred site of colonization was the root tips and root elongation area. This study shows that inoculation of native perennial plants with PGPB can be used for developing technologies for phytostabilizing mine tailings. PMID:25009362

  5. ?`Es necesario calcular detalladamente funciones de partición atómicas?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Milone, L. A.; Merlo, D. C.

    Basándonos en extensos y precisos cómputos de funciones de partición realizados por nosotros para distintos átomos, se muestra que en el cálculo u obtención de ciertas magnitudes (notablemente la presión electrónica, la abundancia de un elemento deducida a partir de un estado fuertemente ionizado, etc.) el error porcentual que se comete es pequeño (inferior a 1 %) si se adopta, como valor de la función de partición, el peso estadístico del término correspondiente al estado fundamental del átomo. Esta notable simplificación acelera el cálculo, por ejemplo, de un modelo de atmósfera estelar, sin disminuir la precisión de los resultados.

  6. 77 FR 70812 - United States v. Star Atlantic Waste Holdings, L.P., Veolia Environnement S.A. and Veolia ES...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Atlantic provides collection, transfer, recycling, and disposal services in Alabama, Florida, Georgia... subsidiary, Veolia ES Solid Waste, Inc., that offers collection, transfer, recycling, and disposal services... analyzing the effects of the acquisition under Section 7 of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. Sec. 18. 2. Disposal...

  7. Stufenweise Integration von eLearning an der Technischen Universität München

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pätzold, Sebastian; Graf, Stephan; Gergintchev, Ivan; Pongratz, Hans; Rathmayer, Sabine

    Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt als Best Practice Beispiel die stufenweise Integration eines Learning Management Systems (LMS) in die Infrastruktur von Information und Kommunikation (IuK) der Technischen Universität München (TUM). Dabei wird sowohl die Konsolidierung mehrfach angebotener Funktionalitäten und Dienste in den verschiedenen Portalen der Universität als auch die sukzessive Optimierung der Abläufe aufgezeigt. Gleichzeitig wird auf zukünftige weitere Entwicklungen hin zu einer vollständigen Integration der IuK, aber auch auf die Probleme in den unterschiedlichen Stadien der Entwicklung eingegangen.

  8. Funkmesstechnik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Plaßmann, Wilfried

    Ein Hauptgebiet der Funkmesstechnik ist durch den Begriff RADAR (radio detection and ranging gekennzeichnet. Bei diesem Verfahren werden impulsförmige elektromagnetische Wellen von einer Antenne ausgesendet und an Körpern oder Stoffverteilungen (Wolken) reflektiert. Die Sendeantenne wird auf Empfang umgeschaltet, und anhand des Echos sind Rückschlüsse auf die Lage und die Beschaffenheit der Körper oder der Stoffverteilungen möglich. Angewendet wird die Radartechnik bei der Kontrolle und der Sicherung des Land-, Wasser- und Flugverkehrs, in der Meteorologie zur Wetterprognose, in der Astrologie und im militärischen Bereich.

  9. CHONDRICHTHYES, Knorpelfische

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Goldschmid, Alfred

    Die über 1.100 Arten der Knorpelfische sind nur etwa 4% aller heute lebenden Fischarten. Ihrknorpeliges Endoskelett kann zwar verkalken, wird abernie zu Knochen umgebaut. Der Schädel besteht nur aus Neurocranium und Viscerocranium, ein Dermatocranium fehlt. Knochen findet sich nur in den Plakoidschuppen der Körperdecke. Eine Schwimmblase wie bei den Knochenfischen wird nie gebildet. Mund- und Nasenöffnungen liegen ventral; der Endolymphgang bleibt zeitlebens mit der Epidermis verbunden. Der mediale Teil der Beckenflosse der Männchen dient als Kopulationsorgan (Mixopterygium, Klasper) (Abb. 208, 209B) bei der inneren Befruchtung.

  10. MARC ES: a computer program for estimating medical information storage requirements.


    Konoske, P J; Dobbins, R W; Gauker, E D


    During combat, documentation of medical treatment information is critical for maintaining continuity of patient care. However, knowledge of prior status and treatment of patients is limited to the information noted on a paper field medical card. The Multi-technology Automated Reader Card (MARC), a smart card, has been identified as a potential storage mechanism for casualty medical information. Focusing on data capture and storage technology, this effort developed a Windows program, MARC ES, to estimate storage requirements for the MARC. The program calculates storage requirements for a variety of scenarios using medical documentation requirements, casualty rates, and casualty flows and provides the user with a tool to estimate the space required to store medical data at each echelon of care for selected operational theaters. The program can also be used to identify the point at which data must be uploaded from the MARC if size constraints are imposed. Furthermore, this model can be readily extended to other systems that store or transmit medical information.

  11. Extended evaluation on the ES-D3 cell differentiation assay combined with the BeWo transport model, to predict relative developmental toxicity of triazole compounds.


    Li, Hequn; Flick, Burkhard; Rietjens, Ivonne M C M; Louisse, Jochem; Schneider, Steffen; van Ravenzwaay, Bennard


    The mouse embryonic stem D3 (ES-D3) cell differentiation assay is based on the morphometric measurement of cardiomyocyte differentiation and is a promising tool to detect developmental toxicity of compounds. The BeWo transport model, consisting of BeWo b30 cells grown on transwell inserts and mimicking the placental barrier, is useful to determine relative placental transport velocities of compounds. We have previously demonstrated the usefulness of the ES-D3 cell differentiation assay in combination with the in vitro BeWo transport model to predict the relative in vivo developmental toxicity potencies of a set of reference azole compounds. To further evaluate this combined in vitro toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic approach, we combined ES-D3 cell differentiation data of six novel triazoles with relative transport rates obtained from the BeWo model and compared the obtained ranking to the developmental toxicity ranking as derived from in vivo data. The data show that the combined in vitro approach provided a correct prediction for in vivo developmental toxicity, whereas the ES-D3 cell differentiation assay as stand-alone did not. In conclusion, we have validated the combined in vitro approach for developmental toxicity, which we have previously developed with a set of reference azoles, for a set of six novel triazoles. We suggest that this combined model, which takes both toxicodynamic and toxicokinetic aspects into account, should be further validated for other chemical classes of developmental toxicants.

  12. In vitro culture of bovine embryos in murine ES cell conditioned media negatively affects expression of pluripotency-related markers OCT4, SOX2 and SSEA1.


    Oliveira, C S; de Souza, M M; Saraiva, N Z; Tetzner, T A D; Lima, M R; Lopes, F L; Garcia, J M


    Despite extensive efforts, establishment of bovine embryonic stem (ES) cell lines has not been successful. We hypothesized that culture conditions for in vitro-produced (IVP) embryos, the most used source of inner cell mass (ICM) to obtain ES cells, might affect their undifferentiated state. Therefore, the aim of this work was to improve pluripotency of IVP blastocysts to produce suitable ICM for further culturing. We tested KSR and foetal calf serum (FCS) supplements in SOF medium and ES cell conditioned medium (CM) on IVC (groups: KSR, KSR CM, FCS and FCS CM). Cleavage and blastocyst rates were similar between all groups. Also, embryonic quality, assessed by apoptosis rates (TUNEL assay), total cell number and ICM percentage did not differ between experimental groups. However, expression of pluripotency-related markers was affected. We detected down-regulation of OCT3/4, SOX2 and SSEA1 in ICM of FCS CM blastocysts (p < 0.05). SOX2 gene expression revealed lower levels (p < 0.05) on KSR CM blastocysts and a remarkable variation in SOX2 mRNA levels on FCS-supplemented blastocysts. In conclusion, pluripotency-related markers tend to decrease after supplementation with ES cell CM, suggesting different mechanisms regulating mouse and bovine pluripotency. KSR supplementation did not differ from FCS, but FCS replacement by KSR may produce blastocysts with stable SOX2 gene expression levels. © 2011 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  13. The multiple synaesthete E.S.: neuroanatomical basis of interval-taste and tone-colour synaesthesia.


    Hänggi, Jürgen; Beeli, Gian; Oechslin, Mathias S; Jäncke, Lutz


    Synaesthesia is the involuntary physical experience of a crossmodal linkage such as when hearing a tone evokes the additional sensation of seeing a colour. We previously described a professional musician with absolute pitch perception who experiences both different tastes in response to hearing different tone intervals (e.g., major third and sweet) and the more common tone-colour synaesthesia in which each particular tone is linked to a specific colour (e.g., C and red). One of the current theories of synaesthesia proposes that local crossactivation or disinhibition of feedback occurs because of increased connectivity between relevant brain areas. Based on diffusion tensor and T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging we performed fractional anisotropy (FA) analysis, probabilistic fibre tractography, and voxel-based morphometry in the synaesthete E.S. compared with 17 professional musicians and 20 normal control subjects using voxel-wise z-score transformations. We report increased FA and volumetric white (WM) and grey matter (GM) peculiarities in E.S.'s auditory and gustatory areas, hence explaining the interval-taste synaesthesia. Probabilistic fibre tractography revealed hyperconnectivity in bilateral perisylvian-insular regions in the synaesthete E.S. Differences in FA and volumetric WM and GM alterations in visual areas might represent the neuroarchitectural foundation of the tone-colour synaesthesia. Still unknown are the causes of the structural alterations, although an X-chromosomal linked dominant trait has been suggested. Whether hyperconnectivity occurs due to a failure in neural pruning or even synaptic sprouting remains to be shown. Our findings might have implications for the understanding of multimodal integration and may encourage similar research into dysfunctional perceptual phenomenon such as hallucinations in schizophrenics or in Charles Bonnet syndrome.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bottacini, E.; Schady, P.; Rau, A.

    1ES 1959+650 is one of the most remarkable high-peaked BL Lacertae objects (HBL). In 2002, it exhibited a TeV {gamma}-ray flare without a similar brightening of the synchrotron component at lower energies. This orphan TeV flare remained a mystery. We present the results of a multifrequency campaign, triggered by the INTEGRAL IBIS detection of 1ES 1959+650. Our data range from the optical to hard X-ray energies, thus covering the synchrotron and inverse-Compton components simultaneously. We observed the source with INTEGRAL, the Swift X-Ray Telescope, and the UV-Optical Telescope, and nearly simultaneously with a ground-based optical telescope. The steep spectral componentmore » at X-ray energies is most likely due to synchrotron emission, while at soft {gamma}-ray energies the hard spectral index may be interpreted as the onset of the high-energy component of the blazar spectral energy distribution (SED). This is the first clear measurement of a concave X-ray-soft {gamma}-ray spectrum for an HBL. The SED can be well modeled with a leptonic synchrotron self-Compton model. When the SED is fitted this model requires a very hard electron spectral index of q {approx} 1.85, possibly indicating the relevance of second-order Fermi acceleration.« less

  15. Intimate Partner Violence and the Association with HIV Risk Behaviors among Young Men in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Maman, Suzanne; Yamanis, Thespina; Kouyoumdjian, Fiona; Watt, Melissa; Mbwambo, Jessie


    There is growing evidence of the association between gender-based violence and HIV from the perspective and experiences of women. The purpose of this study is to examine these associations from the perspective of young men living in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. A community-based sample of 951 men were interviewed, of whom 360 had sex in the past 6…

  16. Informal urban settlements and cholera risk in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


    Penrose, Katherine; de Castro, Marcia Caldas; Werema, Japhet; Ryan, Edward T


    As a result of poor economic opportunities and an increasing shortage of affordable housing, much of the spatial growth in many of the world's fastest-growing cities is a result of the expansion of informal settlements where residents live without security of tenure and with limited access to basic infrastructure. Although inadequate water and sanitation facilities, crowding and other poor living conditions can have a significant impact on the spread of infectious diseases, analyses relating these diseases to ongoing global urbanization, especially at the neighborhood and household level in informal settlements, have been infrequent. To begin to address this deficiency, we analyzed urban environmental data and the burden of cholera in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Cholera incidence was examined in relation to the percentage of a ward's residents who were informal, the percentage of a ward's informal residents without an improved water source, the percentage of a ward's informal residents without improved sanitation, distance to the nearest cholera treatment facility, population density, median asset index score in informal areas, and presence or absence of major roads. We found that cholera incidence was most closely associated with informal housing, population density, and the income level of informal residents. Using data available in this study, our model would suggest nearly a one percent increase in cholera incidence for every percentage point increase in informal residents, approximately a two percent increase in cholera incidence for every increase in population density of 1000 people per km(2) in Dar es Salaam in 2006, and close to a fifty percent decrease in cholera incidence in wards where informal residents had minimally improved income levels, as measured by ownership of a radio or CD player on average, in comparison to wards where informal residents did not own any items about which they were asked. In this study, the range of access to improved sanitation

  17. Informal Urban Settlements and Cholera Risk in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

    PubMed Central

    Penrose, Katherine; de Castro, Marcia Caldas; Werema, Japhet; Ryan, Edward T.


    Background As a result of poor economic opportunities and an increasing shortage of affordable housing, much of the spatial growth in many of the world's fastest-growing cities is a result of the expansion of informal settlements where residents live without security of tenure and with limited access to basic infrastructure. Although inadequate water and sanitation facilities, crowding and other poor living conditions can have a significant impact on the spread of infectious diseases, analyses relating these diseases to ongoing global urbanization, especially at the neighborhood and household level in informal settlements, have been infrequent. To begin to address this deficiency, we analyzed urban environmental data and the burden of cholera in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Methodology/Principal Findings Cholera incidence was examined in relation to the percentage of a ward's residents who were informal, the percentage of a ward's informal residents without an improved water source, the percentage of a ward's informal residents without improved sanitation, distance to the nearest cholera treatment facility, population density, median asset index score in informal areas, and presence or absence of major roads. We found that cholera incidence was most closely associated with informal housing, population density, and the income level of informal residents. Using data available in this study, our model would suggest nearly a one percent increase in cholera incidence for every percentage point increase in informal residents, approximately a two percent increase in cholera incidence for every increase in population density of 1000 people per km2 in Dar es Salaam in 2006, and close to a fifty percent decrease in cholera incidence in wards where informal residents had minimally improved income levels, as measured by ownership of a radio or CD player on average, in comparison to wards where informal residents did not own any items about which they were asked. In this study, the

  18. Profil comparatif et évolutif des personnes infectées par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine traitées aux antirétroviraux à Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Koy, Tshingani; Mukumbi, Henri; Malandala, Ghislain Lubangi Muteba; Donnen, Philippe; Wilmet–Dramaix, Michèle


    Introduction A trithérapie (ARV) introduite en R.D.Congo en 1996, a permis l′amélioration substantielle de la qualité de vie des PVVIH et a réduit la morbimortalité liée au sida en R.D. Congo. L'objectif de cette étude est de présenter le profil épidémiologique comparatif, clinique, ainsi que l’évolution anthropométrique des PVVIH sous ARV à Kinshasa. Méthodes Etude de cohorte sur 438 PVVIH, de 18 ans et plus, suivies entre mai 2010 à 2011 à Amo Congo à Kinshasa. Une comparaison a été faite entre les patients suivis pendant un an et ceux perdus de vue. Le Chi carré de Mc Nemar et l'analyse de variance pour mesures répétées ont été appliqués pour étudier l’évolution. Résultats Près 12 mois de suivi, 11,4% de patients ont été perdus de vue. Parmi eux, on observait des proportions significativement plus élevées de personnes de niveau socioéconomique bas, d'indice de masse corporelle (IMC) bas, présentant de l'anorexie, des affections opportunistes. Les proportions de patients aux stades OMS 3 & 4 et naïfs étaient également significativement plus élevées et la durée sous ARV plus courte. Les gains moyens des paramètres anthropométriques au 12ème mois, étaient importants: de 3,6 [3,2 - 4,0] kg pour le poids, 1,8 (1,4 - 2,3) cm pour le périmètre abdominal, 0,9 (0,8 - 1,2) cm pour le périmètre brachial, 1,4 (1,2 - 1,5) kg/m2 pour l'IMC. La proportion de patients avec un IMC <18,5 kg/m2 a significativement plus baissé entre l'admission et le 12ème mois parmi les patients sans stomatite que parmi ceux avec stomatite. L'IMC moyen évoluait significativement différemment entre l'admission et le 12ème mois selon l’âge et la taille de ménage. Conclusion Les facteurs fragilisant la rétention des patients sous antirétroviraux et une évolution progressive de l’état nutritionnel ont été observés. PMID:25995784

  19. A computer decision aid for medical prevention: a pilot qualitative study of the Personalized Estimate of Risks (EsPeR) system

    PubMed Central

    Colombet, Isabelle; Dart, Thierry; Leneveut, Laurence; Zunino, Sylvain; Ménard, Joël; Chatellier, Gilles


    Background Many preventable diseases such as ischemic heart diseases and breast cancer prevail at a large scale in the general population. Computerized decision support systems are one of the solutions for improving the quality of prevention strategies. Methods The system called EsPeR (Personalised Estimate of Risks) combines calculation of several risks with computerisation of guidelines (cardiovascular prevention, screening for breast cancer, colorectal cancer, uterine cervix cancer, and prostate cancer, diagnosis of depression and suicide risk). We present a qualitative evaluation of its ergonomics, as well as it's understanding and acceptance by a group of general practitioners. We organised four focus groups each including 6–11 general practitioners. Physicians worked on several structured clinical scenari os with the help of EsPeR, and three senior investigators leaded structured discussion sessions. Results The initial sessions identified several ergonomic flaws of the system that were easily corrected. Both clinical scenarios and discussion sessions identified several problems related to the insufficient comprehension (expression of risks, definition of familial history of disease), and difficulty for the physicians to accept some of the recommendations. Conclusion Educational, socio-professional and organisational components (i.e. time constraints for training and use of the EsPeR system during consultation) as well as acceptance of evidence-based decision-making should be taken into account before launching computerised decision support systems, or their application in randomised trials. PMID:14641924

  20. Weather Information Communication (WINCOMM) VDL-3 and 1090ES Final Test Requirements, Test Plans, and Test Results

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Griner, James H.; Jirberg, Russ; Frantz, Brian; Kachmar, Brian A.


    NASA s Aviation Safety Program was created for the purpose of making a significant reduction in the incidents of weather related aviation accidents by improving situational awareness. The objectives of that program are being met in part through advances in weather sensor technology, and in part through advances in the communications technology that are developed for use in the National Airspace System. It is this latter element, i.e., the improvements in aviation communication technologies, that is the focus of the Weather Information Communications project. This report describes the final flight test results completed under the WINCOMM project at the NASA Glenn Research Center of the 1090 Extended Squitter (1090ES) and VDL Mode 3 (VDL-3) data links as a medium for weather data exchange. It presents the use of 1090ES to meet the program objectives of sending broadcast turbulence information and the use of VDL-3 to send graphical weather images. This report provides the test requirements and test plans, which led to flight tests, as well as final results from flight testing. The reports define the changes made to both avionics and ground-based receivers as well as the ground infrastructure to support implementation of the recommended architecture, with a focus on the issues associated with these changes.

  1. Current clinical efficacy of chloroquine for the treatment of Plasmodium falciparum infections in urban Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania.

    PubMed Central

    Premji, Z.; Makwaya, C.; Minjas, J. N.


    Reported is the use of a 14-day WHO protocol, which takes into account the clinical, parasitological and haematological responses to antimalarial drugs, to determine the efficacy of chloroquine in the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in young children (n = 200) in urban Dar es Salaam. Chloroquine failure was found in 43% of the children. Of these, 12.5% were considered to be early treatment failures and were given a single dose of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine. Fever subsided in all children treated with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and there were no parasitological failures. In addition, children treated with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine because of early treatment failure with chloroquine had better haematological recovery than the chloroquine-sensitive group. It is concluded that chloroquine can no longer be considered an effective therapy for P. falciparum malaria in young children in Dar es Salaam. PMID:10534897

  2. Drug-like analogues of the parasitic worm-derived immunomodulator ES-62 are therapeutic in the MRL/Lpr model of systemic lupus erythematosus

    PubMed Central

    Rodgers, D T; Pineda, M A; Suckling, C J; Harnett, W


    Introduction ES-62, a phosphorylcholine (PC)-containing immunomodulator secreted by the parasitic worm Acanthocheilonema viteae, protects against nephritis in the MRL/Lpr mouse model of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). However, ES-62 is not suitable for development as a therapy and thus we have designed drug-like small molecule analogues (SMAs) based around its active PC-moiety. To provide proof of concept that ES-62-based SMAs exhibit therapeutic potential in SLE, we have investigated the capacity of two SMAs to protect against nephritis when administered to MRL/Lpr mice after onset of kidney damage. Methods SMAs 11a and 12b were evaluated for their ability to suppress antinuclear antibody (ANA) generation and consequent kidney pathology in MRL/Lpr mice when administered after the onset of proteinuria. Results SMAs 11a and 12b suppressed development of ANA and proteinuria. Protection reflected downregulation of MyD88 expression by kidney cells and this was associated with reduced production of IL-6, a cytokine that exhibits promise as a therapeutic target for this condition. Conclusions SMAs 11a and 12b provide proof of principle that synthetic compounds based on the safe immunomodulatory mechanisms of parasitic worms can exhibit therapeutic potential as a novel class of drugs for SLE, a disease for which current therapies remain inadequate. PMID:26085597

  3. Extreme Blazars Studied with Fermi-LAT and Suzaku: 1ES 0347-121 and Blazar Candidate HESS J1943+213

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tanaka, Y. T.; Stawarz, Ł.; Finke, J.; Cheung, C. C.; Dermer, C. D.; Kataoka, J.; Bamba, A.; Dubus, G.; De Naurois, M.; Wagner, S. J.; Fukazawa, Y.; Thompson, D. J.


    We report on our study of high-energy properties of two peculiar TeV emitters: the "extreme blazar" 1ES 0347-121 and the "extreme blazar candidate" HESS J1943+213 located near the Galactic plane. Both objects are characterized by quiescent synchrotron emission with flat spectra extending up to the hard X-ray range, and both were reported to be missing GeV counterparts in the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) two-year Source Catalog. We analyze a 4.5 yr accumulation of the Fermi-LAT data, resulting in the detection of 1ES 0347-121 in the GeV band, as well as in improved upper limits for HESS J1943+213. We also present the analysis results of newly acquired Suzaku data for HESS J1943+213. The X-ray spectrum is well represented by a single power law extending up to 25 keV with photon index 2.00 ± 0.02 and a moderate absorption in excess of the Galactic value, which is in agreement with previous X-ray observations. No short-term X-ray variability was found over the 80 ks duration of the Suzaku exposure. Under the blazar hypothesis, we modeled the spectral energy distributions of 1ES 0347-121 and HESS J1943+213, and we derived constraints on the intergalactic magnetic field strength and source energetics. We conclude that although the classification of HESS J1943+213 has not yet been determined, the blazar hypothesis remains the most plausible option since, in particular, the broadband spectra of the two analyzed sources along with the source model parameters closely resemble each other, and the newly available Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer and UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey data for HESS J1943+213 are consistent with the presence of an elliptical host at the distance of approximately ~600 Mpc.

  4. The pattern of mucocutaneous disorders in HIV-infected children attending care and treatment centres in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


    Panya, Millembe F; Mgonda, Yassin M; Massawe, Augustine W


    HIV/AIDS is associated with a wide range of mucocutaneous disorders some of which are useful in the clinical staging and prognosis of the syndrome. There is paucity of information regarding the prevalence and pattern of mucocutaneous disorders among HIV infected children attending paediatric Care and Treatment Centres (CTC) in Dar es Salaam. To determine the prevalence and pattern of mucocutaneous disorders among HIV infected children attending public paediatric 'Care and Treatment Centres' in Dar es Salaam. This was a cross sectional descriptive study involving public paediatric 'Care and Treatment Centres' in Dar es Salaam. Clinical information was obtained using a questionnaire. Dermatological examination was carried out in daylight. Investigations were taken as appropriate. Data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) program version 10.0. Chi-squared and Fisher's exact tests were utilized. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Three hundred and forty seven HIV infected children (52% males) attending CTCs were recruited into the study. Mucocutaneous disorders were encountered in 85% of them. There was no gender difference in the prevalence of the infective mucocutaneous disorders but males had a higher prevalence of non-infective/inflammatory dermatoses (58%) than females (42%) (p = 0.02). Overall, mucocutaneous disorders (infective + non infective) were more prevalent in advanced stages of HIV disease. Children with advanced HIV disease had a significantly increased frequency of fungal and viral infections (43% and 25% respectively than those with less advanced disease; 24% and 13% respectively (p = 0.01). Seventy four percent of the HIV-infected children with mucocutaneous disorders were already on ART. Mucocutaneous disorders among HIV infected children attending Care and Treatment Centres are common and highly variable. Comprehensive management should also emphasize on the management of

  5. Interpretation of ES, CS, and IOS approximations within a translational--internal coupling scheme. I. Atom--diatom collisions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Coombe, D.A.; Snider, R.F.


    Rotational invariance is applied to the description of atom--diatom collisions in a translational--internal coupling scheme, to obtain energy sudden (ES), centrifugal sudden (CS), and infinite order sudden (IOS) approximations to the reduced scattering S matrix S (j-barlambda-bar;L;jlambda). The method of presentation emphasizes that the translational--internal coupling scheme is actually the more natural description of collision processes in which one or more directions are assumed to be conserved.

  6. Characterizing Giant Exoplanets through Multiwavelength Transit Observations: HAT-P-14 b & TrES-1 b

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rivera, Daniel Ivan; Cole, Jackson Lane; Gardner, Cristilyn N.; Garver, Bethany Ray; Jarka, Kyla L.; Kar, Aman; McGough, Aylin Marie; PeQueen, David Jeffrey; Kasper, David; Jang-Condell, Hannah; Kobulnicky, Henry; Dale, Daniel


    Much current work focuses on characterizing exoplanets. We observed several known exoplanets using the 2.3 meter Wyoming Infrared Observatory over the course of ten weeks using the ugriz Sloan filters. Our goal was to quantify planet-to-star radius ratio, a ratio that is potentially wavelength dependent due to exoplanet atmospherics. We present the results for exoplanets HAT-P 14 b and TrES-1 b. Complementary data from the literature are utilized to supplement our analysis. This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under REU grant AST 1560461 and PAARE grant AST 1559559.

  7. Knowledge and attitudes towards obesity among primary school children in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


    Njelekela, Marina A; Muhihi, Alfa; Mpembeni, Rose N M; Anaeli, Amani; Chillo, Omary; Kubhoja, Sulende; Lujani, Benjamin; Ngarashi, Davis; Maghembe, Mwanamkuu


    Childhood obesity has increased over the past two decades. Child obesity is likely to persist through adulthood and increases the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) later in life. This study assessed knowledge and attitudes towards obesity among primary school children in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. A cross-sectional study was conducted in randomly selected primary schools in Dar es Salaam. A structured questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge and attitudes. Anthropometric and blood pressure measurements were taken using standard procedures. A total of 446 children were included in the analysis. The mean age of the participants was 11.1 ± 2.0 years. The mean body mass index (BMI), systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were 16.6 ± 4.0 kg/m(2), 103.9 ± 10.3 mmHg and 65.6 ± 8.2 mmHg, respectively. Prevalence of obesity (defined as BMI >95(th) percentile for age and sex) was 5.2%. Half of the children (51.1%) had heard about obesity from teachers at school (20%), radio (19.4%) and books/newspaper (17.3%). Less than half (45.4%) had knowledge about the risk factors for childhood obesity and correctly defined obesity (44.6%). However, a good number of the children (72.1%) were aware that they can be affected by obesity. Majority of them had negative attitude towards obesity and various factors leading to or resulting from childhood obesity. Knowledge about childhood obesity among primary school children is moderate and have negative attitude towards obesity. Integrating educational programs early in primary schools may be an effective strategy to impact knowledge about obesity and other non-communicable diseases early in childhood.

  8. Ethanol and methanol can improve huperzine A production from endophytic Colletotrichum gloeosporioides ES026.


    Zhao, Xin-Mei; Wang, Zhang-Qian; Shu, Shao-Hua; Wang, Wen-Juan; Xu, Hai-Jie; Ahn, Young-Joon; Wang, Mo; Hu, Xuebo


    Huperzine A (HupA) is a plant alkaloid that is of great interest as a therapeutic candidate for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. However, the current production of HupA from plants in large quantity is unsustainable because the plant resource is scarce and the content of HupA in plants is extremely low. Surprisingly, this compound was recently found to be produced by various endophytic fungi, which are much more controllable than the plants due to simpler genetics and ease of manipulation. However, it might be due to the innate properties of endophytic symbiosis, that production of this chemical in large quantity from endophytes has not yet been put into practice. Endophytic Colletotrichum gloeosporioides ES026 was previously isolated from a HupA producing plant and the fungi also proved to produce HupA. In this study, various fermentation conditions were tried to optimize the production of HupA from C. gloeosporioides ES026. Optimization of these parameters resulted in a 25.58% increase in HupA yield. Potato extracts supplemented with glucose or sucrose but not maltose facilitated HupA producing from the fungi. A final concentration of 0.5-2% ethanol stimulated the growth of fungi while methanol with the same treatment slightly inhibited the growth. However, both methanol and ethanol greatly increased the HupA production with the highest yield of HupA (51.89% increment) coming from ethanol treatment. Further analysis showed that both ethanol and methanol were strong inducers of HupA production, while ethanol was partially used as a carbon source during fermentation. It was noticed that the color of that ethanol treated mycelia gradually became dark while methanol treated ones stayed grey during fermentation. The present study sheds light on the importance of optimizing the fermentation process, which, combined with effective inducers, maximizes production of chemicals of important economic interest from endophytic fungi.

  9. Oral health status of handicapped primary school pupils in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


    Simon, E N M; Matee, M I; Scheutz, F


    There is hardly any information regarding oral health status of handicapped primary school pupils in Tanzania. Determination of their oral health status could help in planning sustainable intervention programmes for this disadvantaged group. To determine caries and periodontal status and treatment needs of handicapped primary school pupils in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. A descriptive cross-sectional study. Uhuru Mchanganyiko and Buguruni special schools, Dar es Salaam. The sample consisted of 179 (55.8%) males and 142 (44.2%) females aged between 7 and 22 years. Majority (71%) were deaf followed by blind (17.8%) and mentally retarded (8.7%). Six (1.9%) pupils were both deaf and blind, while one (0.3%) pupil was blind and mentally retarded. Forty one (12.8%) pupils had at least one decayed deciduous tooth, with the mean (dmfs) ranging from 0.25 to 3.24. The deaf had the highest mean decayed surfaces, followed by the mentally retarded and the blind. There was only one (0.3%) pupil who had a filled deciduous tooth. Thirty three (10.3%) pupils had decayed permanent teeth and 31 (9.7%) had missing permanent teeth. None of the decayed permanent teeth were restored. The blind had the lowest mean deciduous surfaces (DS) scores of between 0 and 1.0. In the mentally retarded group the mean DS ranged from 0.25 to 1.75. About 73.5% of the studied group had bleeding of the gums, with the blind having the highest mean bleeding index scores (p < 0.001) and about 82.8% of the pupils had calculus, with highest mean scores mainly among the blind (p = 0.008). The caries prevalence among handicapped primary school pupils was quite low. However, there was relatively high level of gingival bleeding and calculus. Regarding treatment needs, 23% required dental fillings mainly of one and two surface restorations and 82% required scaling and polishing. Despite these treatment needs these pupils had not received any dental attention.

  10. Analysis of human ES cell differentiation establishes that the dominant isoforms of the lncRNAs RMST and FIRRE are circular.


    Izuogu, Osagie G; Alhasan, Abd A; Mellough, Carla; Collin, Joseph; Gallon, Richard; Hyslop, Jonathon; Mastrorosa, Francesco K; Ehrmann, Ingrid; Lako, Majlinda; Elliott, David J; Santibanez-Koref, Mauro; Jackson, Michael S


    Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are predominantly derived from protein coding genes, and some can act as microRNA sponges or transcriptional regulators. Changes in circRNA levels have been identified during human development which may be functionally important, but lineage-specific analyses are currently lacking. To address this, we performed RNAseq analysis of human embryonic stem (ES) cells differentiated for 90 days towards 3D laminated retina. A transcriptome-wide increase in circRNA expression, size, and exon count was observed, with circRNA levels reaching a plateau by day 45. Parallel statistical analyses, controlling for sample and locus specific effects, identified 239 circRNAs with expression changes distinct from the transcriptome-wide pattern, but these all also increased in abundance over time. Surprisingly, circRNAs derived from long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) were found to account for a significantly larger proportion of transcripts from their loci of origin than circRNAs from coding genes. The most abundant, circRMST:E12-E6, showed a > 100X increase during differentiation accompanied by an isoform switch, and accounts for > 99% of RMST transcripts in many adult tissues. The second most abundant, circFIRRE:E10-E5, accounts for > 98% of FIRRE transcripts in differentiating human ES cells, and is one of 39 FIRRE circRNAs, many of which include multiple unannotated exons. Our results suggest that during human ES cell differentiation, changes in circRNA levels are primarily globally controlled. They also suggest that RMST and FIRRE, genes with established roles in neurogenesis and topological organisation of chromosomal domains respectively, are processed as circular lncRNAs with only minor linear species.

  11. Effect of urban design on microclimate and thermal comfort outdoors in warm-humid Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yahia, Moohammed Wasim; Johansson, Erik; Thorsson, Sofia; Lindberg, Fredrik; Rasmussen, Maria Isabel


    Due to the complexity of built environment, urban design patterns considerably affect the microclimate and outdoor thermal comfort in a given urban morphology. Variables such as building heights and orientations, spaces between buildings, plot coverage alter solar access, wind speed and direction at street level. To improve microclimate and comfort conditions urban design elements including vegetation and shading devices can be used. In warm-humid Dar es Salaam, the climate consideration in urban design has received little attention although the urban planning authorities try to develop the quality of planning and design. The main aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between urban design, urban microclimate, and outdoor comfort in four built-up areas with different morphologies including low-, medium-, and high-rise buildings. The study mainly concentrates on the warm season but a comparison with the thermal comfort conditions in the cool season is made for one of the areas. Air temperature, wind speed, mean radiant temperature (MRT), and the physiologically equivalent temperature (PET) are simulated using ENVI-met to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the existing urban design. An analysis of the distribution of MRT in the areas showed that the area with low-rise buildings had the highest frequency of high MRTs and the lowest frequency of low MRTs. The study illustrates that areas with low-rise buildings lead to more stressful urban spaces than areas with high-rise buildings. It is also shown that the use of dense trees helps to enhance the thermal comfort conditions, i.e., reduce heat stress. However, vegetation might negatively affect the wind ventilation. Nevertheless, a sensitivity analysis shows that the provision of shade is a more efficient way to reduce PET than increases in wind speed, given the prevailing sun and wind conditions in Dar es Salaam. To mitigate heat stress in Dar es Salaam, a set of recommendations and guidelines on

  12. Effect of urban design on microclimate and thermal comfort outdoors in warm-humid Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


    Yahia, Moohammed Wasim; Johansson, Erik; Thorsson, Sofia; Lindberg, Fredrik; Rasmussen, Maria Isabel


    Due to the complexity of built environment, urban design patterns considerably affect the microclimate and outdoor thermal comfort in a given urban morphology. Variables such as building heights and orientations, spaces between buildings, plot coverage alter solar access, wind speed and direction at street level. To improve microclimate and comfort conditions urban design elements including vegetation and shading devices can be used. In warm-humid Dar es Salaam, the climate consideration in urban design has received little attention although the urban planning authorities try to develop the quality of planning and design. The main aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between urban design, urban microclimate, and outdoor comfort in four built-up areas with different morphologies including low-, medium-, and high-rise buildings. The study mainly concentrates on the warm season but a comparison with the thermal comfort conditions in the cool season is made for one of the areas. Air temperature, wind speed, mean radiant temperature (MRT), and the physiologically equivalent temperature (PET) are simulated using ENVI-met to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the existing urban design. An analysis of the distribution of MRT in the areas showed that the area with low-rise buildings had the highest frequency of high MRTs and the lowest frequency of low MRTs. The study illustrates that areas with low-rise buildings lead to more stressful urban spaces than areas with high-rise buildings. It is also shown that the use of dense trees helps to enhance the thermal comfort conditions, i.e., reduce heat stress. However, vegetation might negatively affect the wind ventilation. Nevertheless, a sensitivity analysis shows that the provision of shade is a more efficient way to reduce PET than increases in wind speed, given the prevailing sun and wind conditions in Dar es Salaam. To mitigate heat stress in Dar es Salaam, a set of recommendations and guidelines on

  13. 1ES 1113+432: Luminous, soft X-ray outburst from a nearby cataclysmic variable (AR Ursae Majoris)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Remillard, R. A.; Schachter, J. F.; Silber, A. D.; Slane, P.


    A remarkable X-ray transient from the Einstein Slew Survey, 1 ES 1113+432, is identified with a nearby, short-period cataclysmic variable. Wenzel (1993) has confirmed that the optical counterpart is the variable star, AR UMa (cataloged as 'semiregular'), erroneously reported 5.7 min southeast of the true position. One of the Einstein slew observations recorded a flux of 43 IPC counts/s, which is an order of magnitude above the flux observed from the brightest cataclysmic variables in other X-ray surveys. The outburst spectrum is extremely 'soft,' with an implied blackbody temperature of approximately 22 eV. The optical counterpart (V = 16.5) exhibits a strong UV component, TiO bands from an M star, and broadened Balmer emission lines. Optical states as bright as V approx. 13 were found on photographs from the Harvard Plate Library, confirming outburst behavior in the optical counterpart. The historical photographic record suggests that 1ES 1113+432 remains in a low-accretion state most of the time. Both of the soft X-ray spectrum and the transitions between high and low-accretion states are suggestive of the AM Her (magnetic) subclass. Photometric observations in the I band show 0.18 mag modulations at a period of 0.966 hr. These are interpreted as ellipsiodal variations in the secondary star for a binary period of 1.932 hr, which is near the lower boundary of the 'period gap' in the histogram, of orbital periods of accreting white dwarfs. Thus 1ES 1113+432 provides the rare opportunity to study a secondary star in a cataclysmic binary that has evolved through the period gap. The optical spectral features from the secondary imply a spectral type of approximately M6 and a distance of approximately 88 pc. The peak luminosity in the soft X-ray component (unabsorbed) is then estimated to be 3 X 10(exp 33) ergs/s, assuming emission from a blackbody slab with a temperature of 22 eV. While this luminosity is higher than previous measures of the soft X-ray component, it

  14. ES12; The 24th Annual Workshop on Recent Developments in Electronic Structure Theory

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Holzwarth, Natalie; Thonhauser, Timo; Salam, Akbar

    ES12: The 24th Annual Workshop on Recent Developments in Electronic Structure Theory was held June 5-8, 2012 at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC 27109. The program consisted of 24 oral presentations, 70 posters, and 2 panel discussions. The attendance of the Workshop was comparable to or larger than previous workshops and participation was impressively diverse. The 136 participants came from all over the world and included undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and senior scientists. The general assessment of the Workshop was extremely positive in terms of the high level of scientific presentations and discussions, and in terms ofmore » the schedule, accommodations, and affordability of the meeting.« less

  15. Urban mosquitoes, situational publics, and the pursuit of interspecies separation in Dar es Salaam

    PubMed Central



    Recent work in anthropology points to the recognition of multispecies entanglements as the grounds for a more ethical politics. In this article, we examine efforts to control mosquitoes in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, as an example of the laborious tasks of disentanglement that characterize public health interventions. The mosquito surveillance and larval elimination practices of an urban malaria control program offer an opportunity to observe how efforts to create distance between species relate to the physical and civic textures of the city. Seen in the particular context of the contemporary African metropolis, the work of public health appears less a matter of control than a commitment to constant urban maintenance and political mobilization. PMID:25429167

  16. Final report: ES11: The 23rd Annual Workshop on Electronic Structure Methods

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rappe, Andrew M.


    ES11: the 23rd Annual Workshop on Electronic Structure Methods was held from June 6-9, 2011 at the University of Pennsylvania. The local organizing committee (see Section II) led by PI Andrew M. Rappe supervised the organization of the conference, before, during, and after the meeting itself. The national organizing committee set the technical program of talks, and provided support and advice in various ways. The conference was well-attended (see Section III). An important feature of this conference was a series of panel discussions (see Section IV) to discuss the field of electronic structure and to set new directions. The technicalmore » program was of extraordinarily high quality (see Section V). The host institution, the University of Pennsylvania, provided a supportive environment for this meeting (see Section VI).« less

  17. Transplantation of motoneurons derived from MASH1-transfected mouse ES cells reconstitutes neural networks and improves motor function in hemiplegic mice.


    Ikeda, Ritsuko; Kurokawa, Manae S; Chiba, Shunmei; Yoshikawa, Hideshi; Hashimoto, Takuo; Tadokoro, Mamoru; Suzuki, Noboru


    Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells were transfected with a MASH1 expression vector and G418-resistant cells were selected. The MASH1-transfected cells became neuron-like appearance and expressed betaIIItubulin and panNCAM. Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and galactocerebroside (GalC)-expressing cells were rarely detected. Half of the neural cells differentiated into the Islet1+ motoneuron lineage. Thus, we obtained motoneuron lineage-enriched neuronal cells by transfection of ES cells with MASH1. A hemiplegic model of mice was developed by cryogenic injury of the motor cortex, and motoneuron lineage-enriched neuronal cells were transplanted underneath the injured motor cortex neighboring the periventricular region. The motor function of the recipients was assessed by a beam walking and rotarod tests, whereby the results gradually improved, but little improvement was observed in vehicle injected control mice. We found that the grafted cells not only remained close to the implantation site, but also exhibited substantial migration, penetrating into the damaged lesion in a directed manner up to the cortical region. Grafted neuronal cells that had migrated into the cortex were elongated axon-positive for neurofilament middle chain (NFM). Synaptophysin immunostaining showed a positive staining pattern around the graft, suggesting that the transplanted neurons interacted with the recipient neurons to form a neural network. Our study suggests that the motoneuron lineage can be induced from ES cells, and grafted cells adapt to the host environment and can reconstitute a neural network to improve motor function of a paralyzed limb.

  18. A Wearable EEG-HEG-HRV Multimodal System With Simultaneous Monitoring of tES for Mental Health Management.


    Ha, Unsoo; Lee, Yongsu; Kim, Hyunki; Roh, Taehwan; Bae, Joonsung; Kim, Changhyeon; Yoo, Hoi-Jun


    A multimodal mental management system in the shape of the wearable headband and earplugs is proposed to monitor electroencephalography (EEG), hemoencephalography (HEG) and heart rate variability (HRV) for accurate mental health monitoring. It enables simultaneous transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) together with real-time monitoring. The total weight of the proposed system is less than 200 g. The multi-loop low-noise amplifier (MLLNA) achieves over 130 dB CMRR for EEG sensing and the capacitive correlated-double sampling transimpedance amplifier (CCTIA) has low-noise characteristics for HEG and HRV sensing. Measured three-physiology domains such as neural, vascular and autonomic domain signals are combined with canonical correlation analysis (CCA) and temporal kernel canonical correlation analysis (tkCCA) algorithm to find the neural-vascular-autonomic coupling. It supports highly accurate classification with the 19% maximum improvement with multimodal monitoring. For the multi-channel stimulation functionality, after-effects maximization monitoring and sympathetic nerve disorder monitoring, the stimulator is designed as reconfigurable. The 3.37 × 2.25 mm(2) chip has 2-channel EEG sensor front-end, 2-channel NIRS sensor front-end, NIRS current driver to drive dual-wavelength VCSEL and 6-b DAC current source for tES mode. It dissipates 24 mW with 2 mA stimulation current and 5 mA NIRS driver current.

  19. National and Global: A History of Scholars' Experiences with Research at the University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania (1961-Present)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jamison, Amy J.


    In this dissertation, I draw on research carried out at the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), Tanzania in 2008 to examine Tanzanian academics' experience with research throughout the history of this institution. This dissertation is designed as an historical case study and investigates how economic and political changes in Tanzania's…

  20. Reproductive and some peri-natal variables in a mixed breed beef cattle herd.


    Ponzoni, R W; Gifford, D R


    ährend Korrelationen zwischen DC und Funktionen von DC auch nahe 1 waren. Die Korrelationen von DC mit BW und CE schwankten wenig nach den verschiedenen Transformationen und bewegten sich zwischen 0,26 und 0,28 sowie 0,10 und 0,12. Die Korrelation zwischen BW und CE war 0,06. Die Untersuchung weist auf eine Reihe von Problemen, die sich durch die Verwendung von DC als Reproduktionsvariable von Fleischrindern ergeben. Es wird der Schluß gezogen, daß DC derzeit zwar nützliche Information für die Praxis ist, daß aber das Suchen nach wissenschaftlich angemessenen weiblichen Reproduktionsmerkmalen fortgesetzt werden sollte. RESUMEN: Variables reproductivas y peri-natales en un rodeo de vacunos de carne de varias razas Las variables éxito al parto (CS), dias al parto (DC), peso al nacer (BW) y facilidad de parto (CE) se estudiaron en un rodeo de vacunos de carne compuesto de varias razas (Hereford, Jersey × Hereford y Simmental × Hereford). DC no estaba normalmente distribuida y una serie de transformaciones ensayadas fracasaron en normalizar esta variable. Las repetibilidades se estimaron por análisis de variancia. La inclusión (o exclusión) de las vacas falladas (no paridas) del análisis y las transformaciones estudiadas tuvieron poco efecto en la repetibilidad de DC, que varió de 0.10 a 0.12. Las repetibilidades de CS, BW y CE fueron 0.08, 0.26 y 0.03, respectivamente. Las correlaciones residuales de CS con DC y con funciones de DC fueron altas (valor absoluto 0.68 o mayor), mientras que las correlaciones entre DC y funciones de DC fueron cerca de uno. Las correlaciones de DC con BW y CE variaron poco con la transformación aplicada a DC, yendo (en valor absoluto) de 0.26 a 0.28 y 0.10 a 0.12, respectivamente. La correlación entre BW y CE fue de 0.06. El estudio apunta a una serie de problemas asociados con el uso de DC como variable reproductiva en vacunos de carne. Se concluye que aunque DC es actualmente una útil variable reproductiva de campo, la búsqueda de rasgos

  1. Extreme Blazars Studied With Fermi -Lat And Suzaku : 1es 0347–121 And Blazar Candidate Hess J1943+213


    Tanaka, Y. T.; Stawarz, Ł.; Finke, J.; ...


    We report on our study of high-energy properties of two peculiar TeV emitters: the “extreme blazar" 1ES 0347-121 and the “extreme blazar candidate" HESS J1943+213 located near the Galactic Plane. Both objects are characterized by quiescent synchrotron emission with flat spectra extending up to the hard X-ray range, and both were reported to be missing GeV counterparts in the Fermi-LAT 2–year Source Catalog. We analyze a 4.5 year accumulation of the Fermi-LAT data, resulting in the detection of 1ES 0347-121 in the GeV band, as well as in improved upper limits for HESS J1943+213. We also present the analysis resultsmore » of newly acquired Suzaku data for HESS J1943+213. The X-ray spectrum is well represented by a single power law extending up to 25 keV with photon index 2.00±0.02 and a moderate absorption in excess of the Galactic value, in agreementwith previous X-ray observations. No short-term X-ray variability was found over the 80 ks duration of the Suzaku exposure. Under the blazar hypothesis, we modeled the spectral energy distributions of 1ES 0347-121 and HESS J1943+213, and derived constraints on the intergalactic magnetic field strength and source energetics. We conclude that although the classification of HESS J1943+213 has not yet been determined, the blazar hypothesis remains the most plausible option, since in particular the broad-band spectra of the two analyzed sources along with the source model parameters closely resemble each other, and the newly available WISE and UKIDSS data for HESS J1943+213 are consistent with the presence of an elliptical host at the distance of approximatel ~ 600Mpc.« less

  2. Homicide of children in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


    Outwater, Anne H; Mgaya, Edward; Campbell, Jacqueline C; Becker, Stan; Kinabo, Linna; Menick, Daniel Mbassa


    Although data are sparse, it has been estimated that the highest rates of homicide death amongst children are in Africa. Little information is available on ages 0-14 years. No known quantitative surveillance of early neonaticide (killed at less than one week) has been conducted previously in Africa. A Violent Death Survey following WHO/CDC Guidelines was completed in Dar es Salaam region, Tanzania (population 2.845 million) in 2005. Qualitative and quantitative data were gathered and analyzed. The overall age adjusted rate of discarded and killed children in DSM was 2.05 per 100,000. The rate of early neonaticide was 27.7 per 100,000 while the rate of homicide incidence for children older than one week was 0.54 per 100,000 The overall estimated homicide rate for Africa of children under age 15 was 4.53 per 100,000. The rate in DSM was closer to the estimated global rate of 1.7 per 100,000. The results in DSM show that broad age groupings such as "< 1 year", "0-4 years" and "0-14 years" may mask a high incidence of neonaticide and an otherwise low incidence of murdered children. The print media provided good in-depth coverage for a few cases but it is not known if the reported cases are representative. Eighty percent of homicides of children in DSM were neonaticides. Since it is believed that the forces behind neonaticide are fundamentally different than homicides of older children, it is suggested that data of future surveys be parsed to include neonates, until the phenomenon is more clearly understood and addressed. Further understanding of the mother and father of the deceased is needed. Continued surveillance data collection is important to expand the sample size.

  3. Une recension des écrits concernant la réalité psychoaffective des femmes ayant une vulvodynie : Difficultés rencontrées et stratégies développées

    PubMed Central

    Cantin-Drouin, Maude; Damant, Dominique; Turcotte, Daniel


    HISTORIQUE : Au cours des trois dernières décennies, une attention grandissante a été portée à l’étude du syndrome de vulvodynie, soit un inconfort vulvaire chronique inexpliqué, éprouvé en l’absence de pathologie précisée. En plus d’avoir des répercussions physiques, l’expérience de la vulvodynie comporte une dimension psychosociale. OBJECTIF : Cet article vise à faire une recension des écrits sur la réalité psychoaffective des femmes qui éprouvent une vulvodynie. MÉTHODE : Une recherche documentaire basée sur une exploration systématique de textes présentant des résultats de recherche et recensés dans les principales banques de données en sciences sociales, dont Dissertation Abstracts, Current Contents et PsycINFO, a été réalisée. RÉSULTATS : Cette recension des écrits révèle, malgré la présence de certains résultats divergents, que les femmes ayant une vulvodynie affrontent souvent des difficultés identitaires et psychologiques, qui sont influencées notamment par les normes sociales de sexualité et de féminité. Pour composer avec ces difficultés, les femmes développent différentes stratégies visant à diminuer le stress occasionné par la douleur et à améliorer leur bien-être psychologique. CONCLUSION : Les difficultés relationnelles et psychologiques vécues par les femmes ayant une vulvodynie ne découlent pas seulement de la douleur physique, mais aussi du sens qu’elles lui accordent, souvent influencé par les discours sociaux sur l’hétérosexualité et la féminité. Il importe donc d’intervenir auprès des femmes en tenant compte de l’influence du contexte social tout en poursuivant le développement des connaissances sur les aspects psychosociaux de cette expérience. PMID:18592063

  4. Accouchées avec statut sérologique VIH inconnu à Lubumbashi, RD Congo: proportion et déterminants

    PubMed Central

    Nkoy, Albert Mwembo-Tambwe A; Kayamba, Prosper Kalenga Muenze; Donnen, Philippe; Mukalenge, Faustin Chenge; Humblet, Perrine; Dramaix, Michèle; Buekens, Pierre


    Introduction Beaucoup d'enfants vivant avec le VIH ont été infectés par leurs mères. Pour prévenir la transmission verticale les femmes doivent d'abord connaître leur statut sérologique VIH.L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer la proportion de statut VIH inconnu à la naissance et d'identifier les facteurs associés. Méthodes C'est une étude transversale réalisée dans 10 structures sanitaires de Lubumbashi de Juin à Septembre 2010. La taille de l’échantillon était de 602 accouchées. Les statistiques descriptives usuelles et la régression logistique ont été utilisées. Résultats Parmi les accouchées, 52,5% ignoraient leur statut sérologique. Parmi elles, 62,9% accepteraient de faire le test VIH à la maternité. La proportion des femmes avec un statut sérologique VIH inconnu était significativement plus élevée chez celles qui n'avaient pas suivi de CPN (Odds Ratio ajusté (ORa) = 5,8; Intervalle de Confiance (IC) 95%: 1,7-19,8); chez celles qui avaient un bas niveau d'instruction (ORa = 1,5; IC 95%: 1,1-2,1) et chez celles qui ne savaient pas que la transmission verticale du VIH pouvaient se faire au moment de l'accouchement (ORa = 1,5; IC 95%: 1,0-2,4). Conclusion La proportion de femmes qui accouchent sans connaître leur statut sérologique au VIH est encore importante, malgré le fait que le dépistage du VIH soit proposé lors des CPN. Dans les zones à haute séroprévalence de VIH, aucune femme ne devrait accoucher sans être dépistée au VIH. Ce serait une opportunité manquée. PMID:22891083

  5. Meilensteine in der Erforschung der kompakten Objekte

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Camenzind, Max

    Kompakte Objekte besitzen zum einen eine sehr hohe Dichte, und zum anderen sind sie durch die Tatsache charakterisiert, dass keine nuklearen Reaktionen mehr in ihrem Inneren stattfinden können. Aus diesem Grund können sie im Unterschied zu gewöhnlichen Sternen der Gravitation nicht mehr mit dem Druck des thermischen Gases widerstehen. In den Weißen Zwergen bzw. Neutronensternen wird der Gravitation der Quantendruck eines Elektronengases bzw. einer Neutronenflüssigkeit entgegengesetzt. Ein solches Gas besteht aus Elektronen bzw. Neutronen, die auf ihr niedrigstes Energieniveau zusammengepresst wurden. Durch die daraus resultierende hohe Bewegungsenergie der Fermionen wird der sogenannte Quantendruck erzeugt.

  6. Unfallaufnahme und Datenerhebung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brösdorf, Klaus-Dieter; Moser, Andreas; Burg, Jürgen

    Unfälle ereignen sich in unterschiedlichen Schweregraden. Man unterscheidet zwischen Unfälle mit nur Sachschaden und in Unfälle mit Personenschaden. Gemäß Statistik [1] machten in Deutschland im Jahr 2005 Unfälle mit Personenschaden (336.619) etwa 15 % der Gesamtanzahl der polizeilich erfassten Unfälle (2.253.992) aus. In den amtlichen Statistiken sind nur polizeilich erfasste Unfälle enthalten. Eine größere Zahl von Unfällen, insbesondere leichtere Unfälle, wird offensichtlich polizeilich nicht gemeldet. Mit den Daten der Versicherungswirtschaft wird die Anzahl der Kfz-Schäden pro Jahr in Deutschland mit 8.673.000 angegeben [2].

  7. The simultaneous low state spectral energy distribution of 1ES 2344+514 from radio to very high energies


    Aleksić, J.; Antonelli, L. A.; Antoranz, P.; ...


    Here, BL Lacertae objects are variable at all energy bands on time scales down to minutes. To construct and interpret their spectral energy distribution (SED), simultaneous broad-band observations are mandatory. Up to now, the number of objects studied during such campaigns is very limited and biased towards high flux states. Furthermore, we present the results of a dedicated multi-wavelength study of the high-frequency peaked BL Lacertae (HBL) object and known TeV emitter 1ES 2344+514 by means of a pre-organised campaign. The observations were conducted during simultaneous visibility windows of MAGIC and AGILE in late 2008. The measurements were complemented bymore » Metsähovi, RATAN-600, KVA+Tuorla, Swift and VLBA pointings. Additional coverage was provided by the ongoing long-term F-GAMMA and MOJAVE programs, the OVRO 40-m and CrAO telescopes as well as the Fermi satellite. The obtained SEDs are modelled using a one-zone as well as a self-consistent two-zone synchrotron self-Compton model. As a result, 1ES 2344+514 was found at very low flux states in both X-rays and very high energy gamma rays. Variability was detected in the low frequency radio and X-ray bands only, where for the latter a small flare was observed. The X-ray flare was possibly caused by shock acceleration characterised by similar cooling and acceleration time scales. MOJAVE VLBA monitoring reveals a static jet whose components are stable over time scales of eleven years, contrary to previous findings. There appears to be no significant correlation between the 15 GHz and R-band monitoring light curves. The observations presented here constitute the first multi-wavelength campaign on 1ES 2344+514 from radio to VHE energies and one of the few simultaneous SEDs during low activity states. The quasi-simultaneous Fermi-LAT data poses some challenges for SED modelling, but in general the SEDs are described well by both applied models. The resulting parameters are typical for TeV emitting HBLs

  8. Evaluation of seven assays detecting serum immunoglobulin classes and subclasses and salivary and faecal secretory IgA against Fasciola excretory/secretory (ES) antigens in diagnosing fascioliasis.


    Noureldin, Mohamed S; el-Ganaini, Goman A; Abou El-Enin, Ahmed M; el-Nemr, Hosam-Eldin I; Hussin, Eman M; Sultan, Doaa M


    Seven assays detecting serum IgM, IgG, IgG1, IgG4, IgA and salivary and fecal excretory IgA against Fasciola excretory/secretory (ES) antigens were evaluated in diagnosing fascioliasis, for cross reactivity with Schistosoma mansoni sera and for evaluation of cure of Fasciola infection after treatment. Assays detecting sera IgM, IgG1, IgG4 and IgA against Fasciola ES antigens showed 100% specificity and sensitivity. Assays detecting IgM and IgG showed 98% and 96% sensitivity and 100% and 94.6% specificity respectively. Assays detecting salivary and faecal IgA showed 92% & 96% sensitivity and 100% & 100% specificity respectively. Assays detecting IgM and IgG4 were the best in evaluation of cure and assays detecting IgG4 & IgA showed the lowest cross-reactivity with sera from S. mansoni infected patients. So, assays detecting serum IgA, IgG1 & IgG4 against Fasciola ES antigens were highly sensitive and specific for diagnosis of fascioliasis and assays detecting salivary and faecal IgA were promising and of great help in diagnosis of fascioliasis especially in epidemiologic studies.

  9. Evaluation d’une grille de supervision des laboratoires des leishmanioses cutanées au Maroc

    PubMed Central

    El Mansouri, Bouchra; Amarir, Fatima; Hajli, Yamina; Fellah, Hajiba; Sebti, Faiza; Delouane, Bouchra; Sadak, Abderrahim; Adlaoui, El Bachir; Rhajaoui, Mohammed


    Introduction Afin d’évaluer une grille de contrôle standardisée de laboratoire de diagnostic des leishmanioses, comme nouveau outil de supervision. Méthodes Un essai pilote a été pratiqué sur sept laboratoires provinciaux, appartenant à quatre provinces au Maroc, en suivant l’évolution de leurs performances tous les deux ans, entre l’année 2006 et 2014. Cette étude détaille la situation des laboratoires provinciaux avant et après la mise en œuvre de la grille de supervision. Au total vingt et une grille sont analysées. Résultats En 2006, les résultats ont montré clairement une insuffisance des performances des laboratoires: besoin en formation (41.6%), personnel pratiquant le prélèvement cutané (25%), pénurie en matériels et réactifs (65%), gestions documentaire et local non conformes (85%). Différentes actions correctives ont été menées par le Laboratoire National de Référence des Leishmanioses (LNRL) durant la période d’étude. En 2014, le LNRL a enregistré une nette amélioration des performances des laboratoires. Les besoins en matière de formation, qualité du prélèvement, dotation en matériels et réactifs ont été comblés et une coordination efficace s’est établie entre le LNRL et les laboratoires provinciaux. Conclusion Ceci montre l'efficacité de la grille comme outil de supervision de grande qualité, et comme pierre angulaire de tout progrès qui doit être obtenu dans les programmes de lutte contre les leishmanioses. PMID:29187922

  10. Identification of genes involved in serum tolerance in the clinical strain Cronobacter sakazakii ES5.


    Schwizer, Sarah; Tasara, Taurai; Zurfluh, Katrin; Stephan, Roger; Lehner, Angelika


    Cronobacter spp. are opportunistic pathogens that can cause septicemia and infections of the central nervous system primarily in premature, low-birth weight and/or immune-compromised neonates. Serum resistance is a crucial virulence factor for the development of systemic infections, including bacteremia. It was the aim of the current study to identify genes involved in serum tolerance in a selected Cronobacter sakazakii strain of clinical origin. Screening of 2749 random transposon knock out mutants of a C. sakazakii ES 5 library for modified serum tolerance (compared to wild type) revealed 10 mutants showing significantly increased/reduced resistance to serum killing. Identification of the affected sites in mutants displaying reduced serum resistance revealed genes encoding for surface and membrane proteins as well as regulatory elements or chaperones. By this approach, the involvement of the yet undescribed Wzy_C superfamily domain containing coding region in serum tolerance was observed and experimentally confirmed. Additionally, knock out mutants with enhanced serum tolerance were observed. Examination of respective transposon insertion loci revealed regulatory (repressor) elements, coding regions for chaperones and efflux systems as well as the coding region for the protein YbaJ. Real time expression analysis experiments revealed, that knock out of the gene for this protein negatively affects the expression of the fimA gene, which is a key structural component of the formation of fimbriae. Fimbriae are structures of high immunogenic potential and it is likely that absence/truncation of the ybaJ gene resulted in a non-fimbriated phenotype accounting for the enhanced survival of this mutant in human serum. By using a transposon knock out approach we were able to identify genes involved in both increased and reduced serum tolerance in Cronobacter sakazakii ES5. This study reveals first insights in the complex nature of serum tolerance of Cronobacter spp.

  11. CHANG-ES X: Spatially Resolved Separation of Thermal Contribution from Radio Continuum Emission in Edge-on Galaxies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vargas, Carlos J.; Mora-Partiarroyo, Silvia Carolina; Schmidt, Philip; Rand, Richard J.; Stein, Yelena; Walterbos, René A. M.; Wang, Q. Daniel; Basu, Aritra; Patterson, Maria; Kepley, Amanda; Beck, Rainer; Irwin, Judith; Heald, George; Li, Jiangtao; Wiegert, Theresa


    We analyze the application of star formation rate calibrations using Hα and 22 μm infrared (IR) imaging data in predicting the thermal radio component for a test sample of three edge-on galaxies (NGC 891, NGC 3044, and NGC 4631) in the Continuum Halos in Nearby Galaxies—an EVLA Survey (CHANG-ES). We use a mixture of Hα and 24 μm calibration from Calzetti et al. and a linear 22 μm only calibration from Jarrett et al. on the test sample. We apply these relations on a pixel-to-pixel basis to create thermal prediction maps in the two CHANG-ES bands: L and C band (1.5 GHz and 6.0 GHz, respectively). We analyze the resulting nonthermal spectral index maps, and find a characteristic steepening of the nonthermal spectral index with vertical distance from the disk after application of all methods. We find possible evidence of extinction in the 22 μm data as compared to 70 μm Spitzer Multiband Imaging Photometer imaging in NGC 891. We analyze a larger sample of edge-on and face-on galaxy 25–100 μm flux ratios, and find that the ratios for edge-ons are systematically lower by a factor of 1.36, a result we attribute to excess extinction in the mid-IR in edge-ons. We introduce a new calibration for correcting the Hα luminosity for dust when galaxies are edge-on or very dusty.

  12. Ethanol and Methanol Can Improve Huperzine A Production from Endophytic Colletotrichum gloeosporioides ES026

    PubMed Central

    Zhao, Xin-Mei; Wang, Zhang-Qian; Shu, Shao-Hua; Wang, Wen-Juan; Xu, Hai-Jie; Ahn, Young-Joon; Wang, Mo; Hu, Xuebo


    Huperzine A (HupA) is a plant alkaloid that is of great interest as a therapeutic candidate for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. However, the current production of HupA from plants in large quantity is unsustainable because the plant resource is scarce and the content of HupA in plants is extremely low. Surprisingly, this compound was recently found to be produced by various endophytic fungi, which are much more controllable than the plants due to simpler genetics and ease of manipulation. However, it might be due to the innate properties of endophytic symbiosis, that production of this chemical in large quantity from endophytes has not yet been put into practice. Endophytic Colletotrichum gloeosporioides ES026 was previously isolated from a HupA producing plant and the fungi also proved to produce HupA. In this study, various fermentation conditions were tried to optimize the production of HupA from C. gloeosporioides ES026. Optimization of these parameters resulted in a 25.58% increase in HupA yield. Potato extracts supplemented with glucose or sucrose but not maltose facilitated HupA producing from the fungi. A final concentration of 0.5–2% ethanol stimulated the growth of fungi while methanol with the same treatment slightly inhibited the growth. However, both methanol and ethanol greatly increased the HupA production with the highest yield of HupA (51.89% increment) coming from ethanol treatment. Further analysis showed that both ethanol and methanol were strong inducers of HupA production, while ethanol was partially used as a carbon source during fermentation. It was noticed that the color of that ethanol treated mycelia gradually became dark while methanol treated ones stayed grey during fermentation. The present study sheds light on the importance of optimizing the fermentation process, which, combined with effective inducers, maximizes production of chemicals of important economic interest from endophytic fungi. PMID:23613930

  13. Summertime conditions of a muddy estuarine environment: the EsCoSed project contribution.


    Brocchini, Maurizio; Calantoni, Joseph; Reed, Allen H; Postacchini, Matteo; Lorenzoni, Carlo; Russo, Aniello; Mancinelli, Alessandro; Corvaro, Sara; Moriconi, Giacomo; Soldini, Luciano


    As part of the Estuarine Cohesive Sediments (EsCoSed) project, a field experiment was performed in a highly engineered environment, acting as a natural laboratory, to study the physico-chemical properties of estuarine sediments and the associated hydro-morphodynamics during different seasons. The present contribution focuses on the results obtained from the summertime monitoring of the most downstream part of the Misa River (Senigallia, Italy). The measured hydrodynamics suggested a strong interaction between river current, wave forcing and tidal motion; flow velocities, affected by wind waves traveling upstream, changed significantly along the water column in both direction and magnitude. Surficial salinities in the estuary were low in the upper reaches of the estuary and exceeded 10 psu before the river mouth. Montmorillonite dominated the clay mineral assemblage, suggesting that large, low density flocs with high settling velocities (>1 mm s(-1)) may dominate the suspended aggregate materials.

  14. Energy, saturated fat, and sodium were lower in entrées at chain restaurants at 18 months compared with 6 months following the implementation of mandatory menu labeling regulation in King County, Washington.


    Bruemmer, Barbara; Krieger, Jim; Saelens, Brian E; Chan, Nadine


    Policies on menu labeling have been proposed as a method to improve the food environment. However, there is little information on the nutrient content of chain restaurant menu items and changes over time. To evaluate the energy, saturated fat, and sodium content of entrées 6 and 18 months post-implementation of restaurant menu labeling in King County of Washington State for items that were on the menu at both time periods, and across all items at 6 and 18 months and to compare energy content to recommendations provided by the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Eligible restaurants included sit-down and quick-service chains (eg, burgers, pizza, sandwiches/subs, and Tex-Mex) subject to King County regulations with four or more establishments. One establishment per chain was audited at each time period. Hypothesis one examined entrées that were on the menu at both time periods using a paired t test and hypothesis two compared quartiles at 6 months to the distribution at 18 months using a Mantel-Haentzel odds ratios and 95% CIs, and a Cochrane-Armitage test for trend. The content of entrées at 18 months was compared with one-third (assuming three meals per day) of the nutrient intake recommendations for adults provided by the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The audit included 37 eligible chains of 92 regulated chains. Energy contents were lower (all chains -41, sit down -73, and quick service -19; paired t tests P<0.0001) for entrées that were on the menu at both time periods. There was a significant trend across quartiles for a decrease in energy, saturated fat, and sodium for all entrées at sit-down chains only. At 18 months entrées not designated for children exceeded 56%, 77%, and 89% of the energy, saturated fat, and sodium guidelines, respectively. Modest improvements in the nutrient content of sit-down and quick-service restaurant entrées occurred but overall levels for energy, saturated fat, and sodium are excessive. Copyright © 2012 Academy

  15. "Sitting in different chairs:" roles of the community health workers in the Poder es Salud/Power for Health Project.


    Farquhar, S A; Wiggins, N; Michael, Y L; Luhr, G; Jordan, J; Lopez, A


    Evaluations of Community Health Worker programs consistently document improvements in health, yet few articles clearly describe the roles of Community Health Workers (CHWs) from the CHWs' perspective. This article presents the CHWs' points of view regarding the various roles they played in a community-based participatory research (CBPR) project, Poder es Salud/Power for Health in Portland, Oregon, including their roles as community organizers and co-researchers. Authors draw from an analysis of transcript data from in-depth interviews conducted with CHWs to present a description of the strategies employed by the CHWs to build leadership skills and knowledge among community members. CHWs also discuss their own personal and professional development. The analysis of the interviews suggests that CHWs valued their multiple roles with Poder es Salud/Power for Health and their participation on the project's Steering Committee. Based on CHWs' descriptions of their work, this type of involvement appears to build the CHWs' leadership skills and sense of efficacy to create change in their communities. By serving as community organizers and participating as producers of research, rather than acting merely as a deliverer of the intervention activities, the CHWs were able to build skills that make them more successful as CHWs.

  16. Habitat productivity and pyrethroid susceptibility status of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


    Mathias, Leah; Baraka, Vito; Philbert, Anitha; Innocent, Ester; Francis, Filbert; Nkwengulila, Gamba; Kweka, Eliningaya J


    Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) is the main vector of the dengue virus globally. Dengue vector control is mainly based on reducing the vector population through interventions, which target potential breeding sites. However, in Tanzania, little is known about this vector's habitat productivity and insecticide susceptibility status to support evidence-based implementation of control measures. The present study aimed at assessing the productivity and susceptibility status of A. aegypti mosquitoes to pyrethroid-based insecticides in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. An entomological assessment was conducted between January and July 2015 in six randomly selected wards in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Habitat productivity was determined by the number of female adult A. aegypti mosquitoes emerged per square metre. The susceptibility status of adult A. aegypti females after exposure to 0.05% deltamethrin, 0.75% permethrin and 0.05% lambda-cyhalothrin was evaluated using the standard WHO protocols. Mortality rates were recorded after 24 h exposure and the knockdown effect was recorded at the time points of 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 min to calculate the median knockdown times (KDT 50 and KDT 95 ). The results suggest that disposed tyres had the highest productivity, while water storage tanks had the lowest productivity among the breeding habitats Of A. aegypti mosquitoes. All sites demonstrated reduced susceptibility to deltamethrin (0.05%) within 24 h post exposure, with mortalities ranging from 86.3 ± 1.9 (mean ± SD) to 96.8 ± 0.9 (mean ± SD). The lowest and highest susceptibilities were recorded in Mikocheni and Sinza wards, respectively. Similarly, all sites demonstrated reduced susceptibility permethrin (0.75%) ranging from 83.1 ± 2.1% (mean ± SD) to 96.2 ± 0.9% (mean ± SD), in Kipawa and Sinza, respectively. Relatively low mortality rates were observed in relation to lambda-cyhalothrin (0.05%) at all sites, ranging from 83.1 ± 0

  17. Tanzendes Tier oder exzentrische Positionalität - Philosophische Anthropologie zwischen Darwinismus und Kulturalismus

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fischer, Joachim

    Zunächst kurz vorweg zu den Formeln im Titel: "exzentrische Positionalität“ ist der Kategorienvorschlag der Philosophischen Anthropologie (genauer: von Helmuth Plessner) für den Menschen, für seine "Sonderstellung“ unter den Lebewesen - ich werde diesen Begriff erläutern. So viel kann man sagen: Der Terminus ist nicht schwieriger als "Transzendentalität“ oder das "Apriori“ oder "Autopoiesis“, also Begriffe, mit deren Orientierungswert in der intellektuellen Öffentlichkeit bereits gespielt wird, bietet aber möglicherweise mehr Erschließungskraft als die Kunstbegriffe z. B. von Kant, Maturana oder Luhmann. Und "tanzendes Tier“ ist ein glücklicher Anschauungsbegriff, eine Art Übersetzung für "exzentrische Positionalität“ - also ein "verrücktes“ Lebewesen, eine Verrückung im evolutionären Leben, die dieses Lebewesen von Natur aus zu einer bestimmten Art von Lebensführung, nämlich Kultur nötigt. Die Absicht des Beitrages ist es, die Philosophische Anthropologie als eine spezifische Theorietechnik zu präsentieren, um einen adäquaten Begriff des Menschen zu erreichen, und zwar eine Theoriestrategie angesichts des cartesianischen Dualismus - also des Dualismus zwischen Naturalismus und Kulturalismus.

  18. Qualitätsmanagement in molekularbiologischen Laboratorien

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schulze, Manuela

    Jedes Laboratorium führt Untersuchungen nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen durch, und jeder Analytiker weiß von sich, dass er/sie gute Arbeit macht. Trotzdem können Analysen des gleichen Probenmaterials in verschiedenen Laboren zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen führen. Sofern es sich dabei nicht um Untersuchungen im Bereich der Nachweisgrenze und damit letztlich um statistisch bedingte Unterschiede oder Inhomogenitäten im Probenmaterial handelt, trägt dies nicht zur Vertrauenswürdigkeit von analytischen Untersuchungsergebnissen bei. Mit der zunehmenden Globalisierung der Märkte rückt die gegenseitige Anerkennung von analytischen Resultaten immer stärker in den Vordergrund. Die Vergleichbarkeit von Laborresultaten wird erleichtert, wenn sich die Laboratorien auf die gleichen Richtlinien zur Vorgehensweise und Handhabung ihrer Arbeiten verständigen. Im Bereich der Laboruntersuchungen von Lebensmitteln, Futtermitteln und Saatgut ist als derartige Rischt-Schnur die EN ISO/IEC 17025 [1] anerkannt. Diese Norm enthält alle Anforderungen, die Prüflaboratorien erfüllen müssen, wenn sie nachweisen wollen, dass sie ein Qualitätsmanagementsystem betreiben, technisch (meint: fachlich) kompetent und fähig sind, fachlich fundierte Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

  19. Konventionelle Dampfkraftwerke

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zahoransky, Richard; Allelein, Hans-Josef; Bollin, Elmar; Oehler, Helmut; Schelling, Udo

    Das Dampfkraftwerk beruht als thermisches Kraftwerk auf einem thermodynamischen Kreisprozess, der Wärme in technische Arbeit umwandelt. Die Arbeit wird mittels Elektrogenerator als elektrische Energie abgegeben.

  20. Multiwavelength Observations of the AGN 1ES 0414+009 with VERITAS, Fermi-LAT, Swift-XRT, and MDM

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aliu, E.; Archambault, S.; Arlen, T.; Aune, T.; Beilicke, M.; Benbow, W.; Böttcher, M.; Bouvier, A.; Bugaev, V.; Cannon, A.; Cesarini, A.; Ciupik, L.; Collins-Hughes, E.; Connolly, M. P.; Cui, W.; Dickherber, R.; Dumm, J.; Errando, M.; Falcone, A.; Federici, S.; Feng, Q.; Finley, J. P.; Finnegan, G.; Fortson, L.; Furniss, A.; Galante, N.; Gall, D.; Godambe, S.; Griffin, S.; Grube, J.; Gyuk, G.; Hanna, D.; Holder, J.; Huan, H.; Hughes, G.; Hui, C. M.; Imran, A.; Jameil, O.; Kaaret, P.; Karlsson, N.; Kertzman, M.; Kerr, J.; Khassen, Y.; Kieda, D.; Krawczynski, H.; Krennrich, F.; Lang, M. J.; Lee, K.; Madhavan, A. S.; Majumdar, P.; McArthur, S.; McCann, A.; Moriarty, P.; Mukherjee, R.; Nelson, T.; O'Faoláin de Bhróithe, A.; Ong, R. A.; Orr, M.; Otte, A. N.; Park, N.; Perkins, J. S.; Pichel, A.; Pohl, M.; Quinn, J.; Ragan, K.; Reynolds, P. T.; Roache, E.; Ruppel, J.; Saxon, D. B.; Schroedter, M.; Sembroski, G. H.; Şentürk, G. D.; Smith, A. W.; Staszak, D.; Stroh, M.; Telezhinsky, I.; Tešić, G.; Theiling, M.; Thibadeau, S.; Tsurusaki, K.; Varlotta, A.; Vassiliev, V. V.; Vivier, M.; Wakely, S. P.; Ward, J. E.; Weinstein, A.; Welsing, R.; Williams, D. A.; Zitzer, B.


    We present observations of the BL Lac object 1ES 0414+009 in the >200 GeV gamma-ray band by the VERITAS array of Cherenkov telescopes. 1ES 0414+009 was observed by VERITAS between 2008 January and 2011 February, resulting in 56.2 hr of good quality pointed observations. These observations resulted in a detection of 822 events from the source corresponding to a statistical significance of 6.4 standard deviations (6.4σ) above the background. The source flux, showing no evidence for variability, is measured as (5.2 ± 1.1stat ± 2.6sys) × 10-12 photons cm-2 s-1 above 200 GeV, equivalent to approximately 2% of the Crab Nebula flux above this energy. The differential photon spectrum from 230 GeV to 850 GeV is well fit by a power law with a photon index of Γ = 3.4 ± 0.5stat ± 0.3sys and a flux normalization of (1.6 ± 0.3stat ± 0.8sys) × 10-11 photons cm-2 s-1 at 300 GeV. We also present multiwavelength results taken in the optical (MDM), x-ray (Swift-XRT), and GeV (Fermi-LAT) bands and use these results to construct a broadband spectral energy distribution (SED). Modeling of this SED indicates that homogenous one-zone leptonic scenarios are not adequate to describe emission from the system, with a lepto-hadronic model providing a better fit to the data.

  1. Statistics in a Trilinear Interacting Stokes-Antistokes Boson System

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tänzler, W.; Schütte, F.-J.

    The statistics of a system of four boson modes is treated with simultaneous Stokes-Antistokes interaction taking place. The time evolution is calculated in full quantum manner but in short time approximation. Mean photon numbers and correlations of second order are calculated. Antibunching can be found in the laser mode and in the system of Stokes and Antistokes mode.Translated AbstractStatistik in einem trilinear wechselwirkenden Stokes-Antistokes-BosonensystemDie Statistik eines Systems von vier Bosonenmoden mit gleichzeitiger Stokes-Antistokes-Wechselwirkung wird bei vollquantenphysikalischer Beschreibung in Kurzzeitnäherung untersucht. Mittlere Photonenzahlen und Korrelationen zweiter Ordnung werden berechnet. Dabei wird Antibunching sowohl in der Lasermode allein als auch im System aus Stokes- und Antistokesmode gefunden.

  2. Photohadronic scenario in interpreting the February-March 2014 flare of 1ES 1011+496

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sahu, Sarira; de León, Alberto Rosales; Miranda, Luis Salvador


    The extraordinary multi-TeV flare from 1ES 1011+496 during February-March 2014 was observed by the MAGIC telescopes for 17 nights and the average spectrum of the whole period has a non-trivial shape. We have used the photohadronic model and a template extragalactic background light model to explain the average spectrum which fits the flare data well. The spectral index α is the only free parameter in our model. We have also shown that the non-trivial nature of the spectrum is due to the change in the behavior of the optical depth above ˜ 600 GeV γ -ray energy accompanied with the high SSC flux. This corresponds to an almost flat intrinsic flux for the multi-TeV γ -rays. Our model prediction can constrain the SSC flux of the leptonic models in the quiescent state.

  3. Undernutrition among HIV-positive children in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: antiretroviral therapy alone is not enough.


    Sunguya, Bruno F; Poudel, Krishna C; Otsuka, Keiko; Yasuoka, Junko; Mlunde, Linda B; Urassa, David P; Mkopi, Namala P; Jimba, Masamine


    The prevalence of HIV/AIDS has exacerbated the impact of childhood undernutrition in many developing countries, including Tanzania. Even with the provision of antiretroviral therapy, undernutrition among HIV-positive children remains a serious problem. Most studies to examine risk factors for undernutrition have been limited to the general population and ART-naive HIV-positive children, making it difficult to generalize findings to ART-treated HIV-positive children. The objectives of this study were thus to compare the proportions of undernutrition among ART-treated HIV-positive and HIV-negative children and to examine factors associated with undernutrition among ART-treated HIV-positive children in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. From September to October 2010, we conducted a cross-sectional survey among 213 ART-treated HIV-positive and 202 HIV-negative children in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. We measured the children's anthropometrics, socio-demographic factors, food security, dietary habits, diarrhea episodes, economic status, and HIV clinical stage. Data were analyzed using both univariate and multivariate methods. ART-treated HIV-positive children had higher rates of undernutrition than their HIV-negative counterparts. Among the ART-treated HIV-positive children, 78 (36.6%) were stunted, 47 (22.1%) were underweight, and 29 (13.6%) were wasted. Households of ART-treated HIV-positive children exhibited lower economic status, lower levels of education, and higher percentages of unmarried caregivers with higher unemployment rates. Food insecurity was prevalent in over half of ART-treated HIV-positive children's households. Furthermore, ART-treated HIV-positive children were more likely to be orphaned, to be fed less frequently, and to have lower body weight at birth compared to HIV-negative children.In the multivariate analysis, child's HIV-positive status was associated with being underweight (AOR = 4.61, 95% CI 1.38-15.36 P = 0.013) and wasting (AOR = 9.62, 95% CI 1

  4. Insights into the emission of the blazar 1ES 1011+496 through unprecedented broadband observations during 2011 and 2012

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aleksić, J.; Ansoldi, S.; Antonelli, L. A.; Antoranz, P.; Arcaro, C.; Babic, A.; Bangale, P.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Barrio, J. A.; Becerra González, J.; Bednarek, W.; Bernardini, E.; Biasuzzi, B.; Biland, A.; Blanch, O.; Bonnefoy, S.; Bonnoli, G.; Borracci, F.; Bretz, T.; Carmona, E.; Carosi, A.; Colin, P.; Colombo, E.; Contreras, J. L.; Cortina, J.; Covino, S.; Da Vela, P.; Dazzi, F.; De Angelis, A.; De Caneva, G.; De Lotto, B.; de Oña Wilhelmi, E.; Delgado Mendez, C.; Di Pierro, F.; Dominis Prester, D.; Dorner, D.; Doro, M.; Einecke, S.; Eisenacher, D.; Elsaesser, D.; Fernández-Barral, A.; Fidalgo, D.; Fonseca, M. V.; Font, L.; Frantzen, K.; Fruck, C.; Galindo, D.; García López, R. J.; Garczarczyk, M.; Garrido Terrats, D.; Gaug, M.; Godinović, N.; González Muñoz, A.; Gozzini, S. R.; Hadasch, D.; Hanabata, Y.; Hayashida, M.; Herrera, J.; Hose, J.; Hrupec, D.; Idec, W.; Kadenius, V.; Kellermann, H.; Knoetig, M. L.; Kodani, K.; Konno, Y.; Krause, J.; Kubo, H.; Kushida, J.; La Barbera, A.; Lelas, D.; Lewandowska, N.; Lindfors, E.; Lombardi, S.; Longo, F.; López, M.; López-Coto, R.; López-Oramas, A.; Lorenz, E.; Lozano, I.; Makariev, M.; Mallot, K.; Maneva, G.; Mannheim, K.; Maraschi, L.; Marcote, B.; Mariotti, M.; Martínez, M.; Mazin, D.; Menzel, U.; Miranda, J. M.; Mirzoyan, R.; Moralejo, A.; Munar-Adrover, P.; Nakajima, D.; Neustroev, V.; Niedzwiecki, A.; Nievas Rosillo, M.; Nilsson, K.; Nishijima, K.; Noda, K.; Orito, R.; Overkemping, A.; Paiano, S.; Palatiello, M.; Paneque, D.; Paoletti, R.; Paredes, J. M.; Paredes-Fortuny, X.; Persic, M.; Poutanen, J.; Prada Moroni, P. G.; Prandini, E.; Puljak, I.; Reinthal, R.; Rhode, W.; Ribó, M.; Rico, J.; Rodriguez Garcia, J.; Saito, T.; Saito, K.; Satalecka, K.; Scalzotto, V.; Scapin, V.; Schweizer, T.; Shore, S. N.; Sillanpää, A.; Sitarek, J.; Snidaric, I.; Sobczynska, D.; Stamerra, A.; Steinbring, T.; Strzys, M.; Takalo, L.; Takami, H.; Tavecchio, F.; Temnikov, P.; Terzić, T.; Tescaro, D.; Teshima, M.; Thaele, J.; Torres, D. F.; Toyama, T.; Treves, A.; Vogler, P.; Will, M.; Zanin, R.; Buson, S.; D'Ammando, F.; Lähteenmäki, A.; Hovatta, T.; Kovalev, Y. Y.; Lister, M. L.; Max-Moerbeck, W.; Mundell, C.; Pushkarev, A. B.; Rastorgueva-Foi, E.; Readhead, A. C. S.; Richards, J. L.; Tammi, J.; Sanchez, D. A.; Tornikoski, M.; Savolainen, T.; Steele, I.


    Context. 1ES 1011+496 (z = 0.212) was discovered in very high-energy (VHE, E> 100 GeV) γ rays with MAGIC in 2007. The absence of simultaneous data at lower energies led to an incomplete characterization of the broadband spectral energy distribution (SED). Aims: We study the source properties and the emission mechanisms, probing whether a simple one-zone synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) scenario is able to explain the observed broadband spectrum. Methods: We analyzed data in the range from VHE to radio data from 2011 and 2012 collected by MAGIC, Fermi-LAT, Swift, KVA, OVRO, and Metsähovi in addition to optical polarimetry data and radio maps from the Liverpool Telescope and MOJAVE. Results: The VHE spectrum was fit with a simple power law with a photon index of 3.69 ± 0.22 and a flux above 150 GeV of (1.46 ± 0.16) × 10-11 ph cm-2 s-1. The source 1ES 1011+496 was found to be in a generally quiescent state at all observed wavelengths, showing only moderate variability from radio to X-rays. A low degree of polarization of less than 10% was measured in optical, while some bright features polarized up to 60% were observed in the radio jet. A similar trend in the rotation of the electric vector position angle was found in optical and radio. The radio maps indicated a superluminal motion of 1.8 ± 0.4 c, which is the highest speed statistically significant measured so far in a high-frequency-peaked BL Lac. Conclusions: For the first time, the high-energy bump in the broadband SED of 1ES 1011+496 could be fully characterized from 0.1 GeV to 1 TeV, which permitted a more reliable interpretation within the one-zone SSC scenario. The polarimetry data suggest that at least part of the optical emission has its origin in some of the bright radio features, while the low polarization in optical might be due to the contribution of parts of the radio jet with different orientations of the magnetic field with respect to the optical emission.

  5. Insights into the emission of the blazar 1ES 1011+496 through unprecedented broadband observations during 2011 and 2012


    Aleksić, J.; Ansoldi, S.; Antonelli, L. A.; ...


    1ES 1011+496 (z = 0.212) was discovered in very high-energy (VHE, E> 100 GeV) γ rays with MAGIC in 2007. The absence of simultaneous data at lower energies led to an incomplete characterization of the broadband spectral energy distribution (SED). In this paper, we study the source properties and the emission mechanisms, probing whether a simple one-zone synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) scenario is able to explain the observed broadband spectrum. We analyzed data in the range from VHE to radio data from 2011 and 2012 collected by MAGIC, Fermi-LAT, Swift, KVA, OVRO, and Metsähovi in addition to optical polarimetry data andmore » radio maps from the Liverpool Telescope and MOJAVE. The VHE spectrum was fit with a simple power law with a photon index of 3.69 ± 0.22 and a flux above 150 GeV of (1.46 ± 0.16) x 10 -11 ph cm -2s -1. The source 1ES 1011+496 was found to be in a generally quiescent state at all observed wavelengths, showing only moderate variability from radio to X-rays. A low degree of polarization of less than 10% was measured in optical, while some bright features polarized up to 60% were observed in the radio jet. A similar trend in the rotation of the electric vector position angle was found in optical and radio. The radio maps indicated a superluminal motion of 1.8 ± 0.4 c, which is the highest speed statistically significant measured so far in a high-frequency-peaked BL Lac. For the first time, the high-energy bump in the broadband SED of 1ES 1011+496 could be fully characterized from 0.1 GeV to 1 TeV, which permitted a more reliable interpretation within the one-zone SSC scenario. Finally, the polarimetry data suggest that at least part of the optical emission has its origin in some of the bright radio features, while the low polarization in optical might be due to the contribution of parts of the radio jet with different orientations of the magnetic field with respect to the optical emission.« less

  6. Fermi-LAT detection of a GeV flare from the BL Lac object 1ES 2322-409

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ciprini, Stefano


    The Large Area Telescope (LAT), one of the two instruments on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, has observed an increasing gamma-ray flux from a source positionally consistent with the BL Lac object 1ES 2322-409 (also know as 2FGL J2324.7-4042, Nolan et al. 2012, ApJS, 199, 31, and as 1FHL J2324.6-4041, Ackermann et al., ApJS, submitted, arXiv:1306.6772), with 2MASS counterpart coordinates, (J2000.0), R.A.: 351.18612 deg, Dec: -40.68036 deg (Mao 2011, New Ast., 16, 503).

  7. The New York Head—A precise standardized volume conductor model for EEG source localization and tES targeting

    PubMed Central

    Huang, Yu; Parra, Lucas C.; Haufe, Stefan


    In source localization of electroencephalograpic (EEG) signals, as well as in targeted transcranial electric current stimulation (tES), a volume conductor model is required to describe the flow of electric currents in the head. Boundary element models (BEM) can be readily computed to represent major tissue compartments, but cannot encode detailed anatomical information within compartments. Finite element models (FEM) can capture more tissue types and intricate anatomical structures, but with the higher precision also comes the need for semiautomated segmentation, and a higher computational cost. In either case, adjusting to the individual human anatomy requires costly magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and thus head modeling is often based on the anatomy of an ‘arbitrary’ individual (e.g. Colin27). Additionally, existing reference models for the human head often do not include the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and their field of view excludes portions of the head and neck—two factors that demonstrably affect current-flow patterns. Here we present a highly detailed FEM, which we call ICBM-NY, or “New York Head”. It is based on the ICBM152 anatomical template (a non-linear average of the MRI of 152 adult human brains) defined in MNI coordinates, for which we extended the field of view to the neck and performed a detailed segmentation of six tissue types (scalp, skull, CSF, gray matter, white matter, air cavities) at 0.5 mm 3 resolution. The model was solved for 231 electrode locations. To evaluate its performance, additional FEMs and BEMs were constructed for four individual subjects. Each of the four individual FEMs (regarded as the ‘ground truth’) is compared to its BEM counterpart, the ICBM-NY, a BEM of the ICBM anatomy, an ‘individualized’ BEM of the ICBM anatomy warped to the individual head surface, and FEMs of the other individuals. Performance is measured in terms of EEG source localization and tES targeting errors. Results show that the ICBM

  8. The New York Head-A precise standardized volume conductor model for EEG source localization and tES targeting.


    Huang, Yu; Parra, Lucas C; Haufe, Stefan


    In source localization of electroencephalograpic (EEG) signals, as well as in targeted transcranial electric current stimulation (tES), a volume conductor model is required to describe the flow of electric currents in the head. Boundary element models (BEM) can be readily computed to represent major tissue compartments, but cannot encode detailed anatomical information within compartments. Finite element models (FEM) can capture more tissue types and intricate anatomical structures, but with the higher precision also comes the need for semi-automated segmentation, and a higher computational cost. In either case, adjusting to the individual human anatomy requires costly magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and thus head modeling is often based on the anatomy of an 'arbitrary' individual (e.g. Colin27). Additionally, existing reference models for the human head often do not include the cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF), and their field of view excludes portions of the head and neck-two factors that demonstrably affect current-flow patterns. Here we present a highly detailed FEM, which we call ICBM-NY, or "New York Head". It is based on the ICBM152 anatomical template (a non-linear average of the MRI of 152 adult human brains) defined in MNI coordinates, for which we extended the field of view to the neck and performed a detailed segmentation of six tissue types (scalp, skull, CSF, gray matter, white matter, air cavities) at 0.5mm(3) resolution. The model was solved for 231 electrode locations. To evaluate its performance, additional FEMs and BEMs were constructed for four individual subjects. Each of the four individual FEMs (regarded as the 'ground truth') is compared to its BEM counterpart, the ICBM-NY, a BEM of the ICBM anatomy, an 'individualized' BEM of the ICBM anatomy warped to the individual head surface, and FEMs of the other individuals. Performance is measured in terms of EEG source localization and tES targeting errors. Results show that the ICBM-NY outperforms

  9. Organochlorinated pesticides levels in a representative sample of the Spanish adult population: The project.


    Ramos, Juan José; Huetos, Olga; González, Sara; Esteban, Marta; Calvo, Eva; Pérez-Gómez, Beatriz; Castaño, Argelia


    Organochlorinated pesticides (OCPs) were measured in a representative sample of Spanish adults within the project, a nationwide human biomonitoring program promoted by Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment. The objective of is to establish reference levels of environmental pollutants in the general population. Participants were recruited in 2009-2010 during their annual medical examination at work. Serum levels of thirteen OCPs were investigated: Aldrin, endrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, heptachlor-epoxide, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylenes (DDEs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) and hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) The highest concentrations were observed for DDE, HCB and β-HCH. The 95th percentile, in ng/g lipids, were: 717.7 for 4,4-DDE, 160.4 for HCB and 107.2 for β-HCH, while concentrations of aldrin, endrin, heptachlor, α-HCH, 2,4-DDT, 4,4-DDT and 2,4-DDE were markedly lower and detected in less than 10% of the samples. Significant differences (p<0.05) were found for DDE and HCB and seasonality, gender and age. Analyzing the geographical distribution, participants from the north of Spain had highest levels of HCB while those from the center of Spain had highest levels of 4,4-DDE. Comparing to earlier studies, the results indicated a sharp decline in the OCP concentrations in the Spanish population over time, and today values are in the same range or lower than those reported in similar studies worldwide, except for HCHs and HCB that presented higher levels than in other European countries and much higher than those observed in US and Canada. This study represents the first nationwide survey of exposure to OCPs in Spain and provides a background reference range for exposure to OCPs in the Spanish adult occupied population. These results will allow establishing reference values, observing temporal trends and identifying high exposure groups. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights

  10. Elevated blood pressure among primary school children in Dar es salaam, Tanzania: prevalence and risk factors.


    Muhihi, Alfa J; Njelekela, Marina A; Mpembeni, Rose N M; Muhihi, Bikolimana G; Anaeli, Amani; Chillo, Omary; Kubhoja, Sulende; Lujani, Benjamin; Maghembe, Mwanamkuu; Ngarashi, Davis


    Whilst the burden of non-communicable diseases is increasing in developing countries, little data is available on blood pressure among Tanzanian children. This study aimed at determining the blood pressure profiles and risk factors associated with elevated blood pressure among primary school children in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. We conducted a cross sectional survey among 446 children aged 6-17 years from 9 randomly selected primary schools in Dar es Salaam. We measured blood pressure using a standardized digital blood pressure measuring machine (Omron Digital HEM-907, Tokyo, Japan). We used an average of the three blood pressure readings for analysis. Elevated blood pressure was defined as average systolic or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90th percentile for age, gender and height. The proportion of children with elevated blood pressure was 15.2% (pre-hypertension 4.4% and hypertension 10.8%). No significant gender differences were observed in the prevalence of elevated BP. Increasing age and overweight/obese children were significantly associated with elevated BP (p = 0.0029 and p < 0.0001) respectively. Similar associations were observed for age and overweight/obesity with hypertension. (p = 0.0506 and p < 0.0001) respectively. In multivariate analysis, age above 10 years (adjusted RR = 3.63, 95% CI = 1.03-7.82) was significantly and independently associated with elevated BP in this population of school age children. We observed a higher proportion of elevated BP in this population of school age children. Older age and overweight/obesity were associated with elevated BP. Assessment of BP and BMI should be incorporated in school health program in Tanzania to identify those at risk so that appropriate interventions can be instituted before development of associated complications.

  11. Factors Contributing to the Accumulation of Primary Teacher's Debts to the Government of Tanzania: A Case Study for Dar Es Salaam Region

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kombo, Ibun


    This paper presents the findings of the study which was conducted to determine factors contributing to the accumulation of primary school teacher's debts to the Government of Tanzania, a case study of Dar es Salaam Region in its three municipalities namely, Ilala, Kinondoni and Temeke. Data was obtained through sampling method which also helped to…

  12. The development and validation of the clinicians' awareness towards cognitive errors (CATChES) in clinical decision making questionnaire tool.


    Chew, Keng Sheng; Kueh, Yee Cheng; Abdul Aziz, Adlihafizi


    Despite their importance on diagnostic accuracy, there is a paucity of literature on questionnaire tools to assess clinicians' awareness toward cognitive errors. A validation study was conducted to develop a questionnaire tool to evaluate the Clinician's Awareness Towards Cognitive Errors (CATChES) in clinical decision making. This questionnaire is divided into two parts. Part A is to evaluate the clinicians' awareness towards cognitive errors in clinical decision making while Part B is to evaluate their perception towards specific cognitive errors. Content validation for both parts was first determined followed by construct validation for Part A. Construct validation for Part B was not determined as the responses were set in a dichotomous format. For content validation, all items in both Part A and Part B were rated as "excellent" in terms of their relevance in clinical settings. For construct validation using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) for Part A, a two-factor model with total variance extraction of 60% was determined. Two items were deleted. Then, the EFA was repeated showing that all factor loadings are above the cut-off value of >0.5. The Cronbach's alpha for both factors are above 0.6. The CATChES questionnaire tool is a valid questionnaire tool aimed to evaluate the awareness among clinicians toward cognitive errors in clinical decision making.

  13. Les leishmanioses cutanées à Leishmania major et à Leishmania tropica au Maroc: aspects épidémio-cliniques comparatifs de 268 cas

    PubMed Central

    Chiheb, Soumia; Slaoui, Widad; Mouttaqui, Tarik; Riyad, Meriem; Benchikhi, Hakima


    Introduction Depuis 1995, le Maroc a connu une réactivation des foyers de leishmanioses cutanées (LC) à L. major et une nouvelle répartition géographique des foyers à L. tropica. Le but de cette étude est de comparer les aspects épidémio-cliniques associés aux LC potentiellement dûes à L. major et à L. tropica. Méthodes Une étude rétrospective a colligé 268 cas de LC au service de dermatologie du CHU Ibn Rochd de Casablanca entre Janvier 1995 et Septembre 2010. Les données étaient analysées par Epi info version 3.5.1. Le test X2 était appliqué (Différence significative = p< 0,05). Résultats Deux cent soixante-huit cas de LC ont été colligés, dont 160 femmes et 108 hommes. Ils ont été répartis en 123 patients originaires des foyers à L.major et 145 patients originaires des foyers à L. tropica. L'aspect ulcéronodulaire, ulcérovégétant ou végétant était retrouvé dans 58 cas (47,2%) des cas de LC à L. major versus 24 cas (16,7%) dans la L.C à L. tropica. L'aspect papulonodulaire était retrouvé dans 84 cas (58%) de LC à L. tropica contre 41 cas (33,3%) de LC à L. major. Conclusion Dans la LC à L. major, l'atteinte des membres et les aspects cliniques végétant ou ulcéro-végétant restent toujours prédominants. Dans la L.C à L. tropica, l'atteinte papulonodulaire unique du visage reste prédominante mais des formes ulcéronodulaires, végétantes ou ulcérovégétantes existent également dans les foyers récents à L. tropica, prêtant à confusion cliniquement avec des LC à L. major. PMID:25810796

  14. Homicide of children in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2005

    PubMed Central

    Outwater, Anne; Mgaya, Edward; Campbell, Jacquelyn C.; Becker, Stan; Kinabo, Linna; Menick, Daniel Mbassa


    Background Although data are sparse, it has been estimated that the highest rates of homicide death amongst children are in Africa. Little information is available on ages 0 -< 15 years. No reliable quantitative surveillance analysis of neonaticide (killed at less than one week) has been done. Methods A Violent Death Survey following WHO/CDC Guidelines was completed in Dar es Salaam region, Tanzania (DSM) (population 2.845 million) in 2005. Qualitative and quantitative data were gathered and analyzed using mixed methods techniques. Results The overall age adjusted rate of discarded and killed children in DSM was 2.05. The rate of neonaticide was 27.7 per 100,000) while the rate of homicide incidence for children > one day was Discussion The overall estimated homicide rate for Africa of children under age 15 was 4.53 per 100,000, whereas. The estimated global rate is 1.7 per 100,000 closer to DSM‘s rate. The results in DSM show that broad age groupings such as ” <1 year” or “0–4 years” or “0 – <15 years” may mask a high incidence of neonaticide and an otherwise low incidence of murdered children. The print media provided good in-depth coverage for a few cases but it is not known if the reported cases are representative. Conclusion Eighty percent of homicides of children in DSM are neonaticides. Since it is believed that the forces behind neonaticide are fundamentally different than homicides of older children, it is suggested that data of future surveys be parsed to include neonates, until the phenomenon is more clearly understood and addressed. Further understanding of the mother and father of the deceased is needed. Continued surveillance data collection is important to expand the sample size. PMID:22066333

  15. Dietary determinants of serum total cholesterol among middle-aged and older adults: a population-based cross-sectional study in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

    PubMed Central

    Kakarmath, Sujay S; Zack, Rachel M; Leyna, Germana H; Fahimi, Saman; Liu, Enju; Fawzi, Wafaie W; Lukmanji, Zohra; Killewo, Japhet; Sacks, Frank; Danaei, Goodarz


    Objective To assess the dietary determinants of serum total cholesterol. Design Cross-sectional population-based study. Setting Peri-urban region of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Participants 347 adults aged 40 years and older from the Dar es Salaam Urban Cohort Hypertension Study. Main outcome measure Serum total cholesterol measured using a point-of-care device. Results Mean serum total cholesterol level was 204 mg/dL (IQR 169–236 mg/dL) in women and 185 mg/dL (IQR 152–216 mg/dL) in men. After adjusting for demographic, socioeconomic, lifestyle and dietary factors, participants who reported using palm oil as the major cooking oil had serum total cholesterol higher by 15 mg/dL (95% CI 1 to 29 mg/dL) compared with those who reported using sunflower oil. Consumption of one or more servings of meat per day (p for trend=0.017) and less than five servings of fruits and vegetables per day (p for trend=0.024) were also associated with higher serum total cholesterol. A combination of using palm oil for cooking, eating more than one serving of meat per day and fewer than five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, was associated with 46 mg/dL (95% CI 16 to 76 mg/dL) higher serum total cholesterol. Conclusions Using palm oil for cooking was associated with higher serum total cholesterol levels in this peri-urban population in Dar es Salaam. Reduction of saturated fat content of edible oil may be considered as a population-based strategy for primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. PMID:28588111

  16. Produktionslogistik mit ERP-Systemen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bauer, Jürgen

    Im Folgenden werden die Teilprozesse der Produktionslogistik bei Eigenfertigung unter Einsatz des ERP-Systems SAP R/3 beschrieben. Dabei wird die häufigste Fertigungsart, die kundenanonyme Losfertigung, zugrundegelegt.

  17. Software tools and e-infrastructure services to support the long term preservation of earth science data - new functionality from the SCIDIP-ES project

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Riddick, Andrew; Glaves, Helen; Crompton, Shirley; Giaretta, David; Ritchie, Brian; Pepler, Sam; De Smet, Wim; Marelli, Fulvio; Mantovani, Pier-Luca


    The ability to preserve earth science data for the long-term is a key requirement to support on-going research and collaboration within and between earth science disciplines. A number of critically important current research initiatives (e.g. understanding climate change or ensuring sustainability of natural resources) typically rely on the continuous availability of data collected over several decades in a form which can be easily accessed and used by scientists. In many earth science disciplines the capture of key observational data may be difficult or even impossible to repeat. For example, a specific geological exposure or subsurface borehole may be only temporarily available, and earth observation data derived from a particular satellite mission is often unique. Another key driver for long-term data preservation is that the grand challenges of the kind described above frequently involve cross-disciplinary research utilising raw and interpreted data from a number of related earth science disciplines. Adopting effective data preservation strategies supports this requirement for interoperability as well as ensuring long term usability of earth science data, and has the added potential for stimulating innovative earth science research. The EU-funded SCIDIP-ES project seeks to address these challenges by developing a Europe-wide e-infrastructure for long-term data preservation by providing appropriate software tools and infrastructure services to enable and promote long-term preservation of earth science data. This poster will describe the current status of this e-infrastructure and outline the integration of the prototype SCIDIP-ES software components into the existing systems used by earth science archives and data providers. These prototypes utilise a system architecture which stores preservation information in a standardised OAIS-compliant way, and connects and adds value to existing earth science archives. A SCIDIP-ES test-bed has been implemented by the

  18. Prévalence de l'hépatite B chez les personnes infectées par le VIH à Parakou au Bénin

    PubMed Central

    Dovonou, Comlan Albert; Amidou, Salimanou Ariyoh; Kpangon, Amadohoué Arsène; Traoré, Yacoubou Adam; Godjedo, Togbemabou Primous Martial; Satondji, Assongba Joseph; Wachinou, Ablo Prudence; Issa-Djibril, Fatioulaye Mahamadi; Fourn, Léonard; Zannou, Djimon Marcel; Gandaho, Prosper


    Introduction La co-infection avec l'hépatite B est l'un des défis majeurs de la prise en charge du VIH depuis l'amélioration de l'accès aux antirétroviraux en Afrique. La présente étude visait à estimer la prévalence de l'hépatite B chez les personnes séropositives au VIH à Parakou et décrire les facteurs associés. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude transversale menée de Mai 2011 à Juin 2012 dans le service de Médecine du CHU de Parakou. Ont été inclus tous les adultes séropositifs au VIH vus en consultation ou hospitalisés. Les données ont été collectées par interviews et dépouillement de dossiers médicaux. L'antigène HBs a été recherché par un test rapide et l'ALAT a été dosé. L'analyse des données a été faite avec le logiciel EpiInfo 3.5.1. Les proportions ont été comparées grâce au test de Chi-deux ou au test de Fisher au seuil de significativité de 5%. Un modèle de régression logistique multivariable a permis d'expliquer la prévalence de l'hépatite B. Résultats Sur les 744 sujets inclus on a dénombré 555 femmes. L’âge moyen était de 35,5 + 10,1 ans. La prévalence de l'hépatite B a été estimée à 16,9% (IC95: 14,3%-19,9%). Cette prévalence était plus élevée chez les sujets originaires du Borgou/Alibori et ceux au stade 4 de l'OMS. Conclusion La prévalence de la co-infection VIH/VHB au CHU Parakou est élevée. Le dispositif national de prise en charge et de prévention de l'hépatite B chez les personnes séropositives au VIH doit être renforcé. PMID:26097629

  19. Multiwavelength Observations of the AGN 1ES 0414+009 with Veritas, Fermi-LAT, Swift-XRT, and MDM

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Aliu, E.; Archambault, S.; Arlen, T.; Aune, T.; Beilicke, M.; Benbow, W.; Boettcher, M.; Bouvier, A.; Bugaev, V.; Cannon, A.; hide


    We present observations of the BL Lac object 1ES 0414+009 in the greater than 200 GeV gamma-ray band by the VERITAS array of Cherenkov telescopes. 1ES 0414+009 was observed by VERITAS between January 2008 and February 2011, resulting in 56.2 hours of good quality pointed observations. These observations resulted in a detection of 822 events from the source corresponding to a statistical significance of 6.4 standard deviations (6.4 sigma) above the background. The source flux, showing no evidence for variability, is measured as (5.2 plus or minus 1.1(sub stat) plus or minus 2.6(sub sys) x 10(exp 12) photons per square centimeter per second above 200 GeV, equivalent to approximately 2% of the Crab Nebula flux above this energy. The differential photon spectrum from 230 GeV to 850 GeV is well fit by a power law with an photon index of TAU = 3.4 plus or minus 0.5(sub stat) plus or minus 0.3(sub sys) and a flux normalization of (1.6 plus or minus 0.3(sub stat) plus or minus 0.8(sub sys) x 10(exp -11) photons per square centimeter per second at 300 GeV. We also present multiwavelength results taken in the optical (MDM), X-ray (Swift-XRT), and GeV (Fermi-LAT) bands and use these results to construct a broadband spectral energy distribution (SED). Modeling of this SED indicates that homogenous one-zone leptonic scenarios are not adequate to describe emission from the system, with a lepto-hadronic model providing a better fit to the data.

  20. A new species and records of Anacroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from the Ecological Station, Wenceslau Guimarães, State of Bahia, Brazil.


    Almeida, Lucas Henrique DE; Duarte, Tácio


    We studied specimens of the perlid genus Anacroneuria collected at the Ecological Station, Wenceslau Guimarães, State of Bahia, Brazil. A list of Anacroneuria species is provided including a description of a new species, A. patioba n. sp., and a new record is given for A. paprockii Novaes & Bispo, 2014.

  1. Documenting Climate Models and Simulations: the ES-DOC Ecosystem in Support of CMIP

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pascoe, C. L.; Guilyardi, E.


    The results of climate models are of increasing and widespread importance. No longer is climate model output of sole interest to climate scientists and researchers in the climate change impacts and adaptation fields. Now non-specialists such as government officials, policy-makers, and the general public, all have an increasing need to access climate model output and understand its implications. For this host of users, accurate and complete metadata (i.e., information about how and why the data were produced) is required to document the climate modeling results. Here we describe the ES-DOC community-govern project to collect and make available documentation of climate models and their simulations for the internationally coordinated modeling activity CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 6). An overview of the underlying standards, key properties and features, the evolution from CMIP5, the underlying tools and workflows as well as what modelling groups should expect and how they should engage with the documentation of their contribution to CMIP6 is also presented.

  2. Effect of grapefruit seed extract on thermal inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes during sous-vide processing of two marinated Mexican meat entrées

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    D and z values of Listeria monocytogenes were obtained for two Mexican meat entrées: pork meat marinated in tomatillo (green tomato) sauce (PTS) and beef marinated in a red chili sauce (BRCS), with addition of 0, 200 and 800 ppm of grapefruit seed extract (GSE). Meat samples, inoculated with L.monoc...

  3. Methodik und Qualität statistischer Erhebungen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Krug, Walter; Schmidt, Jürgen; Wiegert, Rolf

    Kapitel 8 wirft einen Blick hinter die Kulissen statistischer Arbeit und ihrer Methoden, insbesondere auch hinter die der amtlichen Statistik: Wie kommen die Myriaden von Zahlen zustande, die heute aus statistischen Quellenwerken aller Art und aus Datenbanken abgerufen werden können? Dabei wird deutlich, welche Schwierigkeiten bei Erhebungen, insbesondere bei Stichprobenerhebungen, zu überwinden sind, wie man Antwortverweigerer kooperativer stimmt, wie sich auch aus kleinen Stichproben auf intelligente Weise verlässliche Ergebnisse erzielen lassen und wie Großstichproben auf europäischer Ebene harmonisiert werden. Am Beispiel des Zensus 2011 wird gezeigt, wie sich eine Kombination von Stichproben und Registerauswertungen als Ersatz für eine Volkszählung nutzen lässt. Mitglieder der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft waren daran kooperativ beteiligt.

  4. [Results of a survey on urologic activity in 1-day surgery in Midi-Pyrénées].


    Sanson, S; Gamé, X


    One-day surgery is an exercise whose development has grown significantly over the last decade. This survey aims at reviewing the different aspects of this practice in urology, in the second largest region of France. A cross-sectional study was conducted among the 57 urologists working in the Midi-Pyrénées region. A computerized questionnaire was made available on Internet. The non-responder urologists received a reminder email every week. The questionnaire included 25 questions, divided into four subgroups. The response rate was 57.9% (33/57 urologists). Results showed that the 1-day surgery rate was 26.4%. It was higher in the private sector (33.07 ± 17.16 vs. 20.42 ± 13.54%, P=0.04). Surgeries were made mainly in non-dedicated operating theaters (75.0%) and in the conventional list (71.8%). There was a written output protocol in 90.6% of cases (29 urologists), which was never given to the patient in 7.0% of cases (2 urologists) and never sent to the family doctor in 75.8% of cases (22 urologists). This study has shown that outpatient surgery accounted for a quarter of urologic surgery in Midi-Pyrénées region, and that the organization follows the recommendations of the International Association for Ambulatory Surgery. The main problems were the lack of information of the family doctor, and the lack of organized follow. Organizational problems were considered as the limiting factors of this activity development. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  5. Dietary determinants of serum total cholesterol among middle-aged and older adults: a population-based cross-sectional study in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


    Kakarmath, Sujay S; Zack, Rachel M; Leyna, Germana H; Fahimi, Saman; Liu, Enju; Fawzi, Wafaie W; Lukmanji, Zohra; Killewo, Japhet; Sacks, Frank; Danaei, Goodarz


    To assess the dietary determinants of serum total cholesterol. Cross-sectional population-based study. Peri-urban region of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 347 adults aged 40 years and older from the Dar es Salaam Urban Cohort Hypertension Study. Serum total cholesterol measured using a point-of-care device. Mean serum total cholesterol level was 204 mg/dL (IQR 169-236 mg/dL) in women and 185 mg/dL (IQR 152-216 mg/dL) in men. After adjusting for demographic, socioeconomic, lifestyle and dietary factors, participants who reported using palm oil as the major cooking oil had serum total cholesterol higher by 15 mg/dL (95% CI 1 to 29 mg/dL) compared with those who reported using sunflower oil. Consumption of one or more servings of meat per day (p for trend=0.017) and less than five servings of fruits and vegetables per day (p for trend=0.024) were also associated with higher serum total cholesterol. A combination of using palm oil for cooking, eating more than one serving of meat per day and fewer than five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, was associated with 46 mg/dL (95% CI 16 to 76 mg/dL) higher serum total cholesterol. Using palm oil for cooking was associated with higher serum total cholesterol levels in this peri-urban population in Dar es Salaam. Reduction of saturated fat content of edible oil may be considered as a population-based strategy for primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  6. Transcranial electrical stimulation of the occipital cortex during visual perception modifies the magnitude of BOLD activity: A combined tES-fMRI approach.


    Alekseichuk, Ivan; Diers, Kersten; Paulus, Walter; Antal, Andrea


    The aim of this study was to investigate if the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) changes in the visual cortex can be used as biomarkers reflecting the online and offline effects of transcranial electrical stimulation (tES). Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and 10Hz transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) were applied for 10min duration over the occipital cortex of healthy adults during the presentation of different visual stimuli, using a crossover, double-blinded design. Control experiments were also performed, in which sham stimulation as well as another electrode montage were used. Anodal tDCS over the visual cortex induced a small but significant further increase in BOLD response evoked by a visual stimulus; however, no aftereffect was observed. Ten hertz of tACS did not result in an online effect, but in a widespread offline BOLD decrease over the occipital, temporal, and frontal areas. These findings demonstrate that tES during visual perception affects the neuronal metabolism, which can be detected with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Monitoring temporal and spatial trends of legacy and emerging contaminants in marine environment: results from the environmental specimen bank (es-BANK) of Ehime University, Japan.


    Tanabe, Shinsuke; Ramu, Karri


    The Environmental Specimen Bank (es-BANK) for Global Monitoring at the Center for Marine Environmental Studies, Ehime University, Japan has more than four decades of practical experience in specimen banking. Over the years, es-BANK has archived specimens representing a wide range of environmental matrices, i.e. fishes, reptiles, birds, aquatic mammals, terrestrial mammals, human, soils, and sediments. The samples have been collected as part of the various monitoring programs conducted worldwide. The current review is a summary of selected studies conducted at the Center for Marine Environmental Studies, on temporal and spatial trends of legacy and emerging contaminants in the marine environment. One of the major conclusions drawn from the studies is that environmental problems are no more regional issues and, thus, environmental specimen banking should not be limited to national boundaries, but should have a global outlook. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. 40 CFR 721.5375 - Ni-tro-thio-phene-car-boxy-lic acid, ethyl es-ter, bis-[[[[(sub-sti-tut-ed)] amino]-alkyl-phenyl...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Ni-tro-thio-phene-car-boxy-lic acid... Substances § 721.5375 Ni-tro-thio-phene-car-boxy-lic acid, ethyl es-ter, bis-[[[[(sub-sti-tut-ed)] amino... reporting. (1) The chemical substance ni-tro-thio-phene-car-boxy-lic acid, ethyl ester, bis...

  9. 40 CFR 721.5375 - Ni-tro-thio-phene-car-boxy-lic acid, ethyl es-ter, bis-[[[[(sub-sti-tut-ed)] amino]-alkyl-phenyl...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Ni-tro-thio-phene-car-boxy-lic acid... Substances § 721.5375 Ni-tro-thio-phene-car-boxy-lic acid, ethyl es-ter, bis-[[[[(sub-sti-tut-ed)] amino... reporting. (1) The chemical substance ni-tro-thio-phene-car-boxy-lic acid, ethyl ester, bis...

  10. [Evaluation of therapeutic strategies for myocardial infarction: the ESTIM Midi-Pyrénées survey].


    Charpentier, S; Celse, D; Cambou, J P; Lauque, D; Carrie, D; Galinier, M; Baïxas, C; Ducassé, J L; Puel, J


    The aim of the ESTIM Midi-Pyrénées survey was to monitor the management of acute coronary syndrome with ST segment elevation by cardiologists and emergency departments in the Midi-Pyrénées region. Over a period of 2 years between June 2001 and June 2003, 1287 patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome within the first 24 hours were recruited prospectively. The initial management of these patients was undertaken either by a mobile medical team in the pre-hospital phase, or in a hospital emergency department, non-interventional cardiology department or an interventional cardiology department in 51.8%, 28.8%, 9.6% et 9.9% of cases respectively. Depending on these four modes of initial management, the median time for initial management was 1h30, 2h45, 4h30 et 4h respectively. Emergency coronary reperfusion was proposed in 89.6% of cases. Of the patients in whom reperfusion was attempted within the first 12 hours, 33.7% underwent pre-hospital thrombolysis (median delay of 1h48), 35.8% underwent thrombolysis in hospital (median delay 3h), and 30.4% underwent primary angioplasty (median delay 4h40). Thrombolysis was followed by angioplasty in 80% of cases. A combined approach with thrombolysis and angioplasty was applied in 41% of patients. At one month the rate of major cardiac events, death, and/or subsequent myocardial infarction was 12%. Multivariate analysis revealed that the only significant adverse prognostic features were: not offering reperfusion [Odds ratio (OR) 4, confidence interval (CI) 2.3-3.7] and age [OR 3.8, CI 2.3-6.2]. The method of reperfusion did not influence the subsequent outcome in this regional survey. pre-hospital management allows early revascularisation. In our region there was no significant prognostic difference between pre-hospital thrombolysis and primary angioplasty. It shows that the logistic and therapeutic potentials of prehospital care are not being sufficiently exploited.

  11. Food insecurity and coping strategies among people living with HIV in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


    Semali, Innocent A; Edwin, Tuzie; Mboera, Leonard E G


    Food insecurity and malnutrition seriously impedes efforts to control HIV/AIDS in resource poor countries. This study was carried out to assess food security, and coping strategies among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) attending Care and Treatment Centre (CTC) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. A structured questionnaire was used to interview randomly selected adults (18 years) who were HIV positive who have just been eligible for anti-retroviral treatment (ART) in a CTC or one who has started ART but not more than four weeks has elapsed. A total of 446 (females=67.9%; males= 32.1%) people living with HIV/AIDS attending CTC were interviewed. About three quarters (73.1%) of the respondents were 25-44 years old and most (43.9%) were married. Two thirds (66.7%) of the respondents had primary school education. Seventy percent reported to have a regular income and 63.7% with a monthly income of less than US$ 154. More than half (52.2%) of the respondents were food insecure. Food insecurity was similar in both males (54.6%) and females (51.2%). However, food insecurity was least (48.2%) among those who were single and highest (57.7%) among those cohabiting. Low level of food insecurity was associated with having completed primary education (Adjusted OR=0.27; 95% CI, 0.09-0.82) and high income (>US $154) (OR=0.10; 95% CI, 0.01-0.67). Reporting two or less meals increased the likelihood of food insecurity (OR=4.2; 95% CI1.7-9.8). Low frequency of meals was significantly more prevalent (18.6%) among those. 45 years than among 35-44 years old respondents (6.7%) (P=0.04). Borrowing money (55.8%) and taking less preferred foods (53.3%) were the most common coping strategies. In conclusion, food insecurity is a significant problem among people living with HIV in Dar es Salaam which might significantly affect compliance to care and support. The study suggests that counselling of PLHIV before anti-retroviral treatment programmes should devise special strategies targeting those with

  12. Caractérisation de l'état de surface et des contraintes résiduelles engendrées par meulage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gognau, D.; Blehaut, H.; Dürr, J.; Hariri, S.; Khouchaf, L.; Flahaut, P.


    grinding operations are generally used to prepare surfaces or improve surface state before or after welding. These operations, when carried out manually with portable machines, induce superficial work hardening, modification of the structure of material and residual stresses. An experimental study about the influence of grinding has been carried out on two metallic materials, a low carbon steel (A42-CP) and an austenitic stainless steel (316L), in order to characterise the grinding effects. Manual grinding being difficult to control (no repeatable effects), a test rig using a portable machine has been made. This test rig enables to control the grinding parameters in order to obtain repeatable grinding operations. Characterisation of the ground surfaces was made by 2D profilometry and measurements of residual stresses have been carried out with a Set-X Elphyse apparatus. The profiles of residual stresses obtained show, on the one hand, that on each material, identical grindings generate identical states of stresses and on the other hand, that materials have not the same behaviour, From a metallurgical point of view, we also observe that the grinding effects are different for both materials. The grinding of the A42 steel highlights a crushing of the grain near the surface while the 316L stainless steel grinding reveals sliding bands. Des opérations de meulage sont régulièrement effectuées sur des matériaux métalliques pour préparer les surfaces ou pour améliorer l'état de ces surfaces après soudage. Ces opérations réalisées manuellement engendrent un écrouissage superficiel, une modification de la structure du matériau et par conséquent des contraintes résiduelles. Une étude expérimentale a été menée sur un acier à bas carbone (A42-CP) et un acier inoxydable austénitique (316L) afin de caractériser les effets du meulage. Le meulage manuel étant difficile à maîtriser (effets non reproductibles), un banc d'essai utilisant une machine

  13. A comparative study on efficiency of adult fibroblast, putative embryonic stem cell and lymphocyte as donor cells for production of handmade cloned embryos in goat and characterization of putative ntES cells obtained from these embryos.


    Dutta, Rahul; Malakar, Dhruba; Khate, Keviletsu; Sahu, Shailendra; Akshey, Yogesh; Mukesh, Manishi


    The main purpose of the experiment was to compare the efficiency of three cell types, namely adult fibroblast, putative embryonic stem (ES) cell, and lymphocyte, as donor cells for somatic cell nuclear transfer by handmade cloning in goats. The outcome clearly shows that putative embryonic stem cells, with a cleavage and blastocyst production rate of 74.69% ± 3.92 and 39.75% ± 3.86, respectively, performs better in comparison to adult fibroblast cell and lymphocyte. Between adult fibroblast cell and lymphocyte no statistically significant difference exists at P < 0.05. An overall cleavage and blastocyst formation rate of 67.41% ± 3.92 and 26.96% ± 3.86 was obtained using adult fibroblast donor cells. The study establishes beyond doubt the reprogrammability of lymphocyte by handmade cloning (HMC) protocol with a cleavage and blastocyst production rate of 56.47% ± 3.92 and 24.70% ± 3.86, respectively. PCR analysis of highly polymorphic 286 bp fragment of MHC II DRB genes of cloned embryos and three donor cells were performed to verify the cloned embryos. The amplified PCR products were subjected to SSCP to confirm their genetic identity. The karyotyping of the cloned embryos showed normal chromosomal status as expected in goat. Significantly, in the second stage of the experiment, the produced cloned embryos were successfully used to derive ntES-like cells. The rate of primary colony formation rate was 62.50% ± 4.62 for fibroblast donor cell derived embryos. The same was 60.60% ± 4.62 for putative ES donor cell derived embryos and 66.66% ± 4.62 for lymphocyte donor cell derived embryos, respectively. The putative ntES colonies were positively characterized for alkaline phosphatase, Oct-4, TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81, Sox-2, and Nanog by Immunocytochemistry and Reverse Transcription PCR. To further validate the stem ness, the produced putative ntES colonies were differentiated to embryoid bodies. Immunocytochemistry revealed that embryoid bodies expressed NESTIN

  14. FORS am Very Large Telescope der Europäischen Südsternwarte

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


    Erstes wissenschaftliches Beobachtungsinstrument liefert eindrucksvolle Bilder Entsprechend dem straffen Zeitplan wird das ESO Very Large Teleskop Projekt (VLT-Projekt) auf dem Cerro Paranal in Nord-Chile verwirklicht: die volle Betriebsbereitschaft des ersten der vier 8,2m-Einzelteleskope wird Anfang des nächsten Jahres erreicht sein. Am 15. September 1998 wurde ein weiterer wichtiger Meilenstein erfolgreich, rechtzeitig und innerhalb des Kostenplans erreicht. Nur wenige Tage nach seiner Montage am ersten 8,2m-Einzelteleskop des VLT (UT1) konnte FORS1 ( FO cal R educer and S pectrograph) als erstes einer Gruppe leistungsfähiger und komplexer wissenschaftlicher Instrumente seine Beobachtungstätigkeit beginnen. Von Anfang an konnte es eine Reihe exzellenter astronomischer Bilder aufnehmen. Dieses bedeutende Ereignis eröffnet eine Fülle neuer Möglichkeiten für die europäische Astronomie. FORS - ein Höhepunkt an Komplexität FORS1 und das zukünftige Zwillingsinstrument (FORS2) sind das Ergebnis einer der eingehendsten und fortschrittlichsten technologischen Studien, die je für ein Instrument der bodengebundenen Astronomie durchgeführt wurden. Dieses einzigartige Instrument ist nun im Cassegrain-Fokus installiert und verschwindet beinahe, trotz seiner Dimensionen von 3 x 1.5m (Gewicht 2.3t), unterhalb des riesigen 53 m 2 großen Zerodurspiegels. Um die große Spiegelfläche und die hervorragende Bildqualität von UT1 optimal auszunützen, wurde FORS speziell so konstruiert, daß es die lichtschwächsten und entferntesten Objekte im Weltall untersuchen kann. Bald wird dieses komplexe VLT-Instrument den europäischen Astronomen erlauben, die derzeitigen Beobachtungshorizonte entscheidend zu erweitern. Die beiden FORS-Instrumente sind Vielzweck-Beobachtungsinstrumente, die in mehreren unterschiedlichen Beobachtungsarten eingesetzt werden können. Beispielsweise können Bilder mit zwei verschiedenen Abbildungsmaßstäben (Vergrößerungen) sowie Spektren mit

  15. Planar millimeter wave radar frontend for automotive applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grubert, J.; Heyen, J.; Metz, C.; Stange, L. C.; Jacob, A. F.


    A fully integrated planar sensor for 77 GHz automotive applications is presented. The frontend consists of a transceiver multichip module and an electronically steerable microstrip patch array. The antenna feed network is based on a modified Rotman-lens and connected to the array in a multilayer approach offering higher integration. Furthermore, the frontend comprises a phase lock loop to allow proper frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar operation. The latest experimental results verify the functionality of this advanced frontend design featuring automatic cruise control, precrash sensing and cut-in detection. These promising radar measurements give reason to a detailed theoretical investigation of system performance. Employing commercially available MMIC various circuit topologies are compared based on signal-tonoise considerations. Different scenarios for both sequential and parallel lobing hint to more advanced sensor designs and better performance. These improvements strongly depend on the availability of suitable MMIC and reliable packaging technologies. Within our present approach possible future MMIC developments are already considered and, thus, can be easily adapted by the flexible frontend design. Es wird ein integrierter planarer Sensor für 77 GHz Radaranwendungen vorgestellt. Das Frontend besteht aus einem Sende- und Empfangs-Multi-Chip-Modul und einer elektronisch schwenkbaren Antenne. Das Speisenetzwerk der Antenne basiert auf einer modifizierten Rotman- Linse. Für eine kompakte Bauweise sind Antenne und Speisenetzwerk mehrlagig integriert. Weiterhin umfasst das Frontend eine Phasenregelschleife für eine präzise Steuerung des frequenzmodulierten Dauerstrichradars. Die aktuellen Messergebnisse bestätigen die Funktionalit¨at dieses neuartigen Frontend-Designs, das automatische Geschwindigkeitsregelung, Kollisionswarnung sowie Nahbereichsüberwachung ermöglicht. Die Qualität der Messergebnisse hat weiterf

  16. Power estimation on functional level for programmable processors

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schneider, M.; Blume, H.; Noll, T. G.


    In diesem Beitrag werden verschiedene Ansätze zur Verlustleistungsschätzung von programmierbaren Prozessoren vorgestellt und bezüglich ihrer Übertragbarkeit auf moderne Prozessor-Architekturen wie beispielsweise Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW)-Architekturen bewertet. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt hierbei auf dem Konzept der sogenannten Functional-Level Power Analysis (FLPA). Dieser Ansatz basiert auf der Einteilung der Prozessor-Architektur in funktionale Blöcke wie beispielsweise Processing-Unit, Clock-Netzwerk, interner Speicher und andere. Die Verlustleistungsaufnahme dieser Bl¨ocke wird parameterabhängig durch arithmetische Modellfunktionen beschrieben. Durch automatisierte Analyse von Assemblercodes des zu schätzenden Systems mittels eines Parsers können die Eingangsparameter wie beispielsweise der erzielte Parallelitätsgrad oder die Art des Speicherzugriffs gewonnen werden. Dieser Ansatz wird am Beispiel zweier moderner digitaler Signalprozessoren durch eine Vielzahl von Basis-Algorithmen der digitalen Signalverarbeitung evaluiert. Die ermittelten Schätzwerte für die einzelnen Algorithmen werden dabei mit physikalisch gemessenen Werten verglichen. Es ergibt sich ein sehr kleiner maximaler Schätzfehler von 3%. In this contribution different approaches for power estimation for programmable processors are presented and evaluated concerning their capability to be applied to modern digital signal processor architectures like e.g. Very Long InstructionWord (VLIW) -architectures. Special emphasis will be laid on the concept of so-called Functional-Level Power Analysis (FLPA). This approach is based on the separation of the processor architecture into functional blocks like e.g. processing unit, clock network, internal memory and others. The power consumption of these blocks is described by parameter dependent arithmetic model functions. By application of a parser based automized analysis of assembler codes of the systems to be estimated the input

  17. Redescription and molecular phylogeny of the type species for two main metopid genera, Metopus es (Müller, 1776) Lauterborn, 1916 and Brachonella contorta (Levander, 1894) Jankowski, 1964 (Metopida, Ciliophora), based on broad geographic sampling.


    Bourland, William; Rotterova, Johana; Čepička, Ivan


    Metopid ciliates occupy terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats worldwide, playing important roles as predominant consumers of bacteria, flagellates, algae, and diatoms in hypoxic environments. Metopus and Brachonella are the most species-rich metopid genera, however most of their species have not been studied by modern methods Here, we report the morphologic, morphometric and molecular characterization, and phylogeny of Metopus es and Brachonella contorta, both types of their respective genera, collected in a broad global sampling effort. Five strains of M. es and three strains of B. contorta were studied in detail, providing the first correlation of morphology, morphometrics, and 18S rRNA gene sequencing for both. We submitted 29 new 18S rRNA gene sequences to GenBank. Phylogenetic analyses yielded trees of similar topology. A strongly supported Metopus es clade is sister to the Brachonella contorta clade. Our analysis shows genus Metopus is not monophyletic. The monophyly of Brachonella cannot yet be determined due to lack of sequences for other species of this genus in molecular databases. Both species appear to have a global distribution. Metopus es was not found in Africa, probably reflecting low sampling effort. Strains of both species showed low 18S rRNA gene sequence divergence despite wide geographic separation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  18. Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften¬Jahrgang 1987/88 Sitzungsber.Heidelberg 87/88¬Aktive Galaxien

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Elsässer, Hans

    Die Aktivität von Galaxien ist eine relativ seltene und offenbar kurzlebige Erscheinung, die sich vor allem durch eine verstärkte Abstrahlung, oft über das ganze Spektrum hinweg, vom Röntgen- bis zum Radiobereich, bemerkbar macht. Dabei wird auf neue Befunde an Infrarotgalaxien eingegangen, die dafür sprechen, daß die gravitative Wechselwirkung zwischen Galaxien eine wesentliche Rolle spielt. Das Buch ist eine zusammenfassende Darstellung des heutigen Kenntnisstandes über "Aktive Galaxien", ein Thema, das gegenwärtig im Zentrum des astronomischen Interesses und der aktuellen Forschung steht. Nach einem Überblick über die seit längerem bekannten Phänomene und die Probleme ihrer Deutung wird auf neue, am Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie mit den Teleskopen der Calar Alto Sternwarte (Südspanien) gewonnene, Ergebnisse eingegangen.

  19. Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften> " Jahrgang 1987/88 Sitzungsber.Heidelberg 87/88 " Aktive Galaxien

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Elsässer, Hans

    Die Aktivität von Galaxien ist eine relativ seltene und offenbar kurzlebige Erscheinung, die sich vor allem durch eine verstärkte Abstrahlung, oft über das ganze Spektrum hinweg, vom Röntgen- bis zum Radiobereich, bemerkbar macht. Dabei wird auf neue Befunde an Infrarotgalaxien eingegangen, die dafür sprechen, daß die gravitative Wechselwirkung zwischen Galaxien eine wesentliche Rolle spielt. Das Buch ist eine zusammenfassende Darstellung des heutigen Kenntnisstandes über "Aktive Galaxien", ein Thema, das gegenwärtig im Zentrum des astronomischen Interesses und der aktuellen Forschung steht. Nach einem Überblick über die seit längerem bekannten Phänomene und die Probleme ihrer Deutung wird auf neue, am Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie mit den Teleskopen der Calar Alto Sternwarte (Südspanien) gewonnene, Ergebnisse eingegangen.

  20. Die Struktur von schlankem Materialfluss mit Lean Production Kanban und Innovationen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Scheid, Wolf-Michael

    In der Literatur wird Materialfluss überwiegend in Spezialdisziplinen betrachtet, etwa der Steuerungslogik, der Logistiktechnik oder dem Supply Chain Management. Ein charakterisierendes Merkmal des Materialflusses ist jedoch, dass er sich aus vielfältigen Einzelbausteinen zusammensetzt, die alle harmonisch abgestimmt sein müssen. Die maximal erreichbare Effizienz wird nicht durch Höchstleistungen in dem einen oder anderen Spezialthema bestimmt, sondern durch das schwächste Glied im gesamten komplexen Netzwerk. Den Schnittstellen zwischen den betroffenen Fachbereichen in einem Unternehmen kommt hier eine ganz besondere Bedeutung zu: Erst ein harmonischer Einklang ermöglicht hohe Effektivität. Dies setzt umfassendes Verständnis für interdisziplinäre Notwendigkeiten, ein hohes Maß an Abstimmung mit den operativen Prozessen und letztlich einen einvernehmlichen Umgang und den Respekt vor den Problemstellungen des Anderen voraus.

  1. The German Environmental Survey for Children (GerES IV): reference values and distributions for time-location patterns of German children.


    Conrad, André; Seiwert, Margarete; Hünken, Andreas; Quarcoo, David; Schlaud, Martin; Groneberg, David


    Children's time-location patterns are important determinants of environmental exposure and other health-relevant factors. Building on data of the German Environmental Survey for Children (GerES IV), our study aimed at deriving reference values and distributions for time-location patterns of 3-14-year-old German children. We also investigated if GerES IV data are appropriate for evaluating associations with children's health determinants by linking them to data of the National Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS). Parents reported on the time their children usually spend at home, in other indoor environments, and outdoors. This information was characterized by statistical parameters, which were also calculated for different strata concerning socio-demography and the residential environment. Consequently, group differences were evaluated by t-tests and univariate ANOVA. Reference distributions were fitted to the time-location data by a Maximum Likelihood approach to make them also useable in probabilistic exposure modeling. Finally, associations between data on the children's physical activity as well as body weight and their outdoor time were investigated by bivariate correlation analysis and cross tabulation. On daily average, German children spend 15 h and 31 min at home, 4 h and 46 min in other indoor environments, and 3 h and 43 min outdoors. Time spent at home and outdoors decreases with age while time spent in other indoor environments increases. Differences in time-location patterns were also observed for the socio-economic status (SES) and immigration status. E.g., children with a high SES spend 24 min less outdoors than low SES children. Immigrants spend on daily average 20 min more at home and 15 min less outdoors than non-immigrant children. Outdoor time was associated with parameters of the residential environment like the building development. Children living in 1- or 2-family houses spend more time outdoors than

  2. Cloning and high level expression of gene encoding ES antigen from Trichinella spiralis muscle larvae.


    Yan, Y; Xu, W; Chen, H; Ma, Z; Zhu, Y; Cai, S


    The partial structure gene encoding ES antigen derived from Trichinella spiralis (TSP) muscle larvae was cloned, characterized, and expressed in E. coli. The target DNA (0.7 kb) was directly obtained from the TSP total RNA by using RNA PCR technique. Based on the analysis with the RE digestion, the fragment was cloned into the fusion expression vector pEX31C. It was shown that a kind of 37kDa fusion protein was expressed in E. coli containing the recombinant plasmid by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. The expressed protein was over 22% of the total cell protein, and it was aggregated in the form of inclusion bodies in E. coli. The purified protein could be recognized in ELISA both by sera from swine-infected with TSP and by the monoclonal antibody against TSP. These findings suggest that the recombinant protein is a potentially valuable antigen both for immunodiagnosis and vaccine development of trichinellosis.

  3. CHANG-ES - XI. Circular polarization in the cores of nearby galaxies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Irwin, Judith A.; Henriksen, Richard N.; WeŻgowiec, Marek; Damas-Segovia, Ancor; Wang, Q. Daniel; Krause, Marita; Heald, George; Dettmar, Ralf-Jürgen; Li, Jiang-Tao; Wiegert, Theresa; Stein, Yelena; Braun, Timothy T.; Im, Jisung; Schmidt, Philip; Macdonald, Scott; Miskolczi, Arpad; Merritt, Alison; Mora-Partiarroyo, S. C.; Saikia, D. J.; Sotomayor, Carlos; Yang, Yang


    We detect five galaxies in the Continuum Halos in Nearby Galaxies - an EVLA Survey (CHANG-ES) sample that show circular polarization (CP) at L band in our high-resolution data sets. Two of the galaxies (NGC 4388 and NGC 4845) show strong Stokes V/I ≡ mC ˜ 2 per cent, two (NGC 660 and NGC 3628) have values of mC ˜ 0.3 per cent, and NGC 3079 is a marginal detection at mC ˜ 0.2 per cent. The two strongest mC galaxies also have the most luminous X-ray cores and the strongest internal absorption in X-rays. We have expanded on our previous Faraday conversion interpretation and analysis and provide analytical expressions for the expected V signal for a general case in which the cosmic ray (CR) electron energy spectral index can take on any value. We provide examples as to how such expressions could be used to estimate magnetic field strengths and the lower energy cut-off for CR electrons. Four of our detections are resolved, showing unique structures, including a jet in NGC 4388 and a CP `conversion disc' in NGC 4845. The conversion disc is inclined to the galactic disc but is perpendicular to a possible outflow direction. Such CP structures have never before been seen in any galaxy to our knowledge. None of the galaxy cores show linear polarization at L band. Thus radio CP may provide a unique probe of the physical conditions in the cores of active galactic nuclei.

  4. Microbial Efficacy of Waterless Hand Hygiene in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pickering, A.; Boehm, A.; Davis, J.


    Millions of people die from diarrheal and respiratory diseases every year due to lack of proper sanitation, hygiene, and access to clean water. The act of handwashing with soap has been found to effectively reduce both diarrheal and respiratory illness, however, handwashing at critical times (i.e. after using the toilet, before preparing food) remains infrequent around the world. This research investigates the potential for alcohol- based hand sanitizer (ABHS) to be an effective and appropriate hand hygiene option in developing countries. A study was conducted to assess the microbiological effectiveness of ABHS, as compared to handwashing with soap and water, in field conditions in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. A total of 205 participants, including mothers, nurses, students, and teachers, were introduced to ABHS, given a standardized amount (2ml) of product, and instructed on how to use the product correctly. Hand samples were obtained using the hand rinse method before and after the use of ABHS from 152 participants. The other 53 participants were hand sampled before and after handwashing with a non-antimicrobial liquid soap and clean water (prior to using ABHS). Visual inspections of the hands were performed before hand sampling to record the level of dirt on the hands. All hand samples were processed and analyzed by membrane filtration for concentrations of two microbial indicators, enterococci and E. coli. User perceptions of the product and willingness to pay are also documented. The results of this study provide valuable insight on the prospective of promoting ABHS in developing countries and water scarce areas.

  5. Infinitesimal Bäcklund Transformation and Conservation Laws for Non-autonomous Systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mahato, G.; Chowdhury, A. Roy

    We have observed that it is possible to extend the concept of the infinitesimal Bäcklund transformation of Steudel to the case of non-autonomous systems. We have discussed the situation with the cylindrical KdV as example. The interesting point to note is that though the B.T. for Ckdv does not possess the usual property of generating one soliton in a single operation, yet it generates an infinite number of symmetries, which corroborates with those obtained through the expansion of the resolvant of the linear operator associated with the equation.Translated AbstractInfinitesimale Bäcklund-Transformation und Erhaltungsgesetze nichtautonomer SystemeWir finden, daß es möglich ist, das Steudelsche Konzept der infinitesimalen Bäcklund-Transformation auf den Fall nichtautonomer Systeme zu übertragen. Als ein Beispiel wird die Situation bei einer zylindrischen KdV-Gleichung pehandelt. Der interessante Punkt ist dabei, daß die Bäcklund-Transformation - obwohl sie für die zylindrische KdV-Gleichung die übliche Eigenschaft, ein Soliton durch eine einzige Operation zu erzeugen, nicht besitzt - doch eine unendliche Zahl von Symmetrien erzeugt. Das bestätigt die Ergebnisse, die man durch Entwicklung der Resolvente des mit der Gleichung verknüpften linearen Operators erhält.

  6. Effect of Grapefruit Seed Extract on Thermal Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes during Sous-Vide Processing of Two Marinated Mexican Meat Entrées.


    Valenzuela-Melendres, Martin; Peña-Ramos, E Aida; Juneja, Vijay K; Camou, Juan Pedro; Cumplido-Barbeitia, German


    D- and z-values for Listeria monocytogenes were obtained for two Mexican meat entrées: pork meat marinated in tomatillo (green tomato) sauce (PTS) and beef marinated in a red chili sauce (BRCS), with addition of 0, 200, and 800 ppm of grapefruit seed extract (GSE). Meat samples inoculated with L. monocytogenes were packaged in sterile bags, immersed in a water bath, and held at 55, 57.5, 60, and 62.5°C for different periods of time. Depending upon the temperature, D-values at 0 ppm of GSE ranged from 26.19 to 2.03 min in BRCS and 26.41 to 0.8 min in PTS. Adding 800 ppm of GSE to BRCS thermally treated at 55 and 62.5°C significantly decreased inactivation time by 35%. A reduction in time of 25.9, 10.6, and 40.1% at 55, 57.5, and 60°C, respectively, was observed in PTS with 800 ppm of GSE. The z-values of L. monocytogenes were not significantly affected by GSE addition; average z-values were 7.25 and 5.09°C for BRCS and PTS, respectively. Estimated thermal lethality for a 7-D log reduction of L. monocytogenes under commercial-size sous-vide conditions at a reference temperature of 55°C was reached at 78 and 71 min for BRCS without and with 800 ppm of GSE, respectively. For PTS, 7-D reduction was attained at 69 and 61 min without and with addition of 800 ppm of GSE, respectively. Supplementing both Mexican meat entrées (BRCS and PTS) with 800 ppm of GSE rendered L. monocytogenes cells more sensitive to the lethal effect of heat. The results of this study will assist the retail food industry in designing acceptance limits on critical control points pertaining to cooking regimes to effectively eliminate L. monocytogenes in BRCS and PTS sous-vide processed Mexican meat entrées.

  7. Does Personalized Water and Hand Quality Information Affect Attitudes, Behavior, and Health in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Davis, J.; Pickering, A.; Horak, H.; Boehm, A.


    Tanzania (TZ) has one of the highest rates of child mortality due to enteric disease in the world. NGOs and local agencies have introduced numerous technologies (e.g., chlorine tablets, borewells) to increase the quantity and quality of water in Dar es Salaam, the capital of Tanzania, in hopes of reducing morbidity and mortality of waterborne disease. The objective of the present study is to determine if providing personalized information about water quality and hand surface quality, as determined by concentrations of enterococci and E. coli, results in improved health and water quality in households. A cohort study was completed in June-September 2008 in 3 communities ranging from urban to per-urban in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to achieve our objective. The study consisted of 4 cohorts that were visited 4 times over the 3 month study. One cohort received no information about water and hand quality until the end of the summer, while the other groups received either just information on hand surface quality, just information on water quality, and information on both hand surface and water quality after the first (baseline) household visit. We report concentrations of enterococci and E. coli in water sources (surface waters and bore wells), water stored in households, and environmental waters were children and adults swim and bathe. In addition, we report concentrations of enterococci and E. coli on hands of caregivers and children in households. Preliminary results of surveys on health and perceptions of water quality and illness from the households are provided. Ongoing work will integrate the microbiological and sociological data sets to determine if personalized information interventions resulted in changes in health, water quality in the household, or perceptions of water quality, quantity and relation to human health. Future work will analyze DNA samples from hands and water for human-specific Bacteroides bacteria which are only present in human feces. Our study

  8. Asymptomatic bacteriuria and concomitant presence of other micro-organisms in urine of pregnant women in Dar es Salaam -- Tanzania.


    Mtimavalye, L A; Runyoro, D E; Massawe, F N; Mhalu, F S; Kanyawana, J Z


    This study was designed to determine the prevalence of significant bacteriuria in pregnancy in Dar es Salaam as well as attempt to find out whether bacteriuria has any effects on the mother and baby. Of 1007 pregnant women studied for asymptomatic bacteriuria, a significant bacteriuria rate of 6.3% was revealed. Escherichia coli was the predominant organism, making up 47.6% of the total organisms isolated. Schistosoma hematobium was present in 8.7%, T. vaginalis in 14%, yeast cells were found in the urine of 9.1% and the microfilariae of Wuchereria bancrofti were found in 1 specimen. 66.2% had no abnormality in their urine. It is recommended on the basis of this study that all women found to have significant bacteriuria in 1 cultured urine sample should be treated. There was a significant relationship noted between significant bacteriuria and the passing of S. hematobium in the urine. There was also a significant correlation between the presence of T. vaginalis and yeast cells in the urine. On the basis of laboratory sensitivity studies it was also found that the antimicrobial agents of choice for treating urinary tract infections in Dar es Salaam where E. coli and Klebsiella erogenes are the predominant organisms are nitrofurantoin, nalidixic acid and co-trimoxazole. The socioeconomic status of the bacteriuric and control group was divided into 4 groups according to take home pay; results show no significant increase of bacteriuria in any of the groups. It was not possible to follow up the effects of the presence of micro-organisms in urine during pregnancy because once a woman was found to have a positive culture she was treated.

  9. Prise en charge des orbitopathies dysthyroidiennes modérées et sévères: à propos de 22 cas

    PubMed Central

    Daldoul, Nadia; Knani, Leila; Gatfaoui, Faten; Mahjoub, Hechmi


    Décrire la prise en charge thérapeutique des orbitopathies dysthyroidiennes modérées et sévères et évaluer par une étude statistique les facteurs associés à la neuropathie optique ainsi que les facteurs de mauvais pronostic visuel. Nous avons mené une étude rétrospective sur 22 patients présentant une ophtalmopathie dysthyroidienne modérée à sévère sur au moins un oeil, hospitalisés au service d'ophtalmologie du CHU Farhat Hached Sousse, sur une période s'étalant de 1998 à 2015. Les indications thérapeutiques sont basées sur les critères d'activité et de sévérité de l'Eugogo ainsi que l'évaluation des facteurs de mauvais pronostic visuel. L'âge moyen de nos patients était de 40 ans avec une légère prédominance masculine (54.5%). 68.2% des patients étaient en euthyroidie, 18.2% étaient tabagique. Le facteur le plus associé significativement à la neuropathie est la compression au niveau de l'apex orbitaire (P = 0.03). Le traitement était basé sur la corticothérapie intraveineuse et/ou la décompression orbitaire en fonction de l'activité et la sévérité de la maladie. L'évolution globale après traitement a été marquée par une amélioration des signes inflammatoires, réduction de l'exophtalmie. Le pronostic visuel était plus mauvais chez les patients plus âgés (P = 0.0001), de sexe masculin (P = 0.03) et traités par irathérapie (P = 0.04). Dans les limites d'une étude rétrospective, nos résultats étaient globalement concordants avec la littérature. L'orbitopathie dysthyroidienne reste une maladie dont l'évaluation et la prise en charge thérapeutique sont non encore bien élucidées. Des études de cohortes, probablement multicentriques, sont à envisager pour améliorer la prise en charge. PMID:29187926

  10. Overweight, obesity and perceptions about body weight among primary schoolchildren in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


    Mpembeni, Rose N M; Muhihi, Alfa J; Maghembe, Mwanamkuu; Ngarashi, Davis; Lujani, Benjamin; Chillo, Omary; Kubhoja, Sulende; Anaeli, Amani; Njelekela, Marina A


    The increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity among children has become a public health concern both in developing and developed countries. Previous research studies have shown that favourable perception of one's body weight is an important factor in weight control. This study determined prevalence of overweight and obesity and assessed perception about body weight among primary schoolchildren in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In this cross sectional study, nine schools were selected randomly from a list of all primary schools in Dar es Salaam. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data on socio-demographic characteristics and lifestyle information including perception about body weight. Height and weight were measured following standard procedures. Chi- square tests and multiple logistic regressions were used to determine factors which influence perceptions about body weight. A total of 446 children were included into the study. The mean body mass index (BMI) was 16.6 ± 4.0 kg/m2 (16.1 ± 4.0 for males and 17.0 ± 4.0 for females). Prevalence of overweight and obesity was 9.8% and 5.2%, respectively. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was significantly higher among girls, 13.1% and 6.3% compared to boys with 6.3% and 3.8% overweight and obese respectively (P=0.0314). Overall, the prevalence of overweight and obesity was 15.0% (10.1% among boys and 19.4% among girls). One-third (33.3%) of the children perceived their body weight as overweight or obese. Among overweight and obese children, 35.4% had unfavourable perception of their body weights. There was a statistically significant difference between perceived body weight and actual body weight as indicated by BMI for both boys and girls (P < 0.05). Age of the child (AOR = 0.55 95% CI 0.36-0.85) and area of residence (COR = 0.64 95% CI 0.44-0.95) were found to be significant predictors of favourable perception of one's body weight. In conclusion, the prevalence of overweight and obesity is not very

  11. Constraints on good child-care practices and nutritional status in urban Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.


    Kulwa, Kissa B M; Kinabo, Joyce L D; Modest, Beata


    Care is increasingly being recognized as a crucial input to child health and nutrition, along with food security, availability of health services, and a healthy environment. Although significant gains have been made in the fight against malnutrition in Tanzania, the nutritional status of preschool children in urban areas is not improving. To assess child-care practices and the nutritional status of infants and young children with the aim of improvingfeeding practices and child nutritional status. A cross-sectional study was undertaken in urban Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. The study involved 100 randomly selected mothers of children 6 to 24 months old from households in Ilala Municipality, one of the three municipalities that constitute the Dar-es-Salaam City Council. Data were collected by a structured questionnaire, spot-check observations, and anthropometric measurements. The prevalence rates of stunting, underweight, wasting, and morbidity were 43%, 22%, 3%, and 80%, respectively. The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding was very low (9%), and most stunted children (88%) were not exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months. The mean age at which complementary foods and fluids were introduced was 3.26 +/- 1.12 months (range, 1 to 5 months). The fluids given were mainly water and thin cereal-based porridge. More than half of the households practiced good hygiene. Most of the psychosocial practices (e.g., caregiver's attention, affection, and involvement in child feeding, hygiene, health care, and training) were performed by mothers, except for cooking and feeding the children and child training, which were done mostly by alternative caregivers. Nearly half of the mothers (44%) worked out of the home. The mean number of working hours per day was long (10.32 +/- 2.13), necessitating the use of alternative caregivers. A negative correlation was found between height-for-age z-scores and the number of hours mothers worked outside the home. The prevalence rates of chronic

  12. Observations of recent flares of the blazar 1ES1959+650 with VERITAS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhou, Yuyang; Santander, Marcos; VERITAS Collaboration


    VERITAS (Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System) is a an array of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes that carries out an extensive observation program of the gamma-ray sky at energies above 0.1 TeV. Blazars, active galactic nuclei powered by supermassive black holes, are gamma-ray sources of major interest. The relativistic jets they emit are among the most energetic phenomena in the universe and constitute a significant amount of study in high energy astrophysics. In particular, the blazar 1ES 1959+650 (z=0.048) has garnered special attention due to its emission of an ``orphan'' flare in 2002. An orphan flare is an extremely bright emission in gamma rays that is not coupled to X-rays. This phenomenon is incompatible with our current model of gamma-ray production, the self-synchrotron Compton (SSC) process. This study aims to characterize recent TeV flares of this source by analyzing the time variability of its light curve and spectrum and comparing these findings to observations made in other wavelengths. We hope to determine if these recent flares have also been orphan in nature, put an upper limit on the size of the emission region, and understand the nature of the gamma-ray emission in the source.

  13. Simulation of semi-arid hydrological processes at different spatial resolutions using the AgroEcoSystem-Watershed (AgES-W) model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Green, T. R.; Erksine, R. H.; David, O.; Ascough, J. C., II; Kipka, H.; Lloyd, W. J.; McMaster, G. S.


    Water movement and storage within a watershed may be simulated at different spatial resolutions of land areas or hydrological response units (HRUs). Here, effects of HRU size on simulated soil water and surface runoff are tested using the AgroEcoSystem-Watershed (AgES-W) model with three different resolutions of HRUs. We studied a 56-ha agricultural watershed in northern Colorado, USA farmed primarily under a wheat-fallow rotation. The delineation algorithm was based upon topography (surface flow paths), land use (crop management strips and native grass), and mapped soil units (three types), which produced HRUs that follow the land use and soil boundaries. AgES-W model parameters that control surface and subsurface hydrology were calibrated using simulated daily soil moisture at different landscape positions and depths where soil moisture was measured hourly and averaged up to daily values. Parameter sets were both uniform and spatially variable with depth and across the watershed (5 different calibration approaches). Although forward simulations were computationally efficient (less than 1 minute each), each calibration required thousands of model runs. Execution of such large jobs was facilitated by using the Object Modeling System with the Cloud Services Innovation Platform to manage four virtual machines on a commercial web service configured with a total of 64 computational cores and 120 GB of memory. Results show how spatially distributed and averaged soil moisture and runoff at the outlet vary with different HRU delineations. The results will help guide HRU delineation, spatial resolution and parameter estimation methods for improved hydrological simulations in this and other semi-arid agricultural watersheds.

  14. Exploring the association between women's access to economic resources and intimate partner violence in Dar es Salaam and Mbeya, Tanzania.


    Vyas, Seema; Jansen, Henrica Afm; Heise, Lori; Mbwambo, Jessie


    The relationship between women's access to economic resources, e.g. employment or access to micro-credit, and experience of intimate partner violence is complex. Empirical evidence documents that in some settings women's employment is associated with higher risk of partner violence but in other settings with lower risk. Evidence also shows that these conflicting associations exist not only between countries but also within different country settings. Using two population-based data sets gathered in 2002 in contrasting Tanzania settings-Dar es Salaam and Mbeya-, we used multivariate logistic regression to examine the relationship between women's access to economic resources and partner violence. Two indicators of economic resources were examined: whether women earned money and whether women owned a business either with someone or exclusively. In Dar es Salaam we found evidence of a higher risk association among women who earned money and who owned a business exclusively by themselves and a lower risk association among women who owned a business with someone. We found no relationship between either indicator of economic resources and partner violence in Mbeya. Other factors were similarly associated with partner violence in both settings and the strongest associations found were related to the respondents' partners: refusal to give money; alcohol use and relationships with other women. The findings support the assertion that women's access to economic resources operate differently in different country settings, thus highlighting the need for targeted prevention efforts that are relevant for the context. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Qualität auf dem Prüfstand

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Michaelis, Michael

    An einem Wochenende im Dezember 2009 beendete der chinesische Eisenbahn-Vizeminister Hu Yadong in Begleitung einer hochrangigen Delegation aus Experten des Department of Safety seines Ministeriums eine mehrtägige Europareise mit einem Besuch in der Konzernzentrale des weltweit führenden Herstellers von Bremssystemen für Schienen- und Nutzfahrzeuge in München. Schon in wenigen Jahren wird China über die weltweit größte Flotte an Hochgeschwindigkeitszügen verfügen und dabei sind Sicherheit und Qualität vorrangige Anforderungen. Knorr-Bremse liefert 100% der Bremsanlagen dieser Züge und hat vor kurzem mit rund 500 Millionen Euro den größten Auftrag in der Firmengeschichte erhalten. Das Unternehmen wird zusammen mit seinen chinesischen Partnern insgesamt 2.720 neue Wagen des chinesischen Hochgeschwindigkeitszuges CRH3 mit Brems- und Türsystemen ausrüsten.

  16. STF Optimierung von single-bit CT ΣΔ Modulatoren basierend auf skalierten Filterkoeffizienten

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Widemann, C.; Zorn, C.; Brückner, T.; Ortmanns, M.; Mathis, W.


    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Signalübertragungsverhalten von single-bit continuous-time (CT) ΣΔ Modulatoren. Dabei liegt der Fokus der Untersuchung auf dem Peaking der Signaltransferfunktion (STF). Dieser Effekt kann die Performance und die Stabilität des Gesamtsystems negativ beeinflussen, da bei auftretendem STF-Peaking Signale außerhalb des Signalbands verstärkt werden. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuer Ansatz zur Reduktion des Peakings vorgestellt, der auf der Optimierung der Systemdynamik basiert. Dabei werden die Filterkoeffizienten des Modulators systematisch angepasst. Anhand eines Beispielsystems wird gezeigt, dass der Ansatz genutzt werden kann, um das Übertragungsverhalten des Modulators abhängig vom Ausgangssystem zu verändern. So kann entweder die Systemsperformance verbessert werden, ohne Peaking in der STF zu erzeugen, oder das STF-Peaking reduziert werden, ohne die Systemperformance stark zu beeinflussen.

  17. Cholera Mortality during Urban Epidemic, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, August 16, 2015–January 16, 20161

    PubMed Central

    Massay, Amani Elibariki; Narra, Rupa; Mghamba, Janneth; Mohamed, Ahmed Abade; Kishimba, Rogath Saika; Urio, Loveness John; Rusibayamila, Neema; Magembe, Grace; Bakari, Muhammud; Gibson, James J.; Eidex, Rachel Barwick; Quick, Robert E.


    In 2015, a cholera epidemic occurred in Tanzania; most cases and deaths occurred in Dar es Salaam early in the outbreak. We evaluated cholera mortality through passive surveillance, burial permits, and interviews conducted with decedents’ caretakers. Active case finding identified 101 suspected cholera deaths. Routine surveillance had captured only 48 (48%) of all cholera deaths, and burial permit assessments captured the remainder. We interviewed caregivers of 56 decedents to assess cholera management behaviors. Of 51 decedents receiving home care, 5 (10%) used oral rehydration solution after becoming ill. Caregivers reported that 51 (93%) of 55 decedents with known time of death sought care before death; 16 (29%) of 55 delayed seeking care for >6 h. Of the 33 (59%) community decedents, 20 (61%) were said to have been discharged from a health facility before death. Appropriate and early management of cholera cases can reduce the number of cholera deaths. PMID:29155665

  18. CHANG-ES. VII. Magnetic Outflows from the Virgo Cluster Galaxy NGC 4388

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Damas-Segovia, A.; Beck, R.; Vollmer, B.; Wiegert, T.; Krause, M.; Irwin, J.; Weżgowiec, M.; Li, J.; Dettmar, R.-J.; English, J.; Wang, Q. D.


    We investigate the effects of ram pressure on the ordered magnetic field of a galaxy hosting a radio halo and strong nuclear outflows. New radio images in total and polarized intensity of the edge-on Virgo galaxy NGC 4388 were obtained within the CHANG-ES EVLA project. The unprecedented noise level reached allows us to detect striking new features of the ordered magnetic field. The nuclear outflow extends far into the halo to about 5 kpc from the center and is spatially correlated with the {{H}}α and X-ray emission. For the first time, the southern outflow is detected. Above and below both spiral arms we find extended blobs of polarized emission with an ordered field oriented perpendicular to the disk. The synchrotron lifetime of the cosmic-ray electrons (CREs) in these regions yields a mean outflow velocity of 270+/- 70 {km} {{{s}}}-1, in agreement with a galactic wind scenario. The observed symmetry of the polarized halo features in NGC 4388 excludes a compression of the halo gas by the ram pressure of the intracluster medium (ICM). The assumption of equilibrium between the halo pressure and the ICM ram pressure yields an estimate of the ICM density that is consistent with both the ICM density derived from X-ray observations and the recent Planck Sunyaev-Zel’dovich measurements. The detection of a faint radio halo around cluster galaxies could thus be used for an estimate of ICM ram pressure.

  19. Prospects of heavy and superheavy element production via inelastic nucleus-nucleus collisions - from 238U+238U to18O+254Es

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schädel, Matthias


    Multi-nucleon transfer reactions, frequently termed deep-inelastic, between heavy-ion projectiles and actinide targets provide prospects to synthesize unknown isotopes of heavy actinides and superheavy elements with neutron numbers beyond present limits. The 238U on 238U reaction, which revealed essential aspects of those nuclear reactions leading to surviving heavy nuclides, mainly produced in 3n and 4n evaporation channels, is discussed in detail. Positions and widths of isotope distributions are compared. It is shown, as a general rule, that cross sections peak at irradiation energies about 10% above the Coulomb barrier. Heavy target nuclei are essential for maximizing cross sections. Experimental results from the 238U on 248Cm reaction, including empirical extrapolations, are compared with theoretical model calculations predicting relatively high cross sections for neutron-rich nuclei. Experiments to test the validity of such predictions are proposed. Comparisons between rather symmetric heavy-ion reactions like 238U on 248Cm (or heavier targets up to 254Es) with very asymmetric ones like 18O on 254Es reveal that the ones with 238U as a projectile have the highest potential in the superheavy element region while the latter ones can be advantageous for the synthesis of heavy actinide isotopes. Concepts for highly efficient recoil separators designed for transfer products are presented.

  20. Practical Use of ICT in Science and Mathematics Teachers' Training at Dar es Salaam University College of Education: An Analysis of Prospective Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kafyulilo, Ayoub C.


    This study investigated the ways through which pre-service science and mathematics teachers at Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) can acquire competencies for integrating technology pedagogy and content in teaching. Specifically the study investigated the preservice teachers' ICT integration competencies; practices that can be…


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Croll, Bryce; Jayawardhana, Ray; Fortney, Jonathan J.


    We present H- and Ks-band photometry bracketing the secondary eclipse of the hot Jupiter TrES-3b using the Wide-field Infrared Camera on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. We detect the secondary eclipse of TrES-3b with a depth of 0.133{sup +0.018}{sub -0.016}% in the Ks band (8{sigma})-a result that is in sharp contrast to the eclipse depth reported by de Mooij and Snellen. We do not detect its thermal emission in the H band, but place a 3{sigma} limit of 0.051% on the depth of the secondary eclipse in this band. A secondary eclipse of this depth in Ks requires very efficient day-to-nightside redistributionmore » of heat and nearly isotropic reradiation, a conclusion that is in agreement with longer wavelength, mid-infrared Spitzer observations. Our 3{sigma} upper limit on the depth of our H-band secondary eclipse also argues for very efficient redistribution of heat and suggests that the atmospheric layer probed by these observations may be well homogenized. However, our H-band upper limit is so constraining that it suggests the possibility of a temperature inversion at depth, or an absorbing molecule, such as methane, that further depresses the emitted flux at this wavelength. The combination of our near-infrared measurements and those obtained with Spitzer suggests that TrES-3b displays a near-isothermal dayside atmospheric temperature structure, whose spectrum is well approximated by a blackbody. We emphasize that our strict H-band limit is in stark disagreement with the best-fit atmospheric model that results from longer wavelength observations only, thus highlighting the importance of near-infrared observations at multiple wavelengths, in addition to those returned by Spitzer in the mid-infrared, to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of the energy budgets of transiting exoplanets.« less

  2. Usefulness of addition of Orvus ES paste and sodium lauryl sulfate to frozen feline semen.


    Mizutani, Tatsuji; Sumigama, Shiho; Nagakubo, Keiichi; Shimizu, Noriko; Oba, Hiromichi; Hori, Tatsuya; Tsutsui, Toshihiko


    It has been shown that addition of the surfactant Orvus ES paste (OEP) and its main component sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) to boar or dog semen before freezing improves post-thaw sperm motility and protects acrosome caps. In this study, we investigated the usefulness of the addition of OEP (0, 1, 2 and 4%) or SLS (0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 mg/ml) to cat ejaculates before freezing and their concentrations. Among the OEP addition groups, the 1% OEP group showed higher sperm motility than the other groups. Among the SLS addition groups, the 3 mg/ml SLS group showed slightly higher sperm motility and viability than the other groups. Comparison between the 1% OEP and 3 mg/ml SLS addition groups suggested a higher percentage of sperm with an acrosome cap in the 1% OEP group. The other sperm properties did not significantly differ between the 2 groups. These results indicate that addition of 1% OEP or 3 mg/ml SLS is effective for freezing of cat ejaculated semen.

  3. Water quality of a coastal lagoon (ES, Brazil): abiotic aspects, cytogenetic damage, and phytoplankton dynamics.


    Duarte, Ian Drumond; Silva, Nayara Heloisa Vieira Fraga; da Costa Souza, Iara; de Oliveira, Larissa Bassani; Rocha, Lívia Dorsch; Morozesk, Mariana; Bonomo, Marina Marques; de Almeida Pereira, Thaís; Dias, Mauro Cesar; de Oliveira Fernandes, Valéria; Matsumoto, Silvia Tamie


    Assessment of water resources requires interdisciplinary studies that include multiple ecosystem aspects. This study evaluated the water quality of Juara Lagoon (ES, Brazil) based on physical and chemical variables, cytogenetic responses in Allium cepa and phytoplankton dynamics. Three sampling sites were defined and water samples were collected during two sampling periods. Analyses such as determination of photic zone, conductivity, and concentrations of nutrients and metals were conducted as well as cytotoxic, mutagenic, and genotoxic potentials using A. cepa test. The main attributes of phytoplankton community, such as total richness, total density, density by class, dominance, and diversity, were also evaluated. Results have revealed that Juara Lagoon has signs of artificial eutrophication at two sampling sites due to high levels of total phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen. Cytotoxic, genotoxic, and mutagenic potentials were detected as well as high concentrations of Fe and Mn. Furthermore, 165 phytoplankton taxa were recorded, with highest richness in Chlorophyceae and Cyanophyceae classes. In addition, Cyanophyceae presented as the highest density class. A. cepa test and phytoplankton community evaluation indicated that the ecological quality of Juara Lagoon is compromised.

  4. Understanding Household Behavioral Risk Factors for Diarrheal Disease in Dar es Salaam: A Photovoice Community Assessment

    PubMed Central

    Badowski, Natalie; Castro, Cynthia M.; Montgomery, Maggie; Pickering, Amy J.; Mamuya, Simon; Davis, Jennifer


    Whereas Tanzania has seen considerable improvements in water and sanitation infrastructure over the past 20 years, the country still faces high rates of childhood morbidity from diarrheal diseases. This study utilized a qualitative, cross-sectional, modified Photovoice method to capture daily activities of Dar es Salaam mothers. A total of 127 photographs from 13 households were examined, and 13 interviews were conducted with household mothers. The photographs and interviews revealed insufficient hand washing procedures, unsafe disposal of wastewater, uncovered household drinking water containers, a lack of water treatment prior to consumption, and inappropriate toilets for use by small children. The interviews revealed that mothers were aware and knowledgeable of the risks of certain household practices and understood safer alternatives, yet were restricted by the perceived impracticality and financial constraints to make changes. The results draw attention to the real economic and behavioral challenges faced in reducing the spread of disease. PMID:21969836

  5. Germany’s Chosen Path: Domestic Security Institutions in the Berlin Republic 1990-97.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    wird vom Neorealismusparadigma unterstotzt, hier dargestel It durch Kenneth Waltz. Das liberate Paradigma unterstUtzt die Perspektive der "Kultur von Zur... Paradigma folgen. Urn diesen aktuellen Weg in Richtung Realismus zu andern, mul$ Deutschland bestimmte Institutionen verandern oder abschaffen. In der

  6. COST Action ES1401 TIDES: a European network on TIme DEpendent Seismology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Morelli, Andrea


    Using the full-length records of seismic events and background ambient noise, today seismology is going beyond still-life snapshots of the interior of the Earth, and look into time-dependent changes of its properties. Data availability has grown dramatically with the expansion of seismographic networks and data centers, so as to enable much more detailed and accurate analyses. COST Action ES1401 TIDES (TIme DEpendent Seismology; aims at structuring the EU seismological community to enable development of data-intensive, time-dependent techniques for monitoring Earth active processes (e.g., earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, glacial earthquakes) as well as oil/gas reservoirs. The main structure of TIDES is organised around working groups on: Workflow integration of data and computing resources; Seismic interferometry and ambient noise; Forward problems and High-performance computing applications; Seismic tomography, full waveform inversion and uncertainties; Applications in the natural environment and industry. TIDES is an open network of European laboratories with complementary skills, and is organising a series of events - workshops and advanced training schools - as well as supporting short-duration scientific stays. The first advanced training school was held in Bertinoro (Italy) on June 2015, with attendance of about 100 participants from 20 European countries, was devoted to how to manage and model seismic data with modern tools. The next school, devoted to ambient noise, will be held in 2016 Portugal: the program will be announced at the time of this conference. TIDES will strengthen Europe's role in a critical field for natural hazards and natural resource management.

  7. A qualitative study of perceived risk for HIV transmission among police officers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

    PubMed Central


    Background Understanding people’s views about HIV transmission by investigating a specific population may help to design effective HIV prevention strategies. In addition, knowing the inherent sexual practices of such a population, as well as the risky circumstances that may facilitate HIV transmission, is crucial for the said strategies to become effective. In this article, we report how police officers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, perceived the problem of HIV and AIDS in their local context, particularly in relation to unsafe sexual practices. The study was done with the view to recommending ways by which HIV transmission could be minimised within the police force. Methods The study was conducted among members of the police force in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Eight focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted, with a total of 66 participants who were mixed in terms of age, gender, and marital status. Some of these were caregivers to patients with AIDS. Data were analysed using the interpretive description approach. Results The participants believed that both individual sexual behaviour and work-related circumstances were sources of HIV infection. They also admitted that they were being tempted to engage in risky sexual practices because of the institutional rules that prohibit officers from getting married during their training and for three years after. Nevertheless, as members of the Police Force, they stressed the fact that the risky sexual behaviour that exposes them to HIV is not limited to the force; it is rather a common problem that is faced by the general population. However, they complained, the nature of their job exposes them to road accident victims, subjecting them further to possible infection, especially when they have to handle these road accident casualties without proper protective gear. Conclusion Individual sexual behaviour and job-related circumstances are worth investigating if proper advice is to be given to the police regarding HIV

  8. Non-variable TeV emission from the extended jet of a blazar in the stochastic acceleration scenario: the case of the hard TeV emission of 1ES 1101-232

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yan, Dahai; Zeng, Houdun; Zhang, Li


    The detections of X-ray emission from the kiloparsec-scale jets of blazars and radio galaxies could imply the existence of high-energy electrons in these extended jets, and these electrons could produce high-energy emission through the inverse Compton (IC) process. In this paper, we study the non-variable hard TeV emission from a blazar. The multiband emission consists of two components: (i) the traditional synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) emission from the inner jet; (ii) the emission produced via SSC and IC scattering of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons (IC/CMB) and extragalactic background light (EBL) photons by relativistic electrons in the extended jet under the stochastic acceleration scenario. Such a model is applied to 1ES 1101-232. The results indicate the following. (i) The non-variable hard TeV emission of 1ES 1101-232, which is dominated by IC/CMB emission from the extended jet, can be reproduced well by using three characteristic values of the Doppler factor (δD = 5, 10 and 15) for the TeV-emitting region in the extended jet. (ii) In the cases of δD = 15 and 10, the physical parameters can achieve equipartition (or quasi-equipartition) between the relativistic electrons and the magnetic field. In contrast, the physical parameters largely deviate from equipartition for the case of δD = 5. Therefore, we conclude that the TeV emission region of 1ES 1101-232 in the extended jet should be moderately or highly beamed.

  9. Morphometric and bioacoustic data on three species of Pseudopaludicola Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926 (Anura: Leptodactylidae: Leiuperinae) described from Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso, Brazil, with the revalidation of Pseudopaludicola ameghini (Cope, 1887).


    Pansonato, André; Strüssmann, Christine; Mudrek, Jessica Rhaiza; Martins, Itamar Alves


    Due to minute size, overall morphological similarities, scarcity of diagnostic characters after preservation, and usual sympatric or even syntopic occurrence of two or more species of Pseudopaludicola, the taxonomy of the genus is not yet a matter of consensus. Three species in the genus Pseudopaludicola Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926 were described by Cope in 1887, based on material obtained at Chapada dos Guimarães, mid-western state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. One of these species, Pseudopaludicola ameghini, was subsequently synonymized to P. mystacalis. In this paper we present morphological and bioacoustic evidences supporting a full specific status for the three sympatric species of Pseudopaludicola described from Chapada dos Guimarães, including Pseudopaludicola ameghini Cope, 1887.

  10. The Challenges of Providing Postpartum Education in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Narratives of Nurse-Midwives and Obstetricians.


    Mselle, Lilian Teddy; Aston, Megan; Kohi, Thecla W; Mbekenga, Columba; Macdonald, Danielle; White, Maureen; Price, Sheri; Tomblin Murphy, Gail; O'Hearn, Shawna; Jefferies, Keisha


    Postpartum education can save lives of mothers and babies in developing countries, and the World Health Organization recommends all mothers receive three postpartum consultations. More information is needed to better understand how postpartum education is delivered and ultimately improves postpartum health outcomes. The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine how postpartum care was delivered in three postnatal hospital clinics in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Semistructured interviews with 10 nurse-midwives and three obstetricians were conducted. Feminist poststructuralism guided the research process. Postpartum education was seen to be an urgent matter; there was a lack of supportive resources and infrastructure in the hospital clinics, and nurse-midwives and obstetricians had to negotiate conflicting health and traditional discourses using various strategies. Nurse-midwives and obstetricians are well positioned to deliver life-saving postpartum education; however, improvements are required including increased number of nurse-midwives and obstetricians.

  11. Spatially-Distributed Stream Flow and Nutrient Dynamics Simulations Using the Component-Based AgroEcoSystem-Watershed (AgES-W) Model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ascough, J. C.; David, O.; Heathman, G. C.; Smith, D. R.; Green, T. R.; Krause, P.; Kipka, H.; Fink, M.


    Cedar Creek watershed (CCW) in northeastern Indiana, USA was selected for application of the OMS3-based AgroEcoSystem-Watershed (AgES-W) model. AgES-W performance for stream flow and N loading was assessed using Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency (ENS) and percent bias (PBIAS) model evaluation statistics. Comparisons of daily and average monthly simulated and observed stream flow and N loads for the 1997-2005 simulation period resulted in PBIAS and ENS values that were similar or better than those reported in the literature for SWAT stream flow and N loading predictions at a similar scale. The results show that the AgES-W model was able to reproduce the hydrological and N dynamics of the CCW with sufficient quality, and should serve as a foundation upon which to better quantify additional water quality indicators (e.g., sediment transport and P dynamics) at the watershed scale.

  12. Pit Latrine Emptying Behavior and Demand for Sanitation Services in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

    PubMed Central

    Jenkins, Marion W.; Cumming, Oliver; Cairncross, Sandy


    Pit latrines are the main form of sanitation in unplanned areas in many rapidly growing developing cities. Understanding demand for pit latrine fecal sludge management (FSM) services in these communities is important for designing demand-responsive sanitation services and policies to improve public health. We examine latrine emptying knowledge, attitudes, behavior, trends and rates of safe/unsafe emptying, and measure demand for a new hygienic latrine emptying service in unplanned communities in Dar Es Salaam (Dar), Tanzania, using data from a cross-sectional survey at 662 residential properties in 35 unplanned sub-wards across Dar, where 97% had pit latrines. A picture emerges of expensive and poor FSM service options for latrine owners, resulting in widespread fecal sludge exposure that is likely to increase unless addressed. Households delay emptying as long as possible, use full pits beyond what is safe, face high costs even for unhygienic emptying, and resort to unsafe practices like ‘flooding out’. We measured strong interest in and willingness to pay (WTP) for the new pit emptying service at 96% of residences; 57% were WTP ≥U.S. $17 to remove ≥200 L of sludge. Emerging policy recommendations for safe FSM in unplanned urban communities in Dar and elsewhere are discussed. PMID:25734790

  13. Urban health in daily practice: livelihood, vulnerability and resilience in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


    Obrist, Brigit


    Health is the core value and ultimate goal of health development, yet we know very little about health conceptions in everyday life. Inspired by investigations into lay health concepts in Europe, our study explores experiences and meanings of health in a strikingly different context, namely, in a low-income neighbourhood of an African city. Grounded in ethnographic research in Dar es Salaam, we introduce the concept of 'health practice' and examine health definitions, explanations, and activities of urban Swahili women. Our findings show that representations of health form a set of experiences, meanings and embodied practice centring on the links between body, mind, and living conditions. We suggest that 'livelihood', 'vulnerability' and 'resilience' best capture women's main concerns of health practice in such a setting. All women face an emotional burden of being exposed to urban afflictions and an intellectual and practical burden of overcoming them, but some meet this challenge more successfully than others do. This approach tips the balance towards a positive view of health that has been neglected in medical anthropology. It also opens new lines of inquiry in urban health research by consequently following a resource orientation that acknowledges women's struggle to stay healthy and directs attention to their agency.

  14. Effet paradoxal du type d’excision sur la prise et le délai de cicatrisation des greffes expansées pour le traitement des brûlures aiguës: a propos de 1129 cas

    PubMed Central

    Guibert, M.; Chaouat, M.; Boccara, D.; Marco, O.; Lavocat, R.; Alameri, O.; Deslandes, E.; Montlahuc, C.; Mimoun, M.


    Summary La greffe de peau mince expansée est très employée dans le traitement des brûlures aiguës. Nous avons étudié l’influence de la préparation du sous-sol sur le taux de prise et le délai de cicatrisation des greffes expansées. Nous avons analysé rétrospectivement les 1 129 greffes expansées réalisées dans notre service entre 1995 et 2005 pour le traitement des brûlures aiguës. Leur taux de prise a été significativement meilleur après une préparation du sous-sol par avulsion (82%) par rapport à une préparation du sous-sol par excision tangentielle (75%). Ce taux était meilleur lorsque l’avulsion était pratiquée dans les 7 jours suivant la brûlure (83% vs 73%). Pour une prise en charge entre 7 et 21 jours, ce taux a semblé être meilleur après excision tangentielle, mais de façon non significative. La durée d’évolution jusqu’à cicatrisation était significativement raccourcie pour une préparation du sous-sol par excision tangentielle par rapport à une préparation du sous-sol par avulsion. Ces résultats montrent, paradoxalement, qu’une préparation du sous-sol par avulsion favorise la prise des greffes expansées mais rallonge leur délai de cicatrisation au contraire de l’excision tangentielle. PMID:28149235

  15. The health-related microbiological quality of bottled drinking water sold in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


    Kassenga, Gabriel R


    The consumption of bottled and plastic-bagged drinking water in Tanzania has increased largely because of the deteriorating quality of tap water. It is uncertain whether these water products are safe for drinking. In this study, the microbiological quality of bottled and plastic-bagged drinking water sold in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, was investigated. One hundred and thirty samples representing 13 brands of bottled water collected from shops, supermarkets and street vendors were analysed for total coliform and faecal coliform organisms as well as heterotrophic bacteria. These were compared with 61 samples of tap water. Heterotrophic bacteria were detected in 92% of the bottled water samples analysed. Total and faecal coliform bacteria were present in 4.6% and 3.6%, respectively, of samples analysed with a tendency for higher contamination rates in plastic-bagged drinking water. Microbiological quality of tap water was found to be worse compared with bottled water, with 49.2% and 26.2% of sampling points showing the presence of total coliform and faecal coliform organisms, respectively. The results suggest caution and vigilance to avert outbreaks of waterborne diseases from these types of drinking water.

  16. Sequential dome-collapse nuées ardentes analyzed from broadband seismic data, Merapi Volcano, Indonesia

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Brodscholl, A.; Kirbani, S.B.; Voight, B.


    The broadband data were evaluated using the assumption that avalanches with the same source areas and descent paths exhibit a linear relation between source volume and recorded seismic-amplitude envelope area. A result of the analysis is the determination of the volume of selected individual events. From the field surveys, the total volume of the collapsed dome lava is 2.6 Mm3. Discounting the volumetric influence of rockfalls, the average size of the 44 nuées ardentes is therefore about 60,000 m3. The largest collapse event at 10:54 is estimated to involve 260,000 m3, based on an analysis of the seismicity. The remaining 23 phase I events averaged 60,000 m3, with the total volume of all phase I events accounting for 63% of the unstable dome. The 20 phase II events comprised 37% of the total volume and averaged 47,000 m3. The methods described here can be put to practical use in real-time monitoring situations. Broadband data were essential in this study primarily because of the wide dynamic range.

  17. Infant feeding practices among HIV-positive women in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, indicate a need for more intensive infant feeding counselling.


    Young, Sera L; Israel-Ballard, Kiersten A; Dantzer, Emily A; Ngonyani, Monica M; Nyambo, Margaret T; Ash, Deborah M; Chantry, Caroline J


    To assess feeding practices of infants born to HIV-positive women in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. These data then served as a proxy to evaluate the adequacy of current infant feeding counselling. A cross-sectional survey of infant feeding behaviours. Four clinics in greater Dar es Salaam in early 2008. A total of 196 HIV-positive mothers of children aged 6-10 months recruited from HIV clinics. Initiation of breast-feeding was reported by 95·4 % of survey participants. In the entire sample, 80·1 %, 34·2 % and 13·3 % of women reported exclusive breast-feeding (EBF) up to 2, 4 and 6 months, respectively. Median duration of EBF among women who ever breast-fed was 3 (interquartile range (IQR): 2·1, 4·0) months. Most non-breast-milk foods fed to infants were low in nutrient density. Complete cessation of breast-feeding occurred within 14 d of the introduction of non-breast-milk foods among 138 of the 187 children (73·8 %) who had ever received any breast milk. Of the 187 infants in the study who ever received breast milk, 19·4 % received neither human milk nor any replacement milks for 1 week or more (median duration of no milk was 14 (IQR: 7, 152) d). Infant feeding practices among these HIV-positive mothers resulted in infants receiving far less breast milk and more mixed complementary feeds than recommended, thus placing them at greater risk of both malnutrition and HIV infection. An environment that better enables mothers to follow national guidelines is urgently needed. More intensive infant feeding counselling programmes would very likely increase rates of optimal infant feeding.

  18. Series of structural and functional models for the ES (enzyme-substrate) complex of the Co(II)-containing quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase.


    Sun, Ying-Ji; Huang, Qian-Qian; Zhang, Jian-Jun


    A series of mononuclear Co(II)-flavonolate complexes [Co(II)L(R)(fla)] (L(R)H = 2-{[bis(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)amino]methyl}-p/m-R-benzoic acid; R = p-OMe (1), p-Me (2), m-Br (4), and m-NO2 (5); fla = flavonolate) were designed and synthesized as structural and functional models for the ES (enzyme-substrate) complexes to mimic the active site of the Co(II)-containing quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase (Co-2,3-QD). The metal center Co(II) ion in each complex shows a similar distorted octahedral geometry. The model complexes display high enzyme-type dioxygenation reactivity (oxidative O-heterocyclic ring opening of the coordinated substrate flavonolate) at low temperature, presumably due to the attached carboxylate group in the ligands. The reactivity exhibits a substituent group dependent order of -OMe (1) > -Me (2) > -H (3)14b > -Br (4) > -NO2 (5), and the Hammett plot is linear (ρ = -0.78). This can be explained as the electronic nature of the substituent group in the ligands may influence the conformation and redox potential of the bound flavonolate and finally bring different reactivity. The structures, properties, and reactivity of the model complexes show some dependence on the substituent group in the supporting model ligands, and there is some relationship among them. This study is the first example of a series of structural and functional ES models of Co-2,3-QD, with focus on the effects of the electronic nature of substituted groups and the carboxylate group of the ligands to the dioxygenation reactivity, that will provide important insights into the structure-property-reactivity relationship and the catalytic role of Co-2,3-QD.

  19. Long term monitoring of Gamma-Ray emission from the BL Lacertae object (1ES 2200+420)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gunawardhana, Isuru; VERITAS Collaboration


    Blazars are a class of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) that have relativistic jets pointing along the observer line of sight. Blazars exhibit variable emission extending from radio to TeV energies. The variability timescale of the TeV flux is a key component of understanding the location of the very high energy emission zones. Deep observations of the quiescent state measurements are also required to disentangle the flaring state emission from quiescent state emission, a prerequisite for understanding the origin of blazar spectral variability. BL Lacertae (also known as 1ES 2200+420), as the namesake for all BL Lac objects, is a prime example of one such blazar. The VERITAS Observatory, an Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope (IACT) array sensitive to gamma rays in the range from 85 GeV to 30 TeV, dedicates approximately 110 hours per year on deep observations of known gamma-ray blazars. In this talk, I will describe the TeV photon flux variability of BL Lacertae measured by VERITAS from 2013 to 2015.

  20. Characteristics of the early immune response following transplantation of mouse ES cell derived insulin-producing cell clusters.


    Boyd, Ashleigh S; Wood, Kathryn J


    The fully differentiated progeny of ES cells (ESC) may eventually be used for cell replacement therapy (CRT). However, elements of the innate immune system may contribute to damage or destruction of these tissues when transplanted. Herein, we assessed the hitherto ill-defined contribution of the early innate immune response in CRT after transplantation of either ESC derived insulin producing cell clusters (IPCCs) or adult pancreatic islets. Ingress of neutrophil or macrophage cells was noted immediately at the site of IPCC transplantation, but this infiltration was attenuated by day three. Gene profiling identified specific inflammatory cytokines and chemokines that were either absent or sharply reduced by three days after IPCC transplantation. Thus, IPCC transplantation provoked less of an early immune response than pancreatic islet transplantation. Our study offers insights into the characteristics of the immune response of an ESC derived tissue in the incipient stages following transplantation and suggests potential strategies to inhibit cell damage to ensure their long-term perpetuation and functionality in CRT.