"Strengthening the Public Information Infrastructure for Science"
April 18, 2001: Collaborative Forum
April 19, 2001: Interagency Working Meeting
Workshop Organized by:
CENDI Information Managers Group
Center for Information Policy, University of Maryland
Department of Energy
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Science Foundation
Hosted by the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)
Gaithersburg, MD
NIST North, Building 820, Room 152
(Rt. 117 exit off I-270)
Day 1: Laying the Groundwork
Collaborative Forum
8:30 am Welcome to NIST......................................................................John Rumble, NIST
8:40 am Workshop Overview and Strategy...........Brian Kahin, University of Maryland
8:50 am The Digital Library Landscape ...............................Bill Arms, Cornell University
9:40 am Context for Infrastructure Development
e-Government ...........................................................................Brooke Dickson, OMB
FirstGov......................................................................................Tom Freebairn, GSA
10:15 am Break
10:30 a.m. Institutional Strategies I (Panel)
The NSDL Initiative ...........................................................................Lee Zia, USGS
Universal Access to Science Information .................................... Walt Warnick, DOE
SMETE.ORG .........................Brandon Muramatsu, SMETE.ORG/UC Berkeley
12:15 noon Lunch on Your Own
1:45 pm The Digital Library as a Community, not a Repository .....Dan Greenstein,
Digital Library Federation
2:30 pm Institutional Strategies II (Panel)
Institutional Strategies for Partnerships ............................Eleanor Frierson, NAL
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm Institutuional Strategies II (Panel Continued)
NBII: A Federation Approach ..............................................Gladys Cotter, USGS
Toward an STI Network .............................................................Kurt Molholm, DTIC
4:15 pm Opportunities and Issues..........................Brian Kahin, University Of Maryland
5:00 - 7:00 pm Networking and Partnering Reception at the Gaithersburg Hilton
Day 2: Developing an Interagency Strategy for Implementation
(Federal Agencies Only)
The resources, opportunities, and challenges to develop an interagency science portal.
8:30 am Plenary Discussion : Reaction to Day 1, Infrastructure Integration,
and Portal Design..................Brian Kahin, University of MD/Bonnie Carroll, IIA
9:00 am Making Partnerships Happen
Machine Translations.....................................................................Karen Holland, NSF
NTIS Digital Object Identified (DOE) Registry Initiative ...........................Wally Finch, NTIS
science.gov Model.............................................................Karen Spence, DOE/OSTI
9:45 am Break
10:00 am Concurrent Breakout Sessions
I. Content Sources, Scope, and Coverage......Lee Zia, USGS
- Audiences
- Technical disciplines and interrelationships
Agricultural Sciences
Biomedical Sciences
Earth Sciences
Environmental/Ecological Sciences
Physical Sciences
Space Sciences
- Types of material/information available
II. Tools/Technologies....................................John Rumble, NIST
- Archives
- Distributed Search Tools/Deep Web Applications
- Intelligent Agents
- Metadata Management Tools
- Special Services (push technologies; alert services)
- Web Mining
11:30 am Share Conclusions/Next Steps
12:15 pm Principals Working Lunch (by Invitation Only): Forming Partnerships
- Identify projects and agency champions
- Commit to contributions for: content, tools, technologies
- Lay out timeline and actions
2:00 pm Report Writing Team: Voluntary Team Begins Outlining Workshop Report